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CREST - add crest.loc.sample
author | Jim Johnson <> |
date | Wed, 08 Feb 2012 16:08:01 -0600 |
parents | acc8d8bfeb9a |
children |
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line source
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Carp; use Getopt::Long; use English; use Pod::Usage; use Data::Dumper; use Bio::Assembly::IO; use Bio::DB::Sam; use Bio::DB::Sam::Constants; use File::Spec; use File::Path; use File::Copy; use File::Basename; use constant HTML_COLOR => { 'MATCH' => '#000000', #black 'MISMATCH' => '#800000', #brown 'LOWQUAL' => '#C0C0C0', #grey 'INDEL' => '#FF8040', #Orange 'SCLIP' => '#6960EC', #Slate Blue2 }; my $lowqual_cutoff = 20; my ($bam_d, $bam_g, $file); my $ref_genome; my $range; my ( $help, $man, $version, $usage ); my $output; my $RNASeq; my $optionOK = GetOptions( 'd=s' => \$bam_d, 'g=s' => \$bam_g, 'f|i|file|input=s' => \$file, 'r|ref_genome=s' => \$ref_genome, 'range=s' => \$range, 'RNASeq' => \$RNASeq, 'o|output=s' => \$output, 'h|help|?' => \$help, 'man' => \$man, 'usage' => \$usage, 'v|version' => \$version, ); pod2usage(-verbose=>2) if($man or $usage); pod2usage(1) if($help or $version ); croak "you must specify at least one bam file" unless ($bam_d || $bam_g); warn "Missing reference genome, the view is not correct" unless($ref_genome); croak "You need either provide an input file or a range" unless ($file || $range); my @bams; push @bams, Bio::DB::Sam->new( -bam => $bam_d, -fasta => $ref_genome) if($bam_d); push @bams, Bio::DB::Sam->new( -bam => $bam_g, -fasta => $ref_genome) if($bam_g); open STDOUT, ">$output" if $output; if($range) { print STDOUT bam2html($range, @bams); close STDOUT if $output; exit(0); } open my $FILE, "<$file" or croak "can't open $file:$OS_ERROR"; while( my $line = <$FILE>) { chomp $line; my @fields = split /\t/, $line; print "<h3 style=\"color:blue;text-align:center\">$line</h3>\n"; if(scalar(@fields) == 3) { # deal with file: chr start end format my ($chr, $s, $e) = @fields; print STDOUT bam2html("$chr:$s-$e", @bams); next; } # deal with CREST output file # if($fields[0] =~ /^chr/) { # $fields[0] = substr($fields[0], 3); # $fields[2] = substr($fields[2], 3); # } my ($chr, $s, $e) = ($fields[0], $fields[1], $fields[1]); print STDOUT bam2html("$chr:$s-$e", @bams); ($chr, $s, $e) = ($fields[4], $fields[5], $fields[5]); print STDOUT bam2html("$chr:$s-$e", @bams); } close STDOUT if($output); exit(0); #print bam2html("12:11676858-11676858", $bam1, $bam2); sub get_input_bam { my ($raw_bam_dir, $sample, $group) = @_; $raw_bam_dir = File::Spec->catdir($raw_bam_dir, $group); opendir(my $dh, $raw_bam_dir) or croak "can't open directory: $raw_bam_dir: $OS_ERROR"; my @files = grep { /^$sample-.*bam$/ } readdir($dh); close $dh; return $files[0]; } # this function returns a <pre> </pre> block for the specific contig in the ace file sub bam2html { my ($range, @bams) = @_; my ($chr, $start, $end) = $range =~ m/^(.*?):(\d+)-(\d+)/; if(!$chr or !$start or !$end) { croak "The range format is not correct, use chr:start-end"; } my ($r_start, $r_end) = ($start, $end); my $name_len = length($range); for my $bam (@bams) { my $segment = $bam->segment(-seq_id => $chr, -start => $start, -end => $end); my @alignments = $segment->features; # return "There are too many reads in this region, this is must be a highly repetitive region, abort!" # if(scalar(@alignments) > 500); for my $a(@alignments) { my $l = length($a->query->name); $name_len = $l if($name_len < $l); } } if($start == $end) { # we