diff Galaxy-Workflow-MMuFLR_Human_germline_v1.4.ga @ 0:4f70b23c497a

author jjohnson
date Tue, 04 Jun 2013 09:51:17 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Galaxy-Workflow-MMuFLR_Human_germline_v1.4.ga	Tue Jun 04 09:51:17 2013 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,609 @@
+    "a_galaxy_workflow": "true", 
+    "annotation": "", 
+    "format-version": "0.1", 
+    "name": "MMuFLR_Human_germline_v1.4", 
+    "steps": {
+        "0": {
+            "annotation": "Human RNA-seq paired reads left mates", 
+            "id": 0, 
+            "input_connections": {}, 
+            "inputs": [
+                {
+                    "description": "Human RNA-seq paired reads left mates", 
+                    "name": "Forward reads fastq"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "name": "Input dataset", 
+            "outputs": [], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 240, 
+                "top": 287
+            }, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": null, 
+            "tool_state": "{\"name\": \"Forward reads fastq\"}", 
+            "tool_version": null, 
+            "type": "data_input", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "1": {
+            "annotation": "Human RNA-seq paired reads right mates", 
+            "id": 1, 
+            "input_connections": {}, 
+            "inputs": [
+                {
+                    "description": "Human RNA-seq paired reads right mates", 
+                    "name": "Reverse reads fastq"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "name": "Input dataset", 
+            "outputs": [], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 249, 
+                "top": 383
+            }, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": null, 
+            "tool_state": "{\"name\": \"Reverse reads fastq\"}", 
+            "tool_version": null, 
+            "type": "data_input", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "2": {
+            "annotation": "Known SNPs  - dbSNP.vcf", 
+            "id": 2, 
+            "input_connections": {}, 
+            "inputs": [
+                {
+                    "description": "Known SNPs  - dbSNP.vcf", 
+                    "name": "VCF file of known variants (dbSNP)"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "name": "Input dataset", 
+            "outputs": [], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 2327, 
+                "top": 758
+            }, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": null, 
+            "tool_state": "{\"name\": \"VCF file of known variants (dbSNP)\"}", 
+            "tool_version": null, 
+            "type": "data_input", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "3": {
+            "annotation": "Convert quality scores to sanger scale", 
+            "id": 3, 
+            "input_connections": {
+                "input_file": {
+                    "id": 0, 
+                    "output_name": "output"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [
+                {
+                    "description": "runtime parameter for tool FASTQ Groomer", 
+                    "name": "input_type"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "name": "FASTQ Groomer", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "output_file", 
+                    "type": "fastqsanger"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 510, 
+                "top": 264
+            }, 
+            "post_job_actions": {}, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "fastq_groomer", 
+            "tool_state": "{\"__page__\": 0, \"input_type\": \"{\\\"__class__\\\": \\\"RuntimeValue\\\"}\", \"chromInfo\": \"\\\"/website/galaxy.msi.umn.edu/PRODUCTION/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len\\\"\", \"options_type\": \"{\\\"options_type_selector\\\": \\\"basic\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0}\", \"input_file\": \"null\"}", 
+            "tool_version": "1.0.4", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "4": {
+            "annotation": "Convert quality scores to sanger scale", 
+            "id": 4, 
+            "input_connections": {
+                "input_file": {
+                    "id": 1, 
+                    "output_name": "output"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [
+                {
+                    "description": "runtime parameter for tool FASTQ Groomer", 
+                    "name": "input_type"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "name": "FASTQ Groomer", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "output_file", 
+                    "type": "fastqsanger"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 505, 
+                "top": 404
+            }, 
+            "post_job_actions": {}, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "fastq_groomer", 
+            "tool_state": "{\"__page__\": 0, \"input_type\": \"{\\\"__class__\\\": \\\"RuntimeValue\\\"}\", \"chromInfo\": \"\\\"/website/galaxy.msi.umn.edu/PRODUCTION/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len\\\"\", \"options_type\": \"{\\\"options_type_selector\\\": \\\"basic\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0}\", \"input_file\": \"null\"}", 
