comparison utils/ @ 0:457fd8fd681a draft

planemo upload for repository commit 628688c1302dbf972e48806d2a5bafe27847bdcc
author iuc
date Wed, 09 Nov 2022 12:19:26 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:457fd8fd681a
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 # Credits: Grigorii Sukhorukov, Macha Nikolski
4 import math
5 import os
6 import pathlib
7 import random
9 import h5py
10 import numpy as np
11 from Bio import SeqIO
12 from Bio.Seq import Seq
13 from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
14 from sklearn.utils import shuffle
17 def reverse_complement(fragment):
18 """
19 provides reverse complement to sequences
20 Input:
21 sequences - list with SeqRecord sequences in fasta format
22 Output:
23 complementary_sequences -
24 list with SeqRecord complementary sequences in fasta format
25 """
26 # complementary_sequences = []
27 # for sequence in sequences:
28 # complementary_sequence = SeqRecord(
29 # seq=Seq(sequence.seq).reverse_complement(),
30 # + "_reverse_complement",
31 # )
32 # complementary_sequences.append(complementary_sequence)
33 fragment = fragment[::-1].translate(str.maketrans('ACGT', 'TGCA'))
34 return fragment
37 def introduce_mutations(seqs, mut_rate, rs=None):
38 """
39 Function that mutates sequences in the entering fasta file
40 A proportion of nucleotides are changed to other nucleotide
41 Not yet taking account of mutation for gaps
42 mut_rate - proportion from 0.0 to 1.0, float
43 """
44 random.seed(a=rs)
45 assert 0.0 <= mut_rate <= 1.0
46 mutated_seqs = []
47 for seq in seqs:
48 mut_seq = list(str(seq.seq))
49 l_ = len(mut_seq)
50 mutated_sites_i = random.sample(range(l_), int(mut_rate * l_))
51 for mut_site_i in mutated_sites_i:
52 mut_site = mut_seq[mut_site_i]
53 mutations = ["A", "C", "T", "G"]
54 if mut_site in mutations:
55 mutations.remove(mut_site)
56 mut_seq[mut_site_i] = random.sample(mutations, 1)[0]
57 mutated_seq = SeqRecord(
58 seq=Seq("".join(mut_seq)),
59 + f"mut_{mut_rate}",
60 name="",
61 description="",
62 )
63 mutated_seqs.append(mutated_seq)
64 return mutated_seqs
67 def separate_by_length(length_, seq_list, fold=None,):
68 # TODO: add docs
69 included = []
70 to_process = []
71 excluded = 0
72 for seq_ in seq_list:
73 l_ = len(seq_.seq)
74 if l_ >= length_:
75 if fold is None:
76 included.append(seq_)
77 elif l_ < length_ * fold:
78 included.append(seq_)
79 else:
80 to_process.append(seq_)
81 else:
82 excluded += 1
83 print(f"A total of {excluded} sequences was excluded due to being smaller than {length_}")
84 return included, to_process
87 def chunks(lst, n):
88 """Yield successive n-sized chunks from lst.
90 for i in range(0, len(lst), n):
91 yield lst[i:i + n]
94 def correct(frag):
95 """
96 leaves only unambiguous DNA code (ACTG-)
97 Input:
98 frag - string of nucleotides
99 Output:
100 pr_frag - corrected string of nucleotides
101 """
102 pr_frag = frag.upper()
103 pr_frag_s = set(pr_frag)
104 if pr_frag_s != {"A", "C", "G", "T", "-"}:
105 for letter in pr_frag_s - {"A", "C", "G", "T", "-"}:
106 pr_frag = pr_frag.replace(letter, "-")
107 return pr_frag
110 def fragmenting(sequences, sl_wind_size, max_gap=0.05, sl_wind_step=None):
111 """
112 slices sequences in fragments by sliding window
113 based on its size and step.
