diff repmatch_gff3_util.py @ 0:a072f0f30ea3 draft

planemo upload for repository https://github.com/galaxyproject/tools-iuc/tree/master/tools/repmatch_gff3 commit 0e04a4c237677c1f5be1950babcf8591097996a9
author iuc
date Wed, 23 Dec 2015 09:25:42 -0500
children e5c7fffdc078
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/repmatch_gff3_util.py	Wed Dec 23 09:25:42 2015 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,462 @@
+import bisect
+import csv
+import os
+import shutil
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import matplotlib
+from matplotlib import pyplot
+# Graph settings
+Y_LABEL = 'Counts'
+X_LABEL = 'Number of matched replicates'
+# Amount to shift the graph to make labels fit, [left, right, top, bottom]
+ADJUST = [0.180, 0.9, 0.9, 0.1]
+# Length of tick marks, use TICK_WIDTH for width
+pyplot.rc('xtick.major', size=10.00)
+pyplot.rc('ytick.major', size=10.00)
+pyplot.rc('lines', linewidth=4.00)
+pyplot.rc('axes', linewidth=3.00)
+pyplot.rc('font', family='Bitstream Vera Sans', size=32.0)
+COLORS = 'krb'
+class Replicate(object):
+    def __init__(self, id, dataset_path):
+        self.id = id
+        self.dataset_path = dataset_path
+        self.parse(csv.reader(open(dataset_path, 'rt'), delimiter='\t'))
+    def parse(self, reader):
+        self.chromosomes = {}
+        for line in reader:
+            if line[0].startswith("#") or line[0].startswith('"'):
+                continue
+            cname, junk, junk, mid, midplus, value, strand, junk, attrs = line
+            attrs = parse_gff_attrs(attrs)
+            distance = attrs['cw_distance']
+            mid = int(mid)
+            midplus = int(midplus)
+            value = float(value)
+            distance = int(distance)
+            if cname not in self.chromosomes:
+                self.chromosomes[cname] = Chromosome(cname)
+            chrom = self.chromosomes[cname]
+            chrom.add_peak(Peak(cname, mid, value, distance, self))
+        for chrom in self.chromosomes.values():
+            chrom.sort_by_index()
+    def filter(self, up_limit, low_limit):
+        for chrom in self.chromosomes.values():
+            chrom.filter(up_limit, low_limit)
+    def size(self):
+        return sum([len(c.peaks) for c in self.chromosomes.values()])
+class Chromosome(object):
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        self.name = name
+        self.peaks = []
+    def add_peak(self, peak):
+        self.peaks.append(peak)
+    def sort_by_index(self):
+        self.peaks.sort(key=lambda peak: peak.midpoint)
+        self.keys = make_keys(self.peaks)
+    def remove_peak(self, peak):
+        i = bisect.bisect_left(self.keys, peak.midpoint)
+        # If the peak was actually found
+        if i < len(self.peaks) and self.peaks[i].midpoint == peak.midpoint:
+            del self.keys[i]
+            del self.peaks[i]
+    def filter(self, up_limit, low_limit):
+        self.peaks = [p for p in self.peaks if low_limit <= p.distance <= up_limit]
+        self.keys = make_keys(self.peaks)
+class Peak(object):
+    def __init__(self, chrom, midpoint, value, distance, replicate):
+        self.chrom = chrom
+        self.value = value
+        self.midpoint = midpoint
+        self.distance = distance
+        self.replicate = replicate
+    def normalized_value(self, med):
+        return self.value * med / self.replicate.median
+class PeakGroup(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.peaks = {}
+    def add_peak(self, repid, peak):
+        self.peaks[repid] = peak
+    @property
+    def chrom(self):
+        return self.peaks.values()[0].chrom
+    @property
+    def midpoint(self):
+        return median([peak.midpoint for peak in self.peaks.values()])
+    @property
+    def num_replicates(self):
+        return len(self.peaks)
+    @property
+    def median_distance(self):
+        return median([peak.distance for peak in self.peaks.values()])
+    @property
+    def value_sum(self):
+        return sum([peak.value for peak in self.peaks.values()])
+    def normalized_value(self, med):
+        values = []
+        for peak in self.peaks.values():
+            values.append(peak.normalized_value(med))
+        return median(values)
+    @property
+    def peakpeak_distance(self):
+        keys = self.peaks.keys()
+        return abs(self.peaks[keys[0]].midpoint - self.peaks[keys[1]].midpoint)
+class FrequencyDistribution(object):
+    def __init__(self, d=None):
+        self.dist = d or {}
+    def add(self, x):
+        self.dist[x] = self.dist.get(x, 0) + 1
+    def graph_series(self):
+        x = []
+        y = []
+        for key, val in self.dist.items():
+            x.append(key)
+            y.append(val)
+        return x, y
+    def mode(self):
+        return max(self.dist.items(), key=lambda data: data[1])[0]
+    def size(self):
+        return sum(self.dist.values())
+def stop_err(msg):
+    sys.stderr.write(msg)
+    sys.exit(1)
+def median(data):
+    """
+    Find the integer median of the data set.
