diff server.py @ 0:b58b229c4cbf draft

planemo upload commit 523a9c8df173302ad38e9f15e7d82eab01736551-dirty
author lain
date Fri, 03 Mar 2023 14:10:24 +0000
children 7e3085fc60c1
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/server.py	Fri Mar 03 14:10:24 2023 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1120 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import atexit
+import csv
+import http.server
+import json
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import shutil
+import socketserver
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import yaml
+COMPOUND_REF = "compound-ref"
+COMPOUND_MIX = "compound-mix"
+  "[\n"
+  + ("  [" + ','.join([' ""'] * MS_DATA_COLUMN_NUMBER) + "],\n") * 17
+  "m/z": "fragment_mz",
+  "absolute_intensity": "abs_intensity",
+  "relative_intensity": "rel_intensity",
+  "theo_mass": "",
+  "delta_ppm": "ppm",
+  "rdbequiv": "",
+  "composition": "",
+  "attribution": "fragment",
+  "name": str,
+  "inchikey": str,
+  "composition": str,
+  "fragment": str,
+  "fragment_mz": str,
+  "ppm": str,
+  "fileid": str,
+  "correlation": str,
+  "abs_intensity": lambda x:float(x) * 100,
+  "rel_intensity": lambda x:float(x) * 100,
+  "valid_corelation": str
+class ConfigException(ValueError):
+  """
+  An exception raised when something went wrong in the config and we
+  cannot continue - i.e: when there's no token for peakforest
+  """
+class YAMLConfig(dict):
+  """
+  Dictionary that handles key with dot in them:
+  test["truc.chose"]
+  is equivalant to
+  test["truc"]["chose"]
+  Assignation works too.
+  Add the possibility to use placeholders:
+  --- yaml
+  test: {{ truc.chose }}
+  truc:
+    chose: bidule
+  ---
+  here, test's value is "bidule"
+  """
+  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+    meta_conf = kwargs.pop("__meta_config__", {})
+    self._debug = meta_conf.get("__debug__", False)
+    self._stream_name = meta_conf.get("__debug_stream__", "stdout")
+    self._debug_stream = getattr(sys, self._stream_name)
+    self._only_root_debug = meta_conf.get("__only_root_debug__", False)
+    if "__root__" in kwargs:
+      if self._only_root_debug:
+        self._debug = False
+      self._name = kwargs.pop("__name__")
+      self._debugger("Is not root config.")
+      self._root = kwargs.pop("__root__")
+    else:
+      self._name = "root"
+      self._debugger("Is root config.")
+      self._root = self
+    super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+    for key, value in self.copy().items():
+      if isinstance(value, dict) and not isinstance(value, YAMLConfig):
+        self._debugger(f"Parsing sub-config for {key}")
+        self[key] = self._propagate(value, key)
+    self._replace_placeholders(self)
+    self._extract_defaults()
+  def _propagate(self, sub_dict, name):
+    if isinstance(sub_dict, dict) and not isinstance(sub_dict, self.__class__):
+      return YAMLConfig(
+        **sub_dict,
+        __name__=name,
+        __root__=self._root,
+        __meta_config__={
+          "__debug__": self._debug,
+          "__debug_stream__": self._stream_name,
+          "__only_root_debug__": self._only_root_debug,
+        }
+      )
+    return sub_dict
+  def _debugger(self, message):
+    if self._debug:
+      self._debug_stream.write(f"[{self._name}]: {message}\n")
+      self._debug_stream.flush()
+  def __getattr__(self, attr):
+    if attr in self:
+      return self[attr]
+    if '.' in attr:
+      attr, sub = attr.split('.', 1)
+      return getattr(getattr(self, attr), sub)
+    return super().__getattribute__(attr)
+  def _replace_placeholders(self, subpart):
+    self._debugger("Replacing placeholders...")
+    for sub_key, sub_item in subpart.copy().items():
+      if isinstance(sub_item, str):
+        for placeholder in re.findall("{{ (?P<placeholder>.*?) }}", sub_item):
+          if placeholder not in self._root:
+            self._debugger(f"Could not fine replacement for {placeholder}")
+            continue
+          replacement = self._root[placeholder]
+          if isinstance(replacement, str):
+            self._debugger(f"Found placeholder: {placeholder} -> {replacement}")
+            sub_item = sub_item.replace(
+              "{{ " + placeholder + " }}",
+              replacement
+            )
+          else:
+            self._debugger(f"Found placeholder: {placeholder} -> {replacement.__class__.__name__}")
+            sub_item = self._propagate(replacement, placeholder)
+          dict.__setitem__(subpart, sub_key, sub_item)
+      elif isinstance(sub_item, dict):
+        super().__setitem__(sub_key, self._propagate(sub_item, sub_key))
+  def _extract_defaults(self):
+    if self._root is not self:
+      return
+    if "defaults" not in self:
+      self._debugger("No defaults here.")
