comparison make.contigs.xml @ 0:2b3fac454f43 draft

planemo upload for repository commit a9d1e0debcd357d8080a1c6c5f1d206dd45a7a4d
author iuc
date Fri, 19 May 2017 05:06:51 -0400
children 3dab7d200c10
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:2b3fac454f43
1 <tool profile="16.07" id="mothur_make_contigs" name="Make.contigs" version="@WRAPPER_VERSION@.0">
2 <description>Aligns paired forward and reverse fastq files to contigs as fasta and quality</description>
3 <macros>
4 <import>macros.xml</import>
5 </macros>
6 <expand macro="requirements"/>
7 <expand macro="stdio"/>
8 <expand macro="version_command"/>
9 <command><![CDATA[
12 ## Symlinks creation or On the fly creation of a combo file
13 #if $input_type.type == 'list_collection'
14 #for $pair in $input_type.list_paired_collection:
15 echo -e "${}\t${pair.forward}\t${pair.reverse}" >> combo_fastq.dat &&
16 #end for
17 #elif $input_type.type == 'simple_collection'
18 ln -s '$input_type.paired_collection.forward' ffastq.dat &&
19 ln -s '$input_type.paired_collection.reverse' rfastq.dat &&
20 #else
21 ln -s '$input_type.forward_fastq' ffastq.dat &&
22 ln -s '$input_type.reverse_fastq' rfastq.dat &&
23 #end if
25 #if $oligo.add == "yes":
26 ln -s '$oligo.oligos' oligo.oligos.dat &&
27 ln -s '$oligo.findex' oligo.findex.dat &&
28 ln -s '$oligo.rindex' oligo.rindex.dat &&
29 #end if
31 echo 'make.contigs(
32 #if $input_type.type == 'list_collection':
33 file=combo_fastq.dat,
34 #else:
35 ffastq=ffastq.dat,
36 rfastq=rfastq.dat,
37 #end if
38 align=$align,
39 #if $oligo.add == "yes":
40 oligos=oligo.oligos.dat,
41 bdiffs=$oligo.bdiffs,
42 pdiffs=$oligo.pdiffs,
43 tdiffs=$oligo.tdiffs,
44 #if $oligo.findex:
45 findex=oligo.findex.dat,
46 #end if
47 #if $oligo.rindex:
48 rindex=oligo.rindex.dat,
49 #end if
50 #end if
51 match=$match,
52 mismatch=$mismatch,
53 gapopen=$gapopen,
54 gapextend=$gapextend,
55 processors='\${GALAXY_SLOTS:-8}'
56 )'
57 | sed 's/ //g' ## mothur trips over whitespace
58 | mothur
59 | tee mothur.out.log
60 ]]></command>
61 <inputs>
62 <conditional name="input_type">
63 <param name="type" type="select" label="Select a way to provide forward and reverse fastq files ?" help="">
64 <option value="regular" selected="true">Two simple fastq files (forward and reverse)</option>
65 <option value="simple_collection">One pair (paired collection)</option>
66 <option value="list_collection">Multiple pairs - Combo mode (list:paired collection)</option>
67 </param>
68 <when value="regular">
69 <param name="forward_fastq" type="data" format="fastq" label="Forward reads"/>
70 <param name="reverse_fastq" type="data" format="fastq" label="Reverse reads"/>
71 </when>
72 <when value="simple_collection">
73 <param name="paired_collection" type="data_collection" format="fastq" collection_type="paired" label="Fastq pair (collection)" help="Dataset collection made from a single pair of fastq files (forward + reverse)"/>
74 </when>
75 <when value="list_collection">
76 <param name="list_paired_collection" type="data_collection" format="fastq" collection_type="list:paired" label="Fastq pairs (collection)" help="Dataset collection made from multiple pairs of fastq files" />
77 </when>
78 </conditional>
79 <param name="align" type="select" label="align - Select a pairwise alignment method" help="">
80 <option value="needleman" selected="true">needleman (default) </option>
81 <option value="gotoh">gotoh</option>
82 <option value="kmer">kmer</option>
83 </param>
84 <conditional name="oligo">
85 <param name="add" type="select" label="Trim with an oligos file?" help="">
86 <option value="no">no</option>
87 <option value="yes">yes</option>
88 </param>
89 <when value="no"/>
90 <when value="yes">
91 <param name="oligos" type="data" format="mothur.oligos" optional="true" label="oligos - barcodes and primers"
92 help="a file that can contain the sequences of the forward and reverse primers and barcodes and their sample identifier. Each line of the oligos file can start with the key words &quot;forward&quot;, &quot;reverse&quot; and &quot;barcode&quot; or it can start with a &quot;#&quot; to tell mothur to ignore that line of the oligos file"/>
93 <param name="bdiffs" type="integer" value="0" min="0" label="bdiffs - number of differences to allow in the barcode (default 0)"/>
94 <param name="pdiffs" type="integer" value="0" min="0" label="pdiffs - number of differences to allow in the primer (default 0)"/>
95 <param name="tdiffs" type="integer" value="0" min="0" label="tdiffs - total number of differences to allow in primer and barcode (default 0)"/>
96 <param name="findex" type="data" format="fastq" optional="true" label="forward index file (fastq)"/>
97 <param name="rindex" type="data" format="fastq" optional="true" label="revese index file (fastq)"/>
98 </when>
99 </conditional>
100 <param name="match" type="integer" value="1" label="match - Pairwise alignment reward for a match"/>
