diff scpipe.R @ 3:7397e6badc11 draft

"planemo upload for repository https://github.com/galaxyproject/tools-iuc/tree/master/tools/scpipe commit 8007f71281553ddfa45e6f8e1172952d956bb000"
author iuc
date Thu, 11 Jun 2020 07:18:37 -0400
parents 5c4bca9dd4a2
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/scpipe.R	Mon Jan 14 08:06:47 2019 -0500
+++ b/scpipe.R	Thu Jun 11 07:18:37 2020 -0400
@@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
-options( show.error.messages=F, error = function () { cat( geterrmessage(), file=stderr() ); q( "no", 1, F ) } )
+err_foo <- function() {
+    cat(geterrmessage(), file = stderr());
+    q("no", 1, F)
+options(show.error.messages = F, error = err_foo)
 # we need that to not crash galaxy with an UTF8 error on German LC settings.
 loc <- Sys.setlocale("LC_MESSAGES", "en_US.UTF-8")
@@ -18,170 +22,171 @@
 option_list <- list(
-    make_option(c("-bam","--bam"), type="character", help="BAM file"),
-    make_option(c("-fasta","--fasta"), type="character", help="Genome fasta file"),
-    make_option(c("-exons","--exons"), type="character", help="Exon annotation gff3 file"),
-    make_option(c("-organism","--organism"), type="character", help="Organism e.g. hsapiens_gene_ensembl"),
-    make_option(c("-barcodes","--barcodes"), type="character", help="Cell barcodes csv file"),
-    make_option(c("-read1","--read1"), type="character", help="Read 1 fastq.gz"),
-    make_option(c("-read2","--read2"), type="character", help="Read 2 fastq.gz"),
-    make_option(c("-samplename","--samplename"), type="character", help="Name to use for sample"),
-    make_option(c("-bs1","--bs1"), type="integer", help="Barcode start in Read 1"),
-    make_option(c("-bl1","--bl1"), type="integer", help="Barcode length in Read 1"),
-    make_option(c("-bs2","--bs2"), type="integer", help="Barcode start in Read 2"),
-    make_option(c("-bl2","--bl2"), type="integer", help="Barcode length in Read 2"),
-    make_option(c("-us","--us"), type="integer", help="UMI start in Read 2"),
-    make_option(c("-ul","--ul"), type="integer", help="UMI length in Read 2"),
-    make_option(c("-rmlow","--rmlow"), type="logical", help="Remove reads with N in barcode or UMI"),
-    make_option(c("-rmN","--rmN"), type="logical", help="Remove reads with low quality"),
-    make_option(c("-minq","--minq"), type="integer", help="Minimum read quality"),
-    make_option(c("-numbq","--numbq"), type="integer", help="Maximum number of bases below minq"),
-    make_option(c("-stnd","--stnd"), type="logical", help="Perform strand-specific mapping"),
-    make_option(c("-max_mis","--max_mis"), type="integer", help="Maximum mismatch allowed in barcode"),
-    make_option(c("-UMI_cor","--UMI_cor"), type="integer", help="Correct UMI sequence error"),
-    make_option(c("-gene_fl","--gene_fl"), type="logical", help="Remove low abundant genes"),
-    make_option(c("-max_reads","--max_reads"), type="integer", help="Maximum reads processed"),
-    make_option(c("-min_count","--min_count"), type="integer", help="Minimum count to keep"),
-    make_option(c("-metrics_matrix","--metrics_matrix"), type="logical", help="QC metrics matrix"),
-    make_option(c("-keep_outliers","--keep_outliers"), type="logical", help="Keep outlier cells"),
-    make_option(c("-report","--report"), type="logical", help="HTML report of plots"),
-    make_option(c("-rdata","--rdata"), type="logical", help="Output RData file"),
-    make_option(c("-nthreads","--nthreads"), type="integer", help="Number of threads")
-  )
-parser <- OptionParser(usage = "%prog [options] file", option_list=option_list)
-args = parse_args(parser)
-bam = args$bam
-fa_fn = args$fasta
-anno_fn = args$exons
-fq_R1 = args$read1
-fq_R2 = args$read2
-read_structure = list(
-    bs1 = args$bs1,   # barcode start position in fq_R1, -1 indicates no barcode
-    bl1 = args$bl1,    # barcode length in fq_R1, 0 since no barcode present
-    bs2 = args$bs2,    # barcode start position in fq_R2