+    """
+    if not data:
+        return 0
+    sdata = sorted(data)
+    if len(data) % 2 == 0:
+        return (sdata[len(data)//2] + sdata[len(data)//2-1]) / 2
+    else:
+        return sdata[len(data)//2]
+def make_keys(peaks):
+    return [data.midpoint for data in peaks]
+def get_window(chromosome, target_peaks, distance):
+    """
+    Returns a window of all peaks from a replicate within a certain distance of
+    a peak from another replicate.
+    """
+    lower = target_peaks[0].midpoint
+    upper = target_peaks[0].midpoint
+    for peak in target_peaks:
+        lower = min(lower, peak.midpoint - distance)
+        upper = max(upper, peak.midpoint + distance)
+    start_index = bisect.bisect_left(chromosome.keys, lower)
+    end_index = bisect.bisect_right(chromosome.keys, upper)
+    return (chromosome.peaks[start_index: end_index], chromosome.name)
+def match_largest(window, peak, chrum):
+    if not window:
+        return None
+    if peak.chrom != chrum:
+        return None
+    return max(window, key=lambda cpeak: cpeak.value)
+def match_closest(window, peak, chrum):
+    if not window:
+        return None
+    if peak.chrom != chrum:
+        return None
+    return min(window, key=lambda match: abs(match.midpoint - peak.midpoint))
+def frequency_histogram(freqs, dataset_path, labels=[], title=''):
+    pyplot.clf()
+    pyplot.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
+    for i, freq in enumerate(freqs):
+        xvals, yvals = freq.graph_series()
+        # Go from high to low
+        xvals.reverse()
+        pyplot.bar([x-0.4 + 0.8/len(freqs)*i for x in xvals], yvals, width=0.8/len(freqs), color=COLORS[i])
+    pyplot.xticks(range(min(xvals), max(xvals)+1), map(str, reversed(range(min(xvals), max(xvals)+1))))
+    pyplot.xlabel(X_LABEL)
+    pyplot.ylabel(Y_LABEL)
+    pyplot.subplots_adjust(left=ADJUST[0], right=ADJUST[1], top=ADJUST[2], bottom=ADJUST[3])
+    ax = pyplot.gca()
+    for l in ax.get_xticklines() + ax.get_yticklines():
+        l.set_markeredgewidth(TICK_WIDTH)
+    pyplot.savefig(dataset_path)
+METHODS = {'closest': match_closest, 'largest': match_largest}
+def gff_attrs(d):
+    if not d:
+        return '.'
+    return ';'.join('%s=%s' % item for item in d.items())
+def parse_gff_attrs(s):
+    d = {}
+    if s == '.':
+        return d
+    for item in s.split(';'):
+        key, val = item.split('=')
+        d[key] = val
+    return d
+def gff_row(cname, start, end, score, source, type='.', strand='.', phase='.', attrs={}):
+    return (cname, source, type, start, end, score, strand, phase, gff_attrs(attrs))
+def get_temporary_plot_path():
+    """
+    Return the path to a temporary file with a valid image format
+    file extension that can be used with bioformats.
