view snpSift_filter.xml @ 0:9e8280e19338 draft

author iuc
date Thu, 22 Jan 2015 08:39:07 -0500
children 98708b88af9f
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<tool id="snpSift_filter" name="SnpSift Filter" version="4.0.0">
    <options sanitize="False" />
    <description>Filter variants using arbitrary expressions</description>
    <expand macro="requirements" />
        java -Xmx6G -jar \$SNPEFF_JAR_PATH/SnpSift.jar filter -f $input -e $exprFile $inverse 
        #if $filtering.mode == 'field':
            #if $filtering.replace.pass:
                #if $filtering.replace.filterId and len($filtering.replace.filterId.__str__.strip()) > 0:
                    --filterId "$filtering.replace.filterId"
                #end if
            #end if
            #if $filtering.addFilter and len($filtering.addFilter.__str__.strip()) > 0:
                --addFilter "$filtering.addFilter"
            #end if
            #if $filtering.rmFilter and len($filtering.rmFilter.__str__.strip()) > 0:
                --rmFilter "$filtering.rmFilter"
            #end if
        #end if
         > $output
        <param format="vcf" name="input" type="data" label="Variant input file in VCF format"/>
        <param name="expr" type="text" label="Filter criteria" size="160" help="Need help? See below a few examples." />
        <param name="inverse" type="boolean" truevalue="--inverse" falsevalue="" checked="false" label="Inverse filter" help="Show lines that do not match filter expression" />
        <conditional name="filtering">
            <param name="mode" type="select" label="Filter mode">
                <option value="entries" selected="true">Retain entries that pass filter, remove other entries</option>
                <option value="field">Change the FILTER field, but retain all entries</option>
            <when value="entries"/>
            <when value="field">
                <conditional name="replace">
                    <param name="pass" type="boolean" truevalue="yes" falsevalue="no" checked="false" label="Set matching entry FILTER to 'PASS'" 
                           help="appends an ID tag to non-matching entry FILTER "/>
                    <when value="no"/>
                    <when value="yes">
                        <param name="filterId" type="text" value="" optional="true" label="ID appended to non-matching (##FILTER tag in header and FILTER VCF field)." size="10"
                               help="Default ID is 'SnpSift'"/>
                <param name="addFilter" type="text" value="" optional="true" label="Add a string to FILTER VCF field if 'expression' is true." size="10"/>
                <param name="rmFilter" type="text" value="" optional="true" label="Remove a string from FILTER VCF field if 'expression' is true (and 'str' is in the field)." size="10"/>
        <configfile name="exprFile">

        <data format="vcf" name="output" />
    <expand macro="stdio" />
        <param name="input" ftype="vcf" value="test01.vcf"/>
        <param name="expr" value="QUAL >= 50"/>
        <param name="mode" value="entries"/>
        <output name="output">
            <has_text text="28837706" />
            <not_has_text text="NT_166464" />

        <param name="input" ftype="vcf" value="test01.vcf"/>
        <param name="expr" value="(CHROM = '19')"/>
        <param name="mode" value="entries"/>
        <output name="output">
            <has_text text="3205820" />
            <not_has_text text="NT_16" />

        <param name="input" ftype="vcf" value="test01.vcf"/>
        <param name="expr" value="(POS >= 20175) &amp; (POS &lt;= 35549)"/>
        <param name="mode" value="entries"/>
        <output name="output">
            <has_text text="20175" />
            <has_text text="35549" />
            <has_text text="22256" />
            <not_has_text text="18933" />
            <not_has_text text="37567" />

        <param name="input" ftype="vcf" value="test01.vcf"/>
        <param name="expr" value="( DP >= 5 )"/>
        <param name="mode" value="entries"/>
        <output name="output">
            <has_text text="DP=5;" />
            <has_text text="DP=6;" />
            <not_has_text text="DP=1;" />

**SnpSift filter**

You can filter a VCF file using arbitrary expressions, for instance "(QUAL > 30) | (exists INDEL) | ( countHet() > 2 )". The actual expressions can be quite complex, so it allows for a lot of flexibility.

Some examples:

  - *I want just the variants from the second million bases of chr1*:


    ( CHROM = 'chr1' ) &amp; ( POS &gt; 1000000 )  &amp; ( POS &lt; 2000000 )

  - *Filter value is either 'PASS' or it is missing*:


    (FILTER = 'PASS') | ( na FILTER )  

  - *I want to filter lines with an EFF of 'frameshift_variant' ( for vcf files using Sequence Ontology terms )*:

    ( EFF[*].EFFECT = 'frameshift_variant' )

  - *I want to filter lines with an EFF of 'FRAME_SHIFT' ( for vcf files using Classic Effect names )*:


  - *I want to filter out samples with quality less than 30*:


    ( QUAL &gt; 30 )

  - *...but we also want InDels that have quality 20 or more*:


    (( exists INDEL ) &amp; (QUAL >= 20)) | (QUAL >= 30 )
  - *...or any homozygous variant present in more than 3 samples*:


    (countHom() > 3) | (( exists INDEL ) &amp; (QUAL >= 20)) | (QUAL >= 30 )
  - *...or any heterozygous sample with coverage 25 or more*:


    ((countHet() > 0) &amp; (DP >= 25)) | (countHom() > 3) | (( exists INDEL ) &amp; (QUAL >= 20)) | (QUAL >= 30 )
  - *I want to keep samples where the genotype for the first sample is homozygous variant and the genotype for the second sample is reference*:

    (isHom( GEN[0] ) &amp; isVariant( GEN[0] ) &amp; isRef( GEN[1] ))

**For information regarding HGVS and Sequence Ontology terms versus classic names**:

  - for the options: -classic, -hgvs, and -sequenceOntology
  - for the table containing the classic name and sequence onology term for each effect