+      return
+    if "arguments" not in self:
+      self._debugger("Arguments creation...")
+      self["arguments"] = self._propagate({}, "arguments")
+    self._debugger("Populating arguments with defaults values")
+    for key, value in self.defaults.items():
+      if key not in self:
+        if isinstance(value, dict):
+          value = self._propagate(value, key)
+        self.arguments[key] = value
+        self._debugger(f"Default {key} = {value}")
+  def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+    if isinstance(value, dict):
+      value = self._propagate(value, key)
+    if "." not in key:
+      return super().__setitem__(key, value)
+    curent = self
+    key, subkey = key.rsplit(".", 1)
+    self[key][subkey] = value
+  def __getitem__(self, key):
+    if super().__contains__(key):
+      return super().__getitem__(key)
+    if "." not in key:
+      return super().__getitem__(key)
+    curent = self
+    while "." in key:
+      key, subkey = key.split(".", 1)
+      curent = curent[key]
+      key = subkey
+    if subkey not in curent:
+      curent[subkey] = self._propagate({}, subkey)
+    result = curent[subkey]
+    return result
+  def __contains__(self, key):
+    if "." not in key:
+      return super().__contains__(key)
+    key, subkey = key.split(".", 1)
+    if not super().__contains__(key):
+      return False
+    return subkey in self[key]
+  def copy(self):
+    return {
+      key: (
+        value if not isinstance(value, dict)
+        else value.copy()
+      ) for key, value in self.items()
+    }
+class YAMLParameters(YAMLConfig):
+  """
+  Parses parameters from the command line and put them
+  in the config.
+  Uses the config to know which parameter is recognized, or not,
+  to know the metadata (author, version),
+  which command is a flag, is optional, the help strings, etc...
+  Assigns default small parameter if not defined in the "shortcut"
+  section of the config file.
+  CLI config must be in the root section "parameters":
+  ---
+  parameters:
+    mandatory:
+      input: input file path
+    flags:
+      help: Show this help
+    optional:
+      method: "default is {{ defaults.method }}"
+    meta:
+      author: Lain Pavot
+      version: 1.1.0
+    shortcuts:
+      help: h
+      ## will autogenerate -i for input and -m for method
+  ---
+  default parameters are searched in the "default" root section.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+    super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+    self._errors = list()
+    if not self.parameters.shortcuts:
+      self.parameters["shortcuts"] = YAMLConfig()
+    self._mandatory = self.parameters.mandatory
+    self._optional = self.parameters.optional
+    self._flags = {
+      flag: False
+      for flag in self.parameters.flags
+    }
+    self._all_params = self._optional.copy()
+    self._all_params.update(self._mandatory)
+    self._all_params.update(self._flags)
+    self._small_params = dict()
+    self._determine_small_params()
+  @property
+  def in_error(self):
+    return bool(self._errors)
+  @property
+  def sorted_keys(self):
+    return sorted(self._all_params.keys())
+  @property
+  def sorted_items(self):
+    return sorted(self._all_params.items())
+  def _determine_small_params(self, verbose=False):
+    self._small_params = (self.parameters.shortcuts or {}).copy()
+    chars = list(map(chr, range(97, 123))) + list(map(chr, range(65, 91)))
+    all_params = self._all_params.copy()
+    for long, short in self._small_params.items():
+      chars.remove(short)
+      del all_params[long]
+    for param in all_params.copy().keys():
+      for operation in (
+        lambda x:x[0],  ## select first char
+        lambda x:x.split('-', 1)[-1][0], ## first char after -
+        lambda x:x.split('_', 1)[-1][0], ## first char after _
+        lambda x:x.split('.', 1)[-1][0], ## first char after .
+        lambda x:x[0].upper(),  ## select first char
+        lambda x:x.split('-', 1)[-1][0].upper(), ## first char after -
+        lambda x:x.split('_', 1)[-1][0].upper(), ## first char after _
+        lambda x:x.split('.', 1)[-1][0].upper(), ## first char after .
