view GEMBASSY-1.0.3/gsoap/wsdl/service.cpp @ 0:8300eb051bea draft

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author ktnyt
date Fri, 26 Jun 2015 05:19:29 -0400 (2015-06-26)
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	Generate gSOAP service structures from WSDL.

gSOAP XML Web services tools
Copyright (C) 2000-2013, Robert van Engelen, Genivia Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This part of the software is released under one of the following licenses:
GPL or Genivia's license for commercial use.
GPL license.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

Author contact information: /
A commercial use license is available from Genivia, Inc.,

TODO:	consider adding support for non-SOAP HTTP operations
        add headerfault output definitions


#include "types.h"
#include "service.h"

#include <algorithm>

#define URI_CHAR(c) (((c) > 32 && (c) != '"' && (c) != '<' && (c) != '>' && (c) != '\\' && (c) != '^' && (c) != '`' && (c) <= 'z') || (c) == '~')

static const char *urienc(struct soap*, const char*);
static bool imported(const char *tag);
static void comment(const char *start, const char *middle, const char *end, const char *text);
static void page(const char *page, const char *title, const char *text);
static void section(const char *section, const char *title, const char *text);
static void banner(const char*);
static void banner(const char*, const char*);
static void ident();
static void gen_policy(Service&, const vector<const wsp__Policy*>&, const char*, Types&);
static void gen_policy_enablers(const Service&);

//	Definitions methods

{ }

void Definitions::collect(const wsdl__definitions &definitions)
{ // Collect information: analyze WSDL definitions and imported definitions
  for (vector<wsdl__import>::const_iterator import = definitions.import.begin(); import != definitions.import.end(); ++import)
    if ((*import).definitionsPtr())

