changeset 15:fab6ff46e019 draft default tip

planemo upload for repository commit b437a46efb50e543b6d7c9988f954efe2caa9046
author iuc
date Fri, 07 Jul 2023 01:43:02 +0000
parents c0fd285eb553
files Seurat.R citeseq_Seurat.R macros.xml seurat.xml test-data/ test-data/markers.tsv test-data/protein_out.tsv test-data/ test-data/rna_out.tsv
diffstat 9 files changed, 2316 insertions(+), 157 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/Seurat.R	Mon Nov 21 14:35:28 2022 +0000
+++ b/Seurat.R	Fri Jul 07 01:43:02 2023 +0000
@@ -8,19 +8,24 @@
 #'     low_thresholds: ""
 #'     high_thresholds: ""
 #'     numPCs: ""
-#'     cells_use: ""
 #'     resolution: ""
 #'     perplexity: ""
 #'     min_pct: ""
 #'     logfc_threshold: ""
+#'     end_step: ""
 #'     showcode: ""
 #'     warn: ""
 #'     varstate: ""
 #'     vlnfeat: ""
 #'     featplot: ""
 #'     PCplots: ""
-#'     tsne: ""
+#'     nmds: ""
 #'     heatmaps: ""
+#'     norm_out: ""
+#'     variable_out: ""
+#'     pca_out : ""
+#'     clusters_out: ""
+#'     markers_out: ""
 #' ---
 # nolint start
@@ -34,87 +39,148 @@
 vlnfeat <- as.logical(params$vlnfeat)
 featplot <- as.logical(params$featplot)
 pc_plots <- as.logical(params$PCplots)
-tsne <- as.logical(params$tsne)
+nmds <- as.logical(params$nmds)
 heatmaps <- as.logical(params$heatmaps)
+end_step <- as.integer(params$end_step)
+norm_out <- as.logical(params$norm_out)
 # we need that to not crash Galaxy with an UTF-8 error on German LC settings.
 loc <- Sys.setlocale("LC_MESSAGES", "en_US.UTF-8")
 #+ echo = F, warning = `warn`, include =`varstate`
 min_cells <- as.integer(params$min_cells)
 min_genes <- as.integer(params$min_genes)
-low_thresholds <- as.integer(params$low_thresholds)
-high_thresholds <- as.integer(params$high_thresholds)
-num_pcs <- as.integer(params$numPCs)
-cells_use <- as.integer(params$cells_use)
-resolution <- as.double(params$resolution)
-perplexity <- as.integer(params$perplexity)
-min_pct <- as.double(params$min_pct)
-logfc_threshold <- as.double(params$logfc_thresh)
 print(paste0("Minimum cells: ", min_cells))
 print(paste0("Minimum features: ", min_genes))
+low_thresholds <- as.integer(params$low_thresholds)
+high_thresholds <- as.integer(params$high_thresholds)
 print(paste0("Umi low threshold: ", low_thresholds))
 print(paste0("Umi high threshold: ", high_thresholds))
-print(paste0("Number of principal components: ", num_pcs))
-print(paste0("Resolution: ", resolution))
-print(paste0("Perplexity: ", perplexity))
-print(paste0("Minimum percent of cells", min_pct))
-print(paste0("Logfold change threshold", logfc_threshold))
+if (end_step >= 2) {
+    variable_out <- as.logical(params$variable_out)
-#+ echo = FALSE
+if (end_step >= 3) {
+    num_pcs <- as.integer(params$numPCs)
+    print(paste0("Number of principal components: ", num_pcs))
+    pca_out <- as.logical(params$pca_out)
+if (end_step >= 4) {
+    if (params$perplexity == "") {
+       perplexity <- -1
+       print(paste0("Perplexity: ", perplexity))
+    } else { 
+        perplexity <- as.integer(params$perplexity)
+        print(paste0("Perplexity: ", perplexity))
+    }
+    resolution <- as.double(params$resolution)
+    print(paste0("Resolution: ", resolution))
+    clusters_out <- as.logical(params$clusters_out)
+if (end_step >= 5) {
+    min_pct <- as.double(params$min_pct)
+    logfc_threshold <- as.double(params$logfc_thresh)
+    print(paste0("Minimum percent of cells", min_pct))
+    print(paste0("Logfold change threshold", logfc_threshold))
+    markers_out <- as.logical(params$markers_out)
 if (showcode == TRUE) print("Read in data, generate inital Seurat object")
 #+ echo = `showcode`, warning = `warn`, message = F
 counts <- read.delim(params$counts, row.names = 1)
 seuset <- Seurat::CreateSeuratObject(counts = counts, min.cells = min_cells, min.features = min_genes)
-#+ echo = FALSE
 if (showcode == TRUE && vlnfeat == TRUE) print("Raw data vizualization")
 #+ echo = `showcode`, warning = `warn`, include=`vlnfeat`
-Seurat::VlnPlot(object = seuset, features = c("nFeature_RNA", "nCount_RNA"))
-Seurat::FeatureScatter(object = seuset, feature1 = "nCount_RNA", feature2 = "nFeature_RNA")
+if (vlnfeat == TRUE){
+    print(Seurat::VlnPlot(object = seuset, features = c("nFeature_RNA", "nCount_RNA")))
+    print(Seurat::FeatureScatter(object = seuset, feature1 = "nCount_RNA", feature2 = "nFeature_RNA"))
-#+ echo = FALSE
 if (showcode == TRUE) print("Filter and normalize for UMI counts")
 #+ echo = `showcode`, warning = `warn`
 seuset <- subset(seuset, subset = `nCount_RNA` > low_thresholds & `nCount_RNA` < high_thresholds)
 seuset <- Seurat::NormalizeData(seuset, normalization.method = "LogNormalize", scale.factor = 10000)
+if (norm_out == TRUE) {
+        saveRDS(seuset, "norm_out.rds")
-#+ echo = FALSE
-if (showcode == TRUE && featplot == TRUE) print("Variable Genes")
-#+ echo = `showcode`, warning = `warn`, include = `featplot`
-seuset <- Seurat::FindVariableFeatures(object = seuset, selection.method = "mvp")
-Seurat::VariableFeaturePlot(seuset, cols = c("black", "red"), selection.method = "disp")
-seuset <- Seurat::ScaleData(object = seuset, = "nCount_RNA")
+if (end_step >= 2) {
+    #+ echo = FALSE
+    if (showcode == TRUE && featplot == TRUE) print("Variable Genes")
+    #+ echo = `showcode`, warning = `warn`, include = `featplot`
+    seuset <- Seurat::FindVariableFeatures(object = seuset, selection.method = "mvp")
+    if (featplot == TRUE) {
+        print(Seurat::VariableFeaturePlot(seuset, cols = c("black", "red"), selection.method = "disp"))
+    }
+    seuset <- Seurat::ScaleData(object = seuset, = "nCount_RNA")
+    if (variable_out == TRUE) {
+        saveRDS(seuset, "var_out.rds")
+    }
-#+ echo = FALSE
-if (showcode == TRUE && pc_plots == TRUE) print("PCA Visualization")
-#+ echo = `showcode`, warning = `warn`, include = `pc_plots`
-seuset <- Seurat::RunPCA(seuset, npcs = num_pcs)
-Seurat::VizDimLoadings(seuset, dims = 1:2)
-Seurat::DimPlot(seuset, dims = c(1, 2), reduction = "pca")
-Seurat::DimHeatmap(seuset, dims = 1:num_pcs, nfeatures = 30, reduction = "pca")
-seuset <- Seurat::JackStraw(seuset, dims = num_pcs, reduction = "pca", num.replicate = 100)
-seuset <- Seurat::ScoreJackStraw(seuset, dims = 1:num_pcs)
-Seurat::JackStrawPlot(seuset, dims = 1:num_pcs)
-Seurat::ElbowPlot(seuset, ndims = num_pcs, reduction = "pca")
+if (end_step >= 3) {
+    #+ echo = FALSE
+    if (showcode == TRUE && pc_plots == TRUE) print("PCA Visualization")
+    #+ echo = `showcode`, warning = `warn`, include = `pc_plots`
+    seuset <- Seurat::RunPCA(seuset, npcs = num_pcs)
+    seuset <- Seurat::JackStraw(seuset, dims = num_pcs, reduction = "pca", num.replicate = 100)
+    seuset <- Seurat::ScoreJackStraw(seuset, dims = 1:num_pcs)
+    if (pc_plots == TRUE) {
+        print(Seurat::VizDimLoadings(seuset, dims = 1:2))
+        print(Seurat::DimPlot(seuset, dims = c(1, 2), reduction = "pca"))
+        print(Seurat::DimHeatmap(seuset, dims = 1:num_pcs, nfeatures = 30, reduction = "pca"))
+        print(Seurat::JackStrawPlot(seuset, dims = 1:num_pcs))
+        print(Seurat::ElbowPlot(seuset, ndims = num_pcs, reduction = "pca"))
+    }
+    if (pca_out == TRUE) {
+        saveRDS(seuset, "pca_out.rds")
+    }
-#+ echo = FALSE
-if (showcode == TRUE && tsne == TRUE) print("tSNE")
-#+ echo = `showcode`, warning = `warn`, include = `tsne`
-seuset <- Seurat::FindNeighbors(object = seuset)
-seuset <- Seurat::FindClusters(object = seuset)
-if (perplexity == -1) {
-    seuset <- Seurat::RunTSNE(seuset, dims = 1:num_pcs, resolution = resolution);
-} else {
-    seuset <- Seurat::RunTSNE(seuset, dims = 1:num_pcs, resolution = resolution, perplexity = perplexity);
+if (end_step >= 4) {
+    #+ echo = FALSE
+    if (showcode == TRUE && nmds == TRUE) print("tSNE and UMAP")
+    #+ echo = `showcode`, warning = `warn`, include = `nmds`
+    seuset <- Seurat::FindNeighbors(object = seuset)
+    seuset <- Seurat::FindClusters(object = seuset)
+    if (perplexity == -1) {
+        seuset <- Seurat::RunTSNE(seuset, dims = 1:num_pcs, resolution = resolution);
+    } else {
+        seuset <- Seurat::RunTSNE(seuset, dims = 1:num_pcs, resolution = resolution, perplexity = perplexity);
+    }
+    if (nmds == TRUE) {
+        print(Seurat::DimPlot(seuset, reduction = "tsne"))
+    }
+    seuset <- Seurat::RunUMAP(seuset, dims = 1:num_pcs)
+    if (nmds == TRUE) {
+            print(Seurat::DimPlot(seuset, reduction = "umap"))
+    }
+    if (clusters_out == TRUE) {
+        tsnedata <- Seurat::Embeddings(seuset, reduction="tsne")
+        saveRDS(seuset, "tsne_out.rds")
+        umapdata <- Seurat::Embeddings(seuset, reduction="umap")
+        saveRDS(seuset, "umap_out.rds")
+    }
-Seurat::DimPlot(seuset, reduction = "tsne")
-#+ echo = FALSE
-if (showcode == TRUE && heatmaps == TRUE) print("Marker Genes")
-#+ echo = `showcode`, warning = `warn`, include = `heatmaps`
-markers <- Seurat::FindAllMarkers(seuset, only.pos = TRUE, min.pct = min_pct, logfc.threshold = logfc_threshold)
-top10 <- dplyr::group_by(markers, cluster)
-top10 <- dplyr::top_n(top10, 10, avg_log2FC)
-Seurat::DoHeatmap(seuset, features = top10$gene)
+if (end_step == 5) {
+    #+ echo = FALSE
+    if (showcode == TRUE && heatmaps == TRUE) print("Marker Genes")
+    #+ echo = `showcode`, warning = `warn`, include = `heatmaps`
+    markers <- Seurat::FindAllMarkers(seuset, only.pos = TRUE, min.pct = min_pct, logfc.threshold = logfc_threshold)
+    top10 <- dplyr::group_by(markers, cluster)
+    top10 <- dplyr::top_n(top10, n = 10, wt = avg_log2FC)
+    print(top10)
+    if (heatmaps == TRUE) {
+        print(Seurat::DoHeatmap(seuset, features = top10$gene))
+    }
+    if (markers_out == TRUE) {
+        saveRDS(seuset, "markers_out.rds")
+        data.table::fwrite(x = markers, row.names=TRUE, sep="\t", file = "markers_out.tsv")
+    }
 # nolint end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/citeseq_Seurat.R	Fri Jul 07 01:43:02 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+#' ---
+#' title: "Seurat Cite-seq Analysis"
+#' author: "Performed using Galaxy"
+#' params:
+#'     rna: ""
+#'     prot: ""
+#'     min_cells: ""
+#'     min_genes: ""
+#'     low_thresholds: ""
+#'     high_thresholds: ""
+#'     numPCs: ""
+#'     resolution: ""
+#'     perplexity: ""
+#'     min_pct: ""
+#'     logfc_threshold: ""
+#'     showcode: ""
+#'     warn: ""
+#'     varstate: ""
+#'     vlnfeat: ""
+#'     featplot: ""
+#'     PCplots: ""
+#'     nmds: ""
+#'     heatmaps: ""
+#'     norm_out: ""
+#'     variable_out: ""
+#'     pca_out : ""
+#'     clusters_out: ""
+#'     markers_out: ""
+#'     cite_markers: ""
+#'     comparison: ""
+#'     feat_comp: ""
+#'     marker_compare: ""
+#'     top_x: ""
+#' ---
+# nolint start
+#+ echo=F, warning = F, message=F
+options(show.error.messages = F, error = function() {
+    cat(geterrmessage(), file = stderr()); q("no", 1, F)
+# we need that to not crash Galaxy with an UTF-8 error on German LC settings.
+loc <- Sys.setlocale("LC_MESSAGES", "en_US.UTF-8")
+showcode <- as.logical(params$showcode)
+warn <-  as.logical(params$warn)
+varstate <- as.logical(params$varstate)
+vlnfeat <- as.logical(params$vlnfeat)
+featplot <- as.logical(params$featplot)
+pc_plots <- as.logical(params$PCplots)
+nmds <- as.logical(params$nmds)
+heatmaps <- as.logical(params$heatmaps)
+end_step <- as.integer(params$end_step)
+norm_out <- as.logical(params$norm_out)
+comparison <- as.logical(params$comparison)
+feature <- trimws(unlist(strsplit(as.character(params$feat_comp), ",")))
+marker_compare <- as.logical(params$marker_compare)
+top_x <- as.integer(params$top_x)
+min_cells <- as.integer(params$min_cells)
+min_genes <- as.integer(params$min_genes)
+low_thresholds <- as.integer(params$low_thresholds)
+high_thresholds <- as.integer(params$high_thresholds)
+num_pcs <- as.integer(params$numPCs)
+cells_use <- as.integer(params$cells_use)
+resolution <- as.double(params$resolution)
+min_pct <- as.double(params$min_pct)
+logfc_threshold <- as.double(params$logfc_thresh)
+variable_out <- as.logical(params$variable_out)
+pca_out <- as.logical(params$pca_out)
+clusters_out <- as.logical(params$clusters_out)
+markers_out <- as.logical(params$markers_out)
+print(paste0("Minimum cells: ", min_cells))
+print(paste0("Minimum features: ", min_genes))
+print(paste0("Umi low threshold: ", low_thresholds))
+print(paste0("Umi high threshold: ", high_thresholds))
+print(paste0("Number of principal components: ", num_pcs))
+print(paste0("Resolution: ", resolution))
+print(paste0("Minimum percent of cells", min_pct))
+print(paste0("Logfold change threshold", logfc_threshold))
+if (params$perplexity == "") {
+    perplexity <- -1
+    print(paste0("Perplexity: ", perplexity))
+} else { 
+    perplexity <- as.integer(params$perplexity)
+    print(paste0("Perplexity: ", perplexity))
+#+ echo = FALSE
+if (showcode == TRUE) print("Read in data, generate inital Seurat object")
+#+ echo = `showcode`, warning = `warn`, message = F
+rna <- read.delim(params$rna, row.names = 1)
+rna <- Seurat::CollapseSpeciesExpressionMatrix(rna)
+protein <- read.delim(params$prot, row.names = 1)
+tryCatch(all.equal(colnames(rna), colnames(protein)), error = "Columns do not match in input files")
+seuset <- Seurat::CreateSeuratObject(counts = rna, min.cells = min_cells, min.features = min_genes)
+if (showcode == TRUE) print("asdf")
+#+ echo = `showcode`, warning = `warn`, message = F
+prot_obj <- Seurat::CreateAssayObject(counts = protein)
+if (showcode == TRUE) print("qwer")
+#+ echo = `showcode`, warning = `warn`, message = F
+seuset[["ADT"]] <- prot_obj
+if (showcode == TRUE) print("zxcv")
+#+ echo = `showcode`, warning = `warn`, message = F
+Seurat::DefaultAssay(seuset) <- "RNA"
+if (showcode == TRUE && vlnfeat == TRUE) print("Raw data vizualization")
+#+ echo = `showcode`, warning = `warn`, include=`vlnfeat`
+if (vlnfeat == TRUE){
+    print(Seurat::VlnPlot(object = seuset, features = c("nFeature_RNA", "nCount_RNA")))
+    print(Seurat::FeatureScatter(object = seuset, feature1 = "nCount_RNA", feature2 = "nFeature_RNA"))
+if (showcode == TRUE) print("Filter and normalize for UMI counts")
+#+ echo = `showcode`, warning = `warn`
+seuset <- subset(seuset, subset = `nCount_RNA` > low_thresholds & `nCount_RNA` < high_thresholds)
+seuset <- Seurat::NormalizeData(seuset, normalization.method = "LogNormalize", scale.factor = 10000)
+if (norm_out == TRUE) {
+        saveRDS(seuset, "norm_out.rds")
+if (showcode == TRUE && featplot == TRUE) print("Variable Genes")
+#+ echo = `showcode`, warning = `warn`, include = `featplot`
+seuset <- Seurat::FindVariableFeatures(object = seuset, selection.method = "mvp")
+if (featplot == TRUE) {
+    print(Seurat::VariableFeaturePlot(seuset, cols = c("black", "red"), selection.method = "disp"))
+seuset <- Seurat::ScaleData(object = seuset, = "nCount_RNA")
+if (variable_out == TRUE) {
+    saveRDS(seuset, "var_out.rds")
+if (showcode == TRUE && pc_plots == TRUE) print("PCA Visualization")
+#+ echo = `showcode`, warning = `warn`, include = `pc_plots`
+seuset <- Seurat::RunPCA(seuset, npcs = num_pcs)
+seuset <- Seurat::JackStraw(seuset, dims = num_pcs, reduction = "pca", num.replicate = 100)
+seuset <- Seurat::ScoreJackStraw(seuset, dims = 1:num_pcs)
+if (pc_plots == TRUE) {
+    print(Seurat::VizDimLoadings(seuset, dims = 1:2))
+    print(Seurat::DimPlot(seuset, dims = c(1, 2), reduction = "pca"))
+    print(Seurat::DimHeatmap(seuset, dims = 1:num_pcs, nfeatures = 10, reduction = "pca"))
+    print(Seurat::JackStrawPlot(seuset, dims = 1:num_pcs))
+    print(Seurat::ElbowPlot(seuset, ndims = num_pcs, reduction = "pca"))
+if (pca_out == TRUE) {
+    saveRDS(seuset, "pca_out.rds")
+if (showcode == TRUE && nmds == TRUE) print("tSNE and UMAP")
+#+ echo = `showcode`, warning = `warn`, include = `nmds`
+seuset <- Seurat::FindNeighbors(object = seuset)
+seuset <- Seurat::FindClusters(object = seuset)
+if (perplexity == -1) {
+    seuset <- Seurat::RunTSNE(seuset, dims = 1:num_pcs, resolution = resolution, check_duplicates = FALSE)
+} else {
+    seuset <- Seurat::RunTSNE(seuset, dims = 1:num_pcs, resolution = resolution, perplexity = perplexity, check_duplicates = FALSE)
+if (nmds == TRUE) {
+    print(Seurat::DimPlot(seuset, reduction = "tsne"))
+seuset <- Seurat::RunUMAP(seuset, dims = 1:num_pcs)
+if (nmds == TRUE) {
+        print(Seurat::DimPlot(seuset, reduction = "umap"))
+if (clusters_out == TRUE) {
+    tsnedata <- Seurat::Embeddings(seuset, reduction="tsne")
+    saveRDS(seuset, "tsne_out.rds")
+    umapdata <- Seurat::Embeddings(seuset, reduction="umap")
+    saveRDS(seuset, "umap_out.rds")
+if (showcode == TRUE && heatmaps == TRUE) print("Marker Genes")
+#+ echo = `showcode`, warning = `warn`, include = `heatmaps`
+markers <- Seurat::FindAllMarkers(seuset, only.pos = TRUE, min.pct = min_pct, logfc.threshold = logfc_threshold)
+top10 <- dplyr::group_by(markers, cluster)
+top10 <- dplyr::top_n(top10, n = 10, wt = avg_log2FC)
+if (heatmaps == TRUE) {
+    print(Seurat::DoHeatmap(seuset, features = top10$gene))
+if (markers_out == TRUE) {
+    saveRDS(seuset, "markers_out.rds")
+    data.table::fwrite(x = markers, row.names=TRUE, sep="\t", file = "markers_out.tsv")
+#+ echo = FALSE
+if (showcode == TRUE && comparison == TRUE) print("Compare")
+#+ echo = `showcode`, warning = `warn`, include = `comparison`
+  Seurat::DefaultAssay(seuset) <- "ADT"
+  seuset <- Seurat::NormalizeData(seuset, normalization.method = "CLR", margin = 2)
+  Seurat::DefaultAssay(seuset) <- "RNA"
+  seuset <- Seurat::NormalizeData(seuset, normalization.method = "CLR", margin = 2, assay = "ADT")
+if (comparison == TRUE) {
+  for(x in feature) {
+    Seurat::DefaultAssay(seuset) <- "ADT"
+    p1 <- Seurat::FeaturePlot(seuset, x, cols = c("lightgrey", "red")) + ggplot2::ggtitle(paste0("Protein:", " ", x))
+    Seurat::DefaultAssay(seuset) <- "RNA"
+    p2 <- Seurat::FeaturePlot(seuset, x) + ggplot2::ggtitle(paste0("RNA:", " ", x))
+    print(p1 | p2)
+    label <- as.character(paste0(Seurat::Key(seuset[["ADT"]]), x))
+    print(Seurat::VlnPlot(seuset, paste0("rna_", x)))
+    print(Seurat::VlnPlot(seuset, paste0("adt_", x)))
+  }
+#+ echo = FALSE
+if (showcode == TRUE) print("Cite-seq")
+#+ echo = `showcode`, warning = `warn`, include = `marker_compare`
+rna_markers <- Seurat::FindAllMarkers(seuset, only.pos = TRUE, min.pct = min_pct, logfc.threshold = logfc_threshold, assay="RNA")
+protein_markers <- Seurat::FindAllMarkers(seuset, only.pos = TRUE, min.pct = min_pct, logfc.threshold = logfc_threshold, assay="ADT")
+if (marker_compare == TRUE) {
+  data.table::fwrite(x = rna_markers, sep="\t", file = "rna_out.tsv")
+  data.table::fwrite(x = protein_markers, sep="\t", file = "protein_out.tsv")
+toprna <- dplyr::top_n(dplyr::group_by(rna_markers, cluster), n=5, avg_log2FC)
+toprna <- head(as.list(unique($gene)), top_x)
+topprot <- dplyr::top_n(dplyr::group_by(protein_markers, cluster), n=5, avg_log2FC)
+topprot <- head(as.list(unique($gene)), top_x)
+if(marker_compare == TRUE) {
+  pdf(file="citeseq_out.pdf")
+  rna_labels <- as.vector(toprna)
+  rna_labels <- rna_labels[!duplicated(rna_labels)]
+  prot_labels <- as.vector(topprot)
+  prot_labels <- prot_labels[!duplicated(prot_labels)]
+  for(rnamarker in rna_labels) {
+    rnamarker <-  paste("rna_", rnamarker, sep = "")
+    for(protmarker in prot_labels) {
+      protmarker <- paste("adt_", protmarker, sep="")
+      plot <- Seurat::FeatureScatter(seuset, feature1 = rnamarker, feature2 = protmarker) + ggplot2::ggtitle(paste0(rnamarker, " vs ", protmarker))
+      print(plot)
+    }
+  }
+  for(rnamarker in rna_labels) {
+    rnamarker <-  paste("rna_", rnamarker, sep = "")
+    for(rnamarker2 in rna_labels) {
+      rnamarker2 <- paste("rna_", rnamarker2, sep="")
+      plot <- Seurat::FeatureScatter(seuset, feature1 = rnamarker, feature2 = rnamarker2) + ggplot2::ggtitle(paste0(rnamarker, " vs ", rnamarker2))
+      print(plot)
+    }
+  }
+  for(protmarker in prot_labels) {
+    protmarker <-  paste("adt_", protmarker, sep = "")
+    for(protmarker2 in prot_labels) {
+      protmarker2 <- paste("adt_", protmarker2, sep="")
+      plot <- Seurat::FeatureScatter(seuset, feature1 = protmarker, feature2 = protmarker2) + ggplot2::ggtitle(paste0(protmarker, " vs ", protmarker2))
+      print(plot)
+    }
+  }
+# nolint end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/macros.xml	Fri Jul 07 01:43:02 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+    <token name="@TOOL_VERSION@"></token>
+    <token name="@FUNCTION_BASE@">function['function_select'] == "base"</token>
+    <token name="@FUNCTION_CITE@">function['function_select'] == "cite"</token>
+    <token name="@VARIABLE_CONTINUE@">function['variable_continue']['variable_continue'] == "yes"</token>
+    <token name="@PCA_CONTINUE@">function['variable_continue']['pca_continue']['pca_continue'] == "yes"</token>
+    <token name="@CLUSTERS_CONTINUE@">function['variable_continue']['pca_continue']['clusters_continue']['clusters_continue'] == "yes"</token>
+    <token name="@MARKERS_CONTINUE@">function['variable_continue']['pca_continue']['clusters_continue']['markers_continue']['markers_continue'] == "yes"</token>
+    <xml name="requirements">
+        <requirements>
+            <requirement type="package" version="@TOOL_VERSION@">r-seurat</requirement>
+            <requirement type="package" version="2.22">r-rmarkdown</requirement>
+            <requirement type="package" version="1.14.2">r-data.table</requirement>
+        </requirements>
+    </xml>
+    <xml name="norm" label="Normalizing data" expanded="true">
+        <param name="low_thresholds" type="integer" value="1" min="0" label="Low threshold for filtering cells" />
