changeset 13:f92941d1a85e draft default tip

planemo upload for repository commit a9a143bae95eb6c553fd3d5955c2adb34352480f
author iuc
date Thu, 26 Sep 2024 12:32:17 +0000 (5 months ago)
parents 4b794652dcdc
files idr_download_by_ids.xml
diffstat 2 files changed, 475 insertions(+), 223 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/	Wed Nov 08 12:57:25 2023 +0000
+++ b/	Thu Sep 26 12:32:17 2024 +0000
@@ -4,35 +4,50 @@
 import sys
 import tarfile
 from contextlib import ExitStack
+from itertools import product
 from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
-from libtiff import TIFF
+import numpy
 from omero.cli import cli_login
-from omero.gateway import BlitzGateway  # noqa
-from omero.constants.namespaces import NSBULKANNOTATIONS  # noqa
+from omero.constants.namespaces import NSBULKANNOTATIONS
+from omero.gateway import _ImageWrapper, BlitzGateway
+from tifffile import imwrite
-def warn(message, image_identifier, warn_skip=False):
+def warn(message: str, image_identifier: str, warn_skip: bool = False) -> None:
+    """Print an error `message` to stderr and
+    - prefix with the `image_identifier`
+    - suffix with 'Skipping download!' if `warn_skip` is True
+    Args:
+        message (string): Message to print to stderr
+        image_identifier (string): Image identifier
+        warn_skip (bool, optional): Whether 'skipping download' should be suffix to the message. Defaults to False.
+    """
     message = message.rstrip()
     if warn_skip:
-        if message[-1] in ['.', '!', '?']:
-            skip_msg = ' Skipping download!'
+        if message[-1] in [".", "!", "?"]:
+            skip_msg = " Skipping download!"
-            skip_msg = '. Skipping download!'
+            skip_msg = ". Skipping download!"
-        skip_msg = ''
+        skip_msg = ""
-        'ImageSpecWarning for {0}: {1}{2}'
-        .format(
-            image_identifier,
-            message,
-            skip_msg
-        ),
-        file=sys.stderr
+        "ImageSpecWarning for {0}: {1}{2}".format(image_identifier, message, skip_msg),
+        file=sys.stderr,
-def find_channel_index(image, channel_name):
+def find_channel_index(image: _ImageWrapper, channel_name: str) -> int:
+    """Identify the channel index from the `image` and the `channel_name`
+    Args:
+        image (_ImageWrapper): image wrapper on which the channel should be identified
+        channel_name (string): name of the channel to look for
+    Returns:
+        int: Index of the channel or -1 if was not found.
+    """
     channel_name = channel_name.lower()
     for n, channel in enumerate(image.getChannelLabels()):
         if channel_name == channel.lower():
@@ -44,13 +59,31 @@
             if p[0] == "Channels":
                 channels = p[1].replace(" ", "").split(";")
                 for n, c in enumerate(channels):
-                    for value in c.split(':'):
+                    for value in c.split(":"):
                         if channel_name == value.lower():
                             return n
     return -1
-def get_clipping_region(image, x, y, w, h):
+def get_clipping_region(
+    image: _ImageWrapper, x: int, y: int, w: int, h: int
+) -> list[int]:
+    """Check `x`, `y` and adjust `w`, `h` to image size to be able to crop the `image` with these coordinates
+    Args:
+        image (_ImageWrapper): image wrapper on which region want to be cropped
+        x (int): left x coordinate
+        y (int): top y coordinate
+        w (int): width
+        h (int): height
+    Raises:
+        ValueError: if the x or y coordinates are negative.
+        ValueError: if the x or y coordinates are larger than the width or height of the image.
+    Returns:
+        list[int]: new [x, y, width, height] adjusted to the image
+    """
     # If the (x, y) coordinate falls outside the image boundaries, we
     # cannot just shift it because that would render the meaning of
     # w and h undefined (should width and height be decreased or the whole
@@ -58,16 +91,16 @@
     # It may be better to abort in this situation.
     if x < 0 or y < 0:
         raise ValueError(
-            'Too small upper left coordinate ({0}, {1}) for clipping region.'
-            .format(x, y)
+            "Too small upper left coordinate ({0}, {1}) for clipping region.".format(
+                x, y
+            )
     size_x = image.getSizeX()
     size_y = image.getSizeY()
     if x >= size_x or y >= size_y:
         raise ValueError(
-            'Upper left coordinate ({0}, {1}) of clipping region lies '
-            'outside of image.'