void Definitions::analyze(const wsdl__definitions &definitions)
{ // Analyze WSDL and build Service information
  int binding_count = 0;
  // Determine number of relevant SOAP service bindings (service prefix option only)
  for (vector<wsdl__binding>::const_iterator i = definitions.binding.begin(); i != definitions.binding.end(); ++i)
  { for (vector<wsdl__ext_operation>::const_iterator j = (*i).operation.begin(); j != (*i).operation.end(); ++j)
    { if ((*j).operationPtr())
      { binding_count++;
  if (binding_count == 0 && && (!definitions.portType.empty() || !definitions.interface_.empty()))
    fprintf(stderr, "\nWarning: WSDL \"%s\" has no bindings to implement operations\n",;
  else if (binding_count > 1 && !service_prefix)
  { // This puts all operations under a single binding
    fprintf(stderr, "\nWarning: %d service bindings found, but collected as one service (use option -Nname to produce a separate service for each binding)\n", binding_count);
  // Analyze and collect service data
  for (vector<wsdl__binding>::const_iterator binding = definitions.binding.begin(); binding != definitions.binding.end(); ++binding)
  { // /definitions/binding/documentation
    const char *binding_documentation = (*binding).documentation;
    // /definitions/binding/soap:binding
    soap__binding *soap__binding_ = (*binding).soap__binding_;
    // /definitions/binding/soap:binding/@transport
    const char *soap__binding_transport = NULL;
    int version = 0;
    if (soap__binding_)
      soap__binding_transport = soap__binding_->transport;
    else if ((*binding).wsoap__version && strlen((*binding).wsoap__version) > 2)
      version = (*binding).wsoap__version[2]-'0'; // WSDL 2.0
    else if (!(*binding).http__binding_)
      version = 2; // assume WSDL 2.0
    if (version == 2)
      soap12 = true;
    // /definitions/binding/@soap:protocol
    if ((*binding).wsoap__protocol)
      soap__binding_transport = (*binding).wsoap__protocol;
    // /definitions/binding/@name
    const char *binding_name = "";
    if ((*binding).name)
      binding_name = (*binding).name;
    else if ((*binding).portTypePtr() && (*binding).portTypePtr()->name)
    { char *s = (char*)soap_malloc(definitions.soap, strlen((*binding).portTypePtr()->name) + 8);
      strcpy(s, (*binding).portTypePtr()->name);
      strcat(s, "Binding");
      binding_name = s;
    // /definitions/binding/@type
    const char *binding_type = NULL;
    if ((*binding).type_)
      binding_type = (*binding).type_;
    // TODO: need to find the Policy of portType, though never used...
    // const wsp__Policy *portType_policy = NULL;
    // /definitions/binding/wsp:Policy and wsp:PolicyReference
    const wsp__Policy *binding_policy = NULL;
    if ((*binding).wsp__Policy_)
      binding_policy = (*binding).wsp__Policy_;
    if ((*binding).wsp__PolicyReference_)
      binding_policy = (*binding).wsp__PolicyReference_->policyPtr();
    // /definitions/binding/http:binding
    http__binding *http__binding_ = (*binding).http__binding_;
    const char *http__binding_verb = NULL;
    if (http__binding_)
      http__binding_verb = http__binding_->verb; // HTTP POST and GET
    else if ((*binding).whttp__methodDefault)
      http__binding_verb = (*binding).whttp__methodDefault; // HTTP POST and GET
    // /definitions/binding/soap:binding/@style
    soap__styleChoice soap__binding_style = document;
    if (soap__binding_ && soap__binding_->style)
      soap__binding_style = *soap__binding_->style;
    // /definitions/binding/operation*
    for (vector<wsdl__ext_operation>::const_iterator operation = (*binding).operation.begin(); operation != (*binding).operation.end(); ++operation)
    { // /definitions/portType/operation/ associated with /definitions/binding/operation
      wsdl__operation *wsdl__operation_ = (*operation).operationPtr();
      // /definitions/binding/operation/soap:operation
      soap__operation *soap__operation_ = (*operation).soap__operation_;
      // /definitions/binding/operation/soap:operation/@style
      soap__styleChoice soap__operation_style = soap__binding_style;
      if (soap__operation_ && soap__operation_->style)
        soap__operation_style = *soap__operation_->style;
      // /definitions/binding/@wsoap:mepDefault
      const char *soap__operation_mep = (*binding).wsoap__mepDefault;
      // /definitions/binding/operation/@wsoap:mep
      if ((*operation).wsoap__mep)
        soap__operation_mep = (*operation).wsoap__mep;
      // /definitions/binding/operation/@whttp:method
      const char *http_method = http__binding_verb;
      if ((*operation).whttp__method)
        http_method = (*operation).whttp__method;
      // /definitions/binding/operation/@wsoap:action
      const char *soap__operation_action = NULL;
      if ((*operation).wsoap__action)
        soap__operation_action = (*operation).wsoap__action;
      // /definitions/binding/operation/http:operation
      http__operation *http__operation_ = (*operation).http__operation_;
      // /definitions/binding/wsp:Policy and wsp:PolicyReference
      const wsp__Policy *ext_operation_policy = NULL;
      if ((*operation).wsp__Policy_)
        ext_operation_policy = (*operation).wsp__Policy_;
      if ((*operation).wsp__PolicyReference_)
        ext_operation_policy = (*operation).wsp__PolicyReference_->policyPtr();
      // /definitions/binding/operation/http:operation/@location
      const char *http__operation_location = NULL;
      if (http__operation_)
        http__operation_location = http__operation_->location;
      else if ((*operation).whttp__location)
        http__operation_location = (*operation).whttp__location;
      // /definitions/binding/operation/input and output
      wsdl__ext_ioput *ext_input, *ext_output;
      // /definitions/portType/operation
      if (wsdl__operation_ && wsdl__operation_->name)
      { bool reversed = false;
        wsdl__ioput *input = NULL;
        wsdl__ioput *output = NULL;
	// normalize input/output order for solicit-response operations
	if (wsdl__operation_->__union1 == SOAP_UNION_wsdl__union_ioput_input)
          input = wsdl__operation_->__ioput1.input;
	else if (wsdl__operation_->__union1 == SOAP_UNION_wsdl__union_ioput_output)
	{ reversed = true;
          input = wsdl__operation_->__ioput1.output;
	if (wsdl__operation_->__union2 == SOAP_UNION_wsdl__union_ioput_input)
	{ reversed = true;
          output = wsdl__operation_->__ioput2.input;
	else if (wsdl__operation_->__union2 == SOAP_UNION_wsdl__union_ioput_output)
          output = wsdl__operation_->__ioput2.output;
	else // one input only or one output only (or none)
	{ reversed = false;
	  input = NULL;
	  output = NULL;
	  if (wsdl__operation_->__union1 == SOAP_UNION_wsdl__union_ioput_input)
            input = wsdl__operation_->__ioput1.input;
	  else if (wsdl__operation_->__union1 == SOAP_UNION_wsdl__union_ioput_output)
            output = wsdl__operation_->__ioput1.output;
	if (!reversed)
        { ext_input = (*operation).input;
          ext_output = (*operation).output;
        { ext_input = (*operation).output;
          ext_output = (*operation).input;
	if ((http_method && !strcmp(http_method, "GET"))
	 || (wsdl__operation_->pattern && !strstr(wsdl__operation_->pattern, "in")))
	  input = NULL;
	if (wsdl__operation_->pattern && !strstr(wsdl__operation_->pattern, "out"))
	  output = NULL;
	if (wsdl__operation_->pattern) // WSDL 2.0
	{ soap__operation_style = document;
	  if (wsdl__operation_->style && !strcmp(wsdl__operation_->style, ""))
            soap__operation_style = rpc;
	  else if ((*binding).portTypePtr() && (*binding).portTypePtr()->styleDefault && !strcmp( (*binding).portTypePtr()->styleDefault, ""))
            soap__operation_style = rpc;
        // /definitions/binding/wsp:Policy and wsp:PolicyReference
        const wsp__Policy *operation_policy = NULL;
        if (wsdl__operation_->wsp__Policy_)
          operation_policy = wsdl__operation_->wsp__Policy_;
        if (wsdl__operation_->wsp__PolicyReference_)
          operation_policy = wsdl__operation_->wsp__PolicyReference_->policyPtr();
        if (!Rflag && (http__operation_ || http__operation_location))
        { // skip WSDL REST HTTP operations
    	  if (!Wflag)
	    fprintf(stderr, "\nWarning: ignoring REST operation '%s' in binding '%s' (use option -R to enable REST)\n", wsdl__operation_->name, binding_name);
        else if (input)
        { soap__body *input_body = NULL;
	  mime__mimeXml *input_mime = NULL;
	  mime__content *input_mime_content = NULL;
	  if (!reversed && ext_input)
	  { input_body = ext_input->soap__body_;
	    input_mime = ext_input->mime__mimeXml_;
	    input_mime_content = ext_input->mime__content_;
            if (ext_input->mime__multipartRelated_)
            { for (vector<mime__part>::const_iterator part = ext_input->mime__multipartRelated_->part.begin(); part != ext_input->mime__multipartRelated_->part.end(); ++part)
                if ((*part).soap__body_)
                { input_body = (*part).soap__body_;
	  else if (ext_output)
	  { input_body = ext_output->soap__body_;
	    input_mime = ext_output->mime__mimeXml_;
	    input_mime_content = ext_output->mime__content_;
            if (ext_output->mime__multipartRelated_)
            { for (vector<mime__part>::const_iterator part = ext_output->mime__multipartRelated_->part.begin(); part != ext_output->mime__multipartRelated_->part.end(); ++part)
                if ((*part).soap__body_)
                { input_body = (*part).soap__body_;
	  if (wsdl__operation_->style && !strcmp(wsdl__operation_->style, ""))
	  { input_mime_content = soap_new_mime__content(definitions.soap);
	    input_mime_content->type = (char*)"application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
          // MUST have an input binding, otherwise can't generate a service operation
          if (input_body || input_mime || input_mime_content || input->element)
          { char *URI;
            if (input_body && soap__operation_style == rpc)
              URI = input_body->namespace_;
            else if (binding_count == 1 || !service_prefix)
              URI = definitions.targetNamespace;
            { // multiple service bidings are used, each needs a unique new URI
              URI = (char*)soap_malloc(definitions.soap, strlen(definitions.targetNamespace) + strlen(binding_name) + 2);
              strcpy(URI, definitions.targetNamespace);
              if (*URI && URI[strlen(URI)-1] != '/')
                strcat(URI, "/");
              strcat(URI, binding_name);
            if (URI)
            { const char *prefix = types.nsprefix(service_prefix, URI);
              const char *name = types.aname(NULL, NULL, binding_name); // name of service is binding name
              Service *service = services[prefix];
              if (!service)
              { service = services[prefix] = new Service();
                service->prefix = prefix;
                service->URI = urienc(definitions.soap, URI);
                service->name = name;
                service->transport = soap__binding_transport;
                if ((*binding).portTypePtr() && (*binding).portTypePtr()->name)
                  service->type = types.aname(NULL, NULL, (*binding).portTypePtr()->name);
                  service->type = NULL;
                // collect faults (TODO: this is not used anywhere)
                for (vector<wsdl__ext_fault>::const_iterator fault = (*binding).fault.begin(); fault != (*binding).fault.end(); ++fault)
                { Message *f = analyze_fault(definitions, service, *fault);
                  if (f)
                    service->fault[f->name] = f;
                // collect policies for the bindings
                for (vector<wsp__Policy>::const_iterator p = (*binding).wsp__Policy_.begin(); p != (*binding).wsp__Policy_.end(); ++p)
                for (vector<wsp__PolicyReference>::const_iterator r = (*binding).wsp__PolicyReference_.begin(); r != (*binding).wsp__PolicyReference_.end(); ++r)
                // collect policies for the service endpoints
                for (vector<wsdl__service>::const_iterator s = definitions.service.begin(); s != definitions.service.end(); ++s)
                { for (vector<wsp__Policy>::const_iterator p = (*s).wsp__Policy_.begin(); p != (*s).wsp__Policy_.end(); ++p)
                  for (vector<wsp__PolicyReference>::const_iterator r = (*s).wsp__PolicyReference_.begin(); r != (*s).wsp__PolicyReference_.end(); ++r)
              for (vector<wsdl__service>::const_iterator s = definitions.service.begin(); s != definitions.service.end(); ++s)
              { for (vector<wsdl__port>::const_iterator port = (*s).port.begin(); port != (*s).port.end(); ++port)
                { if ((*port).bindingPtr() == &(*binding))
                  { if ((*port).soap__address_ && (*port).soap__address_->location)
                      service->location.insert(urienc(definitions.soap, (*port).soap__address_->location));
		    if ((*port).wsa__EndpointReference && (*port).wsa__EndpointReference->Address)
                      service->location.insert(urienc(definitions.soap, (*port).wsa__EndpointReference->Address));
                    if ((*port).http__address_ && (*port).http__address_->location)
                      service->location.insert(urienc(definitions.soap, (*port).http__address_->location));
                    // collect service documentation
                    if ((*s).documentation)
                      service->service_documentation[(*service).name] = (*s).documentation;
                    if ((*port).documentation && (*port).name)
                      service->port_documentation[(*port).name] = (*port).documentation;
                    if (binding_documentation)
                      service->binding_documentation[binding_name] = binding_documentation;
                    // collect policies for the service and endpoints
                    if ((*port).wsp__Policy_)
                    if ((*port).wsp__PolicyReference_ && (*port).wsp__PolicyReference_->policyPtr())
                for (vector<wsdl__port>::const_iterator endpoint = (*s).endpoint.begin(); endpoint != (*s).endpoint.end(); ++endpoint)
                { if ((*endpoint).bindingPtr() == &(*binding))
                  { if ((*endpoint).address)
                      service->location.insert(urienc(definitions.soap, (*endpoint).address));
		    if ((*endpoint).wsa__EndpointReference && (*endpoint).wsa__EndpointReference->Address)
                      service->location.insert(urienc(definitions.soap, (*endpoint).wsa__EndpointReference->Address));
                    if ((*endpoint).http__address_ && (*endpoint).http__address_->location)
                      service->location.insert(urienc(definitions.soap, (*endpoint).http__address_->location));
		    // TODO: locations need auth
                    // service->auth_scheme = (*endpoint).whttp__authenticationScheme;
                    // service->auth_realm = (*endpoint).whttp__authenticationRealm;
                    // collect service documentation
                    if ((*s).documentation)
                      service->service_documentation[(*service).name] = (*s).documentation;
                    if ((*endpoint).documentation && (*endpoint).name)
                      service->port_documentation[(*endpoint).name] = (*endpoint).documentation;
                    if (binding_documentation)
                      service->binding_documentation[binding_name] = binding_documentation;
                    // collect policies for the service and endpoints
                    if ((*endpoint).wsp__Policy_)
                    if ((*endpoint).wsp__PolicyReference_ && (*endpoint).wsp__PolicyReference_->policyPtr())
              Operation *op = new Operation();
              op->name = types.aname(NULL, NULL, wsdl__operation_->name);
              op->prefix = prefix;
              op->URI = urienc(definitions.soap, URI);
              op->style = soap__operation_style;
	      op->mep = soap__operation_mep;
              if (soap__binding_transport
	       && (!strcmp(soap__binding_transport+strlen(soap__binding_transport)-4, "http")
	        || !strcmp(soap__binding_transport+strlen(soap__binding_transport)-5, "HTTP/")))
	      { if ((op->mep && strstr(op->mep, "soap-response"))
	         || (http_method && !strcmp(http_method, "GET")))
	          op->protocol = "SOAP-GET";
		else if (version == 1)
	          op->protocol = "SOAP1.1";
		else if (version == 2)
	          op->protocol = "SOAP1.2";
	          op->protocol = "SOAP";
	      { if (http_method)
	          op->protocol = http_method;
	          op->protocol = "HTTP";
              op->documentation = wsdl__operation_->documentation;
              op->operation_documentation = (*operation).documentation;
              op->parameterOrder = wsdl__operation_->parameterOrder;
	      if (http__operation_location)
                op->action = http__operation_location; // TODO: for now, store HTTP location in action
              { op->action = soap__operation_action;
                if ((*operation).soap__operation_)
                { if ((*operation).soap__operation_->soapActionRequired)
	            op->action = (*operation).soap__operation_->soapAction;
                else if (version != 2)
                  op->action = "";
              if (operation_policy)
              if (ext_operation_policy)
              op->input = new Message();
              op->input->name = wsdl__operation_->name;
              if (input_body && soap__operation_style == rpc && !input_body->namespace_)
              { op->input->URI = "";
                fprintf(stderr, "\nError: no soap:body namespace attribute\n");
              else if (input_body)
                op->input->URI = urienc(definitions.soap, input_body->namespace_);
                op->input->URI = service->URI;
              op->input->style = soap__operation_style;
	      if (input_body)
              { op->input->use = input_body->use;
                op->input->encodingStyle = input_body->encodingStyle;
              if (input->wsa__Action)
                op->input->action = input->wsa__Action;
              else if (input->wsam__Action)
                op->input->action = input->wsam__Action;
              else if (op->action)
                op->input->action = op->action;
              else if (definitions.targetNamespace && (*binding).portTypePtr() && (*binding).portTypePtr()->name)
              { const char *name = input->name ? input->name : op->name;
                char *tmp = (char*)soap_malloc(definitions.soap, strlen(definitions.targetNamespace) + strlen((*binding).portTypePtr()->name) + strlen(name) + 3);
                sprintf(tmp, "%s/%s/%s", definitions.targetNamespace, (*binding).portTypePtr()->name, name);
                op->input->action = tmp;
              op->input->message = input->messagePtr();
              op->input->element = input->elementPtr();
              op->input->part = NULL;
              op->input->mustUnderstand = false;
              op->input->multipartRelated = NULL;
              op->input->content = input_mime_content;
              op->input->body_parts = NULL;
              op->input->layout = NULL;
              op->input->ext_documentation = NULL;
	      if (ext_input)
              { op->input->multipartRelated = ext_input->mime__multipartRelated_;
                if (ext_input->mime__multipartRelated_ && !ext_input->mime__multipartRelated_->part.empty())
                  op->input->header = ext_input->mime__multipartRelated_->part.front().soap__header_;
                else if (!ext_input->soap__header_.empty())
                  op->input->header = ext_input->soap__header_;
                else if (!ext_input->wsoap__header_.empty())
                  op->input->wheader = ext_input->wsoap__header_;
                if (ext_input->mime__multipartRelated_ && !ext_input->mime__multipartRelated_->part.empty() && ext_input->mime__multipartRelated_->part.front().soap__body_)
                  op->input->body_parts = ext_input->mime__multipartRelated_->part.front().soap__body_->parts;
                else if (input_body)
                  op->input->body_parts = input_body->parts;
                if (ext_input->dime__message_)
                  op->input->layout = ext_input->dime__message_->layout;
                  op->input->layout = NULL;
                op->input->ext_documentation = ext_input->documentation;
              op->input->documentation = input->documentation;
              // collect input message policies
	      if (op->input->message)
              { for (vector<wsp__Policy>::const_iterator p = op->input->message->wsp__Policy_.begin(); p != op->input->message->wsp__Policy_.end(); ++p)
                for (vector<wsp__PolicyReference>::const_iterator r = op->input->message->wsp__PolicyReference_.begin(); r != op->input->message->wsp__PolicyReference_.end(); ++r)
              if (input->wsp__Policy_)
              if (input->wsp__PolicyReference_ && input->wsp__PolicyReference_->policyPtr())
	      if (ext_input)
              { if (ext_input->wsp__Policy_)
                if (ext_input->wsp__PolicyReference_ && ext_input->wsp__PolicyReference_->policyPtr())
              if (soap__operation_style == document)
                op->input_name = types.oname("__", op->URI, op->input->name);
                op->input_name = types.oname(NULL, op->input->URI, op->input->name);
              if (output)
              { soap__body *output_body = NULL;
	        mime__mimeXml *output_mime = NULL;
	        mime__content *output_mime_content = NULL;
	        if (ext_output)
		{ output_body = ext_output->soap__body_;
	          output_mime = ext_output->mime__mimeXml_;
	          output_mime_content = ext_output->mime__content_;
                  if (ext_output->mime__multipartRelated_)
                  { for (vector<mime__part>::const_iterator part = ext_output->mime__multipartRelated_->part.begin(); part != ext_output->mime__multipartRelated_->part.end(); ++part)
                      if ((*part).soap__body_)
                      { output_body = (*part).soap__body_;
        	if (ext_output && ext_output->mime__content_)
                { op->output = new Message();
                  op->output->name = NULL;
                  op->output->URI = NULL;
                  op->output->style = soap__operation_style;
                  op->output->use = literal;
                  op->output->encodingStyle = NULL;
                  op->output->action = NULL;
                  op->output->body_parts = NULL;
                  op->output->part = NULL;
                  op->output->mustUnderstand = false;
                  op->output->multipartRelated = NULL;
                  op->output->content = output_mime_content;
                  op->output->message = output->messagePtr();
                  op->output->element = output->elementPtr();
                  op->output->layout = NULL;
        	else if (output_body || output_mime || output_mime_content || output->element)
                { op->output = new Message();
                  op->output->name = wsdl__operation_->name; // RPC uses operation/@name with suffix 'Response' as set below
                  op->output->style = soap__operation_style;
		  if (output_body)
                  { op->output->use = output_body->use;
                    // the code below is a hack around the RPC encoded response message element tag mismatch with Axis:
                    if (!output_body->namespace_ || output_body->use == encoded)
                      op->output->URI = op->input->URI; // encoded seems (?) to require the request's namespace
                      op->output->URI = urienc(definitions.soap, output_body->namespace_);
                    op->output->encodingStyle = output_body->encodingStyle;
		    op->output->URI = service->URI;
                  if (output->wsa__Action)
                    op->output->action = output->wsa__Action;
                  else if (output->wsam__Action)
                    op->output->action = output->wsam__Action;
	          else if (http__operation_location)
                    op->output->action = NULL;
                  else if (op->action)
                  { const char *name = op->action;
                    char *tmp = (char*)soap_malloc(definitions.soap, strlen(name) + 9);
		    strcpy(tmp, name);
		    strcat(tmp, "Response");
                    op->output->action = tmp;
                  else if (definitions.targetNamespace && (*binding).portTypePtr() && (*binding).portTypePtr()->name)
                  { const char *name = output->name ? output->name : op->name;
                    char *tmp = (char*)soap_malloc(definitions.soap, strlen(definitions.targetNamespace) + strlen((*binding).portTypePtr()->name) + strlen(name) + 11);
                    sprintf(tmp, "%s/%s/%s%s", definitions.targetNamespace, (*binding).portTypePtr()->name, name, output->name ? "" : "Response");
                    op->output->action = tmp;
                  op->output->message = output->messagePtr();
                  op->output->element = output->elementPtr();
                  op->output->part = NULL;
                  op->output->content = output_mime_content;
                  op->output->body_parts = NULL;
                  op->output->layout = NULL;
                  op->output->ext_documentation = NULL;
                  op->output->mustUnderstand = false;
		if (ext_output)
                { op->output->multipartRelated = ext_output->mime__multipartRelated_;
                  if (ext_output->mime__multipartRelated_ && !ext_output->mime__multipartRelated_->part.empty())
                    op->output->header = ext_output->mime__multipartRelated_->part.front().soap__header_;
                  else if (!ext_output->soap__header_.empty())
                    op->output->header = ext_output->soap__header_;
                  else if (!ext_output->wsoap__header_.empty())
                    op->output->wheader = ext_output->wsoap__header_;
                  if (ext_output->mime__multipartRelated_ && !ext_output->mime__multipartRelated_->part.empty() && ext_output->mime__multipartRelated_->part.front().soap__body_)
                    op->output->body_parts = ext_output->mime__multipartRelated_->part.front().soap__body_->parts;
                  else if (output_body)
                    op->output->body_parts = output_body->parts;
                  if (ext_output->dime__message_)
                    op->output->layout = ext_output->dime__message_->layout;
                    op->output->layout = NULL;
                  op->output->ext_documentation = ext_output->documentation;
		if (op->output->name)
                { char *s = (char*)soap_malloc(definitions.soap, strlen(op->output->name) + 9);
                  strcpy(s, op->output->name);
                  strcat(s, "Response");
                  if (soap__operation_style == document)
                    op->output_name = types.oname("__", op->URI, s);
                    op->output_name = types.oname(NULL, op->output->URI, s);
                op->output->documentation = output->documentation;
                // collect output message policies
	        if (op->output->message)
                { for (vector<wsp__Policy>::const_iterator p = op->output->message->wsp__Policy_.begin(); p != op->output->message->wsp__Policy_.end(); ++p)
                  for (vector<wsp__PolicyReference>::const_iterator r = op->output->message->wsp__PolicyReference_.begin(); r != op->output->message->wsp__PolicyReference_.end(); ++r)
                if (output->wsp__Policy_)
                if (output->wsp__PolicyReference_ && output->wsp__PolicyReference_->policyPtr())
		if (ext_output)
                { if (ext_output->wsp__Policy_)
                  if (ext_output->wsp__PolicyReference_ && ext_output->wsp__PolicyReference_->policyPtr())
              { op->output_name = NULL;
                op->output = NULL;
              analyze_headers(definitions, service, ext_input, ext_output);
              analyze_faults(definitions, service, op, operation);
    	    { if (!Wflag)
	        fprintf(stderr, "\nWarning: no SOAP RPC operation namespace, operations will be ignored\n");
            fprintf(stderr, "\nError: no wsdl:definitions/binding/operation/input\n");
        else if (output)
	{ // This part is similar to the previous clause, limited to one-way output operations
          soap__body *output_body = NULL;
	  mime__mimeXml *output_mime = NULL;
	  mime__content *output_mime_content = NULL;
	  if (!reversed && ext_output)
	  { output_body = ext_output->soap__body_;
	    output_mime = ext_output->mime__mimeXml_;
	    output_mime_content = ext_output->mime__content_;
            if (ext_output->mime__multipartRelated_)
            { for (vector<mime__part>::const_iterator part = ext_output->mime__multipartRelated_->part.begin(); part != ext_output->mime__multipartRelated_->part.end(); ++part)
                if ((*part).soap__body_)
                { output_body = (*part).soap__body_;
	  else if (ext_input)
	  { output_body = ext_input->soap__body_;
	    output_mime = ext_input->mime__mimeXml_;
	    output_mime_content = ext_input->mime__content_;
            if (ext_input->mime__multipartRelated_)
            { for (vector<mime__part>::const_iterator part = ext_input->mime__multipartRelated_->part.begin(); part != ext_input->mime__multipartRelated_->part.end(); ++part)
                if ((*part).soap__body_)
                { output_body = (*part).soap__body_;
	  if (wsdl__operation_->style && !strcmp(wsdl__operation_->style, ""))
	  { output_mime_content = soap_new_mime__content(definitions.soap);
	    output_mime_content->type = (char*)"application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
          if (output_body || output_mime || output_mime_content || output->element)
          { char *URI;
            if (output_body && soap__operation_style == rpc)
              URI = output_body->namespace_;
            else if (binding_count == 1 || !service_prefix)
              URI = definitions.targetNamespace;
            { // multiple service bidings are used, each needs a unique new URI
              URI = (char*)soap_malloc(definitions.soap, strlen(definitions.targetNamespace) + strlen(binding_name) + 2);
              strcpy(URI, definitions.targetNamespace);
              if (*URI && URI[strlen(URI)-1] != '/')
                strcat(URI, "/");
              strcat(URI, binding_name);
            if (URI)
            { const char *prefix = types.nsprefix(service_prefix, URI);
              const char *name = types.aname(NULL, NULL, binding_name); // name of service is binding name
              Service *service = services[prefix];
              if (!service)
              { service = services[prefix] = new Service();
                service->prefix = prefix;
                service->URI = urienc(definitions.soap, URI);
                service->name = name;
                service->transport = soap__binding_transport;
                if ((*binding).portTypePtr() && (*binding).portTypePtr()->name)
                  service->type = types.aname(NULL, NULL, (*binding).portTypePtr()->name);
                  service->type = NULL;
		// collect faults (TODO: this is not used anywhere)
                for (vector<wsdl__ext_fault>::const_iterator fault = (*binding).fault.begin(); fault != (*binding).fault.end(); ++fault)
                { Message *f = analyze_fault(definitions, service, *fault);
                  if (f)
                    service->fault[f->name] = f;
                // collect policies for the bindings
                for (vector<wsp__Policy>::const_iterator p = (*binding).wsp__Policy_.begin(); p != (*binding).wsp__Policy_.end(); ++p)
                for (vector<wsp__PolicyReference>::const_iterator r = (*binding).wsp__PolicyReference_.begin(); r != (*binding).wsp__PolicyReference_.end(); ++r)
                // collect policies for the service endpoints
                for (vector<wsdl__service>::const_iterator s = definitions.service.begin(); s != definitions.service.end(); ++s)
                { for (vector<wsp__Policy>::const_iterator p = (*s).wsp__Policy_.begin(); p != (*s).wsp__Policy_.end(); ++p)
                  for (vector<wsp__PolicyReference>::const_iterator r = (*s).wsp__PolicyReference_.begin(); r != (*s).wsp__PolicyReference_.end(); ++r)
              for (vector<wsdl__service>::const_iterator s = definitions.service.begin(); s != definitions.service.end(); ++s)
              { for (vector<wsdl__port>::const_iterator port = (*s).port.begin(); port != (*s).port.end(); ++port)
                { if ((*port).bindingPtr() == &(*binding))
                  { if ((*port).soap__address_ && (*port).soap__address_->location)
                      service->location.insert(urienc(definitions.soap, (*port).soap__address_->location));
		    else if ((*port).wsa__EndpointReference && (*port).wsa__EndpointReference->Address)
                      service->location.insert(urienc(definitions.soap, (*port).wsa__EndpointReference->Address));
                    // TODO: HTTP address for HTTP operations
                    // if ((*port).http__address_)
                      // http__address_location = http__address_->location;
                    // collect service documentation
                    if ((*s).documentation)
                      service->service_documentation[(*service).name] = (*s).documentation;
                    if ((*port).documentation && (*port).name)
                      service->port_documentation[(*port).name] = (*port).documentation;
                    if (binding_documentation)
                      service->binding_documentation[binding_name] = binding_documentation;
                    // collect policies for the service and endpoints
                    if ((*port).wsp__Policy_)
                    if ((*port).wsp__PolicyReference_ && (*port).wsp__PolicyReference_->policyPtr())
              Operation *op = new Operation();
              op->input_name = NULL;
              op->input = NULL;
              op->name = types.aname(NULL, NULL, wsdl__operation_->name);
              op->prefix = prefix;
              op->URI = urienc(definitions.soap, URI);
              op->style = soap__operation_style;
	      op->mep = soap__operation_mep;
              if (soap__binding_transport
	       && (!strcmp(soap__binding_transport+strlen(soap__binding_transport)-4, "http")
	        || !strcmp(soap__binding_transport+strlen(soap__binding_transport)-5, "HTTP/")))
	      { if (op->mep && strstr(op->mep, "soap-response")
	         || (http_method && !strcmp(http_method, "GET")))
	          op->protocol = "SOAP-GET";
		else if (version == 1)
	          op->protocol = "SOAP1.1";
		else if (version == 2)
	          op->protocol = "SOAP1.2";
	          op->protocol = "SOAP";
	      { if (http_method)
	          op->protocol = http_method;
	          op->protocol = "HTTP";
              op->documentation = wsdl__operation_->documentation;
              op->operation_documentation = (*operation).documentation;
              op->parameterOrder = wsdl__operation_->parameterOrder;
	      if (http__operation_location)
                op->action = http__operation_location; // TODO: for now, store HTTP location in action
              { op->action = soap__operation_action;
                if ((*operation).soap__operation_)
                { if ((*operation).soap__operation_->soapActionRequired)
	            op->action = (*operation).soap__operation_->soapAction;
                else if (version != 2)
                  op->action = "";
              if (operation_policy)
              if (ext_operation_policy)
              op->output = new Message(); // one-way output operation
              op->output->name = wsdl__operation_->name; // RPC uses operation/@name
              if (output_body && soap__operation_style == rpc && !output_body->namespace_)
              { op->output->URI = "";
                fprintf(stderr, "\nError: no soap:body namespace attribute\n");
              else if (output_body)
                op->output->URI = urienc(definitions.soap, output_body->namespace_);
                op->output->URI = service->URI;
              op->output->style = soap__operation_style;
	      if (output_body)
              { op->output->use = output_body->use;
                op->output->encodingStyle = output_body->encodingStyle;
              if (output->wsa__Action)
                op->output->action = output->wsa__Action;
              else if (output->wsam__Action)
                op->output->action = output->wsam__Action;
              else if (op->action)
                op->output->action = op->action;
              else if (definitions.targetNamespace && (*binding).portTypePtr() && (*binding).portTypePtr()->name)
              { const char *name = output->name ? output->name : op->name;
                char *tmp = (char*)soap_malloc(definitions.soap, strlen(definitions.targetNamespace) + strlen((*binding).portTypePtr()->name) + strlen(name) + 3);
                sprintf(tmp, "%s/%s/%s", definitions.targetNamespace, (*binding).portTypePtr()->name, name);
                op->output->action = tmp;
              op->output->message = output->messagePtr();
              op->output->element = output->elementPtr();
              op->output->part = NULL;
              op->output->mustUnderstand = false;
              op->output->multipartRelated = NULL;
              op->output->content = output_mime_content;
              op->output->body_parts = NULL;
              op->output->layout = NULL;
              op->output->ext_documentation = NULL;
	      if (ext_output)
              { op->output->multipartRelated = ext_output->mime__multipartRelated_;
                if (ext_output->mime__multipartRelated_ && !ext_output->mime__multipartRelated_->part.empty())
                  op->output->header = ext_output->mime__multipartRelated_->part.front().soap__header_;
                else if (!ext_output->soap__header_.empty())
                  op->output->header = ext_output->soap__header_;
                else if (!ext_output->wsoap__header_.empty())
                  op->output->wheader = ext_output->wsoap__header_;
                if (ext_output->mime__multipartRelated_ && !ext_output->mime__multipartRelated_->part.empty() && ext_output->mime__multipartRelated_->part.front().soap__body_)
                  op->output->body_parts = ext_output->mime__multipartRelated_->part.front().soap__body_->parts;
                else if (output_body)
                  op->output->body_parts = output_body->parts;
                if (ext_output->dime__message_)
                  op->output->layout = ext_output->dime__message_->layout;
                  op->output->layout = NULL;
                op->output->ext_documentation = ext_output->documentation;
              op->output->documentation = output->documentation;
              // collect output message policies
	      if (op->output->message)
              { for (vector<wsp__Policy>::const_iterator p = op->output->message->wsp__Policy_.begin(); p != op->output->message->wsp__Policy_.end(); ++p)
                for (vector<wsp__PolicyReference>::const_iterator r = op->output->message->wsp__PolicyReference_.begin(); r != op->output->message->wsp__PolicyReference_.end(); ++r)
              if (output->wsp__Policy_)
              if (output->wsp__PolicyReference_ && output->wsp__PolicyReference_->policyPtr())
	      if (ext_output)
              { if (ext_output->wsp__Policy_)
                if (ext_output->wsp__PolicyReference_ && ext_output->wsp__PolicyReference_->policyPtr())
              if (soap__operation_style == document)
                op->input_name = types.oname("__", op->URI, op->output->name);
                op->input_name = types.oname(NULL, op->output->URI, op->output->name);
              char *s = (char*)soap_malloc(definitions.soap, strlen(op->output->name) + 9);
              strcpy(s, op->output->name);
              strcat(s, "Response");
              if (soap__operation_style == document)
                op->output_name = types.oname("__", op->URI, s);
                op->output_name = types.oname(NULL, op->output->URI, s);
              analyze_headers(definitions, service, ext_input, ext_output);
              analyze_faults(definitions, service, op, operation);
    	    { if (!Wflag)
	        fprintf(stderr, "\nWarning: no SOAP RPC operation namespace, operations will be ignored\n");
            fprintf(stderr, "\nError: no wsdl:definitions/binding/operation/output\n");
          fprintf(stderr, "\nError: no wsdl:definitions/portType/operation/input and output\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "\nError: no wsdl:definitions/portType/operation\n");