want to check a specific point if($RNASeq) { # for RNASeq we just extend a little bit instead of dynamic do it $r_start = $start - 100; $r_end = $end + 100; } else { for my $bam (@bams) { my $segment = $bam->segment(-seq_id => $chr, -start => $start - 1, -end => $end + 1); my @alignments = $segment->features; for my $a (@alignments) { next if($a->start > $end || $a->end < $start); $r_start = $a->start if $a->start < $r_start; $r_end = $a->end if $a->end > $r_end; } } } $range = "$chr:$r_start-$r_end"; } my $rtn_str = "<pre>\n"; my($ref, $pos2padded) = get_padded_ref($range, @bams); $rtn_str .= print_bam_ruler($r_start, $r_end, $pos2padded, $name_len) . "\n"; my $line = print_ref($ref, $range, $name_len); my $line_len = length($line); $rtn_str .= $line . "\n" . ' ' x $line_len . "\n"; $ref =~ s/\*//g; #remove * from ref sequence for my $bam (@bams) { my $segment = $bam->segment(-seq_id => $chr, -start => $start, -end => $end); my @alignments = $segment->features; for my $a (@alignments) { #next if($a->cigar_str !~ m/S/); if($a->strand == 1) { my $tmp_str = print_bam_seq($a, $r_start, $r_end, $ref, $pos2padded, $name_len); $rtn_str .= $tmp_str . "\n" if($tmp_str); } } for my $a (@alignments) { #next if($a->cigar_str !~ m/S/); if($a->strand == -1) { my $tmp_str = print_bam_seq($a, $r_start, $r_end, $ref, $pos2padded, $name_len); $rtn_str .= $tmp_str . "\n" if($tmp_str); } } $rtn_str .= '_' x $line_len . "\n"; } $rtn_str .= "\n</pre>"; return $rtn_str; } # only print the unpadded position, which is meaningful sub print_bam_ruler { my($start, $end, $pos2padded, $name_len) = @_; my ($string, $mark); $string = $mark = " "x($name_len + 2); #print | at 20 and . at 10 for( my $i = $start; $i <= $end; $i++) { $mark .= $i % 10 == 0 ? ($i % 20 == 0 ? "|" : ".") : " "; last if($i == $end); $mark .= ' ' x ($pos2padded->[$i - $start + 2] - $pos2padded->[$i - $start + 1] - 1); } # print numbers above | for padded consensus my $padded_i = 0; for( my $i = 1; $i <= $end - $start + 1; $i++ ) { my $j = $i + $start - 1; my $overhead = $pos2padded->[$i] - $padded_i; if($overhead > 0 ) { $string .= ' ' x $overhead; $padded_i += $overhead; } if( $j % 20 == 0) { my $l = length($j); my $half_l = int(($l+1)/2); $string = substr($string, 0, length($string) - $half_l ); $string .= $j; $padded_i += ($l - $half_l); } } return join("\n", ($string, $mark)); } sub print_ref { my( $ref, $chr, $name_len) = @_; return $chr . " " x ($name_len + 2 - length($chr)) . $ref; } sub get_padded_ref { my ($range, @bams) = @_; my $ref_str; #padded ref genome my @pos2padded; my($chr, $start, $end) = $range =~ m/(.*?):(\d+)-(\d+)/; @pos2padded = 0 .. ($end - $start + 1); push @pos2padded, 100 + $end - $start; foreach my $bam (@bams) { my ($d, $cum_pad) = (0, 0); my $padded_fun = sub { my ($seqid, $pos, $p) = @_; return if($pos < $start || $pos > $end); $d++; $pos2padded[$d] += $cum_pad; my $max_ins = 0; for my $pileup (@$p) { $max_ins = $pileup->indel if($max_ins < $pileup->indel); } if($max_ins > $pos2padded[$d+1] + $cum_pad - $pos2padded[$d] - 1) { $cum_pad += $max_ins - ($pos2padded[$d+1] + $cum_pad- $pos2padded[$d] - 1); } }; $bam->pileup($range, $padded_fun); if($d <= $end - $start + 1) { for(my $i = $d + 1; $i <= $end-$start+1; $i++) { $pos2padded[$i] += $cum_pad; } } } my $refseq = $bams[0]->segment($chr, $start, $end)->dna; my @str = split //, "*" x $pos2padded[$end - $start + 1]; for my $i ( 1 .. ($end - $start + 1)) { $str[$pos2padded[$i]] = substr($refseq, $i-1, 1); } shift @str; #remove the 0th base return (join( '', @str), \@pos2padded ); } sub print_bam_seq { # it's complicated my ($align, $start, $end, $ref, $pos2padded, $name_len) = @_; my $rtn = $align->query->name; $rtn .