comparison filter_fasta.xml @ 0:794553858db3 draft

planemo upload for repository commit c9bf747b23b4a9d6adc20c7740b9247c22654862
author iuc
date Thu, 18 May 2017 09:38:13 -0400
children 82ab467a74fc
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:794553858db3
1 <tool id="qiime_filter_fasta" name="Filter fasta" version="@WRAPPER_VERSION@.0">
2 <description>to remove sequences based on input criteria</description>
3 <macros>
4 <import>macros.xml</import>
5 </macros>
6 <expand macro="requirements"/>
7 <command detect_errors="aggressive"><![CDATA[
9 --input_fasta_fp '$input_fasta_fp'
10 --output_fasta_fp '$fitered_fasta'
11 #if $selection.type == "otu_map"
12 --otu_map '$selection.otu_map'
13 #else if $selection.type == "seq_list"
14 --seq_id_fp '$selection.seq_id_fp'
15 #else if $selection.type == "biom"
16 --biom_fp '$selection.biom_fp'
17 #else if $selection.type == "fasta"
18 --subject_fasta_fp '$selection.subject_fasta_fp'
19 #else if $selection.type == "prefix"
20 --seq_id_prefix '$selection.seq_id_prefix'
21 #else if $selection.type == "prefix_list"
22 --sample_id_fp '$selection.sample_id_fp'
23 #else if $selection.type == "valid_states"
24 --mapping_fp '$selection.mapping_fp'
25 --valid_states '$selection.valid_states'
26 #end if
27 $negate
28 ]]></command>
29 <inputs>
30 <param name="input_fasta_fp" argument="--input_fasta_fp" type="data" format="fasta" label="Input fasta file"/>
31 <conditional name="selection">
32 <param name="type" label="Type of criteria for filtering" type="select">
33 <option value="otu_map">OTU map-based filtering</option>
34 <option value="seq_list">Filtering using a list of sequence identifiers</option>
35 <option value="biom">Filtering based on OTU identifiers in a BIOM file</option>
36 <option value="fasta">Filtering based on sequence identifiers in a Fasta file</option>
37 <option value="prefix">Filtering based on a sequence id prefix</option>
38 <option value="prefix_list">Filtering based on a list of sequence id prefix</option>
39 <option value="valid_states">Filtering based on a sample id description</option>
40 </param>
41 <when value="otu_map">
42 <param argument="--otu_map" type="data" format="txt" label="OTU map where sequences ids are those which should be retained"/>
43 </when>
44 <when value="seq_list">
45 <param argument="--seq_id_fp" type="data" format="tabular,tsv,csv,txt" label="List of sequence identifiers (or tab-delimited lines with a seq identifier in the first field) which should be retained"/>
46 </when>
47 <when value="biom">
48 <param argument="--biom_fp" type="data" format="biom1" label="Biom file with OTU identifiers that should be retained"/>
49 </when>
50 <when value="fasta">
51 <param argument="--subject_fasta_fp" type="data" format="fasta" label="Fasta file where the seq ids should be retained"/>
52 </when>
53 <when value="prefix">
54 <param argument="--seq_id_prefix" type="text" label="Prefix to keep seqs where seq_id starts with this prefix"/>
55 </when>
56 <when value="prefix_list">
57 <param argument="--sample_id_fp" type="data" format="txt" label="List of prefix to keep seqs where seq_id starts with a sample id listed in this file"/>
58 </when>
59 <when value="valid_states">
60 <param argument="--mapping_fp" type="data" format="txt" label="Mapping file"/>
61 <param argument="--valid_states" type="text" label="Description of the sample ids to retain"/>
62 </when>
63 </conditional>
64 <param argument="--negate" type="boolean" truevalue="--negate" falsevalue="" checked="False" label="Discard passed seq ids rather than keep passed seq ids?"/>
65 </inputs>
66 <outputs>
67 <data name="fitered_fasta" format="fasta" label="${} on ${on_string}: Filtered sequences"/>
68 </outputs>
69 <tests>
70 <test>
71 <param name="input_fasta_fp" value="filter_fasta/inseqs.fasta"/>
72 <param name="type" value="otu_map"/>
73 <param name="otu_map" value="filter_fasta/otu_map.txt"/>
74 <param name="negate" value=""/>
75 <output name="fitered_fasta" md5="9185f3cdcba8bcaf159cc3f1fdbb5ebb"/>
76 </test>
77 <test>
78 <param name="input_fasta_fp" value="filter_fasta/inseqs.fasta"/>
79 <param name="type" value="otu_map"/>
80 <param name="otu_map" value="filter_fasta/otu_map.txt"/>
81 <param name="negate" value="--negate"/>
82 <output name="fitered_fasta" md5="206a5c83e5abbd674f632da73ec518a2"/>
83 </test>
84 <test>
85 <param name="input_fasta_fp" value="filter_fasta/inseqs.fasta"/>
86 <param name="type" value="seq_list"/>
87 <param name="seq_id_fp" value="filter_fasta/seqs_to_keep.txt"/>
88 <param name="negate" value=""/>
89 <output name="fitered_fasta" md5="19ba95928ca9419f671810240120c8cd"/>
90 </test>
91 <test>
92 <param name="input_fasta_fp" value="filter_fasta/inseqs.fasta"/>
93 <param name="type" value="biom"/>
94 <param name="biom_fp" value="filter_fasta/otu_table.biom"/>
95 <param name="negate" value=""/>
96 <output name="fitered_fasta" md5="d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"/>
97 </test>
98 <test>
99 <param name="input_fasta_fp" value="filter_fasta/inseqs.fasta"/>
100 <param name="type" value="fasta"/>
101 <param name="subject_fasta_fp" value="filter_fasta/sl_inseqs.fasta"/>
102 <param name="negate" value=""/>
103 <output name="fitered_fasta" md5="9c5f416e94bcfb2d4003ea002cbaf617"/>
104 </test>
105 <test>
106 <param name="input_fasta_fp" value="filter_fasta/inseqs.fasta"/>
107 <param name="type" value="prefix"/>
108 <param name="seq_id_prefix" value="S5"/>
109 <param name="negate" value=""/>
110 <output name="fitered_fasta" md5="c1f2d8c5844733f30ca07547846c4d36"/>
111 </test>
112 <test>
113 <param name="input_fasta_fp" value="filter_fasta/inseqs.fasta"/>
114 <param name="type" value="prefix_list"/>
115 <param name="sample_id_fp" value="filter_fasta/map.txt"/>
116 <param name="negate" value=""/>
117 <output name="fitered_fasta" md5="8f0025b067d22ed708ee55de10016785"/>
118 </test>
119 </tests>
120 <help><![CDATA[
121 **What it does**
123 Filter fasta or fastq file to remove sequences based on input criteria
124 ]]></help>
125 <citations>
126 <expand macro="citations"/>
127 </citations>
128 </tool>