+        lambda x: chars[0], ## first letter in the alphabet
+      ):
+        char = operation(param)
+        if char not in self._small_params.values():
+          self._small_params[param] = char
+          chars.remove(char)
+          del all_params[param]
+          break
+  def _get_parameter_index(self, parameter, original):
+    if f"--{parameter}" in sys.argv:
+      return sys.argv.index(f"--{parameter}")
+    parameter = self._small_params[original]
+    if f"-{parameter}" in sys.argv:
+      return sys.argv.index(f"-{parameter}")
+    return None
+  def as_parameter(self, string):
+    return (
+      string
+      .replace('.', '-')
+      .replace('_', '-')
+    )
+  def show_version(self):
+    print(self.parameters.meta.version)
+  def show_help(self):
+    parameters = [
+      f"-{self._small_params[arg]}|--{self.as_parameter(arg)} {arg}"
+      for arg in self._mandatory
+    ] + [
+      f"[-{self._small_params[arg]}|--{self.as_parameter(arg)} {arg}]"
+      for arg in self._optional
+    ] + [
+      f"[-{self._small_params[arg]}|--{self.as_parameter(arg)}]"
+      for arg in self._flags
+    ]
+    print(
+      f"Usage: {__file__} " + ' '.join(parameters)
+      + "\n\n"
+      + '\n'.join(
+        f"    -{self._small_params[args]}|--{self.as_parameter(args)}: {help_str}"
+        for args, help_str in self.sorted_items
+      )
+      + "\n\n"
+      + '\n'.join(
+        f"{key}: {value}"
+        for key, value in self.parameters.meta.items()
+      )
+    )
+    sys.exit(0)
+  def parse_args(self):
+    errors = list()
+    for kind in ("mandatory", "optional", "flags"):
+      keys = list(sorted(getattr(self, f"_{kind}").keys()))
+      for original_param, actual_param in zip(
+        keys,
+        map(self.as_parameter, keys),
+      ):
+        if original_param in self.defaults:
+          self.arguments[original_param] = self.defaults[original_param]
+        elif kind == "flags":
+          self.arguments[original_param] = False
+        parser = getattr(self, f"parse_{kind}")
+        if (error := parser(original_param, actual_param)):
+          errors.append(error)
+    self._errors = errors
+    return self
+  def parse_mandatory(self, original, actual):
+    if (index := self._get_parameter_index(actual, original)) is None:
+      return f"The parameter --{actual} is mandatory."
+    if index == len(sys.argv) - 1:
+      return f"The parameter --{actual} needs a value."
+    self.arguments[original] = sys.argv[index + 1]
+  def parse_optional(self, original, actual):
+    if (index := self._get_parameter_index(actual, original)) is None:
+      return
+    if index == len(sys.argv) - 1:
+      return f"The parameter --{actual} needs a value."
+    self.arguments[original] = sys.argv[index + 1]
+  def parse_flags(self, original, actual):
+    if (index := self._get_parameter_index(actual, original)) is None:
+      return
+    self.arguments[original] = True
+def parse_config(**kwargs):
+  """
+  opens the config file, extract it using pyyaml's safe loader
+  and tries to extract and apply a maximum of informations/directives
+  from the config:
+   - token retrieval
+   - workdir management
+   - tempfile management
+  """
+  root_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+  with open(os.path.join(root_dir, "config.yml")) as config_file:
+    config = YAMLConfig(
+      **yaml.load(config_file.read(), Loader=yaml.SafeLoader),
+      **kwargs
+    )
+  if not config.token.value:
+    if config.token.use_file:
+      if (not os.path.exists(path := config.token.file_path)):
+        raise ConfigException("Missing token value or token file.")
+      with open(path) as token_file:
+        config.token["value"] = token_file.read()
+    elif config.defaults.peakforest.token:
+      config.token["value"] = config.defaults.peakforest.token
+  if config.workdir.create_tmp:
+    tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+    atexit.register(lambda:shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir))
+  else:
+    tmp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir()
+  config.workdir["tmp_dir"] = tmp_dir
+  config["root_dir"] = root_dir
+  config["tab_list"] = []
+  config["form_template"] = os.path.join(root_dir, config.templates.form)
+  config["meta_template"] = os.path.join(root_dir, config.templates.main)
+  config["js_template"] = os.path.join(root_dir, config.templates.js)
+  config["tab_list_template"] = os.path.join(root_dir, config.templates.tab_list)
+  config["placeholders"] = dict()
+  config.placeholders[TAB_INDEX_PLACEHOLDER] = "1"
+  config.placeholders[ACTIVE_TAB_PLACEHOLDER] = "active"
+  config.placeholders[ADD_SPECTRUM_FORM] = ""
+  config.placeholders[EMBED_JS_PLACEHOLDER] = ""
+  config.placeholders[TAB_LIST_PLACEHOLDER] = ""
+  config.placeholders["DEFAULT_MIN_MZ"] = "50"
+  config.placeholders["DEFAULT_MAX_MZ"] = "500"
+  config.placeholders["DEFAULT_RESOLUTION_LOW"] = ""
+  config.placeholders["DEFAULT_RESOLUTION_HIGH"] = "selected=\"selected\""
+  config.placeholders["DEFAULT_RESOLUTION_UNSET"] = ""
+  config.placeholders["DEFAULT_MIN_RT"] = "0.9"
+  config.placeholders["DEFAULT_MAX_RT"] = "1.4"
+  return config
+def parse_parameters(config):
+  """
+  parses command line and checks provided values are acceptable/usable.
+  Raises some error if not.
