diff annotateVCF.py @ 4:84dcccebad3d draft

"planemo upload for repository https://github.com/galaxyproject/tools-iuc/tree/master/tools/medaka commit e80b649094384fc6d7a8f917300db3550cc99a44"
author iuc
date Tue, 01 Sep 2020 03:07:44 -0400
children 22f6a0e7424f
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/annotateVCF.py	Tue Sep 01 03:07:44 2020 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Takes in VCF file and a samtools mpileup output file
+# Fills in annotation for the VCF file including AF, DP
+# SB, and DP4
+# Usage statement:
+# python annotateVCF.py in_vcf.vcf in_mpileup.txt out_vcf.vcf
+# Can generate in_mileup.txt with samtools mpileup (and can restrict which sites to generate pileups for with in_vcf.vcf)
+# 08/24/2020 - Nathan P. Roach, natproach@gmail.com
+import sys
+from math import isnan, log10
+from scipy.stats import fisher_exact
+def pval_to_phredqual(pval):
+    return int(round(-10. * log10(pval)))
+def parseSimpleSNPpileup(fields, ref_base, alt_base):
+    base_to_idx = {
+        'A': 0,
+        'a': 0,
+        'T': 1,
+        't': 1,
+        'C': 2,
+        'c': 2,
+        'G': 3,
+        'g': 3
+    }
+    base_to_idx_stranded = {
+        'A': 0,
+        'T': 1,
+        'C': 2,
+        'G': 3,
+        'a': 4,
+        't': 5,
+        'c': 6,
+        'g': 7
+    }
+    ref_base2 = fields[2]
+    counts = [0, 0, 0, 0]
+    stranded_counts = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
+    ref_idx = base_to_idx[fields[2]]
+    dp = int(fields[3])
+    carrot_flag = False
+    ins_flag = False
+    ins_str = ""
+    ins_len = 0
+    insertion = ""
+    del_flag = False
+    del_str = ""
+    del_len = 0
+    deletion = ""
+    # dollar_flag = False
+    for base in fields[4]:
+        if carrot_flag:
+            carrot_flag = False
+            continue
+        if ins_len > 0:
+            insertion += base
+            ins_len -= 1
+            continue
+        if del_len > 0:
+            deletion += base
+            del_len -= 1
+            continue
+        if ins_flag:
+            if base.isdigit():
+                ins_str += base
+            else:
+                ins_len = int(ins_str) - 1
+                insertion = base
+                ins_flag = False
+        elif del_flag:
+            if base.isdigit():
+                del_str += base
+            else:
+                del_len = int(del_str) - 1
+                deletion = base
+                del_flag = False
+        else:
+            if base == '^':
+                carrot_flag = True
+                continue
+            elif base == '$':
+                continue
+            elif base == '+':
+                ins_flag = True
+            elif base == '-':
+                del_flag = True
+            elif base == '.':
+                counts[ref_idx] += 1
+                stranded_counts[base_to_idx_stranded[ref_base2]] += 1
+            elif base == ',':
+                counts[ref_idx] += 1
+                stranded_counts[base_to_idx_stranded[ref_base2.lower()]] += 1
+            elif base == 'N' or base == 'n':
+                continue
+            elif base == '*':
+                continue
+            else:
+                counts[base_to_idx[base]] += 1
+                stranded_counts[base_to_idx_stranded[base]] += 1
+    af = float(counts[base_to_idx[alt_base]]) / float(sum(counts))
+    if float(sum(stranded_counts[0:4])) == 0:
+        faf = float("nan")
+    else:
+        faf = float(stranded_counts[base_to_idx_stranded[alt_base]]) / float(sum(stranded_counts[0:4]))
+    if float(sum(stranded_counts[4:])) == 0:
+        raf = float("nan")
+    else:
+        raf = float(stranded_counts[base_to_idx_stranded[alt_base.lower()]]) / float(sum(stranded_counts[4:]))
+    dp4 = [stranded_counts[base_to_idx_stranded[ref_base]],
+           stranded_counts[base_to_idx_stranded[ref_base.lower()]],
+           stranded_counts[base_to_idx_stranded[alt_base]],
+           stranded_counts[base_to_idx_stranded[alt_base.lower()]]]
+    return (dp, af, faf, raf, dp4)
+def parseIndelPileup(fields, ref_base, alt_base):
+    counts = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]  # indel ref match, indel fwd ref match, indel rev ref match, indel alt match, indel fwd alt match, indel rev alt match, other, other fwd, other rev
+    ref_base2 = fields[2]
+    carrot_flag = False
+    ins_flag = False
+    ins_str = ""
+    ins_len = 0
+    del_flag = False
+    del_str = ""
+    del_len = 0
+    first_iter = True
+    forward_flag = False
+    last_seq = ""
+    last_seq_code = 'b'
+    for base in fields[4]:
+        if ins_flag:
+            if base.isdigit():
+                ins_str += base
+            else:
+                ins_len = int(ins_str)
+                ins_flag = False
+        if del_flag:
+            if base.isdigit():
+                del_str += base
+            else:
+                del_len = int(del_str)
