view gprofiler_convert.xml @ 1:8ee097f1763d draft default tip

"planemo upload for repository commit 4d4576623a85b58137f9e8c5a7747cb2f484c8b6"
author iuc
date Mon, 18 Nov 2019 17:54:25 -0500
parents e219aca2f9fc
line wrap: on
line source

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<tool id="gprofiler_convert" name="gProfiler Convert" version="@VERSION@">
    <description>converts between various types of namespaces</description>
    <expand macro="requirements"></expand>
    <expand macro="version_command" />
    <command detect_errors="aggressive">Rscript $script_file</command>
        <configfile name="script_file"><![CDATA[

options( show.error.messages=F, error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } )
loc <- Sys.setlocale("LC_MESSAGES", "en_US.UTF-8")


set_user_agent(paste(get_user_agent(), "galaxy"))

#if $tool_settings.base_url
#end if

#if $max
    mthreshold <- $max
    mthreshold = Inf
#end if

query <- scan('${input.file_name}', character(), quote = "")

response <- gconvert( query
                    , organism   = '${organism.organism}'
                    , target     = '${target_ns}'
                    , numeric_ns = '${numeric_ns}'
                    , mthreshold = mthreshold
                    , filter_na  = ${filter_na}

output <- response
output.colnames = colnames(output)
write.table(output, file='${output}', quote=FALSE, sep='\t', row.names = FALSE, col.names = output.colnames)

        <expand macro="input" />
        <expand macro="organism" />
        <param name="target_ns" type="text" value="ENSG" optional="true" label="Target namespace" help="E.g., ENSG, ENTREZGENE, UNIPROT_GN, REACTOME, WIKIGENE. Check the “Resources” section below for the complete list of supported namespaces." />
        <param name="numeric_ns" type="text" value="" optional="true" label="Numeric IDs treated as" help="The prefix for fully numeric IDs. Check the “Resources” section below for the complete list of supported namespaces (including numeric). E.g., ENTREZGENE_ACC, WIKIGENE_ACC." />
        <param name="max" type="integer" value="" optional="true" label="Maximum number of results per initial identifier to show" help="Shows all by default." />
        <expand macro="filter_na" />
        <expand macro="tool_settings"></expand>
        <data name="output" format="tabular" label="${} on ${on_string}" />
            <param name="input" ftype="txt" value="example_query.txt" />
            <param name="base_url" value="" />
            <output name="output" ftype="tabular" file="example_convert_results.txt" sort="true" />
            <param name="input" ftype="txt" value="example_query_2.txt" />
            <param name="base_url" value="" />
            <conditional name="organism">
                <param name="organism" value="mmusculus" />
            <param name="target_ns" value="EMBL" />
            <param name="numeric_ns" value="WIKIGENE_ACC" />
            <param name="max" value="1" />
            <param name="filter_na" value="T" />
            <output name="output" ftype="tabular" file="example_convert_results_2.txt" sort="true" />


**What it does**
  This tool wraps gprofiler2 R package which performs a request to g:Profiler g:Convert tool through its API.
    g:Profiler g:Convert uses the information in Ensembl databases to handle hundreds of types of identifiers for
    genes, proteins, transcripts, microarray probesets, etc, for many species, experimental platforms and
    biological databases. The input is flexible: it accepts a mixed list of IDs and recognises their types
    automatically. It can also serve as a service to get all genes belonging to a particular functional category.



    <expand macro="citations" />