-            .format(x, y)
+            "Upper left coordinate ({0}, {1}) of clipping region lies "
+            "outside of image.".format(x, y)
     # adjust width and height to the image dimensions
     if w <= 0 or x + w > size_x:
@@ -77,7 +110,16 @@
     return [x, y, w, h]
-def confine_plane(image, z):
+def confine_plane(image: _ImageWrapper, z: int) -> int:
+    """Adjust/Confine `z` to be among the possible z for the `image`
+    Args:
+        image (_ImageWrapper): image wrapper for which the z is adjusted
+        z (int): plane index that need to be confined
+    Returns:
+        int: confined z
+    """
     if z < 0:
         z = 0
@@ -87,7 +129,16 @@
     return z
-def confine_frame(image, t):
+def confine_frame(image: _ImageWrapper, t: int) -> int:
+    """Adjust/Confine `t` to be among the possible t for the `image`
+    Args:
+        image (_ImageWrapper): image wrapper for which the t is adjusted
+        t (int): frame index that need to be confined
+    Returns:
+        int: confined t
+    """
     if t < 0:
         t = 0
@@ -97,65 +148,155 @@
     return t
-def get_image_array(image, tile, z, c, t):
+def get_image_array(
+    image: _ImageWrapper, tile: list[int], z: int, c: int, t: int
+) -> numpy.ndarray:
+    """Get a 2D numpy array from an `image` wrapper for a given `tile`, `z`, `c`, `t`
+    Args:
+        image (_ImageWrapper): image wrapper from which values are taken
+        tile (list[int]): [x, y, width, height] where x,y is the top left coordinate of the region to crop
+        z (int): plane index
+        c (int): channel index
+        t (int): frame index
+    Returns:
+        numpy.ndarray: image values of the selected area (2 dimensions)
+    """
     pixels = image.getPrimaryPixels()
         selection = pixels.getTile(theZ=z, theT=t, theC=c, tile=tile)
     except Exception:
-        warning = '{0} (ID: {1})'.format(image.getName(),
-                                         image.getId())
-        warn('Could not download the requested region', warning)
+        warning = "{0} (ID: {1})".format(image.getName(), image.getId())
+        warn("Could not download the requested region", warning)
     return selection
+def get_full_image_array(image: _ImageWrapper) -> numpy.ndarray:
+    """Get a 5D numpy array with all values from an `image` wrapper
+    Args:
+        image (_ImageWrapper): image wrapper from which values are taken
+    Returns:
+        numpy.ndarray: image values in the TZCYX order (5 dimensions)
+    """
+    # The goal is to get the image in TZCYX order
+    pixels = image.getPrimaryPixels()
+    # Get the final tzclist in the order that will make the numpy reshape work
+    tzclist = list(
+        product(
+            range(image.getSizeT()), range(image.getSizeZ()), range(image.getSizeC())
+        )
+    )
+    # As getPlanes requires the indices in the zct order
+    # We keep the final order but switch indices
+    zctlist = [(z, c, t) for (t, z, c) in tzclist]
+    try:
+        all_planes = numpy.array(list(pixels.getPlanes(zctlist)))
+        all_planes_reshaped = all_planes.reshape(
+            image.getSizeT(),
+            image.getSizeZ(),
+            image.getSizeC(),
+            all_planes.shape[-2],
+            all_planes.shape[-1],
+        )
+    except Exception as e:
+        warning = "{0} (ID: {1})".format(image.getName(), image.getId())
+        warn(f"Could not download the full image \n {e.msg}", warning)
+        return
+    return all_planes_reshaped
 def download_image_data(
-    image_ids_or_dataset_id, dataset=False,
-    download_original=False,
-    channel=None, z_stack=0, frame=0,
-    coord=(0, 0), width=0, height=0, region_spec='rectangle',
-    skip_failed=False, download_tar=False, omero_host='', omero_secured=False, config_file=None
+    image_ids_or_dataset_id: str,
+    dataset: bool = False,
+    download_original: bool = False,
+    download_full: bool = False,
+    channel: str = None,
+    z_stack: int = 0,
+    frame: int = 0,
+    coord: tuple[int, int] = (0, 0),
+    width: int = 0,
+    height: int = 0,
+    region_spec: str = "rectangle",
+    skip_failed: bool = False,
+    download_tar: bool = False,
+    omero_host: str = "",
+    omero_secured: bool = False,
+    config_file: str = None,
+) -> None:
+    """Download the image data of
+      either a list of image ids or all images from a dataset.
+      The image data can be:
+       - a 2D cropped region or
+       - a hyperstack written in a tiff file
+       - the original image uploaded in omero
+      Optionally, the final file can be in a tar
+    Args:
+        image_ids_or_dataset_id (list[str]): Can be either a list with a single id (int) of a dataset or a list with images ids (int) or images ids prefixed by 'image-'
+        dataset (bool, optional): Whether the image_ids_or_dataset_id is a dataset id and all images from this dataset should be retrieved (true) or image_ids_or_dataset_id are individual image ids (false). Defaults to False.
+        download_original (bool, optional): Whether the original file uploded to omero should be downloaded (ignored if `download_full` is set to True). Defaults to False.