void Definitions::analyze_headers(const wsdl__definitions &definitions, Service *service, wsdl__ext_ioput *ext_input, wsdl__ext_ioput *ext_output)
{ // collect input headers and headerfaults
  if (ext_input)
  { const vector<soap__header> *soap__header_ = NULL;
    // check if soap header is in mime:multipartRelated
    if (ext_input->mime__multipartRelated_)
    { for (vector<mime__part>::const_iterator part = ext_input->mime__multipartRelated_->part.begin(); part != ext_input->mime__multipartRelated_->part.end(); ++part)
      if (!(*part).soap__header_.empty())
      { soap__header_ = &(*part).soap__header_;
    if (!soap__header_)
      soap__header_ = &ext_input->soap__header_;
    for (vector<soap__header>::const_iterator header = soap__header_->begin(); header != soap__header_->end(); ++header)
    { Message *h = new Message();
      h->message = (*header).messagePtr();
      h->element = NULL;
      h->body_parts = NULL;
      h->part = (*header).partPtr();
      h->URI = urienc(definitions.soap, (*header).namespace_);
      if (h->part && h->part->element)
        h->name = types.aname(NULL, NULL, h->part->element);
      else if (h->URI && h->part && h->part->name && h->part->type)
        h->name = types.aname(NULL, h->URI, h->part->name);
      { fprintf(stderr, "\nError in SOAP Header part definition: input part '%s' missing?\n", h->part && h->part->name ? h->part->name : "?");
        h->name = "";
      h->encodingStyle = (*header).encodingStyle;
      h->style = document;	// irrelevant
      h->use = (*header).use;
      h->mustUnderstand = true;
      h->multipartRelated = NULL;
      h->content = NULL;
      h->layout = NULL;
      h->ext_documentation = NULL;	// TODO: add document content
      h->documentation = NULL;	// TODO: add document content
      service->header[h->name] = h;
      for (vector<soap__headerfault>::const_iterator headerfault = (*header).headerfault.begin(); headerfault != (*header).headerfault.end(); ++headerfault)
      { // TODO: headerfault processing. This is practically never used...
    for (vector<wsoap__header>::const_iterator wheader = ext_input->wsoap__header_.begin(); wheader != ext_input->wsoap__header_.end(); ++wheader)
    { Message *h = new Message();
      h->message = NULL;
      h->element = (*wheader).elementPtr();
      h->body_parts = NULL;
      h->part = NULL;
      h->URI = NULL;
      h->mustUnderstand = (*wheader).mustUnderstand_;
      h->name = types.aname(NULL, NULL, (*wheader).element);
      h->encodingStyle = NULL;
      h->style = document;	// irrelevant
      h->use = literal;
      h->multipartRelated = NULL;
      h->content = NULL;
      h->layout = NULL;
      h->ext_documentation = NULL;	// TODO: add document content
      h->documentation = NULL;	// TODO: add document content
      service->header[h->name] = h;
  // collect output headers and headerfaults
  if (ext_output)
  { const vector<soap__header> *soap__header_ = NULL;
    // check if soap header is in mime:multipartRelated
    if (ext_output->mime__multipartRelated_)
    { for (vector<mime__part>::const_iterator part = ext_output->mime__multipartRelated_->part.begin(); part != ext_output->mime__multipartRelated_->part.end(); ++part)
      if (!(*part).soap__header_.empty())
      { soap__header_ = &(*part).soap__header_;
    if (!soap__header_)
      soap__header_ = &ext_output->soap__header_;
    for (vector<soap__header>::const_iterator header = soap__header_->begin(); header != soap__header_->end(); ++header)
    { Message *h = new Message();
      h->message = (*header).messagePtr();
      h->element = NULL;
      h->body_parts = NULL;
      h->part = (*header).partPtr();
      h->URI = urienc(definitions.soap, (*header).namespace_);
      if (h->part && h->part->element)
        h->name = types.aname(NULL, NULL, h->part->element);
      else if (h->URI && h->part && h->part->name && h->part->type)
        h->name = types.aname(NULL, h->URI, h->part->name);
      { fprintf(stderr, "\nError in SOAP Header part definition: output part '%s' missing?\n", h->part && h->part->name ? h->part->name : "?");
        h->name = "";
      h->encodingStyle = (*header).encodingStyle;
      h->style = document;	// irrelevant
      h->use = (*header).use;
      h->mustUnderstand = false;
      h->multipartRelated = NULL;
      h->content = NULL;
      h->layout = NULL;
      h->ext_documentation = NULL;	// TODO: add document content?
      h->documentation = NULL;	// TODO: add document content?
      service->header[h->name] = h;
      for (vector<soap__headerfault>::const_iterator headerfault = (*header).headerfault.begin(); headerfault != (*header).headerfault.end(); ++headerfault)
      { // TODO: headerfault processing. This is practically never used...
    for (vector<wsoap__header>::const_iterator wheader = ext_output->wsoap__header_.begin(); wheader != ext_output->wsoap__header_.end(); ++wheader)
    { Message *h = new Message();
      h->message = NULL;
      h->element = (*wheader).elementPtr();
      h->body_parts = NULL;
      h->part = NULL;
      h->URI = NULL;
      h->mustUnderstand = (*wheader).mustUnderstand_;
      h->name = types.aname(NULL, NULL, (*wheader).element);
      h->encodingStyle = NULL;
      h->style = document;	// irrelevant
      h->use = literal;
      h->multipartRelated = NULL;
      h->content = NULL;
      h->layout = NULL;
      h->ext_documentation = NULL;	// TODO: add document content
      h->documentation = NULL;	// TODO: add document content
      service->header[h->name] = h;

void Definitions::analyze_faults(const wsdl__definitions &definitions, Service *service, Operation *op, vector<wsdl__ext_operation>::const_iterator& operation)
{ for (vector<wsdl__ext_fault>::const_iterator fault = (*operation).fault.begin(); fault != (*operation).fault.end(); ++fault)
  { Message *f = analyze_fault(definitions, service, *fault);
    if (f)
    { op->outfault.push_back(f);
      service->fault[f->name] = f;
  for (vector<wsdl__ext_fault>::const_iterator infault = (*operation).infault.begin(); infault != (*operation).infault.end(); ++infault)
  { Message *f = analyze_fault(definitions, service, *infault);
    if (f)
    { op->infault.push_back(f);
      service->fault[f->name] = f;
  for (vector<wsdl__ext_fault>::const_iterator outfault = (*operation).outfault.begin(); outfault != (*operation).outfault.end(); ++outfault)
  { Message *f = analyze_fault(definitions, service, *outfault);
    if (f)
    { op->outfault.push_back(f);
      service->fault[f->name] = f;

Message *Definitions::analyze_fault(const wsdl__definitions &definitions, Service *service, const wsdl__ext_fault &ext_fault)
{ Message *f = NULL;
  const wsdl__fault *fault = ext_fault.faultPtr();
  if (fault && (fault->messagePtr() || fault->elementPtr()))
  { f = new Message();
    f->message = fault->messagePtr();
    f->element = fault->elementPtr();
    f->body_parts = NULL;
    f->part = NULL;
    f->encodingStyle = NULL;
    if (ext_fault.soap__fault_)
      f->encodingStyle = ext_fault.soap__fault_->encodingStyle;
    f->action = NULL;
    if (fault->wsa__Action)
      f->action = fault->wsa__Action;
      f->action = fault->wsam__Action;
    if (ext_fault.soap__fault_)
      f->URI = ext_fault.soap__fault_->namespace_;
    else if (f->element && f->element->schemaPtr())
      f->URI = f->element->schemaPtr()->targetNamespace;
      f->URI = service->URI; // must have a unique URI
    f->style = document;	// irrelevant
    f->use = literal;
    if (ext_fault.soap__fault_)
      f->use = ext_fault.soap__fault_->use;
    if (ext_fault.wsoap__code)
    { char *s = (char*)soap_malloc(definitions.soap, 80 + strlen(ext_fault.wsoap__code) + (ext_fault.wsoap__subcodes ? strlen(ext_fault.wsoap__subcodes) : 0));
      sprintf(s, "\"%s\" with subcodes \"%s\"", ext_fault.wsoap__code, ext_fault.wsoap__subcodes ? ext_fault.wsoap__subcodes : "");
      f->body_parts = s;
      f->ext_documentation = ext_fault.documentation;
    f->mustUnderstand = false;
    f->multipartRelated = NULL;
    f->content = NULL;
    f->layout = NULL;
    if (f->message)
    { f->name = types.aname("_", f->URI, f->message->name);
      f->documentation = f->message->documentation;
    { f->name = types.aname(NULL, f->URI, fault->element);
      f->documentation = fault->documentation;
    // collect fault message policies
    if (fault->wsp__Policy_)
    if (fault->wsp__PolicyReference_ && fault->wsp__PolicyReference_->policyPtr())
    if (ext_fault.wsp__Policy_)
    if (ext_fault.wsp__PolicyReference_ && ext_fault.wsp__PolicyReference_->policyPtr())
  else if (ext_fault.soap__fault_ && ext_fault.soap__fault_->name)
    fprintf(stderr, "\nError: no wsdl:definitions/binding/operation/fault/soap:fault '%s'\n", ext_fault.soap__fault_->name);
    fprintf(stderr, "\nError: no wsdl:definitions/binding/operation/fault/soap:fault\n");
  return f;

