comparison resources/galaxy/GIE/tools/LC-MSMS/XSeekerPreparator.R @ 0:15c9fbefeaf1 draft

" master branch Updating"
author lain
date Tue, 01 Feb 2022 14:19:30 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:15c9fbefeaf1
3 TOOL_NAME <- "XSeekerPreparator"
4 VERSION <- "1.1.0"
6 OUTPUT_SPECIFIC_TOOL <- "XSeeker_Galaxy"
9 ENRICHED_RDATA_DOC <- sprintf("
10 Welcome to the enriched <Version %s> of the output of CAMERA/xcms.
11 This doc was generated by the tool: %s - Version %s
12 To show the different variables contained in this rdata, type:
13 - `load('this_rdata.rdata', rdata_env <- new.env())`
14 - `names(rdata_env)`
16 Sections
17 ######
20 This tools helpers
21 ------
22 The version number is somewhat special because the evolution of the
23 rdata's format is non-linear.
24 There may be different branches, each evolving separatly.
25 To reflect these branches's diversions, there may be a prepended
26 branch name following this format:
27 major.minor.patch-branch_name
28 Like this, we can process rdata with the same tool, and output
29 rdata formated differently, for each tool.
32 - enriched_rdata:
33 - Description: flag created by that tool to tell it was enriched.
34 - Retrieval method: enriched_rdata <- TRUE
36 - enriched_rdata_version:
37 - Description: A flag created by that tool to tell which version of
38 this tool has enriched the rdata.
39 - Retrieval method: enriched_rdata_version <- sprintf(\"%s\", ENRICHED_RDATA_VERSION)
41 - enriched_rdata_doc:
42 - Description: Contains the documentation string.
44 Data from original mzxml file
45 ------
46 - tic:
47 - Description: Those are the tic values from the original mzxml
48 file, extracted using xcms 2.
49 - Retrieval method: xcms::xcmsRaw('original_file.mzxml')@tic
50 - xcms version: 2.0
52 - mz:
53 - Description: Those are the m/z values from the original mzxml
54 file, extracted using xcms 2.
55 - Retrieval method: xcms::xcmsRaw('original_file.mzxml')@env$mz
56 - xcms version: 2.0
58 - scanindex:
59 - Description: Those are the scanindex values from the original mzxml
60 file, extracted using xcms 2.
61 - Retrieval method: xcms::xcmsRaw('original_file.mzxml')@scanindex
62 - xcms version: 2.0
64 - scantime:
65 - Description: Those are the scantime values from the original mzxml
66 file, extracted using xcms 2.
67 - Retrieval method: xcms::xcmsRaw('original_file.mzxml')@scantime
68 - xcms version: 2.0
70 - intensity:
71 - Description: Those are the intensity values from the original mzxml
72 file, extracted using xcms 2.
73 - Retrieval method: xcms::xcmsRaw('original_file.mzxml')@env$intensity
74 - xcms version: 2.0
76 - polarity:
77 - Description: Those are the polarity values from the original mzxml
78 file, extracted using xcms 2.
79 - Retrieval method: as.character(xcms::xcmsRaw('original_file.mzxml')@polarity[[1]])
80 - xcms version: 2.0
82 Data taken from incoming rdata
83 ------
84 - variableMetadata:
85 - Description: Unmodified copy of variableMetadata from incoming rdata.
86 - Retrieval method: rdata_file$variableMetadata
88 - process_params:
89 - Description: Those are the processing parameters values from the
90 curent rdata. They have been simplified to allow easy access like:
91 for (params in process_params) {
92 if (params[[\"xfunction\"]] == \"annotatediff\") {
93 process_peak_picking_params(params)
94 }
95 }
96 - Retrieval method:
97 ## just he same list, but simplified
98 process_params <- list()
99 for (list_name in names(rdata_file$listOFlistArguments)) {
100 param_list <- list()
101 for (param_name in names(rdata_file$listOFlistArguments[[list_name]])) {
102 param_list[[param_name]] <- rdata_file$listOFlistArguments[[list_name]][[param_name]]
103 }
104 process_params[[length(process_params)+1]] <- param_list
105 }
110 get_models <- function(path) {
111 if (is.null(path)) {
112 stop("No models to define the database schema")
113 } else {
114 message(sprintf("Loading models from %s", path))
115 }
116 ## galaxy mangles the "@" to a "__at__"
117 if (substr(path, 1, 9) == "git__at__") {
118 path <- sub("^git__at__", "git@", path, perl=TRUE)
119 }
120 if (
121 substr(path, 1, 4) == "git@"
122 || substr(path, length(path)-4, 4) == ".git"
123 ) {
124 return (get_models_from_git(path))
125 }
126 if (substr(path, 1, 4) == "http") {
127 return (get_models_from_url(path))
128 }
129 return (source(path)$value)
130 }
132 get_models_from_git <- function (url, target_file="models.R", rm=TRUE) {
133 tmp <- tempdir()
134 message(sprintf("Cloning %s", url))
135 system2("git", c("clone", url, tmp))
136 result <- search_tree(file.path(tmp, dir), target_file)
137 if (!is.null(result)) {
138 models <- source(result)$value
139 if (rm) {
140 unlink(tmp, recursive=TRUE)
141 }
142 return (models)
143 }
144 if (rm) {
145 unlink(tmp, recursive=TRUE)
146 }
147 stop(sprintf(
148 "Could not find any file named \"%s\" in this repo",
149 target_file
150 ))
151 }
153 get_models_from_url <- function (url, target_file="models.R", rm=TRUE) {
154 tmp <- tempdir()
155 message(sprintf("Downloading %s", url))
156 result <- file.path(tmp, target_file)
157 if (download.file(url, destfile=result) == 0) {
158 models <- source(result)$value
159 if (rm) {
160 unlink(tmp, recursive=TRUE)
161 }
162 return (models)
163 }
164 if (rm) {
165 unlink(tmp, recursive=TRUE)
166 }
167 stop("Could not download any file at this adress.")
