Mercurial > repos > jjohnson > mothur_toolsuite
Update to mothur version 1.27 and add tool_dependencies.xml to automatically install mothur2012-12-04, by Jim Johnson
Mothur - updates for Mothur version 1.242012-03-28, by Jim Johnson
Mothur - eliminate warning message in mothur_count_groups2012-01-19, by Jim Johnson
Mothur - html escape amperand in calculator option label2012-01-19, by Jim Johnson
Changed np_shannon calcultor to npshannon and posted bug to mothur.org2012-01-17, by Jim Johnson
Remove obsolete suite_config.xml2012-01-17, by Jim Johnson
Move calc options in individual tools and remove tool-data/mothur_calculators.loc2012-01-17, by Jim Johnson
Mothur - update for Mothur version 1.23.02012-01-17, by Jim Johnson
Modifications for ToolShed proprietary data types2012-01-17, by Jim Johnson
Mothur - fix set_meta for SffFlow in datatypes/metagenomics.py2011-12-09, by Jim Johnson
Mothur - updated for Mothur version 1.22.02011-11-08, by Jim Johnson
Mothur galaxy tool updates for Mothur version 1.21.0, fix help section warnings2011-08-09, by Jim Johnson