view gemini_fusions.xml @ 1:37f9901b674d draft

planemo upload for repository commit 7867095d83e5d0e0f923de7e9720d59df0034817
author iuc
date Tue, 22 Mar 2016 21:42:02 -0400
parents 8295781a3c27
children b35fd707c586
line wrap: on
line source

<tool id="gemini_@BINARY@" name="GEMINI @BINARY@" version="@VERSION@.0">
    <description>Identify somatic fusion genes from a GEMINI database</description>
        <token name="@BINARY@">fusions</token>
    <expand macro="requirements" />
    <expand macro="stdio" />
    <expand macro="version_command" />

        #if $annotation_databases:
            --annotation-dir "${ annotation_databases.fields.path }"
        #end if
        #if float($min_quality) >= 0:
            --min-qual $min_quality
        #end if

        #if str($evidence_type):
            --evidence_type $evidence_type
        #end if 
        "${ infile }" | tr -s ' ' '\t'
        > "${ outfile }" 

        <expand macro="infile" />
        <expand macro="annotation_dir" />

        <param argument="--in_cosmic_census" type="boolean" truevalue="--in_cosmic_census" falsevalue="" checked="False" label="One or both genes in fusion is in COSMIC cancer census" />

        <param name="min_quality" type="float" value="-1" label="The min variant quality (VCF QUAL)" help="default: -1 (not set) (--min_qual)"/>

        <param argument="--evidence_type" type="select" label="The supporting evidence types for the variant" >
            <option value="" selected="True">select one (optional)</option>
            <option value="PE">PE</option>
            <option value="SR">SR</option>
            <option value="PE,SR">PE,SR</option>

        <data name="outfile" format="tabular" />
            <!-- Like in set_somatic this example is nonsensical because otherwise
                the testdata would be too big. The resulting output should be empty.-->
            <param name="infile" value="gemini_amend_input.db" ftype="gemini.sqlite" />
            <output name="outfile" file="gemini_fusions_result.tabular" />
**What it does**

Identifies somatic fusion genes from a GEMINI database.
    <expand macro="citations"/>