+        download_full (bool, optional): Whether the full image (hyperstack) on omero should be written to TIFF. Defaults to False.
+        channel (string, optional): Channel name (ignored if `download_full` or `download_original` is set to True). Defaults to None.
+        z_stack (int, optional): Z stack (plane) index (ignored if `download_full` or `download_original` is set to True). Defaults to 0.
+        frame (int, optional): T frame index (ignored if `download_full` or `download_original` is set to True). Defaults to 0.
+        coord (tuple[int, int], optional): Coordinates of the top left or center of the region to crop (ignored if `download_full` or `download_original` is set to True). Defaults to (0, 0).
+        width (int, optional): Width of the region to crop (ignored if `download_full` or `download_original` is set to True). Defaults to 0.
+        height (int, optional): Height of the region to crop (ignored if `download_full` or `download_original` is set to True). Defaults to 0.
+        region_spec (str, optional): How the region is specified ('rectangle' = coord is top left or 'center' = the region is center, ignored if `download_full` or `download_original` is set to True). Defaults to "rectangle".
+        skip_failed (bool, optional): Do not stop the downloads if one fails. Defaults to False.
+        download_tar (bool, optional): Put all downloaded images into a tar file. Defaults to False.
+        omero_host (str, optional): omero host url. Defaults to "".
+        omero_secured (bool, optional): Whether the omero connects with secure connection. Defaults to False.
+        config_file (string, optional): File path with config file with credentials to connect to OMERO. Defaults to None.
+    Raises:
+        ValueError: If the region_spec is not 'rectangle' nor 'center' and a cropped region is wanted.
+        ValueError: If there is no dataset with this number in OMERO
+        ValueError: If there is no image with this number in OMERO
+        Exception: If the command to download the original image fails
+        ValueError: If the channel name could not be identified
+    """
     if config_file is None:  # IDR connection
-        omero_username = 'public'
-        omero_password = 'public'
+        omero_username = "public"
+        omero_password = "public"
     else:  # other omero instance
         with open(config_file) as f:
             cfg = json.load(f)
-            omero_username = cfg['username']
-            omero_password = cfg['password']
+            omero_username = cfg["username"]
+            omero_password = cfg["password"]
             if omero_username == "" or omero_password == "":
-                omero_username = 'public'
-                omero_password = 'public'
+                omero_username = "public"
+                omero_password = "public"
-    if not download_original and region_spec not in ['rectangle', 'center']:
+    if (
+        not download_original
+        and not download_full
+        and region_spec not in ["rectangle", "center"]
+    ):
         raise ValueError(
-            'Got unknown value "{0}" as region_spec argument'
-            .format(region_spec)
+            'Got unknown value "{0}" as region_spec argument'.format(region_spec)
     with ExitStack() as exit_stack:
         conn = exit_stack.enter_context(
-                omero_username, omero_password,
-                host=omero_host,
-                secure=omero_secured
+                omero_username, omero_password, host=omero_host, secure=omero_secured
-        # exit_stack.callback(conn.connect().close)
         if download_tar:
             # create an archive file to write images to
-            archive = exit_stack.enter_context(
-      'images.tar', mode='w')
-            )
-            tempdir = exit_stack.enter_context(
-                TemporaryDirectory()
-            )
+            archive = exit_stack.enter_context("images.tar", mode="w"))
+            tempdir = exit_stack.enter_context(TemporaryDirectory())
         if dataset:
-            dataset_warning_id = 'Dataset-ID: {0}'.format(image_ids_or_dataset_id[0])
+            dataset_warning_id = "Dataset-ID: {0}".format(image_ids_or_dataset_id[0])
                 dataset_id = int(image_ids_or_dataset_id[0])
             except ValueError:
@@ -175,28 +316,26 @@
             if image_ids is None:
                 if skip_failed:
-                        'Unable to find a dataset with this ID in the '
-                        'database.',
+                        "Unable to find a dataset with this ID in the " "database.",
-                        warn_skip=True
+                        warn_skip=True,
                     raise ValueError(
-                        '{0}: Unable to find a dataset with this ID in the '
-                        'database. Aborting!'
-                        .format(dataset_warning_id)
+                        "{0}: Unable to find a dataset with this ID in the "
+                        "database. Aborting!".format(dataset_warning_id)
             # basic argument sanity checks and adjustments
-            prefix = 'image-'
+            prefix = "image-"
             # normalize image ids by stripping off prefix if it exists
             image_ids = [
                 iid[len(prefix):] if iid[:len(prefix)] == prefix else iid
                 for iid in image_ids_or_dataset_id
         for image_id in image_ids:
-            image_warning_id = 'Image-ID: {0}'.format(image_id)
+            image_warning_id = "Image-ID: {0}".format(image_id)
                 image_id = int(image_id)
             except ValueError:
@@ -215,33 +354,106 @@
             if image is None:
                 if skip_failed:
-                        'Unable to find an image with this ID in the '
-                        'database.',
+                        "Unable to find an image with this ID in the database.",
-                        warn_skip=True
+                        warn_skip=True,
                 raise ValueError(
-                    '{0}: Unable to find an image with this ID in the '
-                    'database. Aborting!'