-    bl2 = args$bl2,   # barcode length in fq_R2
-    us = args$us,    # UMI start position in fq_R2
-    ul = args$ul     # UMI length
+    make_option(c("-bam", "--bam"), type = "character", help = "BAM file"),
+    make_option(c("-fasta", "--fasta"), type = "character", help = "Genome fasta file"),
+    make_option(c("-exons", "--exons"), type = "character", help = "Exon annotation gff3 file"),
+    make_option(c("-organism", "--organism"), type = "character", help = "Organism e.g. hsapiens_gene_ensembl"),
+    make_option(c("-barcodes", "--barcodes"), type = "character", help = "Cell barcodes csv file"),
+    make_option(c("-read1", "--read1"), type = "character", help = "Read 1 fastq.gz"),
+    make_option(c("-read2", "--read2"), type = "character", help = "Read 2 fastq.gz"),
+    make_option(c("-samplename", "--samplename"), type = "character", help = "Name to use for sample"),
+    make_option(c("-bs1", "--bs1"), type = "integer", help = "Barcode start in Read 1"),
+    make_option(c("-bl1", "--bl1"), type = "integer", help = "Barcode length in Read 1"),
+    make_option(c("-bs2", "--bs2"), type = "integer", help = "Barcode start in Read 2"),
+    make_option(c("-bl2", "--bl2"), type = "integer", help = "Barcode length in Read 2"),
+    make_option(c("-us", "--us"), type = "integer", help = "UMI start in Read 2"),
+    make_option(c("-ul", "--ul"), type = "integer", help = "UMI length in Read 2"),
+    make_option(c("-rmlow", "--rmlow"), type = "logical", help = "Remove reads with N in barcode or UMI"),
+    make_option(c("-rmN", "--rmN"), type = "logical", help = "Remove reads with low quality"),
+    make_option(c("-minq", "--minq"), type = "integer", help = "Minimum read quality"),
+    make_option(c("-numbq", "--numbq"), type = "integer", help = "Maximum number of bases below minq"),
+    make_option(c("-stnd", "--stnd"), type = "logical", help = "Perform strand-specific mapping"),
+    make_option(c("-max_mis", "--max_mis"), type = "integer", help = "Maximum mismatch allowed in barcode"),
+    make_option(c("-UMI_cor", "--UMI_cor"), type = "integer", help = "Correct UMI sequence error"),
+    make_option(c("-gene_fl", "--gene_fl"), type = "logical", help = "Remove low abundant genes"),
+    make_option(c("-max_reads", "--max_reads"), type = "integer", help = "Maximum reads processed"),
+    make_option(c("-min_count", "--min_count"), type = "integer", help = "Minimum count to keep"),
+    make_option(c("-metrics_matrix", "--metrics_matrix"), type = "logical", help = "QC metrics matrix"),
+    make_option(c("-keep_outliers", "--keep_outliers"), type = "logical", help = "Keep outlier cells"),
+    make_option(c("-report", "--report"), type = "logical", help = "HTML report of plots"),
+    make_option(c("-rdata", "--rdata"), type = "logical", help = "Output RData file"),
+    make_option(c("-nthreads", "--nthreads"), type = "integer", help = "Number of threads")
+parser <- OptionParser(usage = "%prog [options] file", option_list = option_list)
+args <- parse_args(parser)
+bam <- args$bam
+fa_fn <- args$fasta
+anno_fn <- args$exons
+fq_r1 <- args$read1
+fq_r2 <- args$read2
+read_structure <- list(bs1 = args$bs1,  # barcode start position in fq_r1, -1 indicates no barcode
+                       bl1 = args$bl1,  # barcode length in fq_r1, 0 since no barcode present
+                       bs2 = args$bs2,  # barcode start position in fq_r2
+                       bl2 = args$bl2,  # barcode length in fq_r2
+                       us = args$us,    # UMI start position in fq_r2
+                       ul = args$ul     # UMI length
+                      )
 if (args$us == -1) {
-  has_umi = FALSE
+  has_umi <- FALSE
 } else {
-  has_umi = TRUE
+  has_umi <- TRUE
-filter_settings=list(rmlow=args$rmlow, rmN=args$rmN, minq=args$minq, numbq=args$numbq)
+filter_settings <- list(rmlow = args$rmlow,
+                        rmN = args$rmN,
+                        minq = args$minq,
+                        numbq = args$numbq)
 # Outputs
-out_dir = "."