void Definitions::compile(const wsdl__definitions& definitions)
{ // compile the definitions and generate gSOAP header file
  const char *defs;
  if (
    defs = types.aname(NULL, NULL,;
    defs = "Service";
  fprintf(stream, "/** @page page_notes Usage Notes\n\nNOTE:\n\n - Run soapcpp2 on %s to generate the SOAP/XML processing logic.\n   Use soapcpp2 -I to specify paths for #import\n   To build with STL, 'stlvector.h' is imported from 'import' dir in package.\n   Use soapcpp2 -j to generate improved proxy and server classes.\n - Use wsdl2h -c and -s to generate pure C code or C++ code without STL.\n - Use 'typemap.dat' to control namespace bindings and type mappings.\n   It is strongly recommended to customize the names of the namespace prefixes\n   generated by wsdl2h. To do so, modify the prefix bindings in the Namespaces\n   section below and add the modified lines to 'typemap.dat' to rerun wsdl2h.\n - Use Doxygen ( on this file to generate documentation.\n - Use wsdl2h -R to generate REST operations.\n - Use wsdl2h -nname to use name as the base namespace prefix instead of 'ns'.\n - Use wsdl2h -Nname for service prefix and produce multiple service bindings\n - Use wsdl2h -d to enable DOM support for xsd:anyType.\n - Use wsdl2h -g to auto-generate readers and writers for root elements.\n - Use wsdl2h -b to auto-generate bi-directional operations (duplex ops).\n - Struct/class members serialized as XML attributes are annotated with a '@'.\n - Struct/class members that have a special role are annotated with a '$'.\n\nWARNING:\n\n   DO NOT INCLUDE THIS ANNOTATED FILE DIRECTLY IN YOUR PROJECT SOURCE CODE.\n   USE THE FILES GENERATED BY soapcpp2 FOR YOUR PROJECT'S SOURCE CODE:\n   THE soapStub.h FILE CONTAINS THIS CONTENT WITHOUT ANNOTATIONS.\n\n", outfile?outfile:"this file");
  fprintf(stream, "LICENSE:\n\n@verbatim\n%s@endverbatim\n\n*/\n\n", licensenotice);
  // gsoap compiler options: 'w' disables WSDL/schema output to avoid file collisions
  if (cflag)
    fprintf(stream, "\n//gsoapopt cw\n");
    fprintf(stream, "\n//gsoapopt w\n");
  banner("Definitions", definitions.targetNamespace?definitions.targetNamespace:"targetNamespace");
  // copy documentation from WSDL definitions
  if (definitions.documentation)
  { fprintf(stream, "/* WSDL Documentation:\n\n");
    fprintf(stream, "*/\n\n");
  if (definitions.version)
  { banner("Version", definitions.version);
    fprintf(stream, "#define SOAP_WSDL_VERSION \"%s\"\n", definitions.version);
  if (dflag)
  { fprintf(stream, "\n// dom.h declares the DOM xsd__anyType object (compiler and link with dom.cpp)\n");
    fprintf(stream, "#import \"dom.h\"\n");
  if (!cflag && !sflag)
  { fprintf(stream, "\n// STL vector containers (use option -s to remove STL dependency)\n");
    fprintf(stream, "#import \"stlvector.h\"\n");
  if (mflag)
  { fprintf(stream, "#import \"");
    fprintf(stream, "xsd.h\"\t// import primitive XSD types.\n");
  for (SetOfString::const_iterator u = exturis.begin(); u != exturis.end(); ++u)
  { bool found = false;
    size_t n = strlen(*u);
    for (SetOfString::const_iterator i = definitions.builtinTypes().begin(); i != definitions.builtinTypes().end(); ++i)
    { if (**i == '"' && !strncmp(*u, *i + 1, n) && (*i)[n+1] == '"')
      { found = true;
    if (!found)
    { for (SetOfString::const_iterator j = definitions.builtinElements().begin(); j != definitions.builtinElements().end(); ++j)
      { if (**j == '"' && !strncmp(*u, *j + 1, n) && (*j)[n+1] == '"')
        { found = true;
    if (!found)
    { for (SetOfString::const_iterator k = definitions.builtinAttributes().begin(); k != definitions.builtinAttributes().end(); ++k)
      { if (**k == '"' && !strncmp(*u, *k + 1, n) && (*k)[n+1] == '"')
        { found = true;
    if (found)
    { if (vflag)
        fprintf(stderr, "import %s\n", *u);
      fprintf(stream, "#import \"%s.h\"\t// %s = <%s>\n", types.nsprefix(NULL, *u), types.nsprefix(NULL, *u), *u);
  banner("Schema Namespaces");
  // Determine if bindings use SOAP 1.2
  soap12 = false;
  for (Namespace *p = definitions.soap->local_namespaces; p && p->id; p++)
  { if (p->out && !strcmp(p->id, "soap") && !strcmp(p->out, ""))
    { soap12 = true;
  if (definitions.types)
  { fprintf(stream, "\n/* NOTE:\n\nIt is strongly recommended to customize the names of the namespace prefixes\ngenerated by wsdl2h. To do so, modify the prefix bindings below and add the\nmodified lines to typemap.dat to rerun wsdl2h:\n\n");
    if (definitions.targetNamespace && *definitions.targetNamespace)
      fprintf(stream, "%s = \"%s\"\n", types.nsprefix(service_prefix, definitions.targetNamespace), definitions.targetNamespace);
    for (vector<xs__schema*>::const_iterator schema1 = definitions.types->xs__schema_.begin(); schema1 != definitions.types->xs__schema_.end(); ++schema1)
      if (!definitions.targetNamespace || strcmp((*schema1)->targetNamespace, definitions.targetNamespace))
        fprintf(stream, "%s = \"%s\"\n", types.nsprefix(NULL, (*schema1)->targetNamespace), (*schema1)->targetNamespace);
    fprintf(stream, "\n*/\n");
    for (vector<xs__schema*>::const_iterator schema2 = definitions.types->xs__schema_.begin(); schema2 != definitions.types->xs__schema_.end(); ++schema2)
    { const char *t = types.nsprefix(NULL, (*schema2)->targetNamespace);
      fprintf(stream, "\n");
      fprintf(stream, "#define SOAP_NAMESPACE_OF_%s\t\"%s\"\n", types.aname(NULL, NULL, t), urienc(definitions.soap, (*schema2)->targetNamespace));
      fprintf(stream, schemaformat, t, "namespace", urienc(definitions.soap, (*schema2)->targetNamespace));
      if ((*schema2)->elementFormDefault == (*schema2)->attributeFormDefault)
        fprintf(stream, schemaformat, types.nsprefix(NULL, (*schema2)->targetNamespace), "form", (*schema2)->elementFormDefault == qualified ? "qualified" : "unqualified");
      { fprintf(stream, schemaformat, types.nsprefix(NULL, (*schema2)->targetNamespace), "elementForm", (*schema2)->elementFormDefault == qualified ? "qualified" : "unqualified");
        fprintf(stream, schemaformat, types.nsprefix(NULL, (*schema2)->targetNamespace), "attributeForm", (*schema2)->attributeFormDefault == qualified ? "qualified" : "unqualified");
  // generate the prototypes first: these should allow use before def, e.g. class names then generate the defs
  // check if xsd:anyType is used
  if (!cflag && !pflag)
  { for (SetOfString::const_iterator i = definitions.builtinTypes().begin(); i != definitions.builtinTypes().end(); ++i)
    { if (!cflag && !strcmp(*i, "xs:anyType"))
      { pflag = 1;
  if (dflag && pflag && !Pflag)
  { if (!Wflag)
      fprintf(stderr, "\nWarning -d option: -p option disabled and xsd__anyType base class removed.\nUse run-time SOAP_DOM_NODE flag to deserialize class instances into DOM nodes.\n");
    fprintf(stream, "\n/*\nWarning -d option used: -p option disabled and xsd:anyType base class removed.\nUse run-time SOAP_DOM_NODE flag to deserialize class instances into DOM nodes.\nA DOM node is represented by the xsd__anyType object implemented in dom.cpp.\n*/\n\n");
    pflag = 0;
  // define xsd:anyType first, if used
  if (!cflag && pflag)
  { const char *s, *t;
    t = types.cname(NULL, NULL, "xs:anyType");
    s = types.deftypemap[t];
    if (s)
    { if (*s)
      { if (!mflag)
          fprintf(stream, "%s\n", s);
      s = types.usetypemap[t];
      if (s)
      { if (mflag)
          fprintf(stream, "//  xsd.h: should define type %s\n", s);
    { fprintf(stderr, "\nError: no xsd__anyType defined in type map\n");
      pflag = 0;
  if (Pflag)
    pflag = 0;
  // produce built-in primitive types, limited to the ones that are used only
  banner("Built-in Schema Types and Top-Level Elements and Attributes");
  if (vflag)
    fprintf(stderr, "\nGenerating built-in types\n");
  for (SetOfString::const_iterator i = definitions.builtinTypes().begin(); i != definitions.builtinTypes().end(); ++i)
  { const char *s, *t;
    if (!cflag && !strcmp(*i, "xs:anyType"))
    t = types.cname(NULL, NULL, *i);
    s = types.deftypemap[t];
    if (s)
    { if (*s)
      { if (**i == '"')
          fprintf(stream, "\n/// Imported type %s from typemap %s.\n", *i, mapfile?mapfile:"");
          fprintf(stream, "\n/// Built-in type \"%s\".\n", *i);
        if (mflag)
          fprintf(stream, "//  (declaration of %s removed by option -m)\n", t);
        else if (!iflag && !imported(*i))
      s = types.usetypemap[t];
      if (s && *s)
      { if (mflag && **i != '"')
          fprintf(stream, "\n//  xsd.h: typemap override of type %s with %s\n", t, s);
        if (types.knames.find(s) == types.knames.end())
  for (SetOfString::const_iterator i = definitions.builtinTypes().begin(); i != definitions.builtinTypes().end(); ++i)
  { const char *s, *t;
    if (!cflag && !strcmp(*i, "xs:anyType"))
    t = types.cname(NULL, NULL, *i);
    s = types.deftypemap[t];
    if (!s)
    { if (!mflag)
      { if (**i == '"')
          fprintf(stream, "\n// Imported type %s defined by %s\n", *i, t);
        else if (!iflag)
        { s = types.tname(NULL, NULL, "xsd:string");
          fprintf(stream, "\n/// Primitive built-in type \"%s\"\n", *i);
          fprintf(stream, "typedef %s %s;\n", s, t);
          types.deftname(TYPEDEF, NULL, strchr(s, '*') != NULL, NULL, NULL, *i);
	  const char *u = types.uri(*i);
	  if (u && !types.uris[u])
            fprintf(stream, schemaformat, types.nsprefix(types.prefix(*i), u), "namespace", u);
      else if (**i == '"')
        fprintf(stream, "\n//  Imported type %s defined by %s\n", *i, t);
        fprintf(stream, "\n//  xsd.h: should define type %s\n", t);
      types.deftname(TYPEDEF, NULL, false, NULL, NULL, *i);
    if (pflag && !strncmp(*i, "xs:", 3))		// only xsi types are polymorph
    { s = types.aname(NULL, NULL, *i);
      if (!mflag)
      { fprintf(stream, "\n/// Class wrapper for built-in type \"%s\" derived from xsd__anyType\n/// Use virtual method soap_type() == SOAP_TYPE_%s to check runtime type (see soapStub.h)\n", *i, s);
        fprintf(stream, "class %s : public xsd__anyType\n{ public:\n", s);
        fprintf(stream, elementformat, types.tname(NULL, NULL, *i), "__item;");
        fprintf(stream, "\n};\n");
  // produce built-in primitive elements, limited to the ones that are used only
  if (vflag)
    fprintf(stderr, "\nGenerating built-in elements\n");
  for (SetOfString::const_iterator j = definitions.builtinElements().begin(); j != definitions.builtinElements().end(); ++j)
  { const char *s, *t;
    t = types.cname("_", NULL, *j);
    s = types.deftypemap[t];
    if (s)
    { if (*s)
      { if (**j == '"')
          fprintf(stream, "\n/// Imported element %s from typemap %s.\n", *j, mapfile?mapfile:"");
          fprintf(stream, "\n/// Built-in element \"%s\".\n", *j);
        if (mflag)
          fprintf(stream, "//  (declaration of %s removed by option -m)\n", t);
        else if (!iflag && !imported(*j))
      s = types.usetypemap[t];
      if (s && *s)
      { if (mflag && **j != '"')
          fprintf(stream, "\n//  xsd.h: typemap override of element %s with %s\n", t, s);
        if (types.knames.find(s) == types.knames.end())
    { if (!mflag)
      { if (**j == '"')
          fprintf(stream, "\n// Imported element %s declared as %s\n", *j, t);
        else if (!iflag && !imported(*j))
        { s = types.tname(NULL, NULL, "xsd:any");
          fprintf(stream, "\n/// Built-in element \"%s\".\n", *j);
          fprintf(stream, "typedef %s %s;\n", s, t);
          types.deftname(TYPEDEF, NULL, true, "_", NULL, *j);	// already pointer
	  const char *u = types.uri(*j);
	  if (u && !types.uris[u])
            fprintf(stream, schemaformat, types.nsprefix(types.prefix(*j), u), "namespace", u);
      else if (**j == '"')
        fprintf(stream, "\n//  Imported element %s declared as %s\n", *j, t);
        fprintf(stream, "\n//  xsd.h: should define element %s\n", t);
      types.deftname(TYPEDEF, NULL, false, "_", NULL, *j);
  // produce built-in primitive attributes, limited to the ones that are used only
  if (vflag)
    fprintf(stderr, "\nGenerating built-in attributes\n");
  for (SetOfString::const_iterator k = definitions.builtinAttributes().begin(); k != definitions.builtinAttributes().end(); ++k)
  { const char *s, *t;
    t = types.cname("_", NULL, *k);
    s = types.deftypemap[t];
    if (s)
    { if (*s)
      { if (**k == '"')
          fprintf(stream, "\n/// Imported attribute %s from typemap %s.\n", *k, mapfile?mapfile:"");
          fprintf(stream, "\n/// Built-in attribute \"%s\".\n", *k);
        if (mflag)
          fprintf(stream, "//  (declaration of %s removed by option -m)\n", t);
        else if (!iflag && !imported(*k))
      s = types.usetypemap[t];
      if (s && *s)
      { if (mflag && **k != '"')
          fprintf(stream, "\n//  xsd.h: typemap override of attribute %s with %s\n", t, s);
        if (types.knames.find(s) == types.knames.end())
    { s = types.tname(NULL, NULL, "xsd:string");
      if (!mflag)
      { if (**k == '"')
          fprintf(stream, "\n// Imported attribute %s declared as %s\n", *k, t);
        else if (!iflag && !imported(*k))
        { fprintf(stream, "\n/// Built-in attribute \"%s\".\n", *k);
          fprintf(stream, "typedef %s %s;\n", s, t);
	  const char *u = types.uri(*k);
	  if (u && !types.uris[u])
            fprintf(stream, schemaformat, types.nsprefix(types.prefix(*k), u), "namespace", u);
      else if (**k == '"')
        fprintf(stream, "//  Imported attribute %s declared as %s\n", *k, t);
        fprintf(stream, "//  xsd.h: should define attribute %s\n", t);
      types.deftname(TYPEDEF, NULL, strchr(s, '*') != NULL, "_", NULL, *k);
  // produce types
  // define class/struct types first
  if (!cflag)
    banner("Forward Declarations");
  if (definitions.types)
  { comment("Definitions", defs, "types", definitions.types->documentation);
    fprintf(stream, "\n");
    for (vector<xs__schema*>::const_iterator schema4 = definitions.types->xs__schema_.begin(); schema4 != definitions.types->xs__schema_.end(); ++schema4)
    { if (vflag)
        fprintf(stderr, "\nDefining types in %s\n", (*schema4)->targetNamespace);
      for (vector<xs__complexType>::const_iterator complexType = (*schema4)->complexType.begin(); complexType != (*schema4)->complexType.end(); ++complexType)
        types.define((*schema4)->targetNamespace, NULL, *complexType);
      if (vflag)
        fprintf(stderr, "\nDefining elements in %s\n", (*schema4)->targetNamespace);
      for (vector<xs__element>::const_iterator element = (*schema4)->element.begin(); element != (*schema4)->element.end(); ++element)
      { if (!(*element).type && !(*element).abstract)
        { if ((*element).complexTypePtr())
            types.define((*schema4)->targetNamespace, (*element).name, *(*element).complexTypePtr());
          else if (!(*element).simpleTypePtr())
          { fprintf(stream, "\n/// Top-level root element \"%s\":%s.\n", (*schema4)->targetNamespace, (*element).name);
            if (gflag)
            { const char *t = types.deftname(TYPEDEF, NULL, false, "_", (*schema4)->targetNamespace, (*element).name);
  	      if (t)
                fprintf(stream, "typedef _XML %s;\n", t);
                fprintf(stream, "// Element definition intentionally left blank.\n");
            { const char *s = types.cname("_", (*schema4)->targetNamespace, (*element).name);
              types.ptrtypemap[s] = types.usetypemap[s] = "_XML";
              fprintf(stream, "/// Note: use wsdl2h option -g to auto-generate a top-level root element declaration and processing code.\n");
    // visit types with lowest base level first
    int baseLevel = 1;
    bool found;
    { found = (baseLevel == 1);
      for (vector<xs__schema*>::iterator schema = definitions.types->xs__schema_.begin(); schema != definitions.types->xs__schema_.end(); ++schema)
      { if (found)
          banner("Schema Types and Top-Level Elements and Attributes", (*schema)->targetNamespace);
        for (vector<xs__simpleType>::iterator simpleType = (*schema)->simpleType.begin(); simpleType != (*schema)->simpleType.end(); ++simpleType)
        { if ((*simpleType).baseLevel() == baseLevel)
          { found = true;
            types.gen((*schema)->targetNamespace, NULL, *simpleType, false);
        for (vector<xs__element>::iterator element = (*schema)->element.begin(); element != (*schema)->element.end(); ++element)
        { if (!(*element).type && (*element).simpleTypePtr() && (*element).simpleTypePtr()->baseLevel() == baseLevel)
	  { found = true;
            if ((*element).type)
              fprintf(stream, "/// Top-level root element \"%s\":%s of simpleType %s.\n", (*schema)->targetNamespace, (*element).name, (*element).type);
            types.gen((*schema)->targetNamespace, (*element).name, *(*element).simpleTypePtr(), false);
          if (!(*element).type && (*element).complexTypePtr() && (*element).complexTypePtr()->baseLevel() == baseLevel)
            found = true;
        for (vector<xs__attribute>::const_iterator attribute = (*schema)->attribute.begin(); attribute != (*schema)->attribute.end(); ++attribute)
        { if (!(*attribute).type && (*attribute).simpleTypePtr() && (*attribute).simpleTypePtr()->baseLevel() == baseLevel)
          { found = true;
            if ((*attribute).type)
              fprintf(stream, "/// Top-level attribute \"%s\":%s of simpleType %s.\n", (*schema)->targetNamespace, (*attribute).name, (*attribute).type);
            types.gen((*schema)->targetNamespace, (*attribute).name, *(*attribute).simpleTypePtr(), false); // URI = NULL won't generate type in schema (type without namespace qualifier)
        for (vector<xs__complexType>::iterator complexType = (*schema)->complexType.begin(); complexType != (*schema)->complexType.end(); ++complexType)
        { if ((*complexType).baseLevel() == baseLevel)
            found = true;
    } while (found);
    // generate complex type defs. Problem: what if a simpleType restriction/extension depends on a complexType simpleContent restriction/extension?
    int maxLevel = baseLevel;
    for (baseLevel = 1; baseLevel < maxLevel; ++baseLevel)
    { for (vector<xs__schema*>::iterator schema = definitions.types->xs__schema_.begin(); schema != definitions.types->xs__schema_.end(); ++schema)
      { if (baseLevel == 1)
          banner("Schema Complex Types and Top-Level Elements", (*schema)->targetNamespace);
        for (vector<xs__complexType>::iterator complexType = (*schema)->complexType.begin(); complexType != (*schema)->complexType.end(); ++complexType)
        { if ((*complexType).baseLevel() == baseLevel)
            types.gen((*schema)->targetNamespace, NULL, *complexType, false);
        for (vector<xs__element>::iterator element = (*schema)->element.begin(); element != (*schema)->element.end(); ++element)
        { if (!(*element).type && (*element).complexTypePtr() && (*element).complexTypePtr()->baseLevel() == baseLevel)
          { fprintf(stream, "\n\n/// Top-level root element \"%s\":%s\n", (*schema)->targetNamespace, (*element).name);
            types.gen((*schema)->targetNamespace, (*element).name, *(*element).complexTypePtr(), false);
    for (vector<xs__schema*>::iterator schema = definitions.types->xs__schema_.begin(); schema != definitions.types->xs__schema_.end(); ++schema)
    { for (vector<xs__simpleType>::iterator simpleType = (*schema)->simpleType.begin(); simpleType != (*schema)->simpleType.end(); ++simpleType)
      { if ((*simpleType).baseLevel() <= 0)
        { fprintf(stream, "\n\n/// Warning: '%s' is a simpleType with cyclic restriction/extension inheritance\n", (*simpleType).name?(*simpleType).name:"");
          fprintf(stream, "typedef _XML %s;\n", types.deftname(TYPEDEF, NULL, false, NULL, (*schema)->targetNamespace, (*simpleType).name));
      for (vector<xs__complexType>::iterator complexType = (*schema)->complexType.begin(); complexType != (*schema)->complexType.end(); ++complexType)
      { if ((*complexType).baseLevel() <= 0)
        { fprintf(stream, "\n\n/// Warning: '%s' is a complexType with cyclic restriction/extension inheritance\n", (*complexType).name?(*complexType).name:"");
          if (cflag)
	    fprintf(stream, "typedef _XML %s;\n", types.cname(NULL, (*schema)->targetNamespace, (*complexType).name));
	    fprintf(stream, "class %s { };\n", types.cname(NULL, (*schema)->targetNamespace, (*complexType).name));
    // option to consider: generate local complexTypes iteratively
    for (MapOfStringToType::const_iterator local = types.locals.begin(); local != types.locals.end(); ++local)
    { types.gen(NULL, (*local).first, *(*local).second);
    for (vector<xs__schema*>::iterator schema = definitions.types->xs__schema_.begin(); schema != definitions.types->xs__schema_.end(); ++schema)
    { if (vflag)
        fprintf(stderr, "\nGenerating elements in %s\n", (*schema)->targetNamespace);
      banner("Additional Top-Level Elements", (*schema)->targetNamespace);
      for (vector<xs__element>::iterator element = (*schema)->element.begin(); element != (*schema)->element.end(); ++element)
      { if ((*element).name && (*element).type && !(*element).abstract)
        { fprintf(stream, "\n/// Top-level root element \"%s\":%s of type %s.\n", (*schema)->targetNamespace, (*element).name, (*element).type);
          if (!types.is_defined("_", (*schema)->targetNamespace, (*element).name))
  	  { if (gflag)
            { const char *s = types.tname(NULL, (*schema)->targetNamespace, (*element).type);
              const char *t = types.deftname(TYPEDEF, NULL, false, "_", (*schema)->targetNamespace, (*element).name);
  	      if (strncmp(s, "char", 4) && strchr(s, '*')) // don't want pointer typedef, unless char*
  	      { size_t n = strlen(s);
  	        char *r = (char*)malloc(n);
  	        strncpy(r, s, n - 1);
  	        r[n - 1] = '\0';
  	        fprintf(stream, "typedef %s %s;\n", r, t);
  	        fprintf(stream, "typedef %s %s;\n", s, t);
              fprintf(stream, "/// Note: use wsdl2h option -g to auto-generate a top-level root element declaration and processing code.\n");
          { const char *s = types.cname("_", (*schema)->targetNamespace, (*element).name);
            const char *t = types.deftypemap[s];
            if (t && *t)
            { fprintf(stream, "/// Imported element %s from typemap %s.\n", s, mapfile?mapfile:"");
              fprintf(stream, "// '%s' element definition intentionally left blank.\n", types.cname("_", (*schema)->targetNamespace, (*element).name));
      if (vflag)
        fprintf(stderr, "\nGenerating attributes in %s\n", (*schema)->targetNamespace);
      banner("Additional Top-Level Attributes", (*schema)->targetNamespace);
      for (vector<xs__attribute>::iterator attribute = (*schema)->attribute.begin(); attribute != (*schema)->attribute.end(); ++attribute)
      { if ((*attribute).name && (*attribute).type)
        { fprintf(stream, "\n/// Top-level attribute \"%s\":%s of simpleType %s.\n", (*schema)->targetNamespace, (*attribute).name, (*attribute).type);
          if (!types.is_defined("_", (*schema)->targetNamespace, (*attribute).name))
  	  { if (gflag)
            { const char *s = types.tname(NULL, (*schema)->targetNamespace, (*attribute).type);
              const char *t = types.deftname(TYPEDEF, NULL, false, "_", (*schema)->targetNamespace, (*attribute).name);
  	      if (strncmp(s, "char", 4) && strchr(s, '*')) // don't want pointer typedef, unless char*
  	      { size_t n = strlen(s);
  	        char *r = (char*)malloc(n);
  	        strncpy(r, s, n - 1);
  	        r[n - 1] = '\0';
  	        fprintf(stream, "typedef %s %s;\n", r, t);
  	        fprintf(stream, "typedef %s %s;\n", s, t);
              fprintf(stream, "/// Note: use wsdl2h option -g to auto-generate a top-level attribute declaration and processing code.\n");
          { const char *s = types.cname("_", (*schema)->targetNamespace, (*attribute).name);
            const char *t = types.deftypemap[s];
            if (t && *t)
            { fprintf(stream, "/// Imported attribute %s from typemap %s.\n", s, mapfile?mapfile:"");
              fprintf(stream, "// '%s' attribute definition intentionally left blank.\n", types.cname("_", (*schema)->targetNamespace, (*attribute).name));
  if (vflag)
    fprintf(stderr, "\nCollecting service bindings\n");
  if (!services.empty())
  { banner("Services");
    if (soap12)
      fprintf(stream, "// This service supports SOAP 1.2 namespaces:\n#import \"soap12.h\"\n");
    for (MapOfStringToService::const_iterator service1 = services.begin(); service1 != services.end(); ++service1)
    { Service *sv = (*service1).second;
      if (sv && sv->prefix)
      { fprintf(stream, "\n");
        if (sv->name)
          fprintf(stream, serviceformat, sv->prefix, "name", sv->name, "");
        if (sv->type)
          fprintf(stream, serviceformat, sv->prefix, "type", sv->type, "");
        for (SetOfString::const_iterator port = sv->location.begin(); port != sv->location.end(); ++port)
          fprintf(stream, serviceformat, sv->prefix, "port", (*port), "");
        if (sv->URI)
          fprintf(stream, serviceformat, sv->prefix, "namespace", sv->URI, "");
        if (sv->transport)
          fprintf(stream, serviceformat, sv->prefix, "transport", sv->transport, "");
    fprintf(stream, "\n/** @mainpage %s Definitions\n","Service");
    if (definitions.version)
    { section(defs, "_version Definitions Version", NULL);
    if (definitions.documentation)
    { section(defs, "_documentation Documentation", NULL);
    if (definitions.types && definitions.types->documentation)
    { section(defs, "_types Schema Type Information", NULL);
    section(defs, "_bindings Service Bindings", NULL);
    for (MapOfStringToService::const_iterator service2 = services.begin(); service2 != services.end(); ++service2)
    { Service *sv = (*service2).second;
      if (sv && sv->name)
        fprintf(stream, "\n  - @ref %s\n", sv->name);
    section(defs, "_more More Information", NULL);
    fprintf(stream, "\n  - @ref page_notes \"Usage Notes\"\n");
    fprintf(stream, "\n  - @ref page_XMLDataBinding \"XML Data Binding\"\n");
    if (!jflag)
      fprintf(stream, "\n  - @ref SOAP_ENV__Header \"SOAP Header Content\" (when applicable)\n");
    if (!jflag)
      fprintf(stream, "\n  - @ref SOAP_ENV__Detail \"SOAP Fault Detail Content\" (when applicable)\n");
    fprintf(stream, "\n\n*/\n");
    for (MapOfStringToService::const_iterator service3 = services.begin(); service3 != services.end(); ++service3)
    { Service *sv = (*service3).second;
      if (sv && sv->name)
      { fprintf(stream, "\n/**\n");
        page(sv->name, " Binding", sv->name);
        for (MapOfStringToString::const_iterator service_doc = sv->service_documentation.begin(); service_doc != sv->service_documentation.end(); ++service_doc)
        { const char *name = types.aname(NULL, NULL, (*service_doc).first);
          section(name, "_service Service Documentation", (*service_doc).first);
        for (MapOfStringToString::const_iterator port_doc = sv->port_documentation.begin(); port_doc != sv->port_documentation.end(); ++port_doc)
        { const char *name = types.aname(NULL, NULL, (*port_doc).first);
          section(name, "_port Port Documentation", (*port_doc).first);
        for (MapOfStringToString::const_iterator binding_doc = sv->binding_documentation.begin(); binding_doc != sv->binding_documentation.end(); ++binding_doc)
        { const char *name = types.aname(NULL, NULL, (*binding_doc).first);
          section(name, "_binding Binding Documentation", (*binding_doc).first);
        section(sv->name, "_operations Operations of Binding ", sv->name);
        for (vector<Operation*>::const_iterator op = sv->operation.begin(); op != sv->operation.end(); ++op)
        { if (*op && (*op)->input && (*op)->input_name)
            fprintf(stream, "\n  - @ref %s\n", (*op)->input_name);
          else if (*op && (*op)->output_name)
            fprintf(stream, "\n  - @ref %s\n", (*op)->output_name);
        section(sv->name, "_ports Endpoints of Binding ", sv->name);
        for (SetOfString::const_iterator port = sv->location.begin(); port != sv->location.end(); ++port)
          fprintf(stream, "\n  - %s\n", *port);
        if (!sv->policy.empty())
        { section(sv->name, "_policy Policy of Binding ", sv->name);
          fprintf(stream, "\nSee Section @ref %s_policy_enablers\n", sv->name);
	  gen_policy(*sv, sv->policy, "service endpoint ports", types);
	if (!service_prefix)
          fprintf(stream, "\nNote: use wsdl2h option -Nname to change the service binding prefix name\n");
        fprintf(stream, "\n\n*/\n");
  if (definitions.types)
  { banner("XML Data Binding");
    fprintf(stream, "\n/**\n");
    page("page_XMLDataBinding", " XML Data Binding", NULL);
    fprintf(stream, "\nSOAP/XML services use data bindings contractually bound by WSDL and auto-\ngenerated by wsdl2h and soapcpp2 (see Service Bindings). Plain data bindings\nare adopted from XML schemas as part of the WSDL types section or when running\nwsdl2h on a set of schemas to produce non-SOAP-based XML data bindings.\n\nThe following readers and writers are C/C++ data type (de)serializers auto-\ngenerated by wsdl2h and soapcpp2. Run soapcpp2 on this file to generate the\n(de)serialization code, which is stored in soapC.c[pp]. Include \"soapH.h\" in\nyour code to import these data type and function declarations. Only use the\nsoapcpp2-generated files in your project build. Do not include the wsdl2h-\ngenerated .h file in your code.\n\nData can be read in XML and deserialized from:\n  - a file descriptor, using soap->recvfd = fd\n  - a socket, using soap->socket = ...\n  - a C++ stream, using soap->is = ...\n  - a buffer, using the soap->frecv() callback\n\nData can be serialized in XML and written to:\n  - a file descriptor, using soap->sendfd = fd\n  - a socket, using soap->socket = ...\n  - a C++ stream, using soap->os = ...\n  - a buffer, using the soap->fsend() callback\n\nThe following options are available for (de)serialization control:\n  - soap->encodingStyle = NULL; to remove SOAP 1.1/1.2 encodingStyle\n  - soap_mode(soap, SOAP_XML_TREE); XML without id-ref (no cycles!)\n  - soap_mode(soap, SOAP_XML_GRAPH); XML with id-ref (including cycles)\n  - soap_set_namespaces(soap, struct Namespace *nsmap); to set xmlns bindings\n\n");
    for (vector<xs__schema*>::const_iterator schema5 = definitions.types->xs__schema_.begin(); schema5 != definitions.types->xs__schema_.end(); ++schema5)
    { const char *prefix = types.nsprefix(NULL, (*schema5)->targetNamespace);
      fprintf(stream, "\n@section %s Top-level root elements of schema \"%s\"\n", prefix, (*schema5)->targetNamespace);
      for (vector<xs__element>::const_iterator element = (*schema5)->element.begin(); element != (*schema5)->element.end(); ++element)
      { fprintf(stream, "\n  - <%s:%s> ", prefix, (*element).name);
        if (types.is_defined("_", (*schema5)->targetNamespace, (*element).name))
        { const char *cname = types.cname("_", (*schema5)->targetNamespace, (*element).name);
          const char *pname = types.pname(true, "_", (*schema5)->targetNamespace, (*element).name);
	  fprintf(stream, "@ref %s\n", cname);
          fprintf(stream, "    @code\n    // Reader (returns SOAP_OK on success):\n    soap_read_%s(struct soap*, %s);\n    // Writer (returns SOAP_OK on success):\n    soap_write_%s(struct soap*, %s);\n    @endcode\n", cname, pname, cname, pname);
          fprintf(stream, "(use wsdl2h option -g to auto-generate)\n");
    fprintf(stream, "\n*/\n");
  if (cppnamespace)
    fprintf(stream, "\n} // namespace %s\n", cppnamespace);
  fprintf(stream, "\n/* End of %s */\n", outfile?outfile:"file");