168 }
170 search_tree <- function(path, target) {
171 target <- tolower(target)
172 for (file in list.files(path)) {
173 if (is.dir(file)) {
174 result <- search_tree(file.path(path, file), target)
175 if (!is.null(result)) {
176 return (result)
177 }
178 } else if (tolower(file) == target) {
179 return (file.path(path, file))
180 }
181 }
182 return (NULL)
183 }
185 create_database <- function(orm) {
186 orm$recreate_database(no_exists=FALSE)
187 set_database_version(orm, "created")
188 }
190 insert_adducts <- function(orm) {
191 message("Creating adducts...")
192 adducts <- list(
193 list("[M-H2O-H]-",1,-1,-48.992020312000001069,1,0,0.5,"H0","H1O3"),
194 list("[M-H-Cl+O]-",1,-1,-19.981214542000000022,2,0,0.5,"O1","H1Cl1"),
195 list("[M-Cl+O]-",1,-1,-18.973389510000000512,3,0,0.5,"O1","Cl1"),
196 list("[M-3H]3-",1,-3,-3.0218293560000000219,4,0,1.0,"H0","H3"),
197 list("[2M-3H]3-",2,-3,-3.0218293560000000219,4,0,0.5,"H0","H3"),
198 list("[3M-3H]3-",3,-3,-3.0218293560000000219,4,0,0.5,"H0","H3"),
199 list("[M-2H]2-",1,-2,-2.0145529039999998666,5,0,1.0,"H0","H2"),
200 list("[2M-2H]2-",2,-2,-2.0145529039999998666,5,0,0.5,"H0","H2"),
201 list("[3M-2H]2-",3,-2,-2.0145529039999998666,5,0,0.5,"H0","H2"),
202 list("[M-H]-",1,-1,-1.0072764519999999333,6,1,1.0,"H0","H1"),
203 list("[2M-H]-",2,-1,-1.0072764519999999333,6,0,0.5,"H0","H1"),
204 list("[3M-H]-",3,-1,-1.0072764519999999333,6,0,0.5,"H0","H1"),
205 list("[M]+",1,1,-0.00054858000000000000945,7,1,1.0,"H0","H0"),
206 list("[M]-",1,-1,0.00054858000000000000945,8,1,1.0,"H0","H0"),
207 list("[M+H]+",1,1,1.0072764519999999333,9,1,1.0,"H1","H0"),
208 list("[2M+H]+",2,1,1.0072764519999999333,9,0,0.5,"H1","H0"),
209 list("[3M+H]+",3,1,1.0072764519999999333,9,0,0.25,"H1","H0"),
210 list("[M+2H]2+",1,2,2.0145529039999998666,10,0,0.75,"H2","H0"),
211 list("[2M+2H]2+",2,2,2.0145529039999998666,10,0,0.5,"H2","H0"),
212 list("[3M+2H]2+",3,2,2.0145529039999998666,10,0,0.25,"H2","H0"),
213 list("[M+3H]3+",1,3,3.0218293560000000219,11,0,0.75,"H3","H0"),
214 list("[2M+3H]3+",2,3,3.0218293560000000219,11,0,0.5,"H3","H0"),
215 list("[3M+3H]3+",3,3,3.0218293560000000219,11,0,0.25,"H3","H0"),
216 list("[M-2H+NH4]-",1,-1,16.019272654000001665,12,0,0.25,"N1H4","H2"),
217 list("[2M-2H+NH4]-",2,-1,16.019272654000001665,12,0,0.0,"N1H4","H2"),
218 list("[3M-2H+NH4]-",3,-1,16.019272654000001665,12,0,0.25,"N1H4","H2"),
219 list("[M+NH4]+",1,1,18.033825558000000199,13,1,1.0,"N1H4","H0"),
220 list("[2M+NH4]+",2,1,18.033825558000000199,13,0,0.5,"N1H4","H0"),
221 list("[3M+NH4]+",3,1,18.033825558000000199,13,0,0.25,"N1H4","H0"),
222 list("[M+H+NH4]2+",1,2,19.041102009999999467,14,0,0.5,"N1H5","H0"),
223 list("[2M+H+NH4]2+",2,2,19.041102009999999467,14,0,0.5,"N1H5","H0"),
224 list("[3M+H+NH4]2+",3,2,19.041102009999999467,14,0,0.25,"N1H5","H0"),
225 list("[M+Na-2H]-",1,-1,20.974668176000001551,15,0,0.75,"Na1","H2"),
226 list("[2M-2H+Na]-",2,-1,20.974668176000001551,15,0,0.25,"Na1","H2"),
227 list("[3M-2H+Na]-",3,-1,20.974668176000001551,15,0,0.25,"Na1","H2"),
228 list("[M+Na]+",1,1,22.989221080000000086,16,1,1.0,"Na1","H0"),
229 list("[2M+Na]+",2,1,22.989221080000000086,16,0,0.5,"Na1","H0"),
230 list("[3M+Na]+",3,1,22.989221080000000086,16,0,0.25,"Na1","H0"),
231 list("[M+H+Na]2+",1,2,23.996497531999999353,17,0,0.5,"Na1H1","H0"),
232 list("[2M+H+Na]2+",2,2,23.996497531999999353,17,0,0.5,"Na1H1","H0"),
233 list("[3M+H+Na]2+",3,2,23.996497531999999353,17,0,0.25,"Na1H1","H0"),
234 list("[M+2H+Na]3+",1,3,25.003773983999998619,18,0,0.25,"H2Na1","H0"),
235 list("[M+CH3OH+H]+",1,1,33.033491200000000276,19,0,0.25,"C1O1H5","H0"),
236 list("[M-H+Cl]2-",1,-2,33.962124838000001148,20,0,1.0,"Cl1","H1"),
237 list("[2M-H+Cl]2-",2,-2,33.962124838000001148,20,0,0.5,"Cl1","H1"),
238 list("[3M-H+Cl]2-",3,-2,33.962124838000001148,20,0,0.5,"Cl1","H1"),
239 list("[M+Cl]-",1,-1,34.969401290000000416,21,1,1.0,"Cl1","H0"),
240 list("[2M+Cl]-",2,-1,34.969401290000000416,21,0,0.5,"Cl1","H0"),
241 list("[3M+Cl]-",3,-1,34.969401290000000416,21,0,0.5,"Cl1","H0"),
242 list("[M+K-2H]-",1,-1,36.948605415999999479,22,0,0.5,"K1","H2"),
243 list("[2M-2H+K]-",2,-1,36.948605415999999479,22,0,0.0,"K1","H2"),
244 list("[3M-2H+K]-",3,-1,36.948605415999999479,22,0,0.0,"K1","H2"),
245 list("[M+K]+",1,1,38.963158319999998013,23,1,1.0,"K1","H0"),
246 list("[2M+K]+",2,1,38.963158319999998013,23,0,0.5,"K1","H0"),
247 list("[3M+K]+",3,1,38.963158319999998013,23,0,0.25,"K1","H0"),
248 list("[M+H+K]2+",1,2,39.970434771999997281,24,0,0.5,"K1H1","H0"),
249 list("[2M+H+K]2+",2,2,39.970434771999997281,24,0,0.5,"K1H1","H0"),
250 list("[3M+H+K]2+",3,2,39.970434771999997281,24,0,0.25,"K1H1","H0"),
251 list("[M+ACN+H]+",1,1,42.033825557999996646,25,0,0.25,"C2H4N1","H0"),
252 list("[2M+ACN+H]+",2,1,42.033825557999996646,25,0,0.25,"C2H4N1","H0"),
253 list("[M+2Na-H]+",1,1,44.971165708000000902,26,0,0.5,"Na2","H1"),
254 list("[2M+2Na-H]+",2,1,44.971165708000000902,26,0,0.25,"Na2","H1"),
255 list("[3M+2Na-H]+",3,1,44.971165708000000902,26,0,0.25,"Na2","H1"),
256 list("[2M+FA-H]-",2,-1,44.998202851999998586,27,0,0.25,"C1O2H2","H1"),
257 list("[M+FA-H]-",1,-1,44.998202851999998586,27,0,0.5,"C1O2H2","H1"),
258 list("[M+2Na]2+",1,2,45.978442160000000172,28,0,0.5,"Na2","H0"),
259 list("[2M+2Na]2+",2,2,45.978442160000000172,28,0,0.5,"Na2","H0"),
260 list("[3M+2Na]2+",3,2,45.978442160000000172,28,0,0.25,"Na2","H0"),
261 list("[M+H+2Na]3+",1,3,46.985718611999999438,29,0,0.25,"H1Na2","H0"),
262 list("[M+H+FA]+",1,1,47.012755755999997122,30,0,0.25,"C1O2H3","H0"),
263 list("[M+Hac-H]-",1,-1,59.013852915999997607,31,0,0.25,"C2O2H4","H1"),
264 list("[2M+Hac-H]-",2,-1,59.013852915999997607,31,0,0.25,"C2O2H4","H1"),
265 list("[M+IsoProp+H]+",1,1,61.064791327999998317,32,0,0.25,"C3H9O1","H0"),
266 list("[M+Na+K]2+",1,2,61.9523793999999981,33,0,0.5,"Na1K1","H0"),
267 list("[2M+Na+K]2+",2,2,61.9523793999999981,33,0,0.5,"Na1K1","H0"),
268 list("[3M+Na+K]2+",3,2,61.9523793999999981,33,0,0.25,"Na1K1","H0"),
269 list("[M+NO3]-",1,-1,61.988366450000000895,34,0,0.5,"N1O3","H0"),
270 list("[M+ACN+Na]+",1,1,64.015770185999997464,35,0,0.25,"C2H3N1Na1","H0"),
271 list("[2M+ACN+Na]+",2,1,64.015770185999997464,35,0,0.25,"C2H3N1Na1","H0"),
272 list("[M+NH4+FA]+",1,1,64.039304861999994502,36,0,0.25,"N1C1O2H6","H0"),
273 list("[M-2H+Na+FA]-",1,-1,66.980147479999999405,37,0,0.5,"NaC1O2H2","H2"),
274 list("[M+3Na]3+",1,3,68.967663239999993153,38,0,0.25,"Na3","H0"),
