diff CREST.pl @ 0:acc8d8bfeb9a

author jjohnson
date Wed, 08 Feb 2012 16:59:24 -0500 (2012-02-08)
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/CREST.pl	Wed Feb 08 16:59:24 2012 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,1232 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+#use lib '/home/jwang2/AssembleTest/Detect/nonSJsrc/dev';
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use English;
+use Pod::Usage;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use Bio::DB::Sam;
+use Bio::DB::Sam::Constants;
+use Bio::SearchIO;
+use Bio::SeqIO;
+use File::Temp qw/ tempfile tempdir /;
+use File::Spec;
+use File::Path;
+use File::Copy;
+use File::Basename;
+use List::MoreUtils qw/ uniq /;
+use Cwd;
+use SCValidator qw($lowqual_cutoff $min_percent_id $min_percent_hq LEFT_CLIP RIGHT_CLIP);
+use SVUtil qw($use_scratch $work_dir clip_fa_file prepare_reads parse_range get_input_bam 
+	find_smallest_cover get_work_dir is_PCR_dup read_fa_file get_sclip_reads);
+use StructVar;
+require SVExtTools;
+use Transcript;
+use Gene;
+use GeneModel;
+my $debug = 1;
+$min_percent_id = 90;
+# input/output
+my ( $out_dir, $out_prefix, $range, $bam_d,	$bam_g, $sclip_file);
+my $out_suffix = "predSV.txt";
+my $read_len = 100;
+my $ref_genome ;
+my $hetero_factor = 0.4;
+my $triger_p_value = 0.05;
+#RNASeq support
+my $RNASeq = 0;
+my $gene_model_file;
+my $gm_format = "REFFLAT";
+my $gm;
+my $max_sclip_reads = 50; # we will consider the position if we have enough sclipped reads
+my $min_one_side_reads = 5;
+my $min_pct_sclip_reads = 5; # we require at least 5% reads have softclipping
+# external programs related variable
+# 1. cap3 related variables
+my $cap3 = "cap3";
+my $cap3_options=" -h 70 -y 10 > /dev/null";
+# 2 blat related variables, using blat server and blat standalone
+my $blat_client_exe = "gfClient";
+my $blat_client_options = ' -out=psl -nohead -minIdentity=95 -maxIntron=5';  
+my $target_genome = "hg18.2bit";
+my $dir_2bit = "/";
+my $blat_server = "sjblat";
+my $blat_port = 50000;
+my $blat_exe = "blat";
+my $blat_options = " -tileSize=7 -stepSize=1 -out=psl -minScore=15 -noHead -maxIntron=1 ";
+$use_scratch = 0;
+my $paired = 1;
+my $rescue = 1;
+# other options 
+my ($min_sclip_reads, $max_repetitive_cover, $min_sclip_len );
+my $min_hit_reads;
+my $rmdup;
+my $min_clip_len;
+my ($max_score_diff, $max_num_hits);
+my ($min_dist_diff, $min_hit_len) = (15, 15);
+#SV filter related parameters
+my $max_bp_dist = 15;
+my $min_percent_cons_of_read = 0.75;
+my $germline_seq_width = 100;
+my $germline_search_width = 50;
+my $rm_tandem_repeat = 1; #tandem repeat mediated events
+my $tr_max_indel_size = 100;   #tandem repeat mediated indel size
+my $tr_min_size = 2;
+my $tr_max_size = 8; 	  #tandem repeat max_size of single repeat
+my $tr_min_num = 4;		  #tandem repeat minimum number of occurence
+# verification pupuse
+my $verify_file;
+my $sensitive;
+my $cluster_size;
+# common help options
+my ( $help, $man, $version, $usage );
+my $optionOK = GetOptions(
+	# SV validation related parameters
+	'max_bp_dist=i'		=> \$max_bp_dist,
+	'min_percent_cons_of_read=f'	=> \$min_percent_cons_of_read,
+	'germline_seq_width=i'	=> \$germline_seq_width,
+	'germline_search_width=i'	=> \$germline_search_width,
+	# tandem repeat related parameters
+	'rm_tandem_repeat!'	=> \$rm_tandem_repeat,
+	'tr_max_indel_size=i'	=> \$tr_max_indel_size,
+	'tr_min_size=i'	=> \$tr_min_size,
+	'tr_max_size=i'	=> \$tr_max_size,
+	'tr_min_num=i'	=> \$tr_min_num,
+	'hetero_factor=f'	=> \$hetero_factor,
+	'triger_p_value=f'	=> \$triger_p_value,
+	# input/output 
+	#'s|sample=s'	=> \$sample,
+	'd|input_d=s'	=> \$bam_d,
+	'g|inpug_g=s'	=> \$bam_g,
+	'f|sclipfile=s'	=> \$sclip_file,
+	'p|prefix=s'	=> \$out_prefix,
+	'o|out_dir=s'	=> \$out_dir,
+	'l|read_len=i'	=> \$read_len,
+	'ref_genome=s'	=> \$ref_genome,
+	'v|verify_file=s'	=> \$verify_file,
+	'sensitive'		=> \$sensitive,	
+	'paired!'		=> \$paired,
+	'rescue!'		=> \$rescue,
+	'cluster_size=i'	=> \$cluster_size,
+	# external programs location and options
+	'scratch!'		=> \$use_scratch,
+	'cap3=s'		=> \$cap3,
+	'cap3opt=s'		=> \$cap3_options,
+	'blatclient=s'	=> \$blat_client_exe,
+	'blatclientopt=s'	=> \$blat_client_options,
+	'blat=s'		=> \$blat_exe,
+	't|target_genome=s'	=> \$target_genome,
+	'blatopt=s'		=> \$blat_options,
+	'blatserver=s'	=> \$blat_server,
+	'blatport=i'	=> \$blat_port,
+	'2bitdir=s'		=> \$dir_2bit,
+	#RNAseq support
+	'RNASeq'		=> \$RNASeq,
+	'genemodel=s'		=> \$gene_model_file,
+	'gmformat=s'		=> \$gm_format,
+	#other related parameters
+	'r|range=s'		=> \$range,