-mapped_bam = file.path(out_dir, "aligned.mapped.bam")
+out_dir <- "."
+mapped_bam <- file.path(out_dir, "aligned.mapped.bam")
 # if input is fastqs
 if (!is.null(fa_fn)) {
-  fasta_index = file.path(out_dir, paste0(fa_fn, ".fasta_index"))
-  combined_fastq = file.path(out_dir, "combined.fastq")
-  aligned_bam = file.path(out_dir, "aligned.bam")
+  fasta_index <- file.path(out_dir, paste0(fa_fn, ".fasta_index"))
+  combined_fastq <- file.path(out_dir, "combined.fastq")
+  aligned_bam <- file.path(out_dir, "aligned.bam")
   print("Trimming barcodes")
-                  fq_R1,
-                  fq_R2,
-                  read_structure=read_structure,
-                  filter_settings=filter_settings)
+                  fq_r1,
+                  fq_r2,
+                  read_structure = read_structure,
+                  filter_settings = filter_settings)
   print("Building genome index")
-  Rsubread::buildindex(basename=fasta_index, reference=fa_fn)
+  Rsubread::buildindex(basename = fasta_index, reference = fa_fn)
   print("Aligning reads to genome")
-  Rsubread::align(index=fasta_index,
-      readfile1=combined_fastq,
-      output_file=aligned_bam,
-      nthreads=args$nthreads)
+  Rsubread::align(index = fasta_index,
+                  readfile1 = combined_fastq,
+                  output_file = aligned_bam,
+                  nthreads = args$nthreads)
   if (!is.null(args$barcodes)) {
-    barcode_anno=args$barcodes
+    barcode_anno <- args$barcodes
   } else {
     print("Detecting barcodes")
     # detect 10X barcodes and generate sample_index.csv file
-    barcode_anno = "sample_index.csv"
-    sc_detect_bc(
-        infq=combined_fastq,
-        outcsv=barcode_anno,
-        bc_len=read_structure$bl2,
-        max_reads=args$max_reads,
-        min_count=args$min_count,
-        max_mismatch=args$max_mis
+    barcode_anno <- "sample_index.csv"
+    sc_detect_bc(infq = combined_fastq,
+                 outcsv = barcode_anno,
+                 bc_len = read_structure$bl2,
+                 max_reads = args$max_reads,
+                 min_count = args$min_count,
+                 max_mismatch = args$max_mis
 } else {
-   aligned_bam = file.path(out_dir, bam)
-   barcode_anno=args$barcodes
+   aligned_bam <- file.path(out_dir, bam)
+   barcode_anno <- args$barcodes
 print("Assigning reads to exons")
-sc_exon_mapping(aligned_bam, mapped_bam, anno_fn, bc_len=read_structure$bl2, UMI_len=read_structure$ul, stnd=args$stnd)
+sc_exon_mapping(aligned_bam, mapped_bam, anno_fn, bc_len = read_structure$bl2, UMI_len = read_structure$ul, stnd = args$stnd)
 print("De-multiplexing data")
-sc_demultiplex(mapped_bam, out_dir, barcode_anno, has_UMI=has_umi)
+sc_demultiplex(mapped_bam, out_dir, barcode_anno, has_UMI = has_umi)
 print("Counting genes")
-sc_gene_counting(out_dir, barcode_anno, UMI_cor=args$UMI_cor, gene_fl=args$gene_fl)
+sc_gene_counting(out_dir, barcode_anno, UMI_cor = args$UMI_cor, gene_fl = args$gene_fl)
