view mothur/tools/mothur/tree.shared.xml @ 26:5c77423823cb

Updates for Mothur version 1.25.0 (includes changes to datatypes and uses more efficient means for labels and groups options)
author Jim Johnson <>
date Wed, 16 May 2012 13:12:05 -0500
parents bfbaf823be4c
children 49058b1f8d3f
line wrap: on
line source

<tool id="mothur_tree_shared" name="Tree.shared" version="1.25.0" force_history_refresh="True">
 <description>Generate a newick tree for dissimilarity among groups</description>
 <command interpreter="python"> 
  #if $input.source == 'shared':
   #if $input.as_datasets.__str__ == "yes":
    --datasetid='$' --new_file_path='$__new_file_path__'
   #end if
   #if $input.groups.__str__ != "None" and len($input.groups.__str__) > 0:
   #end if
   #if $input.label.__str__ != "None" and len($input.label.__str__) > 0:
   #end if
   #if $input.subsampling.use:
    #if len($input.subsampling.subsample.__str__) > 0 and int($input.subsampling.subsample.__str__) > 0:
    #end if
    #if len($input.subsampling.iters.__str__) > 0 and int($input.subsampling.iters.__str__) > 0:
    #end if
   #end if
   #if $input.source == 'column':
   #elif $input.source == 'phylip':
    #if $ != "None" and len($ > 0:
    #end if
   #end if
  #end if
  #if $calc.__str__ != "None" and len($calc.__str__) > 0:
  #end if
  <!-- column,name  phylip  or shared -->
  <conditional name="input">
   <param name="source" type="select" label="Select input format">
    <option value="shared">OTU Shared</option>
    <option value="column">Pairwise Column Distance Matrix</option>
    <option value="phylip">Phylip Distance Matrix</option>
   <when value="column">
    <param name="dist" type="data" format="pair.dist" label="column - Distance Matrix"/>
    <param name="name" type="data" format="names" label="name - Sequences Name reference"/>
   <when value="phylip">
    <param name="dist" type="data" format="lower.dist,square.dist" label="phylip - Distance Matrix"/>
    <param name="name" type="data" format="names" optional="true" label="name - Names"/>
   <when value="shared">
     <param name="dist" type="data" format="shared" label="shared - OTU Shared"/>
     <param name="as_datasets" type="boolean" truevalue="yes" falsevalue="no" checked="true" label="Create a new history dataset for each label and calculator"/>
     <param name="label" type="select" label="label - OTU Labels" multiple="true">
       <filter type="data_meta" ref="dist" key="labels" />
     <param name="groups" type="select" label="groups - Groups to consider" multiple="true">
       <filter type="data_meta" ref="dist" key="groups" />
     <conditional name="subsampling">
      <param name="use" type="boolean" truevalue="yes" falsevalue="no" checked="false" label="subsample"/>
      <when value="yes">
       <param name="subsample" type="integer" value="" optional="true" label="subsample (defaults to the size of the smallest group)"
              help="Should not exceed the number of sequences in any group"/>
       <param name="iters" type="integer" value="" optional="true" label="iters - Number of iterations to try (default 1000)">
         <validator type="in_range" message="Number of iterations must be positive" min="1"/>
      <when value="no"/>
     </conditional> <!-- subsampling -->
  <param name="calc" type="select" label="calc - Calculators (Uses defaults if none selected)" multiple="true">
   <option value="sharedsobs">sharedsobs - Shared community richness the observed richness shared between two or more samples</option>
   <option value="sharedchao">sharedchao - Shared community richness the two or more sample shared Chao1 richness estimator</option>
   <option value="sharedace">sharedace - Shared community richness the two sample shared ACE richness estimator</option>
   <option value="anderberg">anderberg - Community Membership Similarity the Anderberg similarity coefficient</option>
   <option value="jclass" selected="true">jclass - Community Membership Similarity the traditional Jaccard similarity coefficient based on the observed richness</option>
   <option value="jest">jest - Community Membership Similarity the Jaccard similarity coefficient based on the Chao1 estimated richnesses</option>