+	'max_score_diff=i'		=> \$max_score_diff,
+	'm|min_sclip_reads=i'		=> \$min_sclip_reads,
+	'min_one_side_reads=i'		=> \$min_one_side_reads,
+	'max_rep_cover=i'	=> \$max_repetitive_cover,
+	'min_sclip_len=i'	=> \$min_sclip_len,
+	'min_hit_len=i'		=> \$min_hit_len,
+	'min_dist_diff=i'	=> \$min_dist_diff,
+	'min_hit_reads=i'	=> \$min_hit_reads,
+	'rmdup!'		=> \$rmdup,
+	# soft_clipping related parameters (from SVDector package)
+	'min_percent_id=i'	=> \$min_percent_id,
+	'min_percent_hq=i'	=> \$SCValidator::min_percent_hq,
+	'lowqual_cutoff=i'	=> \$lowqual_cutoff,
+	# common help parameters
+	'h|help|?'		=> \$help,
+	'man'			=> \$man,
+	'usage'			=> \$usage,
+	'version'		=> \$version,
+pod2usage(-verbose=>2) if($man or $usage);
+pod2usage(1) if($help or $version );
+my $start_dir = getcwd;
+# figure out input file
+if(!$bam_d) {
+	pod2usage(1);
+	croak "You need specify input bam file(s)";
+if(!$sclip_file) {
+	pod2usage(1);
+	croak "You need to specify the softclipping file";
+$sclip_file = File::Spec->rel2abs($sclip_file);
+if(!$ref_genome) {
+	pod2usage(1);
+	croak "You need to specify the reference genome used by bam file";
+croak "The file you sepcified does not exist" unless (
+	-e $sclip_file && -e $bam_d && -e $ref_genome && -e $target_genome);
+my $input_base;
+$bam_d = File::Spec->rel2abs($bam_d);
+$input_base = fileparse($bam_d);
+$bam_g = File::Spec->rel2abs($bam_g) if($bam_g);
+#RNASeq support
+if($RNASeq) {
+	croak "You need specify the input gene model file" unless ($gene_model_file);
+	StructVar->add_RNASeq_filter();
+	$min_sclip_reads = 10 unless $min_sclip_reads;
+	$max_repetitive_cover = 5000 unless $max_repetitive_cover;
+	$min_sclip_len = 20 unless $min_clip_len;
+	$max_score_diff = 5 unless $max_score_diff;
+	$max_num_hits = 3 unless $max_num_hits;
+	$min_hit_reads = 5 unless $min_hit_reads;
+	$cluster_size = 5 unless $cluster_size;
+else {
+	$min_sclip_reads = 3 unless $min_sclip_reads;
+	$max_repetitive_cover = 500 unless $max_repetitive_cover;
+	$min_sclip_len = 20 unless $min_clip_len;
+	$max_score_diff = 5 unless $max_score_diff;
+	$max_num_hits = 10 unless $max_num_hits;
+	$min_hit_reads = 1 unless $min_hit_reads;
+	$cluster_size = 1 unless $cluster_size;
+if($gene_model_file) {
+	$gm = GeneModel->new if($gene_model_file);
+	$gm->from_file($gene_model_file, $gm_format);
+	StructVar->gene_model($gm);
+# set up the external programs and validators
+# Those variable will be global
+my $assembler = Assembler->new( 
+	-PRG => $cap3,
+	-OPTIONS => $cap3_options
+my $mapper = Mapper->new(
+	-PRG => join(' ', ($blat_client_exe, $blat_server, $blat_port)),
+	-OPTIONS => $blat_client_options,
+	-BIT2_DIR => $dir_2bit,
+	-MAX_SCORE_DIFF => $max_score_diff,
+	-MAX_NUM_HITS => $max_num_hits,
+my $aligner = Aligner->new(
+	-PRG => $blat_exe,
+	-OPTIONS => $blat_options,
+StructVar->RNASeq(1) if($RNASeq);
+StructVar->remove_filter("tandem_repeat") unless($rm_tandem_repeat);
+StructVar->max_bp_dist($max_bp_dist) if($max_bp_dist);
+StructVar->germline_seq_width($germline_seq_width) if($germline_seq_width);
+StructVar->germline_search_width($germline_search_width) if($germline_search_width);
+my $validator = SCValidator->new();
+$validator->remove_validator('strand_validator') if(!$paired);
+#setup output and working directory
+$out_dir = getcwd if(!$out_dir);
+mkdir $out_dir if(!-e $out_dir || ! -d $out_dir);
+$work_dir = get_work_dir(-SCRATCH => $use_scratch);
+$work_dir = $out_dir if(!$work_dir);
+$use_scratch = undef if($work_dir eq $out_dir); # don't erase the out_dir
+# figure out output prefix
+if(!$out_prefix) {
+	$out_prefix = $input_base;
+my $sam_d = Bio::DB::Sam->new( -bam => $bam_d, -fasta => $ref_genome);
+my $sam_g;
+if($bam_g) {
+	$sam_g = Bio::DB::Sam->new( -bam => $bam_g);
+	StructVar->sam_g($sam_g);
+#my $output_file = File::Spec->catfile($outdir, $out_prefix . $out_suffix);
+my $output_file;
+$output_file = join('.', $out_prefix, $out_suffix);
+$output_file = File::Spec->catfile($out_dir, $output_file);
+# the softclip file is sorted, so no need to re-sort it
+open my $SCLIP, "<$sclip_file" or croak "can't open $sclip_file:$OS_ERROR";
+my %sclip;
+my $pre_p;
+while( my $line = <$SCLIP> ) {
+	chomp $line;
+	my ($chr, $pos, $ort, $cover, $C) = split /\t/, $line;
+	if( ! exists($sclip{$chr})) {
+		$sclip{$chr} = [];
+		$pre_p = $pos;
+	}
+	$C = 30 unless $C;
+	if($pos < $pre_p) {
+		print STDERR "The input file is not sorted!";
+		exit(1);
+	}
+	push @{$sclip{$chr}}, [$pos, $ort, $cover, $C];
+close $SCLIP;
+my @final_SV;
+my @s_cover = @{find_smallest_cover($min_sclip_reads, $hetero_factor, $triger_p_value)};
+if($range) {
