diff extract_genomic_dna_utils.py @ 0:8dd8e89c0603 draft

planemo upload for repository https://github.com/galaxyproject/tools-iuc/tree/master/tools/extract_genomic_dna commit b'67cff25a50ba173b0468819204d0999496f68ea9'
author iuc
date Tue, 19 Jan 2016 09:34:23 -0500
children 702970e4a134
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/extract_genomic_dna_utils.py	Tue Jan 19 09:34:23 2016 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+import copy
+import os
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+from bx.intervals.io import Comment, Header, GenomicInterval
+from bx.intervals.io import GenomicIntervalReader, NiceReaderWrapper, ParseError
+# Default chrom, start, end, strand cols for a bed file
+BED_DEFAULT_COLS = 0, 1, 2, 5
+class GFFInterval(GenomicInterval):
+    """
+    A GFF interval, including attributes. If file is strictly a GFF file,
+    only attribute is 'group.'
+    """
+    def __init__(self, reader, fields, chrom_col=0, feature_col=2, start_col=3, end_col=4,
+                 strand_col=6, score_col=5, default_strand='.', fix_strand=False):
+        # GFF format allows '.' for strand but GenomicInterval does not. To get around this,
+        # temporarily set strand and then unset after initing GenomicInterval.
+        unknown_strand = False
+        if not fix_strand and fields[strand_col] == '.':
+            unknown_strand = True
+            fields[strand_col] = '+'
+        GenomicInterval.__init__(self, reader, fields, chrom_col, start_col, end_col,
+                                 strand_col, default_strand, fix_strand=fix_strand)
+        if unknown_strand:
+            self.strand = '.'
+            self.fields[strand_col] = '.'
+        # Handle feature, score column.
+        self.feature_col = feature_col
+        if self.feature_col >= self.nfields:
+            stop_err("No field for feature_col (%d)" % feature_col)
+        self.feature = self.fields[self.feature_col]
+        self.score_col = score_col
+        if self.score_col >= self.nfields:
+            stop_err("No field for score_col (%d)" % score_col)
+        self.score = self.fields[self.score_col]
+        # GFF attributes.
+        self.attributes = parse_gff_attributes(fields[8])
+    def copy(self):
+        return GFFInterval(self.reader, list(self.fields), self.chrom_col, self.feature_col,
+                           self.start_col, self.end_col, self.strand_col, self.score_col, self.strand)
+class GFFFeature(GFFInterval):
+    """
+    A GFF feature, which can include multiple intervals.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, reader, chrom_col=0, feature_col=2, start_col=3, end_col=4, strand_col=6,
+                 score_col=5, default_strand='.', fix_strand=False, intervals=[], raw_size=0):
+        # Use copy so that first interval and feature do not share fields.
+        GFFInterval.__init__(self, reader, copy.deepcopy(intervals[0].fields), chrom_col, feature_col,
+                             start_col, end_col, strand_col, score_col, default_strand, fix_strand=fix_strand)
+        self.intervals = intervals
+        self.raw_size = raw_size
+        # Use intervals to set feature attributes.
+        for interval in self.intervals:
+            # Error checking. NOTE: intervals need not share the same strand.
+            if interval.chrom != self.chrom:
+                stop_err("interval chrom does not match self chrom: %s != %s" % (interval.chrom, self.chrom))
+            # Set start, end of interval.
+            if interval.start < self.start:
+                self.start = interval.start
+            if interval.end > self.end:
+                self.end = interval.end
+    def name(self):
+        """
+        Returns feature's name.
+        """
+        name = None
+        # Preference for name:
+        # GTF: 'gene_id', 'transcript_id'
+        # GFF3: 'ID', 'id'
+        # GFF: 'group'
+        for attr_name in ['gene_id', 'transcript_id', 'ID', 'id', 'group']:
+            name = self.attributes.get(attr_name, None)
+            if name is not None:
+                break
+        return name
+    def copy(self):
+        intervals_copy = []
+        for interval in self.intervals:
+            intervals_copy.append(interval.copy())
+        return GFFFeature(self.reader, self.chrom_col, self.feature_col, self.start_col, self.end_col,
+                          self.strand_col, self.score_col, self.strand, intervals=intervals_copy)
+    def lines(self):
+        lines = []
+        for interval in self.intervals:
+            lines.append('\t'.join(interval.fields))
+        return lines
+class GFFReaderWrapper(NiceReaderWrapper):
+    """
+    Reader wrapper for GFF files which has two major functions:
+    1. group entries for GFF file (via group column), GFF3 (via id attribute),
+       or GTF (via gene_id/transcript id);
+    2. convert coordinates from GFF format--starting and ending coordinates
+       are 1-based, closed--to the 'traditional'/BED interval format--0 based,
+       half-open. This is useful when using GFF files as inputs to tools that
+       expect traditional interval format.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, reader, chrom_col=0, feature_col=2, start_col=3, end_col=4, strand_col=6,
+                 score_col=5, fix_strand=False, convert_to_bed_coord=False, **kwargs):
+        NiceReaderWrapper.__init__(self, reader, chrom_col=chrom_col, start_col=start_col, end_col=end_col,
+                                   strand_col=strand_col, fix_strand=fix_strand, **kwargs)
+        self.feature_col = feature_col
+        self.score_col = score_col
+        self.convert_to_bed_coord = convert_to_bed_coord
+        self.last_line = None
+        self.cur_offset = 0
+        self.seed_interval = None
+        self.seed_interval_line_len = 0
+    def parse_row(self, line):
+        interval = GFFInterval(self, line.split("\t"), self.chrom_col, self.feature_col, self.start_col,
+                               self.end_col, self.strand_col, self.score_col, self.default_strand,
+                               fix_strand=self.fix_strand)
+        return interval
+    def next(self):
+        """
+        Returns next GFFFeature.