   <option value="kulczynski">kulczynski - Community Membership Similarity the Kulczynski similarity coefficient</option>
   <option value="kulczynskicody">kulczynskicody - Community Membership Similarity the Kulczynski-Cody similarity coefficient</option>
   <option value="kstest">kstest - Community Membership Similarity Kolmogorov-Smirnov test</option>
   <option value="lennon">lennon - Community Membership Similarity the Lennon similarity coefficient</option>
   <option value="ochiai">ochiai - Community Membership Similarity the Ochiai similarity coefficient</option>
   <option value="sorclass">sorclass - Community Membership Similarity the Sorenson similarity coefficient based on the observed richness</option>
   <option value="sorest">sorest - Community Membership Similarity the Sorenson similarity coefficient based on the Chao1 estimated richnesses</option>
   <option value="whittaker">whittaker - Community Membership Similarity the Whittaker similarity coefficient</option>
   <option value="hamming">hamming - Community Membership Similarity -</option>
   <option value="memchi2">memchi2 - Community Membership Similarity -</option>
   <option value="memchord">memchord - Community Membership Similarity -</option>
   <option value="memeuclidean">memeuclidean - Community Membership Similarity -</option>
   <option value="mempearson">mempearson - Community Membership Similarity -</option>
   <option value="braycurtis">braycurtis - Community Structure Similarity the Bray-Curtis similarity coefficient</option>
   <option value="jabund">jabund - Community Structure Similarity the abundance-based Jaccard similarity coefficient</option>
   <option value="morisitahorn">morisitahorn - Community Structure Similarity the Morisita-Horn similarity coefficient</option>
   <option value="sorabund">sorabund - Community Structure Similarity the abundance-based Sorenson similarity coefficient</option>
   <option value="thetan">thetan - Community Structure Similarity the Smith theta similarity coefficient</option>
   <option value="thetayc" selected="true">thetayc - Community Structure Similarity the Yue &amp; Clayton theta similarity coefficient</option>
   <option value="canberra">canberra - Community Structure Similarity -</option>
   <option value="gower">gower - Community Structure Similarity -</option>
   <option value="hellinger">hellinger - Community Structure Similarity -</option>
   <option value="manhattan">manhattan - Community Structure Similarity -</option>
   <option value="odum">odum - Community Structure Similarity -</option>
   <option value="soergel">soergel - Community Structure Similarity -</option>
   <option value="spearman">spearman - Community Structure Similarity -</option>
   <option value="speciesprofile">speciesprofile - Community Structure Similarity -</option>
   <option value="structchi2">structchi2 - Community Structure Similarity -</option>
   <option value="structchord">structchord - Community Structure Similarity -</option>
   <option value="structeuclidean">structeuclidean - Community Structure Similarity -</option>
   <option value="structkulczynski">structkulczynski - Community Structure Similarity -</option>
   <option value="structpearson">structpearson - Community Structure Similarity -</option>
   <option value="sharednseqs">sharednseqs - Utility the number of sequences in two samples</option>
   <option value="sharedobserved">sharedobserved - Utility the number of sequences in two samples</option>
  <data format="html" name="logfile" label="${} on ${on_string}: logfile" />
  <data format="tre" name="tre" label="${} on ${on_string}: tre">
   <filter>input['source'] != 'shared'</filter>
  <requirement type="binary">mothur</requirement>
**Mothur Overview**

Mothur_, initiated by Dr. Patrick Schloss and his software development team
in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at The University of Michigan,
provides bioinformatics for the microbial ecology community.

.. _Mothur:

**Command Documenation**

The tree.shared_ command will generate a newick-formatted tree file that describes the dissimilarity (1-similarity) among multiple groups.  For calc parameter choices see:

.. _tree.shared:
