view GEMBASSY-1.0.3/gsoap/src/init2.c @ 1:84a17b3fad1f draft

author ktnyt
date Fri, 26 Jun 2015 05:20:29 -0400
parents 8300eb051bea
line wrap: on
line source


	Symbol table initialization.

gSOAP XML Web services tools
Copyright (C) 2000-2008, Robert van Engelen, Genivia Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This part of the software is released under one of the following licenses:
GPL or Genivia's license for commercial use.
GPL license.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

Author contact information: /

This program is released under the GPL with the additional exemption that
compiling, linking, and/or using OpenSSL is allowed.
A commercial use license is available from Genivia, Inc.,

#include "soapcpp2.h"

#include "soapcpp2_yacc.h"
#include ""

typedef	struct Keyword
{ char *s;	/* name */
  Token t;	/* token */
} Keyword;

static Keyword keywords[] =
{	{ "asm",		NONE },
	{ "auto",		AUTO },
	{ "bool",		BOOL },
	{ "break",		BREAK },
	{ "case",		CASE },
	{ "catch",		NONE },
	{ "char",		CHAR },
	{ "class",		CLASS },
	{ "const",		CONST },
	{ "const_cast",		NONE },
	{ "continue",		CONTINUE },
	{ "default",		DEFAULT },
	{ "delete",		NONE },
	{ "do",			DO },
	{ "double",		DOUBLE },
	{ "dynamic_cast",	NONE },
	{ "else",		ELSE },
	{ "enum",		ENUM },
	{ "errno",		NONE },
	{ "explicit",		EXPLICIT },
	{ "export",		NONE },
	{ "extern",		EXTERN },
	{ "false",		CFALSE },
	{ "float",		FLOAT },
	{ "for",		FOR },
	{ "friend",		FRIEND },
	{ "goto",		GOTO },
	{ "if",			IF },
	{ "inline",		INLINE },
	{ "int",		INT },
	{ "int8_t",		CHAR },
	{ "int16_t",		SHORT },
	{ "int32_t",		INT },
	{ "int64_t",		LLONG },
	{ "long",		LONG },
	{ "LONG64",		LLONG },
	{ "mutable",		NONE },
	{ "namespace",		NAMESPACE },
	{ "new",		NONE },
	{ "NULL",		null },
	{ "operator",		OPERATOR },
	{ "private",		PRIVATE },
	{ "protected",		PROTECTED },
	{ "public",		PUBLIC },
	{ "register",		REGISTER },
	{ "reinterpret_cast",	NONE },
	{ "restrict",		NONE },
	{ "return",		RETURN },
	{ "short",		SHORT },
	{ "signed",		SIGNED },
	{ "size_t",		SIZE },
	{ "sizeof",		SIZEOF },
	{ "static",		STATIC },
	{ "static_cast",	NONE },
	{ "struct",		STRUCT },
	{ "switch",		SWITCH },
	{ "template",		TEMPLATE },
	{ "this",		NONE },
	{ "throw",		NONE },
	{ "time_t",		TIME },
	{ "true",		CTRUE },
	{ "typedef",		TYPEDEF },
	{ "typeid",		NONE },
	{ "typename",		TYPENAME },
	{ "uint8_t",		UCHAR },
	{ "uint16_t",		USHORT },
	{ "uint32_t",		UINT },
	{ "uint64_t",		ULLONG },
	{ "ULONG64",		ULLONG },
	{ "union",		UNION },
	{ "unsigned",		UNSIGNED },
	{ "using",		USING },
	{ "virtual",		VIRTUAL },
	{ "void",		VOID },
	{ "volatile",		VOLATILE },
	{ "wchar_t",		WCHAR },
	{ "while",		WHILE },

	{ "operator!",		NONE },
	{ "operator~",		NONE },
	{ "operator=",		NONE },
	{ "operator+=",		NONE },
	{ "operator-=",		NONE },
	{ "operator*=",		NONE },
	{ "operator/=",		NONE },
	{ "operator%=",		NONE },
	{ "operator&=",		NONE },
	{ "operator^=",		NONE },
	{ "operator|=",		NONE },
	{ "operator<<=",	NONE },
	{ "operator>>=",	NONE },
	{ "operator||",		NONE },
	{ "operator&&",		NONE },
	{ "operator|",		NONE },
	{ "operator^",		NONE },
	{ "operator&",		NONE },
	{ "operator==",		NONE },
	{ "operator!=",		NONE },
	{ "operator<",		NONE },
	{ "operator<=",		NONE },
	{ "operator>",		NONE },
	{ "operator>=",		NONE },
	{ "operator<<",		NONE },
	{ "operator>>",		NONE },
	{ "operator+",		NONE },
	{ "operator-",		NONE },
	{ "operator*",		NONE },
	{ "operator/",		NONE },
	{ "operator%",		NONE },
	{ "operator++",		NONE },
	{ "operator--",		NONE },
	{ "operator->",		NONE },
	{ "operator[]",		NONE },
	{ "operator()",		NONE },

	{ "mustUnderstand",	MUSTUNDERSTAND },

	{ "soap",		ID },
	{ "SOAP_ENV__Header",	ID },
	{ "dummy",		ID },
	{ "soap_header",	ID },

	{ "SOAP_ENV__Fault",	ID },
	{ "SOAP_ENV__Code",	ID },
	{ "SOAP_ENV__Subcode",	ID },
	{ "SOAP_ENV__Reason",	ID },
	{ "SOAP_ENV__Text",	ID },
	{ "SOAP_ENV__Detail",	ID },
	{ "SOAP_ENV__Value",	ID },
	{ "SOAP_ENV__Node",	ID },
	{ "SOAP_ENV__Role",	ID },
	{ "faultcode",		ID },
	{ "faultstring",	ID },
	{ "faultactor",		ID },
	{ "detail",		ID },
	{ "__type",		ID },
	{ "fault",		ID },
	{ "__any",		ID },

	{ "_QName",		ID },
	{ "_XML",		ID },
	{ "std::string",	TYPE },
	{ "std::wstring",	TYPE },

	{ "/*?*/",		NONE },

	{ 0,			0 }

init - initialize symbol table with predefined keywords
void init(void)
{ struct Keyword *k;
  for (k = keywords; k->s; k++)
    install(k->s, k->t);