+            "tool_version": "1.0.4", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "5": {
+            "annotation": "Map paired reads to reference genome", 
+            "id": 5, 
+            "input_connections": {
+                "input1": {
+                    "id": 3, 
+                    "output_name": "output_file"
+                }, 
+                "singlePaired|input2": {
+                    "id": 4, 
+                    "output_name": "output_file"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [
+                {
+                    "description": "runtime parameter for tool Tophat for Illumina", 
+                    "name": "singlePaired"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "name": "Tophat for Illumina", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "insertions", 
+                    "type": "bed"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "deletions", 
+                    "type": "bed"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "junctions", 
+                    "type": "bed"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "accepted_hits", 
+                    "type": "bam"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 884, 
+                "top": 305
+            }, 
+            "post_job_actions": {
+                "HideDatasetActiondeletions": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "deletions"
+                }, 
+                "HideDatasetActioninsertions": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "insertions"
+                }, 
+                "HideDatasetActionjunctions": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "junctions"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "tophat", 
+            "tool_state": "{\"__page__\": 0, \"refGenomeSource\": \"{\\\"genomeSource\\\": \\\"indexed\\\", \\\"index\\\": \\\"hg19_canonical\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0}\", \"input1\": \"null\", \"chromInfo\": \"\\\"/website/galaxy.msi.umn.edu/PRODUCTION/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/?.len\\\"\", \"singlePaired\": \"{\\\"input2\\\": null, \\\"sPaired\\\": \\\"paired\\\", \\\"pParams\\\": {\\\"library_type\\\": \\\"fr-unstranded\\\", \\\"closure_search\\\": {\\\"use_search\\\": \\\"No\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 1}, \\\"__current_case__\\\": 1, \\\"indel_search\\\": {\\\"max_insertion_length\\\": \\\"3\\\", \\\"max_deletion_length\\\": \\\"3\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 1, \\\"allow_indel_search\\\": \\\"Yes\\\"}, \\\"seg_length\\\": \\\"25\\\", \\\"max_intron_length\\\": \\\"500000\\\", \\\"pSettingsType\\\": \\\"full\\\", \\\"min_intron_length\\\": \\\"70\\\", \\\"microexon_search\\\": \\\"No\\\", \\\"min_segment_intron\\\": \\\"50\\\", \\\"max_multihits\\\": \\\"1\\\", \\\"coverage_search\\\": {\\\"use_search\\\": \\\"Yes\\\", \\\"max_coverage_intron\\\": \\\"20000\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0, \\\"min_coverage_intron\\\": \\\"50\\\"}, \\\"splice_mismatches\\\": \\\"0\\\", \\\"anchor_length\\\": \\\"8\\\", \\\"mate_std_dev\\\": {\\\"__class__\\\": \\\"RuntimeValue\\\"}, \\\"own_junctions\\\": {\\\"use_junctions\\\": \\\"No\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 1}, \\\"seg_mismatches\\\": \\\"2\\\", \\\"initial_read_mismatches\\\": \\\"2\\\", \\\"max_segment_intron\\\": \\\"500000\\\"}, \\\"__current_case__\\\": 1, \\\"mate_inner_distance\\\": {\\\"__class__\\\": \\\"RuntimeValue\\\"}}\"}", 
+            "tool_version": "1.5.0", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "6": {
+            "annotation": "Keep only unique mappings - MAPQ of 255\n(255 is the value tophat uses to indicate that reads are uniquely mapped in the genome)", 
+            "id": 6, 
+            "input_connections": {
+                "input1": {
+                    "id": 5, 
+                    "output_name": "accepted_hits"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [], 
+            "name": "Filter SAM or BAM", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "output1", 
+                    "type": "sam"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 1154, 
+                "top": 339
+            }, 
+            "post_job_actions": {
+                "HideDatasetActionoutput1": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "output1"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "samtools_filter", 
+            "tool_state": "{\"__page__\": 0, \"bed_file\": \"null\", \"input1\": \"null\", \"read_group\": \"\\\"\\\"\", \"library\": \"\\\"\\\"\", \"regions\": \"\\\"\\\"\", \"header\": \"\\\"-h\\\"\", \"flag\": \"{\\\"filter\\\": \\\"no\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0}\", \"mapq\": \"\\\"255\\\"\"}", 
+            "tool_version": "1.1.0", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "7": {
+            "annotation": "", 
+            "id": 7, 
+            "input_connections": {
+                "input1": {