void Definitions::generate()
{ MapOfStringToMessage headers;
  MapOfStringToMessage faults;
  const char *t;
  for (MapOfStringToService::const_iterator service1 = services.begin(); service1 != services.end(); ++service1)
  { if ((*service1).second)
    { for (MapOfStringToMessage::const_iterator header = (*service1).second->header.begin(); header != (*service1).second->header.end(); ++header)
        headers[(*header).first] = (*header).second;
      for (MapOfStringToMessage::const_iterator fault = (*service1).second->fault.begin(); fault != (*service1).second->fault.end(); ++fault)
        faults[(*fault).first] = (*fault).second;
  // Generate SOAP Header definition
  t = types.deftypemap["SOAP_ENV__Header"];
  if (t && *t)
  { banner("Custom SOAP Header");
  else if (!jflag && !headers.empty())
  { banner("SOAP Header");
    fprintf(stream, "/**\n\nThe SOAP Header is part of the gSOAP context and its content is accessed\nthrough the soap.header variable. You may have to set the variable\nto serialize SOAP Headers with SOAP-ENV:actor or SOAP-ENV:role attributes.\nUse option -j to remove entire SOAP Header definition.\nUse option -k to remove the mustUnderstand qualifiers.\n\n*/\n");
    fprintf(stream, "struct SOAP_ENV__Header\n{\n");
    for (MapOfStringToMessage::const_iterator header = headers.begin(); header != headers.end(); ++header)
    { if ((*header).second->URI && !types.uris[(*header).second->URI])
        fprintf(stream, schemaformat, types.nsprefix(NULL, (*header).second->URI), "namespace", (*header).second->URI);
      comment("Header", (*header).first, "WSDL", (*header).second->ext_documentation);
      comment("Header", (*header).first, "SOAP", (*header).second->documentation);
      if ((*header).second->mustUnderstand && !kflag)
      { fprintf(stream, elementformat, "mustUnderstand", "// must be understood by receiver");
        fprintf(stream, "\n");
      if ((*header).second->part && (*header).second->part->elementPtr())
      { fprintf(stream, "/// \"%s\" SOAP Header part element\n", (*header).second->part->name);
	if ((*header).second->part->elementPtr()->type && (*header).second->part->element)
          fprintf(stream, elementformat, types.pname(true, NULL, NULL, (*header).second->part->elementPtr()->type), types.aname(NULL, NULL, (*header).second->part->element));
	else if ((*header).second->part->element)
          fprintf(stream, elementformat, types.pname(true, "_", NULL, (*header).second->part->element), types.aname(NULL, NULL, (*header).second->part->element));
          fprintf(stream, elementformat, types.pname(true, "_", NULL, (*header).second->part->elementPtr()->name), (*header).first);
        fprintf(stream, ";\n");
      else if ((*header).second->part && (*header).second->part->type)
      { fprintf(stream, "/// \"%s\" SOAP Header part type\n", (*header).second->part->type);
        fprintf(stream, elementformat, types.pname(true, NULL, NULL, (*header).second->part->type), types.aname(NULL, (*header).second->URI, (*header).second->part->name));
        fprintf(stream, ";\n");
      else if ((*header).second->element)
      { fprintf(stream, "/// \"%s\" SOAP Header element", (*header).second->name);
        (*header).second->generate(types, ";", false, true, false, true);
        fprintf(stream, "\n");
      { if ((*header).second->part && (*header).second->part->element)
          fprintf(stream, elementformat, types.pname(true, "_", NULL, (*header).second->part->element), (*header).first);
          fprintf(stream, pointerformat, (*header).first, (*header).first);
        fprintf(stream, ";\t///< TODO: Please check element name and type (imported type)\n");
    fprintf(stream, "\n};\n");
  // Generate Fault detail element definitions
  for (MapOfStringToMessage::const_iterator fault = faults.begin(); fault != faults.end(); ++fault)
  { if ((*fault).second->use == encoded)
    { banner("SOAP Fault Detail Message");
      fprintf(stream, "/// SOAP Fault detail message \"%s:%s\"\n", (*fault).second->URI, (*fault).second->message->name);
      comment("Fault", (*fault).first, "WSDL", (*fault).second->ext_documentation);
      comment("Fault", (*fault).first, "SOAP", (*fault).second->documentation);
      if (cflag)
        fprintf(stream, "struct %s\n{", (*fault).first);
        fprintf(stream, "class %s\n{ public:", (*fault).first);
      (*fault).second->generate(types, ";", false, true, false, true);
      if (!cflag)
      { fprintf(stream, "\n");
        fprintf(stream, pointerformat, "struct soap", "soap");
        fprintf(stream, ";");
      fprintf(stream, "\n};\n");
      if (cflag)
        fprintf(stream, "typedef struct %s %s;\n", (*fault).first, (*fault).first);
      if ((*fault).second->URI && !types.uris[(*fault).second->URI])
        fprintf(stream, schemaformat, types.nsprefix(NULL, (*fault).second->URI), "namespace", (*fault).second->URI);
  t = types.deftypemap["SOAP_ENV__Detail"];
  if (t && *t)
  { banner("Custom SOAP Fault Detail");
  else if (!jflag && !faults.empty())
  { SetOfString fault_elements;
    banner("SOAP Fault Detail");
    fprintf(stream, "/**\n\nThe SOAP Fault is part of the gSOAP context and its content is accessed\nthrough the soap.fault->detail variable (SOAP 1.1) or the\nsoap.fault->SOAP_ENV__Detail variable (SOAP 1.2).\nUse wsdl2h option -j to omit these declarations.\n\n*/\n");
    fprintf(stream, "struct SOAP_ENV__Detail\n{\n");
    if (dflag)
    { const char *t = types.tname(NULL, NULL, "xsd:anyAttribute");
      fprintf(stream, attributeformat, t, "__anyAttribute");
      fprintf(stream, ";\t///< Catch any attribute content in DOM.\n");
      fprintf(stream, "// xsd:anyAttribute omitted: to parse attribute content of the Detail element into DOM anyAttribute, use wsdl2h option -d.\n");
    /* See below */
    fprintf(stream, elementformat, "_XML", "__any");
    fprintf(stream, ";\t///< Catch any element content in XML string.\n");
    /* The DOM representation is not desired since faultdetail is NULL.
       However, future options may reenable this feature (see keep code here).
    const char *t = types.tname(NULL, NULL, "xsd:any");
    fprintf(stream, elementformat, t, "__any");
    if (dflag)
      fprintf(stream, ";\t///< Catch any element content in DOM.\n");
      fprintf(stream, ";\t///< Catch any element content in XML string.\n");
    for (MapOfStringToMessage::const_iterator fault = faults.begin(); fault != faults.end(); ++fault)
    { if ((*fault).second->URI && !types.uris[(*fault).second->URI])
        fprintf(stream, schemaformat, types.nsprefix(NULL, (*fault).second->URI), "namespace", (*fault).second->URI);
      comment("Fault", (*fault).first, "WSDL", (*fault).second->ext_documentation);
      comment("Fault", (*fault).first, "SOAP", (*fault).second->documentation);
      if ((*fault).second->message)
      { if ((*fault).second->use == literal)
        { for (vector<wsdl__part>::const_iterator part = (*fault).second->message->part.begin(); part != (*fault).second->message->part.end(); ++part)
          { if ((*part).elementPtr())
            { if (fault_elements.find((*part).element) == fault_elements.end())
              { if ((*part).elementPtr()->type)
                  fprintf(stream, elementformat, types.pname(true, NULL, NULL, (*part).elementPtr()->type), types.aname(NULL, (*fault).second->URI, (*part).element));
                  fprintf(stream, elementformat, types.pname(true, "_", NULL, (*part).element), types.aname(NULL, (*fault).second->URI, (*part).element));
                fprintf(stream, ";\n");
              fprintf(stream, "///< SOAP Fault element \"%s\" part \"%s\"\n", (*part).element?(*part).element:"", (*part).name?(*part).name:"");
            else if ((*part).name && (*part).type)
            { if (fault_elements.find((*part).name) == fault_elements.end())
              { fprintf(stream, elementformat, types.pname(true, NULL, NULL, (*part).type), types.aname("_", (*fault).second->URI, (*part).name));
                fprintf(stream, ";\n");
              fprintf(stream, "///< SOAP Fault type \"%s\" part \"%s\"\n", (*part).type, (*part).name);
              fprintf(stream, "// Unknown SOAP Fault element \"%s\" part \"%s\"\n", (*fault).second->message->name, (*part).name?(*part).name:"");
        { fprintf(stream, elementformat, (*fault).first, types.aname(NULL, (*fault).second->URI, (*fault).second->message->name));
          fprintf(stream, ";\t///< SOAP Fault detail message \"%s\":%s\n", (*fault).second->URI, (*fault).second->message->name);
      else if ((*fault).second->element)
      { if (fault_elements.find((*fault).second->name) == fault_elements.end())
        { fprintf(stream, pointerformat, types.pname(true, "_", (*fault).second->URI, (*fault).second->element->name), (*fault).second->name);
          fprintf(stream, ";\t///< SOAP Fault detail message \"%s\":%s\n", (*fault).second->URI, (*fault).second->element->name);
    fprintf(stream, elementformat, "int", "__type");
    fprintf(stream, ";\t///< set to SOAP_TYPE_X for a serializable type X\n");
    fprintf(stream, pointerformat, "void", "fault");
    fprintf(stream, ";\t///< points to serializable object X or NULL\n");
    fprintf(stream, "};\n");
  /* The SOAP Fault struct below is autogenerated by soapcpp2 (kept here for future mods)
  if (!mflag && !faults.empty())
  { fprintf(stream, "struct SOAP_ENV__Code\n{\n"); 
    fprintf(stream, elementformat, "_QName", "SOAP_ENV__Value");
    fprintf(stream, ";\n");
    fprintf(stream, pointerformat, "char", "SOAP_ENV__Node");
    fprintf(stream, ";\n");
    fprintf(stream, pointerformat, "char", "SOAP_ENV__Role");
    fprintf(stream, ";\n};\n");
    fprintf(stream, "struct SOAP_ENV__Detail\n{\n"); 
    fprintf(stream, elementformat, "int", "__type");
    fprintf(stream, ";\n");
    fprintf(stream, pointerformat, "void", "fault");
    fprintf(stream, ";\n");
    fprintf(stream, elementformat, "_XML", "__any");
    fprintf(stream, ";\n};\n");
    fprintf(stream, "struct SOAP_ENV__Fault\n{\n"); 
    fprintf(stream, elementformat, "_QName", "faultcode");
    fprintf(stream, ";\n");
    fprintf(stream, pointerformat, "char", "faultstring");
    fprintf(stream, ";\n");
    fprintf(stream, pointerformat, "char", "faultactor");
    fprintf(stream, ";\n");
    fprintf(stream, pointerformat, "struct SOAP_ENV__Detail", "detail");
    fprintf(stream, ";\n");
    fprintf(stream, pointerformat, "struct SOAP_ENV__Code", "SOAP_ENV__Code");
    fprintf(stream, ";\n");
    fprintf(stream, pointerformat, "char", "SOAP_ENV__Reason");
    fprintf(stream, ";\n");
    fprintf(stream, pointerformat, "struct SOAP_ENV__Detail", "SOAP_ENV__Detail");
    fprintf(stream, ";\n};\n");
  for (MapOfStringToService::const_iterator service2 = services.begin(); service2 != services.end(); ++service2)
    if ((*service2).second)