101 <param name="mismatch" type="integer" value="-1" label="mismatch - Pairwise alignment penalty for a mismatch"/>
102 <param name="gapopen" type="integer" value="-2" label="gapopen - Pairwise alignment penalty for opening a gap"/>
103 <param name="gapextend" type="integer" value="-1" label="gapextend - Pairwise alignment penalty for extending a gap"/>
104 </inputs>
105 <outputs>
106 <expand macro="logfile-output"/>
107 <data name="fasta" format="fasta" from_work_dir="*fastq.trim.*.fasta" label="${} on ${on_string}: trim.contigs.fasta"/>
108 <data name="qual" format="qual" from_work_dir="*fastq*.trim.*.qual" label="${} on ${on_string}: trim.contigs.qual"/>
109 <data name="scrapfasta" format="fasta" from_work_dir="*fastq*.scrap.*.fasta" label="${} on ${on_string}: scrap.contigs.fasta"/>
110 <data name="scrapqual" format="qual" from_work_dir="*fastq*.scrap.*.qual" label="${} on ${on_string}: scrap.contigs.qual"/>
111 <data name="report" format="txt" from_work_dir="*fastq*" label="${} on ${on_string}: report"/>
112 <data name="group" format="mothur.groups" from_work_dir="*fastq*.groups" label="${} on ${on_string}: group file">
113 <filter>input_type['type'] == 'list_collection'</filter>
114 </data>
115 </outputs>
116 <tests>
117 <!-- Test with two regular files as input -->
118 <test>
119 <conditional name="input_type">
120 <param name="type" value="regular"/>
121 <param name="forward_fastq" value="Mock_S280_L001_R1_001_small.fastq" ftype="fastq"/>
122 <param name="reverse_fastq" value="Mock_S280_L001_R2_001_small.fastq" ftype="fastq"/>
123 </conditional>
124 <output name="fasta" file="Mock_S280_L001_R1_001_small.trim.contigs.fasta" ftype="fasta"/>
125 <output name="qual" file="Mock_S280_L001_R1_001_small.trim.contigs.qual" ftype="qual"/>
126 <output name="report" file="" ftype="txt"/>
127 <expand macro="logfile-test"/>
128 </test>
129 <!-- Test with a simple paired collection as input -->
130 <test>
131 <conditional name="input_type">
132 <param name="type" value="simple_collection"/>
133 <param name="paired_collection">
134 <collection type="paired">
135 <element name="forward" value="Mock_S280_L001_R1_001_small.fastq" />
136 <element name="reverse" value="Mock_S280_L001_R2_001_small.fastq" />
137 </collection>
138 </param>
139 </conditional>
140 <output name="fasta" file="Mock_S280_L001_R1_001_small.trim.contigs.fasta" ftype="fasta"/>
141 <output name="qual" file="Mock_S280_L001_R1_001_small.trim.contigs.qual" ftype="qual"/>
142 <output name="report" file="" ftype="txt"/>
143 <expand macro="logfile-test"/>
144 </test>
145 <!-- Test with a simple paired collection as input + extra parameters specified -->
146 <test>
147 <conditional name="input_type">
148 <param name="type" value="simple_collection"/>
149 <param name="paired_collection">
150 <collection type="paired">
151 <element name="forward" value="Mock_S280_L001_R1_001_small.fastq" />
152 <element name="reverse" value="Mock_S280_L001_R2_001_small.fastq" />
153 </collection>
154 </param>
155 </conditional>
156 <param name="align" value="gotoh"/>
157 <param name="match" value="2"/>
158 <param name="mismatch" value="-2"/>
159 <param name="gapopen" value="-3"/>
160 <param name="gapextend" value="-2"/>
161 <output name="fasta" md5="48e32c65bd9f064c5c0b4ea7695cabe9" ftype="fasta"/>
162 <output name="qual" md5="1e7778cee0d86bfa2759a07bb4356165" ftype="qual"/>
163 <output name="report" md5="5274725ef45890fd6da4650d5d536173" ftype="txt"/>
164 <expand macro="logfile-test"/>
165 </test>
166 <!-- Test with a list:paired collection as input -->
167 <test>
168 <conditional name="input_type">
169 <param name="type" value="list_collection"/>
170 <param name="list_paired_collection">
171 <collection type="list:paired">
172 <element name="Pair1">
173 <collection type="paired">
174 <element name="forward" value="Mock_S280_L001_R1_001_small.fastq" />
175 <element name="reverse" value="Mock_S280_L001_R2_001_small.fastq" />
176 </collection>
177 </element>
178 <element name="Pair2">
179 <collection type="paired">
180 <element name="forward" value="Mock_S280_L001_R1_001_small.fastq" />
181 <element name="reverse" value="Mock_S280_L001_R2_001_small.fastq" />
182 </collection>
183 </element>
184 </collection>
185 </param>
186 </conditional>
187 <output name="fasta" md5="dab69a0e36f718b55d8defad26ec469b" ftype="fasta"/>
188 <output name="qual" md5="cdba5409e4f87e3cd093a4e51084d616" ftype="qual"/>
189 <output name="report" md5="80b992abd7e4d6a5e89fa70011ef2384" ftype="txt"/>
190 <output name="group" md5="2be2adb030c4fc001bfac7e1172b40e1" ftype="mothur.groups"/>
191 <expand macro="logfile-test"/>
192 </test>
193 </tests>
194 <help>
195 <![CDATA[
199 **Command Documentation**
201 The make.contigs_ command reads a forward fastq file and a reverse fastq file and outputs new fasta and quality files.
203 .. _make.contigs:
205 v.1.27.0: Updated to use Mothur 1.33. Added findex and rindex parmaeters, optionally used with the oligos file.
206 ]]>
207 </help>
208 <expand macro="citations"/>
209 </tool>