+                    "id": 6, 
+                    "output_name": "output1"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [], 
+            "name": "flagstat", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "output1", 
+                    "type": "txt"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 1505, 
+                "top": 296
+            }, 
+            "post_job_actions": {}, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "samtools_flagstat", 
+            "tool_state": "{\"__page__\": 0, \"input1\": \"null\", \"chromInfo\": \"\\\"/website/galaxy.msi.umn.edu/PRODUCTION/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/hg19_canonical.len\\\"\"}", 
+            "tool_version": "1.0.0", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "8": {
+            "annotation": "Add Read Group info required by GATK tools", 
+            "id": 8, 
+            "input_connections": {
+                "inputFile": {
+                    "id": 6, 
+                    "output_name": "output1"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [], 
+            "name": "Add or Replace Groups", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "outFile", 
+                    "type": "bam"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 1506, 
+                "top": 476
+            }, 
+            "post_job_actions": {}, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/devteam/picard/picard_ARRG/1.56.0", 
+            "tool_state": "{\"rgpl\": \"\\\"ILLUMINA\\\"\", \"outputFormat\": \"\\\"True\\\"\", \"__page__\": 0, \"rgsm\": \"\\\"1\\\"\", \"readGroupOpts\": \"{\\\"rgOpts\\\": \\\"preSet\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0}\", \"rgid\": \"\\\"1\\\"\", \"rgpu\": \"\\\"1.5\\\"\", \"rglb\": \"\\\"1\\\"\", \"chromInfo\": \"\\\"/website/galaxy.msi.umn.edu/PRODUCTION/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/hg19_canonical.len\\\"\", \"inputFile\": \"null\"}", 
+            "tool_version": "1.56.0", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "9": {
+            "annotation": "Synchronize paired reads", 
+            "id": 9, 
+            "input_connections": {
+                "input_file": {
+                    "id": 8, 
+                    "output_name": "outFile"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [], 
+            "name": "Paired Read Mate Fixer", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "out_file", 
+                    "type": "bam"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 1841, 
+                "top": 348
+            }, 
+            "post_job_actions": {
+                "HideDatasetActionout_file": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "out_file"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/devteam/picard/rgPicFixMate/1.56.0", 
+            "tool_state": "{\"__page__\": 0, \"outputFormat\": \"\\\"True\\\"\", \"input_file\": \"null\", \"out_prefix\": \"\\\"Fix Mate\\\"\", \"sortOrder\": \"\\\"coordinate\\\"\", \"chromInfo\": \"\\\"/website/galaxy.msi.umn.edu/PRODUCTION/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/hg19_canonical.len\\\"\"}", 
+            "tool_version": "1.56.0", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "10": {
+            "annotation": "Remove duplicate reads", 
+            "id": 10, 
+            "input_connections": {
+                "input_file": {
+                    "id": 9, 
+                    "output_name": "out_file"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [], 
+            "name": "Mark Duplicate reads", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "out_file", 
+                    "type": "bam"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "html_file", 
+                    "type": "html"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 2086, 
+                "top": 333
+            }, 
+            "post_job_actions": {}, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/devteam/picard/rgPicardMarkDups/1.56.0", 
+            "tool_state": "{\"remDups\": \"\\\"True\\\"\", \"assumeSorted\": \"\\\"True\\\"\", \"input_file\": \"null\", \"readRegex\": \"\\\"[a-zA-Z0-9]+:[0-9]:([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+).*\\\"\", \"__page__\": 0, \"out_prefix\": \"\\\"Dupes Marked\\\"\", \"optDupeDist\": \"\\\"100\\\"\", \"chromInfo\": \"\\\"/website/galaxy.msi.umn.edu/PRODUCTION/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/hg19_canonical.len\\\"\"}", 
+            "tool_version": "1.56.0", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "11": {
+            "annotation": "Reorder BAM for GATK tools", 
+            "id": 11, 
+            "input_connections": {
+                "inputFile": {
+                    "id": 10, 
+                    "output_name": "out_file"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [], 
+            "name": "Reorder SAM/BAM", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "outFile", 
+                    "type": "bam"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 2401, 
+                "top": 305
+            }, 