-                    .format(image_warning_id)
+                    "{0}: Unable to find an image with this ID in the "
+                    "database. Aborting!".format(image_warning_id)
+                )
+            try:
+                # try to extract image name
+                # if anything goes wrong here skip the image
+                # or abort.
+                image_name = os.path.splitext(image.getName())[0]
+                image_warning_id = "{0} (ID: {1})".format(image_name, image_id)
+            except Exception as e:
+                # respect skip_failed on unexpected errors
+                if skip_failed:
+                    warn(str(e), image_warning_id, warn_skip=True)
+                    continue
+                else:
+                    raise
+            if download_full:
+                fname = (
+                    "__".join([image_name.replace(" ", "_"), str(image_id), "full"])
+                    + ".tiff"
-            if not download_original:
+                # download and save the region as TIFF
+                try:
+                    im_array = get_full_image_array(image)
+                    if download_tar:
+                        fname = os.path.join(tempdir, fname)
+                    imwrite(fname, im_array, imagej=True)
+                    # move image into tarball
+                    if download_tar:
+                        archive.add(fname, os.path.basename(fname))
+                        os.remove(fname)
+                except Exception as e:
+                    if skip_failed:
+                        # respect skip_failed on unexpected errors
+                        warn(str(e), image_warning_id, warn_skip=True)
+                        continue
+                    else:
+                        raise
+            elif download_original:
                     # try to extract image properties
                     # if anything goes wrong here skip the image
                     # or abort.
-                    image_name = os.path.splitext(image.getName())[0]
-                    image_warning_id = '{0} (ID: {1})'.format(
-                        image_name, image_id
+                    original_image_name = image.getFileset().listFiles()[0].getName()
+                    fname = (
+                        image_name
+                        + "__"
+                        + str(image_id)
+                        + os.path.splitext(original_image_name)[1]
+                    )
+                    fname = fname.replace(" ", "_")
+                    fname = fname.replace("/", "_")
+                    download_directory = "./"
+                    if download_tar:
+                        download_directory = tempdir
+                    with cli_login(
+                        "-u", omero_username, "-s", omero_host, "-w", omero_password
+                    ) as cli:
+                        cli.invoke(
+                            ["download", f"Image:{image_id}", download_directory]
+                        )
+                        if cli.rv != 0:
+                            raise Exception("Download failed.")
+                    # This will download to download_directory/original_image_name
+                    os.rename(
+                        os.path.join(download_directory, original_image_name),
+                        os.path.join(download_directory, fname),
-                    if region_spec == 'rectangle':
+                    # move image into tarball
+                    if download_tar:
+                        archive.add(
+                            os.path.join(download_directory, fname),
+                            os.path.basename(fname),
+                        )
+                        os.remove(os.path.join(download_directory, fname))
+                except Exception as e:
+                    # respect skip_failed on unexpected errors
+                    if skip_failed:
+                        warn(str(e), image_warning_id, warn_skip=True)
+                        continue
+                    else:
+                        raise
+            else:
+                try:
+                    # try to extract image properties
+                    # if anything goes wrong here skip the image
+                    # or abort.
+                    if region_spec == "rectangle":
                         tile = get_clipping_region(image, *coord, width, height)
-                    elif region_spec == 'center':
+                    elif region_spec == "center":
                         tile = get_clipping_region(
-                            image,
-                            *_center_to_ul(*coord, width, height)
+                            image, *_center_to_ul(*coord, width, height)
                     ori_z, z_stack = z_stack, confine_plane(image, z_stack)
@@ -264,75 +476,65 @@
                     # The downloaded image region will have smaller dimensions
                     # than the specified width x height.
-                        'Downloaded image dimensions ({0} x {1}) will be smaller '
-                        'than the specified width and height ({2} x {3}).'
-                        .format(tile[2], tile[3], width, height),
-                        image_warning_id
+                        "Downloaded image dimensions ({0} x {1}) will be smaller "
+                        "than the specified width and height ({2} x {3}).".format(
+                            tile[2], tile[3], width, height
+                        ),
+                        image_warning_id,
                 # z-stack sanity checks and warnings
                 if z_stack != ori_z:
-                        'Specified image plane ({0}) is out of bounds. Using {1} '
-                        'instead.'