+	@final_SV = detect_range_SVs($sam_d, $range, \%sclip, \@s_cover);
+else {
+	foreach my $chr (keys %sclip) {
+		my @tmpSV = detect_range_SVs($sam_d, $chr, \%sclip, \@s_cover);
+		@final_SV = @tmpSV unless (@final_SV);
+		foreach my $sv (@tmpSV) {
+			push @final_SV, $sv if($sv && ! is_dup_SV(\@final_SV, $sv));
+		}
+	}
+undef %sclip;
+open my $OUT, ">$output_file" or croak "can't open $output_file:$OS_ERROR";
+foreach my $SV (@final_SV) {
+	if($SV->filter) {
+		print $OUT $SV->to_string ;
+		if($RNASeq) {
+			print $OUT "\t", join("\t", @{$SV->get_genes});
+		}
+		print $OUT "\n";
+	}
+chdir $start_dir;
+sub detect_range_SVs {
+	my ($sam_d, $range, $r_sclips, $r_scover) = @_;
+	my ($chr, $start, $end) = parse_range($range);
+	my ($tid) = $sam_d->header->parse_region($chr);
+	my $chr_len = $sam_d->header->target_len->[$tid];
+	my $r_range_sclips = search_sclip($r_sclips, $range);
+	return unless $r_range_sclips;
+	my @scover = @{$r_scover};
+	my @rtn;
+	my ($f_tree, $r_tree);
+	if($RNASeq) {
+		my $full_chr = $chr;
+		my ($gm_chr) = $gm->get_all_chr;	
+		$full_chr = "chr" . $chr if($chr !~ m/chr/ && $gm_chr =~ /chr/);
+		($f_tree, $r_tree) = ($gm->sub_model($full_chr, "+"), $gm->sub_model($full_chr, "-"))	if($RNASeq);
+	}
+	my $n = scalar @{$r_range_sclips};
+	push @{$r_range_sclips}, [$r_range_sclips->[$n-1][0] + $cluster_size + 1, '+', 1, 50];
+	push @{$r_range_sclips}, [$r_range_sclips->[$n-1][0] + $cluster_size + 1, '-', 1, 50];
+	$n = $n + 2;
+	# try to save the 1 base off problem of soft-clipping 
+	my (@ss1, $p1, $c1);
+	my (@ss2, $p2, $c2);
+	my ($n1, $n2, $cover1, $cover2) = (0, 0, 0, 0);
+	for( my $i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
+		my $s = $r_range_sclips->[$i];
+#		print join("\t", @{$s}), "\n" if($debug);
+		my $clip = $s->[1] eq '+' ? RIGHT_CLIP : LEFT_CLIP;
+		next if($s->[0] >= $chr_len );
+		if($clip == RIGHT_CLIP) {
+			$p1 = $c1 = $s->[0] unless $p1;
+			if($s->[0] < $c1) {
+				print STDERR "The soft-clipping file has problem! It's either not sorted or
+					the file has mutliple parts for a chromsome!";
+				last;
+			}
+			if($s->[0] - $c1 < $cluster_size) {
+				$n1 += $s->[2];
+				$cover1 = $s->[3] if($cover1 < $s->[3]);
+				push @ss1, $s; 
+				if($s->[0] < $c1) {
+					$p1 += $s->[0];
+					$c1 = $p1 / scalar @ss1;
+				}
+				next;
+			}
+		}
+		else {
+			$p2 = $c2 = $s->[0] unless $p2;
+			if($s->[0] < $c2) {
+				print STDERR "The soft-clipping file has problem! It's either not sorted or
+					the file has mutliple parts for a chromsome!";
+				last;
+			}
+			if($s->[0] - $p2 < $cluster_size) {
+				$n2 += $s->[2];
+				$cover2 = $s->[3] if($cover2 < $s->[3]);
+				push @ss2, $s; 
+				if($s->[0] < $c2) {
+					$p2 += $s->[0];
+					$c2 = $p2 / scalar @ss2;
+				}
+				next;
+			}
+		}
+		my @cc = $clip == LEFT_CLIP ? @ss2 : @ss1;	
+		my $pos = $clip == LEFT_CLIP ? $ss2[$#ss2]->[0] : $ss1[0]->[0]; 
+		my ($n_s, $cover_s) = $clip == LEFT_CLIP ? ($n2, $cover2) : ($n1, $cover1);
+		my $tmp_range = $clip == LEFT_CLIP ? [$ss2[0]->[0], $ss2[$#ss2]->[0] + $cluster_size] : 
+			[$ss1[0]->[0] - $cluster_size, $ss1[$#ss1]->[0]];
+		if($clip == LEFT_CLIP) {
+			@ss2 = (); $p2 = $c2 = $s->[0];
+			$n2 = $s->[2];
+			$cover2 = $s->[3];
+			push @ss2, $s;
+		}
+		else {
+			@ss1 = (); $p1 = $c1 = $s->[0];
+			$n1 = $s->[2];
+			$cover1 = $s->[3];
+			push @ss1, $s;
+		}
+	    my @s_reads;
+		if($RNASeq) {
+#			print $n_s, "\n";
+			next if($n_s < $min_sclip_reads && $cover_s > $s_cover[$n_s] ) ;
+			next if($n_s < $max_sclip_reads && $n_s * 100 <= $cover_s * $min_pct_sclip_reads);
+			my @f_genes = $f_tree->intersect($tmp_range);
+			my @r_genes = $r_tree->intersect($tmp_range);
+			next if(scalar @f_genes == 0 && scalar @r_genes == 0);
+		}
+		else {
+			if($n_s < $min_sclip_reads) { #too few covered
+				if($cover_s > $s_cover[$n_s]) {
+					next if(!$sensitive);
+					foreach my $c (@cc) {
+						next if($c->[0] >= $chr_len);
+						push @s_reads, get_sclip_reads(-SAM => $sam_d,
+										   -CHR =>$chr, 
+										   -START => $c->[0], 
+										   -END => $c->[0], 
+										   -CLIP => $clip, 
+										   -MINCLIPLEN => 0,
+										   -VALIDATOR => $validator,
+										   -PAIRED => $paired,
+										   -RMDUP => $rmdup,
+										   -EXTRA => abs($c->[0] - $pos) );
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if(! @s_reads) {
+			foreach my $c (@cc) {
+				next if($c->[0] >= $chr_len);
+				push @s_reads, get_sclip_reads(-SAM => $sam_d,
+										   -CHR =>$chr, 
+										   -START => $c->[0], 
+										   -END => $c->[0], 
+										   -CLIP => $clip, 