+        <param name="high_thresholds" type="integer" value="20000000" min="1" label="High threshold for filtering cells" />
+        <param name="vlnfeat"  type="boolean" truevalue="T" falsevalue="F" label="Include violin plot and scatter plot of cell features"/>
+        <param name="norm_file" type="boolean" truevalue="T" falsevalue="F" label="Output seurat object after data normalization"/>
+    </xml>
+    <xml name="variable" label="Variable features" expanded="true">
+        <param name="featplot" type="boolean" truevalue="T" falsevalue="F" label="Include plot of variable features"/>
+        <param name="var_file" type="boolean" truevalue="T" falsevalue="F" label="Output seurat object after data scaling"/>
+    </xml>
+    <xml name="pca"  label="Principal component analysis" expanded="true">
+        <param name="num_PCs" type="integer" min="0" value="10" label="Number of PCs to use in plots" help="Uses this number of PCs in PCHEatmap, JackStrawPlot, FindClusters, RunTSNE" />
+        <param name="pc_plots" type="boolean" truevalue="T" falsevalue="F" label="Include PCA plots"/>
+        <param name="pca_file" type="boolean" truevalue="T" falsevalue="F" label="Output seurat object after PCA analysis"/>
+    </xml>
+    <xml name="clusters" label="Multidimensional scaling and Clustering" expanded="true">
+        <param name="perplexity" type="integer" value="" optional="true" label="Perplexity parameter" help="Parameter for the tSNE dimensionality reduction" min="1"/>
+        <param name="resolution" type="float" value="0.6" min="0" label="Resolution parameter" help="Value of the resolution parameter used in FindClusters, use a value above (below) 1.0 if you want to obtain a larger (smaller) number of communities" />
+        <param name="nmds" type="boolean" truevalue="T" falsevalue="F" label="Include UMAP and TSNE plots"/>
+        <param name="clusters_file" type="boolean" truevalue="T" falsevalue="F" label="Output seurat object after TSNE and UMAP analysis"/>
+    </xml>
+    <xml name="markers"  label="Marker genes" expanded="true">
+        <param name="min_pct" type="float" value="0.1" min="0" max="1.0" label="Minimum percent cells" help="With FindMarkers, only test genes that are detected in at least this percentage of cells in either of the two populations. Meant to speed up the function by not testing genes that are very infrequently expressed" />
+        <param name="logfc_threshold" type="float" min="0" value="0.25" label="Log fold change threshold"
+            help="With FindMarkers, limit testing to genes which show, on average, at least X-fold difference (log-scale) between the two groups of cells. Increasing this parameter speeds up the function, but can miss weaker signals" />
+        <param name="heatmaps" type="boolean" truevalue="T" falsevalue="F" label="Include heatmaps of markers"/>
+        <param name="markers_file" type="boolean" truevalue="T" falsevalue="F" label="Output marker data"/>
+    </xml>
+    <xml name="cite-seq" label="Cite-seq analysis" expanded="true">
+        <param name="cite_markers" type="boolean" truevalue="T" falsevalue="F" label="Output list of cite-seq markers"/>
+        <conditional name="comparison">
+                <param name="comparison" type="select" label="Compare specific feature's effect on protein and rna expression?">
+                    <option value="yes">Yes</option>
+                    <option value="no" selected="true">No</option>
+                </param>
+                <when value="yes">
+                    <param name="feat_comp" type="text" label="Feature(s) to inspect" help="Comma-separated list of features to directly compare with protein and RNA expression"/>
+                </when>
+                <when value="no"/>
+        </conditional>
+        <conditional name="marker_compare">
+            <param name="marker_compare" type="select" label="Compare top RNA and protein features graphically against themselves and one another">
+                <option value="yes">Yes</option>
+                <option value="no">No</option>
+            </param>
+            <when value="yes">
+                <param name="top_x" type="integer" min="1" value="5" label="How many of the top features should be shown"/>
+            </when>
+            <when value="no"/>
+        </conditional>
+    </xml>
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/seurat.xml	Mon Nov 21 14:35:28 2022 +0000
+++ b/seurat.xml	Fri Jul 07 01:43:02 2023 +0000
@@ -1,119 +1,322 @@
-<tool id="seurat" name="Seurat" version="@TOOL_VERSION@+galaxy0">
+<tool id="seurat" name="Seurat" version="@TOOL_VERSION@+galaxy1">
     <description>- toolkit for exploration of single-cell RNA-seq data</description>
-        <token name="@TOOL_VERSION@">4.3.0</token>
+        <import>macros.xml</import>
-    <requirements>
-        <requirement type="package" version="@TOOL_VERSION@">r-seurat</requirement>
-        <requirement type="package" version="2.18">r-rmarkdown</requirement>
-    </requirements>
+    <expand macro="requirements"/>
     <command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[
-#if "vln" in $meta.plots:
-    #set $vln = 'T'
-    #set $vln = 'F'
-#end if
-#if "feat" in $meta.plots:
-    #set $feat = 'T'
-    #set $feat = 'F'
-#end if
-#if "PCs" in $meta.plots:
-    #set $PCs = 'T'
-    #set $PCs = 'F'
-#end if
-#if "tsne" in $meta.plots:
-    #set $tsne = 'T'
-    #set $tsne = 'F'
-#end if
-#if "heat" in $meta.plots:
-    #set $heatmaps = 'T'
-    #set $heatmaps = 'F'
-#end if
-#if not str($adv.perplexity):
-    #set $adv_perplexity = -1
-    #set $adv_perplexity = $adv.perplexity
-#end if
-Rscript -e "library(\"rmarkdown\"); render(\"$__tool_directory__/Seurat.R\",
-    params = list(counts = \"${counts}\",
-        min_cells = \"${adv.min_cells}\",
-        min_genes = \"${adv.min_genes}\",
-        low_thresholds = \"${adv.low_thresholds}\",
-        high_thresholds = \"${adv.high_thresholds}\",
-        numPCs = \"${adv.num_PCs}\",
-        cells_use = \"${adv.cells_use}\",
-        resolution = \"${adv.resolution}\",
-        perplexity = \"${adv_perplexity}\",
-        min_pct = \"${adv.min_pct}\",
-        logfc_threshold = \"${adv.logfc_threshold}\",
+    #if $function.function_select == "base": 
+        Rscript -e "library(\"rmarkdown\"); render(\"$__tool_directory__/Seurat.R\",
+        params = list(counts = \"${function.input}\",
+        min_cells = \"${function.min_cells}\",
+        min_genes = \"${function.min_genes}\",
+        low_thresholds = \"${function.low_thresholds}\",
+        high_thresholds = \"${function.high_thresholds}\",
+        vlnfeat = \"${function.vlnfeat}\",
+        norm_out = \"${function.norm_file}\",
+        #if $function.variable_continue.variable_continue == "yes":
+            featplot = \"${function.variable_continue.featplot}\",
+            variable_out = \"${function.variable_continue.var_file}\",
+            #if $function.variable_continue.pca_continue.pca_continue == "yes":
+                numPCs = \"${function.variable_continue.pca_continue.num_PCs}\",
+                PCplots = \"${function.variable_continue.pca_continue.pc_plots}\",
+                pca_out = \"${function.variable_continue.pca_continue.pca_file}\",
+                #if $function.variable_continue.pca_continue.clusters_continue.clusters_continue == "yes":
+                    perplexity = \"${function.variable_continue.pca_continue.clusters_continue.perplexity}\",
+                    resolution = \"${function.variable_continue.pca_continue.clusters_continue.resolution}\",
+                    nmds = \"${function.variable_continue.pca_continue.clusters_continue.nmds}\",
+                    clusters_out = \"${function.variable_continue.pca_continue.clusters_continue.clusters_file}\",
+                    #if $function.variable_continue.pca_continue.clusters_continue.markers_continue.markers_continue == "yes":
+                        min_pct = \"${function.variable_continue.pca_continue.clusters_continue.markers_continue.min_pct}\",
+                        logfc_threshold = \"${function.variable_continue.pca_continue.clusters_continue.markers_continue.logfc_threshold}\",
+                        heatmaps = \"${function.variable_continue.pca_continue.clusters_continue.markers_continue.heatmaps}\",
+                        markers_out = \"${function.variable_continue.pca_continue.clusters_continue.markers_continue.markers_file}\",
+                        end_step="\"5"\",
+                    #else:
+                        end_step="\"4"\",
+                    #end if
+                #else:
+                    end_step="\"3"\",
+                #end if
+            #else:
+                end_step="\"2"\",
+            #end if
+        #else:
+            end_step="\"1"\",
+        #end if
+        varstate = \"${meta.varstate}\",
         warn = \"${meta.warn}\",
+        showcode = \"${meta.showcode}\"),
+        intermediates_dir = \".\",
+        output_format = html_document(),
+        output_dir = \".\",
+        output_file = \"out.html\")"
+    #else:
+        Rscript -e "library(\"rmarkdown\"); render(\"$__tool_directory__/citeseq_Seurat.R\",
+        params = list(rna = \"${function.rna}\",
+        prot = \"${function.prot}\",
+        cite_markers = \"${function.cite_markers}\",
+        #if $function.comparison.comparison == "yes"
+            comparison="\"T"\",
+            feat_comp=\"${function.comparison.feat_comp}\",
+        #else:
+            comparison="\"F"\",
+            feat_comp="\""\",
+        #end if
+        #if $function.marker_compare.marker_compare == "yes"
+            marker_compare="\"T"\",
+            top_x=\"${function.marker_compare.top_x}\",
+        #else:
+            marker_compare="\"F"\",
+            top_x="\""\",
+        #end if
+        min_cells = \"${function.min_cells}\",
+        min_genes = \"${function.min_genes}\",
+        low_thresholds = \"${function.low_thresholds}\",
+        high_thresholds = \"${function.high_thresholds}\",
+        vlnfeat = \"${function.vlnfeat}\",
+        norm_out = \"${function.norm_file}\",
+        featplot = \"${function.featplot}\",
+        variable_out = \"${function.var_file}\",
+        numPCs = \"${function.num_PCs}\",
+        PCplots = \"${function.pc_plots}\",
+        pca_out = \"${function.pca_file}\",
+        perplexity = \"${function.perplexity}\",
+        resolution = \"${function.resolution}\",
+        nmds = \"${function.nmds}\",
+        clusters_out = \"${function.clusters_file}\",
+        min_pct = \"${function.min_pct}\",
+        logfc_threshold = \"${function.logfc_threshold}\",
+        heatmaps = \"${function.heatmaps}\",
+        markers_out = \"${function.markers_file}\",
         varstate = \"${meta.varstate}\",
-        showcode = \"${meta.showcode}\",
-        vlnfeat = \"$vln\",
-        featplot = \"$feat\",
-        PCplots = \"$PCs\",
-        tsne = \"$tsne\",
-        heatmaps = \"$heatmaps\"),
-    intermediates_dir = \".\",
-    output_format = html_document(),
-    output_dir = \".\",
-    output_file = \"out.html\")"
+        warn = \"${meta.warn}\",
+        showcode = \"${meta.showcode}\"),
+        intermediates_dir = \".\",
+        output_format = html_document(),
+        output_dir = \".\",
+        output_file = \"out.html\")"
+    #end if
-        <param name="counts" type="data" format="tabular,tsv" label="Counts file" help="The should be a TAB-separated count matrix with gene identifers in the first column and a header row"/>
-        <section name="adv" title="Advanced Options" expanded="true">
-            <param name="num_PCs" type="integer" min="0" value="10" label="Number of PCs to use in plots" help="Uses this number of PCs in PCHEatmap, JackStrawPlot, FindClusters, RunTSNE" />
-            <param name="min_cells" type="integer" min="0" value="0" label="Minimum cells" help="Include genes with detected expression in at least this many cells" />
-            <param name="min_genes" type="integer" min="0"  value="0" label="Minimum genes" help="Include cells where at least this many genes are detected" />
-            <param name="low_thresholds" type="integer" value="1" label="Low threshold for filtering cells" />
-            <param name="high_thresholds" type="integer" value="20000000" label="High threshold for filtering cells" />
-            <param name="cells_use" type="integer" min="1" value="500" label="Cells to use for PCHeatmap" help="Plots this number of top ‘extreme’ cells on both ends of the spectrum, which dramatically speeds plotting for large datasets" />
-            <param name="resolution" type="float" value="0.6" label="Resolution parameter" help="Value of the resolution parameter used in FindClusters, use a value above (below) 1.0 if you want to obtain a larger (smaller) number of communities" />
-            <param name="perplexity" type="integer" value="" optional="true" label="Perplexity parameter" help="Parameter for the tSNE dimensionality reduction" />
-            <param name="min_pct" type="float" value="0.1" label="Minimum percent cells" help="With FindMarkers, only test genes that are detected in at least this percentage of cells in either of the two populations. Meant to speed up the function by not testing genes that are very infrequently expressed" />
-            <param name="logfc_threshold" type="float" min="0" value="0.25" label="Log fold change threshold"
-                help="With FindMarkers, limit testing to genes which show, on average, at least X-fold difference (log-scale) between the two groups of cells. Increasing this parameter speeds up the function, but can miss weaker signals" />
-        </section>
+        <conditional name="function">
+            <param name="function_select" type="select" label="Which Seurat method should be run?">
+                <option value="base">Base</option>
+                <option value="cite">Cite-seq</option>
+            </param>
+            <when value="base">
+                <param name="input" type="data" format="tabular,tsv" label="Counts file" help="The should be a TAB-separated count matrix with gene identifers in the first column and a header row"/>
+                <param name="min_cells" type="integer" min="0" value="0" label="Minimum cells" help="Include genes with detected expression in at least this many cells" />
+                <param name="min_genes" type="integer" min="0"  value="0" label="Minimum genes" help="Include cells where at least this many genes are detected"/>
+                <expand macro="norm"/>
+                <conditional name="variable_continue">
+                    <param name="variable_continue" type="select" label="Continue workflow after Normalization step?">
+                        <option value="yes">Yes</option>
+                        <option value="no" selected="true">No</option>
+                    </param>
+                    <when value="yes">
+                        <expand macro="variable"/>
+                        <conditional name="pca_continue">
+                            <param name="pca_continue" type="select" label="Continue workflow after scaling step?">
+                                <option value="yes">Yes</option>
+                                <option value="no" selected="true">No</option>
+                            </param>
+                            <when value="yes">
+                                <expand macro="pca"/>
+                                <conditional name="clusters_continue">
+                                    <param name="clusters_continue" type="select" label="Continue workflow after PCA step?">
+                                        <option value="yes">Yes</option>
+                                        <option value="no" selected="true">No</option>
+                                    </param>
+                                    <when value="yes">
+                                        <expand macro="clusters"/>
+                                        <conditional name="markers_continue">
+                                            <param name="markers_continue" type="select" label="Continue workflow after TSNE and UMAP step?">
+                                                <option value="yes">Yes</option>
+                                                <option value="no" selected="true">No</option>
+                                            </param>
+                                            <when value="yes">
+                                                <expand macro="markers"/>
+                                            </when>
+                                            <when value="no"/>
+                                        </conditional>
+                                    </when>
+                                    <when value="no"/>
+                                </conditional>
+                            </when>
+                            <when value="no"/>
+                        </conditional>
+                    </when>
+                    <when value="no"/>
+                </conditional>
+            </when>
+            <when value="cite">
+                <param name="rna" type="data" format="tabular,tsv" label="RNA counts file" help="The should be a TAB-separated count matrix with gene identifers in the first column and a header row"/>
+                <param name="prot" type="data" format="tabular,tsv" label="Protein counts file" help="The should be a TAB-separated count matrix with gene identifers in the first column and a header row"/>
+                <param name="min_cells" type="integer" min="0" value="0" label="Minimum cells" help="Include genes with detected expression in at least this many cells" />
+                <param name="min_genes" type="integer" min="0"  value="0" label="Minimum genes" help="Include cells where at least this many genes are detected"/>
+                <expand macro="norm"/>
+                <expand macro="variable"/>
+                <expand macro="pca"/>
+                <expand macro="clusters"/>
+                <expand macro="markers"/>
+                <expand macro="cite-seq"/>
+            </when>
+        </conditional>
         <section name="meta" title="Output options" expanded="true">
             <param name="showcode" type="boolean" truevalue="T" falsevalue="F" checked="false" label="Show code alongside outputs?"/>
             <param name="warn" type="boolean" truevalue="T" falsevalue="F" checked="false" label="Include warnings in the output file (Yes) or pipe to stdout (No)"/>
             <param name="varstate" type="boolean" truevalue="T" falsevalue="F" checked="false" label="Display variable values used in code at the beginning of output file?"/>
-            <param name="plots" type="select" optional="true" multiple="true" display="checkboxes" label="Which plots should be output?">
-                <option value="vln" selected="true">Violin and Scatter plots</option>
-                <option value="feat" selected="true">Feature counts plots</option>
-                <option value="PCs" selected="true">PC plots</option>
-                <option value="tsne" selected="true">tSNE plots</option>
-                <option value="heat" selected="true">Heatmap plots</option>
-            </param>
         <data name="out_html" format="html" from_work_dir="out.html" label="${} on ${on_string}" />
+        <data name="norm_out" format="rdata" from_work_dir="norm_out.rds" label="${} on ${on_string}: normalization intermediate output">
+            <filter>@FUNCTION_BASE@</filter>
+            <filter>function['norm_file']</filter>
+        </data>
+        <data name="var_out" format="rdata" from_work_dir="var_out.rds" label="${} on ${on_string}: normalization and scaling intermediate output">
+            <filter>@FUNCTION_BASE@</filter>
+            <filter>@VARIABLE_CONTINUE@</filter>
+            <filter>function['variable_continue']['var_file']</filter>
+        </data>
+        <data name="pca_out" format="rdata" from_work_dir="pca_out.rds" label="${} on ${on_string}: PCA embedding data">
+            <filter>@FUNCTION_BASE@</filter>
+            <filter>@VARIABLE_CONTINUE@</filter>
+            <filter>@PCA_CONTINUE@</filter>
+            <filter>function['variable_continue']['pca_continue']['pca_file']</filter>
+        </data>
+        <data name="cluters_out" format="rdata" from_work_dir="tsne_out.rds" label="${} on ${on_string}: TSNE embedding data">
+            <filter>@FUNCTION_BASE@</filter>
+            <filter>@VARIABLE_CONTINUE@</filter>
+            <filter>@PCA_CONTINUE@</filter>
+            <filter>@CLUSTERS_CONTINUE@</filter>
+            <filter>function['variable_continue']['pca_continue']['clusters_continue']['clusters_file']</filter>
+        </data>
+        <data name="umap_out" format="rdata" from_work_dir="umap_out.rds" label="${} on ${on_string}: UMAP embedding data">
+            <filter>@FUNCTION_BASE@</filter>
+            <filter>@VARIABLE_CONTINUE@</filter>
+            <filter>@PCA_CONTINUE@</filter>
+            <filter>@CLUSTERS_CONTINUE@</filter>
+            <filter>function['variable_continue']['pca_continue']['clusters_continue']['clusters_file']</filter>
+        </data>
+        <data name="markers_out" format="rdata" from_work_dir="markers_out.rds" label="${} on ${on_string}: Markers data">
+            <filter>@FUNCTION_BASE@</filter>
+            <filter>@VARIABLE_CONTINUE@</filter>
+            <filter>@PCA_CONTINUE@</filter>
+            <filter>@CLUSTERS_CONTINUE@</filter>
+            <filter>@MARKERS_CONTINUE@</filter>