275 list("[M+Na+FA]+",1,1,68.99470038399999794,39,0,0.25,"Na1C1O2H2","H0"),
276 list("[M+2Cl]2-",1,-2,69.938802580000000832,40,0,1.0,"Cl2","H0"),
277 list("[2M+2Cl]2-",2,-2,69.938802580000000832,40,0,0.5,"Cl2","H0"),
278 list("[3M+2Cl]2-",3,-2,69.938802580000000832,40,0,0.5,"Cl2","H0"),
279 list("[M+2K-H]+",1,1,76.919040187999996758,41,0,0.5,"K2","H1"),
280 list("[2M+2K-H]+",2,1,76.919040187999996758,41,0,0.25,"K2","H1"),
281 list("[3M+2K-H]+",3,1,76.919040187999996758,41,0,0.25,"K2","H1"),
282 list("[M+2K]2+",1,2,77.926316639999996028,42,0,0.5,"K2","H0"),
283 list("[2M+2K]2+",2,2,77.926316639999996028,42,0,0.5,"K2","H0"),
284 list("[3M+2K]2+",3,2,77.926316639999996028,42,0,0.25,"K2","H0"),
285 list("[M+Br]-",1,-1,78.918886479999997619,43,1,1.0,"Br1","H0"),
286 list("[M+Cl+FA]-",1,-1,80.974880593999998268,44,0,0.5,"Cl1C1O2H2","H0"),
287 list("[M+AcNa-H]-",1,-1,80.995797543999998426,45,0,0.25,"C2H3Na1O2","H1"),
288 list("[M+2ACN+2H]2+",1,2,84.067651115999993292,46,0,0.25,"C4H8N2","H0"),
289 list("[M+K+FA]+",1,1,84.968637623999995868,47,0,0.25,"K1C1O2H2","H0"),
290 list("[M+Cl+Na+FA-H]-",1,-1,102.95682522200000619,48,0,0.5,"Cl1Na1C1O2H2","H1"),
291 list("[2M+3H2O+2H]+",2,1,104.03153939599999944,49,0,0.25,"H8O6","H0"),
292 list("[M+TFA-H]-",1,-1,112.98558742000000165,50,0,0.5,"C2F3O2H1","H1"),
293 list("[M+H+TFA]+",1,1,115.00014032400000019,51,0,0.25,"C2F3O2H2","H0"),
294 list("[M+3ACN+2H]2+",1,2,125.09420022199999778,52,0,0.25,"C6H11N3","H0"),
295 list("[M+NH4+TFA]+",1,1,132.02668943000000468,53,0,0.25,"N1C2F3O2H5","H0"),
296 list("[M+Na+TFA]+",1,1,136.98208495200000811,54,0,0.25,"Na1C2F3O2H1","H0"),
297 list("[M+Cl+TFA]-",1,-1,148.96226516199999423,55,0,0.5,"Cl1C2F3O2H1","H0"),
298 list("[M+K+TFA]+",1,1,152.95602219200000604,56,0,0.25,"K1C2F3O2H1","H0")
299 )
300 dummy_adduct <- orm$adduct()
301 for (adduct in adducts) {
302 i <- 0
303 dummy_adduct$set_name(adduct[[i <- i+1]])
304 dummy_adduct$set_multi(adduct[[i <- i+1]])
305 dummy_adduct$set_charge(adduct[[i <- i+1]])
306 dummy_adduct$set_mass(adduct[[i <- i+1]])
307 dummy_adduct$set_oidscore(adduct[[i <- i+1]])
308 dummy_adduct$set_quasi(adduct[[i <- i+1]])
309 dummy_adduct$set_ips(adduct[[i <- i+1]])
310 dummy_adduct$set_formula_add(adduct[[i <- i+1]])
311 dummy_adduct$set_formula_ded(adduct[[i <- i+1]])
312 dummy_adduct$save()
313 dummy_adduct$clear(unset_id=TRUE)
314 }
315 message("Adducts created")
316 }
318 insert_base_data <- function(orm, path, archetype=FALSE) {
319 if (archetype) {
320 ## not implemented yet
321 return ()
322 }
323 base_data <- readLines(path)
324 for (sql in strsplit(paste(base_data, collapse=" "), ";")[[1]]) {
325 orm$execute(sql)
326 }
327 set_database_version(orm, "enriched")
328 }
330 insert_compounds <- function(orm, compounds_path) {
331 compounds <- read.csv(file=compounds_path, sep="\t")
332 if (is.null(compounds <- translate_compounds(compounds))) {
333 stop("Could not find asked compound's attributes in csv file.")
334 }
335 dummy_compound <- orm$compound()
336 compound_list <- list()
337 for (i in seq_len(nrow(compounds))) {
338 dummy_compound$set_mz(compounds[i, "mz"])
339 dummy_compound$set_name(compounds[i, "name"])
340 dummy_compound$set_common_name(compounds[i, "common_name"])
