diff bigwig_outlier_bed.py @ 0:ebcd48f183b3 draft

planemo upload for repository https://github.com/galaxyproject/tools-iuc/tree/master/tools/bigwig_outlier_bed commit 091caba3c5b066b293745ccee5cd31132fec3b4b
author iuc
date Fri, 05 Jul 2024 06:00:15 +0000
children 8377a6abb4da
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bigwig_outlier_bed.py	Fri Jul 05 06:00:15 2024 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+Ross Lazarus June 2024 for VGP
+Bigwigs are great, but hard to reliably "see" small low coverage or small very high coverage regions.
+Colouring in JB2 tracks will need a new plugin, so this code will find bigwig regions above and below a chosen percentile point.
+0.99 and 0.01 work well in testing with a minimum span of 10 bp.
+Multiple bigwigs **with the same reference** can be combined - bed segments will be named appropriately
+Combining multiple references works but is silly because only display will rely on one reference so others will not be shown...
+Tricksy numpy method from http://gregoryzynda.com/python/numpy/contiguous/interval/2019/11/29/contiguous-regions.html
+takes about 95 seconds for a 17MB test wiggle
+JBrowse2 bed normally displays ignore the score, so could provide separate low/high bed file outputs as an option.
+Update june 30 2024: wrote a 'no-build' plugin for beds to display red/blue if >0/<0 so those are used for scores
+Bed interval naming must be short for JB2 but needs input bigwig name and (lo or hi).
+import argparse
+import copy
+import os
+import sys
+from pathlib import Path
+import numpy as np
+import pybigtools
+class findOut:
+    def __init__(self, args):
+        self.bwnames = args.bigwig
+        self.bwlabels = args.bigwiglabels
+        self.bedwin = args.minwin
+        self.qlo = args.qlo
+        self.qhi = args.qhi
+        self.outbeds = args.outbeds
+        self.bedouthi = args.bedouthi
+        self.bedoutlo = args.bedoutlo
+        self.bedouthilo = args.bedouthilo
+        self.tableoutfile = args.tableoutfile
+        self.bedwin = args.minwin
+        self.qhi = args.qhi
+        self.qlo = args.qlo
+        nbw = len(args.bigwig)
+        nlab = len(args.bigwiglabels)
+        if nlab < nbw:
+            self.bwlabels += ["Nolabel"] * (nbw - nlab)
+        self.makeBed()
+    def processVals(self, bw, isTop):
+        """
+        idea from http://gregoryzynda.com/python/numpy/contiguous/interval/2019/11/29/contiguous-regions.html
+        Fast segmentation into regions by taking np.diff on the boolean array of over (under) cutpoint indicators in bwex.
+        This only gives non-zero values at the segment boundaries where there's a change, so those zeros are all removed in bwexdnz
+        leaving an array of segment start/end positions. That's twisted around into an array of start/end coordinates.
+        Magical. Fast. Could do the same for means or medians over windows for sparse bigwigs like repeat regions.
+        """
+        if isTop:
+            bwex = np.r_[False, bw >= self.bwtop, False]  # extend with 0s
+        else:
+            bwex = np.r_[False, bw <= self.bwbot, False]
+        bwexd = np.diff(bwex)
+        bwexdnz = bwexd.nonzero()[0]
+        bwregions = np.reshape(bwexdnz, (-1, 2))
+        return bwregions
+    def writeBed(self, bed, bedfname):
+        """
+        potentially multiple
+        """
+        bed.sort()
+        beds = ["%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%d" % x for x in bed]
+        with open(bedfname, "w") as bedf:
+            bedf.write("\n".join(beds))
+            bedf.write("\n")
+    def makeTableRow(self, bw, bwlabel, chr):
+        """
+        called for every contig, but messy inline
+        """
+        bwmean = np.mean(bw)
+        bwstd = np.std(bw)
+        bwmax = np.max(bw)
+        nrow = np.size(bw)
+        bwmin = np.min(bw)
+        row = "%s\t%s\t%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f" % (
+            bwlabel,
+            chr,
+            nrow,
+            bwmean,
+            bwstd,
+            bwmin,
+            bwmax,
+        )
+        if self.qhi is not None:
+            row += "\t%f" % self.bwtop
+        else:
+            row += "\t"
+        if self.qlo is not None:
+            row += "\t%f" % self.bwbot
+        else:
+            row += "\t"
+        return row
+    def makeBed(self):
+        bedhi = []
+        bedlo = []
+        bwlabels = self.bwlabels
+        bwnames = self.bwnames
+        if self.tableoutfile:
+            restab = ["bigwig\tcontig\tn\tmean\tstd\tmin\tmax\tqtop\tqbot"]
+        for i, bwname in enumerate(bwnames):
+            bwlabel = bwlabels[i].replace(" ", "")
+            fakepath = "in%d.bw" % i
+            if os.path.isfile(fakepath):
+                os.remove(fakepath)
+            p = Path(fakepath)
+            p.symlink_to(bwname)  # required by pybigtools (!)
+            bwf = pybigtools.open(fakepath)
+            chrlist = bwf.chroms()
+            chrs = list(chrlist.keys())
+            chrs.sort()
+            for chr in chrs:
+                bw = bwf.values(chr)
+                bw = bw[~np.isnan(bw)]  # some have NaN if parts of a contig not covered
+                if self.qhi is not None:
+                    self.bwtop = np.quantile(bw, self.qhi)
+                    bwhi = self.processVals(bw, isTop=True)
+                    for j, seg in enumerate(bwhi):
+                        if seg[1] - seg[0] >= self.bedwin:
+                            bedhi.append((chr, seg[0], seg[1], "%s_hi" % (bwlabel), 1))
+                if self.qlo is not None:
+                    self.bwbot = np.quantile(bw, self.qlo)
+                    bwlo = self.processVals(bw, isTop=False)
+                    for j, seg in enumerate(bwlo):
+                        if seg[1] - seg[0] >= self.bedwin:
+                            bedlo.append((chr, seg[0], seg[1], "%s_lo" % (bwlabel), -1))
+                if self.tableoutfile:
+                    row = self.makeTableRow(bw, bwlabel, chr)
+                    restab.append(copy.copy(row))
+        if self.tableoutfile:
+            stable = "\n".join(restab)
+            with open(self.tableoutfile, "w") as t:
+                t.write(stable)
+                t.write("\n")
+        some = False
+        if self.qlo:
+            if self.outbeds in ["outall", "outlo", "outlohi"]:
+                self.writeBed(bedlo, self.bedoutlo)
+                some = True
+        if self.qhi:
+            if self.outbeds in ["outall", "outlohi", "outhi"]:
+                self.writeBed(bedhi, self.bedouthi)
+                some = True
+        if self.outbeds in ["outall", "outhilo"]:
+            allbed = bedlo + bedhi
+            self.writeBed(allbed, self.bedouthilo)
+            some = True
+        if not some:
+            sys.stderr.write(
+                "Invalid configuration - no output could be created. Was qlo missing and only low output requested for example?"
+            )
+            sys.exit(2)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    a = parser.add_argument
+    a("-m", "--minwin", default=10, type=int)
+    a("-l", "--qlo", default=None, type=float)
+    a("-i", "--qhi", default=None, type=float)
+    a("--bedouthi", default=None)
+    a("--bedoutlo", default=None)
+    a("--bedouthilo", default=None)
+    a("-w", "--bigwig", nargs="+")
+    a("-n", "--bigwiglabels", nargs="+")
+    a("-o", "--outbeds", default="outhilo", help="optional high and low combined bed")
+    a("-t", "--tableoutfile", default=None)
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    findOut(args)