+            <filter>function['variable_continue']['pca_continue']['clusters_continue']['markers_continue']['markers_file']</filter>
+        </data>
+        <data name="markers_tabular" format="tabular" from_work_dir="markers_out.tsv" label="${} on ${on_string}: Markers list">
+            <filter>@FUNCTION_BASE@</filter>
+            <filter>@VARIABLE_CONTINUE@</filter>
+            <filter>@PCA_CONTINUE@</filter>
+            <filter>@CLUSTERS_CONTINUE@</filter>
+            <filter>@MARKERS_CONTINUE@</filter>
+            <filter>function['variable_continue']['pca_continue']['clusters_continue']['markers_continue']['markers_file']</filter>
+            <actions>
+                <action name="column_names" type="metadata" default="\\,p_val,avg_log2FC,pct.1,pct.2,p_val_adj,cluster,gene" />
+                <action name="column_types" type="metadata" default="str,float,float,float,float,float,int,str" />
+            </actions>
+        </data>
+        <!-- cite-seq out -->
+        <data name="protmarkerst" format="tabular" from_work_dir="protein_out.tsv" label="${} cite-seq on ${on_string}: Protein markers">
+            <filter>@FUNCTION_CITE@</filter>
+            <filter>function['cite_markers']</filter>
+            <actions>
+                <action name="column_names" type="metadata" default="\\,p_val,avg_log2FC,pct.1,pct.2,p_val_adj,cluster,gene" />
+                <action name="column_types" type="metadata" default="str,float,float,float,float,float,int,str" />
+            </actions>
+        </data>
+        <data name="rnamarkerst" format="tabular" from_work_dir="rna_out.tsv" label="${} cite-seq on ${on_string}: RNA markers">
+            <filter>@FUNCTION_CITE@</filter>
+            <filter>function['cite_markers']</filter>
+            <actions>
+                <action name="column_names" type="metadata" default="\\,p_val,avg_log2FC,pct.1,pct.2,p_val_adj,cluster,gene" />
+                <action name="column_types" type="metadata" default="str,float,float,float,float,float,int,str" />
+            </actions>
+        </data>
+        <data name="cite_graps" format="pdf" from_work_dir="citeseq_out.pdf" label="${} cite-seq on ${on_string}: Citeseq graphs">
+            <filter>@FUNCTION_CITE@</filter>
+            <filter>function['marker_compare']['marker_compare'] == "yes"</filter>
+        </data>
+        <data name="norm_cite" format="rdata" from_work_dir="norm_out.rds" label="${} cite-seq on ${on_string}: normalization intermediate output">
+            <filter>@FUNCTION_CITE@</filter>
+            <filter>function['norm_file']</filter>
+        </data>
+        <data name="var_cite" format="rdata" from_work_dir="var_out.rds" label="${} cite-seq on ${on_string}: normalization and scaling intermediate output">
+            <filter>@FUNCTION_CITE@</filter>
+            <filter>function['var_file']</filter>
+        </data>
+        <data name="pca_cite" format="rdata" from_work_dir="pca_out.rds" label="${} cite-seq on ${on_string}: PCA embedding data">
+            <filter>@FUNCTION_CITE@</filter>
+            <filter>function['pca_file']</filter>
+        </data>
+        <data name="cluters_cite" format="rdata" from_work_dir="tsne_out.rds" label="${} cite-seq on ${on_string}: TSNE embedding data">
+            <filter>@FUNCTION_CITE@</filter>
+            <filter>function['clusters_file']</filter>
+        </data>
+        <data name="umap_cite" format="rdata" from_work_dir="umap_out.rds" label="${} cite-seq on ${on_string}: UMAP embedding data">
+            <filter>@FUNCTION_CITE@</filter>
+            <filter>function['clusters_file']</filter>
+        </data>
+        <data name="markers_cite" format="rdata" from_work_dir="markers_out.rds" label="${} cite-seq on ${on_string}: Markers data">
+            <filter>@FUNCTION_CITE@</filter>
+            <filter>function['markers_file']</filter>
+        </data>
+        <data name="markers_cite_tabular" format="tabular" from_work_dir="markers_out.tsv" label="${} cite-seq on ${on_string}: Markers list">
+            <filter>@FUNCTION_CITE@</filter>
+            <filter>function['markers_file']</filter>
+            <actions>
+                <action name="column_names" type="metadata" default="\\,p_val,avg_log2FC,pct.1,pct.2,p_val_adj,cluster,gene" />
+                <action name="column_types" type="metadata" default="str,float,float,float,float,float,int,str" />        
+            </actions>
+        </data>
-        <test>
-            <param name="counts" ftype="tabular" value=""/>
-            <section name="adv">
-                <param name="numPCs" value="10" />
+        <test expect_num_outputs="8">
+            <conditional name="function">
+                <param name="function_select" value="base"/>
+                <param name="input" ftype="tabular" value=""/>
                 <param name="min_cells" value="3"/>
                 <param name="min_genes" value="200"/>
                 <param name="low_thresholds" value="1" />
                 <param name="high_thresholds" value="20000000" />
-                <param name="cells_use" value="500"/>
-                <param name="resolution" value="0.6" />
-                <param name="min_pct" value="0.25" />
-                <param name="logfc_threshold" value="0.25" />
-            </section>
+                <param name="vlnfeat" value="T"/>
+                <param name="norm_file" value="T"/>
+                <conditional name="variable_continue">
+                    <param name="variable_continue" value="yes"/>
+                    <param name="featplot" value="T"/>
+                    <param name="var_file" value="T"/>
+                    <conditional name="pca_continue">
+                        <param name="pca_continue" value="yes"/>
+                        <param name="numPCs" value="10" />
+                        <param name="pc_plots" value="T"/>
+                        <param name="pca_file" value="T"/>
+                        <conditional name="clusters_continue">
+                            <param name="clusters_continue" value="yes"/>
+                            <param name="resolution" value="0.6" />
+                            <param name="nmds" value="T"/>
+                            <param name="clusters_file" value="T"/>
+                            <conditional name="markers_continue">
+                                <param name="markers_continue" value="yes"/>
+                                <param name="min_pct" value="0.25" />
+                                <param name="logfc_threshold" value="0.25" />
+                                <param name="heatmaps" value="T"/>
+                                <param name="markers_file" value="T"/>
+                            </conditional>
+                        </conditional>
+                    </conditional>
+                </conditional>
+            </conditional>
             <section name="meta">
                 <param name="showcode" value="T"/>
                 <param name="warn" value="F"/>
                 <param name="varstate" value="F"/>
-                <param name="plots" value="feat"/>
             <output name="out_html" ftype="html">
@@ -122,26 +325,49 @@
                     <has_text text="img src=&quot;data:image/png;base64" />
+            <output name="markers_tabular" file="markers.tsv" compare="sim_size" delta="500"/>
-        <test> <!-- perplexity test -->
-            <param name="counts" ftype="tabular" value=""/>
-            <section name="adv">
-                <param name="numPCs" value="10" />
+        <test expect_num_outputs="1">
+            <!-- test perplexity and output filters -->
+            <conditional name="function">
+                <param name="function_select" value="base"/>
+                <param name="input" ftype="tabular" value=""/>
                 <param name="min_cells" value="3"/>
                 <param name="min_genes" value="200"/>
                 <param name="low_thresholds" value="1" />
                 <param name="high_thresholds" value="20000000" />
-                <param name="cells_use" value="500"/>
-                <param name="resolution" value="0.6" />
-                <param name="perplexity" value="16" />
-                <param name="min_pct" value="0.25" />
-                <param name="logfc_threshold" value="0.25" />
-            </section>
+                <param name="vlnfeat" value="T"/>
+                <param name="norm_file" value="F"/>
+                <conditional name="variable_continue">
+                    <param name="variable_continue" value="yes"/>
+                    <param name="featplot" value="T"/>
+                    <param name="var_file" value="F"/>
+                    <conditional name="pca_continue">
+                        <param name="pca_continue" value="yes"/>
+                        <param name="numPCs" value="10" />
+                        <param name="pc_plots" value="T"/>
+                        <param name="pca_file" value="F"/>
+                        <conditional name="clusters_continue">
+                            <param name="clusters_continue" value="yes"/>
+                            <param name="perplexity" value="16"/>
+                            <param name="resolution" value="0.6" />
+                            <param name="nmds" value="T"/>
+                            <param name="clusters_file" value="F"/>
+                            <conditional name="markers_continue">
+                                <param name="markers_continue" value="yes"/>
+                                <param name="min_pct" value="0.25" />
+                                <param name="logfc_threshold" value="0.25" />
+                                <param name="heatmaps" value="T"/>
+                                <param name="markers_file" value="F"/>
+                            </conditional>
+                        </conditional>
+                    </conditional>
+                </conditional>
+            </conditional>
             <section name="meta">
                 <param name="showcode" value="T"/>
                 <param name="warn" value="F"/>
                 <param name="varstate" value="F"/>
-                <param name="plots" value="feat"/>
             <output name="out_html" ftype="html">
@@ -150,6 +376,86 @@
                     <has_text text="img src=&quot;data:image/png;base64" />
+        </test>    
+        <test expect_num_outputs="4">
+            <conditional name="function">
+                <param name="function_select" value="cite"/>
+                <param name="rna" ftype="tabular" value=""/>
+                <param name="prot" ftype="tabular" value=""/>
+                <param name="min_cells" value="0"/>
+                <param name="min_genes" value="0"/>
+                <param name="low_thresholds" value="1" />
+                <param name="high_thresholds" value="20000000" />
+                <param name="vlnfeat" value="F"/>
+                <param name="norm_file" value="F"/>
+                <param name="featplot" value="T"/>
+                <param name="var_file" value="F"/>
+                <param name="num_PCs" value="20" />
+                <param name="pc_plots" value="T"/>
+                <param name="pca_file" value="F"/>
+                <param name="resolution" value="0.6" />
+                <param name="nmds" value="F"/>
+                <param name="clusters_file" value="F"/>
+                <param name="min_pct" value="0.25" />
+                <param name="logfc_threshold" value="0.25" />
+                <param name="heatmaps" value="T"/>
+                <param name="markers_file" value="F"/>
+                <param name="cite_markers" value="T"/>
+                <conditional name="comparison">
+                    <param name="comparison" value="yes"/>
+                    <param name="feat_comp" value="CD4,CD19"/>
+                </conditional>
+                <conditional name="marker_compare">
+                    <param name="marker_compare" value="yes"/>
+                    <param name="top_x" value="3"/>
+                </conditional>
+            </conditional>
+            <section name="meta">
+                <param name="showcode" value="T"/>
+                <param name="warn" value="F"/>
+                <param name="varstate" value="F"/>
+            </section>
+            <output name="rnamarkerst" ftype="tabular" file="rna_out.tsv" compare="sim_size" delta="500" />
+            <output name="protmarkerst" ftype="tabular" file="protein_out.tsv" compare="sim_size" delta="500" />
+        </test>
+        <test expect_num_outputs="9">
+            <conditional name="function">
+                <param name="function_select" value="cite"/>
+                <param name="rna" ftype="tabular" value=""/>
+                <param name="prot" ftype="tabular" value=""/>
+                <param name="min_cells" value="0"/>
+                <param name="min_genes" value="0"/>
+                <param name="low_thresholds" value="1" />
+                <param name="high_thresholds" value="20000000" />
+                <param name="vlnfeat" value="F"/>
+                <param name="norm_file" value="T"/>
+                <param name="featplot" value="T"/>
+                <param name="var_file" value="T"/>
+                <param name="num_PCs" value="20" />
+                <param name="pc_plots" value="T"/>
+                <param name="pca_file" value="T"/>
+                <param name="resolution" value="0.6" />
+                <param name="nmds" value="T"/>
+                <param name="clusters_file" value="T"/>
+                <param name="min_pct" value="0.25" />
+                <param name="logfc_threshold" value="0.25" />
+                <param name="heatmaps" value="T"/>
+                <param name="markers_file" value="T"/>
+                <param name="cite_markers" value="F"/>
+                <conditional name="comparison">
+                    <param name="comparison" value="yes"/>
+                    <param name="feat_comp" value="CD4,CD19"/>
+                </conditional>
+                <conditional name="marker_compare">
+                    <param name="marker_compare" value="yes"/>
+                    <param name="top_x" value="3"/>
+                </conditional>
+            </conditional>
+            <section name="meta">
+                <param name="showcode" value="T"/>
+                <param name="warn" value="F"/>
+                <param name="varstate" value="F"/>
+            </section>
@@ -167,6 +473,8 @@
     * Gene count matrix in TAB-separated format
+        or
+    * RNA and Protein count matrices in TAB-separated formats
Binary file test-data/ has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/markers.tsv	Fri Jul 07 01:43:02 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,773 @@
+""	p_val	avg_log2FC	pct.1	pct.2	p_val_adj	cluster	gene
+Nucks1	1.18411323850772e-16	1.00561994844169	1	1	1.09767297209666e-13	0	Nucks1
+Gpi1	1.79982790200504e-16	1.4397713415714	1	0.975	1.66844046515867e-13	0	Gpi1
+Trp53	4.43575005074525e-16	1.67570868184123	0.986	0.949	4.11194029704085e-13	0	Trp53
+Gdf3	6.15314650265127e-15	1.75957711466652	0.944	0.802	5.70396680795773e-12	0	Gdf3
+Rpl4	9.94148370705165e-15	0.555534334164376	1	1	9.21575539643688e-12	0	Rpl4
+Ralb	1.5603785645578e-14	1.92721605141292	0.93	0.695	1.44647092934508e-11	0	Ralb
+Ftl1	5.38929343854758e-14	0.896518520873592	1	1	4.99587501753361e-11	0	Ftl1
+Zfp704	3.48560933499829e-13	1.54864588651405	0.972	0.838	3.23115985354342e-10	0	Zfp704
+Tns1	5.77529013908346e-13	1.68280690355749	0.887	0.503	5.35369395893037e-10	0	Tns1
+Gcat	3.87561669839796e-12	1.69793512322551	0.958	0.807	3.59269667941491e-09	0	Gcat
+St3gal4	6.49102709874417e-12	1.10146192261782	0.606	0.173	6.01718212053585e-09	0	St3gal4
+Gpa33	1.33561520892938e-11	2.12256764711496	0.592	0.208	1.23811529867753e-08	0	Gpa33
+Xrn2	3.29473696699025e-11	0.770133884184816	1	0.995	3.05422116839996e-08	0	Xrn2
+Mrpl17	3.50012211643864e-11	0.746796177121439	1	0.99	3.24461320193862e-08	0	Mrpl17
+Ceacam2	5.36266305938498e-11	0.659994093618872	0.761	0.345	4.97118865604987e-08	0	Ceacam2
+Adi1	5.64090996263144e-11	1.48358282742796	0.972	0.888	5.22912353535935e-08	0	Adi1
+Sept2	7.01918447074417e-11	0.868969458163974	1	1	6.50678400437984e-08	0	Sept2
+Ppp1r11	7.44523196438785e-11	0.918592139758593	1	0.959	6.90173003098754e-08	0	Ppp1r11
+Eif4e2	2.22092667324463e-10	0.824779756130801	1	0.995	2.05879902609777e-07	0	Eif4e2
+Cacybp	2.68829218185697e-10	1.00228344950431	0.986	0.995	2.49204685258141e-07	0	Cacybp
+Eno1	6.96987523876623e-10	0.40016030945526	0.93	0.599	6.4610743463363e-07	0	Eno1
+Myeov2	1.9990246379103e-09	0.685539965183034	0.986	0.985	1.85309583934285e-06	0	Myeov2
+Gng10	3.94623730908105e-09	1.17130525771998	0.859	0.457	3.65816198551814e-06	0	Gng10
+Cd109	4.39844362440024e-09	1.91175145685468	0.408	0.107	4.07735723981902e-06	0	Cd109
+Hnrnpa0	1.58290267057998e-08	0.811216726627202	0.986	0.98	1.46735077562765e-05	0	Hnrnpa0
+Msrb2	5.48032890646332e-08	1.24147534501256	0.732	0.381	5.08026489629149e-05	0	Msrb2
+Ptcd3	6.19767456859678e-08	0.800091440706327	1	0.99	5.74524432508921e-05	0	Ptcd3
+Rai14	8.40068444688735e-08	1.31175247785821	0.845	0.538	7.78743448226457e-05	0	Rai14
+Hint2	2.26929636291787e-07	0.715455167813889	0.859	0.497	0.000210363772842486	0	Hint2
+Sra1	2.68967121984332e-07	0.93977408723431	0.972	0.924	0.000249332522079476	0	Sra1
+Fth1	1.19897530626167e-06	0.631968616609468	1	1	0.00111145010890457	0	Fth1
+2810432D09Rik	1.3935121021676e-06	1.08796030099265	0.93	0.782	0.00129178571870937	0	2810432D09Rik
+Cycs	1.65526495315875e-06	0.480425114297169	1	0.995	0.00153443061157816	0	Cycs
+Npr1	1.91352582651328e-06	0.832258895946477	0.972	0.766	0.00177383844117781	0	Npr1
+Oas1a	2.40234815360308e-06	1.18028761558635	0.817	0.66	0.00222697673839006	0	Oas1a
+Fancm	2.50675446923527e-06	0.894104496016523	1	0.99	0.0023237613929811	0	Fancm
+Pnpla6	2.84941771941601e-06	1.15711866758003	0.958	0.929	0.00264141022589864	0	Pnpla6
+Fkbp2	3.35210087424692e-06	0.681209438799815	0.958	0.909	0.00310739751042689	0	Fkbp2
+Egfl7	3.83761020774903e-06	1.06164633323232	0.732	0.467	0.00355746466258335	0	Egfl7
+Ctnnb1	4.95946741674435e-06	0.468455673768554	1	0.99	0.00459742629532201	0	Ctnnb1
+Amdhd2	5.51993168968458e-06	1.07601984805959	0.901	0.822	0.0051169766763376	0	Amdhd2
+Il1f9	6.41757293244151e-06	0.496713211958332	0.394	0.67	0.00594909010837328	0	Il1f9
+Mrpl51	7.56282674299504e-06	0.506391556742938	1	0.995	0.0070107403907564	0	Mrpl51
+Exosc8	1.06283094770493e-05	0.502095828075973	1	1	0.00985244288522468	0	Exosc8
+Prelid1	1.43265849490701e-05	0.491961820886089	0.986	0.995	0.0132807442477879	0	Prelid1
+Gabra1	2.67122398852359e-05	1.43236925093549	0.268	0.081	0.0247622463736137	0	Gabra1
+Mbtps1	2.72739402167582e-05	0.870461714008831	0.972	0.964	0.0252829425809348	0	Mbtps1
+Mov10	3.34079654469243e-05	1.21696367844458	0.915	0.863	0.0309691839692988	0	Mov10
+Acp5	3.65049797793852e-05	1.04760983011	0.915	0.812	0.0338401162554901	0	Acp5
+Chchd7	4.51309831496194e-05	1.02081770184916	0.746	0.589	0.0418364213796971	0	Chchd7
+Gpx3	5.70379877528702e-05	1.26085029503603	0.521	0.279	0.0528742146469107	0	Gpx3
+Haus8	6.65899526087587e-05	0.836817918393063	0.972	0.939	0.0617288860683193	0	Haus8
+Nemf	7.18694565946676e-05	0.63821100284542	0.986	1	0.0666229862632569	0	Nemf
+Gtf2e2	7.91598779949351e-05	0.648624561426916	0.958	0.959	0.0733812069013049	0	Gtf2e2
+Sec61a2	8.99949185362504e-05	0.903614277352713	0.831	0.64	0.0834252894831041	0	Sec61a2
+Herpud1	9.27848522706712e-05	1.00590823357362	0.521	0.279	0.0860115580549122	0	Herpud1
+Ift46	0.000101108593016252	0.89362347720875	0.901	0.868	0.0937276657260654	0	Ift46
+Trip6	0.000103190741114863	0.480829502585925	0.338	0.132	0.0956578170134776	0	Trip6
+Serpine2	0.000107092595644278	1.03907303461423	0.859	0.746	0.0992748361622459	0	Serpine2
+Pus10	0.000109730993051195	1.15403503199561	0.873	0.69	0.101720630558457	0	Pus10
+Mea1	0.000111250413960631	0.432850783796133	0.986	0.99	0.103129133741505	0	Mea1
+Rpl36	0.000112067997539825	0.461259801056781	1	0.99	0.103887033719417	0	Rpl36
+Atp6v1c1	0.000112890689616442	0.533666743097121	0.986	1	0.104649669274442	0	Atp6v1c1
+Cox7a2l	0.000124562457355553	0.478030693189566	0.986	0.985	0.115469397968598	0	Cox7a2l
+Synj2bp	0.000142894320641149	0.971219596035958	0.915	0.827	0.132463035234345	0	Synj2bp
+Rpl37a	0.000169193073847184	0.398748711615994	1	1	0.15684197945634	0	Rpl37a
+Abhd11	0.000197812724047611	0.5547907670421	0.972	0.98	0.183372395192136	0	Abhd11
+Adrb3	0.000199692414804039	0.531069650403229	0.493	0.259	0.185114868523345	0	Adrb3
+Rtn4	0.000219899720590172	0.351418508859155	1	1	0.203847040987089	0	Rtn4
+Mrpl45	0.000234225672641445	0.461706276684107	1	0.98	0.217127198538619	0	Mrpl45
+Snhg6	0.000237487747585118	0.383194718574103	1	0.959	0.220151142011405	0	Snhg6
+Cpped1	0.000315573826200206	0.696959431154922	0.775	0.528	0.292536936887591	0	Cpped1
+Casp7	0.000361313835082184	0.746827591916447	0.69	0.447	0.334937925121184	0	Casp7
+Lace1	0.000376219322631167	0.90235389508979	0.479	0.274	0.348755312079092	0	Lace1
+0610010K14Rik	0.000467796779271384	0.503834798365873	0.972	0.985	0.433647614384573	0	0610010K14Rik
+Hells	0.000469351282641038	0.658064731267181	0.986	0.975	0.435088639008243	0	Hells
+Pdia4	0.00051023973172748	0.788957487266592	1	0.99	0.472992231311374	0	Pdia4
+Sap18	0.000638751599987711	0.760199026880684	0.972	1	0.592122733188609	0	Sap18
+Srrt	0.0006514057506608	0.485785864588046	1	0.975	0.603853130862562	0	Srrt
+Mtpn	0.00068639312380355	0.548224085459587	1	0.995	0.636286425765891	0	Mtpn
+Tbrg1	0.000935512642066262	0.37794210191983	1	0.995	0.867220219195425	0	Tbrg1
+Mtdh	0.000990671497996262	0.500084727712879	1	0.99	0.918352478642535	0	Mtdh
