view @ 2:cd0874854f51 draft

"planemo upload for repository commit adc5e3616c1849551c9a712b651b0d1c6b0e88f1"
author iuc
date Mon, 26 Apr 2021 10:01:43 +0000
parents 16f1f3e2de42
children 56022eb50bbd
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env perl

# fasta-stats
# written by 
# oct 2012

use strict;
use warnings;
use List::Util qw(sum min max);

my $file = shift;
my $calc_ng50 = 0;
my $genome_size = 0;
if (scalar(@ARGV) > 0){
  $genome_size = $ARGV[0];
  $calc_ng50 = 1;

# stat storage

my $n=0;
my $seq = '';
my %stat;
my @len;

# MAIN LOOP collecting sequences

#open the file first
open IN, $file or die{ "Couldn't open $file for reading\n$!" };

while (my $line = <IN>) {
  chomp $line;
  if ($line =~ m/^\s*>/) {
    process($seq) if $n;
  else {
    $seq .= $line;

process($seq) if $n;

# sort length array 
# (should use hash here for efficiency with huge no of short reads?)

@len = sort { $b <=> $a } @len;

# compute more stats

$stat{'num_seq'} = scalar(@len);

if (@len) {
  $stat{'num_bp'} = sum(@len);
  $stat{'len_min'} = $len[0];
  $stat{'len_max'} = $len[-1];
  $stat{'len_median'} = $len[int(@len/2)];
  $stat{'len_mean'} = int( $stat{'num_bp'} / $stat{'num_seq'} ); 
  # calculate n50
  my $thresh = int 0.5 * $stat{'num_bp'};
  ($stat{'len_N50'}, $stat{'L50'}) = &calc_x50(\@len, $thresh);
  #calculate NG50
  if ($calc_ng50) {
    my $thresh = int 0.5 * $genome_size;
    ($stat{'len_NG50'}, $stat{'LG50'}) = &calc_x50(\@len, $thresh);

#calculate GC content
$stat{'num_bp_not_N'} = $stat{'num_G'} + $stat{'num_C'} + $stat{'num_A'} + $stat{'num_T'};
$stat{'GC_content'} = ($stat{'num_G'} + $stat{'num_C'}) / $stat{'num_bp_not_N'}*100;

# print stats as .tsv

for my $name (sort keys %stat) {
    if ($name =~ m/GC_content/){
        printf "%s\t%0.1f\n", $name, $stat{$name};
    } else {
        printf "%s\t%s\n", $name, $stat{$name};

# run for each sequence

sub process {
  my($s) = @_;
  # base composition
  for my $x (qw(A G T C N)) {
    my $count = $s =~ s/$x/$x/gi;
    $stat{"num_$x"} += $count;
  # keep list of all lengths encountered
  push @len, length($s);    

# N50/NG50 calculation sub

sub calc_x50{
  my $ref = shift;
  my @x = @$ref;
  my $thresh = shift;
  my $cum=0;
  for my $i (0 .. $#x) {
    $cum += $x[$i];
    if ($cum >= $thresh) {
      return $x[$i], $i+1;
  return (0,0);