+    """
+    tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='tmp-repmatch-')
+    fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.pdf', dir=tmp_dir)
+    os.close(fd)
+    return name
+def process_files(dataset_paths, galaxy_hids, method, distance, step, replicates, up_limit, low_limit, output_files,
+                  output_matched_peaks, output_unmatched_peaks, output_detail, output_statistics_table, output_statistics_histogram):
+    output_statistics_histogram_file = output_files in ["all"] and method in ["all"]
+    if len(dataset_paths) < 2:
+        return
+    if method == 'all':
+        match_methods = METHODS.keys()
+    else:
+        match_methods = [method]
+    for match_method in match_methods:
+        statistics = perform_process(dataset_paths,
+                                     galaxy_hids,
+                                     match_method,
+                                     distance,
+                                     step,
+                                     replicates,
+                                     up_limit,
+                                     low_limit,
+                                     output_files,
+                                     output_matched_peaks,
+                                     output_unmatched_peaks,
+                                     output_detail,
+                                     output_statistics_table,
+                                     output_statistics_histogram)
+    if output_statistics_histogram_file:
+        tmp_statistics_histogram_path = get_temporary_plot_path()
+        frequency_histogram([stat['distribution'] for stat in [statistics]],
+                            tmp_statistics_histogram_path,
+                            METHODS.keys())
+        shutil.move(tmp_statistics_histogram_path, output_statistics_histogram)
+def perform_process(dataset_paths, galaxy_hids, method, distance, step, num_required, up_limit, low_limit, output_files,
+                    output_matched_peaks, output_unmatched_peaks, output_detail, output_statistics_table, output_statistics_histogram):
+    output_detail_file = output_files in ["all"] and output_detail is not None
+    output_statistics_table_file = output_files in ["all"] and output_statistics_table is not None
+    output_unmatched_peaks_file = output_files in ["all", "matched_peaks_unmatched_peaks"] and output_unmatched_peaks is not None
+    output_statistics_histogram_file = output_files in ["all"] and output_statistics_histogram is not None
+    replicates = []
+    for i, dataset_path in enumerate(dataset_paths):
+        try:
+            galaxy_hid = galaxy_hids[i]
+            r = Replicate(galaxy_hid, dataset_path)
+            replicates.append(r)
+        except Exception, e:
+            stop_err('Unable to parse file "%s", exception: %s' % (dataset_path, str(e)))
+    attrs = 'd%sr%s' % (distance, num_required)
+    if up_limit != 1000:
+        attrs += 'u%d' % up_limit
+    if low_limit != -1000:
+        attrs += 'l%d' % low_limit
+    if step != 0:
+        attrs += 's%d' % step
+    def td_writer(file_path):
+        # Returns a tab-delimited writer for a certain output
+        return csv.writer(open(file_path, 'wt'), delimiter='\t')
+    labels = ('chrom',
+              'median midpoint',
+              'median midpoint+1',
+              'median normalized reads',
+              'replicates',
+              'median c-w distance',
+              'reads sum')
+    for replicate in replicates:
+        labels += ('chrom',
+                   'median midpoint',
+                   'median midpoint+1',
+                   'c-w sum',
+                   'c-w distance',
+                   'replicate id')
+    matched_peaks_output = td_writer(output_matched_peaks)
+    if output_statistics_table_file:
+        statistics_table_output = td_writer(output_statistics_table)
+        statistics_table_output.writerow(('data', 'median read count'))
+    if output_detail_file:
+        detail_output = td_writer(output_detail)
+        detail_output.writerow(labels)
+    if output_unmatched_peaks_file:
+        unmatched_peaks_output = td_writer(output_unmatched_peaks)
+        unmatched_peaks_output.writerow(('chrom', 'midpoint', 'midpoint+1', 'c-w sum', 'c-w distance', 'replicate id'))
+    # Perform filtering
+    if up_limit < 1000 or low_limit > -1000:
+        for replicate in replicates:
+            replicate.filter(up_limit, low_limit)
+    # Actually merge the peaks
+    peak_groups = []
+    unmatched_peaks = []
+    freq = FrequencyDistribution()
+    def do_match(reps, distance):
+        # Copy list because we will mutate it, but keep replicate references.