+Irak4	0.00104153448317494	1.14159374584292	0.521	0.32	0.965502465903171	0	Irak4
+Gstm6	0.00106123770302869	1.4089272734481	0.493	0.32	0.983767350707595	0	Gstm6
+Comt	0.00126628629990873	0.648345027619155	1	1	1	0	Comt
+Gcdh	0.00139155863805091	1.12386350039453	0.887	0.909	1	0	Gcdh
+Zdhhc6	0.00163619928497125	0.69104229446098	0.944	0.909	1	0	Zdhhc6
+Eif1a	0.00165112998117775	0.384879572301459	1	0.995	1	0	Eif1a
+2310009B15Rik	0.00173210028665594	0.4248888705276	0.352	0.188	1	0	2310009B15Rik
+Cyp4f13	0.00175523121640267	0.780178880617658	0.31	0.147	1	0	Cyp4f13
+Fbxo6	0.00206731020161479	0.550596980561993	0.958	0.914	1	0	Fbxo6
+Tmem180	0.00219825544955122	0.441289904734916	0.648	0.477	1	0	Tmem180
+Rpl36al	0.00228626213692379	0.269785234716447	1	1	1	0	Rpl36al
+Zcchc8	0.00229294233981456	0.477022546043472	0.986	0.975	1	0	Zcchc8
+Rbbp4	0.00306653381333978	0.365498784564788	1	1	1	0	Rbbp4
+Fam172a	0.00354785319103804	0.725125734043794	0.789	0.665	1	0	Fam172a
+Tmem208	0.00485111104024679	0.370686071000385	0.972	0.919	1	0	Tmem208
+Rnaseh2b	0.00531817478993866	0.490741013841635	0.944	0.893	1	0	Rnaseh2b
+Laptm4a	0.00678134610491405	0.496367307461378	0.986	0.99	1	0	Laptm4a
+Nop16	0.00696457086591746	0.277944801017761	1	0.949	1	0	Nop16
+Ncam1	0.00859319981088654	1.4142481569529	0.394	0.299	1	0	Ncam1
+Calu	0.00865850337374608	0.430300749669148	0.986	0.98	1	0	Calu
+Reep3	0.00897789893218976	0.592508357835259	0.887	0.848	1	0	Reep3
+Larp4	1.99355266798699e-28	2.16904829192904	1	0.985	1.84802332322394e-25	1	Larp4
+Pabpc4	1.07031988904245e-25	1.23340361858578	1	0.995	9.92186537142354e-23	1	Pabpc4
+Timm17a	2.48810160017051e-25	1.11983585587203	1	0.995	2.30647018335806e-22	1	Timm17a
+Hsp90aa1	1.13473528803483e-24	0.90892218384017	1	1	1.05189961200829e-21	1	Hsp90aa1
+Gldc	1.1788625663322e-19	1.45309001864455	1	1	1.09280559898995e-16	1	Gldc
+Mrps18b	3.11915524315591e-18	0.922377264946873	1	0.985	2.89145691040553e-15	1	Mrps18b
+Mrpl15	2.30264233829135e-16	0.972099784208843	1	0.935	2.13454944759608e-13	1	Mrpl15
+Cbr2	8.18448617816477e-16	1.89511919465221	0.836	0.353	7.58701868715874e-13	1	Cbr2
+Obox6	1.16459567777946e-15	1.39344529354537	1	0.493	1.07958019330156e-12	1	Obox6
+Kng1	4.87786706844624e-15	1.69969555028587	0.925	0.428	4.52178277244966e-12	1	Kng1
+Ap4s1	4.38893882865998e-14	1.4030962183409	0.955	0.796	4.0685462941678e-11	1	Ap4s1
+Ppm1a	5.46198116048427e-14	1.05377847331112	1	0.99	5.06325653576892e-11	1	Ppm1a
+Grb2	1.16712676944449e-13	1.08813878601354	1	0.95	1.08192651527504e-10	1	Grb2
+Lgals8	2.71992893350116e-12	1.06005256954461	1	0.92	2.52137412135557e-09	1	Lgals8
+Lctl	8.84118074688638e-12	1.49466351031029	0.97	0.846	8.19577455236367e-09	1	Lctl
+Cand1	1.03564127623394e-11	0.739715256465815	1	1	9.60039463068864e-09	1	Cand1
+Wdr75	8.67327097764079e-11	0.850552684047768	1	0.975	8.04012219627302e-08	1	Wdr75
+Phldb3	1.39184779991039e-10	0.815038064101476	0.821	0.438	1.29024291051693e-07	1	Phldb3
+Atxn3	1.63475448330622e-10	0.87479476956743	1	0.94	1.51541740602487e-07	1	Atxn3
+Map2k2	2.002732323584e-10	0.723948311843295	1	0.955	1.85653286396237e-07	1	Map2k2
+Azin1	2.17732786063168e-10	0.672237856337222	1	0.98	2.01838292680557e-07	1	Azin1
+Stac2	2.2442574492249e-10	1.21105132168797	0.97	0.607	2.08042665543149e-07	1	Stac2
+Ovol2	4.36427022757736e-10	0.674300761897003	0.97	0.498	4.04567850096421e-07	1	Ovol2
+Tead4	1.05331028978453e-09	1.01726483975742	1	0.881	9.76418638630257e-07	1	Tead4
+Ccs	1.71739301526647e-09	1.17709398853197	0.97	0.831	1.59202332515202e-06	1	Ccs
+Nin	5.48891568987971e-09	0.889936679587253	1	0.706	5.0882248445185e-06	1	Nin
+Smarca4	2.70863773485621e-08	0.638133145992837	0.985	0.985	2.51090718021171e-05	1	Smarca4
+Slc25a20	3.99472396826257e-08	0.845590994412397	1	0.965	3.7031091185794e-05	1	Slc25a20
+1190007F08Rik	1.0003184979958e-07	0.869535629030856	0.896	0.687	9.2729524764211e-05	1	1190007F08Rik
+Rpl36al1	1.49956646353042e-07	0.4310954898767	1	1	0.00013900981116927	1	Rpl36al
+Sirt6	1.89914150279507e-07	0.618193903529396	1	0.975	0.000176050417309103	1	Sirt6
+Haus2	1.9462794092021e-07	0.827153932922399	0.985	0.91	0.000180420101233034	1	Haus2
+Lin28a	5.58858972877224e-07	0.783839963789619	0.985	0.731	0.000518062267857187	1	Lin28a
+Rpl37a1	5.90899011890758e-07	0.482044967750386	1	1	0.000547763384022733	1	Rpl37a
+Arrdc1	9.86700784057811e-07	0.711073533578284	0.881	0.687	0.000914671626821591	1	Arrdc1
+Trip13	1.06839483924259e-06	0.581215547508429	0.985	0.985	0.00099040201597788	1	Trip13
+Cnnm4	1.23939176532338e-06	0.618501508653815	0.985	0.856	0.00114891616645477	1	Cnnm4
+Nr1h3	1.32490727704543e-06	0.64977092326636	0.687	0.308	0.00122818904582111	1	Nr1h3
+Zfand2b	1.44487796912892e-06	0.783945342530844	0.955	0.806	0.00133940187738251	1	Zfand2b
+Hprt	1.9771695574352e-06	0.641843173989667	1	1	0.00183283617974243	1	Hprt
+Cbr1	2.080666391675e-06	0.695824528335629	0.985	0.92	0.00192877774508272	1	Cbr1
+Smap1	2.60599803541757e-06	0.670920002915592	1	0.93	0.00241576017883209	1	Smap1
+Trim54	3.56089316110149e-06	0.580088826909494	0.313	0.09	0.00330094796034109	1	Trim54
+Oxsr1	3.64730930662247e-06	0.806911377316181	0.985	0.896	0.00338105572723903	1	Oxsr1
+1190005F20Rik	4.99232920248389e-06	0.685672814249321	0.985	0.856	0.00462788917070256	1	1190005F20Rik
+Prkrip1	5.99893248907293e-06	0.514240005237342	0.97	0.99	0.00556101041737061	1	Prkrip1
+Gtf2f2	1.40808077962277e-05	0.437162718926523	1	0.99	0.0130529088271031	1	Gtf2f2
+Hes1	1.55043756394457e-05	0.35192315833842	0.97	0.871	0.0143725562177662	1	Hes1
+Gemin5	1.95646562299594e-05	0.442174218669884	1	0.98	0.0181364363251724	1	Gemin5
+Tmem2081	2.14241690725616e-05	0.500673472600329	0.985	0.915	0.0198602047302646	1	Tmem208
+Myg1	2.84445872166292e-05	0.504473721332222	0.985	0.891	0.0263681323498153	1	Myg1
+Nek2	2.85869467954603e-05	0.28267666797816	1	0.94	0.0265000996793917	1	Nek2
+Brd2	2.86104267363888e-05	0.387442555193399	1	1	0.0265218655846324	1	Brd2
+Pitpnc1	4.32985895572162e-05	0.509398484389986	0.97	0.856	0.0401377925195394	1	Pitpnc1
+Unc45a	4.78568333344799e-05	0.494684374542451	0.925	0.731	0.0443632845010628	1	Unc45a
+Arhgap1	6.17842158786466e-05	0.339065273903611	1	1	0.0572739681195054	1	Arhgap1
+Gatsl3	6.41587783549619e-05	0.613871855235264	1	0.94	0.0594751875350497	1	Gatsl3
+Polr2k	8.97657212260155e-05	0.332921899749521	1	0.99	0.0832128235765164	1	Polr2k
+Gls	9.74962730724083e-05	0.7448456475451	1	0.96	0.0903790451381225	1	Gls
+Gsdmc3	0.000122670702193285	0.289809744442694	0.552	0.313	0.113715740933176	1	Gsdmc3
+2700078E11Rik	0.000133299845253646	0.50934297769746	0.97	0.975	0.12356895655013	1	2700078E11Rik
+Dnajc5g	0.000142081946287188	0.959223331044612	0.507	0.299	0.131709964208223	1	Dnajc5g
+Pum2	0.00017864418057919	0.306318884284979	1	1	0.165603155396909	1	Pum2
+Rtn41	0.000220176700300593	0.383145822333726	1	1	0.204103801178649	1	Rtn4
+Abcc3	0.000225762861771427	0.536297193030252	0.746	0.483	0.209282172862113	1	Abcc3
+Smarcd3	0.00033745821895663	1.17980872789168	0.433	0.264	0.312823768972796	1	Smarcd3
+Jarid2	0.000341204661100151	0.323386394420202	1	1	0.31629672083984	1	Jarid2
+Gtpbp10	0.000493212064996593	0.358087678844319	0.94	0.866	0.457207584251841	1	Gtpbp10
+Wbscr22	0.000843447959223422	0.457443652954918	1	0.935	0.781876258200112	1	Wbscr22
+Irak2	0.000926379037174115	0.471729987082767	0.955	0.891	0.858753367460405	1	Irak2
+Zfp296	0.000926648396690121	0.468919586959273	0.985	0.925	0.859003063731742	1	Zfp296
+Ccdc9	0.000973910876381618	0.569371320537871	0.94	0.881	0.90281538240576	1	Ccdc9
+Camk2b	0.0010850881588712	0.377763682657377	0.597	0.413	1	1	Camk2b
+Rassf7	0.00148419844200689	0.27676168753326	0.955	0.826	1	1	Rassf7
+Ipo11	0.00160952726587784	0.286184028428292	0.985	0.96	1	1	Ipo11
+Lyar	0.00191469481174217	0.308393205483807	1	0.995	1	1	Lyar
+Egfl8	0.0020903942123629	0.526630836116279	0.313	0.154	1	1	Egfl8
+Sf3b4	0.00398502550224829	0.388067644888654	1	0.955	1	1	Sf3b4
+Rnaseh2b1	0.0040636868168902	0.395850931953736	0.985	0.881	1	1	Rnaseh2b
+Clk2	0.00410047533283962	0.324865667998878	0.94	0.836	1	1	Clk2
+Tulp1	0.0042735737972395	0.627190830612499	0.418	0.249	1	1	Tulp1
+Ciao1	0.00428113709548694	0.370456060148884	0.955	0.955	1	1	Ciao1
+Eif3f	0.00538871083301758	0.273767031380469	1	0.99	1	1	Eif3f
+Sf3b3	0.00796365566854649	0.315135535284671	1	0.995	1	1	Sf3b3
+Rpl361	0.00985699703684655	0.309831424904361	1	0.99	1	1	Rpl36
+Acot2	1.62353858683152e-29	2.7266845500104	1	0.507	1.50502026999282e-26	2	Acot2
+Tmsb10	3.02206767317863e-28	2.22392509606323	1	1	2.80145673303659e-25	2	Tmsb10
+Fabp3	1.39244941929966e-27	2.72699175689115	1	0.916	1.29080061169079e-24	2	Fabp3
+Enpep	4.46690414906521e-27	2.92670863133069	1	0.739	4.14082014618344e-24	2	Enpep
+Tjp2	5.46327592939334e-27	2.45836196415643	1	0.892	5.06445678654762e-24	2	Tjp2
+Capg	7.22172135775103e-26	3.13679655037263	0.969	0.419	6.6945356986352e-23	2	Capg
+Ptges	1.15835885784397e-22	1.62948908444797	1	0.936	1.07379866122136e-19	2	Ptges
+Dapk1	1.85278765586486e-22	2.44672982424483	0.831	0.251	1.71753415698672e-19	2	Dapk1
+Dkkl1	1.17911698813629e-20	2.55632858100655	0.954	0.552	1.09304144800234e-17	2	Dkkl1
+Gpx4	8.31856912734218e-20	1.11281793654164	1	0.97	7.7113135810462e-17	2	Gpx4
+Scly	4.36658564644958e-18	1.80578569140075	0.877	0.404	4.04782489425876e-15	2	Scly
+Il17re	1.01815869304518e-17	1.72205394102478	0.708	0.182	9.43833108452885e-15	2	Il17re
+Vtcn1	1.93683892464856e-16	1.82727599994358	0.815	0.315	1.79544968314922e-13	2	Vtcn1
+D4Bwg0951e	2.42007193262114e-16	1.46056702698097	0.831	0.315	2.2434066815398e-13	2	D4Bwg0951e
+Faah	6.7216429804354e-16	2.53867563610808	0.862	0.424	6.23096304286362e-13	2	Faah
+Chmp2b	1.46817370650576e-14	1.98949875357205	0.908	0.532	1.36099702593084e-11	2	Chmp2b
+Trp53bp2	5.37707971100586e-14	1.6647799908992	0.877	0.453	4.98455289210243e-11	2	Trp53bp2
+Pigz	6.24498554167431e-14	1.99622313089521	0.677	0.222	5.78910159713208e-11	2	Pigz
+Slc20a1	6.46979346431305e-14	1.98869118023904	0.985	0.99	5.99749854141819e-11	2	Slc20a1
+Eno11	1.08931009706478e-13	0.45522985988319	0.969	0.596	1.00979045997905e-10	2	Eno1
+Gyltl1b	1.35524709716349e-13	1.77421980508475	0.908	0.631	1.25631405907055e-10	2	Gyltl1b
+Cycs1	1.55505723320804e-13	0.999377186583543	1	0.995	1.44153805518385e-10	2	Cycs
+Ptpra	1.92861792244247e-12	1.32786009011917	0.985	0.897	1.78782881410417e-09	2	Ptpra
+Hint21	2.41626942776709e-12	1.06789237114775	0.923	0.488	2.23988175954009e-09	2	Hint2
+Coro7	3.5163514293472e-12	2.18220456517293	0.815	0.468	3.25965777500485e-09	2	Coro7
+Tmem1801	3.73037485779247e-12	1.56485007236385	0.862	0.414	3.45805749317362e-09	2	Tmem180
+2010300C02Rik	4.4006186207135e-12	2.01787656661514	0.754	0.394	4.07937346140142e-09	2	2010300C02Rik
+Mkl1	8.49457286044839e-12	2.19959199640081	0.954	0.709	7.87446904163566e-09	2	Mkl1
+Ftl11	1.85816970732134e-11	0.787299952633541	1	1	1.72252331868688e-08	2	Ftl1
+Oplah	3.868914537176e-11	1.45321604449591	0.538	0.153	3.58648377596215e-08	2	Oplah
+Cpped11	4.4213237260524e-11	1.53196291540956	0.877	0.502	4.09856709405057e-08	2	Cpped1
+Casp71	7.95740882439946e-11	1.65360729235441	0.785	0.424	7.3765179802183e-08	2	Casp7
+Xbp1	1.37423135469636e-10	1.51437698408037	0.969	0.67	1.27391246580353e-07	2	Xbp1
+Arhgap11	5.64341681761558e-10	0.790185184726235	1	1	5.23144738992964e-07	2	Arhgap1
+Rai141	1.19838811281811e-09	1.00184528083498	0.892	0.532	1.11090578058238e-06	2	Rai14
+Cox7a2l1	1.52250906115737e-09	0.677122222652421	1	0.98	1.41136589969288e-06	2	Cox7a2l
+Cxxc5	6.60768689755903e-09	1.39290784859321	0.723	0.394	6.12532575403722e-06	2	Cxxc5
+Gsta2	7.54903465645573e-09	1.13492417222392	0.769	0.498	6.99795512653446e-06	2	Gsta2
+Gng101	9.69480767962571e-09	1.02400049457935	0.846	0.473	8.98708671901303e-06	2	Gng10
+Trpv6	1.30169804139126e-08	0.57056993157703	0.431	0.118	1.2066740843697e-05	2	Trpv6
+Exosc81	1.56766881950255e-08	0.623553710286937	1	1	1.45322899567886e-05	2	Exosc8
+Prelid11	3.65220983961452e-08	0.58507766020631	1	0.99	3.38559852132266e-05	2	Prelid1
+AW549877	3.95948261925056e-08	1.37975687982903	0.908	0.655	3.67044038804527e-05	2	AW549877
+Gpi11	6.6542462074963e-08	0.695370524461669	1	0.975	6.16848623434907e-05	2	Gpi1
+Chid1	9.67918053242398e-08	1.14584930091399	0.923	0.764	8.97260035355703e-05	2	Chid1
+Epb4.1	1.38701811868984e-07	0.892952001882638	0.985	0.911	0.000128576579602548	2	Epb4.1
+Sept21	1.39410386329695e-07	0.507604369330746	1	1	0.000129233428127627	2	Sept2
+Psen1	2.4655945232841e-07	1.01467124863334	0.938	0.926	0.000228560612308436	2	Psen1
+Pus101	3.06037080910438e-07	0.955577485466123	0.923	0.68	0.000283696374003976	2	Pus10
+Eif1a1	4.03192053477205e-07	0.469671811889738	1	0.995	0.000373759033573369	2	Eif1a
+Myeov21	4.33418040846447e-07	0.668565366139197	0.985	0.985	0.000401778523864656	2	Myeov2
+Ip6k2	5.87799120148303e-07	0.709401405747517	0.815	0.562	0.000544889784377476	2	Ip6k2
+Fth11	6.69551039103819e-07	0.577836363179499	1	1	0.000620673813249241	2	Fth1
+Sra11	7.06412988138587e-07	0.672784671833007	0.985	0.921	0.00065484484000447	2	Sra1
+Ppl	1.26566925189732e-06	1.17704147049068	0.508	0.202	0.00117327539650881	2	Ppl
+Fam82b	1.71169598208052e-06	0.419580457301326	0.492	0.197	0.00158674217538864	2	Fam82b
+Fkbp21	1.97458719436916e-06	0.70615077131727	0.969	0.906	0.00183044232918021	2	Fkbp2
+Mrpl451	2.00385667353968e-06	0.566107233110735	0.969	0.99	0.00185757513637128	2	Mrpl45
+Rassf71	2.74648985052535e-06	0.923613983081832	0.923	0.837	0.002545996091437	2	Rassf7
+Ube2f	2.89493277828888e-06	0.78000923438236	0.969	0.931	0.00268360268547379	2	Ube2f
+Fam122b	3.1473670749885e-06	1.23462858478077	0.892	0.665	0.00291760927851434	2	Fam122b
+1700034O15Rik	3.23544394209349e-06	0.735071389184371	0.292	0.074	0.00299925653432067	2	1700034O15Rik
+Mical1	4.46040709467345e-06	1.34817811535299	0.723	0.488	0.00413479737676229	2	Mical1
+B230120H23Rik	4.62296105462335e-06	0.957541743691926	0.738	0.498	0.00428548489763584	2	B230120H23Rik
+Rbl1	4.63893601792003e-06	1.51403947053879	0.862	0.562	0.00430029368861187	2	Rbl1
+Ppp1r111	5.41394668071349e-06	0.636448869971692	0.985	0.966	0.00501872857302141	2	Ppp1r11
+Rab8a	5.73144700774355e-06	0.571144721699556	1	0.995	0.00531305137617827	2	Rab8a
+Cyp4f39	5.74529568067207e-06	1.93283267372237	0.338	0.113	0.00532588909598301	2	Cyp4f39
+Ncstn	7.94134311392418e-06	1.2140672073807	0.954	0.931	0.00736162506660772	2	Ncstn
+Hnrnpa01	8.90015651158464e-06	0.907347753972338	0.985	0.98	0.00825044508623896	2	Hnrnpa0
+Tcn2	9.20293781843428e-06	1.4844367153768	0.831	0.645	0.00853112335768858	2	Tcn2
+Herpud11	9.21626671522023e-06	1.07587657459569	0.538	0.281	0.00854347924500915	2	Herpud1
+Ap1m2	1.08176609061221e-05	0.856395828803297	0.969	0.956	0.0100279716599752	2	Ap1m2
+Ehd1	1.11879937217002e-05	0.709145097902885	1	0.941	0.0103712701800161	2	Ehd1
+Tns11	1.17399966016812e-05	0.534193539647709	0.862	0.522	0.0108829768497584	2	Tns1
+Fnbp1l	1.84978029238725e-05	0.438601494003316	0.954	0.808	0.0171474633104298	2	Fnbp1l
+Gga1	3.72875804953036e-05	1.03592536201296	0.938	0.842	0.0345655871191464	2	Gga1
+Abhd111	4.10955520917889e-05	0.668138917939135	0.954	0.985	0.0380955767890883	2	Abhd11
+Ankrd33b	6.90639991906004e-05	0.791889041644608	0.446	0.217	0.0640223272496866	2	Ankrd33b
+Reep31	9.4412978119217e-05	0.729799939615274	0.923	0.837	0.0875208307165141	2	Reep3
+Tbrg11	0.000103820148803723	0.439549570629096	1	0.995	0.0962412779410508	2	Tbrg1
+Lancl1	0.000103843943128829	1.10043428084716	0.938	0.857	0.0962633352804241	2	Lancl1
+Ube2r2	0.000109801804354686	0.538615363891787	0.969	0.901	0.101786272636794	2	Ube2r2
+Ube4a	0.00013246680402732	0.80231311462887	0.985	0.956	0.122796727333326	2	Ube4a
+Zfp7041	0.000141057410378776	0.554369380378906	0.969	0.842	0.130760219421125	2	Zfp704
+Synj2bp1	0.000159031917407965	0.585551941509249	0.923	0.828	0.147422587437183	2	Synj2bp
+Acp51	0.00017849899391098	0.673371406737795	0.938	0.808	0.165468567355478	2	Acp5
+Slc18a1	0.000179564491720651	1.94884846509656	0.308	0.128	0.166456283825043	2	Slc18a1
+Stx4a	0.000219317843397067	0.935664343526722	0.877	0.788	0.203307640829081	2	Stx4a
+Mllt4	0.000239020863454647	0.710509512220825	0.985	0.97	0.221572340422458	2	Mllt4
+Jarid21	0.000246028862359803	0.41037939191042	1	1	0.228068755407537	2	Jarid2
+Tapbpl	0.000253703579432621	0.300077204995076	0.938	0.783	0.235183218134039	2	Tapbpl
+Fam173a	0.000296114375973877	0.779293669944395	0.8	0.69	0.274498026527784	2	Fam173a
+Fam118b	0.000308247544060562	0.890214303677844	0.938	0.921	0.285745473344141	2	Fam118b
+Ehmt2	0.00030997616175819	0.804593481454567	0.954	0.877	0.287347901949842	2	Ehmt2
+App	0.000317562895932702	0.908960272607608	0.523	0.32	0.294380804529615	2	App
+Mea11	0.000318011880769364	0.342503452163259	0.985	0.99	0.294797013473201	2	Mea1
+Nucks11	0.000329446924394209	0.341111576898772	1	1	0.305397298913432	2	Nucks1
+Sap181	0.000438784421802869	0.507468892193082	1	0.99	0.40675315901126	2	Sap18
+Ccdc50	0.00044045114017215	0.26306333404998	0.908	0.719	0.408298206939583	2	Ccdc50
+Rpl362	0.000510596669621397	0.40531985559223	1	0.99	0.473323112739035	2	Rpl36
+Slamf9	0.000570582927195888	1.82906110129345	0.308	0.138	0.528930373510588	2	Slamf9
+Zdhhc61	0.000577283782296124	0.710163044924531	0.923	0.916	0.535142066188507	2	Zdhhc6
+Laptm4a1	0.000721272110097679	0.420671113163927	1	0.985	0.668619246060548	2	Laptm4a
+Mrpl511	0.000760868454372259	0.345850805664343	0.985	1	0.705325057203084	2	Mrpl51
+Cyp4f131	0.000864131391558196	0.362168158683275	0.323	0.148	0.801049799974447	2	Cyp4f13
+Mtdh1	0.000955824694399856	0.533092823109913	0.985	0.995	0.886049491708666	2	Mtdh
+St3gal3	0.00126575405660349	0.529427517738675	0.415	0.222	1	2	St3gal3
+Comt1	0.0015540585563039	0.590357542823012	1	1	1	2	Comt
+Npr11	0.00166645968355906	0.597683431409277	0.877	0.803	1	2	Npr1
+Slc35c1	0.00212375092449243	0.358368850206992	0.831	0.591	1	2	Slc35c1
+Cdk18	0.00228713090797904	0.546450428708579	0.769	0.532	1	2	Cdk18
+Cnnm41	0.00241226408290813	0.861855143991789	0.938	0.872	1	2	Cnnm4
+Mid1ip1	0.00261674048336717	0.393483261929315	0.492	0.276	1	2	Mid1ip1
+0610010K14Rik1	0.00270937087096939	0.302639639454223	0.985	0.98	1	2	0610010K14Rik
+1190007F08Rik1	0.00298379888138995	0.420010342700349	0.892	0.69	1	2	1190007F08Rik
+Trip11	0.00383410846701351	0.873694732823184	0.892	0.754	1	2	Trip11
+Zdhhc3	0.00417409303565624	0.48513242124485	0.985	0.98	1	2	Zdhhc3
+Hist1h1d	0.00468675162600295	0.403987110231785	0.769	0.704	1	2	Hist1h1d
+Msrb21	0.00488129915739156	0.506516677710613	0.615	0.429	1	2	Msrb2
+Calu1	0.00490491939469693	0.574241101221317	1	0.975	1	2	Calu
+Osgep	0.00572801134361098	0.612827341368115	0.877	0.867	1	2	Osgep
+Haus81	0.00616393064050853	0.395131825000314	0.954	0.946	1	2	Haus8
+Atp6v1c11	0.00646709393955921	0.334593779222677	1	0.995	1	2	Atp6v1c1
+Nde1	0.00665389076361832	0.929107214909593	0.8	0.709	1	2	Nde1
+Shc1	0.00697545537058933	0.480112773425593	0.985	0.901	1	2	Shc1
+Lct	0.0073133650332465	0.974586289018096	0.338	0.187	1	2	Lct
+Hspa5	0.0084174351925224	0.345792711303401	1	0.995	1	2	Hspa5
+Mrpl171	0.00846313073174018	0.307088282758327	1	0.99	1	2	Mrpl17
+9130024F11Rik	0.00893308535166574	0.878439451763501	0.538	0.389	1	2	9130024F11Rik
+Ctnnb11	0.00942506764753194	0.306914797084541	1	0.99	1	2	Ctnnb1
+Gm13718	1.55630538391193e-19	2.92808805098703	1	0.553	1.44269509088636e-16	3	Gm13718
+Tor1b	4.62284548705192e-19	2.2436505047392	1	0.904	4.28537776649713e-16	3	Tor1b
+Nr1h31	5.3276131958828e-17	2.254455958601	0.9	0.316	4.93869743258336e-14	3	Nr1h3
+Obox61	9.18123901672887e-17	2.00047679908422	1	0.553	8.51100856850766e-14	3	Obox6
+Nek21	7.13590385447324e-15	1.83454980773476	1	0.947	6.6149828730967e-12	3	Nek2
+Nin1	1.17214942833535e-14	1.62662634272488	1	0.741	1.08658252006687e-11	3	Nin
+Zfyve27	2.45672576751913e-14	1.73965272001361	1	0.754	2.27738478649024e-11	3	Zfyve27
+Ranbp10	5.42706519275376e-14	1.59852410703371	1	0.895	5.03088943368273e-11	3	Ranbp10
+Tekt2	6.49940283992347e-14	2.82997989947872	0.875	0.404	6.02494643260906e-11	3	Tekt2
+Gm4850	2.04668522398056e-13	2.15052012665154	0.65	0.14	1.89727720262998e-10	3	Gm4850
+Arrdc11	3.25174842897428e-13	1.90374874419383	1	0.689	3.01437079365916e-10	3	Arrdc1
+Rbm42	3.45762896297788e-13	1.54683075865269	1	0.978	3.20522204868049e-10	3	Rbm42
+Ovol21	6.25030711844577e-13	1.73324516625763	1	0.548	5.79403469879923e-10	3	Ovol2
+Cand11	7.19332048296455e-13	0.901879472185876	1	1	6.66820808770814e-10	3	Cand1
+4632434I11Rik	8.67280047856193e-13	1.58246196955888	1	0.925	8.03968604362691e-10	3	4632434I11Rik
+Tnfrsf19	1.66301223020286e-12	0.82667159286793	0.525	0.088	1.54161233739805e-09	3	Tnfrsf19
+Gpatch3	2.20502413126683e-12	1.23493164448555	0.875	0.333	2.04405736968435e-09	3	Gpatch3
+Brd21	2.50180512587374e-12	1.15192781085977	1	1	2.31917335168495e-09	3	Brd2
+Ythdf2	6.39767114821792e-12	1.01541463864112	1	1	5.93064115439802e-09	3	Ythdf2
+Mta2	9.24398470133752e-12	1.46768725008642	1	0.943	8.56917381813988e-09	3	Mta2
+Fez1	1.33738640996328e-11	1.5432232344154	0.6	0.145	1.23975720203596e-08	3	Fez1
+Lyar1	1.58371717351037e-11	0.914139077595804	1	0.996	1.46810581984411e-08	3	Lyar
+Siah1a	1.7008389049071e-11	1.69136082592614	1	0.785	1.57667766484888e-08	3	Siah1a
+Abt1	1.9876605632386e-11	1.25639417278805	1	0.965	1.84256134212218e-08	3	Abt1
+Ddx52	2.73055597767851e-11	0.874610577716506	1	0.978	2.53122539130798e-08	3	Ddx52
+Mios	1.05404215313626e-10	1.73142666984655	0.975	0.789	9.77097075957316e-08	3	Mios
+Hspa1a	1.45342882478114e-10	1.27343701330999	0.725	0.25	1.34732852057211e-07	3	Hspa1a
+Synpr	1.67991303232505e-10	0.568121109730388	0.5	0.101	1.55727938096532e-07	3	Synpr
+Dnajc5g1	1.91087296975842e-10	1.03500075456796	0.825	0.268	1.77137924296605e-07	3	Dnajc5g
+Scfd2	4.1592156131485e-10	1.62178211791607	0.925	0.618	3.85559287338866e-07	3	Scfd2
+Zkscan14	5.50373341437281e-10	1.59683417673034	0.9	0.557	5.10196087512359e-07	3	Zkscan14