+                del_flag = False
+        if ins_len > 0:
+            last_seq += base
+            last_seq_code = 'i'
+            ins_len -= 1
+            continue
+        if del_len > 0:
+            last_seq += base
+            last_seq_code = 'd'
+            del_len -= 1
+            continue
+        if carrot_flag:
+            carrot_flag = False
+            continue
+        if base == '.' or base == ','\
+                or base == 'A' or base == 'a'\
+                or base == 'C' or base == 'c'\
+                or base == 'G' or base == 'g'\
+                or base == 'T' or base == 't'\
+                or base == 'N' or base == 'n'\
+                or base == '>' or base == '<'\
+                or base == '*' or base == '#':
+            if first_iter:
+                first_iter = False
+            else:
+                if last_seq_code == 'i':
+                    if last_seq.upper() == alt_base.upper():
+                        counts[3] += 1
+                        if forward_flag:
+                            counts[4] += 1
+                        else:
+                            counts[5] += 1
+                    else:
+                        counts[6] += 1
+                        if forward_flag:
+                            counts[7] += 1
+                        else:
+                            counts[8] += 1
+                elif last_seq_code == 'd':
+                    if last_seq.upper() == ref_base.upper():
+                        counts[3] += 1
+                        if forward_flag:
+                            counts[4] += 1
+                        else:
+                            counts[5] += 1
+                    else:
+                        counts[6] += 1
+                        if forward_flag:
+                            counts[7] += 1
+                        else:
+                            counts[8] += 1
+                elif last_seq_code == 'b':
+                    if last_seq.upper() == ref_base.upper():
+                        counts[0] += 1
+                        if forward_flag:
+                            counts[1] += 1
+                        else:
+                            counts[2] += 1
+                    elif last_seq.upper() == alt_base.upper():
+                        counts[3] += 1
+                        if forward_flag:
+                            counts[4] += 1
+                        else:
+                            counts[5] += 1
+                    else:
+                        counts[6] += 1
+                        if forward_flag:
+                            counts[7] += 1
+                        else:
+                            counts[8] += 1
+            if base == '.':
+                last_seq = ref_base2
+                forward_flag = True
+                last_seq_code = 'b'
+            elif base == ',':
+                last_seq = ref_base2
+                forward_flag = False
+                last_seq_code = 'b'
+            elif base == '>' or base == '<' or base == '*' or base == '#':
+                continue
+            else:
+                forward_flag = base.isupper()
+                last_seq = base.upper()
+                last_seq_code = 'b'
+        elif base == '+':
+            ins_flag = True
+            ins_str = ""
+        elif base == '-':
+            del_flag = True
+            del_str = ""
+        elif base == '^':
+            carrot_flag = True
+        elif base == '$':
+            continue
+        if first_iter:
+            first_iter = False
+    if last_seq_code == 'i':
+        if last_seq.upper() == alt_base.upper():
+            counts[3] += 1
+            if forward_flag:
+                counts[4] += 1
+            else:
+                counts[5] += 1
+        else:
+            counts[6] += 1
+            if forward_flag:
+                counts[7] += 1
+            else:
+                counts[8] += 1
+    elif last_seq_code == 'd':
+        if last_seq.upper() == ref_base.upper():
+            counts[3] += 1
+            if forward_flag:
+                counts[4] += 1
+            else:
+                counts[5] += 1
+        else:
+            counts[6] += 1
+            if forward_flag:
+                counts[7] += 1
+            else:
+                counts[8] += 1
+    elif last_seq_code == 'b':
+        if last_seq.upper() == ref_base.upper():
+            counts[0] += 1
+            if forward_flag:
+                counts[1] += 1
+            else:
+                counts[2] += 1
+        elif last_seq.upper() == alt_base.upper():
+            counts[3] += 1
+            if forward_flag:
+                counts[4] += 1
+            else:
+                counts[5] += 1
+        else:
+            counts[6] += 1
+            if forward_flag:
+                counts[7] += 1
+            else:
+                counts[8] += 1
+    dp = int(fields[3])