+										   -MINCLIPLEN => 0,
+										   -VALIDATOR => $validator,
+										   -PAIRED => $paired,
+										   -RMDUP => $rmdup,
+										   -EXTRA => abs($c->[0] - $pos) );
+			}
+		}
+		my $l = 0;
+		foreach my $r (@s_reads) {
+			my $len = length $r->{seq};
+			$l = $len if($l < $len);
+		}
+		next if ($l < $min_sclip_len);
+		print STDERR join("\t", ($chr, $pos, $clip == LEFT_CLIP ? "-" : "+", scalar @s_reads)), "\n";
+		my @SV =  detect_SV(
+			-SAM => $sam_d, 
+			-CHR => $chr, 
+			-POS => $pos, 
+			-ORT => $clip == LEFT_CLIP ? "-" : "+", 
+			-SCLIP => \%sclip,
+			-COVER => $cover_s,
+			-SREADS => \@s_reads);
+		foreach my $sv (@SV) {
+			$sv->{type} = $sv->type;
+			push @rtn, $sv if($sv && ! is_dup_SV(\@rtn, $sv));
+		}
+	}
+	if($RNASeq) {
+		push @rtn,	find_del_SVs($sam_d, $chr, $start, $end);
+	}
+	return @rtn;
+sub is_dup_SV {
+	my($r_SVs, $sv) = @_;
+	foreach my $s (@{$r_SVs}) {
+		return 1
+		if( $s->first_bp->{pos} == $sv->second_bp->{pos} &&
+			$s->first_bp->{chr} eq $sv->second_bp->{chr} &&
+			$s->second_bp->{pos} == $sv->first_bp->{pos} &&
+			$s->second_bp->{chr} eq $sv->first_bp->{chr} &&
+			$s->{type} == $sv->{type} );
+		return 1
+		if( $s->first_bp->{pos} == $sv->first_bp->{pos} &&
+			$s->first_bp->{chr} eq $sv->first_bp->{chr} &&
+			$s->second_bp->{pos} == $sv->second_bp->{pos} &&
+			$s->second_bp->{chr} eq $sv->second_bp->{chr} &&
+			$s->{type} == $sv->{type} );
+	}
+	return;
+sub search_sclip {
+	my ($r_sclip, $range) = @_;
+	my ($chr, $start, $end) = parse_range($range);
+	return $r_sclip->{$chr} if(!$start);
+	my $start_i = bin_search($r_sclip->{$chr}, $start);	
+	my $end_i = bin_search($r_sclip->{$chr}, $end);
+	my @tmp = @{$r_sclip->{$chr}};
+	if($start_i <= $end_i) {
+		@tmp = @tmp[$start_i .. $end_i];
+		if($start_i == $end_i) {
+			return undef if($tmp[0]->[0] < $start || $tmp[0]->[0] > $end);
+		}
+		return \@tmp;
+	}
+	else {
+		return undef;
+	}
+sub bin_search {
+	my ($a, $p) = @_;
+	my ($s, $e) = (0, scalar(@{$a})-1);
+	my $m = int( ($s + $e)/2);
+	while(1) {
+		return $s if($a->[$s][0] >= $p);	
+		return $e if($a->[$e][0] <= $p);
+		return $m if($a->[$m][0] == $p || ($a->[$m-1][0] < $p && $a->[$m+1][0] > $p));
+		if($a->[$m][0] > $p) {
+			$e = $m;
+		}
+		else {
+			$s = $m;
+		}
+		$m = int( ($s+$e)/2 );
+	}
+sub count_coverage {
+	my ($sam, $chr, $pos, $clip) = @_;
+	if($rmdup && !$RNASeq) {
+		my @pairs;
+		my $seg = $sam->segment(-seq_id => $chr, -start => $pos, -end => $pos);
+		my $n = 0;
+		return 0 unless $seg;
+		my $itr = $seg->features(-iterator => 1);
+		while( my $a = $itr->next_seq) {
+			next unless($a->start && $a->end); #why unmapped reads here?
+			my $sclip_len = 0;
+			if($clip) {
+				my @cigar_array = @{$a->cigar_array};
+				#$sclip_len = $1 if($a->cigar_str =~ m/S(\d+)$/ && $clip == RIGHT_CLIP); 
+				$sclip_len = $cigar_array[0]->[1] if($cigar_array[0]->[0] eq 'S' && $clip == RIGHT_CLIP);
+				#$sclip_len = $1 if($a->cigar_str =~ m/^S(\d+)/ && $clip == LEFT_CLIP); 
+				$sclip_len = $cigar_array[$#cigar_array]->[1] if($cigar_array[$#cigar_array]->[0] eq 'S' && $clip == RIGHT_CLIP);
+			}
+			next if(@pairs > 0 && is_PCR_dup($a, \@pairs, $sclip_len));
+			$n++;
+			return $n if( $n > $max_repetitive_cover);
+			push @pairs, [$a->start, $a->end, $a->mate_start ? $a->mate_start : 0, 
+				$a->mate_end ? $a->mate_end : 0, $sclip_len];
+		}
+		return $n;
+	}
+	else{
+		my ($c) = $sam->features(-type => 'coverage', -seq_id=> $chr, 
+			-start => $pos, -end => $pos);
+		return 0 unless $c;
+		my @c_d = $c->coverage;
+		return $c_d[0];
+	}
+sub detect_SV {
+	my %param = @_;
+	my @s_reads = @{$param{-SREADS}};
+	my($sam, $chr, $ort, $r_sclip, $coverage) = (	$param{-SAM}, 
+		$param{-CHR},  $param{-ORT},	$param{-SCLIP},	$param{-COVER});
+	my $clip = $ort eq '+' ? RIGHT_CLIP : LEFT_CLIP;
+	return if($coverage > $max_repetitive_cover);
+	my $fa_name = prepare_reads(\@s_reads, $clip);
+	my($contig_file, $sclip_count, $contig_reads) = $assembler->run($fa_name); 
+	return if(!$contig_file or !(-e $contig_file));
+	$contig_file = clip_fa_file($contig_file, $clip);
+	my $contig_seqs = read_fa_file($contig_file);	
+	if(scalar @s_reads == 1) {
+		$contig_file = clip_fa_file($fa_name, $clip);
+		$contig_seqs = read_fa_file($contig_file);
+		my @seq_names = keys %{$contig_seqs};
+		$sclip_count->{$seq_names[0]} = 1;
+	}
+	my @SV;
+	my $where = ($clip == LEFT_CLIP ? "right" : "left");
+	my $mapping = $mapper->run( -QUERY => $contig_file );
+	my (%reads, %quals, %s_lens, %pos);
+	foreach my $r (@s_reads) {
+		$reads{$r->{name}} = $r->{full_seq};