+  """
+  parameters = YAMLParameters(**config)
+  parameters.parse_args()
+  parameters["json_result"] = []
+  get_logger(parameters)
+  arguments = parameters.arguments
+  if arguments.help:
+    parameters.show_help()
+    sys.exit(0)
+  if arguments.version:
+    parameters.show_version()
+    sys.exit(0)
+  if parameters.in_error:
+    raise ValueError(
+      "Some errors occured during parameters extraction: \n"
+      + '\n'.join(parameters.errors)
+    )
+  if arguments.sample_type == COMPOUND_MIX:
+    parameters["form_template"] = os.path.join(
+      parameters["root_dir"],
+      parameters.templates.form_mix
+    )
+    parameters["meta_template"] = os.path.join(
+      parameters["root_dir"],
+      parameters.templates.main_mix
+    )
+  elif arguments.sample_type == COMPOUND_REF:
+    parameters["form_template"] = os.path.join(
+      parameters["root_dir"],
+      parameters.templates.form_ref
+    )
+    parameters["meta_template"] = os.path.join(
+      parameters["root_dir"],
+      parameters.templates.main_ref
+    )
+  arguments["produce_json"] = (
+    "output_json" in arguments
+    and arguments["output_json"] != ""
+  )
+  if arguments.produce_json:
+    parameters.placeholders[PRODUCE_JSON_PLACEHOLDER] = "true"
+    parameters.json_result = []
+    arguments["output_json"] = os.path.abspath(arguments["output_json"])
+    atexit.register(save_json, parameters)
+  else:
+    parameters.placeholders[PRODUCE_JSON_PLACEHOLDER] = "false"
+  if arguments.run_dry_html:
+    arguments["do_run_dry"] = True
+    parameters.generated["html"] = os.path.abspath(arguments.run_dry_html)
+  if arguments.run_dry_js:
+    arguments["do_run_dry"] = True
+    parameters.generated["js"] = os.path.abspath(arguments.run_dry_js)
+  if arguments.do_run_dry:
+    parameters.logger.info("Dry run. Server will ne be run.")
+    if arguments.run_dry_html:
+      parameters.logger.info(f"HTML file will be put in {arguments.run_dry_html}")
+    if arguments.run_dry_js:
+      parameters.logger.info(f"JS file will be put in {arguments.run_dry_js}")
+  if arguments.peakforest.token:
+    config.token["value"] = arguments.peakforest.token
+  if not config.token.value:
+    raise ConfigException(
+      "No token provided. We will not be able to connect to peakforest."
+    )
+  if os.path.exists(arguments.input):
+    single_file = True
+    file_paths = [arguments.input]
+  else:
+    path_list = arguments.input.split(',')
+    if all(map(os.path.exists, path_list)):
+      single_file = False
+      file_paths = path_list
+    else:
+      raise ValueError(
+        f"Some files cannot be found: "
+        + ', '.join(
+          path for path in path_list
+          if not os.path.exists(path)
+        )
+      )
+  arguments["input"] = list(map(os.path.abspath, file_paths))
+  if single_file:
+    arguments["name"] = [arguments.name]
+    arguments["raw_metadata"] = [arguments.raw_metadata]
+    parameters.logger.info(f"Single file processing: {arguments.input}")
+  else:
+    parameters.logger.info(f"Multiple file processing:")
+    arguments["raw_metadata"] = arguments.raw_metadata.split(
+      arguments.raw_metadata_sep
+    )
+    if not arguments.name:
+      arguments["name"] = arguments["raw_metadata"]
+    else:
+      arguments["name"] = arguments.name.split(',')
+  for i in range(len(arguments.name)):
+    parameters.logger.info(f"  - file: {arguments.input[i]}")
+    parameters.logger.info(f"  - name: {arguments.name[i]}")
+    parameters.logger.info(f"  - metadata: {arguments.raw_metadata[i]}")
+    parameters.logger.info(f"  ")
+  if (
+    len(arguments.name) != len(arguments.raw_metadata)
+    or len(arguments.name) != len(arguments.input)
+  ):
+    raise ValueError(
+      "name, raw_metadata and input parameters have different lengths: \n"
+      f"input is {len(arguments.input)} elements long, "
+      f"raw_metadata is {len(arguments.raw_metadata)} elements long "
+      f"and name is {len(arguments.name)} elements long."
+    )
+  if arguments.spectrum_type == "LC_MS":
+    arguments["scan_type"] = "ms"
+  elif arguments.spectrum_type == "LC_MSMS":
+    arguments["scan_type"] = "ms2"
+  if arguments.method == "test":
+    if arguments.spectrum_type == "LC_MS":
+      arguments["method"] = "cf_pfem_urine_qtof"
+    else:
+      arguments["method"] = "cf_pfem_urine_method1_qtof-msms"
+  if arguments["sample_type"] == COMPOUND_MIX:
+    check_mix_compound_files(parameters)
+  more_info_in_logs(parameters)
+  return parameters
+def check_mix_compound_files(parameters):
+  arguments = parameters.arguments
+  try:
+    numbarz = [
+      list(map(int, os.path.basename(metadata).split("_", 1)[0].split("-")))
+      for metadata in arguments.raw_metadata
+    ]
+  except ValueError:
+    parameters.logger.error(
+      "Metadata/file names does not start with `[0-9]+-[0-9]+_.*` . "
+      "This is necessary in the case of compounds mix."