+            "post_job_actions": {}, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/devteam/picard/picard_ReorderSam/1.56.0", 
+            "tool_state": "{\"__page__\": 0, \"outputFormat\": \"\\\"True\\\"\", \"allowContigLenDiscord\": \"\\\"False\\\"\", \"allowIncDictConcord\": \"\\\"False\\\"\", \"source\": \"{\\\"indexSource\\\": \\\"built-in\\\", \\\"ref\\\": \\\"hg19_canonical\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0}\", \"inputFile\": \"null\"}", 
+            "tool_version": "1.56.0", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "12": {
+            "annotation": "", 
+            "id": 12, 
+            "input_connections": {
+                "reference_source|input_bam": {
+                    "id": 11, 
+                    "output_name": "outFile"
+                }, 
+                "rod_bind_0|rod_bind_type|input_rod": {
+                    "id": 2, 
+                    "output_name": "output"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [], 
+            "name": "Realigner Target Creator", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "output_interval", 
+                    "type": "gatk_interval"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "output_log", 
+                    "type": "txt"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 2565, 
+                "top": 491
+            }, 
+            "post_job_actions": {
+                "HideDatasetActionoutput_log": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "output_log"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "gatk_realigner_target_creator", 
+            "tool_state": "{\"__page__\": 0, \"gatk_param_type\": \"{\\\"gatk_param_type_selector\\\": \\\"basic\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0}\", \"analysis_param_type\": \"{\\\"analysis_param_type_selector\\\": \\\"basic\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0}\", \"reference_source\": \"{\\\"ref_file\\\": {\\\"__class__\\\": \\\"UnvalidatedValue\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"hg19_canonical\\\"}, \\\"reference_source_selector\\\": \\\"cached\\\", \\\"input_bam\\\": null, \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0}\", \"chromInfo\": \"\\\"/website/galaxy.msi.umn.edu/PRODUCTION/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/hg19_canonical.len\\\"\", \"rod_bind\": \"[{\\\"__index__\\\": 0, \\\"rod_bind_type\\\": {\\\"rod_bind_type_selector\\\": \\\"dbsnp\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0, \\\"input_rod\\\": null}}]\"}", 
+            "tool_version": "0.0.4", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "13": {
+            "annotation": "Perform local realignments for indels", 
+            "id": 13, 
+            "input_connections": {
+                "reference_source|input_bam": {
+                    "id": 11, 
+                    "output_name": "outFile"
+                }, 
+                "target_intervals": {
+                    "id": 12, 
+                    "output_name": "output_interval"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [], 
+            "name": "Indel Realigner", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "output_bam", 
+                    "type": "bam"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "output_log", 
+                    "type": "txt"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 2811, 
+                "top": 324
+            }, 
+            "post_job_actions": {
+                "HideDatasetActionoutput_log": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "output_log"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "gatk_indel_realigner", 
+            "tool_state": "{\"__page__\": 0, \"knowns_only\": \"\\\"False\\\"\", \"gatk_param_type\": \"{\\\"gatk_param_type_selector\\\": \\\"basic\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0}\", \"lod_threshold\": \"\\\"5.0\\\"\", \"analysis_param_type\": \"{\\\"analysis_param_type_selector\\\": \\\"basic\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0}\", \"target_intervals\": \"null\", \"reference_source\": \"{\\\"ref_file\\\": {\\\"__class__\\\": \\\"UnvalidatedValue\\\", \\\"value\\\": \\\"hg19_canonical\\\"}, \\\"reference_source_selector\\\": \\\"cached\\\", \\\"input_bam\\\": null, \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0}\", \"chromInfo\": \"\\\"/website/galaxy.msi.umn.edu/PRODUCTION/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/hg19_canonical.len\\\"\", \"rod_bind\": \"[]\"}", 
+            "tool_version": "0.0.6", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "14": {
+            "annotation": "Check again for duplicate reads and eliminate", 
+            "id": 14, 
+            "input_connections": {
+                "input_file": {
+                    "id": 13, 
+                    "output_name": "output_bam"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [], 
+            "name": "Mark Duplicate reads", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "out_file", 
+                    "type": "bam"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "html_file", 
+                    "type": "html"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 3174, 
