1 \name{Covariates}
2 \alias{Covariates}
3 \docType{data}
4 \title{
5 Artificial data for Matrix eQTL sample code: Covariates.
6 }
7 \description{
8 Artificial data set with 2 covariates across 15 samples.
9 Columns of the file must match to those of the expression and genotype data sets.
10 }
11 \format{
12 \tabular{llll}{
13 id \tab Sam_01 \tab Sam_02 \tab \ldots \cr
14 gender \tab 0 \tab 0 \tab \ldots \cr
15 age \tab 40 \tab 46 \tab \ldots \cr
17 }
18 }
19 \references{
20 The package website: \url{http://www.bios.unc.edu/research/genomic_software/Matrix_eQTL/}
21 }
22 \seealso{
23 See \code{\link{Matrix_eQTL_engine}} for reference and sample code.
24 }
25 \keyword{datasets}