//	Service methods

{ prefix = NULL;
  name = NULL;
  type = NULL;
  transport = NULL;

void Service::generate(Types& types)
{ const char *method_name;
  banner("Service Binding", name);
  for (vector<Operation*>::const_iterator op2 = operation.begin(); op2 != operation.end(); ++op2)
  { if (*op2 && ((*op2)->input || bflag))
    { bool flag = false, anonymous = ((*op2)->style != document && (*op2)->parameterOrder != NULL);
      if (!(*op2)->input)
        method_name = (*op2)->output_name;
        method_name = (*op2)->input_name;
      banner("Service Operation", method_name);
      if ((*op2)->output && (*op2)->output_name)
      { if ((*op2)->style == document)
          flag = ((*op2)->output->element || ((*op2)->output->message && (*op2)->output->message->part.size() == 1));
        else if (!wflag)
          flag = ((*op2)->output->element || ((*op2)->output->message && (*op2)->output->use == encoded && (*op2)->output->message->part.size() == 1 && !(*(*op2)->output->message->part.begin()).simpleTypePtr() && !(*(*op2)->output->message->part.begin()).complexTypePtr()));
        if (flag && (*op2)->input && (*op2)->output && (*op2)->input->message && (*(*op2)->output->message->part.begin()).element)
          for (vector<wsdl__part>::const_iterator part = (*op2)->input->message->part.begin(); part != (*op2)->input->message->part.end(); ++part)
            if ((*part).element && !strcmp((*part).element, (*(*op2)->output->message->part.begin()).element))
              flag = false;
	if (!flag)
	{ if (bflag)
	    fprintf(stream, "/* soapcpp2 generates the following struct automatically for your use:\n");
	  fprintf(stream, "/// Operation response struct \"%s\" of operation \"%s\"\n", (*op2)->output_name, method_name);
          fprintf(stream, "struct %s\n{", (*op2)->output_name);
          (*op2)->output->generate(types, ";", anonymous, false, false, false);
          fprintf(stream, "\n};\n");
	  if (bflag)
	    fprintf(stream, "*/\n");
      fprintf(stream, "\n/// Operation \"%s\" of service binding \"%s\"\n\n/**\n\nOperation details:\n", method_name, name);
      if ((*op2)->documentation)
      if ((*op2)->operation_documentation)
      if ((*op2)->input && (*op2)->input->documentation)
      { fprintf(stream, "Input request:\n");
      if ((*op2)->input && (*op2)->input->ext_documentation)
      { fprintf(stream, "Input request:\n");
      if ((*op2)->output)
      { if ((*op2)->output->documentation)
        { fprintf(stream, "Output response:\n");
        if ((*op2)->output->ext_documentation)
        { fprintf(stream, "Output response:\n");
      gen_policy(*this, (*op2)->policy, "operation", types);
      if ((*op2)->input)
      { gen_policy(*this, (*op2)->input->policy, "request message", types);
        if ((*op2)->input->content)
        { fprintf(stream, "\n  - Request message MIME content");
          if ((*op2)->input->content->type)
          { fprintf(stream, " type=\"");
            fprintf(stream, "\"");
          if ((*op2)->input->content->type && !strcmp((*op2)->input->content->type, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"))
	    fprintf(stream, "\n    Use the httpform.c plugin to retrieve key-value pairs from the REST request\n    message form data at the server side (client side is automated).\n");
            fprintf(stream, "\n    TODO: this form of MIME content is not automatically handled.\n");
      if ((*op2)->output)
      { gen_policy(*this, (*op2)->output->policy, "response message", types);
        if ((*op2)->output->content)
        { fprintf(stream, "\n  - Response message MIME content");
          if ((*op2)->output->content->type)
          { fprintf(stream, " type=\"");
            fprintf(stream, "\"");
          fprintf(stream, "\n    TODO: this form of MIME content response is not automatically handled.\n    Use one-way request and implement code to parse response.\n");
        fprintf(stream, "\n  - One-way service request message\n");
      if ((*op2)->mep)
        fprintf(stream, "\n  - SOAP MEP: \"%s\"\n", ((*op2)->mep));
      if ((*op2)->style == document)
        fprintf(stream, "\n  - %s %s messaging\n", (*op2)->protocol, (*op2)->input && (*op2)->input->content && (*op2)->input->content->type ? (*op2)->input->content->type : "document/literal style");
      else if ((*op2)->input)
      { if ((*op2)->input->use == literal)
          fprintf(stream, "\n  - %s literal messaging\n", (*op2)->protocol);
        else if ((*op2)->input->encodingStyle)
          fprintf(stream, "\n  - %s RPC encodingStyle=\"%s\"\n", (*op2)->input->encodingStyle, (*op2)->protocol);
          fprintf(stream, "\n  - %s RPC encoded messaging\n", (*op2)->protocol);
      if ((*op2)->output)
      { if (!(*op2)->input || (*op2)->input->use != (*op2)->output->use)
        { if ((*op2)->output->use == literal)
            fprintf(stream, "\n  - %s literal response messages\n", (*op2)->protocol);
          else if ((*op2)->output->encodingStyle)
            fprintf(stream, "\n  - %s RPC response encodingStyle=\"%s\"\n", (*op2)->protocol, (*op2)->output->encodingStyle);
            fprintf(stream, "\n  - %s RPC encoded response messages\n", (*op2)->protocol);
      if ((*op2)->action)
      { if (*(*op2)->action)
          fprintf(stream, "\n  - Action: \"%s\"\n", (*op2)->action);
      if ((*op2)->input)
      { if ((*op2)->input->action)
          fprintf(stream, "\n  - Addressing input action: \"%s\"\n", (*op2)->input->action);
      if ((*op2)->output)
      { if ((*op2)->output->action)
          fprintf(stream, "\n  - Addressing output action: \"%s\"\n", (*op2)->output->action);
      for (vector<Message*>::const_iterator infault = (*op2)->infault.begin(); infault != (*op2)->infault.end(); ++infault)
      { if ((*infault)->message)
        { if ((*infault)->use == literal)
          { for (vector<wsdl__part>::const_iterator part = (*infault)->message->part.begin(); part != (*infault)->message->part.end(); ++part)
            { if ((*part).element)
                fprintf(stream, "\n  - SOAP Input Fault: %s (literal)\n", (*part).element);
              else if ((*part).name && (*part).type)
                fprintf(stream, "\n  - SOAP Input Fault: %s (literal)\n", (*part).name);
          else if ((*infault)->message->name)
            fprintf(stream, "\n  - SOAP Input Fault: %s\n", (*infault)->name);
          if ((*infault)->message->name && (*infault)->action)
            fprintf(stream, "    - SOAP Input Fault addressing action: \"%s\"\n", (*infault)->action);
        else if ((*infault)->name)
          fprintf(stream, "\n  - SOAP Input Fault: %s (literal)\n", (*infault)->name);
	if ((*infault)->body_parts)
          fprintf(stream, "    SOAP Input Fault code: %s\n", (*infault)->body_parts);
	gen_policy(*this, (*infault)->policy, "fault message", types);
      for (vector<Message*>::const_iterator outfault = (*op2)->outfault.begin(); outfault != (*op2)->outfault.end(); ++outfault)
      { if ((*outfault)->message)
        { if ((*outfault)->use == literal)
          { for (vector<wsdl__part>::const_iterator part = (*outfault)->message->part.begin(); part != (*outfault)->message->part.end(); ++part)
            { if ((*part).element)
                fprintf(stream, "\n  - SOAP Output Fault: %s (literal)\n", (*part).element);
              else if ((*part).name && (*part).type)
                fprintf(stream, "\n  - SOAP Output Fault: %s (literal)\n", (*part).name);
          else if ((*outfault)->message->name)
            fprintf(stream, "\n  - SOAP Output Fault: %s\n", (*outfault)->name);
          if ((*outfault)->message->name && (*outfault)->action)
            fprintf(stream, "    - SOAP Output Fault addressing action: \"%s\"\n", (*outfault)->action);
        else if ((*outfault)->name)
          fprintf(stream, "\n  - SOAP Output Fault: %s (literal)\n", (*outfault)->name);
	if ((*outfault)->body_parts)
          fprintf(stream, "    SOAP Output Fault code: %s\n", (*outfault)->body_parts);
	gen_policy(*this, (*outfault)->policy, "fault message", types);
      if ((*op2)->input)
      { if (!(*op2)->input->header.empty())
          fprintf(stream, "\n  - Request message has mandatory header part(s) (see @ref SOAP_ENV__Header):\n");
        for (vector<soap__header>::const_iterator inputheader = (*op2)->input->header.begin(); inputheader != (*op2)->input->header.end(); ++inputheader)
        { if ((*inputheader).part)
          { if ((*inputheader).use == encoded && (*inputheader).namespace_)
              fprintf(stream, "    - %s\n", types.aname(NULL, (*inputheader).namespace_, (*inputheader).part));
            else if ((*inputheader).partPtr() && (*inputheader).partPtr()->element)
              fprintf(stream, "    - %s\n", types.aname(NULL, NULL, (*inputheader).partPtr()->element));
      if ((*op2)->input && (*op2)->input->multipartRelated)
      { int k = 2;
        fprintf(stream, "\n  - Request message MIME multipart/related attachments:\n");
        for (vector<mime__part>::const_iterator part = (*op2)->input->multipartRelated->part.begin(); part != (*op2)->input->multipartRelated->part.end(); ++part)
        { if ((*part).soap__body_)
          { fprintf(stream, "    -# MIME attachment with SOAP Body and mandatory header part(s):\n");
            for (vector<soap__header>::const_iterator header = (*part).soap__header_.begin(); header != (*part).soap__header_.end(); ++header)
            { if ((*header).part)
              { if ((*header).use == encoded && (*header).namespace_)
                  fprintf(stream, "       - %s\n", types.aname(NULL, (*header).namespace_, (*header).part));
                else if ((*header).partPtr() && (*header).partPtr()->element)
                  fprintf(stream, "       - %s\n", types.aname(NULL, NULL, (*header).partPtr()->element));
          { fprintf(stream, "    -# MIME attachment %d:\n", k++);
            for (vector<mime__content>::const_iterator content = (*part).content.begin(); content != (*part).content.end(); ++content)
            { fprintf(stream, "       -");
              if ((*content).part)
              { fprintf(stream, " part=\"");
                fprintf(stream, "\"");
              if ((*content).type)
              { fprintf(stream, " type=\"");
                fprintf(stream, "\"");
              fprintf(stream, "\n");
      if ((*op2)->input && (*op2)->input->layout)
        fprintf(stream, "\n  - Request message has DIME attachments in compliance with %s\n", (*op2)->input->layout);
      if ((*op2)->output)
      { if (!(*op2)->output->header.empty())
          fprintf(stream, "\n  - Response message has mandatory header part(s): (see @ref SOAP_ENV__Header)\n");
        for (vector<soap__header>::const_iterator outputheader = (*op2)->output->header.begin(); outputheader != (*op2)->output->header.end(); ++outputheader)
        { if ((*outputheader).part)
          { if ((*outputheader).use == encoded && (*outputheader).namespace_)
              fprintf(stream, "    - %s\n", types.aname(NULL, (*outputheader).namespace_, (*outputheader).part));
            else if ((*outputheader).partPtr() && (*outputheader).partPtr()->element)
              fprintf(stream, "    - %s\n", types.aname(NULL, NULL, (*outputheader).partPtr()->element));
      if ((*op2)->output && (*op2)->output_name && (*op2)->output->multipartRelated)
      { int k = 2;
        fprintf(stream, "\n  - Response message MIME multipart/related attachments\n");
        for (vector<mime__part>::const_iterator part = (*op2)->output->multipartRelated->part.begin(); part != (*op2)->output->multipartRelated->part.end(); ++part)
        { if ((*part).soap__body_)
          { fprintf(stream, "    -# MIME attachment with SOAP Body and mandatory header part(s):\n");
            for (vector<soap__header>::const_iterator header = (*part).soap__header_.begin(); header != (*part).soap__header_.end(); ++header)
            { if ((*header).part)
              { if ((*header).use == encoded && (*header).namespace_)
                  fprintf(stream, "       - %s\n", types.aname(NULL, (*header).namespace_, (*header).part));
                else if ((*header).partPtr() && (*header).partPtr()->element)
                  fprintf(stream, "       - %s\n", types.aname(NULL, NULL, (*header).partPtr()->element));
          { fprintf(stream, "    -# MIME attachment %d:\n", k++);
            for (vector<mime__content>::const_iterator content = (*part).content.begin(); content != (*part).content.end(); ++content)
            { fprintf(stream, "       -");
              if ((*content).part)
              { fprintf(stream, " part=\"");
                fprintf(stream, "\"");
              if ((*content).type)
              { fprintf(stream, " type=\"");
                fprintf(stream, "\"");
              fprintf(stream, "\n");
      if ((*op2)->output && (*op2)->output_name && (*op2)->output->layout)
        fprintf(stream, "\n  - Response message has DIME attachments in compliance with %s\n", (*op2)->output->layout);
      fprintf(stream, "\nC stub function (defined in soapClient.c[pp] generated by soapcpp2):\n@code\n  int soap_%s_%s(\n    struct soap *soap,\n    NULL, // char *endpoint = NULL selects default endpoint for this operation\n    NULL, // char *action = NULL selects default action for this operation\n    // input parameters:", (*op2)->output?"call":"send", method_name);
      if ((*op2)->input)
        (*op2)->input->generate(types, ",", false, false, false, false);
      if ((*op2)->output && (*op2)->output_name)
      { fprintf(stream, "\n    // output parameters:");
        if (flag)
	{ if ((*op2)->style == rpc && (*op2)->output->message && (*(*op2)->output->message->part.begin()).name)
          { fprintf(stream, "\n");
            fprintf(stream, anonymous ? anonformat : paraformat, types.tname(NULL, NULL, (*(*op2)->output->message->part.begin()).type), cflag ? "*" : "&", types.aname(NULL, NULL, (*(*op2)->output->message->part.begin()).name), "");
            (*op2)->output->generate(types, "", anonymous, false, true, false);
          fprintf(stream, "\n    struct %s%s", (*op2)->output_name, cflag ? "*" : "&");
      fprintf(stream, "\n  );\n@endcode\n\nC server function (called from the service dispatcher defined in soapServer.c[pp]):\n@code\n  int %s(\n    struct soap *soap,\n    // input parameters:", method_name);
      if ((*op2)->input)
        (*op2)->input->generate(types, ",", false, false, false, false);
      fprintf(stream, "\n    // output parameters:");
      if ((*op2)->output && (*op2)->output_name)
      { if (flag)
        { if ((*op2)->style == rpc && (*op2)->output->message && (*(*op2)->output->message->part.begin()).name)
          { fprintf(stream, "\n");
            fprintf(stream, anonymous ? anonformat : paraformat, types.tname(NULL, NULL, (*(*op2)->output->message->part.begin()).type), cflag ? "*" : "&", types.aname(NULL, NULL, (*(*op2)->output->message->part.begin()).name), "");
            (*op2)->output->generate(types, "", anonymous, false, true, false);
          fprintf(stream, "\n    struct %s%s", (*op2)->output_name, cflag ? "*" : "&");
      fprintf(stream, "\n  );\n@endcode\n\n");
      if (!cflag)
      { fprintf(stream, "C++ proxy class (defined in soap%sProxy.h):\n", name);
        fprintf(stream, "@code\n  class %sProxy;\n@endcode\n", name);
        fprintf(stream, "Important: use soapcpp2 option '-j' (or '-i') to generate greatly improved and easy-to-use proxy classes;\n\n");
        fprintf(stream, "C++ service class (defined in soap%sService.h):\n", name);
        fprintf(stream, "@code\n  class %sService;\n@endcode\n", name);
        fprintf(stream, "Important: use soapcpp2 option '-j' (or '-i') to generate greatly improved and easy-to-use service classes;\n\n");
      fprintf(stream, "*/\n\n");
      (*op2)->generate(types, *this);
    else if (*op2 && (*op2)->output)
    { if (!(*op2)->input)
        method_name = (*op2)->output_name;
        method_name = (*op2)->input_name;
      banner("Service Operation", method_name);
      fprintf(stream, "\n/// Operation \"%s\" of service binding \"%s\"\n\n/**\n\nOperation details:\n", method_name, name);
      if ((*op2)->documentation)
      if ((*op2)->operation_documentation)
      if ((*op2)->output->documentation)
      { fprintf(stream, "Output response:\n");
      if ((*op2)->output->ext_documentation)
      { fprintf(stream, "Output response:\n");
      gen_policy(*this, (*op2)->policy, "operation", types);
      gen_policy(*this, (*op2)->output->policy, "response message", types);
      fprintf(stream, "\n  - One-way service response message\n");
      if ((*op2)->mep)
        fprintf(stream, "\n  - SOAP MEP: \"%s\"\n", ((*op2)->mep));
      if ((*op2)->style == document)
        fprintf(stream, "\n  - %s document/literal style messaging\n", (*op2)->protocol);
      { if ((*op2)->output->use == literal)
          fprintf(stream, "\n  - %s RPC literal messaging\n", (*op2)->protocol);
        else if ((*op2)->output->encodingStyle)
          fprintf(stream, "\n  - %s RPC encodingStyle=\"%s\"\n", (*op2)->output->encodingStyle, (*op2)->protocol);
          fprintf(stream, "\n  - %s RPC encoded messaging\n", (*op2)->protocol);
      if ((*op2)->action)
      { if (*(*op2)->action)
          fprintf(stream, "\n  - Action: \"%s\"\n", (*op2)->action);
      if ((*op2)->output)
      { if ((*op2)->output->action)
          fprintf(stream, "\n  - Addressing output action: \"%s\"\n", (*op2)->output->action);
      for (vector<Message*>::const_iterator outfault = (*op2)->outfault.begin(); outfault != (*op2)->outfault.end(); ++outfault)
      { if ((*outfault)->message)
        { if ((*outfault)->use == literal)
          { for (vector<wsdl__part>::const_iterator part = (*outfault)->message->part.begin(); part != (*outfault)->message->part.end(); ++part)
            { if ((*part).element)
                fprintf(stream, "\n  - SOAP Output Fault: %s (literal)\n", (*part).element);
              else if ((*part).name && (*part).type)
                fprintf(stream, "\n  - SOAP Output Fault: %s (literal)\n", (*part).name);
          else if ((*outfault)->message->name)
            fprintf(stream, "\n  - SOAP Output Fault: %s\n", (*outfault)->name);
          if ((*outfault)->message->name && (*outfault)->action)
            fprintf(stream, "    - SOAP Output Fault addressing action: \"%s\"\n", (*outfault)->action);
        else if ((*outfault)->name)
          fprintf(stream, "\n  - SOAP Output Fault: %s (literal)\n", (*outfault)->name);
	gen_policy(*this, (*outfault)->policy, "fault message", types);
      if (!(*op2)->output->header.empty())
        fprintf(stream, "\n  - Response message has mandatory header part(s) (see @ref SOAP_ENV__Header):\n");
      for (vector<soap__header>::const_iterator outputheader = (*op2)->output->header.begin(); outputheader != (*op2)->output->header.end(); ++outputheader)
      { if ((*outputheader).part)
        { if ((*outputheader).use == encoded && (*outputheader).namespace_)
            fprintf(stream, "    - %s\n", types.aname(NULL, (*outputheader).namespace_, (*outputheader).part));
          else if ((*outputheader).partPtr() && (*outputheader).partPtr()->element)
            fprintf(stream, "    - %s\n", types.aname(NULL, NULL, (*outputheader).partPtr()->element));
      if ((*op2)->output->multipartRelated)
      { int k = 2;
        fprintf(stream, "\n  - Response message MIME multipart/related attachments:\n");
        for (vector<mime__part>::const_iterator part = (*op2)->output->multipartRelated->part.begin(); part != (*op2)->output->multipartRelated->part.end(); ++part)
        { if ((*part).soap__body_)
          { fprintf(stream, "    -# MIME attachment with SOAP Body and mandatory header part(s):\n");
            for (vector<soap__header>::const_iterator header = (*part).soap__header_.begin(); header != (*part).soap__header_.end(); ++header)
            { if ((*header).part)
              { if ((*header).use == encoded && (*header).namespace_)
                  fprintf(stream, "       - %s\n", types.aname(NULL, (*header).namespace_, (*header).part));
                else if ((*header).partPtr() && (*header).partPtr()->element)
                  fprintf(stream, "       - %s\n", types.aname(NULL, NULL, (*header).partPtr()->element));
          { fprintf(stream, "    -# MIME attachment %d:\n", k++);
            for (vector<mime__content>::const_iterator content = (*part).content.begin(); content != (*part).content.end(); ++content)
            { fprintf(stream, "       -");
              if ((*content).part)
              { fprintf(stream, " part=\"");
                fprintf(stream, "\"");
              if ((*content).type)
              { fprintf(stream, " type=\"");
                fprintf(stream, "\"");
              fprintf(stream, "\n");
      if ((*op2)->output->layout)
        fprintf(stream, "\n  - Response message has DIME attachments in compliance with %s\n", (*op2)->output->layout);
      fprintf(stream, "\nC stub function (defined in soapClient.c[pp] generated by soapcpp2):\n@code\n  int soap_call_%s(\n    struct soap *soap,\n    NULL, // char *endpoint = NULL selects default endpoint for this operation\n    NULL, // char *action = NULL selects default action for this operation\n    // parameters:", method_name);
      (*op2)->output->generate(types, ",", false, false, false, false);
      fprintf(stream, "\n  );\n@endcode\n\nC server function (called from the service dispatcher defined in soapServer.c[pp]):\n@code\n  int %s(\n    struct soap *soap,\n    // parameters:", method_name);
      (*op2)->output->generate(types, ",", false, false, false, false);
      fprintf(stream, "\n  );\n@endcode\n\n");
      if (!cflag)
      { fprintf(stream, "C++ proxy class (defined in soap%sProxy.h):\n", name);
        fprintf(stream, "@code\n  class %sProxy;\n@endcode\n", name);
        fprintf(stream, "Important: use soapcpp2 option '-j' (or '-i') to generate greatly improved and easy-to-use proxy classes;\n\n");
        fprintf(stream, "C++ service class (defined in soap%sService.h):\n", name);
        fprintf(stream, "@code\n  class %sService;\n@endcode\n", name);
        fprintf(stream, "Important: use soapcpp2 option '-j' (or '-i') to generate greatly improved and easy-to-use service classes;\n\n");
      fprintf(stream, "*/\n\n");
      (*op2)->generate(types, *this);