+		$quals{$r->{name}} = $r->{full_qual};
+		$s_lens{$r->{name}} = length($r->{seq});
+		$pos{$r->{name}} = $r->{pos};
+	}
+	foreach my $s (keys(%{$mapping})) {
+		next if($sclip_count->{$s} < $min_sclip_reads);
+		# try to find a better mapping
+		my @tmp_reads;
+		my $selected_read;
+		my @tmp_pos;
+		foreach my $n (@{$contig_reads->{$s}}) {
+			push @tmp_pos, $pos{$n};
+		}
+		@tmp_pos = uniq @tmp_pos;
+		my $real_pos = $clip == LEFT_CLIP ? $tmp_pos[$#tmp_pos] : $tmp_pos[0];
+		my $n_new_SV = 0;
+		my $tmp_bp;
+		foreach my $t (@{$mapping->{$s}}) {
+			my $qort = $t->{qstrand};
+				my $t_pos = $t->{tstart};
+			$t_pos = $t->{tend} if( ($qort eq "+" && $clip == LEFT_CLIP) ||
+				($qort eq '-' && $clip == RIGHT_CLIP));
+			if($t->{tchr} eq $chr && (abs($t_pos - $real_pos) < $min_dist_diff)) { # the soft clipping is incorrect
+				@SV = @SV[0 .. ($#SV - $n_new_SV + 1)] if($n_new_SV > 0);
+				last;		
+			}
+			my $first_bp = {};
+			$first_bp->{sc_reads} =  $sclip_count->{$s};
+			$first_bp->{$where . "_chr"} = $chr;
+			$first_bp->{$where . "_pos"} = $real_pos;
+			$first_bp->{all_pos} = \@tmp_pos;
+			$first_bp->{$where . "_ort"} = "+";
+			$first_bp->{pos}  = $real_pos;
+			$first_bp->{cover} = $coverage;
+			$first_bp->{chr} = $chr;
+			my $new_where = ($where eq "right" ? "left" : "right");
+			$first_bp->{$new_where . "_chr"} = $t->{tchr};
+			$first_bp->{$new_where . "_pos"} = $t_pos;
+			$first_bp->{$new_where . "_ort"} = $qort;
+			$first_bp->{sc_seq} = $contig_seqs->{$s};
+			$first_bp->{reads} = $contig_reads->{$s};
+			$tmp_bp = $first_bp unless $tmp_bp;
+			my $second_bp = check_sclip(-SAM => $sam, -TARGET => $t, -CHR => $chr, 
+				-POS => $real_pos, -SCLIP => $r_sclip, -CLIP => $clip);	
+			if(@{$second_bp}) {
+				foreach my $tmp_bp (@{$second_bp}) {
+					push @SV, StructVar->new(-FIRST_BP => $first_bp, -SECOND_BP => $tmp_bp);
+					$n_new_SV++;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		# save some one side good soft-clipping SV
+		if( $rescue == 1 &&
+			$n_new_SV == 0 && 
+			$sclip_count->{$s} >= $min_one_side_reads && 
+			(scalar(@{$mapping->{$s}}) == 1 || ($mapping->{$s}[0]{perfect} == 1 && $mapping->{$s}->[1]{perfect} == 0)) &&
+			$tmp_bp->{chr} &&
+			length($contig_seqs->{$s}) * 0.95 < $mapping->{$s}[0]{matches}	) {
+			my %second_bp = %{$tmp_bp};
+			$second_bp{sc_reads} = 0;
+			$second_bp{sc_seq} = '';
+			($second_bp{chr}, $second_bp{pos}) = $second_bp{pos} == $second_bp{left_pos} ? 
+				($second_bp{right_chr}, $second_bp{right_pos}) : ($second_bp{left_chr}, $second_bp{left_pos});
+			$second_bp{cover} = count_coverage($sam, $second_bp{chr}, $second_bp{pos});
+			$second_bp{reads} = [];
+			push @SV, StructVar->new(-FIRST_BP => $tmp_bp, -SECOND_BP => \%second_bp);			
+		}
+	}
+	system("rm $fa_name");	system("rm $fa_name*");
+	return @SV;
+sub get_gene_range {
+	my ($chr, $pos, $clip) = @_;
+	my $r = $clip == LEFT_CLIP ? [$pos, $pos+5] : [$pos - 5, $pos];
+	my @genes; 
+	my $tmp = $chr;
+	$tmp  = "chr" . $tmp if($tmp  !~ m/chr/); 
+	my ($f_tree, $r_tree) = ($gm->sub_model($tmp, "+"), $gm->sub_model($tmp, "-"));
+	push @genes, $f_tree->intersect($r);
+	push @genes, $r_tree->intersect($r);
+	my ($s, $e);
+	if(scalar @genes == 0) { #no gene here
+		return [$pos - $read_len, $pos + $read_len];
+	}
+	foreach my $g (@genes)	 {
+		my $start = $g->val->get_start($pos, $read_len);
+		my $end = $g->val->get_end($pos, $read_len);
+		$s = $start if(!$s || $s > $start);
+		$e = $end if(!$e || $e < $end);
+	}
+	return [$s, $e];
+sub check_sclip {
+	my %arg = @_;
+	my ($sam, $chr, $pos, $target, $r_sclip, $clip) = 
+		( $arg{-SAM}, $arg{-CHR}, $arg{-POS}, $arg{-TARGET}, $arg{-SCLIP}, $arg{-CLIP} );
+	my @bp;
+	# identify the searching region for partner soft cliping
+	my $extension;
+	if($RNASeq) {
+		$extension = 50;
+	}
+	else {
+		$extension  = $read_len - ($target->{qend} - $target->{qstart});
+	}
+	my ($tpos, $ort) = ($target->{tend}, $target->{qstrand}); 
+	$tpos = $target->{tstart} if( ($clip == LEFT_CLIP && $ort eq '-')
+		|| ($clip == RIGHT_CLIP && $ort eq '+'));
+	$extension = abs($tpos - $pos) - 1 
+		if($chr eq $target->{tchr} && abs($tpos - $pos) <= $extension); # don't consider itself
+	my $range =$target->{tchr} . ":";
+	if($tpos < $extension) {
+		$range .= '1';
+	}
+	else{
+		$range .= $tpos - $extension;
+	}
+	$range .= "-"; 	$range .= $tpos + $extension;
+	# the orginal genome sequence where we find the soft_clipping
+	my $orig;
+	my $tmp = $chr;
+	#$tmp = 'chr' . $tmp if($tmp !~ m/^chr/);
+	$orig = $target_genome . ":" . $tmp . ":";
+	my $base_pos;
+	if($RNASeq) { #let's do a wild guess!