+                "top": 291
+            }, 
+            "post_job_actions": {
+                "HideDatasetActionhtml_file": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "html_file"
+                }, 
+                "HideDatasetActionout_file": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "out_file"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/devteam/picard/rgPicardMarkDups/1.56.0", 
+            "tool_state": "{\"remDups\": \"\\\"True\\\"\", \"assumeSorted\": \"\\\"True\\\"\", \"input_file\": \"null\", \"readRegex\": \"\\\"[a-zA-Z0-9]+:[0-9]:([0-9]+):([0-9]+):([0-9]+).*\\\"\", \"__page__\": 0, \"out_prefix\": \"\\\"Dupes Marked\\\"\", \"optDupeDist\": \"\\\"100\\\"\", \"chromInfo\": \"\\\"/website/galaxy.msi.umn.edu/PRODUCTION/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/hg19_canonical.len\\\"\"}", 
+            "tool_version": "1.56.0", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "15": {
+            "annotation": "Determine base calls at each position", 
+            "id": 15, 
+            "input_connections": {
+                "reference_source|input_bams_0|input_bam": {
+                    "id": 14, 
+                    "output_name": "out_file"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [], 
+            "name": "MPileup", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "output_mpileup", 
+                    "type": "pileup"
+                }, 
+                {
+                    "name": "output_log", 
+                    "type": "txt"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 3554, 
+                "top": 265
+            }, 
+            "post_job_actions": {
+                "HideDatasetActionoutput_log": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "output_log"
+                }, 
+                "HideDatasetActionoutput_mpileup": {
+                    "action_arguments": {}, 
+                    "action_type": "HideDatasetAction", 
+                    "output_name": "output_mpileup"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "samtools_mpileup", 
+            "tool_state": "{\"__page__\": 0, \"advanced_options\": \"{\\\"max_reads_per_bam\\\": \\\"2500\\\", \\\"advanced_options_selector\\\": \\\"advanced\\\", \\\"extended_BAQ_computation\\\": \\\"False\\\", \\\"region_string\\\": \\\"\\\", \\\"output_per_sample_strand_bias_p_value\\\": \\\"False\\\", \\\"minimum_base_quality\\\": \\\"20\\\", \\\"disable_probabilistic_realignment\\\": \\\"True\\\", \\\"skip_anomalous_read_pairs\\\": \\\"True\\\", \\\"minimum_mapping_quality\\\": \\\"0\\\", \\\"output_per_sample_read_depth\\\": \\\"False\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0, \\\"position_list\\\": null, \\\"coefficient_for_downgrading\\\": \\\"0\\\"}\", \"chromInfo\": \"\\\"/website/galaxy.msi.umn.edu/PRODUCTION/tool-data/shared/ucsc/chrom/hg19_canonical.len\\\"\", \"genotype_likelihood_computation_type\": \"{\\\"genotype_likelihood_computation_type_selector\\\": \\\"do_not_perform_genotype_likelihood_computation\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 1}\", \"reference_source\": \"{\\\"ref_file\\\": \\\"hg19_canonical\\\", \\\"reference_source_selector\\\": \\\"cached\\\", \\\"input_bams\\\": [{\\\"__index__\\\": 0, \\\"input_bam\\\": null}], \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0}\"}", 
+            "tool_version": "0.0.1", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }, 
+        "16": {
+            "annotation": "Minimum Base Quality: 30\nMinimum Coverage Depth: 5\nMinimum Frequency of a Specific Allele:  .33\nVCF_ID = germline", 
+            "id": 16, 
+            "input_connections": {
+                "input_file": {
+                    "id": 15, 
+                    "output_name": "output_mpileup"
+                }
+            }, 
+            "inputs": [
+                {
+                    "description": "runtime parameter for tool Pileup to VCF", 
+                    "name": "min_base_qual"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "name": "Pileup to VCF", 
+            "outputs": [
+                {
+                    "name": "output_file", 
+                    "type": "vcf"
+                }
+            ], 
+            "position": {
+                "left": 3937, 
+                "top": 258
+            }, 
+            "post_job_actions": {}, 
+            "tool_errors": null, 
+            "tool_id": "toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/jjohnson/pileup_to_vcf/pileup_to_vcf/2.0", 
+            "tool_state": "{\"snps_only\": \"\\\"False\\\"\", \"min_cvrg\": \"\\\"5\\\"\", \"allow_multiples\": \"\\\"True\\\"\", \"input_file\": \"null\", \"__page__\": 0, \"vcf_id\": \"\\\"germline\\\"\", \"cols\": \"{\\\"select_order\\\": \\\"no\\\", \\\"__current_case__\\\": 0}\", \"depth_as\": \"\\\"ref\\\"\", \"min_base_qual\": \"{\\\"__class__\\\": \\\"RuntimeValue\\\"}\", \"min_var_pct\": \"\\\"0.33\\\"\"}", 
+            "tool_version": "2.0", 
+            "type": "tool", 
+            "user_outputs": []
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file