= ' ' x ($name_len - length($rtn)); $rtn .= $align->strand == -1 ? '- ' : '+ '; my $p_s = $align->start; my $p_e = $align->end; my $seq = $align->query->dna; my @qual = $align->qscore; my $repeat = 0; if($align->has_tag("XT")) { $repeat = 1 if($align->aux_get("XT") ne "U"); } my $r_cigar = $align->cigar_array; my ($s, $e) = ($align->query->start, $align->query->end); # reads partial in the region my $leading = ""; if($p_s < $start) { ($r_cigar, $p_s, $s) = find_new_start($r_cigar, $p_s, $s, $start); } my $tailing = ""; if($p_e > $end) { ($r_cigar, $p_e, $e) = find_new_end($r_cigar, $p_e, $e, $end); } return if($s >= $e); my @cigar = @{$r_cigar}; # deal with leading softclip my $op = shift @cigar; my $l = $pos2padded->[$p_s - $start + 1] - $pos2padded->[1]; if($op->[0] eq 'S') { my $ss = $op->[1] - $l; if($ss < 0) { $ss = -$ss; $leading .= ' ' x $ss; $ss = 0; } $leading .= '<font color="' . HTML_COLOR->{'SCLIP'} . '">'; for( my $i = $ss; $i < $op->[1]; $i++) { my $c = substr($seq, $i, 1); $c = lc $c if($qual[$i] < $lowqual_cutoff); $leading .= $c; } $leading .= '</font>' ; } else { $leading .= ' ' x $l; unshift @cigar, $op; } #dealing with tailing softclip $op = pop @cigar; $l = $pos2padded->[$end - $start + 1] - $pos2padded->[$p_e - $start + 1]; if($op->[0] eq 'S') { my $ee = $op->[1] - $l; $ee = 0 if($ee < 0 ); $tailing = '<font color="' . HTML_COLOR->{'SCLIP'} . '">'; for( my $i = 0; $i < $op->[1] - $ee; $i++){ my $c = substr($seq, $i + $e, 1); $c = lc $c if($qual[$i + $e] < $lowqual_cutoff); $tailing .= $c; } $tailing .= '</font>'; } else{ push @cigar, $op; } # generate the alignment part, only M, I, D and N my $mid = ''; my $mode; foreach $op (@cigar) { my $l = $op->[1]; if($op->[0] eq 'M') { my $line = ''; while($l > 0 ){ $l--; my $c = substr($seq, $s - 1, 1); #seq is 0 based my $newmode = "MISMATCH"; my $cc = substr($ref, $p_s - $start, 1); #last unless ($c && $cc); $newmode = "MATCH" if($cc eq $c); if($qual[$s-1] < $lowqual_cutoff) { $c = lc $c; $newmode = 'LOWQUAL' if($newmode eq 'MATCH'); } if(!$mode) { $line .= '<font color="' . HTML_COLOR->{$newmode} . '">'; } elsif($mode ne $newmode) { $line .= '</font>' . '<font color="' . HTML_COLOR->{$newmode} . '">'; } $mode = $newmode; $line .= $c; $s++; $p_s++; # dealing with padded * in reference genome if($p_s < $p_e && $s < $e && $l > 0) { my $tmp = $pos2padded->[$p_s - $start + 1]-$pos2padded->[$p_s-1 - $start + 1]; if( $tmp > 1) { $line .= '</font>'; $line .= '<font color="' . HTML_COLOR->{'INDEL'} . '">'; $line .= '*' x ($tmp - 1); $mode = 'INDEL'; } } } $mid .= $line; } if($op->[0] eq 'D' || $op->[0] eq 'I' || $op->[0] eq 'N') { my $newmode = 'INDEL'; my $tmp; #extra padded * after indel $mid .= '</font>' if($mode && $mode ne $newmode); $mid .= '<font color="' . HTML_COLOR->{'INDEL'} . '">'; if($op->[0] eq 'D' || $op->[0] eq 'N') { $mid .= ($op->[0] eq 'D' ? '*' : '=') x $l; $p_s += $l; $tmp = $pos2padded->[$p_s - $start + 1]-$pos2padded->[$p_s - $l - $start ] - $l if($p_s < $p_e); } else{ $tmp = $pos2padded->[$p_s - $start + 1] - $pos2padded->[$p_s - 1 - $start + 1] - $l if($p_s < $p_e); while($l > 0 ) { my $c = substr($seq, $s - 1, 1); $c = lc $c if($qual[$s - 1] < $lowqual_cutoff); $mid .= $c; $l--; $s++; } } $mode = $newmode; if($p_s < $p_e && $tmp > 1) { $mid .= '*' x ($tmp - 1); } } } $mid .= '</font>'; $rtn .