+		my $r = get_gene_range($tmp, $pos, $clip);
+		return \@bp unless $r;
+		$base_pos = $r->[0];
+		$orig = join("", ($orig, $r->[0], "-", $r->[1]));
+	}
+	else {
+		$base_pos = $pos - $read_len;
+		$orig = join("", ($orig, $pos - $read_len, "-", $pos +  $read_len));
+	}
+	return \@bp if(!exists( $r_sclip->{$target->{tchr}})); #mapped to chrY or other minor chrs
+	# the soft clipping happens in highly repetitive region
+	# return \@bp if($coverage > $max_repetitive_cover);
+	my $r_pp = search_sclip($r_sclip, $range);
+	return  \@bp if(!$r_pp);
+	my $real_pos;
+	my $found = 0;
+	my @r_reads;
+	my @l_reads;
+	foreach my $s (@{$r_pp}) {
+		#next if($s->[2] < $min_hit_reads); 
+		next if($chr ne $target->{tchr} && (
+			($clip == LEFT_CLIP  &&  $ort ne $s->[1] ) ||
+			($clip == RIGHT_CLIP && $ort eq $s->[1] )) );
+		next if($chr eq $target->{tchr} && ($s->[0] < $tpos - $extension 
+			|| $s->[0] > $tpos + $extension));
+		my $tort = $s->[1];
+		next if($s->[3] > $max_repetitive_cover);
+		my $tclip = $tort eq '+' ? RIGHT_CLIP : LEFT_CLIP;
+		my @reads = get_sclip_reads(
+			-SAM => $sam, 
+			-CHR => $target->{tchr}, 
+			-START => $s->[0], 
+			-END => $s->[0], 
+			-CLIP => $tclip,
+			-MINCLIPLEN => $min_hit_len,
+		   	-VALIDATOR => $validator,
+		   	-PAIRED => $paired,
+		   	-RMDUP => $rmdup);
+		next if(!@reads || scalar(@reads) == 0);
+#		push @r_reads, @reads if($tclip == RIGHT_CLIP);
+#		push @l_reads, @reads if($tclip == LEFT_CLIP);
+#	}
+#	foreach my $tclip ( (RIGHT_CLIP, LEFT_CLIP)) {
+#		my $s_reads = $tclip == RIGHT_CLIP ? \@r_reads : \@l_reads;
+#		next if(scalar @{$s_reads} == 0);
+		my %count;
+#		my $fa_name = prepare_reads($s_reads, $tclip);
+		my $fa_name = prepare_reads(\@reads, $tclip);
+		my($contig_file, $sclip_count, $contig_reads, $singlet_file) = $assembler->run($fa_name); 
+		my (%reads, %quals, %s_lens, %pos);
+#		foreach my $r (@{$s_reads}) {
+		foreach my $r (@reads) {
+			$reads{$r->{name}} = $r->{full_seq};
+			$quals{$r->{name}} = $r->{full_qual};
+			$s_lens{$r->{name}} = length($r->{seq});
+			$pos{$r->{name}} = $r->{pos};
+		}
+		$contig_file = clip_fa_file($contig_file, $tclip);
+		if( -s $singlet_file )  {
+			$singlet_file = clip_fa_file($singlet_file, $tclip);
+			system("cat $singlet_file >> $contig_file");
+			system("rm $singlet_file");
+		}
+		my $seqs = read_fa_file($contig_file);	
+		my $hits = $aligner->run( -TARGET => $orig, -QUERY => $contig_file);
+		foreach my $t (keys %{$hits}) {
+			my $h = $hits->{$t};
+			my $tmp_bp;
+			my @all_pos;
+			my $all_reads_name;
+			if(exists $contig_reads->{$t}) {
+				foreach my $n (@{$contig_reads->{$t}}) {
+					push @all_pos, $pos{$n};
+				}
+				$all_reads_name = $contig_reads->{$t};
+				@all_pos = uniq @all_pos;
+				@all_pos = sort {$a <=> $b} @all_pos;
+			}
+			else {
+				push @all_pos, $pos{$t};
+				$all_reads_name = [$t];
+			}
+			if(is_good_hit($h, $clip, $tclip)) {
+				my $hit_ort = ($h->strand('query') == 1 ? "+" : "-");
+				my $real_pos = $tclip == RIGHT_CLIP ? $all_pos[0] : $all_pos[$#all_pos];
+				if($tclip == RIGHT_CLIP ) {
+					$tmp_bp = {
+						left_ort	=> '+', 
+						left_pos 	=> $real_pos, 
+						left_chr 	=> $target->{tchr}, 
+						right_ort 	=> $hit_ort,  
+						right_pos 	=> ($hit_ort eq "+" ? $h->start("hit") : $h->end("hit")) + $base_pos,
+						right_chr 	=> $chr, 
+					}
+				}
+				else {
+					$tmp_bp = {
+						left_ort 	=> $hit_ort, 
+						left_chr 	=> $chr, 
+						left_pos 	=> ($hit_ort eq "+" ? $h->end("hit") : $h->start("hit")) + $base_pos,
+						right_ort 	=> "+", 
+						right_chr 	=> $target->{tchr}, 
+						right_pos 	=> $real_pos,
+					}
+				}
+				$tmp_bp->{chr}		= $target->{tchr};
+				$tmp_bp->{pos} 		= $real_pos;
+				$tmp_bp->{all_pos} 	= \@all_pos;
+				$tmp_bp->{sc_seq} 	= $seqs->{$t};
+				$tmp_bp->{cover} 	= count_coverage($sam, $target->{tchr}, $real_pos);
+				$tmp_bp->{sc_reads} = exists $sclip_count->{$t} ? $sclip_count->{$t} : 1;
+				$tmp_bp->{reads} 	= exists $contig_reads->{$t} ? $contig_reads->{$t} : [$t];
+				push @bp, $tmp_bp;
+			}
+		}
+		system("rm $fa_name"); system("rm $fa_name*");
+	}
+	return \@bp;
+# many more filter can be added here
+sub is_good_hit {
+	my ($hit, $clip, $tclip) = @_;
+	return if($hit->length_aln('query') < $min_hit_len);
+	return if($hit->frac_identical * 100 < $min_percent_id );
+	return 1;
+	# do we want to do the check?