341 dummy_compound$set_formula(compounds[i, "formula"])
342 # dummy_compound$set_mz(compounds[i, "mz"])
343 # dummy_compound$set_mz(compounds[i, "mz"])
344 compound_list[[length(compound_list)+1]] <- as.list(
345 dummy_compound,
346 c("mz", "name", "common_name", "formula")
347 )
348 dummy_compound$clear(unset_id=TRUE)
349 }
350 dummy_compound$save(bulk=compound_list)
351 }
353 translate_compounds <- function(compounds) {
354 recognized_headers <- list(
355 c("HMDB_ID", "MzBank", "X.M.H..", "X.M.H...1", "MetName", "ChemFormula", "INChIkey")
356 )
357 header_translators <- list(
358 hmdb_header_translator
359 )
360 for (index in seq_along(recognized_headers)) {
361 headers <- recognized_headers[[index]]
362 if (identical(colnames(compounds), headers)) {
363 return (header_translators[[index]](compounds))
364 }
365 }
366 if (is.null(translator <- guess_translator(colnames(compounds)))) {
367 return (NULL)
368 }
369 return (csv_header_translator(translator, compounds))
370 }
372 guess_translator <- function(header) {
373 result <- list(
374 # HMDB_ID=NULL,<
375 mz=NULL,
376 name=NULL,
377 common_name=NULL,
378 formula=NULL,
379 # inchi_key=NULL
380 )
381 asked_cols <- names(result)
382 for (asked_col in asked_cols) {
383 for (col in header) {
384 if ((twisted <- tolower(col)) == asked_col
385 || gsub("-", "_", twisted) == asked_col
386 || gsub(" ", "_", twisted) == asked_col
387 || tolower(gsub("(.)([A-Z])", "\\1_\\2", col)) == asked_col
388 ) {
389 result[[asked_col]] <- col
390 next
391 }
392 }
393 }
394 if (any(mapply(is.null, result))) {
395 return (NULL)
396 }
397 return (result)
398 }
400 hmdb_header_translator <- function(compounds) {
401 return (csv_header_translator(
402 list(
404 mz="MzBank",
405 name="MetName",
406 common_name="MetName",
407 formula="ChemFormula",
408 inchi_key="INChIkey"
409 ), compounds
410 ))
411 }
413 csv_header_translator <- function(translation_table, csv) {
414 header_names <- names(translation_table)
415 result <- data.frame(1:nrow(csv))
416 # colnames(result) <- header_names
417 for (i in seq_along(header_names)) {
418 result[, header_names[[i]]] <- csv[, translation_table[[i]]]
419 }
420 print(result[, "mz"])
421 result[, "mz"] <- as.numeric(result[, "mz"])
422 print(result[, "mz"])
423 return (result)
424 }
426 set_database_version <- function(orm, version) {
427 orm$set_tag(
428 version,
429 tag_name="database_version",
430 tag_table_name="XSeeker_tagging_table"
431 )
432 }
434 process_rdata <- function(orm, rdata, options) {
435 mzml_tmp_dir <- gather_mzml_files(rdata)
436 samples <- names(rdata$singlefile)
437 if (!is.null(options$samples)) {
438 samples <- samples[options$samples %in% samples]
439 }
440 show_percent <- (
441 is.null(options$`not-show-percent`)
442 || options$`not-show-percent` == FALSE
443 )
444 error <- tryCatch({
445 process_sample_list(
446 orm, rdata, samples,
447 show_percent=show_percent
448 )
449 NULL
450 }, error=function(e) {
451 message(e)
452 e
453 })
454 if (!is.null(mzml_tmp_dir)) {
455 unlink(mzml_tmp_dir, recursive=TRUE)
456 }
457 if (!is.null(error)) {
458 stop(error)
459 }
460 }
462 gather_mzml_files <- function(rdata) {
463 if (is.null(rdata$singlefile)) {
464 message("Extracting mxml files")
