view test-data/ @ 2:bf30030e5265 draft

"planemo upload for repository commit d48fa8fc8724e2a1c659dde00cad9d6db3e710db"
author iuc
date Thu, 10 Sep 2020 16:08:15 +0000
parents 9a7e91fc6562
line wrap: on
line source

# LAST version 1021
# a=29 b=2 A=28 B=1 e=106 d=63 x=105 y=48 z=105 D=1e+06 E=2.9693e+07
# R=10 u=2 s=2 S=0 M=0 T=0 m=10 l=1 L=999999999 n=10 k=1 w=1000 t=4.80115 j=3 Q=0
# ref_db
# Reference sequences=1 normal letters=16571
# lambda=0.213867 K=0.208
#     A   C   G   T   M   S   K   W   R   Y   B   D   H   V
# A   4  -3  -2  -5   2  -3  -4   1   2  -4  -3   1   0   1
# C  -3   4  -7  -2   2   2  -3  -2  -4   2   1  -3   1   1
# G  -3  -8   7  -9  -5   3   3  -5   3  -9   1   1  -6   1
# T  -5  -2  -7   4  -3  -3   2   1  -6   2   1   0   1  -4
# M   2   2  -4  -3   2   0  -3   0   0   0  -1  -1   0   1
# S  -3   2   3  -4   0   2   0  -3   0   0   1  -1  -1   1
# K  -4  -3   2   2  -4   0   2   0  -1   0   1   1  -1  -1
# W   1  -2  -4   1   0  -3   0   1   0   0  -1   1   0  -1
# R   2  -4   3  -6   0   0  -1   0   3  -5  -2   1  -1   1
# Y  -4   2  -7   2   0   0   0   0  -5   2   1  -1   1  -1
# B  -4   1   1   1  -1   1   1  -1  -2   1   1   0   0  -1
# D   1  -3   1   0  -1  -1   1   1   1  -1   0   1   0   0
# H   0   1  -5   1   0  -1  -1   0  -1   1   0   0   0   0
# V   1   1   1  -4   1   1  -1  -1   1  -1  -1   0   0   1
# Coordinates are 0-based.  For - strand matches, coordinates
# in the reverse complement of the 2nd sequence are used.
# name start alnSize strand seqSize alignment
# batch 0
22420	humanMito	584	13529	+	16571	fuguMito	6	13709	+	16447	10,4:0,34,0:1,106,0:1,78,0:1,50,2:0,156,0:1,21,1:0,69,3:0,133,0:4,33,1:0,33,0:1,67,2:0,26,1:0,96,9:0,30,0:4,71,0:3,28,0:10,54,0:7,28,0:8,30,1:0,38,0:11,73,1:0,62,0:2,96,0:1,20,4:0,40,0:16,71,0:14,27,2:0,25,0:2,39,3:0,72,0:2,28,2:0,22,0:19,103,0:2,39,1:0,28,0:1,210,0:3,113,0:19,28,0:1,204,0:1,48,0:2,42,0:3,50,1:0,21,1:0,32,0:16,957,0:3,15,0:1,51,0:2,57,3:0,99,0:1,415,3:0,606,0:7,45,0:2,11,5:0,76,0:1,62,0:1,18,0:1,11,0:2,72,2:0,27,0:2,36,0:2,15,11:0,1532,0:9,71,0:2,26,0:3,42,0:7,697,7:0,16,5:0,57,3:0,95,0:1,48,4:0,102,0:3,1382,0:2,16,0:2,50,0:1,9,0:3,395,0:5,23,12:0,13,0:3,22,0:9,350,10:0,24,0:8,17,0:5,1285,0:7,14,0:2,30,0:5,25,0:1,25,0:1,86,0:2,41,0:13,541,0:3,880,0:3,189,0:3,65	EG2=0	E=0
2873	humanMito	14432	1601	+	16571	fuguMito	14029	1605	+	16447	104,0:5,44,5:0,1297,1:0,27,0:1,16,0:7,29,3:0,75	EG2=3e-250	E=1.3e-259
178	humanMito	16456	71	+	16571	fuguMito	15935	71	+	16447	71	EG2=6.1	E=3.3e-09
118	humanMito	5826	49	+	16571	fuguMito	4680	49	-	16447	49	EG2=2.3e+06	E=0.0012
# Query sequences=1