-                        .format(ori_z, z_stack),
-                        image_warning_id
+                        "Specified image plane ({0}) is out of bounds. Using {1} "
+                        "instead.".format(ori_z, z_stack),
+                        image_warning_id,
                 # frame sanity checks and warnings
                 if frame != ori_frame:
-                        'Specified image frame ({0}) is out of bounds. Using '
-                        'frame {1} instead.'
-                        .format(ori_frame, frame),
-                        image_warning_id
+                        "Specified image frame ({0}) is out of bounds. Using "
+                        "frame {1} instead.".format(ori_frame, frame),
+                        image_warning_id,
                 # channel index sanity checks and warnings
                 if channel is None:
                     if num_channels > 1:
-                            'No specific channel selected for multi-channel '
-                            'image. Using first of {0} channels.'
-                            .format(num_channels),
-                            image_warning_id
+                            "No specific channel selected for multi-channel "
+                            "image. Using first of {0} channels.".format(num_channels),
+                            image_warning_id,
                     if channel_index == -1 or channel_index >= num_channels:
                         if skip_failed:
-                                + ' is not a known channel name for this image.',
+                                + " is not a known channel name for this image.",
-                                warn_skip=True
+                                warn_skip=True,
                             raise ValueError(
                                 '"{0}" is not a known channel name for image {1}. '
-                                'Aborting!'
-                                .format(channel, image_warning_id)
+                                "Aborting!".format(channel, image_warning_id)
+                fname = "__".join([image_name, str(image_id)] + [str(x) for x in tile])
+                fname += ".tiff"
+                fname = fname.replace(" ", "_")
                 # download and save the region as TIFF
-                fname = '__'.join(
-                    [image_name, str(image_id)] + [str(x) for x in tile]
-                )
-                    if fname[-5:] != '.tiff':
-                        fname += '.tiff'
-                    fname = fname.replace(' ', '_')
-                    im_array = get_image_array(image, tile, z_stack, channel_index, frame)
+                    im_array = get_image_array(
+                        image, tile, z_stack, channel_index, frame
+                    )
                     if download_tar:
                         fname = os.path.join(tempdir, fname)
-                    try:
-                        tiff =, mode='w')
-                        tiff.write_image(im_array)
-                    finally:
-                        tiff.close()
+                    imwrite(fname, im_array)
                     # move image into tarball
                     if download_tar:
                         archive.add(fname, os.path.basename(fname))
@@ -344,44 +546,20 @@
-            else:
-                try:
-                    # try to extract image properties
-                    # if anything goes wrong here skip the image
-                    # or abort.
-                    image_name = os.path.splitext(image.getName())[0]
-                    image_warning_id = '{0} (ID: {1})'.format(
-                        image_name, image_id
-                    )
-                    original_image_name = image.getFileset().listFiles()[0].getName()
-                    fname = image_name + "__" + str(image_id) + os.path.splitext(original_image_name)[1]
-                    fname = fname.replace(' ', '_')
-                    fname = fname.replace('/', '_')
-                    download_directory = "./"
-                    if download_tar:
-                        download_directory = tempdir
-                    with cli_login("-u", omero_username, "-s", omero_host, "-w", omero_password) as cli:
-                        cli.invoke(["download", f"Image:{image_id}", download_directory])
-                        if cli.rv != 0:
-                            raise Exception("Download failed.")
-                    # This will download to download_directory/original_image_name
-                    os.rename(os.path.join(download_directory, original_image_name),
-                              os.path.join(download_directory, fname))
-                    # move image into tarball
-                    if download_tar:
-                        archive.add(os.path.join(download_directory, fname),
-                                    os.path.basename(fname))
-                        os.remove(os.path.join(download_directory, fname))
-                except Exception as e:
-                    # respect skip_failed on unexpected errors
-                    if skip_failed:
-                        warn(str(e), image_warning_id, warn_skip=True)
-                        continue
-                    else:
-                        raise
-def _center_to_ul(center_x, center_y, width, height):
+def _center_to_ul(center_x: int, center_y: int, width: int, height: int) -> list[int]:
+    """Convert the center coordinates (`center_x`, `center_y`), `width`, `height` to upper left coordinates, width, height
+    Args:
+        center_x (int): x coordinate of center
+        center_y (int): y coordinate of center
+        width (int): width
+        height (int): height
+    Returns:
+        list[int]: [x, y, width, height] where x,y are the upper left coordinates
+    """
     if width > 0:
         ext_x = (width - 1) // 2
         ul_x = max([center_x - ext_x, 0])
@@ -400,77 +578,97 @@
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-        'image_ids_or_dataset_id', nargs='*', default=[],
-        help='one or more IDR image ids or a single dataset id'
-             'for which to retrieve data (default: '
-             'read ids from stdin).'