+        reps = reps[:]
+        while len(reps) > 1:
+            # Iterate over each replicate as "main"
+            main = reps[0]
+            reps.remove(main)
+            for chromosome in main.chromosomes.values():
+                peaks_by_value = chromosome.peaks[:]
+                # Sort main replicate by value
+                peaks_by_value.sort(key=lambda peak: -peak.value)
+                def search_for_matches(group):
+                    # Here we use multiple passes, expanding the window to be
+                    #  +- distance from any previously matched peak.
+                    while True:
+                        new_match = False
+                        for replicate in reps:
+                            if replicate.id in group.peaks:
+                                # Stop if match already found for this replicate
+                                continue
+                            try:
+                                # Lines changed to remove a major bug by Rohit Reja.
+                                window, chrum = get_window(replicate.chromosomes[chromosome.name],
+                                                           group.peaks.values(),
+                                                           distance)
+                                match = METHODS[method](window, peak, chrum)
+                            except KeyError:
+                                continue
+                            if match:
+                                group.add_peak(replicate.id, match)
+                                new_match = True
+                        if not new_match:
+                            break
+                # Attempt to enlarge existing peak groups
+                for group in peak_groups:
+                    old_peaks = group.peaks.values()[:]
+                    search_for_matches(group)
+                    for peak in group.peaks.values():
+                        if peak not in old_peaks:
+                            peak.replicate.chromosomes[chromosome.name].remove_peak(peak)
+                # Attempt to find new peaks groups.  For each peak in the
+                # main replicate, search for matches in the other replicates
+                for peak in peaks_by_value:
+                    matches = PeakGroup()
+                    matches.add_peak(main.id, peak)
+                    search_for_matches(matches)
+                    # Were enough replicates matched?
+                    if matches.num_replicates >= num_required:
+                        for peak in matches.peaks.values():
+                            peak.replicate.chromosomes[chromosome.name].remove_peak(peak)
+                        peak_groups.append(matches)
+    # Zero or less = no stepping
+    if step <= 0:
+        do_match(replicates, distance)
+    else:
+        for d in range(0, distance, step):
+            do_match(replicates, d)
+    for group in peak_groups:
+        freq.add(group.num_replicates)
+    # Collect together the remaining unmatched_peaks
+    for replicate in replicates:
+        for chromosome in replicate.chromosomes.values():
+            for peak in chromosome.peaks:
+                freq.add(1)
+                unmatched_peaks.append(peak)
+    # Average the unmatched_peaks count in the graph by # replicates
+    med = median([peak.value for group in peak_groups for peak in group.peaks.values()])
+    for replicate in replicates:
+        replicate.median = median([peak.value for group in peak_groups for peak in group.peaks.values() if peak.replicate == replicate])
+        statistics_table_output.writerow((replicate.id, replicate.median))
+    for group in peak_groups:
+        # Output matched_peaks (matched pairs).
+        matched_peaks_output.writerow(gff_row(cname=group.chrom,
+                                              start=group.midpoint,
+                                              end=group.midpoint+1,
+                                              source='repmatch',
+                                              score=group.normalized_value(med),
+                                              attrs={'median_distance': group.median_distance,
+                                                     'replicates': group.num_replicates,
+                                                     'value_sum': group.value_sum}))
+        if output_detail_file:
+            matched_peaks = (group.chrom,
+                             group.midpoint,
+                             group.midpoint+1,
+                             group.normalized_value(med),
+                             group.num_replicates,
+                             group.median_distance,
+                             group.value_sum)
+            for peak in group.peaks.values():
+                matched_peaks += (peak.chrom, peak.midpoint, peak.midpoint+1, peak.value, peak.distance, peak.replicate.id)
+            detail_output.writerow(matched_peaks)
+    if output_unmatched_peaks_file:
+        for unmatched_peak in unmatched_peaks:
+            unmatched_peaks_output.writerow((unmatched_peak.chrom,
+                                             unmatched_peak.midpoint,
+                                             unmatched_peak.midpoint+1,
+                                             unmatched_peak.value,
+                                             unmatched_peak.distance,
+                                             unmatched_peak.replicate.id))
+    if output_statistics_histogram_file:
+        tmp_statistics_histogram_path = get_temporary_plot_path()
+        frequency_histogram([freq], tmp_statistics_histogram_path)
+        shutil.move(tmp_statistics_histogram_path, output_statistics_histogram)
+    return {'distribution': freq}