view snpSift_annotate.xml @ 9:937367efb1da default tip

Change tool dependency to package_snpeff_3_2, now uses environment variable: SNPEFF_JAR_PATH for the location of snpeff jar files.
author Jim Johnson <>
date Wed, 18 Sep 2013 10:49:56 -0500
parents 13b6ad2ddace
line wrap: on
line source

<tool id="snpSift_annotate" name="SnpSift Annotate" version="3.2">
	<description>Annotate SNPs from dbSnp</description>
	    You will need to change the path to wherever your installation is.
		You can change the amount of memory used, just change the -Xmx parameter (e.g. use -Xmx2G for 2Gb of memory)
                <requirement type="package" version="3.2">snpEff</requirement>
        java -Xmx6G -jar \$SNPEFF_JAR_PATH/SnpSift.jar $annotate_cmd 
        #if $ :
        #elif $annotate.info_ids.__str__.strip() != '' :
          -info "$annotate.info_ids"
        #end if          
        -q $dbSnp $input > $output 
		<param format="vcf" name="input" type="data" label="VCF input"/>
		<param format="vcf" name="dbSnp" type="data" label="VCF File with ID field annotated (e.g. dnSNP.vcf)" 
                       help="The ID field for a variant in input will be assigned from a matching variant in this file."/>
		<param name="annotate_cmd" type="boolean" truevalue="annMem" falsevalue="annotate" checked="false" label="Annotate in Memory" 
                       help="allows unsorted VCF files, but it loads the entire 'database' VCF file into memory (which may not be practical for large 'database' VCF files)"/>
                <conditional name="annotate">
			<param name="id" type="boolean" truevalue="id" falsevalue="info" checked="True" label="Only annotate ID field (do not add INFO field)" help=""/>
			<when value="id"/>
			<when value="info">
				<param name="info_ids" type="text" value="" optional="true" label="Limit INFO annotation to these INFO IDs"
                                       help="list is a comma separated list of fields. When blank, all INFO fields are included">	
					<validator type="regex" message="IDs separted by commas">^(([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)(,[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)*)?$</validator>
          <exit_code range=":-1"  level="fatal"   description="Error: Cannot open file" />
          <exit_code range="1:"  level="fatal"   description="Error" />

		<data format="vcf" name="output" />
                <param name="input" ftype="vcf" value="annotate_1.vcf"/>
                <param name="dbSnp" ftype="vcf" value="db_test_1.vcf"/>
                <param name="annotate_cmd" value="False"/>
                <param name="id" value="True"/>
                <output name="output">
                        <has_text text="rs76166080" />

This is typically used to annotate IDs from dbSnp.

For details about this tool, please go to