-    )
-    p.add_argument(
-        '--download-original', dest='download_original', action='store_true',
-        help="download the original file uploaded to omero"
-    )
-    p.add_argument(
-        '-c', '--channel',
-        help='name of the channel to retrieve data for '
-             '(note: the first channel of each image will be downloaded if '
-             'left unspecified)'
+        "image_ids_or_dataset_id",
+        nargs="*",
+        default=[],
+        help="one or more IDR image ids or a single dataset id"
+        "for which to retrieve data (default: "
+        "read ids from stdin).",
     region = p.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
-        '--rectangle', nargs=4, type=int, default=argparse.SUPPRESS,
-        help='specify a clipping region for the image as x y width height, '
-             'where x and y give the upper left coordinate of the rectangle '
-             'to clip to. Set width and height to 0 to extend the rectangle '
-             'to the actual size of the image.'
+        "--rectangle",
+        nargs=4,
+        type=int,
+        default=argparse.SUPPRESS,
+        help="specify a clipping region for the image as x y width height, "
+        "where x and y give the upper left coordinate of the rectangle "
+        "to clip to. Set width and height to 0 to extend the rectangle "
+        "to the actual size of the image.",
-        '--center', nargs=4, type=int, default=argparse.SUPPRESS,
-        help='specify a clipping region for the image as x y width height, '
-             'where x and y define the center of a width x height rectangle. '
-             'Set either width or height to 0 to extend the region to the '
-             'actual size of the image along the x- or y-axis.\n'
-             'Note: Even values for width and height will be rounded down to '
-             'the nearest odd number.'
+        "--center",
+        nargs=4,
+        type=int,
+        default=argparse.SUPPRESS,
+        help="specify a clipping region for the image as x y width height, "
+        "where x and y define the center of a width x height rectangle. "
+        "Set either width or height to 0 to extend the region to the "
+        "actual size of the image along the x- or y-axis.\n"
+        "Note: Even values for width and height will be rounded down to "
+        "the nearest odd number.",
-    p.add_argument(
-        '-f', '--frame', type=int, default=0
+    region.add_argument(
+        "--download-original",
+        dest="download_original",
+        action="store_true",
+        help="download the original file uploaded to omero",
+    )
+    region.add_argument(
+        "--download-full",
+        dest="download_full",
+        action="store_true",
+        help="download the full image on omero",
-        '-z', '--z-stack', type=int, default=0
-    )
-    p.add_argument(
-        '--skip-failed', action='store_true'
-    )
-    p.add_argument(
-        '--download-tar', action='store_true'
+        "-c",
+        "--channel",
+        help="name of the channel to retrieve data for "
+        "(note: the first channel of each image will be downloaded if "
+        "left unspecified), ignored with `--download-original` and "
+        "`--download-full`",
-        '-oh', '--omero-host', type=str, default=""
-    )
-    p.add_argument(
-        '--omero-secured', action='store_true', default=True
+        "-f",
+        "--frame",
+        type=int,
+        default=0,
+        help="index of the frame to retrive data for (first frame is 0),"
+        " ignored with `--download-original` and `--download-full`",
-        '-cf', '--config-file', dest='config_file', default=None
+        "-z",
+        "--z-stack",
+        type=int,
+        default=0,
+        help="index of the slice to retrive data for (first slice is 0),"
+        " ignored with `--download-original` and `--download-full`",
-    p.add_argument(
-        '--dataset', action='store_true'
-    )
+    p.add_argument("--skip-failed", action="store_true")
+    p.add_argument("--download-tar", action="store_true")
+    p.add_argument("-oh", "--omero-host", type=str, default="")
+    p.add_argument("--omero-secured", action="store_true", default=True)
+    p.add_argument("-cf", "--config-file", dest="config_file", default=None)
+    p.add_argument("--dataset", action="store_true")
     args = p.parse_args()
     if not args.image_ids_or_dataset_id:
         args.image_ids_or_dataset_id =
     if args.dataset and len(args.image_ids_or_dataset_id) > 1:
         warn("Multiple dataset ids provided. Only the first one will be used.")
-    if 'center' in args:
+    if "center" in args:
         args.coord, args.width, args.height = (
-  [:2],[2],[3]
+  [:2],
+  [2],
+  [3],
-        args.region_spec = 'center'
+        args.region_spec = "center"
-    elif 'rectangle' in args:
+    elif "rectangle" in args:
         args.coord, args.width, args.height = (
-            args.rectangle[:2], args.rectangle[2], args.rectangle[3]
+            args.rectangle[:2],
+            args.rectangle[2],
+            args.rectangle[3],
-        args.region_spec = 'rectangle'
+        args.region_spec = "rectangle"
         del args.rectangle
--- a/idr_download_by_ids.xml	Wed Nov 08 12:57:25 2023 +0000
+++ b/idr_download_by_ids.xml	Thu Sep 26 12:32:17 2024 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
-<tool id="idr_download_by_ids" name="Download IDR/OMERO" version="0.44.1" profile="18.09">
+<tool id="idr_download_by_ids" name="Download IDR/OMERO" version="0.45" profile="18.09">
         <xml name="region_spec" token_pos="upper-left corner">
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
-        <requirement type="package" version="5.10.1">omero-py</requirement>
-        <requirement type="package" version="0.4.2">pylibtiff</requirement>
+        <requirement type="package" version="5.19.4">omero-py</requirement>
+        <requirement type="package" version="2024.9.20">tifffile</requirement>
     <command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[
@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@
         #end if
         #if $image_region.original == "original":
+        #elif $image_region.original == "full":
+            --download-full
             #set $channel = str($
             #if $channel:
@@ -87,7 +89,7 @@
+    <inputs>
         <conditional name="omero_instance_type">
             <param name="omero_instance" type="select" label="Which OMERO instance to connect?"