+Pum21	6.21463078996004e-10	0.852229791150654	1	1	5.76096274229296e-07	3	Pum2
+Fem1c	1.02180423461807e-09	1.58189626175518	0.95	0.825	9.47212525490955e-07	3	Fem1c
+Cbl	1.19052966699622e-09	1.23369620729729	0.975	0.908	1.1036210013055e-06	3	Cbl
+Tead41	1.70805521715344e-09	1.1433535820356	1	0.895	1.58336718630124e-06	3	Tead4
+Dnaja2	1.95718080517284e-09	0.774803462928394	1	0.996	1.81430660639522e-06	3	Dnaja2
+Ammecr1l	3.00770441943089e-09	1.32549221679247	1	0.93	2.78814199681244e-06	3	Ammecr1l
+Gemin51	3.06000957980181e-09	1.06411774120896	1	0.982	2.83662888047628e-06	3	Gemin5
+Siah1b	3.13919366653555e-09	0.924220044885665	0.975	0.75	2.91003252887846e-06	3	Siah1b
+Tssc4	3.32812903331153e-09	1.24580601411484	1	0.614	3.08517561387979e-06	3	Tssc4
+A630001G21Rik	4.66510774226657e-09	0.903575801457337	0.65	0.232	4.32455487708111e-06	3	A630001G21Rik
+Med9	5.28134110511831e-09	1.25045611121759	0.975	0.803	4.89580320444467e-06	3	Med9
+Tmem87b	6.0941983739495e-09	1.10611395715927	1	0.825	5.64932189265118e-06	3	Tmem87b
+Prrt4	6.93953016291568e-09	0.364925734697245	0.45	0.096	6.43294446102284e-06	3	Prrt4
+Ap4s11	1.49440195064723e-08	1.00326881440109	1	0.807	1.38531060824998e-05	3	Ap4s1
+Gldc1	1.89946441034918e-08	0.997220048328316	1	1	1.76080350839369e-05	3	Gldc
+Fah	2.10746829251835e-08	0.651575892015608	0.4	0.088	1.95362310716451e-05	3	Fah
+Wdr751	2.18588281896775e-08	0.991476658999314	1	0.978	2.0263133731831e-05	3	Wdr75
+Gtf2f21	2.85432712663989e-08	0.78330970047011	1	0.991	2.64596124639517e-05	3	Gtf2f2
+Abca13	3.50941538562996e-08	1.84050884015487	0.85	0.588	3.25322806247897e-05	3	Abca13
+Cops6	3.53679600540343e-08	0.643066174994073	1	1	3.27860989700898e-05	3	Cops6
+Nags	3.93151116293766e-08	0.960757943879068	0.3	0.044	3.64451084804322e-05	3	Nags
+Kcng3	4.85464410756298e-08	0.550350133025919	0.325	0.057	4.50025508771088e-05	3	Kcng3
+Arid5a	5.339683390536e-08	1.4073852730954	0.725	0.325	4.94988650302687e-05	3	Arid5a
+Bcl2l13	5.67693899055944e-08	0.886821407392687	1	0.952	5.2625224442486e-05	3	Bcl2l13
+Bcl2l14	1.24458791735209e-07	1.00682015784549	1	0.811	0.000115373299938539	3	Bcl2l14
+Stac21	1.33476583843622e-07	1.08985882317904	0.975	0.649	0.000123732793223037	3	Stac2
+Gm16515	1.44722738855689e-07	0.82844253225298	1	0.851	0.000134157978919224	3	Gm16515
+Larp41	1.45464990205996e-07	0.828721571407412	1	0.987	0.000134846045920958	3	Larp4
+Mosc2	1.70054414631204e-07	0.952390504584128	0.975	0.737	0.000157640442363126	3	Mosc2
+6720489N17Rik	2.54505932746399e-07	1.24609329910962	1	0.961	0.000235926999655912	3	6720489N17Rik
+Zbtb37	2.73143742212281e-07	1.22137996609432	0.8	0.421	0.000253204249030784	3	Zbtb37
+Kctd20	2.9609942379847e-07	1.06049260032024	1	0.882	0.000274484165861181	3	Kctd20
+Usp37	3.9268236458702e-07	0.80923574390676	1	0.969	0.000364016551972168	3	Usp37
+Dcdc2c	4.77927598698933e-07	1.68661966286335	0.775	0.675	0.000443038883993911	3	Dcdc2c
+Tinf2	7.88802857665619e-07	1.01666907179631	1	0.877	0.000731220249056029	3	Tinf2
+Ankrd52	1.07147810790233e-06	0.463270249082338	0.95	0.596	0.000993260206025459	3	Ankrd52
+Tysnd1	1.56491042185116e-06	1.07421382536886	0.9	0.667	0.00145067196105602	3	Tysnd1
+Zfp2961	1.59706270778083e-06	0.885685974211324	1	0.93	0.00148047713011283	3	Zfp296
+Gm7609	1.62825045805861e-06	0.517996199572675	0.65	0.386	0.00150938817462034	3	Gm7609
+Gal3st2	1.98629153312941e-06	0.948006024227831	0.55	0.202	0.00184129225121096	3	Gal3st2
+Slc16a5	2.39145864530177e-06	0.919490270035023	0.75	0.434	0.00221688216419474	3	Slc16a5
+Gtf3c3	2.60630856479299e-06	0.741241560980853	1	0.912	0.0024160480395631	3	Gtf3c3
+St3gal2	2.67554111945925e-06	0.653262933756673	0.775	0.395	0.00248022661773872	3	St3gal2
+Cep63	2.89988951768142e-06	0.902373644629461	0.95	0.851	0.00268819758289068	3	Cep63
+Rspry1	3.13367256828903e-06	1.27870948575483	0.875	0.715	0.00290491447080393	3	Rspry1
+Pole4	3.52061296249244e-06	0.759390975576141	1	0.908	0.00326360821623049	3	Pole4
+Tulp11	4.80063697592504e-06	0.787254789073524	0.575	0.241	0.00445019047668251	3	Tulp1
+Cry2	5.58121198396382e-06	1.15911909414641	0.85	0.518	0.00517378350913446	3	Cry2
+2810021B07Rik	7.39910145302197e-06	0.645102763935281	0.925	0.746	0.00685896704695137	3	2810021B07Rik
+Rbbp6	8.54847551796692e-06	1.41393491969306	1	0.978	0.00792443680515533	3	Rbbp6
+Ikbkg	8.81372471604703e-06	0.661638825835279	1	0.961	0.00817032281177559	3	Ikbkg
+Slc25a23	9.24702655028913e-06	0.819061653097851	0.875	0.482	0.00857199361211803	3	Slc25a23
+4930562C15Rik	9.77487361708448e-06	0.376144250929733	0.325	0.083	0.00906130784303731	3	4930562C15Rik
+Polh	9.97221469227103e-06	0.538870604528395	0.7	0.338	0.00924424301973524	3	Polh
+Gamt	1.01155957163578e-05	0.550427363896453	0.625	0.281	0.00937715722906367	3	Gamt
+Clip2	1.04534383380878e-05	0.353979209516515	0.85	0.474	0.00969033733940738	3	Clip2
+Eif3f1	1.09316691215982e-05	0.437390979673951	1	0.991	0.0101336572757215	3	Eif3f
+Zfp281	1.12080223701707e-05	0.703935181393964	1	0.904	0.0103898367371482	3	Zfp281
+Dtnb	1.22143889677681e-05	0.753805416175267	0.95	0.689	0.011322738573121	3	Dtnb
+Timm17a1	1.27298530849986e-05	0.517342299672222	1	0.996	0.0118005738097937	3	Timm17a
+Zfp346	1.56114947778694e-05	0.934846256683645	0.85	0.544	0.0144718556590849	3	Zfp346
+Kin	1.78878300032585e-05	0.667941909768243	1	0.943	0.0165820184130206	3	Kin
+Smg5	2.22672961283151e-05	0.475753204558858	1	0.982	0.0206417835109481	3	Smg5
+Ppm1a1	2.43284463035723e-05	0.697290544655893	1	0.991	0.0225524697234115	3	Ppm1a
+Serpini1	2.51660066488827e-05	0.672156042772623	0.525	0.202	0.0233288881635143	3	Serpini1
+Ypel5	3.32199098909373e-05	0.357268154388622	1	0.974	0.0307948564688989	3	Ypel5
+Alox12	3.40388861435749e-05	0.74670540735589	0.9	0.684	0.0315540474550939	3	Alox12
+Lctl1	4.03717505670797e-05	0.553522345092418	0.975	0.86	0.0374246127756829	3	Lctl
+Azin11	4.06543217479778e-05	0.517482918084604	1	0.982	0.0376865562603754	3	Azin1
+Mgea5	4.55490069006865e-05	0.923806401696948	1	0.947	0.0422239293969364	3	Mgea5
+Lin54	4.68325312988345e-05	0.757413194081508	0.975	0.803	0.0434137565140195	3	Lin54
+Ipo111	4.87005029728353e-05	0.675573587929389	1	0.961	0.0451453662558183	3	Ipo11
+Cbr21	4.87267265724762e-05	0.880136909888852	0.8	0.417	0.0451696755326854	3	Cbr2
+Grb21	5.05738573440151e-05	0.790971997746518	1	0.956	0.046881965757902	3	Grb2
+Marveld1	5.47627579079715e-05	0.702535205475529	0.3	0.079	0.0507650765806896	3	Marveld1
+Prkrip11	5.93795487212108e-05	0.587235939441776	1	0.982	0.0550448416645624	3	Prkrip1
+Rnf135	5.93906926028215e-05	0.550001369144125	0.7	0.342	0.0550551720428155	3	Rnf135
+Apitd1	8.93164415615645e-05	1.02198724673295	0.975	0.908	0.0827963413275703	3	Apitd1
+Usp54	9.11694743054355e-05	0.55155848406849	0.975	0.768	0.0845141026811387	3	Usp54
+Dnd1	9.77488202357468e-05	0.314063103615636	0.8	0.439	0.0906131563585373	3	Dnd1
+Atxn31	9.86903587376627e-05	0.550416936132436	1	0.947	0.0914859625498133	3	Atxn3
+Nanos3	0.000118319467321025	0.288249210888947	0.4	0.14	0.10968214620659	3	Nanos3
+Pus1	0.000120694448486087	0.902281921087955	0.975	0.886	0.111883753746602	3	Pus1
+Ankrd57	0.000140616960404832	0.695430800639699	0.7	0.399	0.130351922295279	3	Ankrd57
+Kif9	0.000151686897984932	0.637936067073427	0.725	0.399	0.140613754432032	3	Kif9
+Nup43	0.000164848761816505	0.484307186299848	1	0.978	0.1528148022039	3	Nup43
+Slc39a9	0.000175979160452103	0.462066073543568	0.975	0.833	0.163132681739099	3	Slc39a9
+Smarcd31	0.000177648609119219	0.381059570775661	0.575	0.259	0.164680260653516	3	Smarcd3
+Bet1l	0.00019363662382668	0.731455876328385	0.975	0.82	0.179501150287332	3	Bet1l
+Trpc6	0.000216967398764072	1.17172270612097	0.45	0.211	0.201128778654294	3	Trpc6
+Nfatc3	0.000220256841601569	0.67514627443187	1	0.982	0.204178092164654	3	Nfatc3
+Rsph1	0.000252412214170679	0.424861213515294	0.975	0.768	0.23398612253622	3	Rsph1
+Rasd2	0.000258522552751752	0.677513792756379	0.425	0.18	0.239650406400874	3	Rasd2
+Rtkn2	0.000259711802862102	0.692854334900885	0.6	0.329	0.240752841253168	3	Rtkn2
+Map2k21	0.000287763436969231	0.975061052454877	1	0.961	0.266756706070477	3	Map2k2
+Dda1	0.000301653389426777	0.733523682747304	0.975	0.904	0.279632691998622	3	Dda1
+Rgp1	0.000370166780186171	0.732579023830497	0.875	0.667	0.343144605232581	3	Rgp1
+Fadd	0.000382843399778255	0.610352661606133	0.925	0.785	0.354895831594442	3	Fadd
+Ryr3	0.000434619803168513	0.426525286332399	0.475	0.211	0.402892557537212	3	Ryr3
+Kitl	0.000438480674973238	0.827896888960082	0.375	0.149	0.406471585700191	3	Kitl
+Cdca4	0.000448923643471584	0.509023670014068	1	0.912	0.416152217498159	3	Cdca4
+Smurf2	0.000455542250118025	0.631367611251586	1	0.895	0.422287665859409	3	Smurf2
+Cd3eap	0.000464827257427677	0.809482843732468	0.975	0.939	0.430894867635456	3	Cd3eap
+Donson	0.000482956890764624	0.54424829487314	0.925	0.711	0.447701037738807	3	Donson
+Rnf41	0.000484087610977689	0.481893546993268	1	0.921	0.448749215376318	3	Rnf41
+Ctps2	0.000577147182858968	0.469895990756006	0.85	0.618	0.535015438510263	3	Ctps2
+Mgat4a	0.000595813809027286	0.444112072105756	0.975	0.794	0.552319400968294	3	Mgat4a
+Zfp830	0.00062654091656072	0.566904277885787	0.975	0.886	0.580803429651787	3	Zfp830
+Trip131	0.000640889087350901	0.690984212378081	1	0.982	0.594104183974285	3	Trip13
+Imp4	0.000678281544321928	0.371995591086753	1	0.982	0.628766991586427	3	Imp4
+Gatad2a	0.000842348256187025	0.290880107938365	1	0.996	0.780856833485372	3	Gatad2a
+Phldb31	0.00104932718436517	0.258385700777237	0.775	0.491	0.972726299906515	3	Phldb3
+Kng11	0.00109422336478314	0.545089544022897	0.8	0.509	1	3	Kng1
+Lrp12	0.00110394757727409	0.394821249352309	0.45	0.211	1	3	Lrp12
+Hspa51	0.0011273153287225	0.447496230944877	1	0.996	1	3	Hspa5
+Oxsr11	0.00124792687066747	0.529769571895526	0.975	0.908	1	3	Oxsr1
+Sar1a	0.00128610674469166	0.42341679297363	1	0.991	1	3	Sar1a
+Lnpep	0.00129957284754789	0.343384292663078	0.85	0.579	1	3	Lnpep
+Rnf25	0.00136466454250063	0.530419895031632	0.95	0.781	1	3	Rnf25
+Nmb	0.00144538437621593	0.689128741152352	0.85	0.737	1	3	Nmb
+Gla	0.00160417091121791	0.335257471966212	1	0.939	1	3	Gla
+Tmem189	0.00185656942599541	0.320984728364218	0.9	0.61	1	3	Tmem189
+Nop161	0.00214957840407835	0.499316771229331	1	0.956	1	3	Nop16
+Lmod3	0.00224675994090999	0.786084968080782	0.35	0.149	1	3	Lmod3
+Nlrp3	0.00242962160054685	0.304634825815689	0.425	0.224	1	3	Nlrp3
+Eif2ak3	0.0024918981730553	0.448293072349913	0.95	0.842	1	3	Eif2ak3
+2400003C14Rik	0.00252763699254032	0.317480947316878	1	0.991	1	3	2400003C14Rik
+Kcnj13	0.00257259541382094	0.334677804278403	0.375	0.171	1	3	Kcnj13
+Fgfr1op	0.00308491557346444	0.506071436938047	1	0.895	1	3	Fgfr1op
+Zmym3	0.0033216354587185	0.412076405893259	0.95	0.811	1	3	Zmym3
+Sirt61	0.00408088405471229	0.525572574329067	1	0.978	1	3	Sirt6
+Irak21	0.00448285863365471	0.577804642764755	0.95	0.899	1	3	Irak2
+Vmn1r32	0.00511738028239428	0.387122034480188	0.25	0.101	1	3	Vmn1r32
+Abcc31	0.00544532843658574	0.587606389469099	0.75	0.513	1	3	Abcc3
+Ccdc91	0.0057109864272939	0.539603426200726	0.975	0.882	1	3	Ccdc9
+2900060B14Rik	0.00587816461322828	0.364878988587328	0.725	0.645	1	3	2900060B14Rik
+Prr24	0.00601994942633764	0.437029736135273	0.4	0.211	1	3	Prr24
+Mtf1	0.00649515834703391	0.373933103385015	1	0.934	1	3	Mtf1
+Smarca41	0.00667582194536819	0.317989195368421	1	0.982	1	3	Smarca4
+Trim40	0.00675738941838751	0.650756590457196	0.3	0.136	1	3	Trim40
+Hgs	0.00681028334675727	0.547553600771014	1	0.969	1	3	Hgs
+Mapk14	0.00757557296917801	0.495354797527539	0.925	0.908	1	3	Mapk14
+Upk1a	0.00850416694353715	0.258271217639701	0.275	0.114	1	3	Upk1a
+Nrg1	0.00923011271724026	0.427030692583274	0.275	0.118	1	3	Nrg1
+Zfp46	0.00999509585279969	0.456427763509172	0.525	0.329	1	3	Zfp46
+Calb1	7.28647433729453e-42	1.45954347817052	0.84	0.016	6.75456171067202e-39	4	Calb1
+Tekt4	1.79341146505131e-38	1.19411595781962	0.8	0.021	1.66249242810257e-35	4	Tekt4
+Gm4788	6.10457512617732e-37	0.289372363830689	0.96	0.053	5.65894114196637e-34	4	Gm4788
+Gm14446	9.83486754025169e-37	1.10612269093507	0.92	0.053	9.11692220981331e-34	4	Gm14446
+Trp63	1.34502369760313e-35	3.75677184609127	1	0.082	1.2468369676781e-32	4	Trp63
+Ctsm	1.37373256961556e-35	0.624944487660198	0.8	0.029	1.27345009203362e-32	4	Ctsm
+Gstt1	1.98151913030037e-34	2.06705584204653	0.92	0.062	1.83686823378844e-31	4	Gstt1
+Tox	5.39398346941271e-34	2.12071714048673	0.96	0.078	5.00022267614559e-31	4	Tox
+Nanos2	5.49283398452429e-34	4.04192499690346	1	0.095	5.09185710365402e-31	4	Nanos2
+Prelp	2.53835154072561e-33	2.62174839925537	0.96	0.078	2.35305187825264e-30	4	Prelp
+Sh3rf2	3.57723995960802e-33	1.0899391995644	0.88	0.049	3.31610144255664e-30	4	Sh3rf2
+Emilin2	4.23851587721419e-33	2.45843497343143	0.96	0.078	3.92910421817756e-30	4	Emilin2
+Stk32b	1.53392517533364e-31	2.4205000656676	0.92	0.082	1.42194863753429e-28	4	Stk32b
+Ppp1r3d	1.79261030218208e-31	2.43909233907224	0.96	0.091	1.66174975012279e-28	4	Ppp1r3d
+Palm2	1.12426469838009e-30	2.27146604034126	0.96	0.095	1.04219337539834e-27	4	Palm2
+Postn	1.72476598681431e-30	2.95539793427314	0.92	0.086	1.59885806977686e-27	4	Postn
+Dnajb4	3.47329353730143e-29	5.71514550118603	1	0.136	3.21974310907843e-26	4	Dnajb4
+7420461P10Rik	5.12122030704543e-29	3.5088182124285	0.96	0.123	4.74737122463111e-26	4	7420461P10Rik
+Slc4a10	7.44635002670757e-29	1.27631043307641	0.8	0.058	6.90276647475792e-26	4	Slc4a10
+Zfp735	7.57629903274414e-29	4.28111410619815	0.96	0.123	7.02322920335382e-26	4	Zfp735
+Gbp7	1.14781355868572e-28	2.42296497879866	1	0.128	1.06402316890166e-25	4	Gbp7
+Clip4	1.49221307271991e-28	1.42269149725122	0.92	0.099	1.38328151841136e-25	4	Clip4
+St8sia6	2.05436346012464e-28	1.3029691191917	0.72	0.037	1.90439492753555e-25	4	St8sia6
+St6gal1	2.89302932572725e-28	4.80291341516131	1	0.156	2.68183818494916e-25	4	St6gal1
+Syt7	3.09282493012009e-28	2.24029250619211	0.92	0.099	2.86704871022133e-25	4	Syt7
+Cntn4	4.83347647917491e-28	3.10497248917219	0.96	0.128	4.48063269619515e-25	4	Cntn4
+Ctnna3	4.92707395082766e-28	3.39397095813409	1	0.144	4.56739755241725e-25	4	Ctnna3
+Nlgn3	5.25745326168359e-28	1.66716469124238	0.84	0.074	4.87365917358069e-25	4	Nlgn3
+Map3k13	5.49459151249972e-28	1.10392474699485	0.88	0.078	5.09348633208724e-25	4	Map3k13
+4930555I21Rik	1.14573801368869e-27	0.951739844147589	0.72	0.041	1.06209913868942e-24	4	4930555I21Rik
+Kitl1	1.45490984971873e-27	1.62088904807932	0.96	0.103	1.34870143068926e-24	4	Kitl
+AA619741	1.35394401159613e-26	5.37344873396987	1	0.181	1.25510609874961e-23	4	AA619741
+Wbscr17	2.12766491872281e-26	1.25489622698818	0.84	0.078	1.97234537965604e-23	4	Wbscr17
+Pde1c	3.57295725986617e-26	1.86155376062952	0.92	0.115	3.31213137989594e-23	4	Pde1c
+Nlrp2	4.03551648464834e-26	3.87883801804513	1	0.169	3.74092378126901e-23	4	Nlrp2
+Pparg	1.50672978059141e-25	1.82928193004598	0.8	0.074	1.39673850660823e-22	4	Pparg
+4930503L19Rik	1.72631465635943e-25	3.09157524056451	1	0.156	1.60029368644519e-22	4	4930503L19Rik
+Fbxl21	1.80349338256092e-25	1.57379295498457	0.92	0.099	1.67183836563397e-22	4	Fbxl21
+Rgs12	1.93831869055277e-25	2.01250447557147	0.96	0.144	1.79682142614242e-22	4	Rgs12
+Casp8	1.95919400228315e-25	4.73350218345289	0.84	0.095	1.81617284011648e-22	4	Casp8
+Rasgef1b	2.11363002941664e-25	1.56148954106681	0.92	0.119	1.95933503726923e-22	4	Rasgef1b
+Fam107a	2.75945482625141e-25	1.7432003603996	0.96	0.144	2.55801462393506e-22	4	Fam107a
+A1bg	3.66818608849822e-25	1.75093545418898	0.8	0.082	3.40040850403785e-22	4	A1bg
+Agbl2	7.33120966605028e-25	3.91176442309137	0.96	0.177	6.79603136042861e-22	4	Agbl2
+Add2	7.71538999268531e-25	1.7491113223912	0.88	0.103	7.15216652321928e-22	4	Add2
+Tnik	1.89195523311494e-24	2.96776212755676	1	0.181	1.75384250109755e-21	4	Tnik
+Gm13103	1.98202827765328e-24	1.48618708207435	1	0.222	1.83734021338459e-21	4	Gm13103
+Siglec5	2.2391211140376e-24	0.405399213309922	0.72	0.053	2.07566527271286e-21	4	Siglec5
+Synj2	2.33009316301787e-24	1.68164354097269	0.96	0.169	2.15999636211757e-21	4	Synj2
+Cyp19a1	2.35801545558747e-24	1.327668131859	0.56	0.021	2.18588032732959e-21	4	Cyp19a1
+Flrt3	2.48336149544909e-24	3.84695080774018	1	0.206	2.3020761062813e-21	4	Flrt3
+Aass	1.35916865073072e-23	3.40078224674518	0.96	0.169	1.25994933922737e-20	4	Aass
+D630045J12Rik	1.62506771843295e-23	1.84527551695428	0.92	0.148	1.50643777498734e-20	4	D630045J12Rik
+Jazf1	1.87738199888022e-23	4.34215562795256	1	0.226	1.74033311296197e-20	4	Jazf1
+Ptprh	2.32885897414176e-23	1.07490162368816	0.92	0.115	2.15885226902941e-20	4	Ptprh
+Fgf8	4.85917909242449e-23	0.525503954122529	0.72	0.062	4.5044590186775e-20	4	Fgf8
+Nlrp9b	5.06014614181235e-23	5.86506970992502	1	0.255	4.69075547346005e-20	4	Nlrp9b
+Dnaja4	5.37627291326716e-23	2.90342957836727	0.96	0.169	4.98380499059865e-20	4	Dnaja4
+Dkk3	9.98611410003035e-23	1.01811035604314	0.64	0.041	9.25712777072813e-20	4	Dkk3
+Tspyl4	1.58282432303781e-22	3.41885162653521	0.96	0.193	1.46727814745605e-19	4	Tspyl4
+4931408C20Rik	4.03471252761375e-22	2.96899781057889	0.84	0.119	3.74017851309795e-19	4	4931408C20Rik
+Cldn15	6.93072480095987e-22	1.61506025710929	0.76	0.082	6.4247818904898e-19	4	Cldn15
+Klhdc1	2.3666867357006e-21	1.54006665271039	0.92	0.144	2.19391860399446e-18	4	Klhdc1
+Ank3	7.45084342823747e-21	1.66371011232963	0.84	0.119	6.90693185797614e-18	4	Ank3
+Dnahc7b	8.16724747676575e-21	2.95977071341094	1	0.296	7.57103841096185e-18	4	Dnahc7b
+Susd3	9.97730457934355e-21	2.55913554287515	1	0.214	9.24896134505147e-18	4	Susd3
+Capn3	1.70183319442534e-20	1.22126594749743	0.76	0.099	1.57759937123229e-17	4	Capn3
+Siah2	2.00398615518644e-20	5.10580042818432	1	0.333	1.85769516585783e-17	4	Siah2
+Ahr	3.18514965344481e-20	2.14890321089539	0.88	0.152	2.95263372874334e-17	4	Ahr
+Evl	5.27270534609733e-20	2.31645977821982	0.96	0.247	4.88779785583222e-17	4	Evl
+Serpini11	1.35399622068809e-19	1.72843209712204	0.96	0.177	1.25515449657786e-16	4	Serpini1
+P2rx6	2.61666184508431e-19	0.950129972001398	0.68	0.07	2.42564553039316e-16	4	P2rx6
+Bnc2	3.94927011711101e-19	4.21307179261675	1	0.379	3.66097339856191e-16	4	Bnc2
+Ttc21b	4.48048445276014e-19	0.666020410145535	0.64	0.062	4.15340908770865e-16	4	Ttc21b
+Dnahc8	5.22715420711798e-19	3.7400526030543	1	0.35	4.84557194999836e-16	4	Dnahc8
+Fut10	6.23018753154982e-19	2.07075648698933	0.92	0.21	5.77538384174668e-16	4	Fut10
+Lonrf2	6.34217074862136e-19	0.354172628499182	0.56	0.037	5.879192283972e-16	4	Lonrf2
+Tas1r2	7.04495979548227e-19	0.421965057952629	0.52	0.033	6.53067773041207e-16	4	Tas1r2
+Gm101	8.07028981530683e-19	0.263768382287443	0.48	0.025	7.48115865878944e-16	4	Gm101
+4430402I18Rik	9.54544352009576e-19	0.588769964434573	0.48	0.025	8.84862614312877e-16	4	4430402I18Rik
+Rasl11b	1.09017706461955e-18	1.2719604565366	0.68	0.074	1.01059413890232e-15	4	Rasl11b
+Dopey2	1.23412222064398e-18	2.46521496339263	1	0.292	1.14403129853697e-15	4	Dopey2
+Rab3d	6.97099089317303e-18	4.24009902346091	1	0.424	6.4621085579714e-15	4	Rab3d
+Zfp461	9.54125850812601e-18	2.79391015742711	0.96	0.296	8.84474663703282e-15	4	Zfp46
+Tesc	1.42575894240167e-17	4.28319876026649	1	0.543	1.32167853960635e-14	4	Tesc
+Gm48501	1.51070520726681e-17	2.99028675461912	0.88	0.148	1.40042372713633e-14	4	Gm4850
+Enox1	1.83316450470133e-17	2.6819020594255	0.96	0.288	1.69934349585813e-14	4	Enox1
+Pcolce2	1.86135141270605e-17	1.29751008542801	0.88	0.169	1.72547275957851e-14	4	Pcolce2
+Smox	2.13536172883873e-17	1.87779376131118	0.96	0.259	1.9794803226335e-14	4	Smox
+Sema6a	2.14406962529618e-17	1.58284076135351	0.88	0.185	1.98755254264956e-14	4	Sema6a
+Colq	2.3603500828545e-17	1.03980856383107	0.8	0.136	2.18804452680612e-14	4	Colq
+Pkd2l2	2.71892984881251e-17	6.57367299331847	1	0.58	2.52044796984919e-14	4	Pkd2l2
+Gng12	5.20879562271918e-17	3.92418555424018	1	0.626	4.82855354226068e-14	4	Gng12
+Fam110b	5.45246622567631e-17	3.03441123299714	1	0.374	5.05443619120194e-14	4	Fam110b
+Grip1	6.43222524165751e-17	3.00065060309105	0.96	0.379	5.96267279901651e-14	4	Grip1
+Sdcbp2	6.51561555010022e-17	2.49031673780251	0.96	0.28	6.0399756149429e-14	4	Sdcbp2
+Kbtbd8	9.15746574908903e-17	4.50107303384636	1	0.675	8.48897074940553e-14	4	Kbtbd8
+Smarca2	1.12135778373806e-16	3.78640779709216	1	0.547	1.03949866552518e-13	4	Smarca2
+Ryr31	1.44237139359135e-16	0.627514777502389	0.88	0.185	1.33707828185918e-13	4	Ryr3
+Angel2	1.82199871588075e-16	3.83080386011335	1	0.798	1.68899280962146e-13	4	Angel2
+Prdm16	2.68381093472491e-16	2.76162554974848	0.96	0.329	2.48789273648999e-13	4	Prdm16
+Lrrc27	3.16525223839145e-16	0.67519478929253	0.76	0.128	2.93418882498888e-13	4	Lrrc27
+Tnfaip8	5.13403829372961e-16	3.54092878529361	1	0.519	4.75925349828734e-13	4	Tnfaip8
+Wdr20a	6.4472674793875e-16	3.37979573290738	1	0.757	5.97661695339221e-13	4	Wdr20a
+Dip2b	7.93025003718885e-16	2.46244970089408	1	0.918	7.35134178447407e-13	4	Dip2b
+Gatad2a1	8.03925438308724e-16	2.01253895546818	1	0.996	7.45238881312187e-13	4	Gatad2a
+Efcab3	8.96784868762304e-16	1.2165437446827	0.84	0.189	8.31319573342656e-13	4	Efcab3
+Trim401	9.21312485400265e-16	0.741336353862257	0.72	0.103	8.54056673966046e-13	4	Trim40
+Mthfd2	1.1900221590094e-15	3.44844450869168	1	0.765	1.10315054140172e-12	4	Mthfd2
+Samd4	1.22819332585726e-15	0.813572945963178	0.72	0.119	1.13853521306968e-12	4	Samd4
+St7	1.52639765700565e-15	2.34804539160805	0.92	0.305	1.41497062804424e-12	4	St7
+Ccdc501	1.73262684180119e-15	2.78236393233026	1	0.741	1.6061450823497e-12	4	Ccdc50
+Esrp1	2.15358595137848e-15	2.79025611469526	1	0.897	1.99637417692785e-12	4	Esrp1
+Epc1	2.44143143889722e-15	3.15231008010683	1	0.753	2.26320694385773e-12	4	Epc1
+Fnbp1l1	2.4849036132982e-15	2.55514054804515	1	0.827	2.30350564952743e-12	4	Fnbp1l
+Laptm4b	2.75565270591397e-15	3.07446497583373	1	0.733	2.55449005838225e-12	4	Laptm4b
+Ppp6r2	2.99049979396054e-15	0.99963316880588	0.88	0.202	2.77219330900142e-12	4	Ppp6r2
+Nfatc2	3.14349496883849e-15	0.965587073234795	0.68	0.111	2.91401983611328e-12	4	Nfatc2