114 last fragment is padded by '-'
115 fragments have ambiguous bases replaced by '-'
116 fragments with many '-' are discarded
117 Input:
118 sequences - list with SeqRecord sequences in fasta format
119 max_gap - max allowed proportion of '-'
120 sl_wind_size - sliding window step
121 sl_wind_step - sliding window step, by default equals
122 sliding window size (None is replaced by it)
123 Output:
124 fragments - list with sequence fragments
125 """
126 if sl_wind_step is None:
127 sl_wind_step = sl_wind_size
128 fragments = []
129 fragments_rc = []
130 out_sequences = []
131 for sequence in sequences:
132 seq = str(sequence.seq)
133 n_fragments = 1 + max(0, math.ceil((len(seq) - sl_wind_size) / sl_wind_step))
134 for n in range(n_fragments):
135 if n + 1 != n_fragments:
136 frag = seq[n * sl_wind_step: n * sl_wind_step + sl_wind_size]
137 elif n_fragments == 1:
138 # padding the shorter fragment to sl_wind_size
139 frag_short = seq[n * sl_wind_step: n * sl_wind_step + sl_wind_size]
140 frag = frag_short + (sl_wind_size - len(frag_short)) * "-"
141 else:
142 frag = seq[(len(seq) - sl_wind_size):]
143 # replace ambiguous characters
144 frag = correct(frag)
145 assert len(frag) == sl_wind_size, f"{len(frag)} vs {sl_wind_size}"
146 # skipping sequences with many gaps
147 if frag.count("-") / sl_wind_size <= max_gap:
148 fragments.append(frag)
149 # generating reverse complement
150 fragments_rc.append(reverse_complement(frag))
151 fr_seq = SeqRecord(
152 seq=Seq(frag),
153 id=f"{}_{n*sl_wind_step}_{sl_wind_size}",
154 name="",
155 description="",
156 )
157 out_sequences.append(fr_seq)
158 return fragments, fragments_rc, out_sequences
161 def label_fasta_fragments(sequences, label):
162 """
163 Provides labels to generated fragments stored in fasta
164 Input:
165 sequences - list with SeqRecord sequences
166 label - type of label (bacteria, virus, plant)
167 Output:
168 labeled_fragments - list with labeled SeqRecord sequences
169 """
170 assert label in ["virus", "plant", "bacteria"]
171 labeled_fragments = []
172 for sequence in sequences:
173 = + f"_{label}"
174 labeled_fragments.append(sequence)
175 return labeled_fragments
178 def one_hot_encode(fragments):
179 """
180 produces one-hot matrices from fragments and labels
181 '-' is given all zeros
182 Input:
183 fragments - list with sequence fragments
184 label - type of label (int <= depth)
185 label_depth - number of possible labels
186 Output:
187 encoded_fragments - list with one-hot encoded fragments
188 labels - list with one-hot encoded labels
189 """
190 import tensorflow as tf
191 encoded_fragments = []
192 map_dict = {"A": 0, "C": 1, "G": 2, "T": 3, "-": -1}
193 for frag in fragments:
194 frag_array = np.array(list(frag))
195 integer_encoded = np.int8(np.vectorize(map_dict.get)(frag_array))
196 one_hot_encoded = tf.one_hot(integer_encoded, depth=4, dtype=tf.int8).numpy()
197 encoded_fragments.append(one_hot_encoded)
198 encoded_fragments = np.stack(encoded_fragments)
199 return encoded_fragments
202 def prepare_labels(fragments, label, label_depth):
203 """
204 produces one-hot labels
205 '-' is given all zeros
206 Input:
207 fragments - list with sequence fragments
208 label - type of label (int <= depth)
209 label_depth - number of possible labels
210 Output:
211 labels - list with one-hot encoded labels
212 """
213 import tensorflow as tf
214 n_fragments = len(fragments)
215 labels = np.int8(np.full(n_fragments, label))
216 labels = tf.one_hot(labels, depth=label_depth).numpy()
217 return labels
220 # TODO: write docs for functions
221 def calculate_total_length(seq_path):
222 """
223 Calculate total length of the sequences in the fasta file.
224 Needed for weighted sampling
225 Input:
226 seq_path - path to the file with sequences
227 Output:
228 seq_length - total length of all sequences in the file
229 """
230 seqs = list(SeqIO.parse(seq_path, "fasta"))
231 seq_length = 0
232 for seq in seqs:
233 seq_length += len(seq.seq)
234 return seq_length
237 def prepare_seq_lists(in_paths, n_fragments, weights=None,):
238 """
239 selects files with sequences based on extension
240 and calculates number of fragments to be sampled
241 Input:
242 in_paths - list of paths to folder with sequence files. Can be a string also a string
243 n_fragments - number of fragments to be sampled
244 weights - upsampling of fragments. fractions should sum to one
245 Output:
246 seqs_list - list with path to files with sequences
247 n_fragments_list - number of fragments to be sampled
248 """
249 # case when we recieve a single sequence file
250 if type(in_paths) is str and in_paths.endswith(('.fna', '.fasta')):
251 return [[in_paths, n_fragments]]
252 else:
253 # transform string to list
254 if type(in_paths) is str or type(in_paths) is pathlib.PosixPath:
255 in_paths = [in_paths]
257 if weights:
258 assert len(weights) == len(in_paths)
259 assert 1.01 > round(sum(weights), 2) > 0.99
260 else:
261 l_ = len(in_paths)
262 weights = [1 / l_] * l_
263 n_fragments_list_all = []
264 seqs_list_all = []
265 for in_paths, w_ in zip(in_paths, weights):
266 seqs_list = []
267 seq_length_list = []
268 total_length = 0
269 for file in os.listdir(in_paths):
270 if file.endswith("fna") or file.endswith("fasta"):
271 seq_path = (os.path.join(in_paths, file))
272 seqs_length = calculate_total_length(seq_path)
273 seqs_list.append(seq_path)
274 seq_length_list.append(seqs_length)
275 total_length += seqs_length
276 # + 1 may lead to a slightly bigger number than desired
277 n_fragments_list = [((seq_length / total_length) * n_fragments * w_ + 1) for seq_length in seq_length_list]
278 n_fragments_list_all.extend(n_fragments_list)
279 seqs_list_all.extend(seqs_list)
280 print("list calculation done")
281 return list(zip(seqs_list_all, n_fragments_list_all))
284 def sample_fragments(seq_container, length, random_seed=1, limit=None, max_gap=0.05, sl_wind_step=None):
285 """
286 Randomly samples fragments from sequences in the list.
287 Input:
288 seq_container - list with each entry containing path to sequence,
289 and n samples from this sequence.