                    help="By default, the tool will download a tarball containing individual images from IDR into your Galaxy history. If you 
@@ -135,9 +137,11 @@
         <conditional name="image_region">
             <param name="original" type="select" label="Which images do you want to download?">
                 <option value="TIFF" selected="true">Exported TIFF (single channel, single stack)</option>
+                <option value="full">Whole TIFF (all channels, all frames, all stacks)</option>
                 <option value="original">Original file (file uploaded to omero, only available for private instances)</option>
             <when value="original"/>
+            <when value="full"/>
             <when value="TIFF">
                 <param name="channel" type="text"
                     label="Name of the channel to download"
@@ -182,7 +186,7 @@
-        <test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="2">
             <conditional name="omero_instance_type">
                  <param name="omero_instance" value="idr" />
@@ -202,10 +206,10 @@
             <param name="download_tar" value="false" />
             <output_collection name="output_file" type="list">
-                <element name="Centrin_PCNT_Cep215_20110506_Fri-1545_0_SIR_PRJ__1884807__3__3__5__5" ftype="tiff" file="test0.tiff"/>
+                <element name="Centrin_PCNT_Cep215_20110506_Fri-1545_0_SIR_PRJ__1884807__3__3__5__5" ftype="tiff" file="test0.tiff" compare="image_diff" />
-        <test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="2">
             <conditional name="omero_instance_type">
                  <param name="omero_instance" value="idr" />
@@ -225,10 +229,10 @@
             <param name="download_tar" value="false" />
             <output_collection name="output_file" type="list">
-                <element name="Centrin_PCNT_Cep215_20110506_Fri-1545_0_SIR_PRJ__1884807__3__3__5__5" ftype="tiff" file="test1.tiff"/>
+                <element name="Centrin_PCNT_Cep215_20110506_Fri-1545_0_SIR_PRJ__1884807__3__3__5__5" ftype="tiff" file="test1.tiff" compare="image_diff"/>
-        <test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="2">
             <conditional name="omero_instance_type">
                  <param name="omero_instance" value="idr" />
@@ -248,10 +252,10 @@
             <param name="download_tar" value="false" />
             <output_collection name="output_file" type="list">
-                <element name="Centrin_PCNT_Cep215_20110506_Fri-1545_0_SIR_PRJ__1884807__3__3__5__5" ftype="tiff" file="test2.tiff"/>
+                <element name="Centrin_PCNT_Cep215_20110506_Fri-1545_0_SIR_PRJ__1884807__3__3__5__5" ftype="tiff" file="test2.tiff" compare="image_diff"/>
-        <test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="2">
             <conditional name="omero_instance_type">
                  <param name="omero_instance" value="idr" />
@@ -270,7 +274,11 @@
             <output_collection name="output_file" type="list" count="3">
                 <element name="171101_LeadingEdgeDeletionPSMMovies01_15_R3D__9036711__0__0__1024__1024">
-                        <has_size value="2097286" />
+                        <has_size size="2097286" />
+                        <has_image_width width="1024" />
+                        <has_image_height height="1024" />
+                        <has_image_mean_intensity mean_intensity="320.868" />
+                        <has_image_center_of_mass center_of_mass="541.664, 456.743" />
@@ -299,7 +307,7 @@
             <param name="download_tar" value="false" />
-        <test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="2">
             <!-- Repeat test with non-existing image-ID 9036708999,
             but use skip-failed option -->
             <conditional name="omero_instance_type">
@@ -321,7 +329,11 @@
             <output_collection name="output_file" type="list" count="2">
                 <element name="171101_LeadingEdgeDeletionPSMMovies01_15_R3D__9036711__0__0__1024__1024">
-                        <has_size value="2097286" />
+                        <has_size size="2097286" />
+                        <has_image_width width="1024" />
+                        <has_image_height height="1024" />
+                        <has_image_mean_intensity mean_intensity="320.868" />
+                        <has_image_center_of_mass center_of_mass="541.664, 456.743" />
@@ -333,7 +345,7 @@
-        <test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="2">
             <conditional name="omero_instance_type">
                  <param name="omero_instance" value="idr" />
@@ -354,17 +366,25 @@
             <output name="output_tar">
-                        <has_size value="1382400" />
+                        <has_size size="1382400" />
                         <has_archive_member path=".*/*__1828167__0__0__671__511.tiff" >
-                            <has_size value="685896" />
+                            <has_size size="685896" />
+                            <has_image_width width="671" />