+    )
+    sys.exit(-1)
+  runs, samples = zip(*numbarz)
+  if not all(runs[0] == i for i in runs[1:]):
+    parameters.logger.error(
+      "Run numbers in metadata/file names are not identical. "
+      "You mixed some files."
+    )
+    sys.exit(-1)
+  length = len(samples)
+  if list(sorted(samples)) != list(range(1, length+1)):
+    if not all(samples.count(i) == 1 for i in samples):
+      parameters.logger.error("Some samples are duplicated. ")
+    else:
+      parameters.logger.error("Some samples files are missing. ")
+    sys.exit(-1)
+def more_info_in_logs(config):
+  arguments = config.arguments
+  if arguments.embed_js:
+    config.logger.info(f"JS will be embed in HTML page to form a HTML bundle.")
+  else:
+    config.logger.info(f"JS are separated files, needed to be served.")
+  config.logger.info(f"Choosen parameters:")
+  config.logger.info(f"  - method: {arguments.method}")
+  config.logger.info(f"  - peakforest instance: {arguments.peakforest.url}")
+  config.logger.info(f"  - polarity instance: {arguments.polarity}")
+  config.logger.info(f"  - spectrum type: {arguments.spectrum_type}")
+  config.logger.info(f"  - scan type: {arguments.scan_type}")
+  config.logger.info(f"  - produce JSON: {arguments.produce_json}")
+  config.logger.info(f"  - sample type: {arguments.sample_type}")
+def process_all_files(config):
+  """
+  for each file and its metadata, read and process them,
+  then fills the meta html template file with the whole result.
+  """
+  arguments = config.arguments
+  extra_defaults = [
+    process_fragnot_metadata(metadata, config)
+    for metadata in arguments.raw_metadata
+  ]
+  for i, name in enumerate(arguments.name):
+    extra_defaults[i]["name"] = name
+  if not extra_defaults:
+    extra_defaults = [{}] * len(arguments.input)
+  index = 0
+  for input_path, extra_default in zip(arguments.input, extra_defaults):
+    config.logger.info(f"Processing file at {input_path}...")
+    curent_defaults = arguments.copy()
+    curent_defaults.update(extra_default)
+    if config.arguments.verbose:
+      config.logger.info(
+        "[VERBOSE] Defaults for curent file: "
+        + ';'.join(f"{key}={value}" for key, value in curent_defaults.items())
+      )
+    tsv_content, tsv_data_extractor = read_input(input_path, config)
+    index = process_tsv(
+      tsv_content,
+      tsv_data_extractor,
+      config,
+      defaults_data = curent_defaults,
+      index = index+1,
+    )
+  if arguments.embed_js:
+    config.logger.info(f"Embeding JS in HTML file... ")
+    for index in range(len(config.tab_list)):
+      config.placeholders[EMBED_JS_PLACEHOLDER] += "<script type='text/javascript'>"
+      with open(f"add-one-spectrum-{index+1}.js") as js_file:
+        config.placeholders[EMBED_JS_PLACEHOLDER] += js_file.read()
+      config.placeholders[EMBED_JS_PLACEHOLDER] += "</script>"
+      config.placeholders[EMBED_JS_PLACEHOLDER] += "\n"
+      config.logger.info(f"  - add-one-spectrum-{index+1}.js embed.")
+    config.placeholders[TAB_LIST_PLACEHOLDER] = "\n".join(config.tab_list)
+  else:
+    config.placeholders[EMBED_JS_PLACEHOLDER] += "<script type='text/javascript'>"
+    config.placeholders[EMBED_JS_PLACEHOLDER] += "</script>"
+    config.placeholders[EMBED_JS_PLACEHOLDER] += "\n".join(
+      [""] + [
+        " "*12 + f"<script src=\"./add-one-spectrum-{index+1}.js\"></script>"
+        for index in range(len(config.tab_list))
+      ]
+    )
+    config.placeholders[EMBED_JS_PLACEHOLDER] += "\n"
+    config.placeholders[TAB_LIST_PLACEHOLDER] = "\n".join(config.tab_list)
+  fill_template("meta_template", "pf_path", config)
+def fill_template(
+  template_name,
+  output_name,
+  config,
+  additional_placeholders=dict()
+  """
+  Fills a template, replaces the placeholders.
+  Either outputs the result in a given file, or returns it if path is none.
+  """
+  template_path = config[template_name]
+  config.logger.debug(f"Filling template {template_name} at {template_path}...")