290 length - desired length of sampled fragments
291 Output:
292 fragments - list with sequence fragments
293 """
294 random.seed(a=random_seed)
295 total_fragments = []
296 total_fragments_rc = []
297 total_seqs = []
298 for entry in seq_container:
299 seq = list(SeqIO.parse(entry[0], "fasta"))
300 n_fragments = entry[1]
301 seqs = []
302 fragments = []
303 fragments_rc = []
304 counter_1 = 0
305 counter_2 = 0
306 while counter_1 < n_fragments:
307 # select chromosomes if there are any
308 fragment_full = random.choice(seq)
309 r_end = len(fragment_full.seq) - length
310 try:
311 r_start = random.randrange(r_end)
312 fragment = SeqRecord(
313 seq=fragment_full.seq[r_start:(r_start + length)],
314 id=f"{}_{length}_{r_start}",
315 name="",
316 description="",
317 )
318 temp_, temp_rc, _ = fragmenting([fragment], length, max_gap, sl_wind_step=sl_wind_step)
319 if temp_ and temp_rc:
320 seqs.append(fragment)
321 fragments.extend(temp_)
322 fragments_rc.extend(temp_rc)
323 counter_1 += 1
324 except ValueError:
325 # print(f"{} has length {len(fragment_full.seq)} and is too short to be sampled")
326 pass
327 counter_2 += 1
328 if limit:
329 assert counter_2 <= limit * n_fragments, f"While cycle iterated more than {limit}, data is ambiguous." \
330 f" Only {len(fragments)} fragments were sampled out of {n_fragments}"
331 total_fragments.extend(fragments)
332 total_fragments_rc.extend(fragments_rc)
333 total_seqs.extend(seqs)
334 # print("sequence sampling done")
335 return total_fragments, total_fragments_rc, total_seqs
338 def prepare_ds_fragmenting(in_seq, label, label_int, fragment_length, sl_wind_step, max_gap=0.05, n_cpus=1):
339 if sl_wind_step is None:
340 sl_wind_step = int(fragment_length / 2)
341 # generating viral fragments and labels
342 seqs = list(SeqIO.parse(in_seq, "fasta"))
343 frags, frags_rc, seqs_ = fragmenting(seqs, fragment_length, max_gap=max_gap, sl_wind_step=sl_wind_step)
344 encoded = one_hot_encode(frags)
345 encoded_rc = one_hot_encode(frags_rc)
346 labs = prepare_labels(frags, label=label_int, label_depth=3)
347 seqs_ = label_fasta_fragments(seqs_, label=label)
348 # subsetting to unique fragments
349 u_encoded, indices = np.unique(encoded, axis=0, return_index=True)
350 u_encoded_rc = encoded_rc[indices]
351 u_labs = labs[indices]
352 u_seqs = [seqs_[i] for i in indices]
353 assert (np.shape(u_encoded)[0] == np.shape(u_encoded_rc)[0])
354 print(f"Encoding {label} sequences finished")
355 # print(f"{np.shape(u_encoded)[0]} forward fragments generated")
356 n_frags = np.shape(u_encoded)[0]
357 return u_encoded, u_encoded_rc, u_labs, u_seqs, n_frags
360 def prepare_ds_sampling(in_seqs, fragment_length, n_frags, label, label_int, random_seed, n_cpus=1, limit=100):
361 # generating plant fragments and labels
362 seqs_list = prepare_seq_lists(in_seqs, n_frags)
363 frags, frags_rc, seqs_ = sample_fragments.remote(seqs_list, fragment_length, random_seed, limit=limit, max_gap=0.05)
364 frags, frags_rc, seqs_ = shuffle(frags, frags_rc, seqs_, random_state=random_seed, n_samples=int(n_frags))
365 encoded = one_hot_encode(frags)
366 encoded_rc = one_hot_encode(frags_rc)
367 labs = prepare_labels(frags, label=label_int, label_depth=3)
368 seqs_ = label_fasta_fragments(seqs_, label=label)
369 assert (np.shape(encoded)[0] == np.shape(encoded_rc)[0])
370 print(f"Encoding {label} sequences finished")
371 # print(f"{np.shape(encoded)[0]} forward fragments generated")
372 return encoded, encoded_rc, labs, seqs_, n_frags
375 def storing_encoded(encoded, encoded_rc, labs, out_path, ):
376 f = h5py.File(out_path, "w")
377 f.create_dataset("fragments", data=encoded)
378 f.create_dataset("fragments_rc", data=encoded_rc)
379 f.create_dataset("labels", data=labs)
380 f.close()
381 print(f"encoded fragments and labels stored in {out_path}")