+                            <has_image_height height="511" />
+                            <has_image_mean_intensity mean_intensity="388.711" />
+                            <has_image_center_of_mass center_of_mass="354.627, 267" />
                         <has_archive_member path=".*/*__1828658__0__0__671__511.tiff" >
-                            <has_size value="685896" />
+                            <has_size size="685896" />
+                            <has_image_width width="671" />
+                            <has_image_height height="511" />
+                            <has_image_mean_intensity mean_intensity="397.507" />
+                            <has_image_center_of_mass center_of_mass="346.098, 250.652" />
-        <test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="2">
             <conditional name="omero_instance_type">
                  <param name="omero_instance" value="priv" />
                  <param name="omero_host" value="" />
@@ -387,7 +407,7 @@
             <param name="download_tar" value="false" />
             <output_collection name="output_file" type="list">
-                <element name="Centrin_PCNT_Cep215_20110506_Fri-1545_0_SIR_PRJ__1884807__3__3__5__5" file="test0.tiff"/>
+                <element name="Centrin_PCNT_Cep215_20110506_Fri-1545_0_SIR_PRJ__1884807__3__3__5__5" file="test0.tiff" compare="image_diff"/>
         <test expect_failure="true">
@@ -415,7 +435,7 @@
                 <has_text text="OMERO connection credentials are empty. Set your credentials via: User -> Preferences -> Manage Information" />
             </assert_stderr >
-        <test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="2">
             <conditional name="omero_instance_type">
                  <param name="omero_instance" value="idr" />
@@ -426,27 +446,43 @@
             <output_collection name="output_file" type="list" count="4">
                 <element name="171101_LeadingEdgeDeletionPSMMovies01_15_R3D__9036711__0__0__1024__1024">
-                        <has_size value="2097286" />
+                        <has_size size="2097286" />
+                        <has_image_width width="1024" />
+                        <has_image_height height="1024" />
+                        <has_image_mean_intensity mean_intensity="145.310" />
+                        <has_image_center_of_mass center_of_mass="527.499, 480.704" />
                 <element name="171101_LeadingEdgeDeletionPSMMovies01_15_R3D_D3D__9036708__0__0__1024__1024">
-                        <has_size value="2097286" />
+                        <has_size size="2097286" />
+                        <has_image_width width="1024" />
+                        <has_image_height height="1024" />
+                        <has_image_mean_intensity mean_intensity="147.025" />
+                        <has_image_center_of_mass center_of_mass="528.977, 480.691" />
                 <element name="171101_LeadingEdgeDeletionPSMMovies01_15_R3D_D3D_zproj__9036710__0__0__1024__1024">
-                        <has_size value="2097286" />
+                        <has_size size="2097286" />
+                        <has_image_width width="1024" />
+                        <has_image_height height="1024" />
+                        <has_image_mean_intensity mean_intensity="210.787" />
+                        <has_image_center_of_mass center_of_mass="534.629, 473.267" />
                 <element name="171101_LeadingEdgeDeletionPSMMovies01_15_R3D_REF__9036709__0__0__1024__1024">
-                        <has_size value="2097286" />
+                        <has_size size="2097286" />
+                        <has_image_width width="1024" />
+                        <has_image_height height="1024" />
+                        <has_image_mean_intensity mean_intensity="3816.051" />
+                        <has_image_center_of_mass center_of_mass="512.274, 503.186" />
-        <test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="2">
             <conditional name="omero_instance_type">
                  <param name="omero_instance" value="idr" />
@@ -462,6 +498,24 @@
             <output_collection name="output_file" type="list" count="0">
+        <test expect_num_outputs="2">
+            <conditional name="omero_instance_type">
+                 <param name="omero_instance" value="idr" />
+            </conditional>
+            <param name="source" value="link" />
+            <param name="id_spec" value="1229801" />
+            <param name="download_tar" value="false" />
+            <conditional name="image_region">
+                <param name="original" value="full"/> 
+            </conditional>
+            <output_collection name="output_file" type="list" count="1">
+                <element name="JL_120731_S6A_[Well_A-1;_Field_#1]__1229801__full">
+                    <assert_contents>
+                        <has_size size="91592058" />
+                    </assert_contents>
+                </element>
+            </output_collection>
+        </test>
 Download image data from the IDR_ (Image Data Resource) - a public repository