view tool_dependencies.xml @ 0:ef3b30d6bfe8 draft

Uploaded definition based on that for BLAST+ 2.2.26
author iuc
date Mon, 07 Oct 2013 09:37:43 -0400
children 972e154502eb
line wrap: on
line source

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <package name="blast+" version="2.2.27">
        <install version="1.0">
                <action type="set_environment">
                    <environment_variable name="PATH" action="prepend_to">$INSTALL_DIR</environment_variable>
                <!-- arch under Linux 32bit includes some variants like i386 and i686, so use as default -->
                <action type="shell_command">
                    if [[ "$(uname)" == "Linux" ]]; then export FILENAME="ncbi-blast-2.2.27+-ia32-linux.tar.gz"; fi &amp;&amp;
                    if [[ "$(arch)" == "x86_64" ]]; then export FILENAME="ncbi-blast-2.2.27+-x64-linux.tar.gz"; fi &amp;&amp;
                    if [[ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]]; then export FILENAME="ncbi-blast-2.2.27+-universal-macosx.tar.gz"; fi &amp;&amp;
                    echo Fetching $FILENAME &amp;&amp;
                    if [[ "$(uname)" == "Linux" ]]; then wget$FILENAME; fi &amp;&amp;
                    if [[ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]]; then curl -O$FILENAME; fi &amp;&amp;
                    tar -zxvf $FILENAME &amp;&amp;
                    echo Downloaded and decompressed
                <!-- move the binaries to the installation directory which is now on the $PATH -->
                <action type="move_directory_files">
Downloads the precompiled 32bit Linux, 64bit Linux, or Mac OS X BLAST+
binaries from the NCBI, which is faster than performing a local compliation,
avoids any issues with build dependencies, and is more reproducible between
installations as there is no variability from the compiler or library versions.

For more details, see:;PAGE_TYPE=BlastDocs&amp;DOC_TYPE=Download