465 tmp <- tempdir()
466 rdata$singlefile <- utils::unzip(rdata$zipfile, exdir=tmp)
467 names(rdata$singlefile) <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(basename(rdata$singlefile))
468 message("Extracted")
469 return (tmp)
470 }
471 return (NULL)
472 }
474 process_sample_list <- function(orm, radta, sample_names, show_percent) {
475 file_grouping_var <- find_grouping_var(rdata$variableMetadata)
476 message("Processing samples.")
477 message(sprintf("File grouping variable: %s", file_grouping_var))
478 if(is.null(file_grouping_var)) {
479 stop("Malformed variableMetada.")
480 }
482 process_arg_list <- rdata$listOFlistArguments
483 process_params <- list()
484 for (list_name in names(process_arg_list)) {
485 param_list <- list()
486 for (param_name in names(process_arg_list[[list_name]])) {
487 param_list[[param_name]] <- process_arg_list[[list_name]][[param_name]]
488 }
489 process_params[[length(process_params)+1]] <- param_list
490 }
491 message("Parameters from previous processes extracted.")
493 var_meta <- rdata$variableMetadata
494 align_group <- rep(0, nrow(var_meta))
495 var_meta <- cbind(var_meta, align_group)
496 context <- new.env()
497 context$clusters <- list()
498 context$groupidx <- rdata$xa@xcmsSet@groupidx
499 context$peaks <- rdata$xa@xcmsSet@peaks
500 context$show_percent <- show_percent
502 indices <- as.numeric(unique(var_meta[, file_grouping_var]))
503 smol_xcms_set <- orm$smol_xcms_set()
504 mz_tab_info <- new.env()
505 xcms_set <- rdata$xa@xcmsSet
506 g <- xcms::groups(xcms_set)
507 mz_tab_info$sampnames <- xcms::sampnames(xcms_set)
508 mz_tab_info$sampclass <- xcms::sampclass(xcms_set)
509 mz_tab_info$rtmed <- g[,"rtmed"]
510 mz_tab_info$mzmed <- g[,"mzmed"]
511 mz_tab_info$smallmolecule_abundance_assay <- xcms::groupval(xcms_set, value="into")
512 str(as.list(mz_tab_info))
513 serialized <- serialize(mz_tab_info, NULL)
514 compressed <- fst::compress_fst(serialized, compression=100)
515 blobified <- blob::blob(compressed)
516 print(length(blobified))
517 smol_xcms_set$set_raw(blobified)$save()
518 # smol_xcms_set$set_raw(blobified)$save()
519 # smol_xcms_set$save()
520 for (no in indices) {
521 sample_name <- names(rdata$singlefile)[[no]]
522 sample_path <- rdata$singlefile[[no]]
523 if (
525 || is.null(sample_path)
526 || !(sample_name %in% sample_names)
527 ) {
528 next
529 }
530 ms_file=xcms::xcmsRaw(sample_path)
531 env <- new.env()
532 env$variableMetadata <- var_meta[var_meta[, file_grouping_var]==no,]
533 env$tic <- ms_file@tic
534 env$mz <- ms_file@env$mz
535 env$scanindex <- ms_file@scanindex
536 env$scantime <- ms_file@scantime
537 env$intensity <- ms_file@env$intensity
538 env$polarity <- as.character(ms_file@polarity[[1]])
539 env$sample_name <- sample_name
540 env$dataset_path <- sample_path
541 env$process_params <- process_params
542 env$enriched_rdata <- TRUE
543 env$enriched_rdata_version <- ENRICHED_RDATA_VERSION
544 env$tool_name <- TOOL_NAME
545 env$enriched_rdata_doc <- ENRICHED_RDATA_DOC
546 context$sample_no <- no
547 add_sample_to_database(orm, env, context)#, smol_xcms_set)
548 }
549 message("Features enrichment")
550 complete_features(orm, context)
551 message("Features enrichment done.")
