1 <tool id="mummer_tool" name="MUMmer compare and plot" version="0.4.alx" force_history_refresh="True">
2 <description>: Compare and plot genomes (Nucmer or Promer)</description>
3 <command interpreter="bash">
4 mummer_tool.sh
5 $input_ref $input_query
6 $out_delta $out_coords $out_png $out_log
7 $algorithm
8 $keep_delta $make_coords $keep_log $make_image
9 $cmd_extra
10 </command>
11 <inputs>
12 <param name="algorithm" type="select" format="text" value="nucmer" label="Algorithm" help="Nucmer dna or Promer protein (FASTA: protein. Dna is six frame translated)">
13 <option value="nucmer">Nucmer DNA</option>
14 <option value="promer">Promer</option>
15 </param>
16 <param name="input_ref" type="data" format="fasta" label="Reference sequence" />
17 <param name="input_query" type="data" format="fasta" label="Sequence query file"/>
18 <param name="make_image" type="select" format="text" value="yes" label="Generate MUMmerplot" help="MUMmerplot will be run with default settings and --large --png as fixed image.">
19 <option value="yes">Yes</option>
20 <option value="no">No</option>
21 </param>
22 <param name="keep_delta" type="select" format="text" value="no" label="Keep delta file" help="i.e. for further processing">
23 <option value="no">No</option>
24 <option value="yes">Yes</option>
25 </param>
26 <param name="make_coords" type="select" format="text" value="yes" label="Make coords file" help="Uses the -r argument to sort lines by reference.">
27 <option value="no">No</option>
28 <option value="yes">Yes</option>
29 </param>
30 <param name="keep_log" type="select" format="text" value="no" label="Keep console log file" help="i.e. for debugging">
31 <option value="no">No</option>
32 <option value="yes">Yes</option>
33 </param>
34 <param name="cmd_extra" type="text" size="40" value="" label="Extra cmd line options" help="the --coords is run by default" />
35 </inputs>
36 <outputs>
37 <data name="out_coords" format="tabular" label="${algorithm.value_label} coords">
38 <filter>make_coords=="yes"</filter>
39 </data>
40 <data name="out_delta" format="tabular" label="${algorithm.value_label} delta">
41 <filter>keep_delta=="yes"</filter>
42 </data>
43 <data name="out_png" format="png" label="${algorithm.value_label} mummerplot">
44 <filter>make_image=="yes"</filter>
45 </data>
46 <data name="out_log" format="tabular" label="Console log file">
47 <filter>keep_log=="yes"</filter>
48 </data>
49 </outputs>
50 <requirements>
51 <requirement type="package" version="4.6">gnuplot</requirement>
52 <requirement type="package" version="3.23">mummer</requirement>
53 </requirements>
54 <tests>
55 <test>
56 <param name="algorithm" value="nucmer" />
57 <param name="input_ref" value="test.seq1.fasta"/>
58 <param name="input_query" value="test.seq2.fasta"/>
59 <param name="make_image" value="yes"/>
60 <param name="keep_delta" value="no" />
61 <param name="make_coords" value="no" />
62 <param name="keep_log" value="yes" />
64 <output name="out_log" file="test.MUMmerplot.result.Nucmer_galaxy.log" />
65 <output name="out_png" file="test.MUMmerplot.result.Nucmer_galaxy.png" />
66 </test>
67 </tests>
68 <help>
69 |
72 **Reference**
73 -------------
75 - **Nucmer Galaxy tool wrapper: Alex Bossers, CVI of Wageningen UR, The Netherlands.**
77 - **Nucmer or Promer of MUMmer suite:** v3.22 http://mummer.sourceforge.net/manual/
79 - **MUMmer tutorials:** http://mummer.sourceforge.net/examples/
82 If you found these tools/wrappers useful in your research, please acknowledge our work. If you improve
83 or modify the wrappers please add instead of substitute yourself into the acknowlegement section :)
86 **Command line arguments**
87 --------------------------
89 --mum Use anchor matches that are unique in both the reference and query
90 --mumreference Use anchor matches that are unique in the reference but not necessarily unique in the query (default behavior)
91 --maxmatch Use all anchor matches regardless of their uniqueness
92 --breaklen Distance an alignment extension will attempt to extend poor scoring regions before giving up (default 200)
93 --mincluster Minimum cluster length (default 65)
94 --delta Toggle the creation of the delta file. Setting --nodelta prevents the alignment extension step and only outputs the match clusters (default --delta)
95 --depend Print the dependency information and exit
96 --diagfactor Maximum diagonal difference factor for clustering, i.e. diagonal difference / match separation (default 0.12)
97 --extend Toggle the outward extension of alignments from their anchoring clusters. Setting --noextend will prevent alignment extensions but still align the DNA between clustered matches and create the .delta file (default --extend)
98 --forward Align only the forward strands of each sequence
99 --maxgap Maximum gap between two adjacent matches in a cluster (default 90)
100 --help Print the help information and exit
101 --minmatch Minimum length of an maximal exact match (default 20)
102 --optimize Toggle alignment score optimization. Setting --nooptimize will prevent alignment score optimization and result in sometimes longer, but lower scoring alignments (default --optimize)
103 --reverse Align only the reverse strand of the query sequence to the forward strand of the reference
104 --simplify Simplify alignments by removing shadowed clusters. Turn this option off (--nosimplify) if aligning a sequence to itself to look for repeats (default --simplify)
105 --version Print the version information and exit
106 --coords **Automatically ON in galaxy wrapper!** It generates the .coords file using the 'show-coords' program with the -r option.
107 --prefix **Do NOT use in Galaxy wrapper!** Set the output file prefix (default out)
109 |
110 |
112 </help>
113 </tool>