# HG changeset patch # User jjohnson # Date 1369927641 14400 # Node ID 2aa99b7f90f40a584fa6a8c604ad24b57f121321 # Parent 60a6f2d92058f3c52423035e8943f0efe9851e19 Deleted selected files diff -r 60a6f2d92058 -r 2aa99b7f90f4 Galaxy-Workflow-MMuFF_v1.2.ga --- a/Galaxy-Workflow-MMuFF_v1.2.ga Sun May 26 08:17:53 2013 -0500 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 @@ -1,927 +0,0 @@ -{ - "a_galaxy_workflow": "true", - "annotation": "", - "format-version": "0.1", - "name": "MMuFF_Human_v1.2", - "steps": { - "0": { - "annotation": "Human RNA-seq paired reads left mates", - "id": 0, - "input_connections": {}, - "inputs": [ - { - "description": "Human RNA-seq paired reads left mates", - "name": "Forward reads fastq" - } - ], - "name": "Input dataset", - "outputs": [], - "position": { - "left": 240, - "top": 314 - }, - "tool_errors": null, - "tool_id": null, - "tool_state": "{\"name\": \"Forward reads fastq\"}", - "tool_version": null, - "type": "data_input", - "user_outputs": [] - }, - "1": { - "annotation": "Human RNA-seq paired reads right mates", - "id": 1, - "input_connections": {}, - "inputs": [ - { - "description": "Human RNA-seq paired reads right mates", - "name": "Reverse reads fastq" - } - ], - "name": "Input dataset", - "outputs": [], - "position": { - "left": 249, - "top": 410 - }, - "tool_errors": null, - "tool_id": null, - "tool_state": "{\"name\": \"Reverse reads fastq\"}", - "tool_version": null, - "type": "data_input", - "user_outputs": [] - }, - "2": { - "annotation": "Known SNPs - dbSNP.vcf", - "id": 2, - "input_connections": {}, - "inputs": [ - { - "description": "Known SNPs - dbSNP.vcf", - "name": "VCF file of known variants (dbSNP)" - } - ], - "name": "Input dataset", - "outputs": [], - "position": { - "left": 2327, - "top": 785 - }, - "tool_errors": null, - "tool_id": null, - "tool_state": "{\"name\": \"VCF file of known variants (dbSNP)\"}", - "tool_version": null, - "type": "data_input", - "user_outputs": [] - }, - "3": { - "annotation": "These are locations other than those in dbSNP. This could include variants from the subject normal tissue. \nThe ID will be used to annotate the Variants dataset, and then can be filtered out. There needs to be at least one entry for each chromosome: (M,1,2,...,X,Y)", - "id": 3, - "input_connections": {}, - "inputs": [ - { - "description": "These are locations other than those in dbSNP. This could include variants from the subject normal tissue. \nThe ID will be used to annotate the Variants dataset, and then can be filtered out. There needs to be at least one entry for each chromosome: (M,1,2,...,X,Y)", - "name": "VCF file of additional known variants " - } - ], - "name": "Input dataset", - "outputs": [], - "position": { - "left": 4388, - "top": 576 - }, - "tool_errors": null, - "tool_id": null, - "tool_state": "{\"name\": \"VCF file of additional known variants \"}", - "tool_version": null, - "type": "data_input", - "user_outputs": [] - }, - "4": { - "annotation": "Convert quality scores to sanger scale", - "id": 4, - "input_connections": { - "input_file": { - "id": 0, - "output_name": "output" - } - }, - "inputs": [ - { - "description": "runtime parameter for tool FASTQ Groomer", - "name": "input_type" - } - ], - "name": "FASTQ Groomer", - "outputs": [ - { - "name": "output_file", - "type": "fastqsanger" - } - ], - "position": { - "left": 510, - "top": 291 - }, - "post_job_actions": {}, - "tool_errors": null, - "tool_id": "fastq_groomer", - "tool_state": "{\"__page__\": 0, \"input_type\": \"{\\\"__class__\\\": \\\"RuntimeValue\\\"}\", \"chromInfo\": \"\\\"/website/galaxy.msi.umn.edu/PRODUCTION/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len\\\"\", \"options_type\": \"{\\\"options_type_selector\\\": \\\"basic\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0}\", \"input_file\": \"null\"}", - 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