+        """
+        def handle_parse_error(parse_error):
+            """
+            Actions to take when ParseError found.
+            """
+            if self.outstream:
+                if self.print_delegate and hasattr(self.print_delegate, "__call__"):
+                    self.print_delegate(self.outstream, e, self)
+            self.skipped += 1
+            # No reason to stuff an entire bad file into memory.
+            if self.skipped < 10:
+                self.skipped_lines.append((self.linenum, self.current_line, str(e)))
+        # Get next GFFFeature
+        raw_size = self.seed_interval_line_len
+        # If there is no seed interval, set one. Also, if there are no more
+        # intervals to read, this is where iterator dies.
+        if not self.seed_interval:
+            while not self.seed_interval:
+                try:
+                    self.seed_interval = GenomicIntervalReader.next(self)
+                except ParseError as e:
+                    handle_parse_error(e)
+                finally:
+                    raw_size += len(self.current_line)
+        # If header or comment, clear seed interval and return it with its size.
+        if isinstance(self.seed_interval, (Header, Comment)):
+            return_val = self.seed_interval
+            return_val.raw_size = len(self.current_line)
+            self.seed_interval = None
+            self.seed_interval_line_len = 0
+            return return_val
+        # Initialize feature identifier from seed.
+        # For GFF.
+        feature_group = self.seed_interval.attributes.get('group', None)
+        # For GFF3
+        feature_id = self.seed_interval.attributes.get('ID', None)
+        # For GTF.
+        feature_transcript_id = self.seed_interval.attributes.get('transcript_id', None)
+        # Read all intervals associated with seed.
+        feature_intervals = []
+        feature_intervals.append(self.seed_interval)
+        while True:
+            try:
+                interval = GenomicIntervalReader.next(self)
+                raw_size += len(self.current_line)
+            except StopIteration as e:
+                # No more intervals to read, but last feature needs to be
+                # returned.
+                interval = None
+                raw_size += len(self.current_line)
+                break
+            except ParseError as e:
+                handle_parse_error(e)
+                raw_size += len(self.current_line)
+                continue
+            # Ignore comments.
+            if isinstance(interval, Comment):
+                continue
+            # Determine if interval is part of feature.
+            part_of = False
+            group = interval.attributes.get('group', None)
+            # GFF test:
+            if group and feature_group == group:
+                part_of = True
+            # GFF3 test:
+            parent_id = interval.attributes.get('Parent', None)
+            cur_id = interval.attributes.get('ID', None)
+            if (cur_id and cur_id == feature_id) or (parent_id and parent_id == feature_id):
+                part_of = True
+            # GTF test:
+            transcript_id = interval.attributes.get('transcript_id', None)
+            if transcript_id and transcript_id == feature_transcript_id:
+                part_of = True
+            # If interval is not part of feature, clean up and break.
+            if not part_of:
+                # Adjust raw size because current line is not part of feature.
+                raw_size -= len(self.current_line)
+                break
+            # Interval associated with feature.
+            feature_intervals.append(interval)
+        # Last interval read is the seed for the next interval.
+        self.seed_interval = interval
+        self.seed_interval_line_len = len(self.current_line)
+        # Return feature.
+        feature = GFFFeature(self, self.chrom_col, self.feature_col, self.start_col,
+                             self.end_col, self.strand_col, self.score_col,
+                             self.default_strand, fix_strand=self.fix_strand,
+                             intervals=feature_intervals, raw_size=raw_size)
+        # Convert to BED coords?
+        if self.convert_to_bed_coord:
+            convert_gff_coords_to_bed(feature)
+        return feature
+def convert_bed_coords_to_gff(interval):
+    """
+    Converts an interval object's coordinates from BED format to GFF format.
+    Accepted object types include GenomicInterval and list (where the first
+    element in the list is the interval's start, and the second element is
+    the interval's end).
+    """
+    if isinstance(interval, GenomicInterval):
+        interval.start += 1
+        if isinstance(interval, GFFFeature):
+            for subinterval in interval.intervals:
+                convert_bed_coords_to_gff(subinterval)
+    elif isinstance(interval, list):
+        interval[0] += 1
+    return interval
+def convert_gff_coords_to_bed(interval):
+    """
+    Converts an interval object's coordinates from GFF format to BED format.