+    af = float(counts[3]) / float(sum([counts[0], counts[3], counts[6]]))
+    if sum([counts[1], counts[4], counts[7]]) == 0:
+        faf = float("nan")
+    else:
+        faf = float(counts[4]) / float(sum([counts[1], counts[4], counts[7]]))
+    if sum([counts[2], counts[5], counts[8]]) == 0:
+        raf = float("nan")
+    else:
+        raf = float(counts[5]) / float(sum([counts[2], counts[5], counts[8]]))
+    dp4 = [counts[1], counts[2], counts[4], counts[5]]
+    return (dp, af, faf, raf, dp4)
+def annotateVCF(in_vcf_filepath, in_mpileup_filepath, out_vcf_filepath):
+    in_vcf = open(in_vcf_filepath, 'r')
+    in_mpileup = open(in_mpileup_filepath, 'r')
+    out_vcf = open(out_vcf_filepath, 'w')
+    # First pass parsing of input vcf, output headerlines + new headerlines, add VCF sites we care about to to_examine (limits memory usage for sites that don't need annotation)
+    to_examine = {}
+    for line in in_vcf:
+        if line[0:2] == "##":
+            out_vcf.write(line)
+        elif line[0] == "#":
+            out_vcf.write("##annotateVCFVersion=0.1\n")
+            out_vcf.write("##INFO=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description=\"Raw Depth\">\n")
+            out_vcf.write("##INFO=<ID=AF,Number=1,Type=Float,Description=\"Allele Frequency\">\n")
+            out_vcf.write("##INFO=<ID=FAF,Number=1,Type=Float,Description=\"Forward Allele Frequency\">\n")
+            out_vcf.write("##INFO=<ID=RAF,Number=1,Type=Float,Description=\"Reverse Allele Frequency\">\n")
+            out_vcf.write("##INFO=<ID=SB,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description=\"Phred-scaled strand bias at this position\">\n")
+            out_vcf.write("##INFO=<ID=DP4,Number=4,Type=Integer,Description=\"Counts for ref-forward bases, ref-reverse, alt-forward and alt-reverse bases\">\n")
+            out_vcf.write(line)
+        else:
+            fields = line.strip().split()
+            if fields[0] in to_examine:
+                to_examine[fields[0]][int(fields[1])] = (fields[3], fields[4])
+            else:
+                to_examine[fields[0]] = {int(fields[1]): (fields[3], fields[4])}
+    in_vcf.close()
+    data = {}
+    # Populate data dictionary, which relates chromosome and position to the following:
+    #  depth of coverage
+    #  allele frequency
+    #  forward strand allele frequency
+    #  reverse strand allele frequency
+    #  dp4 - depth of coverage of ref allele fwd strand, DOC of ref allele rev strand, DOC of alt allele fwd strand, DOC of alt allele rev strand
+    for line in in_mpileup:
+        fields = line.strip().split()
+        if fields[0] not in to_examine:
+            continue
+        if int(fields[1]) not in to_examine[fields[0]]:
+            continue
+        (ref_base, alt_base) = to_examine[fields[0]][int(fields[1])]
+        if len(ref_base.split(',')) > 1:  # Can't handle multiple ref alleles
+            continue
+        if len(alt_base.split(',')) > 1:  # Can't handle multiple alt alleles
+            continue
+        if len(ref_base) > 1 or len(alt_base) > 1:
+            if len(ref_base) > 1 and len(alt_base) > 1:  # Can't handle complex indels
+                continue
+            data[(fields[0], int(fields[1]))] = parseIndelPileup(fields, ref_base, alt_base)
+        if len(ref_base) == 1 and len(alt_base) == 1:
+            data[(fields[0], int(fields[1]))] = parseSimpleSNPpileup(fields, ref_base, alt_base)
+    in_mpileup.close()
+    # Reopen vcf, this time, skip header, annotate all the sites for which there is an entry in data dictionary
+    # (Sites without entries have either multiple ref or alt bases, or have complex indels. Not supported (for now), and not reported as a result)
+    in_vcf = open(in_vcf_filepath, 'r')
+    for line in in_vcf:
+        if line[0] == '#':
+            continue
+        fields = line.strip().split('\t')
+        if (fields[0], int(fields[1])) not in data:
+            continue
+        (dp, af, faf, raf, dp4) = data[(fields[0], int(fields[1]))]
+        dp2x2 = [[dp4[0], dp4[1]], [dp4[2], dp4[3]]]
+        _, p_val = fisher_exact(dp2x2)
+        sb = pval_to_phredqual(p_val)
+        if fields[7] == "":
+            info = []
+        else:
+            info = fields[7].split(';')
+        info.append("DP=%d" % (dp))
+        info.append("AF=%.6f" % (af))
+        if isnan(faf):
+            info.append("FAF=NaN")
+        else:
+            info.append("FAF=%.6f" % (faf))
+        if isnan(raf):
+            info.append("RAF=NaN")
+        else:
+            info.append("RAF=%.6f" % (raf))
+        info.append("SB=%d" % (sb))
+        info.append("DP4=%s" % (','.join([str(x) for x in dp4])))
+        new_info = ';'.join(info)
+        fields[7] = new_info
+        out_vcf.write("%s\n" % ("\t".join(fields)))
+    in_vcf.close()
+    out_vcf.close()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    annotateVCF(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3])