+  with open(template_path) as template_file:
+    template_content = template_file.read()
+  placeholders = config.placeholders.copy()
+  placeholders.update(additional_placeholders)
+  for placeholder, replacement in placeholders.items():
+    if not placeholder.startswith(config.templates.placeholders.start):
+      placeholder = placeholder.join((
+        config.templates.placeholders.start,
+        config.templates.placeholders.stop
+      ))
+    template_content = template_content.replace(placeholder, replacement)
+  if output_name is None:
+    config.logger.debug(f"Returning template content")
+    return template_content
+  output_path = config[output_name]
+  if "{{ index }}" in output_path:
+    index_value = additional_placeholders["{{ index }}"]
+    config.logger.debug(f"Changing index value for {index_value}")
+    output_path = output_path.replace("{{ index }}", index_value)
+  config.logger.debug(f"Full output path {output_path}")
+  with open(output_path, "w") as output_file:
+    output_file.write(template_content)
+def read_input(input_path, config):
+  """
+  reads a tsv file and determin its processor, based on its header.
+  """
+  with open(input_path) as input_file:
+    config.logger.info(f"Reading {input_path}...")
+    tsv_file = csv.reader(input_file, delimiter='\t')
+    header = next(tsv_file)
+    tsv_file = list(tsv_file)
+  config.logger.info(f"Header is: {', '.join(header)}")
+  if header == list(FRAGNOT_HEADER):
+    config.logger.info(f"Fragnot recognized.")
+    processor = fragnot_extractor
+    return uniformize_fragnot(tsv_file, header), processor
+  else:
+    config.logger.info(f"MS2Snoop recognized.")
+    processor = ms2snoop_extractor
+    return uniformize_ms2snoop(tsv_file, header), processor
+def uniformize_fragnot(content, header):
+  """
+  sorts fragnot data so they appear always in the same order
+  """
+  return sorted(content, key=lambda x:(float(x[0]), float(x[4])))
+def uniformize_ms2snoop(content, header):
+  """
+  sorts ms2snoop data so they appear always in the same order
+  """
+  return sorted(content, key=lambda x:(x[0], float(x[4])))
+def process_fragnot_metadata(raw_metadata, config):
+  """
+  Tries to extract informations from the metadata provided by fragnot
+  files names.
+  Heavily based on regex defined in conf file.
+  """
+  regex = config.regex.copy()
+  del regex["values"]
+  result = {}
+  config.logger.info(f"Extracting info from {raw_metadata}...")
+  count = 0
+  for name, expression in regex.items():
+    if (match := re.search(expression, raw_metadata)):
+      result[name] = match[name]
+      count += 1
+      did = "+ did"
+    else:
+      did = "- did not"
+    if config.arguments.verbose:
+      config.logger.info(f"  {did} match {expression}")
+  config.logger.info(f"{count} useful informations extracted.")
+  return result
+def process_tsv(
+  tsv_content,
+  tsv_data_extractor,
+  config,
+  defaults_data={},
+  index=1
+  """
+  processes one tsv file, containing one or multiple compounds.
+  Creation of the peak table for each compound
+  """
+  tsv_content = list(tsv_content)
+  curent_name, ms_data = get_ms_data(
+    tsv_content[0],
+    tsv_data_extractor,
+    defaults_data,
+    config
+  )
+  _, second_ms_data = get_ms_data(
+    tsv_content[1],
+    tsv_data_extractor,
+    defaults_data,
+    config
+  )
+  ms_peak_table = []
+  config.logger.info(f"Processing compound {curent_name}...")
+  for line in tsv_content:
+    name, new_ms_data = get_ms_data(line, tsv_data_extractor, defaults_data, config)
+    if name != curent_name:
+      new_compound(curent_name, index, ms_data, config, ms_peak_table)
+      curent_name = name
+      index += 1
+      config.logger.info(f"Processing compound {curent_name}...")
+      ms_peak_table = []
+    ms_data = new_ms_data
+    ms_peak_table.append(
+      ", ".join(
+        f'"{value}"' if value not in ("na", "NA")
+        else '""'
+        for value in (
+          ms_data["fragment_mz"],
+          ms_data["abs_intensity"],
+          ms_data["rel_intensity"],
+          ms_data["ppm"],
+          ms_data["composition"],
+          ms_data["fragment"],
+          str(ms_data["valid_corelation"] == "TRUE").lower(),
+          "true" if ms_data.get("correlation") == "1" else "false"
+        )
+      )
+    )
+  new_compound(curent_name, index, ms_data, config, ms_peak_table)
+  return index
+def get_ms_data(line, extractor, defaults, config):
+  ms_data = defaults.copy()
+  ms_data.update(extractor(config, *line))
+  return ms_data["name"], ms_data
+def new_compound(name, index, ms_data, config, ms_peak_table):
+  """
+  aggregates informations to form the peak table,
+  adds the compound to the tab list,
+  creates the js file for this tab
+  """
+  if len([x for x in ms_peak_table if x.split(", ")[7] == "\"true\""]) > 1:
+    for i in range(len(ms_peak_table)):
+      ms_peak_table[i] = ", ".join(
+        ms_peak_table[i].split(", ")[:-1] + [", \"false\""]
+      )
+  config.placeholders[MS_PEAK_VALUES_PLACEHOLDER] = f"""[
+    {','.join('['+line+']' for line in ms_peak_table)}
+  ]"""
+  tab_list = fill_template(
+    "tab_list_template",
+    None,
+    config, {
+    TAB_INDEX_PLACEHOLDER: str(index),
+  })
+  config.tab_list.append(tab_list)
+  create_js_file(index, ms_data, config)
+  config.placeholders[ADD_SPECTRUM_FORM] += fill_template(
+    "form_template",
+    None,
+    config,
+    {TAB_INDEX_PLACEHOLDER: str(index)},
+  )
+  if index == 1:
+    config.placeholders[ACTIVE_TAB_PLACEHOLDER] = ""
+def fragnot_extractor(config, *line):
+  """
+  Fragnot processor - extracts one fragnot line of content and
+  produces a uniformised output.