552 return (NULL)
553 }
555 find_grouping_var <- function(var_meta) {
556 for (grouping_var in c(".", "Bio")) {
557 if (!is.null(rdata$variableMetadata[[grouping_var]])) {
558 return (grouping_var)
559 }
560 }
561 return (NULL)
562 }
564 add_sample_to_database <- function(orm, env, context){#, smol_xcms_set) {
565 message(sprintf("Processing sample %s", env$sample_name))
566 sample <- (
567 orm$sample()
568 $set_name(env$sample_name)
569 $set_path(env$dataset_path)
570 $set_kind("enriched_rdata")
571 $set_polarity(
572 if (is.null(env$polarity) || identical(env$polarity, character(0))) ""
573 else env$polarity
574 )
575 # $set_smol_xcms_set(smol_xcms_set)
576 $set_raw(blob::blob(fst::compress_fst(
577 serialize(env, NULL),
578 compression=100
579 )))
580 $save()
581 )
582 load_variable_metadata(orm, sample, env$variableMetadata, context)
583 load_process_params(orm, sample, env$process_params)
584 message(sprintf("Sample %s inserted.", env$sample_name))
585 return (sample)
586 }
589 load_variable_metadata <- function(orm, sample, var_meta, context) {
590 all_clusters <- orm$cluster()$all()
592 next_feature_id <- get_next_id(orm$feature()$all(), "featureID")
593 next_cluster_id <- get_next_id(all_clusters, "clusterID")
594 next_pc_group <- get_next_id(all_clusters, "pc_group")
595 next_align_group <- get_next_id(all_clusters, "align_group")
596 message("Extracting features")
597 invisible(create_features(
598 orm, sample, var_meta, context,
599 next_feature_id, next_cluster_id,
600 next_pc_group, next_align_group
601 ))
602 message("Extracting features done.")
603 return (NULL)
604 }
606 get_next_id <- function(models, attribute) {
607 if ((id <- models$max(attribute)) == Inf || id == -Inf) {
608 return (1)
609 }
610 return (id + 1)
611 }
613 create_features <- function(
614 orm, sample, var_meta, context,
615 next_feature_id, next_cluster_id,
616 next_pc_group, next_align_group
617 ) {
618 field_names <- as.list(names(orm$feature()$fields__))
619 field_names[field_names=="id"] <- NULL
621 features <- list()
622 dummy_feature <- orm$feature()
624 if (show_percent <- context$show_percent) {
625 percent <- -1
626 total <- nrow(var_meta)
627 }
628 for (row in seq_len(nrow(var_meta))) {
629 if (show_percent && (row / total) * 100 > percent) {
630 percent <- percent + 1
631 message("\r", sprintf("\r%d %%", percent), appendLF=FALSE)
632 }
634 curent_var_meta <- var_meta[row, ]
636 peak_list <- context$peaks[context$groupidx[[row]], ]
637 sample_peak_list <- peak_list[peak_list[, "sample"] == context$sample_no, , drop=FALSE]
638 if (!identical(sample_peak_list, numeric(0)) && !is.null(nrow(sample_peak_list)) && nrow(sample_peak_list) != 0) {
639 if (! <- extract_peak_var(sample_peak_list, "into"))) {
640 dummy_feature$set_int_o(int_o)
641 }
642 if (! <- extract_peak_var(sample_peak_list, "intb"))) {
643 dummy_feature$set_int_b(int_b)
644 }
645 if (! <- extract_peak_var(sample_peak_list, "maxo"))) {
646 dummy_feature$set_max_o(max_o)
647 }
648 }
650 set_feature_fields_from_var_meta(dummy_feature, curent_var_meta)
652 dummy_feature$set_featureID(next_feature_id)
653 next_feature_id <- next_feature_id + 1
654 fake_iso <- dummy_feature$get_iso()
655 iso <- extract_iso(fake_iso)
656 clusterID <- extract_clusterID(fake_iso, next_cluster_id)
657 context$clusterID <- clusterID
658 dummy_feature$set_iso(iso)
659 create_associated_cluster(
660 sample, dummy_feature, clusterID,
661 context, curent_var_meta, next_pc_group,
662 next_align_group
663 )
664 next_align_group <- next_align_group + 1
665 features[[length(features)+1]] <- as.list(dummy_feature, field_names)
666 dummy_feature$clear()
667 }
668 message("")## +\n for previous message
669 message("Saving features")
670 dummy_feature$save(bulk=features)
671 message("Saved.")