+    Accepted object types include GFFFeature, GenomicInterval, and list (where
+    the first element in the list is the interval's start, and the second
+    element is the interval's end).
+    """
+    if isinstance(interval, GenomicInterval):
+        interval.start -= 1
+        if isinstance(interval, GFFFeature):
+            for subinterval in interval.intervals:
+                convert_gff_coords_to_bed(subinterval)
+    elif isinstance(interval, list):
+        interval[0] -= 1
+    return interval
+def convert_to_twobit(reference_genome):
+    """
+    Create 2bit file history fasta dataset.
+    """
+    try:
+        seq_path = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=".").name
+        cmd = "faToTwoBit %s %s" % (reference_genome, seq_path)
+        tmp_name = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=".").name
+        tmp_stderr = open(tmp_name, 'wb')
+        proc = subprocess.Popen(args=cmd, shell=True, stderr=tmp_stderr.fileno())
+        returncode = proc.wait()
+        tmp_stderr.close()
+        if returncode != 0:
+            # Get stderr, allowing for case where it's very large.
+            tmp_stderr = open(tmp_name, 'rb')
+            stderr = ''
+            buffsize = 1048576
+            try:
+                while True:
+                    stderr += tmp_stderr.read(buffsize)
+                    if not stderr or len(stderr) % buffsize != 0:
+                        break
+            except OverflowError:
+                pass
+            tmp_stderr.close()
+            os.remove(tmp_name)
+            stop_err(stderr)
+        return seq_path
+    except Exception, e:
+        stop_err('Error running faToTwoBit. ' + str(e))
+def get_lines(feature):
+    # Get feature's line(s).
+    if isinstance(feature, GFFFeature):
+        return feature.lines()
+    else:
+        return [feature.rstrip('\r\n')]
+def gff_attributes_to_str(attrs, gff_format):
+    """
+    Convert GFF attributes to string. Supported formats are GFF3, GTF.
+    """
+    if gff_format == 'GTF':
+        format_string = '%s "%s"'
+        # Convert group (GFF) and ID, parent (GFF3) attributes to
+        # transcript_id, gene_id.
+        id_attr = None
+        if 'group' in attrs:
+            id_attr = 'group'
+        elif 'ID' in attrs:
+            id_attr = 'ID'
+        elif 'Parent' in attrs:
+            id_attr = 'Parent'
+        if id_attr:
+            attrs['transcript_id'] = attrs['gene_id'] = attrs[id_attr]
+    elif gff_format == 'GFF3':
+        format_string = '%s=%s'
+    attrs_strs = []
+    for name, value in attrs.items():
+        attrs_strs.append(format_string % (name, value))
+    return " ; ".join(attrs_strs)
+def parse_cols_arg(cols):
+    """
+    Parse a columns command line argument into a four-tuple.
+    """
+    if cols:
+        # Handle case where no strand column included - in this case, cols
+        # looks something like 1,2,3,
+        if cols.endswith(','):
+            cols += '0'
+        col_list = map(lambda x: int(x) - 1, cols.split(","))
+        return col_list
+    else:
+        return BED_DEFAULT_COLS
+def parse_gff_attributes(attr_str):
+    """
+    Parses a GFF/GTF attribute string and returns a dictionary of name-value
+    pairs. The general format for a GFF3 attributes string is
+        name1=value1;name2=value2
+    The general format for a GTF attribute string is
+        name1 "value1" ; name2 "value2"
+    The general format for a GFF attribute string is a single string that
+    denotes the interval's group; in this case, method returns a dictionary
+    with a single key-value pair, and key name is 'group'.
+    """
+    attributes_list = attr_str.split(";")
+    attributes = {}
+    for name_value_pair in attributes_list:
+        # Try splitting by '=' (GFF3) first because spaces are allowed in GFF3
+        # attribute; next, try double quotes for GTF.
+        pair = name_value_pair.strip().split("=")
+        if len(pair) == 1:
+            pair = name_value_pair.strip().split("\"")
+        if len(pair) == 1:
+            # Could not split for some reason.
+            continue
+        if pair == '':
+            continue
+        name = pair[0].strip()
+        if name == '':
+            continue
+        # Need to strip double quote from values
+        value = pair[1].strip(" \"")
+        attributes[name] = value
+    if len(attributes) == 0:
+        # Could not split attributes string, so entire string must be
+        # 'group' attribute. This is the case for strictly GFF files.
+        attributes['group'] = attr_str
+    return attributes
+def reverse_complement(s):
+    complement_dna = {"A": "T", "T": "A", "C": "G", "G": "C", "a": "t", "t": "a", "c": "g", "g": "c", "N": "N", "n": "n"}
+    reversed_s = []
+    for i in s:
+        reversed_s.append(complement_dna[i])
+    reversed_s.reverse()
+    return "".join(reversed_s)
+def stop_err(msg):
+    sys.stderr.write(msg)
+    sys.exit(1)