+  """
+  fragnot_data = {
+    FRAGNOT_HEADER[header]: line[i].strip()
+    for i, header in enumerate(FRAGNOT_HEADER)
+  }
+  fragnot_data["composition"] = "unknown"
+  fragnot_data["valid_corelation"] = config.arguments.validation
+  return fragnot_data
+def ms2snoop_extractor(config, *line):
+  """
+  Fragnot processor - extracts one ms2snoop line of content and
+  produces a uniformised output.
+  """
+  ms2snoop_data = {
+    header: MS_2_SNOOP_HEADER[header](line[i])
+    for i, header in enumerate(MS_2_SNOOP_HEADER)
+  }
+  return ms2snoop_data
+def create_js_file(index, ms_data, config):
+  """
+  fills the js template file for one tab (compound)
+  """
+  if (method := ms_data["method"]):
+    method = f'"{method}"'
+  else:
+    method = "null"
+  if config.arguments.verbose:
+    config.logger.info(
+      "[VERBOSE] "
+      + ';'.join(f"{key}={value}" for key, value in ms_data.items())
+    )
+  fill_template(
+    "js_template",
+    "js_file",
+    config,
+    {
+      TAB_INDEX_PLACEHOLDER: str(index),
+      "INCHIKEY_PLACEHOLDER": ms_data["inchikey"],
+      "DEFAULT_DATA": f"""{{
+        name: "{ms_data["name"]}",
+        inchikey: "{ms_data["inchikey"]}",
+        method: {method},
+        spectrum_type: "{ms_data["spectrum_type"]}",
+        scan_type: "{ms_data["scan_type"]}",
+        polarity: "{ms_data["polarity"]}",
+        resolution: "{ms_data["resolution"]}",
+        sample_type: "{ms_data["sample_type"]}",
+      }}""",
+      "{{ index }}": str(index)
+    },
+  )
+def prepare_workplace(config):
+  """
+  prepares the directory we will work in.
+  """
+  if config.workdir.work_in_tmp:
+    os.chdir(config.workdir.tmp_dir)
+    config.logger.info(f"Moving to {os.getcwd()}")
+  if config.workdir.generate_in_tmp:
+    gen_dir = config.workdir.tmp_dir
+  else:
+    gen_dir = tempfile.gettempdir()
+    config.workdir.tmp_dir = gen_dir
+  shutil.copy(os.path.join(config["root_dir"], "common.js"), gen_dir)
+  config.logger.info(f"Outputs will be generated in {config.workdir.tmp_dir}")
+  return gen_dir
+def get_hander_for(directory, config):
+  """
+  generates the handler class for the directory we provide.
+  """
+  config["json_result"] = [{}] * len(config.tab_list)
+  class HTTPHandler(http.server.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+      super().__init__(*args, **kwargs, directory=directory)
+    def do_POST(self):
+      content_length = int(self.headers.get("Content-Length"))
+      json_bytes = self.rfile.read(content_length).decode("utf-8")
+      json_list = json.loads(json_bytes)
+      for i, obj in enumerate(json_list):
+        print(obj)
+        if obj:
+          config["json_result"][i] = obj
+      save_json(config)
+      self.send_head()
+      self.wfile.write(json_bytes.encode("utf-8"))
+      return
+    def do_GET(self):
+      if self.path == "/quit":
+        self.path = "/"
+        super().do_GET()
+        exit(0)
+      self.path = os.path.join(directory, self.path)
+      if self.path == "/":
+        self.path = config.generated.html
+      return super().do_GET()
+  return HTTPHandler
+def save_json(config):
+  json_string = json.dumps(config["json_result"])
+  print(json_string)
+  with open(config.arguments.output_json, "w") as json_file:
+    json_file.write(json_string)
+def run_server(config):
+  """
+  prepare and runs the server, with the handler for the given directory
+  """
+  ip, port = config.network.ip, config.network.port
+  config.logger.debug(f"IP and port: {ip}:{port}")
+  socketserver.TCPServer.allow_reuse_address = True
+  config.logger.debug(f"Allow reuse adress.")