= $leading . $mid . $tailing; $rtn = '<b><i>' . $rtn . '</i></b>' if($repeat); return $rtn; } sub find_new_start { my ($r_cigar, $p_s, $s, $start) = @_; my @cigar = @{$r_cigar}; while(1) { my $op = shift @cigar; next if( $op->[0] eq 'S' || $op->[0] eq 'H'); if( $op->[0] eq 'I') { $s += $op->[1]; next; } if( $p_s + $op->[1] < $start ) { $p_s += $op->[1]; $s += $op->[1] if $op->[0] eq 'M'; } else { $s += ($start - $p_s) if $op->[0] eq 'M'; unshift @cigar, [$op->[0], $op->[1] - ($start - $p_s)]; $p_s = $start; return (\@cigar, $p_s, $s); } } } sub find_new_end { my ($r_cigar, $p_e, $e, $end) = @_; my @cigar = @{$r_cigar}; while(1) { my $op = pop @cigar; next if( $op->[0] eq 'S' || $op->[0] eq 'H'); if( $op->[0] eq 'I') { $e -= $op->[1]; next; } if( $p_e - $op->[1] > $end ) { $p_e -= $op->[1]; $e -= $op->[1] if $op->[0] eq 'M'; } else { $e -= ($p_e - $end) if $op->[0] eq 'M'; push @cigar, [$op->[0], $op->[1] - ($p_e - $end)]; $p_e = $end; return (\@cigar, $p_e, $e); } } } =head1 NAME - a bam file viewer that just simple display part of the alignment as HTML file. =head1 VERSION This documentation refers to version 0.0.1. =head1 USAGE Display part of a bam file: -r hg18.fa -d diag.bam --range 1:123566-123766 -o diag.html Display part of two bam files, one diagnositc, one germlie for comparison. -r hg18.fa -d diag.bam -g germline.bam --range 1:123566-123766 -o diag.html Display part of two bam files, one diagnositc, one germlie for comparison from a list of positions in a file, each line should be tab sepearted as: chr, start, and end. -r hg18.fa -d diag.bam -g germline.bam -o diag.html -f position.txt Display part of two bam files, one diagnositc, one germlie for comparison from a file generated by -r hg18.fa -d diag.bam -g germline.bam -o predSV.html -f predSV.txt =head1 REQUIRED ARGUMENTS To run the program, several parameter must specified. -d: The input (diagnositic) bam file -g: The input (germ line) bam file -r, --ref_genome: The reference genome file in fa format =head1 OPTIONS The options that can be used for the program. -o: The output file, default to STDOUT if missing. --range: The range where SV will be detected, using chr1:100-200 format. -f, -i: The input file from either or tab seperated chr, start, end. -h, --help Help information --man Man page. --usage Usage information. --version Software version. =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a bam file viewer that just simple display part of the alignment as HTML file. The program is developed to view Structure Varitions around break point. So manual review will a breeze. Any way this program can be used otherway, but don't put a too big range to display as the view will not be pretty as each read will occupy a line. =head1 DIAGNOSTICS If the program does not respond for minutes, please be a little bit patient as sometimes generating the html file could take longer time. If you provide a range as "chr1:50-100" and nothing was output, please make sure the reference genomes for mapping and display are exact the same and the chrom name is chr1 not 1. =head1 DEPENDENCIES The program depend on several packages: 1. Bioperl perl module. 2. Bio::DB::Sam, version 1.5 or later, it requires samtools lib installed. =head1 BUGS AND LIMITATIONS There are no known bugs in this module, but the method is limitted to bam file that has soft-clipping cigar string generated.Please report problems to Jianmin Wang ( Patches are welcome. =head1 AUTHOR Jianmin Wang ( =head1 LICENCE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2010 by St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.