+	my $ort = ($hit->start('query') < $hit->end('query') ? "+" : "-");
+	my ($dist, $t_dist, $qstart, $qend);
+	$qstart = $ort eq '+' ? $hit->start('query') : $hit->end('query') ;
+	$qend = $ort eq '+' ? $hit->end('query') : $hit->start('query');
+	$t_dist = $qstart;
+	$t_dist = $hit->query_length - $qend if($tclip == LEFT_CLIP);
+# RNASeq support to identify deletions
+sub cigar2hit {
+	my ($s, @cigar_array) = @_;
+	my @pos;
+	my $p = $s; 
+	foreach my $c (@cigar_array){
+		my($op, $len) = @{$c};
+		if($op eq 'N') {
+			push @pos, [$s, $p];
+			$s = $p + $len;
+			$p = $s;
+			next;
+		}
+		$p += $len if($op eq 'M' || $op eq 'D');
+	}
+	push @pos, [$s, $p];
+	return \@pos;
+sub	find_del_SVs  {
+	my ($sam, $chr, $start, $end) = @_;
+	my $max_sclip_len = 0;
+	my $range = $chr;
+	if($start && $end) {
+		$range = $chr . ":" . $start . "-" . $end;
+	}
+	my %SV;
+	my $tmp = $chr;
+	$tmp = "chr" . $chr if($chr !~ m/chr/);
+	my($f_tree, $r_tree) = ($gm->sub_model($tmp, "+"), $gm->sub_model($tmp, "-"));
+	$sam->fetch($range, sub {
+		my $a = shift;
+		my $cigar_str = $a->cigar_str;
+#		print $a->qname, "\t", $cigar_str, "\n";
+		return unless $cigar_str =~ m/N/; # the read cross two genes must have N
+#		return unless $a->score >= 97;
+		my $sv = identify_del_SV($f_tree, $a);
+		if($sv){
+			my $tmp1 = $sv->[0] . "+" . $sv->[1];
+			if(!exists($SV{$tmp1})) {
+				$SV{$tmp1} = {};
+				$SV{$tmp1}->{num} = 0;
+				$SV{$tmp1}->{left} = 0;
+				$SV{$tmp1}->{right} = 0;
+			}
+			$SV{$tmp1}->{num}++;
+			$SV{$tmp1}->{left} = $sv->[5] if($SV{$tmp1}->{left} < $sv->[5]);
+			$SV{$tmp1}->{right} = $sv->[6] if($SV{$tmp1}->{right} < $sv->[6]);
+			$SV{$tmp1}->{gene_ort}  = "+";
+			$SV{$tmp1}->{left_gene} = $sv->[3];
+			$SV{$tmp1}->{right_gene} = $sv->[4];
+			push @{$SV{$tmp1}->{reads}}, $a->qname;
+		}
+		$sv = identify_del_SV($r_tree, $a);
+		if($sv){
+			my $tmp1 = $sv->[0] . "-" . $sv->[1];
+			if(!exists($SV{$tmp1})) {
+				$SV{$tmp1} = {};
+				$SV{$tmp1}->{num} = 0;
+				$SV{$tmp1}->{left} = 0;
+				$SV{$tmp1}->{right} = 0;
+				$SV{$tmp1}->{reads} = [];
+			}
+			$SV{$tmp1}->{num}++;
+			$SV{$tmp1}->{left} = $sv->[5] if($SV{$tmp1}->{left} < $sv->[5]);
+			$SV{$tmp1}->{right} = $sv->[6] if($SV{$tmp1}->{right} < $sv->[6]);
+			$SV{$tmp1}->{gene_ort}  = "-";
+			$SV{$tmp1}->{left_gene} = $sv->[3];
+			$SV{$tmp1}->{right_gene} = $sv->[4];
+			push @{$SV{$tmp1}->{reads}}, $a->qname;
+		}
+	}
+	);
+	my @rtn;
+	foreach my $sv (keys %SV) {
+		my( $pos1, $pos2 ) = $sv =~ m/(\d+)[+|-](\d+)/;
+		print $pos1, "\t", $pos2, "\n";
+		my( $cover1, $cover2) = (count_coverage($sam, $chr, $pos1 - 1), count_coverage($sam, $chr, $pos2));
+		next if($SV{$sv}->{num} < $min_sclip_reads);
+		my $cover = $cover1 < $cover2 ? $cover1 : $cover2;
+		next if($SV{$sv}->{num} * 100 < $cover *  $min_pct_sclip_reads && $SV{$sv} < 50);
+		push @rtn, StructVar->new (
+			-FIRST_BP => {	left_ort => '+',
+							left_pos => $pos1 - 1,
+							left_chr => $chr,
+							right_ort => '+',
+							right_pos => $pos2,
+							right_chr => $chr,
+							chr => $chr,
+							cover => count_coverage($sam, $chr, $pos1 - 1), 
+							pos => $pos1 - 1,
+							sc_reads => $SV{$sv}->{num},
+							left_len => $SV{$sv}->{left},
+							right_len => $SV{$sv}->{right},
+							gene_ort => $SV{$sv}->{gene_ort},
+							left_gene => $SV{$sv}->{left_gene},
+							right_gene => $SV{$sv}->{right_gene},
+							reads => $SV{$sv}->{reads},
+						},
+			-SECOND_BP => {	left_ort => '+',
+							left_pos => $pos1 - 1,
+							left_chr => $chr,
+							right_ort => '+',
+							right_pos => $pos2,
+							right_chr => $chr,
+							chr => $chr,
+							pos => $pos2,
+							cover => count_coverage($sam, $chr, $pos2),
+							sc_reads => $SV{$sv}->{num},
+							reads => [],
+						}
+		);
+	}
+	return @rtn;
+sub identify_del_SV {
+	my ($tree, $a) = @_;
+	my @cigar_array = @{$a->cigar_array};
+	return unless($a->start && $a->end);
+	return if(scalar $tree->intersect([$a->start, $a->end]) <= 1);
+	my @hits = @{ cigar2hit($a->start, @cigar_array) };
+	my @genes;
+	my $last_gene;
+	my @change;
+	my ($left, $right) = (0, 0);
+	for( my $i = 0; $i < scalar @hits; $i++)  {
+		my $h = $hits[$i];
+		my @g = $tree->intersect($h);
+		my $g_size = scalar @g;
+		if($g_size == 0) {
+#			print STDERR $a->qname, " is mapped outside of gene\n";
+			next;
+		}
+		if( scalar @g == 1) {
+			push @genes, $g[0] unless ($last_gene && $last_gene->val->name eq $g[0]->val->name);
+			if($last_gene && $last_gene->val->name ne $g[0]->val->name) {
+				$right += ($h->[1] - $h->[0] );
+				push @change, $i;	
+			}
+			$left += ($h->[1] - $h->[0] ) if($right == 0); 
+			$last_gene = $g[0];
+			next;
+		}
+#		print STDERR $a->qname, " connect two genes into one?\n";
+		return;
+	}
+	return if(scalar @genes <= 1);
+	if(scalar @genes > 2) {
+#		print STDERR $a->qname, "crossed more than 2 genes!\n";
+		return;
+	}
+	# now we down to 2 genes
+	my ($left_gene, $right_gene) = @genes;	
+	return unless $left_gene->val->overlap([$hits[$change[0]-1]->[0], $hits[$change[0]-1]->[1]]);
+	return unless $right_gene->val->overlap([$hits[$change[0]]->[0], $hits[$change[0]]->[1]]);
+	my $p = $left_gene->val->end;
+	print join("\t", ( $a->score, 
+		$a->cigar_str, $left, $right, $hits[$change[0]-1]->[1], $hits[$change[0]]->[0], 
+		$left_gene->val->name, $right_gene->val->name)), "\n";	
+	return [$hits[$change[0]-1]->[1], $hits[$change[0]]->[0], $a, $left_gene->val, $right_gene->val, $left, $right];	
+=head1 NAME
+CREST.pl - a Structure Variation detection tools using softclipping for
+whole genome sequencing.