void Service::add_import(const char *s)
{ if (find_if(imports.begin(), imports.end(), eqstr(s)) == imports.end())

void Service::del_import(const char *s)
{ VectorOfString::iterator i = find_if(imports.begin(), imports.end(), eqstr(s));
  if (i != imports.end())

//	Operation methods

void Operation::generate(Types &types, Service &service)
{ bool flag = false, anonymous = ((style != document) && parameterOrder != NULL);
  const char *method_name = NULL;
  if (output)
  { if (style == document)
      flag = (output->element || (output->message && output->message->part.size() == 1));
    else if (!wflag)
      flag = (output->element || (output->message && output->use == encoded && output->message->part.size() == 1 && !(*output->message->part.begin()).simpleTypePtr() && !(*output->message->part.begin()).complexTypePtr()));
    if (flag && input && input->message && (*output->message->part.begin()).element)
      for (vector<wsdl__part>::const_iterator part = input->message->part.begin(); part != input->message->part.end(); ++part)
        if ((*part).element && !strcmp((*part).element, (*output->message->part.begin()).element))
          flag = false;
  if (output && output_name && bflag) // (output && (!input || bflag))
  { if (input)
    { method_name = strstr(output_name + 1, "__");
      if (method_name)
        method_name += 2;
        method_name = output_name;
    { method_name = strstr(input_name + 1, "__");
      if (method_name)
        method_name += 2;
        method_name = input_name;
    if (protocol)
      fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-protocol", method_name, protocol);
    if (output->content && output->content->type)
      fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-mime-type", method_name, output->content->type);
    else if (style == document)
      fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-style", method_name, "document");
      fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-style", method_name, "rpc");
    if (output->use == literal)
      fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-encoding", method_name, "literal");
    else if (output->encodingStyle)
      fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-encoding", method_name, output->encodingStyle);
      fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-encoding", method_name, "encoded");
    if (output && output->action && *output->action)
      fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-action", method_name, output->action);
    else if (action)
    { if (*action)
        fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-action", method_name, action);
        fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-action", method_name, "\"\"");
    for (vector<Message*>::const_iterator message = outfault.begin(); message != outfault.end(); ++message)
    { if ((*message)->message)
      { if ((*message)->use == literal)
        { for (vector<wsdl__part>::const_iterator part = (*message)->message->part.begin(); part != (*message)->message->part.end(); ++part)
          { if ((*part).element)
              fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-fault", method_name, types.aname(NULL, NULL, (*part).element));
            else if ((*part).type)
              fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-fault", method_name, types.aname(NULL, (*message)->URI, (*part).name));
        { if ((*message)->message->name)
            fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-fault", method_name, (*message)->name);
        if ((*message)->action)
          fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-fault-action", method_name, (*message)->action);
      else if ((*message)->name)
        fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-fault", method_name, (*message)->name);
    if (output->multipartRelated)
    { for (vector<mime__part>::const_iterator outputmime = output->multipartRelated->part.begin(); outputmime != output->multipartRelated->part.end(); ++outputmime)
      { for (vector<soap__header>::const_iterator outputheader = (*outputmime).soap__header_.begin(); outputheader != (*outputmime).soap__header_.end(); ++outputheader)
        { if ((*outputheader).part)
          { if ((*outputheader).use == encoded && (*outputheader).namespace_)
              fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-header-part", method_name, types.aname(NULL, (*outputheader).namespace_, (*outputheader).part));
            else if ((*outputheader).partPtr() && (*outputheader).partPtr()->element)
              fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-header-part", method_name, types.aname(NULL, NULL, (*outputheader).partPtr()->element));
        for (vector<mime__content>::const_iterator content = (*outputmime).content.begin(); content != (*outputmime).content.end(); ++content)
          if ((*content).type)
            fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-mime-type", method_name, (*content).type);
    // TODO: add headerfault directives
    for (vector<soap__header>::const_iterator outputheader = output->header.begin(); outputheader != output->header.end(); ++outputheader)
    { if ((*outputheader).part)
      { if ((*outputheader).use == encoded && (*outputheader).namespace_)
          fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-header-part", method_name, types.aname(NULL, (*outputheader).namespace_, (*outputheader).part));
        else if ((*outputheader).partPtr() && (*outputheader).partPtr()->element)
          fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-header-part", method_name, types.aname(NULL, NULL, (*outputheader).partPtr()->element));
    for (vector<wsoap__header>::const_iterator outputwheader = output->wheader.begin(); outputwheader != output->wheader.end(); ++outputwheader)
    { if ((*outputwheader).element)
        fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-header-part", method_name, types.aname(NULL, NULL, (*outputwheader).element));
    if (input)
    { fprintf(stream, "/// Operation response \"%s\" of operation \"%s\"\n", output_name, input_name);
      fprintf(stream, "int %s(", output_name);
      fprintf(stream, "int %s(", input_name);
    output->generate(types, ",", anonymous, true, false, false);
    fprintf(stream, "\n    void\t///< One-way message: no output parameter\n);\n");
  if (!input && output && output_name) // (!input && output && bflag)
  { method_name = strstr(output_name + 1, "__");
    if (method_name)
      method_name += 2;
      method_name = output_name;
    if (protocol)
      fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-protocol", method_name, protocol);
    if (output->content && output->content->type)
      fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-mime-type", method_name, output->content->type);
    else if (style == document)
      fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-style", method_name, "document");
      fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-style", method_name, "rpc");
    if (output->use == literal)
      fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-encoding", method_name, "literal");
    else if (output->encodingStyle)
      fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-encoding", method_name, output->encodingStyle);
      fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-encoding", method_name, "encoded");
    if (output && output->action && *output->action)
      fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-action", method_name, output->action);
    else if (action)
    { if (*action)
        fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-action", method_name, action);
        fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-action", method_name, "\"\"");
    for (vector<Message*>::const_iterator message = outfault.begin(); message != outfault.end(); ++message)
    { if ((*message)->message)
      { if ((*message)->use == literal)
        { for (vector<wsdl__part>::const_iterator part = (*message)->message->part.begin(); part != (*message)->message->part.end(); ++part)
          { if ((*part).element)
              fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-fault", method_name, types.aname(NULL, NULL, (*part).element));
            else if ((*part).type)
              fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-fault", method_name, types.aname(NULL, (*message)->URI, (*part).name));
        { if ((*message)->message->name)
            fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-fault", method_name, (*message)->name);
        if ((*message)->action)
          fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-fault-action", method_name, (*message)->action);
      else if ((*message)->name)
        fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-fault", method_name, (*message)->name);
    if (output->multipartRelated)
    { for (vector<mime__part>::const_iterator outputmime = output->multipartRelated->part.begin(); outputmime != output->multipartRelated->part.end(); ++outputmime)
      { for (vector<soap__header>::const_iterator outputheader = (*outputmime).soap__header_.begin(); outputheader != (*outputmime).soap__header_.end(); ++outputheader)
        { if ((*outputheader).part)
          { if ((*outputheader).use == encoded && (*outputheader).namespace_)
              fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-header-part", method_name, types.aname(NULL, (*outputheader).namespace_, (*outputheader).part));
            else if ((*outputheader).partPtr() && (*outputheader).partPtr()->element)
              fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-header-part", method_name, types.aname(NULL, NULL, (*outputheader).partPtr()->element));
        for (vector<mime__content>::const_iterator content = (*outputmime).content.begin(); content != (*outputmime).content.end(); ++content)
          if ((*content).type)
            fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-mime-type", method_name, (*content).type);
    // TODO: add headerfault directives
    for (vector<soap__header>::const_iterator outputheader = output->header.begin(); outputheader != output->header.end(); ++outputheader)
    { if ((*outputheader).part)
      { if ((*outputheader).use == encoded && (*outputheader).namespace_)
          fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-header-part", method_name, types.aname(NULL, (*outputheader).namespace_, (*outputheader).part));
        else if ((*outputheader).partPtr() && (*outputheader).partPtr()->element)
          fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-header-part", method_name, types.aname(NULL, NULL, (*outputheader).partPtr()->element));
    for (vector<wsoap__header>::const_iterator outputwheader = output->wheader.begin(); outputwheader != output->wheader.end(); ++outputwheader)
    { if ((*outputwheader).element)
        fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-header-part", method_name, types.aname(NULL, NULL, (*outputwheader).element));
    fprintf(stream, "int %s(", output_name);
    if (flag)
    { if (style == rpc && output->message && (*output->message->part.begin()).name)
      { fprintf(stream, "\n");
        fprintf(stream, anonymous ? anonformat : paraformat, types.tname(NULL, NULL, (*output->message->part.begin()).type), cflag ? "*" : "&", types.aname(NULL, NULL, (*output->message->part.begin()).name), "");
        fprintf(stream, "\t///< Output parameter");
        output->generate(types, "", anonymous, true, true, false);
    { fprintf(stream, "\n    struct %-28s%s", output_name, cflag ? "*" : "&");
      fprintf(stream, "\t///< Output response struct parameter");
    fprintf(stream, "\n);\n");
  if (input && input_name)
  { method_name = strstr(input_name + 1, "__");
    if (method_name)
      method_name += 2;
      method_name = input_name;
    if (protocol)
      fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-protocol", method_name, protocol);
    if (input->content && input->content->type)
      fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-mime-type", method_name, input->content->type);
    else if (style == document)
      fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-style", method_name, "document");
      fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-style", method_name, "rpc");
    if (output && output->content && output->content->type)
      fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-output-mime-type", method_name, output->content->type);
    if (!input || input->use == literal)
      fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-encoding", method_name, "literal");
    else if (input->encodingStyle)
      fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-encoding", method_name, input->encodingStyle);
      fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-encoding", method_name, "encoded");
    if (output)
    { if (!input || input->use != output->use)
      { if (output->use == literal)
          fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-response-encoding", method_name, "literal");
        else if (output->encodingStyle)
          fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-response-encoding", method_name, output->encodingStyle);
          fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-response-encoding", method_name, "encoded");
      if (style == rpc && (!input || (input->URI && output->URI && strcmp(input->URI, output->URI))))
        fprintf(stream, schemaformat, types.nsprefix(NULL, output->URI), "namespace", output->URI);
    if (input && input->action && *input->action)
      fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-input-action", method_name, input->action);
    else if (action)
    { if (*action)
        fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-action", method_name, action);
        fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-action", method_name, "\"\"");
    if (output && output->action && *output->action)
      fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-output-action", method_name, output->action);
    for (vector<Message*>::const_iterator message = outfault.begin(); message != outfault.end(); ++message)
    { if ((*message)->message)
      { if ((*message)->use == literal)
        { for (vector<wsdl__part>::const_iterator part = (*message)->message->part.begin(); part != (*message)->message->part.end(); ++part)
          { if ((*part).element)
              fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-fault", method_name, types.aname(NULL, NULL, (*part).element));
            else if ((*part).type)
              fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-fault", method_name, types.aname(NULL, (*message)->URI, (*part).name));
        { if ((*message)->message->name)
            fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-fault", method_name, (*message)->name);
        if ((*message)->action)
          fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-fault-action", method_name, (*message)->action);
      else if ((*message)->name)
        fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-fault", method_name, (*message)->name);
    if (input)
    { if (input->multipartRelated)
      { for (vector<mime__part>::const_iterator inputmime = input->multipartRelated->part.begin(); inputmime != input->multipartRelated->part.end(); ++inputmime)
        { for (vector<soap__header>::const_iterator inputheader = (*inputmime).soap__header_.begin(); inputheader != (*inputmime).soap__header_.end(); ++inputheader)
          { if ((*inputheader).part)
            { if ((*inputheader).use == encoded && (*inputheader).namespace_)
                fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-input-header-part", method_name, types.aname(NULL, (*inputheader).namespace_, (*inputheader).part));
              else if ((*inputheader).partPtr() && (*inputheader).partPtr()->element)
                fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-input-header-part", method_name, types.aname(NULL, NULL, (*inputheader).partPtr()->element));
          for (vector<mime__content>::const_iterator content = (*inputmime).content.begin(); content != (*inputmime).content.end(); ++content)
            if ((*content).type)
              fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-input-mime-type", method_name, (*content).type);
      // TODO: add headerfault directives
      for (vector<soap__header>::const_iterator inputheader = input->header.begin(); inputheader != input->header.end(); ++inputheader)
      { if ((*inputheader).part)
        { if ((*inputheader).use == encoded && (*inputheader).namespace_)
            fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-input-header-part", method_name, types.aname(NULL, (*inputheader).namespace_, (*inputheader).part));
          else if ((*inputheader).partPtr() && (*inputheader).partPtr()->element)
            fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-input-header-part", method_name, types.aname(NULL, NULL, (*inputheader).partPtr()->element));
      for (vector<wsoap__header>::const_iterator inputwheader = input->wheader.begin(); inputwheader != input->wheader.end(); ++inputwheader)
      { if ((*inputwheader).element)
          fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-input-header-part", method_name, types.aname(NULL, NULL, (*inputwheader).element));
    if (output)
    { if (output->multipartRelated)
      { for (vector<mime__part>::const_iterator outputmime = output->multipartRelated->part.begin(); outputmime != output->multipartRelated->part.end(); ++outputmime)
        { for (vector<soap__header>::const_iterator outputheader = (*outputmime).soap__header_.begin(); outputheader != (*outputmime).soap__header_.end(); ++outputheader)
          { if ((*outputheader).part)
            { if ((*outputheader).use == encoded && (*outputheader).namespace_)
                fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-output-header-part", method_name, types.aname(NULL, (*outputheader).namespace_, (*outputheader).part));
              else if ((*outputheader).partPtr() && (*outputheader).partPtr()->element)
                fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-output-header-part", method_name, types.aname(NULL, NULL, (*outputheader).partPtr()->element));
          for (vector<mime__content>::const_iterator content = (*outputmime).content.begin(); content != (*outputmime).content.end(); ++content)
            if ((*content).type)
              fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-output-mime-type", method_name, (*content).type);
      for (vector<soap__header>::const_iterator outputheader = output->header.begin(); outputheader != output->header.end(); ++outputheader)
      { if ((*outputheader).part)
        { if ((*outputheader).use == encoded && (*outputheader).namespace_)
            fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-output-header-part", method_name, types.aname(NULL, (*outputheader).namespace_, (*outputheader).part));
          else if ((*outputheader).partPtr() && (*outputheader).partPtr()->element)
            fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-output-header-part", method_name, types.aname(NULL, NULL, (*outputheader).partPtr()->element));
      for (vector<wsoap__header>::const_iterator outputwheader = output->wheader.begin(); outputwheader != output->wheader.end(); ++outputwheader)
      { if ((*outputwheader).element)
          fprintf(stream, serviceformat, prefix, "method-output-header-part", method_name, types.aname(NULL, NULL, (*outputwheader).element));
    if (input)
      fprintf(stream, "int %s(", input_name);
      fprintf(stream, "int %s(", output_name);
    if (input)
      input->generate(types, ",", anonymous, true, false, false);
    if (output)
    { if (flag)
      { if (style == rpc && output->message && (*output->message->part.begin()).name)
        { fprintf(stream, "\n");
          fprintf(stream, anonymous ? anonformat : paraformat, types.tname(NULL, NULL, (*output->message->part.begin()).type), cflag ? "*" : "&", types.aname(NULL, NULL, (*output->message->part.begin()).name), "");
          fprintf(stream, "\t///< Output parameter");
          output->generate(types, "", anonymous, true, true, false);
      { fprintf(stream, "\n    struct %-28s%s", output_name, cflag ? "*" : "&");
        fprintf(stream, "\t///< Output response struct parameter");
      fprintf(stream, "\n);\n");
      fprintf(stream, "\n    void\t///< One-way message: no output parameter\n);\n");