+Wasl	3.48484666895757e-15	2.60436084458781	1	0.963	3.23045286212367e-12	4	Wasl
+Sap130	4.71640712300202e-15	2.36507141567713	1	0.963	4.37210940302287e-12	4	Sap130
+Lrp121	5.23254850471444e-15	1.0591551206995	0.88	0.181	4.85057246387029e-12	4	Lrp12
+Lhpp	7.01638925672533e-15	1.46715675082804	0.84	0.181	6.50419284098438e-12	4	Lhpp
+Ptprz1	7.03215254228908e-15	1.35543725846971	0.76	0.181	6.51880540670197e-12	4	Ptprz1
+Dtx3	7.25223184698049e-15	0.54392266592676	0.8	0.144	6.72281892215091e-12	4	Dtx3
+Clip21	7.80878858920451e-15	2.01339018920013	0.96	0.486	7.23874702219258e-12	4	Clip2
+Rtkn21	8.03399949755419e-15	1.26724988107886	1	0.305	7.44751753423273e-12	4	Rtkn2
+Hvcn1	1.12053546645201e-14	2.41789274166838	1	0.658	1.03873637740102e-11	4	Hvcn1
+Stau2	1.2367595864626e-14	2.07074698351048	0.96	0.387	1.14647613665083e-11	4	Stau2
+Plk4	1.33581451906097e-14	2.80283855306323	1	0.84	1.23830005916952e-11	4	Plk4
+Slc25a231	1.44439776190432e-14	2.13580735836247	1	0.494	1.33895672528531e-11	4	Slc25a23
+Pole41	2.11324493317209e-14	1.62699710846853	1	0.914	1.95897805305053e-11	4	Pole4
+Akap7	2.12831107436157e-14	2.57831943983047	1	0.687	1.97294436593318e-11	4	Akap7
+Tsc22d1	3.48261176531061e-14	2.63214857960689	1	0.86	3.22838110644293e-11	4	Tsc22d1
+Mfsd9	3.70578798646635e-14	0.862068552504602	0.68	0.115	3.43526546345431e-11	4	Mfsd9
+Akap6	4.54687996823394e-14	0.625701824653917	0.64	0.107	4.21495773055286e-11	4	Akap6
+Greb1	4.82986605512085e-14	0.415530438457458	0.64	0.103	4.47728583309703e-11	4	Greb1
+Smurf21	5.54519469152219e-14	2.61281359669241	0.96	0.905	5.14039547904107e-11	4	Smurf2
+Siah1b1	6.88384212800318e-14	2.53378500108403	1	0.761	6.38132165265894e-11	4	Siah1b
+Rictor	8.33499404990563e-14	2.45152189375378	1	0.909	7.72653948426252e-11	4	Rictor
+Gm165151	9.61612725379451e-14	2.51060028153012	1	0.86	8.91414996426751e-11	4	Gm16515
+Rbfox2	1.01694872453775e-13	2.88105291469517	1	0.819	9.42711467646492e-11	4	Rbfox2
+Lmln	1.4996227073163e-13	0.572766412339056	0.84	0.198	1.39015024968221e-10	4	Lmln
+Cbfa2t3	1.63994150763106e-13	1.87750365403276	1	0.395	1.52022577757399e-10	4	Cbfa2t3
+Zbtb371	1.78031239010418e-13	2.10174574109439	0.96	0.428	1.65034958562657e-10	4	Zbtb37
+Mapk9	1.8386646085678e-13	2.28596952315469	0.96	0.741	1.70444209214235e-10	4	Mapk9
+Fbxo8	2.68575165241775e-13	2.4653824779672	0.96	0.815	2.48969178179126e-10	4	Fbxo8
+Donson1	2.80940463809226e-13	2.33381660718263	0.96	0.72	2.60431809951153e-10	4	Donson
+Clec12a	3.77654698675618e-13	0.364306959985906	0.44	0.041	3.50085905672298e-10	4	Clec12a
+Fbxo18	4.45324365806014e-13	2.27781203571058	1	0.7	4.12815687102175e-10	4	Fbxo18
+Ankrd521	4.67252387989619e-13	2.54739802783053	0.96	0.617	4.33142963666377e-10	4	Ankrd52
+Myo18a	6.11141165268913e-13	2.06844544934556	1	0.646	5.66527860204282e-10	4	Myo18a
+Epb4.11	1.21447020068671e-12	1.81256051702273	1	0.922	1.12581387603658e-09	4	Epb4.1
+Usp44	1.28594907519433e-12	0.416002153793656	0.52	0.066	1.19207479270515e-09	4	Usp44
+Ccdc14	1.36708521132431e-12	2.79257996761963	1	0.708	1.26728799089764e-09	4	Ccdc14
+Adam7	1.4203976051265e-12	0.348439639382281	0.32	0.016	1.31670857995227e-09	4	Adam7
+Mtf11	1.51333151192486e-12	1.78489692061191	1	0.938	1.40285831155434e-09	4	Mtf1
+Rab3gap1	1.54558863715183e-12	2.42886177852512	1	0.947	1.43276066663975e-09	4	Rab3gap1
+Lin541	1.70591357026912e-12	2.2921828152613	0.96	0.815	1.58138187963947e-09	4	Lin54
+Manba	2.04546019977721e-12	1.96460067226587	0.92	0.313	1.89614160519348e-09	4	Manba
+Nfkbiz	2.45636907813087e-12	0.304652213230019	0.84	0.181	2.27705413542732e-09	4	Nfkbiz
+Arfgef1	2.53851581248402e-12	2.1587347528686	1	0.914	2.35320415817268e-09	4	Arfgef1
+Drosha	3.0515306554585e-12	1.69972069432367	1	0.955	2.82876891761003e-09	4	Drosha
+Duoxa2	3.41008561799742e-12	4.10048214723455	0.6	0.111	3.16114936788361e-09	4	Duoxa2
+Whsc1	3.94791321253577e-12	2.0060275070671	1	0.757	3.65971554802066e-09	4	Whsc1
+Phf7	5.2538641350301e-12	1.0000241645655	0.96	0.325	4.8703320531729e-09	4	Phf7
+Ccdc88a	5.98916505562513e-12	2.42179057840329	0.96	0.617	5.5519560065645e-09	4	Ccdc88a
+Abca131	7.00771139114867e-12	1.82515120980123	1	0.588	6.49614845959482e-09	4	Abca13
+AI314180	9.95101592108729e-12	1.55419750334187	0.96	0.967	9.22459175884792e-09	4	AI314180
+Slc2a9	9.95573777635433e-12	0.531905133491423	0.72	0.165	9.22896891868046e-09	4	Slc2a9
+Usp541	9.99899983988007e-12	1.79930950344482	0.96	0.782	9.26907285156882e-09	4	Usp54
+1810041L15Rik	1.11515763120716e-11	0.354107484394614	0.4	0.037	1.03375112412903e-08	4	1810041L15Rik
+Ypel51	1.53245639830212e-11	2.06164855835124	1	0.975	1.42058708122606e-08	4	Ypel5
+Ube2w	1.80822603509713e-11	1.5822011196932	1	0.802	1.67622553453504e-08	4	Ube2w
+Rnf19a	1.95458410371035e-11	2.06236504513621	0.96	0.63	1.81189946413949e-08	4	Rnf19a
+Mllt41	2.10213656370971e-11	1.29056444719059	1	0.971	1.9486805945589e-08	4	Mllt4
+Neb	2.42859221289881e-11	1.0054431864365	0.96	0.383	2.2513049813572e-08	4	Neb
+Ces2a	2.9598637940942e-11	0.528602459347014	0.48	0.07	2.74379373712532e-08	4	Ces2a
+Pum22	5.07846311659841e-11	1.26577449997296	1	1	4.70773530908673e-08	4	Pum2
+Lin28a1	9.16303545779576e-11	1.97837541344865	1	0.774	8.49413386937667e-08	4	Lin28a
+Ammecr1l1	1.0595642318885e-10	1.30069913158308	1	0.934	9.8221604296064e-08	4	Ammecr1l
+Hspa1a1	1.17018303498107e-10	1.42269894187353	0.88	0.263	1.08475967342745e-07	4	Hspa1a
+Homer1	1.20704064467784e-10	1.49317057034198	0.96	0.576	1.11892667761636e-07	4	Homer1
+Diras1	1.3630235001043e-10	0.415276424024409	0.32	0.025	1.26352278459669e-07	4	Diras1
+Cd101	1.70283592326964e-10	0.294664194949653	0.44	0.058	1.57852890087095e-07	4	Cd101
+Tcfe3	1.89478508653221e-10	1.99798369196135	1	0.757	1.75646577521536e-07	4	Tcfe3
+Mapk8ip3	2.14705209782319e-10	1.75575866634819	1	0.605	1.99031729468209e-07	4	Mapk8ip3
+Kif14	3.18654598247209e-10	1.7836457907186	0.96	0.831	2.95392812575163e-07	4	Kif14
+Siah1a1	3.59306799284511e-10	1.68240494757085	1	0.798	3.33077402936742e-07	4	Siah1a
+Cdca41	4.75101589767026e-10	1.3955524461087	0.96	0.922	4.40419173714033e-07	4	Cdca4
+Dda11	5.76898794315175e-10	1.3965019853191	1	0.905	5.34785182330168e-07	4	Dda1
+Chd6	8.03854949506152e-10	1.66944336822125	1	0.827	7.45173538192203e-07	4	Chd6
+Gsdmc31	1.46906905317228e-09	0.57584832518055	0.88	0.321	1.3618270122907e-06	4	Gsdmc3
+Apitd11	1.71324421721923e-09	1.12058340834234	1	0.909	1.58817738936223e-06	4	Apitd1
+Tbc1d14	1.93074772294136e-09	1.92716796676189	1	0.856	1.78980313916664e-06	4	Tbc1d14
+Zfp300	2.13925426442828e-09	0.690280158516252	0.36	0.041	1.98308870312501e-06	4	Zfp300
+Etv1	2.53369955736004e-09	0.292607851542103	0.76	0.247	2.34873948967276e-06	4	Etv1
+Gal3st21	2.9895098628407e-09	1.92318013917008	0.72	0.206	2.77127564285333e-06	4	Gal3st2
+Dnaja21	3.5912080601965e-09	0.952901723107821	1	0.996	3.32904987180216e-06	4	Dnaja2
+Pla2g6	5.17503207813425e-09	1.37297895385903	0.96	0.543	4.79725473643045e-06	4	Pla2g6
+Spred2	5.76272075500298e-09	0.809905853501114	0.96	0.449	5.34204213988776e-06	4	Spred2
+Dand5	9.91338209094858e-09	0.403634528108972	0.72	0.189	9.18970519830933e-06	4	Dand5
+Lnpep1	1.16247943986125e-08	1.17947704258048	0.96	0.584	1.07761844075138e-05	4	Lnpep
+4930519G04Rik	1.425712336594e-08	0.327728611789388	0.6	0.169	1.32163533602264e-05	4	4930519G04Rik
+Ccnt2	1.57787540875492e-08	1.37863786771065	0.96	0.893	1.46269050391581e-05	4	Ccnt2
+B230120H23Rik1	1.85023251584262e-08	0.668096996919293	0.92	0.519	1.71516554218611e-05	4	B230120H23Rik
+Usp371	2.37372869856658e-08	0.944540846473084	0.96	0.975	2.20044650357122e-05	4	Usp37
+Ip6k21	2.88140024893256e-08	2.31458308917773	0.96	0.588	2.67105803076048e-05	4	Ip6k2
+Tinf21	3.03632343670193e-08	1.17477979947318	1	0.885	2.81467182582269e-05	4	Tinf2
+Scn1a	7.76813552061107e-08	0.457526138908355	0.64	0.267	7.20106162760646e-05	4	Scn1a
+Arid5a1	8.89336573899189e-08	1.96177002911922	0.84	0.337	8.24415004004548e-05	4	Arid5a
+Prkca	1.11188275098875e-07	0.250671766730116	0.4	0.07	0.000103071531016657	4	Prkca
+Lcor	1.52910814008632e-07	0.892594653434745	1	0.531	0.000141748324586002	4	Lcor
+2310008H04Rik	1.99158752567749e-07	1.12743725664549	0.96	0.597	0.000184620163630303	4	2310008H04Rik
+Rbl11	2.27732554243415e-07	0.905408812201592	0.96	0.601	0.000211108077783645	4	Rbl1
+Mid1ip11	2.3144668676797e-07	2.13440314618512	0.72	0.288	0.000214551078633908	4	Mid1ip1
+Bcl2l131	2.43810414218465e-07	0.977553347709759	1	0.955	0.000226012253980517	4	Bcl2l13
+Il15	3.61625614654534e-07	0.430016785401643	0.32	0.049	0.000335226944784753	4	Il15
+Slc16a13	3.87854430460621e-07	1.26838747800073	0.92	0.469	0.000359541057036995	4	Slc16a13
+Mgat4a1	4.3081640741542e-07	0.882005002652121	1	0.802	0.000399366809674095	4	Mgat4a
+Hist1h1a	4.42696168110822e-07	1.52576619380862	1	0.914	0.000410379347838732	4	Hist1h1a
+Slc35c11	4.4465413429829e-07	1.53509566458281	0.88	0.626	0.000412194382494515	4	Slc35c1
+Rasd21	1.02542329381111e-06	0.312486842131605	0.6	0.177	0.000950567393362897	4	Rasd2
+6720489N17Rik1	1.07287949412387e-06	1.73563711321024	0.96	0.967	0.00099455929105283	4	6720489N17Rik
+Trip111	1.17107629306268e-06	0.86751998372811	1	0.765	0.0010855877236691	4	Trip11
+Zcchc81	1.23923297111951e-06	1.37577004828821	0.96	0.979	0.00114876896422779	4	Zcchc8
+D19Ertd737e	1.33656742477104e-06	0.818070859921239	1	0.835	0.00123899800276276	4	D19Ertd737e
+Tcf3	1.47341707954375e-06	0.698594064666665	0.96	0.811	0.00136585763273706	4	Tcf3
+Ccdc115	1.59108696515693e-06	0.935789171059449	1	0.942	0.00147493761670047	4	Ccdc115
+Sec14l1	2.22515999218069e-06	0.441003772850919	0.96	0.547	0.0020627233127515	4	Sec14l1
+Gpatch31	2.28602215776352e-06	1.71564636112472	0.84	0.37	0.00211914254024678	4	Gpatch3
+1700029F12Rik	3.16670921538127e-06	1.25920332789257	0.6	0.206	0.00293553944265843	4	1700029F12Rik
+D1Bwg0212e	3.54092462883736e-06	1.09075409376934	0.96	0.819	0.00328243713093223	4	D1Bwg0212e
+Agbl5	3.63234366845022e-06	0.359000375003823	0.88	0.51	0.00336718258065336	4	Agbl5
+Kif91	4.01899120973089e-06	0.768464087196651	0.88	0.403	0.00372560485142053	4	Kif9
+Ctnna2	4.18835867427856e-06	0.489080438185307	0.4	0.107	0.00388260849105622	4	Ctnna2
+Traf7	4.59597118765464e-06	0.70767916224615	1	0.959	0.00426046529095585	4	Traf7
+Rbm22	5.36974645549668e-06	0.730087432476789	1	0.992	0.00497775496424542	4	Rbm22
+Rspry11	5.69095110889555e-06	1.0141365217818	0.96	0.716	0.00527551167794617	4	Rspry1
+Mecp2	6.73951105806661e-06	0.990901622242648	0.88	0.551	0.00624752675082775	4	Mecp2
+Ogfrl1	7.83911040043734e-06	0.426596561676906	0.96	0.56	0.00726685534120541	4	Ogfrl1
+Nmb1	8.1467937980205e-06	1.48728600328544	1	0.728	0.007552077850765	4	Nmb
+Nin2	8.41338109135364e-06	1.03986152957422	0.96	0.761	0.00779920427168482	4	Nin
+Ccnyl1	8.75230930750994e-06	1.19543145693502	1	0.7	0.00811339072806172	4	Ccnyl1
+Tex14	9.56222447108374e-06	0.494746429430875	0.84	0.436	0.00886418208469463	4	Tex14
+St5	1.14940659749145e-05	0.605165682719874	1	0.638	0.0106549991587457	4	St5
+Nbeal1	1.21823749551211e-05	0.832173404655711	0.96	0.897	0.0112930615833972	4	Nbeal1
+Clk21	1.68162380954407e-05	1.21176749980517	0.96	0.852	0.0155886527144735	4	Clk2
+Pip5k1c	1.80263888169973e-05	0.716186824000705	0.96	0.757	0.0167104624333565	4	Pip5k1c
+Tmem87b1	1.81967024576279e-05	0.686361617836365	1	0.835	0.016868343178221	4	Tmem87b
+Ercc4	2.93090146915522e-05	1.22254679642911	1	0.877	0.0271694566190689	4	Ercc4
+Alox121	2.9986865925419e-05	0.814366019417343	0.96	0.691	0.0277978247128634	4	Alox12
+Cotl1	3.55238391783376e-05	0.291812126661166	0.8	0.387	0.032930598918319	4	Cotl1
+Vps39	3.62481073948892e-05	1.28853126628222	0.96	0.827	0.0336019955550623	4	Vps39
+4632434I11Rik1	3.93389287722145e-05	0.608031235714694	0.96	0.934	0.0364671869718429	4	4632434I11Rik
+Ankrd27	4.13605244951355e-05	0.78336551232952	1	0.794	0.0383412062069906	4	Ankrd27
+Fah1	4.76477821526752e-05	0.331144383476058	0.4	0.107	0.0441694940555299	4	Fah
+Zmym4	4.99487631936679e-05	0.819479010245981	0.96	0.93	0.0463025034805301	4	Zmym4
+Mosc21	8.75878249805554e-05	0.804360337949048	0.96	0.753	0.0811939137569749	4	Mosc2
+Fem1c1	0.000134144950945859	1.59351176629955	0.96	0.831	0.124352369526812	4	Fem1c
+D4Bwg0951e1	0.000137801588617095	0.565645554404937	0.8	0.403	0.127742072648047	4	D4Bwg0951e
+Zkscan141	0.00014549216540626	0.583843128566121	0.92	0.576	0.134871237331603	4	Zkscan14
+Cry21	0.000155364520126801	0.42931037311356	0.92	0.531	0.144022910157544	4	Cry2
+Dtnb1	0.000163437118936719	0.485702200066726	1	0.7	0.151506209254338	4	Dtnb
+Abcc32	0.000168288248321098	0.250119026164717	0.88	0.514	0.156003206193658	4	Abcc3
+Zfp523	0.000191398072795126	0.329049002394344	0.36	0.107	0.177426013481082	4	Zfp523
+Sec31a	0.000344008370420095	0.924496462911904	1	0.984	0.318895759379428	4	Sec31a
+Ercc5	0.000413521809768657	0.419204737728817	0.88	0.584	0.383334717655545	4	Ercc5
+Tnrc6a	0.000536560574620653	0.406801300987023	0.96	0.988	0.497391652673345	4	Tnrc6a
+Ctnnd1	0.000892942115112949	0.766388544590886	1	0.984	0.827757340709703	4	Ctnnd1
+Zmym31	0.00106377539780854	0.443295470931702	1	0.815	0.986119793768515	4	Zmym3
+Zfp8301	0.00119573195456822	0.556755544900666	1	0.889	1	4	Zfp830
+Hells1	0.00123148933789219	0.320858221286585	0.96	0.979	1	4	Hells
+Nlrp31	0.00167546658564824	0.682913638083824	0.48	0.23	1	4	Nlrp3
+Serpine21	0.00170095741538562	0.492169327022354	0.96	0.757	1	4	Serpine2
+Ttll5	0.00173194686095845	0.334901585350436	0.96	0.823	1	4	Ttll5
+Shprh	0.00223213166460002	0.455600408375772	0.96	0.881	1	4	Shprh
+Dcdc2c1	0.00228198449889257	1.55885090391374	0.84	0.675	1	4	Dcdc2c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/protein_out.tsv	Fri Jul 07 01:43:02 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+p_val	avg_log2FC	pct.1	pct.2	p_val_adj	cluster	gene
+1.67295292546245e-13	0.326405715743977	1	1	2.17483880310118e-12	1	CD3
+1.5642098215071e-44	0.495970381707604	1	1	2.03347276795923e-43	3	CD3
+1.14196527784025e-35	0.40085553451009	1	1	1.48455486119233e-34	3	CD4
+1.00171227157907e-42	0.49278398824099	1	1	1.30222595305279e-41	4	CD3
+4.45804690128427e-32	0.383908885768934	1	1	5.79546097166956e-31	4	CD4
+2.3270323108152e-64	0.535858744002285	1	1	3.02514200405976e-63	6	CD11c
+4.59697497155158e-71	0.582642681231806	1	1	5.97606746301705e-70	8	CD11c
+5.42829982399312e-23	0.310022335647084	1	1	7.05678977119106e-22	9	CD11c
+5.34022845897306e-70	0.60889940093635	1	1	6.94229699666497e-69	10	CD11c
+1.94515080115917e-75	0.987231181827462	1	1	2.52869604150692e-74	11	CD19
+1.3401718411323e-32	0.27534720926661	1	1	1.74222339347199e-31	11	CD45RA
+6.82783507401538e-62	0.57275793552547	1	1	8.87618559621999e-61	12	CD11c
+2.04431843457248e-31	0.449927697936415	1	1	2.65761396494422e-30	15	CD11c
+3.39342323568419e-26	0.404810867237044	1	1	4.41145020638945e-25	16	CD11c
+7.88511793517547e-29	0.465776338611985	1	1	1.02506533157281e-27	17	CD11c
+1.91570514633727e-46	0.56726960905273	1	1	2.49041669023845e-45	18	CD11c
+5.1260483533881e-82	1.18155234784116	1	1	6.66386285940453e-81	20	CD8
+1.57361935775751e-47	0.391899061098195	1	1	2.04570516508476e-46	20	CD45RA
+8.74284608877472e-39	0.546627661446195	1	1	1.13656999154071e-37	23	CD11c
+1.96816328438562e-27	0.525377309779508	1	1	2.55861226970131e-26	24	CD3
+2.80113243084789e-26	0.445779372516199	1	1	3.64147216010226e-25	24	CD4
+2.08891825701061e-32	0.359032672171917	1	1	2.71559373411379e-31	25	CD45RA
+6.38184609794435e-23	0.314402863729703	1	1	8.29639992732766e-22	25	CD56
+2.33924416208311e-19	0.275395941678534	1	1	3.04101741070804e-18	25	CD16
+1.23100762344444e-72	0.527654790808374	1	1	1.60030991047777e-71	26	CD45RA
+1.00222124580754e-61	0.47303501407078	1	1	1.3028876195498e-60	26	CD56
+5.04433216574995e-61	0.499525696517984	1	1	6.55763181547493e-60	26	CD16
+2.57942814886754e-19	0.397056393594097	1	1	3.3532565935278e-18	26	CD8
+3.80436056159182e-21	0.471090809116061	1	1	4.94566873006937e-20	27	CD3
+5.62262803624727e-14	0.365368408368207	1	1	7.30941644712145e-13	27	CD4
+8.05030043675788e-29	0.556377398183442	1	1	1.04653905677852e-27	28	CD3
+5.68183022990689e-24	0.462604140851	1	1	7.38637929887895e-23	28	CD4
+4.32372215869929e-27	0.492374012295227	1	1	5.62083880630908e-26	30	CD4
+8.80072296811784e-27	0.562209188025505	1	1	1.14409398585532e-25	30	CD3
+5.86102527405308e-30	0.514318772298818	1	1	7.619332856269e-29	31	CD4
+1.10478058693055e-26	0.551831262152829	1	1	1.43621476300972e-25	31	CD3
+6.38562416996792e-11	0.407403482613083	1	1	8.30131142095829e-10	32	CD3
+4.17895569544475e-06	0.272549702717712	1	1	5.43264240407818e-05	32	CD4
+3.72341120344556e-39	0.63404032335664	1	1	4.84043456447923e-38	33	CD11c
+3.47626583425057e-31	0.298415769867169	1	1	4.51914558452574e-30	33	CD14
+1.61092774622993e-19	0.32674447986965	1	1	2.09420607009891e-18	35	CD45RA
+7.8712241758892e-27	0.572421953528271	1	1	1.0232591428656e-25	36	CD11c
+2.53970993841925e-22	0.278363837640406	1	1	3.30162291994503e-21	36	CD14
+1.35360047893276e-42	1.32718688149546	1	1	1.75968062261259e-41	37	CD8
+5.24757172988244e-13	0.263336896623814	1	1	6.82184324884717e-12	37	CD45RA
+0.00411967300711807	0.251455582065055	1	1	0.0535557490925349	37	CD3
+5.08213840057668e-09	0.388143218090763	1	1	6.60677992074969e-08	38	CD3
+5.78899385075161e-07	0.325099136996257	1	1	7.52569200597709e-06	38	CD4
+4.66505722311064e-22	0.586604170424365	1	1	6.06457439004383e-21	39	CD3
+3.76660069557731e-21	0.514611202436318	1	1	4.8965809042505e-20	39	CD4
+5.55663908351586e-38	0.515577202059993	1	1	7.22363080857062e-37	40	CD45RA
+6.27348968932591e-32	0.472480692520507	1	1	8.15553659612369e-31	40	CD16
+1.42947043118412e-28	0.415013457906016	1	1	1.85831156053936e-27	40	CD56
+1.8793375763755e-14	0.352665542997354	1	1	2.44313884928815e-13	40	CD8
+5.6008185645827e-24	0.602331877466961	1	1	7.2810641339575e-23	41	CD11c
+2.57123247695116e-20	0.285387697218841	1	1	3.34260222003651e-19	41	CD14
+1.49095077292205e-14	0.49697275611693	1	1	1.93823600479867e-13	43	CD4
+2.08946196531086e-14	0.555739574445692	1	1	2.71630055490412e-13	43	CD3
+2.19758957676378e-05	0.399823538718023	1	1	0.000285686644979291	44	CD3
+6.14864318795116e-05	0.326473015534509	1	1	0.00079932361443365	44	CD4
+1.27620616488274e-20	0.48718207480276	1	1	1.65906801434756e-19	46	CD45RA
+5.73473851777945e-19	0.463918420273511	1	1	7.45516007311328e-18	46	CD16
+8.88217928924765e-16	0.402449826305318	1	1	1.15468330760219e-14	46	CD56
+3.86899212782144e-09	0.403347559498734	1	1	5.02968976616787e-08	46	CD8
+7.82441161756527e-14	0.54974339100417	1	1	1.01717351028348e-12	47	CD4
+1.64611664916494e-12	0.593590803126451	1	1	2.13995164391443e-11	47	CD3
+1.50261128404362e-08	0.444698278386498	1	1	1.9533946692567e-07	48	CD4
+3.0693920280249e-08	0.485806405732138	1	1	3.99020963643237e-07	48	CD3
+3.75064021004935e-05	0.426060220487989	1	1	0.000487583227306415	49	CD3
+0.000142612327520314	0.368345962674295	1	1	0.00185396025776409	49	CD4
+1.75303069982881e-08	0.553523232257216	1	1	2.27893990977745e-07	50	CD3
+2.92205657488682e-07	0.472836909811648	1	1	3.79867354735287e-06	50	CD4
+1.58132516634947e-07	0.546611394241725	1	1	2.05572271625431e-06	52	CD3
+1.9461168179332e-07	0.488063324884708	1	1	2.52995186331316e-06	52	CD4
+8.03593559106167e-08	0.569767489448342	1	1	1.04467162683802e-06	54	CD3
+1.06870991801859e-06	0.487932704728795	1	1	1.38932289342417e-05	54	CD4
+0.000814556186990549	0.351686671472014	1	1	0.0105892304308771	56	CD3
+2.51009951330222e-06	0.493665228200334	1	1	3.26312936729289e-05	57	CD4
+2.42776604502913e-05	0.523629664434363	1	1	0.000315609585853786	57	CD3
+5.42134770798451e-06	0.496080353437594	1	1	7.04775202037986e-05	58	CD4
+4.89589551780272e-05	0.519918267191007	1	1	0.000636466417314353	58	CD3
+1.06083275668956e-05	0.518183248473891	1	1	0.000137908258369643	59	CD3
+2.28373871872614e-05	0.448662008549807	1	1	0.000296886033434398	59	CD4
+2.95127375391735e-07	0.545865093820575	1	1	3.83665588009256e-06	60	CD4
+6.89510261130472e-07	0.5873278673037	1	1	8.96363339469613e-06	60	CD3
+5.96266228093642e-07	0.6022052282127	1	1	7.75146096521734e-06	61	CD3
+2.05697616928793e-05	0.492874477040793	1	1	0.00026740690200743	61	CD4
+4.40285876196449e-05	0.50357982780149	1	1	0.000572371639055384	62	CD3
+0.00232951066979824	0.369528572352012	1	1	0.0302836387073771	62	CD4
+0.0032270997397837	0.343040055579376	1	1	0.0419522966171881	63	CD4
+0.00444570306598577	0.373769928678549	1	1	0.057794139857815	63	CD3
+0.00134937804457614	0.409801469287103	1	1	0.0175419145794898	64	CD3
+6.14108702172555e-07	0.526255271530294	1	1	7.98341312824321e-06	65	CD4
+4.59012879700512e-06	0.564101106006382	1	1	5.96716743610665e-05	65	CD3
+0.000265824057131672	0.474857735628406	1	1	0.00345571274271173	66	CD3
+0.00165866588427592	0.408084027476855	1	1	0.021562656495587	66	CD4
+0.000236342795052248	0.458031750173302	1	1	0.00307245633567922	67	CD3
+0.00268645559141873	0.374370937282443	1	1	0.0349239226884434	67	CD4
+2.3591660433204e-05	0.543103607805673	1	1	0.000306691585631652	69	CD3
+0.000647898842261096	0.415466628025077	1	1	0.00842268494939425	69	CD4
+0.000517321179939829	0.449086058194056	1	1	0.00672517533921778	70	CD3
+0.00369469052975548	0.372007896439794	1	1	0.0480309768868212	70	CD4
Binary file test-data/ has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-data/rna_out.tsv	Fri Jul 07 01:43:02 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
+p_val	avg_log2FC	pct.1	pct.2	p_val_adj	cluster	gene
+0	6.05663691346878	1	0.014	0	0	CD9
+1.9822323994606e-32	0.892085602138872	0.845	0.67	5.33220515454903e-30	0	CD74
+1.15168092712414e-08	0.478645233478619	0.323	0.19	3.09802169396393e-06	0	CD36
+2.8479031688574e-07	0.475224325321269	0.342	0.22	7.66085952422642e-05	0	CD68
+1.19367791108326e-06	0.319116267570157	0.356	0.236	0.000321099358081397	0	CD14
+1.25526626910762e-300	2.55646528238641	0.997	0.174	3.37666626389951e-298	1	CD247
+4.9467417746979e-104	1.38113679016585	1	0.491	1.33067353739374e-101	1	CD7
+3.26887578464599e-22	0.738081621550979	0.711	0.447	8.79327586069771e-20	1	CD3D