+=head1 VERSION
+This documentation refers to CREST.pl version 0.0.1.
+=head1 USAGE
+	This program depends on several things that need to be installed and/or
+	specified.  The program uses BioPerl and Bio::DB::Sam module to parse 
+	the files and bam files.  Also it uses Blat software suits to do genome
+	mapping and alignment.  To make the program efficient, it also requires
+	a blat server setup.  And the program uses CAP3 assembler.
+	Identify somatic SVs from input:
+	    CREST.pl -f somatic.cover -d tumor.bam -g germline.bam 
+	Identify SVs from a single bam compared wtih reference genome:
+		CREST.pl -f sclip.cover -d sample.bam 
+	Identify SVs from a single bam on chr1 only
+		CREST.pl -f sclip.cover -d sample.bam -r chr1
+	To run the program, several parameter must specified.
+	-d, --input_d:		 The input (diagnositic) bam file
+	-f, --sclipfile:	 The soft clipping information generated by extractSClip.pl
+	--ref_genome:		 The reference genome file in fa format
+	-t, --target_genome: The 2bit genome file used by blat server and blat
+	--blatserver:		 The blat server name or ip address
+	--blatport:			 The blat server port
+=head1 OPTIONS
+	The options that can be used for the program.
+	-g, --input_g		 The germline (paired) bam file
+	-p, --prefix		 The output prefix, default is the input bam file name
+	-o, --out_dir 		 Output directory, default is the working directory
+	-l, --read_len		 The read length of the sequencing data, defaut 100
+	--sensitive          The program will generate more SVs with higher false positive rate.
+	--(no)scratch 		 Use the scratch space, default is off.
+	--(no)paired		 Use paired reads or not, defafult is on, so change to --nopaired for unpaired reads.
+	--cap3				 CAP3 executable position, default cap3
+	--cap3opt			 CAP3 options, single quoted, Default ' > /dev/null'
+	--blatclient 		 gfClient excutable position, default gfClient
+	--blatclientopt		 gfClient options, single quoted, default '-out=psl -nohead'
+	--blat				 blat executable potion, default balt
+	--blatopt			 blat options, single quoted, default '-tileSize=7 -stepSize=1 -out=psl -minScore=15'
+	-r, --range			 The range where SV will be detected, using chr1:100-200 format.
+	--max_score_diff	 The maximum score difference when stopping select hit, default 10.
+	--min_sclip_reads	 Minimum number of soft clipping read to triger the procedure, default 3.
+	--max_rep_cover		 The min number of coverage to be called as repetitive and don't triger
+						 the procedure, default 500.
+	--min_sclip_len		 The min length of soft clipping part at a position to triger the detection,
+						 default 20.
+	--min_hit_len		 Min length of a hit for genome mapping
+	--min_dist_diff		 Min distance between the mapped position and the soft clipping position, default 20.
+	--(no)rmdup			 Remove PCR dumplicate.  Default remove.
+	--min_percent_id	 Min percentage of identity of soft clipping read mapping, default 90
+	--min_percent_hq	 Min percentage of high quality base in soft clipping reads, default 80
+	--lowqual_cutoff	 Low quality cutoff value, default 20.
+	-h, --help, -?		 Help information
+	--man				 Man page.
+	--usage				 Usage information.
+	--version			 Software version.
+	--(no)rm_tandem_repeat	Remove tandem repeat caused SV events, default is ON. When it's on ptrfinder program
+							need to be on the path.
+	--tr_max_indel_size		Maximum tandem repeat mediated INDEL events, default 100
+	--tr_min_size			Minimum tandem reapet size, default 2
+	--tr_max_size			Maximum tandem repeat size, default 8
+	--tr_min_num			Minimum tandem repeat number, defaut 4
+	--min_percent_cons_of_read Minimum percent of consensus length of read length, default 0.75
+	--max_bp_dist			Maximum distance between two idenfitifed break points, default 15
+	--germline_seq_width	Half window width of genomic sequence around break point for germline SV filtering,
+							default 100
+	--germline_search_width	Half window width for seaching soft-clipped reads around breakpoint for germline SV
+							filtering, default 50.
+	--hetero_factor			The factor about the SV's heterogenirity and heterozygosity, default 0.4.
+	--triger_p_value		The p-value that will triger the SV detection when number of soft-clipped reads is small,
+							defaut 0.05.
+	--(no)rescue			Use rescue mode, when it's on, the a SV with only 1 side with enough soft-clipped reads
+							is considered as a valid one instead of rejecting it.  Default on.
+	--min_one_side_reads	When rescure mode is on, the minimum number of soft-clipped reads on one side, default 5.
+	--RNASeq				RNAseq mode, default off
+	--genemodel				A gene model file, currently only refFlat format (BED) is supported. Requried for RNASeq.
+	--cluster_size			The soft-clipped reads within cluster_size will be considered together, default is 3, RNAseq mode
+							only.
+This is a program designed to identify Structure Variations (SVs) using soft
+clipping reads.  With the improvement of next-gen sequencing techniques,
+both the coverage and length of pair-end reads have been increased steady.
+Many SV detection software availalbe uses pair-end information due to the 
+limitted read length.  Now 100bp is pretty common and many reads will cross
+the break points. Some mapping programs ( bwa, etc ) have the ability to
+identify so called soft-clipping reads.  A soft-clipping read is a read that
+different part can be mapped to different genomic posiiton, but the read can
+be uniquely positioned using the mate-pair position and the insert length.
+So this program use those reads to do an assembly-mapping-assembly-alignment
+procedure to identify potential structure variiations.
+A list of every error and warning message that the application can generate
+(even the ones that will "never happen"), with a full explanation of each
+problem, one or more likely causes, and any suggested remedies. If the
+application generates exit status codes (e.g., under Unix), then list the exit
+status associated with each error.
+The program is designed to use under a cluster or high performance computing
+environment since it's dealing with over 100G input data.  The program can be 
+used as highly parallellized.  And the program is developped under linux/unix.
+The program depend on several packages:
+1. Bioperl perl module.
+2. Bio::DB::Sam, version 1.5 or later, it requires samtools lib installed.
+3. blat suits, include blat, gfClient, gfServer.
+4. CAP3 assembly program.
+There are no known bugs in this module, but the method is limitted to bam file 
+that has soft-clipping cigar string generated.Please report problems to 
+Jianmin Wang  (Jianmin.Wang@stjude.org)
+Patches are welcome.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Jianmin Wang (Jianmin.Wang@stjude.org)
+Copyright (c) 2010 by St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version. 
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.