//	Message methods

void Message::generate(Types &types, const char *sep, bool anonymous, bool remark, bool response, bool optional)
{ if (message)
  { for (vector<wsdl__part>::const_iterator part = message->part.begin(); part != message->part.end(); ++part)
    { if (!(*part).name)
        fprintf(stderr, "\nError: no part name in message '%s'\n", message->name?message->name:"");
      else if (!body_parts || soap_tagsearch(body_parts, (*part).name))
      { if (remark && (*part).documentation)
          comment("", (*part).name, "parameter", (*part).documentation);
          fprintf(stream, "\n");
        if ((*part).element)
        { if ((*part).elementPtr())
          { const char *name, *type, *nameURI = NULL, *typeURI = NULL, *prefix = NULL;
            if (style == rpc && use == encoded)
	      name = (*part).name;
	    { name = (*part).elementPtr()->name;
              if (style == document && (*part).elementPtr()->schemaPtr())
                nameURI = (*part).elementPtr()->schemaPtr()->targetNamespace;
            if ((*part).elementPtr()->type)
              type = (*part).elementPtr()->type;
            { type = (*part).elementPtr()->name;
              prefix = "_";
              if ((*part).elementPtr()->schemaPtr())
                typeURI = (*part).elementPtr()->schemaPtr()->targetNamespace;
            if ((*part).elementPtr()->xmime__expectedContentTypes)
              fprintf(stream, "    /// MTOM attachment with content types %s\n", (*part).elementPtr()->xmime__expectedContentTypes);
            if (response)
            { const char *t = types.tname(prefix, typeURI, type);
              bool flag = (strchr(t, '*') && strcmp(t, "char*") && strcmp(t, "char *"));
              fprintf(stream, anonymous ? anonformat : paraformat, t, flag ? " " : cflag ? "*" : "&", types.aname(NULL, nameURI, name), sep);
              if (remark)
                fprintf(stream, "\t///< Output parameter");
            { fprintf(stream, anonymous ? anonformat : paraformat, types.pname(optional, prefix, typeURI, type), " ", types.aname(NULL, nameURI, name), sep);
              if (remark && *sep == ',')
                fprintf(stream, "\t///< Input parameter");
          { fprintf(stream, anonymous ? anonformat : paraformat, types.pname(optional, NULL, NULL, (*part).element), " ", types.aname(NULL, NULL, (*part).element), sep);
            if (remark)
              fprintf(stream, "\t///< TODO: Check element type (imported type)");
        else if ((*part).type)
        { if (response)
          { const char *t = types.tname(NULL, NULL, (*part).type);
            bool flag = (strchr(t, '*') && strcmp(t, "char*") && strcmp(t, "char *"));
            fprintf(stream, anonymous ? anonformat : paraformat, t, flag ? " " : cflag ? "*" : "&", types.aname(NULL, NULL, (*part).name), sep);
            if (remark)
              fprintf(stream, "\t///< Output parameter");
          { fprintf(stream, anonymous ? anonformat : paraformat, types.pname(optional, NULL, NULL, (*part).type), " ", types.aname(NULL, NULL, (*part).name), sep);
            if (remark && *sep == ',')
              fprintf(stream, "\t///< Input parameter");
          fprintf(stderr, "\nError: no wsdl:definitions/message/part/@type in part '%s'\n", (*part).name);
  else if (element) // WSDL 2.0
  { const char *prefix = NULL;
    const char *URI = NULL;
    const char *name = element->name;
    const char *type = element->type;
    if (!type)
    { type = name;
      prefix = "_";
    if (element->schemaPtr())
      URI = element->schemaPtr()->targetNamespace;
    if (response)
    { const char *t = types.tname(prefix, URI, type);
      bool flag = (strchr(t, '*') && strcmp(t, "char*") && strcmp(t, "char *"));
      fprintf(stream, "\n");
      fprintf(stream, paraformat, t, flag ? " " : cflag ? "*" : "&", anonymous ? "" : types.aname(NULL, URI, name), sep);
      if (remark)
        fprintf(stream, "\t///< Output parameter");
    else if (style == document || element->simpleTypePtr())
    { // WSDL 2.0 document style
      fprintf(stream, "\n");
      fprintf(stream, anonymous ? anonformat : paraformat, types.pname(optional, prefix, URI, type), " ", types.aname(NULL, URI, name), sep);
      if (remark && *sep == ',')
        fprintf(stream, "\t///< Input parameter");
    else if (element->complexTypePtr())
    { // WSDL 2.0 RPC style
      xs__seqchoice *seq = element->complexTypePtr()->sequence;
      for (vector<xs__contents>::const_iterator i = seq->__contents.begin(); i != seq->__contents.end(); ++i)
      { if ((*i).__union == SOAP_UNION_xs__union_content_element)
        { name = (*i).__content.element->name;
          type = (*i).__content.element->type;
	  if (!type)
	    type = name;
          fprintf(stream, "\n");
	  fprintf(stream, anonymous ? anonformat : paraformat, types.pname(optional, prefix, URI, type), " ", types.aname(NULL, NULL, name), sep);
          if (remark && *sep == ',')
            fprintf(stream, "\t///< Input parameter");

//	Miscellaneous

static const char *urienc(struct soap *soap, const char *uri)
{ const char *r, *s;
  char *t;
  size_t n = 0;
  if (!uri)
    return NULL;
  for (s = uri; *s; s++)
    if (!URI_CHAR(*s))
  if (!n)
    return uri;
  n = strlen(uri) + 2*n;
  r = t = (char*)soap_malloc(soap, n + 1);
  for (s = uri; *s; s++)
  { if (URI_CHAR(*s))
      *t++ = *s;
    { sprintf(t, "%%%.2x", *s);
      t += 3;
  *t = '\0';
  return r;

static bool imported(const char *tag)
{ if (!tag || *tag != '"')
    return false;
  for (SetOfString::const_iterator u = exturis.begin(); u != exturis.end(); ++u)
  { size_t n = strlen(*u);
    if (!strncmp(*u, tag + 1, n) && tag[n+1] == '"')
      return true;
  return false;

static void comment(const char *start, const char *middle, const char *end, const char *text)
{ if (text)
  { if (strchr(text, '\r') || strchr(text, '\n'))
      fprintf(stream, "\n/** %s %s %s documentation:\n%s\n*/\n\n", start, middle, end, text);
      fprintf(stream, "\n/// %s %s %s: %s\n", start, middle, end, text);

static void page(const char *page, const char *title, const char *text)
{ if (text)
    fprintf(stream, "\n@page %s%s \"%s\"\n", page, title, text);
    fprintf(stream, "\n@page %s%s\n", page, title);

static void section(const char *section, const char *title, const char *text)
{ if (text)
    fprintf(stream, "\n@section %s%s \"%s\"\n", section, title, text);
    fprintf(stream, "\n@section %s%s\n", section, title);

static void banner(const char *text)
{ int i;
  if (!text)
  fprintf(stream, "\n/");
  for (i = 0; i < 78; i++)
    fputc('*', stream);
  fprintf(stream, "\\\n *%76s*\n * %-75s*\n *%76s*\n\\", "", text, "");
  for (i = 0; i < 78; i++)
    fputc('*', stream);
  fprintf(stream, "/\n\n");
  if (vflag)
    fprintf(stderr, "\n----<< %s >>----\n\n", text);

static void banner(const char *text1, const char *text2)
{ int i;
  if (!text1)
  fprintf(stream, "\n/");
  for (i = 0; i < 78; i++)
    fputc('*', stream);
  if (text2)
    fprintf(stream, "\\\n *%76s*\n * %-75s*\n *   %-73s*\n *%76s*\n\\", "", text1, text2, "");
    fprintf(stream, "\\\n *%76s*\n * %-75s*\n *%76s*\n\\", "", text1, "");
  for (i = 0; i < 78; i++)
    fputc('*', stream);
  fprintf(stream, "/\n\n");
  if (vflag)
    fprintf(stderr, "\n----<< %s: %s >>----\n\n", text1, text2?text2:"");

static void ident()
{ time_t t = time(NULL), *p = &t;
  char tmp[256];
  int i;
  strftime(tmp, 256, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S GMT", gmtime(p));
  fprintf(stream, "/* %s\n   Generated by wsdl2h " WSDL2H_VERSION " from ", outfile?outfile:"");
  if (infiles)
  { for (i = 0; i < infiles; i++)
      fprintf(stream, "%s ", infile[i]);
    fprintf(stream, "(stdin) ");
  fprintf(stream, "and %s\n   %s\n\n   DO NOT INCLUDE THIS FILE DIRECTLY INTO YOUR PROJECT BUILDS\n   USE THE soapcpp2-GENERATED SOURCE CODE FILES FOR YOUR PROJECT BUILDS\n\n   gSOAP XML Web services tools.\n   Copyright (C) 2000-2013 Robert van Engelen, Genivia Inc. All Rights Reserved.\n   Part of this software is released under one of the following licenses:\n   GPL or Genivia's license for commercial use.\n*/\n\n", mapfile, tmp);

void text(const char *text)
{ const char *s;
  if (!text)
  size_t k = 0;
  for (s = text; *s; s++, k++)
  { switch (*s)
    { case '\n':
        if (k)
	{ fputc('\n', stream);
	  k = 0;
      case '\t':
        k = 8 * ((k + 8) / 8) - 1;
        fputc('\t', stream);
      case '/':
        fputc(*s, stream);
        if (s[1] == '*')
          fputc(' ', stream);
      case '*':
        fputc(*s, stream);
        if (s[1] == '/')
          fputc(' ', stream);
      case ' ':
        if (k >= 79)
	{ fputc('\n', stream);
	  k = 0;
	  fputc(' ', stream);
        if (*s >= 32)
          fputc(*s, stream);
  if (k)
    fputc('\n', stream);

//	WS-Policy

static void gen_policy(Service& service, const vector<const wsp__Policy*>& policy, const char *text, Types& types)
{ if (!policy.empty())
  { fprintf(stream, "\n  - WS-Policy applicable to the %s:\n", text);
    for (vector<const wsp__Policy*>::const_iterator p = policy.begin(); p != policy.end(); ++p)
      if (*p)
        (*p)->generate(service, types, 0);

static void gen_policy_enablers(const Service& service)
{ fprintf(stream, "\n/**\n");
  page(, " Binding",;
  section(, "_policy_enablers Policy Enablers of Binding ",;
  fprintf(stream, "\nBased on policies, this service imports");
  for (VectorOfString::const_iterator i = service.imports.begin(); i != service.imports.end(); ++i)
    fprintf(stream, " %s", *i); 
  fprintf(stream, "\n\n  - WS-Policy reminders and enablers:\n");
  fprintf(stream, "    - WS-Addressing 1.0 (2005/08, accepts 2004/08):\n\t@code\n\t#import \"wsa5.h\" // to be added to this header file for the soapcpp2 build step\n\t@endcode\n\t@code\n\t#include \"plugin/wsaapi.h\"\n\tsoap_register_plugin(soap, soap_wsa); // register the wsa plugin in your code\n\t// See the user guide gsoap/doc/wsa/html/index.html\n\t@endcode\n");
  fprintf(stream, "    - WS-Addressing (2004/08):\n\t@code\n\t#import \"wsa.h\" // to be added to this header file for the soapcpp2 build step\n\t@endcode\n\t@code\n\t#include \"plugin/wsaapi.h\"\n\tsoap_register_plugin(soap, soap_wsa); // register the wsa plugin in your code\n\t// See the user guide gsoap/doc/wsa/html/index.html\n\t@endcode\n");
  fprintf(stream, "    - WS-ReliableMessaging 1.0:\n\t@code\n\t#import \"wsrm5.h\" // to be added to this header file for the soapcpp2 build step\n\t@endcode\n\t@code\n\t#include \"plugin/wsrmapi.h\"\n\tsoap_register_plugin(soap, soap_wsa); // register the wsa plugin in your code\n\tsoap_register_plugin(soap, soap_wsrm); // register the wsrm plugin in your code\n\t// See the user guide gsoap/doc/wsrm/html/index.html\n\t@endcode\n");
  fprintf(stream, "    - WS-ReliableMessaging 1.1:\n\t@code\n\t#import \"wsrm.h\" // to be added to this header file for the soapcpp2 build step\n\t@endcode\n\t@code\n\t#include \"plugin/wsrmapi.h\"\n\tsoap_register_plugin(soap, soap_wsa); // register the wsa plugin in your code\n\tsoap_register_plugin(soap, soap_wsrm); // register the wsrm plugin in your code\n\t// See the user guide gsoap/doc/wsrm/html/index.html\n\t@endcode\n");
  fprintf(stream, "    - WS-Security (SOAP Message Security) 1.0 (accepts 1.1):\n\t@code\n\t#import \"wsse.h\" // to be added to this header file for the soapcpp2 build step\n\t@endcode\n\t@code\n\t#include \"plugin/wsseapi.h\"\n\tsoap_register_plugin(soap, soap_wsse); // register the wsse plugin in your code\n\t// See the user guide gsoap/doc/wsse/html/index.html\n\t@endcode\n");
  fprintf(stream, "    - WS-Security (SOAP Message Security) 1.1 (accepts 1.0):\n\t@code\n\t#import \"wsse11.h\" // to be added to this header file for the soapcpp2 build step\n\t@endcode\n\t@code\n\t#include \"plugin/wsseapi.h\"\n\tsoap_register_plugin(soap, soap_wsse); // register the wsse plugin in your code\n\t// See the user guide gsoap/doc/wsse/html/index.html\n\t@endcode\n");
  fprintf(stream, "    - HTTP Digest Authentication:\n\t@code\n\t#include \"plugin/httpda.h\"\n\tsoap_register_plugin(soap, soap_http_da); // register the HTTP DA plugin in your code\n\t// See the user guide gsoap/doc/httpda/html/index.html\n\t@endcode\n");
  fprintf(stream, "*/\n\n");
  for (VectorOfString::const_iterator i = service.imports.begin(); i != service.imports.end(); ++i)
    fprintf(stream, "#import \"%s\"\n", *i); 