view scripts/batch_plotting_functions.R @ 2:5ade5cf200da draft default tip

planemo upload for repository commit 82a0fd493f5866b3ef65019709ae5c865998f802
author iuc
date Wed, 12 Jun 2019 04:58:19 -0400
parents 253c9448f524
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#!/usr/bin/env R


## Batch Plotting Functions
sortedBatchesOrPlates <- function(batch.list){
    #' B0, B1, B11, B12, B2, B3, ...
    #' to B0,B1,B2,---B11,B12
    vals.and.index = sort(as.integer(sub("^[BP]", "", batch.list)), index.return=TRUE)

calculateBarcodePositions <- function(barcode.form, full.barcode.size){
    #' Determine x-axis positions of all batches under the context of
    #' unfiltered barcodes (full set), filtered (real set), dividing line
    #' (the position of real set in the full set).
    #' @param barcode.form list of barcode formats and the batches they map to
    #' @param full.barcode.size size of all barcodes
    #' @return dataframe of batch information: sizes, unfiltered, filtered,
    #'         and dividing line.
    sizes <- list(B0=0)

    res <- sapply(names(barcode.form), function(key){
        rng <- as.integer(unlist(strsplit(key, '-')))
        size.of.range <- length(seq(rng[1],rng[2]))
        sub.batches <- barcode.form[[key]]  # 1,3,5,7 or 2,4,6,8
        res2 <- lapply(sub.batches, function(bat){
            sizes[[paste("B",bat, sep="")]] <<- size.of.range

    ## We now have sizes per batch, in order of batch
    ## Need to place these at positions after each full barcode size

    ## Below we have "positions" which has the END positions of each batch under
    ## the assumption of using full barcodes. The "real_positions" contains the
    ## END positions of each batch under the assumption of using only the real
    ## subsetted barcodes.
    unfilter_positions <- list(B0=0)
    filtered_positions <- list(B0=0)
    filter_in_unfilter <- list(B0=0) ## dividing line between real and false barcodes in each batch

    res <- sapply(sortedBatchesOrPlates(names(sizes)), function({

        batch.num <- as.integer(sub("B","",
        if (batch.num > 0){
            batch.size <- sizes[[]]  ## 96
   = paste("B", batch.num-1, sep="")
            batch.start <- unfilter_positions[[]]
            filt.batch.start <- filtered_positions[[]]

            unfilter_positions[[]] <<- batch.start + full.barcode.size
            filtered_positions[[]] <<- filt.batch.start + batch.size
            filter_in_unfilter[[]] <<- batch.start + batch.size

    # Put into a dataframe, merging lists on their common names
    dd <- data.frame(rbindlist(list(
        sizes=sizes),  ## sizes go last to not mess up the column name ordering
        use.names = TRUE, idcol = TRUE))

    rownames(dd) <- dd$.id
    dd <- dd[,!(colnames(dd) %in% ".id")]


calculatePlatePositions <- function(plate.form, full.barcode.size,{
    #' Determine the x-axis plate positions for each of the unfiltered and filtered sets
    #' Given the true size of each batch, and which batches exist in which plates
    #' calculate the size of each plate
    #' @param plate.form list of vectors mapping plates to batches
    #' @param full.barcode.size size of the full set of barcodes
    #' @param the output of 'calculateBarcodePositions'
    #' @return dataframe of plate information pertaining to positions and sizes of plates
    unfilter.plates = list(P0=0)
    filtered.plates = list(P0=0)
    unfilter.plates.sizes = list(P0=0)
    filtered.plates.sizes = list(P0=0)

    res <- sapply(sortedBatchesOrPlates(names(plate.form)), function(plate.num){

        unfilter.plate.size = 0
        filtered.plate.size = 0

        batches <- plate.form[[plate.num]]

        res2 <- sapply(sort(batches), function(batch.num){
            batch.size <-["sizes",paste("B", batch.num, sep="")]
            unfilter.plate.size <<- unfilter.plate.size + full.barcode.size
            filtered.plate.size <<- filtered.plate.size + batch.size
        }) = paste("P", plate.num, sep="") = paste("P", as.integer(plate.num) - 1, sep="")

        unfilter.plates.sizes[[]] <<- unfilter.plate.size
        filtered.plates.sizes[[]] <<- filtered.plate.size

        filtered.plates[[]] <<- filtered.plates[[]] + filtered.plate.size
        unfilter.plates[[]] <<- unfilter.plates[[]] + unfilter.plate.size

    # Put into a dataframe, merging lists on their common names
    dd <- data.frame(rbindlist(list(
        use.names = TRUE, idcol = TRUE))

    rownames(dd) <- dd$.id
    dd <- dd[,!(colnames(dd) %in% ".id")]