+1.67975517808425e-21	0.6897744848159	0.646	0.375	4.51854142904665e-19	1	CD3E
+5.06329852867774e-18	0.772122890497265	0.523	0.295	1.36202730421431e-15	1	CD3G
+1.27114026491996e-14	0.540176080901698	0.729	0.537	3.41936731263469e-12	1	CD69
+4.22106923632502e-12	0.628229473292235	0.431	0.256	1.13546762457143e-09	1	CD27
+1.59191271885828e-09	0.923324279812694	0.28	0.161	4.28224521372878e-07	1	CD96
+6.33331731091395e-06	0.635612480130467	0.3	0.202	0.00170366235663585	1	CD2
+1.2084710019556e-05	0.652639529253708	0.266	0.176	0.00325078699526057	1	AAK1
+7.18353005289289e-05	0.45395573069296	0.36	0.264	0.0193236958422819	1	CDC42SE2
+0	7.28866683945211	1	0.01	0	2	CDC34
+6.2438029160881e-11	0.287473417951871	0.837	0.671	1.6795829844277e-08	2	CD74
+1.67553729019084e-291	2.5252687279094	1	0.161	4.50719531061337e-289	3	CDC42SE1
+1.81222647838563e-48	0.774911191999161	1	0.494	4.87488922685735e-46	3	CD7
+1.59722179115194e-38	0.979326889347329	0.758	0.372	4.29652661819873e-36	3	CD3E
+7.84242124211886e-35	0.885592128425985	0.81	0.444	2.10961131412997e-32	3	CD3D
+1.99915714824053e-33	1.11040695652189	0.611	0.293	5.37773272876704e-31	3	CD3G
+2.3333724887806e-29	1.01503304498776	0.549	0.252	6.27677199481982e-27	3	CD27
+1.04002760149565e-21	0.661402834305967	0.833	0.534	2.79767424802329e-19	3	CD69
+2.11673614992016e-20	0.44565536712769	0.961	0.849	5.69402024328522e-18	3	CD52
+4.16399404112572e-16	1.17812983627874	0.261	0.108	1.12011439706282e-13	3	CD6
+6.12847805829085e-12	0.906143067361228	0.307	0.156	1.64856059768024e-09	3	CCR7
+3.64114850082905e-09	0.669170386110504	0.346	0.2	9.79468946723015e-07	3	CD2
+4.14796430174784e-09	0.753573810220556	0.294	0.161	1.11580239717017e-06	3	CD96
+1.5417100566513e-06	0.656281233809736	0.284	0.175	0.0004147200052392	3	AAK1
+3.81221452867488e-06	0.523887078268232	0.382	0.264	0.00102548570821354	3	CDC42SE2
+3.97949109644182e-05	0.443250782597945	0.379	0.271	0.0107048310494285	3	CCT3
+0.000406152806467521	0.369291108612562	0.376	0.279	0.109255104939763	3	CCT4
+2.86179772528272e-140	1.69823655981722	1	0.494	7.69823588101052e-138	4	CD7
+5.75083718491135e-41	1.12108078531178	0.734	0.373	1.54697520274115e-38	4	CD3E
+2.87854133026334e-40	0.975825622716567	0.826	0.444	7.74327617840839e-38	4	CD3D
+3.21739743549182e-23	0.915070086700084	0.566	0.294	8.65479910147299e-21	4	CD3G
+1.07571393161663e-22	0.703404470988817	0.809	0.535	2.89367047604873e-20	4	CD69
+5.66376326372948e-21	0.998065485935792	0.493	0.254	1.52355231794323e-18	4	CD27
+5.60713087816813e-17	0.410160383521315	0.967	0.849	1.50831820622723e-14	4	CD52
+5.74774963343849e-14	1.097599612095	0.309	0.156	1.54614465139495e-11	4	CCR7
+4.99928644683509e-12	0.95149999528962	0.355	0.2	1.34480805419864e-09	4	CD2
+7.61741524350528e-07	0.566723778496881	0.388	0.27	0.000204908470050292	4	CCT3
+0.00597813707088682	0.325303001531855	0.28	0.217	1	4	CCT2
+0	6.3624837958636	1	0.012	0	5	ABCB7
+0	3.58747133818528	0.88	0.073	0	6	ABI3
+1.42748858021799e-58	1.53828071963406	0.634	0.212	3.83994428078639e-56	6	CD68
+1.07762676060828e-50	1.09102064840927	0.942	0.669	2.89881598603628e-48	6	CD74
+5.07731529501781e-32	1.3974890987987	0.33	0.1	1.36579781435979e-29	6	CD86
+6.97336181247085e-29	1.45563803514765	0.293	0.088	1.87583432755466e-26	6	CD300E
+6.62536629976547e-23	0.979237343350899	0.507	0.232	1.78222353463691e-20	6	CD14
+1.29879352423192e-22	1.43741112294113	0.264	0.088	3.49375458018387e-20	6	CD83
+1.6407031418007e-16	0.644133693508753	0.409	0.189	4.41349145144389e-14	6	CD36
+3.0445113820671e-05	0.349068488613858	0.714	0.589	0.00818973561776051	6	CDC42
+6.55583677910468e-261	2.71000373077191	1	0.165	1.76352009357916e-258	7	CDC42SE1
+1.29143089025351e-75	2.20661973642783	0.428	0.088	3.47394909478194e-73	7	ABI3
+1.2548958759207e-31	1.71962975512911	0.28	0.078	3.37566990622669e-29	7	CD160
+5.19152613393742e-13	0.878068535710515	0.387	0.202	1.39652053002917e-10	7	CD247
+1.10840324003048e-07	0.361221713958942	0.587	0.394	2.98160471568199e-05	7	CD63
+2.21746335078764e-07	0.483423824732453	0.723	0.589	5.96497641361876e-05	7	CDC42
+7.99517400666954e-06	0.421396504601738	0.351	0.221	0.00215070180779411	7	CD68
+6.76789013958815e-05	0.533330797898812	0.347	0.243	0.0182056244754921	7	CD97
+0.0016339913122411	0.339035260828892	0.465	0.363	0.439543662992856	7	CD164
+0	4.46417825504515	0.992	0.061	0	8	CD302
+9.60756756355996e-64	1.57513502978771	0.679	0.227	2.58443567459763e-61	8	CD14
+3.45272314767497e-43	1.42056022230152	0.531	0.185	9.28782526724568e-41	8	CD36
+4.33537392341523e-36	0.858715051260958	0.935	0.67	1.1662155853987e-33	8	CD74
+7.89224238073239e-36	1.34901280952616	0.546	0.215	2.12301320041701e-33	8	CD68
+6.76264512382712e-20	1.41289344887191	0.279	0.102	1.81915153830949e-17	8	CD86
+3.87069498899338e-15	0.704632903210991	0.63	0.393	1.04121695203922e-12	8	CD63
+8.73465974397277e-11	0.664360905317635	0.702	0.534	2.34962347112868e-08	8	CD44
+5.16093888123723e-07	0.477221801349804	0.71	0.59	0.000138829255905281	8	CDC42
+2.11093418875888e-05	0.316773150024341	0.775	0.706	0.00567841296776139	8	CD37
+3.99793848390835e-05	0.363347204088222	0.504	0.383	0.0107544545217135	8	CD99
+0	7.32197034995763	1	0.006	0	9	ABHD2
+1.23756390516985e-16	0.783087493855177	0.473	0.234	3.32904690490689e-14	9	CD14
+1.07888625562268e-13	0.570601318238648	0.829	0.673	2.90220402762501e-11	9	CD74
+7.45763389174225e-12	0.750444470323508	0.407	0.22	2.00610351687866e-09	9	CD68
+1.05950069810378e-10	0.584327884517688	0.364	0.191	2.85005687789917e-08	9	CD36
+7.13020630652296e-10	0.534514088067928	0.605	0.394	1.91802549645468e-07	9	CD63
+2.25234096850786e-05	0.31003607166249	0.527	0.382	0.00605879720528615	9	CD99
+0.000385080771726155	0.280390445156449	0.721	0.589	0.103586727594336	9	CDC42
+0.00251628184936915	0.257894462884593	0.636	0.537	0.676879817480303	9	CD44
+3.1556728925765e-128	2.32915563262636	0.843	0.208	8.48876008103078e-126	10	CD68
+9.09923753962337e-44	1.6088711704297	0.606	0.23	2.44769489815869e-41	10	CD14
+4.07753963740538e-29	2.1932151429504	0.297	0.089	1.09685816246205e-26	10	CD300E
+6.80650628664618e-27	0.873607619656136	0.877	0.672	1.83095019110782e-24	10	CD74
+6.30003452164226e-15	0.867141294312876	0.619	0.394	1.69470928632177e-12	10	CD63
+1.30071333535099e-09	1.15651848705779	0.347	0.191	3.49891887209416e-07	10	CD36
+3.21291909409654e-07	0.586678568893849	0.64	0.537	8.6427523631197e-05	10	CD44
+0.00184342868934049	0.37310926291622	0.644	0.592	0.495882317432593	10	CDC42
+0	3.95221205003669	0.736	0.064	0	11	CD79A
+1.07021579730393e-189	3.19320237135845	0.723	0.106	2.87888049474756e-187	11	CD79B
+2.91811180447137e-73	1.82309040657451	0.936	0.671	7.84972075402799e-71	11	CD74
+7.02206489316294e-30	0.75676012925279	0.957	0.701	1.88893545626083e-27	11	CD37
+1.83170673711863e-12	0.543762692730976	0.83	0.537	4.92729112284911e-10	11	CD69
+7.90645360897057e-240	2.86566640209921	1	0.169	2.12683602081308e-237	12	CDC42SE1
+1.68179294399499e-59	1.6455476029124	0.654	0.213	4.52402301934652e-57	12	CD68
+8.98478544850533e-59	1.63465822642141	0.684	0.228	2.41690728564793e-56	12	CD14
+1.07247466782954e-34	1.48147391212812	0.504	0.187	2.88495685646146e-32	12	CD36
+1.03651568970339e-24	1.65351857338727	0.274	0.082	2.78822720530213e-22	12	CDA
+8.79140206360508e-23	0.653717790693291	0.91	0.671	2.36488715510977e-20	12	CD74
+4.09527307242018e-17	1.41785376169135	0.252	0.09	1.10162845648103e-14	12	CD300E
+3.00524562587856e-16	0.787712690621129	0.731	0.534	8.08411073361333e-14	12	CD44
+1.53533196871783e-12	0.592400754145096	0.641	0.394	4.13004299585096e-10	12	CD63
+9.35430244191386e-10	0.666585404411649	0.701	0.59	2.51630735687483e-07	12	CDC42
+0.00014238870631246	0.304825675260709	0.774	0.706	0.0383025619980518	12	CD37
+0	6.89649127532082	0.596	0.004	0	13	ABCB10
+0	6.42119234635716	0.279	0.002	0	13	CDK1
+1.16457665505184e-107	3.5698452050116	0.317	0.029	3.13271120208946e-105	13	CD59
+3.66542357185766e-11	1.15267159671296	0.394	0.215	9.85998940829712e-09	13	CCT2
+1.29909481865343e-10	0.988059274309252	0.327	0.159	3.49456506217773e-08	13	CCT5
+1.02210064138351e-07	0.653144305091253	0.558	0.361	2.74945072532163e-05	13	CD164
+1.79500694887337e-07	1.35636953852118	0.322	0.193	4.82856869246937e-05	13	CD36
+1.27630738064752e-06	1.00384853315638	0.298	0.172	0.000343326685394182	13	CCT6A
+5.41357515511927e-06	0.47597487898255	0.327	0.188	0.00145625171672708	13	CDC42SE1
+6.6614725452183e-06	0.606094356992069	0.409	0.271	0.00179193611466372	13	CCT3
+4.40274142597374e-05	0.45850780613889	0.423	0.284	0.0118433744358694	13	CD47
+0.00100501436476957	0.415967979879505	0.293	0.195	0.270348864123015	13	CCT7
+0.00180603372112904	0.394875756430989	0.404	0.297	0.485823070983711	13	CCT8
+0.00247656499374346	0.393046366067646	0.38	0.28	0.666195983316992	13	CCT4
+0	6.53563487198089	0.99	0.01	0	14	CDC27
+0.000108152513489747	0.347288868084759	0.281	0.16	0.029093026128742	14	CCT5
+1.6066699197088e-57	2.23937095073824	0.686	0.231	4.32194208401667e-55	15	CD14
+2.22768354273573e-08	1.0446340425005	0.595	0.538	5.99246872995912e-06	15	CD44
+5.09368679641553e-08	0.442491536555366	0.784	0.676	1.37020174823578e-05	15	CD74
+2.35750119654201e-05	1.24539225880576	0.297	0.194	0.00634167821869801	15	CD36
+3.62213191276912e-05	0.841769821471999	0.486	0.399	0.00974353484534893	15	CD63
+1.41353860711059e-49	1.96604482896658	0.663	0.216	3.80241885312748e-47	16	CD68
+1.64751728236409e-21	0.936387949534875	0.886	0.673	4.43182148955941e-19	16	CD74
+1.60847615212495e-19	2.22835174663359	0.277	0.09	4.32680084921613e-17	16	CD300E
+2.73173397760174e-05	0.418531071800571	0.761	0.707	0.00734836439974868	16	CD37
+0.00029976173481334	0.623329602411545	0.614	0.538	0.0806359066647884	16	CD44
+0.00260919752327512	0.471089869247252	0.505	0.398	0.701874133761006	16	CD63
+0	8.15965283484348	1	0	0	17	CDH23
+3.84681760800951e-34	1.35689429277199	0.616	0.217	1.03479393655456e-31	17	CD68
+1.69303860147187e-33	1.52334682902724	0.395	0.101	4.55427383795933e-31	17	CD86
+2.39928100150965e-21	0.822858546538678	0.915	0.673	6.45406589406096e-19	17	CD74
+1.48152489277864e-17	1.1387891558072	0.288	0.09	3.98530196157455e-15	17	CD300E
+1.05796482369262e-09	0.41699653097446	0.672	0.395	2.84592537573314e-07	17	CD63
+1.08467997132918e-09	0.692175581664674	0.458	0.236	2.9177891228755e-07	17	CD14
+9.38159329238834e-09	0.661152244398225	0.379	0.192	2.52364859565246e-06	17	CD36
+4.44687272568707e-06	0.430852751273693	0.638	0.439	0.00119620876320982	17	CD48
+8.86715086886228e-05	0.342387069737673	0.446	0.284	0.0238526358372395	17	CD47
+0.00749599555892644	0.334398963761521	0.638	0.537	1	17	CD44
+0	5.93893325859965	1	0.017	0	18	CD1D
+2.18713566950535e-31	1.08867723332041	0.953	0.672	5.8833949509694e-29	18	CD74
+5.36840226943532e-29	1.43041017467395	0.608	0.233	1.4441002104781e-26	18	CD14
+6.8185935113244e-29	1.28794804346437	0.591	0.218	1.83420165454626e-26	18	CD68
+6.81271198579675e-26	1.20915468549803	0.526	0.189	1.83261952417933e-23	18	CD36
+2.72221210891011e-18	1.36738307175752	0.316	0.103	7.32275057296819e-16	18	CD86
+6.45583912484336e-14	1.0344166362318	0.257	0.086	1.73662072458286e-11	18	CD302
+5.38243937505032e-12	0.608769874670408	0.696	0.394	1.44787619188854e-09	18	CD63
+7.87856689311028e-09	0.585096536978426	0.766	0.535	2.11933449424666e-06	18	CD44
+0.000526490902348414	0.570325485726135	0.392	0.264	0.141626052731723	18	CD55
+0.00241293088661392	0.355508005961103	0.515	0.384	0.649078408499144	18	CD99
+2.13043185657545e-162	2.62755383609754	1	0.175	5.73086169418797e-160	19	CDC42SE1
+1.58889615359227e-08	0.569662561145504	0.75	0.541	4.27413065316321e-06	19	CD69
+0.000335059871282294	0.799869166201308	0.262	0.164	0.0901311053749371	19	CD96
+0.000443390904341473	0.259489396871617	0.935	0.851	0.119272153267856	19	CD52
+0.00149314746610063	0.67393324845377	0.399	0.302	0.40165666838107	19	CD3G
+0.0081094055623543	0.277828769771533	0.56	0.455	1	19	CD3D
+0	5.39899642790389	0.97	0.021	0	20	CD8A
+1.65634490485044e-51	2.70176396434466	0.289	0.041	4.45556779404767e-49	20	CD8B
+1.73181282838399e-51	2.55184246890402	0.404	0.078	4.65857650835294e-49	20	CD160
+8.84212417330603e-38	1.34039657289716	0.94	0.503	2.37853140261932e-35	20	CD7
+1.03667138047746e-32	1.42530402680975	0.596	0.2	2.78864601348438e-30	20	CD247
+2.83985227258159e-12	1.40225400372327	0.259	0.096	7.63920261324447e-10	20	ABI3
+4.98612166457879e-12	0.919369728363074	0.416	0.187	1.3412667277717e-09	20	CDC42SE1
+6.194463246633e-07	0.704590561447292	0.386	0.216	0.000166631061334428	20	CCT2
+1.27573276716685e-05	0.614384000374955	0.47	0.301	0.00343172114367883	20	CD3G
+1.72912038883492e-05	0.549384952704811	0.392	0.243	0.00465133384596595	20	CD97
+9.16425632745131e-05	0.340199207378629	0.295	0.164	0.024651849520844	20	CD96
+0.000148661839082439	0.515111203488578	0.331	0.203	0.039990034713176	20	CD2
+0.000175458980089824	0.418032514516054	0.554	0.397	0.0471984656441626	20	CD63
+0.00103165286071517	0.481342914182971	0.283	0.177	0.277514619532382	20	AAK1
+0.00208681430913804	0.370744235819418	0.5	0.384	0.561353049158134	20	CD99
+0.00493250733616115	0.302452384316423	0.578	0.455	1	20	CD3D
+0.00918343728981633	0.287992209542136	0.38	0.272	1	20	CCT3
+0.0095483741905915	0.385682406801145	0.53	0.426	1	20	CD53
+7.72211059625566e-14	0.546145967403486	0.852	0.505	2.07724775039277e-11	21	CD7
+0.000700709389336775	0.390532824812889	0.593	0.455	0.188490825731592	21	CD3D
+0.00190912146690166	0.498712655551745	0.296	0.194	0.513553674596546	21	CD36
+0	8.30949635317996	1	0	0	22	CD226
+3.38164870978554e-07	0.545213545425398	0.714	0.508	9.0966350293231e-05	22	CD7
+1.24970962770135e-05	0.544413447823938	0.64	0.454	0.00336171889851663	22	CD3D
+3.20288167640071e-05	0.468881778092285	0.708	0.542	0.00861575170951792	22	CD69
+3.52911857782331e-05	0.491667870928058	0.472	0.301	0.00949332897434469	22	CD3G
+7.31144890385752e-05	0.898969705929607	0.335	0.205	0.0196677975513767	22	CD247
+0.000113284477747695	0.664263105947223	0.348	0.217	0.03047352451413	22	CCT2
+0.000154367431447292	0.444048832497832	0.41	0.26	0.0415248390593216	22	CD27
+0.000367630771753296	0.437102479156243	0.329	0.203	0.0988926776016366	22	CD2
+0.000917900814343583	0.489636286171943	0.267	0.159	0.246915319058424	22	CCR7
+0.0012141512342854	0.624312080176596	0.273	0.174	0.326606682022773	22	CCT6A
+0.00150880624190484	0.307548649094111	0.528	0.383	0.405868879072402	22	CD3E
+0.00589779446734251	0.399224462700696	0.391	0.285	1	22	CD47
+0.00978491739827562	0.319158315760726	0.478	0.364	1	22	CD164
+0	5.73509270657496	1	0.024	0	23	CD163
+4.91978950227527e-37	1.60486631627571	0.66	0.233	1.32342337611205e-34	23	CD14
+1.83627346627081e-24	1.58499124681283	0.503	0.19	4.93957562426847e-22	23	CD36
+1.32493791150001e-22	1.36166033792774	0.549	0.219	3.56408298193502e-20	23	CD68
+3.46676319819622e-18	0.93604258143017	0.725	0.395	9.32559300314783e-16	23	CD63
+4.18860161222249e-18	1.89598005970888	0.294	0.092	1.12673383368785e-15	23	CD93
+8.58986806458612e-14	0.522048481293481	0.908	0.674	2.31067450937367e-11	23	CD74
+1.33919491539771e-12	1.7262588837617	0.255	0.092	3.60243432241985e-10	23	CD300E
+6.85661389640652e-07	0.638701685901175	0.667	0.537	0.000184442913813335	23	CD44
+0.00263532671720297	0.445128368795156	0.484	0.385	0.708902886927599	23	CD99
+6.11307570085689e-28	1.17419298533066	0.747	0.296	1.6444173635305e-25	24	CD3G
+9.04838652250968e-26	1.48197080533025	0.4	0.109	2.43401597455511e-23	24	CD6
+1.01787784311628e-24	0.959170561167143	0.9	0.45	2.73809139798279e-22	24	CD3D
+2.99497373738962e-23	0.832208932037027	0.84	0.378	8.05647935357808e-21	24	CD3E
+3.80099787198236e-17	0.725015376603526	0.92	0.538	1.02246842756326e-14	24	CD69
+5.85223156972734e-17	0.558421063369808	1	0.85	1.57425029225665e-14	24	CD52
+4.46179822692296e-16	1.25990351562582	0.413	0.157	1.20022372304228e-13	24	CCR7
+1.10020363746578e-15	0.807760277511405	0.6	0.257	2.95954778478295e-13	24	CD27
+1.45275636262043e-15	0.299303833651841	1	0.503	3.90791461544895e-13	24	CD7
+5.68788366195736e-13	0.744001329245299	0.48	0.201	1.53004070506653e-10	24	CD2
+3.18428569043255e-10	0.697287834648157	0.533	0.27	8.56572850726357e-08	24	CCT3
+8.10998316284e-10	0.676747756191301	0.38	0.162	2.18158547080396e-07	24	CD96
+1.29621835189394e-09	0.987976686612646	0.253	0.096	3.48682736659471e-07	24	CDC25B
+4.46132809524466e-09	0.816333411806637	0.267	0.104	1.20009725762081e-06	24	ABLIM1
+5.40312390604119e-08	0.448965602984709	0.52	0.264	1.45344033072508e-05	24	CDC42SE2
+2.20620100987454e-06	0.437183446349742	0.36	0.176	0.00059346807165625	24	AAK1
+7.12798979144872e-06	0.385532859130251	0.373	0.194	0.0019174292538997	24	CCT7
+1.63161919698017e-05	0.606282429993688	0.293	0.153	0.00438905563987665	24	ABHD14B
+2.30391600579852e-193	3.65553097830909	0.753	0.073	6.19753405559802e-191	25	CD160
+1.90832406275905e-30	1.36535082674614	0.877	0.506	5.13339172882185e-28	25	CD7
+3.18299202435014e-10	1.06457969853879	0.603	0.397	8.56224854550186e-08	25	CD63
+1.49475693443962e-07	1.26010977787428	0.315	0.163	4.02089615364259e-05	25	CD96
+8.51647985943612e-07	0.919054119109585	0.521	0.384	0.000229093308218832	25	CD99
+0.000175336823569493	0.851501621468335	0.473	0.364	0.0471656055401936	25	CD164
+0.000216144367394457	0.635357811358797	0.336	0.205	0.0581428348291089	25	CD247
+0.000242617344200164	0.820837675702564	0.397	0.285	0.0652640655898442	25	CD47
+0.00383171510486708	0.620561326152089	0.329	0.245	1	25	CD97
+0	4.00263786390542	1	0.069	0	26	CD160
+3.06384504590195e-150	2.94915746778474	1	0.194	8.24174317347625e-148	26	CD247
+2.79026678295348e-65	1.82578972110091	1	0.503	7.50581764614485e-63	26	CD7
+3.16494782041279e-25	1.28847320595499	0.753	0.394	8.5137096369104e-23	26	CD63
+5.82444019608848e-14	1.22966222482713	0.589	0.362	1.5667744127478e-11	26	CD164
+8.41683640026561e-14	1.93114985691295	0.253	0.084	2.26412899167145e-11	26	CD300A
+1.4486434293863e-13	1.12744902339753	0.623	0.382	3.89685082504916e-11	26	CD99
+6.0867134997422e-10	0.988766516945847	0.582	0.426	1.63732593143065e-07	26	CD53
+2.45877092590951e-05	0.844482074050169	0.377	0.244	0.00661409379069657	26	CD97
+3.16399576342732e-120	2.47074151434301	0.986	0.195	8.5111486036195e-118	27	CD247
+2.97630025021843e-13	0.843487694259965	0.741	0.453	8.00624767308757e-11	27	CD3D
+3.53972441414439e-13	0.855236243327212	0.676	0.381	9.52185867404842e-11	27	CD3E
+1.91363118242799e-12	1.05775445962651	0.561	0.3	5.14766788073129e-10	27	CD3G
+2.85412295913561e-10	1.00476500490856	0.489	0.259	7.67759076007478e-08	27	CD27
+1.08008523186319e-08	0.673662890212967	0.748	0.542	2.90542927371199e-06	27	CD69
+1.30484758746205e-07	0.412914877370181	0.914	0.852	3.51004001027292e-05	27	CD52
+6.16983165351183e-07	0.951799702404267	0.367	0.203	0.000165968471479468	27	CD2
+0.000148548422882265	1.0055631582168	0.273	0.159	0.0399595257553292	27	CCR7
+3.81765960972606e-101	1.82043596933909	1	0.195	1.02695043501631e-98	28	CD247
+3.00768095053474e-20	0.934967932322246	0.851	0.451	8.09066175693845e-18	28	CD3D
+5.28762186218327e-19	1.11212933274706	0.746	0.38	1.4223702809273e-16	28	CD3E
+5.92718799367272e-18	0.947767962422962	0.866	0.54	1.59441357029796e-15	28	CD69
+2.82265597792292e-15	1.16526937561427	0.545	0.258	7.59294458061266e-13	28	CD27
+2.94299531886029e-13	1.03808200046774	0.575	0.3	7.91665740773417e-11	28	CD3G
+6.25238110258547e-12	0.507509758292187	0.963	0.851	1.68189051659549e-09	28	CD52
+7.70945993925231e-09	0.962460318928152	0.403	0.203	2.07384472365887e-06	28	CD2
+1.53893930353941e-07	1.13214548014299	0.321	0.159	4.13974672652102e-05	28	CCR7
+2.8766506986475e-05	0.912365529652825	0.306	0.177	0.00773819037936177	28	AAK1
+9.88544057519538e-05	0.967576392731573	0.313	0.196	0.0265918351472756	28	CCT7
+0.000296598273628801	0.626062954204405	0.396	0.266	0.0797849356061473	28	CDC42SE2
+0.000389970414889632	0.639737124107762	0.403	0.281	0.104902041605311	28	CCT4
+0.00085425238466953	0.766290814957857	0.269	0.164	0.229793891476104	28	CD96
+0.00188048310934296	0.671148023225836	0.321	0.218	0.505849956413258	28	CCT2
+0	5.5230683322354	1	0.021	0	29	CD59
+3.32198053903598e-05	0.817155285305889	0.364	0.217	0.00893612765000677	29	CCT2
+7.76980578032654e-05	0.669369811142105	0.287	0.153	0.0209007775490784	29	ABHD14B
+0.000194455058727706	0.608168581155755	0.333	0.195	0.052308410797753	29	CCT7
+0.000306387656101787	0.529049957975263	0.287	0.161	0.0824182794913807	29	CCT5
+0.00207710800554854	0.52223607076332	0.419	0.298	0.558742053492556	29	CCT8
+0.00794088221270389	0.332808235327169	0.271	0.174	1	29	CCT6A
+5.96492285843647e-28	1.14462785752878	0.927	0.451	1.60456424891941e-25	30	CD3D
+2.33933790728158e-23	1.17916818478265	0.691	0.256	6.29281897058745e-21	30	CD27
+5.66137387495265e-21	0.98060886382631	0.854	0.379	1.52290957236226e-18	30	CD3E
+1.93933139847451e-19	0.692727135413728	1	0.851	5.21680146189643e-17	30	CD52
+8.68282232183552e-18	1.78207541842582	0.285	0.074	2.33567920457375e-15	30	CD40LG
+3.42876370982542e-17	0.945561049886029	0.862	0.54	9.22337437943039e-15	30	CD69
+4.09591909472915e-17	1.37491194784211	0.447	0.157	1.10180223648214e-14	30	CCR7
+3.49755321724161e-13	1.05926765786929	0.618	0.3	9.40841815437992e-11	30	CD3G
+6.38920280184022e-09	0.95135354838428	0.374	0.163	1.71869555369502e-06	30	CD96
+4.35381849307559e-08	1.02446422142841	0.252	0.097	1.17117717463733e-05	30	CDC25B
+3.07381975746595e-07	0.757025969296966	0.407	0.203	8.26857514758341e-05	30	CD2
+1.47014816053162e-06	0.611632040580453	0.488	0.265	0.000395469855183005	30	CDC42SE2
+0.000456904087544187	0.427467574960938	0.439	0.272	0.122907199549386	30	CCT3
+0.0012246555441588	0.730521515525288	0.26	0.154	0.329432341378716	30	ABHD14B
+0.00166003478507334	0.383199177745804	0.407	0.265	0.446549357184729	30	CD55
+0.00341734841124208	0.305030249500232	0.423	0.281	0.919266722624119	30	CCT4
+0.00537207966945677	0.418938880728746	0.285	0.178	1	30	AAK1
+0.00561986572971506	0.377229256324267	0.309	0.196	1	30	CCT7