 print("Performing QC")
 sce <- create_sce_by_dir(out_dir)
 if (has_umi) {
-  p = plot_UMI_dup(sce)
+  p <- plot_UMI_dup(sce)
-sce = calculate_QC_metrics(sce)
-sce = detect_outlier(sce)
-p = plot_mapping(sce, percentage=TRUE, dataname=args$samplename)
+sce <- calculate_QC_metrics(sce)
+sce <- detect_outlier(sce)
+p <- plot_mapping(sce, percentage = TRUE, dataname = args$samplename)
-p = plot_QC_pairs(sce)
+p <- plot_QC_pairs(sce)
 print("Removing outliers")
 if (is.null(args$keep_outliers)) {
-  sce = remove_outliers(sce)
+  sce <- remove_outliers(sce)
   gene_counts <- counts(sce)
-  write.table(data.frame("gene_id"=rownames(gene_counts), gene_counts), file="gene_count.tsv", sep="\t", quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)
+  write.table(data.frame("gene_id" = rownames(gene_counts), gene_counts), file = "gene_count.tsv", sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
 if (!is.null(args$metrics_matrix)) {
-  metrics <- colData(sce, internal=TRUE)
-  write.table(data.frame("cell_id"=rownames(metrics), metrics), file="metrics_matrix.tsv", sep="\t", quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)
+  metrics <- colData(sce, internal = TRUE)
+  write.table(data.frame("cell_id" = rownames(metrics), metrics), file = "metrics_matrix.tsv", sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
 if (!is.null(args$report) & (!is.null(fa_fn))) {
   print("Creating report")
-  create_report(sample_name=args$samplename,
-     outdir=out_dir,
-     r1=fq_R1,
-     r2=fq_R2,
-     outfq=combined_fastq,
-     read_structure=read_structure,
-     filter_settings=filter_settings,
-     align_bam=aligned_bam,
-     genome_index=fasta_index,
-     map_bam=mapped_bam,
-     exon_anno=anno_fn,
-     stnd=args$stnd,
-     fix_chr=FALSE,
-     barcode_anno=barcode_anno,
-     max_mis=args$max_mis,
-     UMI_cor=args$UMI_cor,
-     gene_fl=args$gene_fl,
-     organism=args$organism,
-     gene_id_type="ensembl_gene_id")
+  create_report(sample_name = args$samplename,
+                outdir = out_dir,
+                r1 = fq_r1,
+                r2 = fq_r2,
+                outfq = combined_fastq,
+                read_structure = read_structure,
+                filter_settings = filter_settings,
+                align_bam = aligned_bam,
+                genome_index = fasta_index,
+                map_bam = mapped_bam,
+                exon_anno = anno_fn,
+                stnd = args$stnd,
+                fix_chr = FALSE,
+                barcode_anno = barcode_anno,
+                max_mis = args$max_mis,
+                UMI_cor = args$UMI_cor,
+                gene_fl = args$gene_fl,
+                organism = args$organism,
+                gene_id_type = "ensembl_gene_id")
-if (!is.null(args$rdata) ) {
-  save(sce, file = file.path(out_dir,"scPipe_analysis.RData"))
+if (!is.null(args$rdata)) {
+  save(sce, file = file.path(out_dir, "scPipe_analysis.RData"))