+  handler = get_hander_for(config.workdir.tmp_dir, config)
+  config.logger.debug(f"Created server handler for {config.workdir.tmp_dir}")
+  config.logger.debug(
+    f"Content of directory {config.workdir.tmp_dir}: "
+    + "\n"
+    + '\n'.join(sorted(
+      f"  - {path}"for path in os.listdir(config.workdir.tmp_dir)
+      ))
+  )
+  config.logger.debug(f"Creating TCP server...")
+  server = socketserver.TCPServer((ip, port), handler)
+  if ip == "":
+    displayed_ip = "localhost"
+  else:
+    displayed_ip = ip
+  config.logger.debug(f"Serving...")
+  print()
+  print(f"http://{displayed_ip}:{port}")
+  server.serve_forever()
+def get_logger(config, dummy=False):
+  dummy_log = lambda msg:dummy and config.logger.info(msg)
+  arguments = config.arguments
+  if not dummy:
+    logger = logging.getLogger(__file__)
+  if arguments.debug:
+    dummy_log(f"Output debug info.")
+    level = logging.DEBUG
+  else:
+    level = logging.INFO
+  if not dummy:
+    logger.setLevel(level)
+    formatter = logging.Formatter(
+      "%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s"
+    )
+  if arguments.logging.std == "err":
+    dummy_log(f"Handler added to output logs in stderr.")
+    if not dummy:
+      handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr)
+      handler.setLevel(level)
+      handler.setFormatter(formatter)
+      logger.addHandler(handler)
+  elif arguments.logging.std == "out":
+    dummy_log(f"Handler added to output logs in stdout.")
+    if not dummy:
+      handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
+      handler.setLevel(level)
+      handler.setFormatter(formatter)
+      logger.addHandler(handler)
+  else:
+    dummy_log(f"Logs will not be output in stderr not stdout.")
+  if (path := arguments.logging.file.path):
+    dummy_log(f"Add log file: {arguments.logging.file.path}.")
+    if not arguments.logging.file.append:
+      dummy_log(f"Log file content cleaned.")
+      with open(path, "w"):pass
+    else:
+      dummy_log(f"Logs appended to log file.")
+    if not dummy:
+      file_handler = logging.FileHandler(filename=path)
+      file_handler.setLevel(level)
+      file_handler.setFormatter(formatter)
+      logger.addHandler(file_handler)
+  if not dummy:
+    config["logger"] = logger
+    starting_sequence(logger)
+    get_logger(config, dummy=True)
+    return logger
+def starting_sequence(logger):
+  logger.info("*bip* *bop*")
+  logger.info("starting...")
+  logger.info("program...")
+  logger.info("MS2PF is running...")
+  logger.info("*bip* *bop* am a robot")
+  atexit.register(stoping_sequence, logger)
+def stoping_sequence(logger):
+  logger.info("*bip* *bop*")
+  logger.info("ending...")
+  logger.info("program...")
+  logger.info("MS2PF is shuting down...")
+  logger.info("...robot")
+  logger.info("*bip* *bop*")
+  logger.info("shutdown")
+  logger.info("...")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+  base_config = parse_config()
+  config = parse_parameters(base_config)
+  """
+  The config contains result of the parsed config file.
+  """
+  arguments = config.arguments
+  config.logger.info(f"Starting MS2PF from {os.getcwd()}")
+  gen_dir = prepare_workplace(config)
+  config["pf_path"] = os.path.join(gen_dir, config.generated.html)
+  config.logger.info(f"HTML output file will be {config.pf_path}")
+  config["js_file"] = os.path.join(gen_dir, config.generated.js)
+  config.logger.info(f"JS output files will like {config.js_file}")
+  config.placeholders["PF_URL_PLACEHOLDER"] = arguments.peakforest.url
+  config.placeholders["PF_TOKEN_PLACEHOLDER"] = (
+    arguments.peakforest.token
+    or config.token.value
+  )
+  if (token := config.placeholders.PF_TOKEN_PLACEHOLDER):
+    config.logger.info(f"Using a token for authentification - length: {len(token)}")
+  else:
+    config.logger.info(f"No token provided for peakforest authentification.")
+  process_all_files(config)
+  if not arguments.do_run_dry:
+    config.logger.debug(f"Running the server.")
+    if arguments.firefox or arguments.chromium:
+      config.logger.debug(f"Running the server.")
+      import threading
+      import time
+      if arguments.firefox:
+        browser = "firefox"
+      else:
+        browser = "chromium"
+      if (ip := config.network.ip) == "":
+        ip = "localhost"
+      adress = f"http://{ip}:{config.network.port}"
+      threading.Thread(
+        target=lambda:(
+          time.sleep(1),
+          os.system(f"{browser} {adress}")
+        ),
+        daemon=True
+      ).start()
+    run_server(config)
+  else:
+    config.logger.debug(f"Server not run.")