Mercurial > repos > iuc > raceid_clustering
view scripts/cluster.R @ 7:c4f39bf4a068 draft
"planemo upload for repository commit b461ba94158cf4cc793919470b78bd3eb91312eb"
author | iuc |
date | Thu, 02 Dec 2021 16:20:43 +0000 |
parents | a4b734cd253b |
children | 0bff0ee0683a |
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#!/usr/bin/env R VERSION <- "0.5" # nolint args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = T) if (length(args) != 1) { message(paste("VERSION:", VERSION)) stop("Please provide the config file") } suppressWarnings(suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(RaceID))) ## suppressWarnings(suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(scran))) # nolint source(args[1]) do.filter <- function(sc) { # nolint if (!is.null(filt.lbatch.regexes)) { lar <- filt.lbatch.regexes nn <- colnames(sc@expdata) filt$LBatch <- lapply(1:length(lar), function(m) { # nolint return(nn[grep(lar[[m]], nn)])}) } sc <-, c(sc, filt)) ## Get histogram metrics for library size and number of features raw_lib <- log10(colSums(as.matrix(sc@expdata))) raw_feat <- log10(colSums(as.matrix(sc@expdata) > 0)) filt_lib <- log10(colSums(as.matrix(getfdata(sc)))) filt_feat <- log10(colSums(as.matrix(getfdata(sc) > 0))) if (filt.geqone) { filt_feat <- log10(colSums(as.matrix(getfdata(sc) >= 1))) # nolint } br <- 50 par(mfrow = c(2, 2)) print(hist(raw_lib, breaks = br, main = "RawData Log10 LibSize")) print(hist(raw_feat, breaks = br, main = "RawData Log10 NumFeat")) print(hist(filt_lib, breaks = br, main = "FiltData Log10 LibSize")) tmp <- hist(filt_feat, breaks = br, main = "FiltData Log10 NumFeat") print(tmp) ## required, for extracting midpoint unq <- unique(filt_feat) if (length(unq) == 1) { abline(v = unq, col = "red", lw = 2) text(tmp$mids, table(filt_feat)[[1]] - 100, pos = 1, paste(10^unq, "\nFeatures\nin remaining\nCells", sep = ""), cex = 0.8) } if (filt.use.ccorrect) { par(mfrow = c(2, 2)) sc <-, c(sc, filt.ccc)) print(plotdimsat(sc, change = T)) print(plotdimsat(sc, change = F)) } return(sc) } do.cluster <- function(sc) { # nolint sc <-, c(sc, clust.compdist)) sc <-, c(sc, clust.clustexp)) if (clust.clustexp$sat) { print(plotsaturation(sc, disp = F)) print(plotsaturation(sc, disp = T)) } print(plotjaccard(sc)) return(sc) } do.outlier <- function(sc) { # nolint sc <-, c(sc, outlier.findoutliers)) if (outlier.use.randomforest) { sc <-, c(sc, outlier.rfcorrect)) } print(plotbackground(sc)) print(plotsensitivity(sc)) print(plotoutlierprobs(sc)) ## Heatmaps test1 <- list() test1$side <- 3 test1$line <- 0 #1 #3 x <- clustheatmap(sc, final = FALSE) print(, c(paste("(Initial)"), test1))) x <- clustheatmap(sc, final = TRUE) print(, c(paste("(Final)"), test1))) return(sc) } do.clustmap <- function(sc) { # nolint sc <-, c(sc, cluster.comptsne)) sc <-, c(sc, cluster.compfr)) sc <-, c(sc, cluster.compumap)) return(sc) } mkgenelist <- function(sc) { ## Layout test <- list() test$side <- 4 test$line <- -2 test$cex <- 0.8 df <- c() options(cex = 1) lapply(unique(sc@cpart), function(n) { dg <- clustdiffgenes(sc, cl = n, pvalue = genelist.pvalue)$dg dg_goi <- dg[dg$fc > genelist.foldchange, ] dg_goi_table <- head(dg_goi, genelist.tablelim) df <<- rbind(df, cbind(n, dg_goi_table)) goi <- head(rownames(dg_goi_table), genelist.plotlim) print(plotmarkergenes(sc, goi)) buffer <- paste(rep("", 36), collapse = " ") print(, c(paste(buffer, "Cluster ", n), test))) test$line <- -1 print(, c(paste(buffer, "Sig. Genes"), test))) test$line <- 0 print(, c(paste(buffer, "(fc > ", genelist.foldchange, ")"), test))) }) write.table(df, file = out.genelist, sep = "\t", quote = F) } writecellassignments <- function(sc) { dat <- sc@cluster$kpart tab <- data.frame(row.names = NULL, cells = names(dat), cluster.initial = dat, = sc@cpart, is.outlier = names(dat) %in% sc@out$out) write.table(tab, file = out.assignments, sep = "\t", quote = F, row.names = F) } pdf(out.pdf) if (use.filtnormconf) { sc <- do.filter(sc) message(paste(" - Source:: genes:", nrow(sc@expdata), ", cells:", ncol(sc@expdata))) message(paste(" - Filter:: genes:", nrow(as.matrix(getfdata(sc))), ", cells:", ncol(as.matrix(getfdata(sc))))) message(paste(" :: ", sprintf("%.1f", 100 * nrow(as.matrix( getfdata(sc))) / nrow(sc@expdata)), "% of genes remain,", sprintf("%.1f", 100 * ncol(as.matrix( getfdata(sc))) / ncol(sc@expdata)), "% of cells remain")) write.table(as.matrix(sc@ndata), file = out.table, col.names = NA, row.names = T, sep = "\t", quote = F) } if (use.cluster) { par(mfrow = c(2, 2)) sc <- do.cluster(sc) par(mfrow = c(2, 2)) sc <- do.outlier(sc) par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = c(1, 1, 6, 1)) sc <- do.clustmap(sc) mkgenelist(sc) writecellassignments(sc) } saveRDS(sc, out.rdat)