+1.75255635093673e-35	0.957578932331458	1	0.505	4.71437658401981e-33	31	CD7
+4.59715219326105e-18	1.13183530860539	0.748	0.381	1.23663393998722e-15	31	CD3E
+3.8949025442326e-14	1.25901669279617	0.528	0.259	1.04772878439857e-11	31	CD27
+1.12434239410321e-12	0.545635329696998	1	0.851	3.02448104013763e-10	31	CD52
+3.74767489667417e-12	0.754520296307145	0.789	0.453	1.00812454720535e-09	31	CD3D
+4.76536431245281e-11	0.778377144867502	0.821	0.541	1.28188300004981e-08	31	CD69
+7.15252830001997e-10	0.973354696092896	0.528	0.301	1.92403011270537e-07	31	CD3G
+1.68097045726816e-08	1.63980312780923	0.26	0.112	4.52181053005135e-06	31	CD6
+0.000158390430246689	0.856814114132276	0.382	0.267	0.0426070257363594	31	CDC42SE2
+2.77105760019615e-113	2.52858319957488	1	0.18	7.45414494452764e-111	32	CDC42SE1
+2.96123874026415e-95	2.19414006647242	0.992	0.197	7.96573221131056e-93	32	CD247
+5.15537041016865e-26	1.12531336197756	1	0.505	1.38679464033537e-23	32	CD7
+3.51936281899204e-09	0.748284089886828	0.655	0.382	9.46708598308859e-07	32	CD3E
+1.52723596563972e-08	0.884946220492023	0.496	0.259	4.10826474757084e-06	32	CD27
+1.24495718571273e-07	0.979382033314048	0.37	0.177	3.34893482956724e-05	32	AAK1
+3.20204326305931e-07	0.833640404920106	0.521	0.301	8.61349637762955e-05	32	CD3G
+2.05718843666868e-06	0.414617142770974	0.773	0.542	0.000553383689463876	32	CD69
+4.90967720495812e-06	0.723796945845827	0.387	0.203	0.00132070316813373	32	CD2
+2.39271873097474e-05	0.445426299039445	0.681	0.454	0.00643641338632206	32	CD3D
+7.30022792972802e-05	0.843295206332248	0.286	0.154	0.0196376131309684	32	ABHD14B
+0.00122183271539566	0.444941449705712	0.286	0.159	0.328673000441434	32	CCR7
+2.35664158451829e-119	2.70552320238673	1	0.185	6.3393658623542e-117	33	CD36
+2.79820169460881e-93	2.38952245666221	0.992	0.23	7.5271625584977e-91	33	CD14
+2.06079075520079e-67	2.25720728590339	0.856	0.217	5.54352713149013e-65	33	CD68
+9.12936076289958e-22	2.11693692192698	0.331	0.084	2.45579804521999e-19	33	CDA
+1.647052575534e-16	1.01919549417798	0.788	0.536	4.43057142818645e-14	33	CD44
+6.67686414615773e-14	0.981447465128946	0.703	0.396	1.79607645531643e-11	33	CD63
+2.38142922299295e-12	0.510901670572334	0.941	0.674	6.40604460985103e-10	33	CD74
+2.44148023289295e-10	1.6114930696118	0.28	0.105	6.56758182648203e-08	33	CD86
+3.50193146752107e-06	0.621592423550485	0.746	0.591	0.000942019564763167	33	CDC42
+5.24903860746517e-05	0.597493706521838	0.542	0.384	0.0141199138540813	33	CD99
+0.00253508283217313	0.399904032814167	0.763	0.708	0.681937281854573	33	CD37
+8.68801582590021e-52	1.76611712655569	1	0.505	2.33707625716716e-49	34	CD7
+1.12165306314775e-221	3.6936325464252	1	0.088	3.01724673986745e-219	35	ABI3
+3.23302077015895e-29	1.91784680091549	0.619	0.203	8.69682587172757e-27	35	CD247
+8.08577460992419e-26	1.41600578237409	0.924	0.507	2.17507337006961e-23	35	CD7
+4.08297188345157e-05	0.752260801709832	0.543	0.364	0.0109831943664847	35	CD164
+0.0035636667334429	0.736828928297082	0.314	0.204	0.958626351296141	35	CD2
+0.0061017868637853	0.354358415384	0.505	0.385	1	35	CD99
+0.007152864662456	0.253245512096061	0.724	0.543	1	35	CD69
+5.30228978406956e-99	2.91462177578098	1	0.187	1.42631595191471e-96	36	CD36
+2.76338824003115e-75	2.6112110199683	0.978	0.233	7.43351436568379e-73	36	CD14
+1.15428842293873e-17	2.33464381483117	0.326	0.085	3.10503585770518e-15	36	CDA
+3.71753910570595e-12	2.15978381568878	0.293	0.093	1.0000180194349e-09	36	CD93
+5.14043546934938e-12	0.65577360916874	0.946	0.675	1.38277714125498e-09	36	CD74
+8.47163536749653e-07	0.944296751338563	0.663	0.538	0.000227886991385657	36	CD44
+2.98660079199014e-05	0.634773266148785	0.576	0.399	0.00803395613045347	36	CD63
+0.00114859269356543	0.797614511902625	0.478	0.385	0.308971434569102	36	CD99
+0.00487626660188171	0.44146211119107	0.707	0.708	1	36	CD37
+0	5.22808065129917	0.989	0.029	0	37	CD8A
+1.81847323787235e-136	4.01742244390103	0.582	0.04	4.89169300987663e-134	37	CD8B
+1.39010057464369e-17	1.07580956279764	0.857	0.453	3.73937054579153e-15	37	CD3D
+4.83819671000411e-11	0.674438309829773	0.857	0.508	1.30147491499111e-08	37	CD7
+1.95009615578316e-09	0.988013612400667	0.549	0.26	5.2457586590567e-07	37	CD27
+3.43611941500831e-09	0.852140959528866	0.714	0.382	9.24316122637236e-07	37	CD3E
+5.64908836399703e-09	1.16303787069749	0.451	0.203	1.5196047699152e-06	37	CD2
+8.07144222189981e-08	1.25739136950433	0.286	0.105	2.17121795769105e-05	37	ABLIM1
+3.16303145442544e-07	0.660605710917372	0.593	0.301	8.50855461240444e-05	37	CD3G
+7.8878471439977e-07	1.00394484256274	0.286	0.112	0.000212183088173538	37	CD6
+6.38881353250616e-06	0.891084238737727	0.341	0.159	0.00171859084024416	37	CCR7
+1.27968491480496e-05	0.573471652411106	0.648	0.407	0.00344235242082534	37	ABRACL
+3.34667287032221e-05	0.737062027512206	0.341	0.164	0.00900255002116674	37	CD96
+0.000387503276128471	0.642158365845636	0.451	0.273	0.104238381278559	37	CCT3
+0.000680715277530472	0.995448715566229	0.363	0.218	0.183112409655697	37	CCT2
+0.00269689030921057	0.275315889546883	0.747	0.543	0.725463493177642	37	CD69
+8.76728676630805e-13	0.400402333326294	1	0.507	2.35840014013687e-10	38	CD7
+8.15492992776335e-09	1.05000436269143	0.678	0.455	2.19367615056834e-06	38	CD3D
+1.86235294146958e-07	1.13383085326084	0.586	0.384	5.00972941255316e-05	38	CD3E
+1.34930158944857e-05	0.730902618375209	0.69	0.544	0.00362962127561665	38	CD69
+7.66858005222479e-05	1.1103038884015	0.437	0.303	0.0206284803404847	38	CD3G
+0.00198544044965934	0.338762566533299	0.92	0.852	0.534083480958362	38	CD52
+1.73033662391316e-22	1.38064178732933	0.86	0.381	4.65460551832641e-20	39	CD3E
+4.31253416576872e-22	1.27237838218162	0.93	0.453	1.16007169059179e-19	39	CD3D
+8.81671459739709e-16	0.543184091924701	1	0.507	2.37169622669982e-13	39	CD7
+3.87967095610417e-15	1.17310810762753	0.698	0.3	1.04363148719202e-12	39	CD3G
+5.05736262616473e-10	1.23643182594905	0.407	0.159	1.36043054643831e-07	39	CCR7
+6.41970989391822e-10	0.526716984681892	0.988	0.852	1.726901961464e-07	39	CD52
+2.01615188051664e-08	0.733091560622921	0.826	0.542	5.42344855858977e-06	39	CD69
+6.55809013814001e-08	1.2095345988531	0.43	0.203	1.76412624715966e-05	39	CD2
+1.36130791840341e-07	1.3949208786318	0.279	0.106	3.66191830050517e-05	39	ABLIM1
+3.24599495121196e-07	0.941897970211888	0.5	0.26	8.73172641876017e-05	39	CD27
+0.000558643407787729	0.827859650159168	0.302	0.165	0.150275076694899	39	CD96
+0.00106157631542468	0.709243686898883	0.314	0.178	0.285564028849238	39	AAK1
+5.56517049710721e-186	3.93149786958511	1	0.076	1.49703086372184e-183	40	CD160
+4.18220961599908e-160	3.91084845516489	0.987	0.091	1.12501438670375e-157	40	ABI3
+8.80107073065247e-27	1.65471319925151	0.947	0.508	2.36748802654551e-24	40	CD7
+1.56426836165104e-17	1.83071034443808	0.573	0.204	4.20788189284129e-15	40	CD247
+5.32659879908962e-16	1.38117198348259	0.787	0.397	1.43285507695511e-13	40	CD63
+6.12005603072874e-11	1.30557423262757	0.68	0.384	1.64629507226603e-08	40	CD99
+1.37274775102479e-05	0.860716000943582	0.587	0.427	0.00369269145025667	40	CD53
+0.000406572332810567	0.693053146115474	0.533	0.364	0.109367957526043	40	CD164
+0.00108919642476839	0.932559070492757	0.333	0.196	0.292993838262697	40	CCT7
+0.00214370189120827	0.889534476888003	0.413	0.286	0.576655808735025	40	CD47
+1.55116187393827e-166	3.7967840997586	1	0.086	4.17262544089395e-164	41	CD300E
+1.35119291533253e-62	2.3602546648278	1	0.219	3.6347089422445e-60	41	CD68
+1.43048655555734e-34	2.01565570765642	0.827	0.236	3.84800883444925e-32	41	CD14
+3.72418735214775e-28	1.95608924995195	0.68	0.191	1.00180639772774e-25	41	CD36
+3.53498996169508e-14	1.9926955045836	0.333	0.085	9.50912299695977e-12	41	CDA
+1.81085329707934e-10	1.80577662788096	0.307	0.093	4.87119536914343e-08	41	CD93
+7.43332875586015e-07	0.369985062982973	0.947	0.676	0.000199956543532638	41	CD74
+3.41200110740439e-05	1.14584515357755	0.253	0.106	0.0091782829789178	41	CD86
+7.30388562953236e-05	0.762010663505536	0.627	0.398	0.0196474523434421	41	CD63
+0.000166561038058116	0.668677282356944	0.573	0.385	0.0448049192376331	41	CD99
+7.99313872307855e-06	0.300944449387004	0.086	0.389	0.00215015431650813	42	CD99
+1.75070846263777e-05	0.714236394733756	0.171	0.543	0.0047094057644956	42	CD44
+3.97191313677193e-05	0.647405233753615	0.114	0.412	0.0106844463379165	42	ABRACL
+8.80578427474019e-05	0.37023485635676	0.043	0.265	0.0236875596990511	42	CD27
+0.00046416662557647	0.769780814551223	0.071	0.284	0.12486082228007	42	CCT4
+0.000810759583981475	0.259027334614659	0.143	0.403	0.218094328091017	42	CD63
+0.00287313759655033	0.644898628302185	0.086	0.27	0.772874013472039	42	CDC42SE2
+6.01338332390127e-14	1.31422198390754	0.794	0.383	1.61760011412944e-11	43	CD3E
+6.92408933539475e-11	0.678303833143868	1	0.852	1.86258003122119e-08	43	CD52
+8.6255404993028e-10	0.862083154599773	0.873	0.454	2.32027039431245e-07	43	CD3D
+5.10370091710786e-09	1.64066805393953	0.413	0.164	1.37289554670202e-06	43	CD96
+2.04650792470933e-08	0.861300758017055	0.825	0.543	5.50510631746811e-06	43	CD69
+1.71665642450409e-07	1.06701533624503	0.587	0.302	4.617805781916e-05	43	CD3G
+1.03921327856701e-05	0.983406337626974	0.492	0.261	0.00279548371934525	43	CD27
+2.34118858300457e-05	1.38601832295299	0.333	0.16	0.0062977972882823	43	CCR7
+0.00274415148791964	1.20508496297386	0.302	0.178	0.738176750250385	43	AAK1
+0.00849917270662324	0.881014649908656	0.381	0.266	1	43	CD55
+0.00955190802160882	1.15450706772284	0.254	0.155	1	43	ABHD14B
+1.06722609173327e-219	4.43036318822911	1	0.04	2.87083818676249e-217	44	ABCB7
+1.16643318830169e-41	2.25326799613564	1	0.187	3.13770527653156e-39	44	CDC42SE1
+2.76012320242025e-06	1.13638164871066	0.617	0.302	0.000742473141451047	44	CD3G
+4.22674335445458e-06	1.13574715852387	0.489	0.204	0.00113699396234828	44	CD2
+0.000256881405291688	1.3088170732087	0.255	0.096	0.0691010980234641	44	ABCE1
+0.000752109241386545	0.503541454741234	0.681	0.384	0.202317385932981	44	CD3E
+0.00142003891154174	0.690455377847445	0.489	0.261	0.381990467204729	44	CD27
+0.00185953975667295	0.7820179703234	0.532	0.298	0.500216194545024	44	CCT8
+0.00313956272371641	0.388542016409209	0.745	0.456	0.844542372679715	44	CD3D
+0.00354847703276994	0.907969334478834	0.255	0.113	0.954540321815115	44	CD6
+0.00493804727930547	0.476592626824175	0.787	0.544	1	44	CD69
+3.87578911027957e-110	3.78364429978718	1	0.08	1.0425872706652e-107	46	CD160
+9.28413925708962e-49	2.71692104535499	1	0.187	2.49743346015711e-46	46	CDC42SE1
+4.9654567323049e-46	2.80162029316949	1	0.203	1.33570786099002e-43	46	CD247
+4.46977533832232e-21	1.69754067848026	1	0.509	1.2023695660087e-18	46	CD7
+5.25767515558942e-09	1.15355937479277	0.756	0.384	1.41431461685355e-06	46	CD99
+0.000298098539929689	1.03854511704491	0.578	0.365	0.0801885072410864	46	CD164
+0.000305756008793375	1.00576066510724	0.489	0.286	0.0822483663654179	46	CD47
+0.000327806152287821	0.934165214410069	0.6	0.399	0.0881798549654237	46	CD63
+1.03356945342273e-10	1.36851079469025	0.814	0.384	2.78030182970714e-08	47	CD3E
+2.86111155369378e-08	0.72828790795662	1	0.852	7.69639007943627e-06	47	CD52
+3.01754955844757e-08	0.916958476285101	0.93	0.455	8.11720831222397e-06	47	CD3D
+2.11349848013317e-07	1.20743859594628	0.651	0.302	5.68531091155822e-05	47	CD3G
+3.89679732325365e-07	1.01411761701719	0.86	0.543	0.000104823847995523	47	CD69
+2.67560729786865e-06	1.70499357575103	0.302	0.098	0.000719738363126668	47	CDC25B
+4.3197111808816e-05	1.1743115633219	0.512	0.261	0.0116200230765715	47	CD27
+0.000324458378557929	1.48223813152543	0.279	0.113	0.087279303832083	47	CD6
+0.00159762877904563	1.06929247992974	0.326	0.16	0.429762141563274	47	CCR7
+3.11323198592163e-07	1.15414669102374	0.825	0.544	8.37459404212919e-05	48	CD69
+2.41576503324936e-06	0.659679435264453	1	0.852	0.000649840793944078	48	CD52
+2.73072922913056e-06	1.05768378221563	0.725	0.384	0.00073456616263612	48	CD3E
+1.79784287923042e-05	1.27512810011465	0.525	0.261	0.00483619734512984	48	CD27
+4.42881989806645e-05	0.84114981149706	0.8	0.456	0.0119135255257988	48	CD3D
+7.31669908956884e-05	1.00643800974997	0.55	0.281	0.0196819205509402	48	CCT4
+8.39234212400642e-05	1.08419488976394	0.4	0.165	0.0225754003135773	48	CD96
+0.000189484942480223	1.20861541516435	0.375	0.16	0.0509714495271799	48	CCR7
+0.000373976617266299	1.12105721827993	0.525	0.303	0.100599710044634	48	CD3G
+0.00426583714697835	1.33902213072051	0.25	0.113	1	48	CD6
+0.00791237409745846	0.96418961718866	0.35	0.197	1	48	CCT7
+2.99813169014414e-05	1.30947484385162	0.629	0.385	0.00806497424648775	49	CD3E
+0.000426782868830193	0.465366439189404	1	0.852	0.114804591715322	49	CD52
+8.32017429539003e-08	1.26538337478268	0.8	0.384	2.23812688545992e-05	50	CD3E
+3.89465476088441e-05	0.554613628203729	1	0.852	0.0104766213067791	50	CD52
+0.000647535181305371	0.603019602566798	0.829	0.544	0.174186963771145	50	CD69
+0.000681755937639602	0.991108267406572	0.543	0.303	0.183392347225053	50	CD3G
+0.00255531218927471	0.979221265256534	0.457	0.262	0.687378978914896	50	CD27
+0.00304615705573919	0.509587930308404	0.743	0.456	0.819416247993842	50	CD3D
+0.00644827478038919	1.00738500235772	0.314	0.161	1	50	CCR7
+0.00843075994519171	0.8975912577179	0.429	0.266	1	50	CD55
+1.0229193010206e-07	1.26449788653577	0.862	0.456	2.75165291974542e-05	52	CD3D
+2.01373105973475e-05	0.713369008287891	1	0.852	0.00541693655068648	52	CD52
+0.000129325246111761	0.985520078778949	0.759	0.385	0.0347884912040637	52	CD3E
+0.000598605546856538	1.25271868805286	0.448	0.205	0.161024892104409	52	CD2
+0.000625977444103128	1.36306178824013	0.31	0.113	0.168387932463742	52	CD6
+0.000708036178136982	0.807535060514935	0.862	0.544	0.190461731918848	52	CD69
+0.000931727314694609	1.43104984961351	0.276	0.098	0.25063464765285	52	CDC25B
+8.98925743434957e-07	1.12731220354434	0.929	0.544	0.000241811024984004	53	CD69
+0.000998017184419688	1.78758113660208	0.321	0.123	0.268466622608896	53	CD79B
+0.00519702512442654	0.952773789221972	0.536	0.303	1	53	CD3G
+0.00694606902548237	0.370459652684495	1	0.852	1	53	CD52
+2.34424104888075e-07	1.64773792762698	0.643	0.261	6.30600842148921e-05	54	CD27
+6.41423147875973e-06	0.794105493168384	1	0.544	0.00172542826778637	54	CD69
+2.08994735920736e-05	1.26387965869073	0.75	0.385	0.0056219583962678	54	CD3E
+2.50819586390947e-05	0.678897454046156	1	0.852	0.00674704687391647	54	CD52
+0.000823511078395065	1.73091266344312	0.286	0.107	0.221524480088272	54	ABLIM1
+0.00285074104046307	0.562743778109129	0.786	0.456	0.766849339884565	54	CD3D
+0.00162869814899537	1.25668231946943	0.52	0.303	0.438119802079753	56	CD3G
+0.00542197815038376	0.612888213550317	0.88	0.853	1	56	CD52
+0.00724362298172914	1.74228972056569	0.32	0.161	1	56	CCR7
+2.97437459258942e-07	1.31319864526473	0.87	0.385	8.00106765406553e-05	57	CD3E
+2.67184796421521e-05	1.12258795385414	0.826	0.456	0.0071872710237389	57	CD3D
+9.37776466075055e-05	1.40763564389812	0.522	0.205	0.025226186937419	57	CD2
+0.000246790462066323	1.17677445937855	0.609	0.262	0.0663866342958409	57	CD27
+0.000291811558415232	1.8954026167989	0.261	0.07	0.0784973092136974	57	CD320
+0.000560926845832366	0.873217303801875	0.913	0.544	0.150889321528906	57	CD69
+0.000592195690901114	0.856183180742415	0.652	0.299	0.1593006408524	57	CCT8
+0.000701957331873541	1.07185898550181	0.435	0.16	0.188826522273982	57	CCR7
+0.00121238093941096	0.823477843663607	0.652	0.303	0.326130472701547	57	CD3G
+0.00153166145067364	1.67595114663673	0.304	0.107	0.412016930231211	57	ABLIM1
+0.00316558769120096	0.514103019245731	1	0.853	0.851543088933058	57	CD52
+0.0037950971746697	1.15585798043618	0.391	0.165	1	57	CD96
+0.00829923357768634	1.39537771214894	0.261	0.098	1	57	CDC25B
+1.3633665713358e-06	1.32371950464523	0.87	0.385	0.000366745607689331	58	CD3E
+7.82901329208858e-05	0.990330418718509	0.913	0.456	0.0210600457557183	58	CD3D
+0.000510800873604842	0.587019246600431	1	0.853	0.137405434999702	58	CD52
+0.000543174358271583	1.1089221586451	0.783	0.544	0.146113902375056	58	CD69
+0.00139336654195371	0.88663375173613	0.609	0.303	0.374815599785548	58	CD3G
+0.00176607882758115	1.80816582060329	0.304	0.113	0.47507520461933	58	CD6
+0.00387417108133461	0.882001280360803	0.522	0.274	1	58	CCT3
+3.05485723549743e-05	1.88864299613463	0.455	0.16	0.00821756596348809	59	CCR7
+0.000104243732228418	1.68715434831509	0.5	0.205	0.0280415639694445	59	CD2
+0.000108668789219004	0.714129989255785	0.955	0.853	0.029231904299912	59	CD52
+0.000148724825860939	1.04549714702407	0.773	0.385	0.0400069781565926	59	CD3E
+0.000282953515288906	2.00148283166299	0.273	0.077	0.0761144956127158	59	CD40LG
+0.00252338586919791	0.897866851437827	0.773	0.457	0.678790798814238	59	CD3D
+0.00463035334110734	0.657930635319325	0.909	0.544	1	59	CD69
+0.00839328924228043	1.55099614502695	0.273	0.11	1	59	CD46
+1.18075457367203e-06	1.24977061097994	0.864	0.385	0.000317622980317777	60	CD3E
+1.29428625500007e-05	1.956059915827	0.364	0.097	0.0034816300259502	60	ABCE1
+2.47235575719837e-05	1.50289088823695	0.682	0.303	0.00665063698686361	60	CD3G
+3.20605796816371e-05	2.29060966909043	0.364	0.107	0.00862429593436038	60	ABLIM1
+9.57395061351041e-05	1.88883317067178	0.318	0.089	0.025753927150343	60	CDC40
+0.000442504791714541	0.884018033911385	0.864	0.456	0.119033788971212	60	CD3D
+0.000510789194273613	1.29809266819592	0.455	0.179	0.137402293259602	60	AAK1
+0.000697855325589271	0.625112542832563	1	0.853	0.187723082583514	60	CD52
+0.00196395347572099	1.34226082163535	0.455	0.205	0.528303484968948	60	CD2
+0.0032191135981714	1.31483594838237	0.5	0.262	0.865941557908107	60	CD27
+0.00322284654653655	1.50904018495631	0.364	0.155	0.866945721018332	60	ABHD14B
+2.159927633978e-09	2.40932364809308	0.476	0.098	5.81020533540081e-07	61	CDC25B
+2.38767839169772e-06	0.84981849593497	1	0.853	0.000642285487366686	61	CD52
+8.45829210148465e-05	0.940511479111363	0.952	0.456	0.0227528057529937	61	CD3D
+0.000111886373064938	1.01626468595059	0.667	0.262	0.0300974343544684	61	CD27
+0.000404998028111006	1.14360651693177	0.524	0.205	0.108944469561861	61	CD2
+0.00325008416209062	1.35697019849102	0.524	0.268	0.874272639602378	61	CDC42SE2
+0.00481829874618626	0.98912520838801	0.571	0.303	1	61	CD3G
+0.00817202071604155	0.642746565867117	0.905	0.544	1	61	CD69
+7.24611611446303e-06	1.32003445589636	0.857	0.456	0.00194920523479056	62	CD3D
+0.000135130354289854	1.63135403132032	0.571	0.262	0.0363500653039708	62	CD27
+0.00786163265781978	0.814130760974114	0.619	0.409	1	62	ABRACL
+0.00929561210732165	0.991993254650952	0.619	0.385	1	62	CD3E
+0.00100151451502045	0.985211935922848	0.81	0.544	0.269407404540502	63	CD69
+0.00140164320290821	2.03211575223649	0.429	0.205	0.377042021582309	63	CD2
+0.0028110331662747	0.966838796433823	0.714	0.457	0.756167921727894	63	CD3D
+0.0042739888518399	1.42636035169469	0.381	0.179	1	63	AAK1
+0.00454958074894623	0.836310251185253	0.667	0.385	1	63	CD3E
+0.00694858195731693	0.557889545219698	1	0.853	1	63	CD52
+0.00714727517925193	1.58210815517271	0.333	0.155	1	63	ABHD14B
+0.00110319769218366	0.903585518242311	0.85	0.544	0.296760179197406	64	CD69
+0.00148232064011444	1.14761294230867	0.75	0.457	0.398744252190784	64	CD3D
+0.00642810796024993	1.95574099974102	0.35	0.166	1	64	CD96
+2.42129765572733e-10	2.00752214617334	0.85	0.261	6.51329069390652e-08	65	CD27
+5.76124142720778e-08	2.03540694606857	0.5	0.113	1.54977394391889e-05	65	CD6
+3.25135565904384e-07	2.85543958113225	0.3	0.051	8.74614672282793e-05	65	CDCA7
+8.43429615411452e-07	2.21633445744274	0.35	0.07	0.000226882566545681	65	ABT1
+3.53415724250826e-05	1.05714306727267	0.85	0.385	0.00950688298234722	65	CD3E
+0.000140898983429988	1.04671232639444	0.9	0.544	0.0379018265426667	65	CD69
+0.000283242576302817	0.793604334287641	0.95	0.456	0.0761922530254577	65	CD3D
+0.00283529997397836	0.514586942910608	1	0.853	0.76269569300018	65	CD52
+0.00340246674824964	1.66926896855698	0.25	0.077	0.915263555279153	65	CD40LG
+0.00420406168813611	1.14034407827933	0.4	0.161	1	65	CCR7
+0.00827065968049449	1.5203844891369	0.35	0.155	1	65	ABHD14B
+1.089560479526e-06	1.33753090935073	0.895	0.385	0.000293091768992493	66	CD3E
+1.4129844504618e-06	1.5789233757261	0.737	0.262	0.000380092817174226	66	CD27
+6.50886453713584e-05	1.91249503683349	0.368	0.099	0.0175088456048954	66	CCSER2
+0.000131192836723538	1.01054714777336	0.895	0.456	0.0352908730786317	66	CD3D
+0.000310537463949175	0.907993053471882	0.947	0.544	0.0835345778023282	66	CD69
+0.00119147122927957	0.608040991330872	1	0.853	0.320505760676203	66	CD52
+0.00151344246528663	1.40627428091189	0.421	0.161	0.407116023162102	66	CCR7
+0.00770613574973099	0.965383360144156	0.421	0.179	1	66	AAK1
+1.99394300815168e-06	1.67397188957183	0.842	0.385	0.000536370669192802	67	CD3E
+0.00721868484936139	1.36363253432037	0.474	0.262	1	67	CD27
+0.00877685171030327	1.77884134972083	0.263	0.099	1	67	CCSER2
+0.000121082194768989	1.42934247953002	0.474	0.16	0.0325711103928581	68	CCR7
+0.000653422794496296	0.683045963502556	1	0.853	0.175770731719504	68	CD52
+0.00138765394116794	1.30303667873644	0.684	0.385	0.373278910174175	68	CD3E
+0.00227347524038789	0.954888155764406	0.789	0.544	0.611564839664343	68	CD69
+0.00270991774514855	1.19273307152492	0.579	0.303	0.728967873444959	68	CD3G
+1.18945658282419e-05	1.29850680560603	0.895	0.544	0.00319963820779707	69	CD69
+3.24568022150215e-05	1.3633659373819	0.737	0.303	0.00873087979584077	69	CD3G
+0.0002195008780272	1.07052905045681	0.842	0.457	0.0590457361893169	69	CD3D
+0.00703706170020798	0.85755211311989	0.684	0.385	1	69	CD3E
+7.80489030433116e-05	1.27349257904159	0.778	0.385	0.0209951549186508	70	CD3E
+0.00039423165375324	1.08035764255708	0.833	0.457	0.106048314859621	70	CD3D
+0.000483402587592305	0.975759148107562	0.889	0.544	0.13003529606233	70	CD69
+0.000554825609359925	1.55708817466902	0.556	0.274	0.14924808891782	70	CCT3
+0.00375929385790544	1.62746392034211	0.444	0.219	1	70	CCT2
+0.00391030643136033	1.28281486642971	0.444	0.205	1	70	CD2