view clustering.xml @ 0:fae6527990af draft

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author iuc
date Thu, 21 May 2015 03:58:09 -0400
children 8c4e2933a17a
line wrap: on
line source

<tool id="vsearch_clustering" name="VSearch clustering" version="@VERSION@.0">
    <expand macro="requirements" />
    <expand macro="stdio" />
    <expand macro="version_command" />
        --cluster_fast "$infile"
        ##--cluster_smallmem FILENAME  cluster sequences using a small amount of memory
        ##--clusters STRING            output each cluster to a separate FASTA file

        #if $maxrejects:
            --maxrejects $maxrejects
        #end if
        #if $maxaccepts:
            --maxaccepts $maxaccepts
        #end if

        --id $id
        ##--iddef $iddef

        #if '--msaout' in str($outputs):
            --msaout $msaout
        #end if
        #if '--consout' in str($outputs):
            --consout $consout
        #end if
        #if '--centroids' in str($outputs):
            --centroids $centroids
        #end if
        #if '--alnout' in str($outputs):
            --alnout $alnout
        #end if
        #if '--blast6out' in str($outputs):
            --blast6out $blast6out
        #end if
        #if '--notmatched' in str($outputs):
            --notmatched $notmatched
        #end if
        #if '--fastapairs' in str($outputs):
            --fastapairs $fastapairs
        #end if
        #if '--matched' in str($outputs):
            --matched $matched
        #end if
        #if $qmask != 'no':
            --qmask $qmask
        #end if
        #if $sizein:
            --sizein $sizein
        #end if
        #if $sizeout:
            --sizeout $sizeout
        #end if
        --strand $strand
        --usersort $usersort

        <param name="infile" type="data" format="fasta" label="Select your FASTA file" help="(--cluster_fast)" />
        <expand macro="id_and_iddef" />
        <param name="cons_truncate" type="boolean" truevalue="--cons_truncate" falsevalue="" checked="False" 
            label="Do not ignore terminal gaps in MSA for consensus" help="(--cons_truncate)"/>
        <param name="usersort" type="boolean" truevalue="--usersort" falsevalue="" checked="False" 
            label="Indicate that input sequences are presorted" help="(--usersort)"/>
        <expand macro="qmask" />
        <expand macro="sizein" />
        <expand macro="sizeout" />
        <expand macro="strand" />
        <expand macro="maxrejects" />
        <expand macro="maxaccepts" />
        <expand macro="general_output">
            <option value="--msaout">Multiple sequence alignments</option>
            <option value="--consout">Cluster consensus sequences</option>
            <option value="--centroids">Centroid sequences</option>
            <option value="--notmatched">Write non-matching query sequences to separate file</option>
            <option value="--matched">Write matching query sequences to separate file</option>

        <data name="msaout" format="fasta" label="${} on ${on_string}: Multiple Sequence Alignments">
            <filter>'--msaout' in outputs</filter>
        <data name="consout" format="fasta" label="${} on ${on_string}: Consensus Sequences">
            <filter>'--consout' in outputs</filter>
        <data name="centroids" format="fasta" label="${} on ${on_string}: Cluster centroids">
            <filter>'--centroids' in outputs</filter>
        <data name="alnout" format="fasta" label="${} on ${on_string}: Alignment">
            <filter>'--alnout' in outputs</filter>
        <data name="notmatched" format="fasta" label="${} on ${on_string}: Non-matched queries">
            <filter>'--notmatched' in outputs</filter>
        <data name="matched" format="fasta" label="${} on ${on_string}: Matching query sequences">
            <filter>'--matched' in outputs</filter>
        <data name="blast6out" format="tabular" label="${} on ${on_string}: BLAST like tabular">
            <filter>'--blast6out' in outputs</filter>
        <data name="fastapairs" format="fasta" label="${} on ${on_string}: Query/Target sequences">
            <filter>'--fastapairs' in outputs</filter>
            <param name="infile" value="BioMarKs5k.fsa.bz2" ftype="fasta" />
            <param name="id" value="0.99"/>
            <param name="maxaccepts" value="1"/>
            <param name="maxrejects" value="2"/>
            <param name="sizeout" value="--sizeout"/>
            <param name="outputs" value="--centroids,--alnout,--blast6out,--notmatched" />
            <output name="centroids" file="clustering_centroids_result1.fasta" ftype="fasta" />
            <output name="blast6out" file="" ftype="tabular" />
            <output name="notmatched" file="clustering_notmatched_result1.fasta" ftype="fasta" />
            <!-- The result following result files would be too big -->
            <!--output name="matched" file="clustering_matched_result1.fasta" ftype="fasta" /-->
            <!--output name="alnout" file="clustering_alnout_result1.fasta" lines_diff="2" ftype="fasta" /-->
            <!--output name="fastapairs" file="clustering_fastapairs_result1.fasta" ftype="fasta" /-->
            <!--output name="msaout" file="clustering_msaout_result1.fasta" ftype="fasta" /-->
**What it does**

vsearch implements a single-pass, greedy star-clustering algorithm, similar to the algorithms
implemented in usearch, DNAclust and sumaclust for example.

Clustering options (most searching options also apply)
  --centroids FILENAME         output centroid sequences to FASTA file
  --cluster_fast FILENAME      cluster sequences fast
  --cluster_smallmem FILENAME  cluster sequences using a small amount of memory
  --clusters STRING            output each cluster to a separate FASTA file
  --consout FILENAME           output cluster consensus sequences to FASTA file
  --cons_truncate              do not ignore terminal gaps in MSA for consensus
  --id REAL                    reject if identity lower
  --iddef INT                  id definition, 0-4=CD-HIT,all,int,MBL,BLAST (2)
  --msaout FILENAME            output multiple seq. alignments to FASTA file 
  --qmask                      mask seqs with dust, soft or no method (dust)
  --sizein                     read abundance annotation from input
  --sizeout                    write cluster abundances to centroid file
  --strand                     cluster using "plus" or "both" strands (plus)
  --usersort                   indicate that input sequences are presorted




    <expand macro="citations" />