672 return (context$clusters)
673 }
675 extract_peak_var <- function(peak_list, var_name, selector=max) {
676 value <- peak_list[, var_name]
677 names(value) <- NULL
678 return (selector(value))
679 }
681 set_feature_fields_from_var_meta <- function(feature, var_meta) {
682 if (!is.null(mz <- var_meta[["mz"]]) && ! {
683 feature$set_mz(mz)
684 }
685 if (!is.null(mzmin <- var_meta[["mzmin"]]) && ! {
686 feature$set_mz_min(mzmin)
687 }
688 if (!is.null(mzmax <- var_meta[["mzmax"]]) && ! {
689 feature$set_mz_max(mzmax)
690 }
691 if (!is.null(rt <- var_meta[["rt"]]) && ! {
692 feature$set_rt(rt)
693 }
694 if (!is.null(rtmin <- var_meta[["rtmin"]]) && ! {
695 feature$set_rt_min(rtmin)
696 }
697 if (!is.null(rtmax <- var_meta[["rtmax"]]) && ! {
698 feature$set_rt_max(rtmax)
699 }
700 if (!is.null(isotopes <- var_meta[["isotopes"]]) && ! {
701 feature$set_iso(isotopes)
702 }
703 return (feature)
704 }
706 extract_iso <- function(weird_data) {
707 if (grepl("^\\[\\d+\\]", weird_data)[[1]]) {
708 return (sub("^\\[\\d+\\]", "", weird_data, perl=TRUE))
709 }
710 return (weird_data)
711 }
713 extract_clusterID <- function(weird_data, next_cluster_id){
714 if (grepl("^\\[\\d+\\]", weird_data)[[1]]) {
715 clusterID <- stringr::str_extract(weird_data, "^\\[\\d+\\]")
716 clusterID <- as.numeric(stringr::str_extract(clusterID, "\\d+"))
717 } else {
718 clusterID <- 0
719 }
720 return (clusterID + next_cluster_id)
721 }
723 create_associated_cluster <- function(
724 sample, feature, grouping_variable,
725 context, curent_var_meta, next_pc_group, next_align_group
726 ) {
727 pcgroup <- as.numeric(curent_var_meta[["pcgroup"]])
728 adduct <- as.character(curent_var_meta[["adduct"]])
729 annotation <- curent_var_meta[["isotopes"]]
730 grouping_variable <- as.character(grouping_variable)
731 if (is.null(cluster <- context$clusters[[grouping_variable]])) {
732 cluster <- context$clusters[[grouping_variable]] <- orm$cluster(
733 pc_group=pcgroup + next_pc_group,
734 adduct=adduct,
735 align_group=next_align_group,
736 # curent_group=curent_group,
737 clusterID=context$clusterID,
738 annotation=annotation
739 )$set_sample(sample)
740 } else {
741 if (context$clusterID != 0 && cluster$get_clusterID() == 0) {
742 cluster$set_clusterID(context$clusterID)
743 }
744 }
745 cluster$save()
746 feature$set_cluster(cluster)
747 return (feature)
748 }
750 complete_features <- function(orm, context) {
751 for (cluster in context$clusters) {
752 features <- orm$feature()$load_by(cluster_id=cluster$get_id())
753 if (features$any()) {
754 if (!is.null(rt <- features$mean("rt"))) {
755 cluster$set_mean_rt(rt)$save()
756 }
757 features_df <-
758 central_feature <- features_df[grepl("^\\[M\\]", features_df[, "iso"]), ]
759 central_feature_into <- central_feature[["int_o"]]
760 if (!identical(central_feature_into, numeric(0)) && central_feature_into != 0) {
761 for (feature in as.vector(features)) {
762 feature$set_abundance(
763 feature$get_int_o() / central_feature_into * 100
764 )$save()
765 }
766 }
767 }
768 }
769 return (NULL)
770 }
772 load_process_params <- function(orm, sample, params) {
773 for (param_list in params) {
774 if (is.null(param_list[["xfunction"]])) {
775 next
776 }
777 if (param_list[["xfunction"]] == "annotatediff") {
778 load_process_params_peak_picking(orm, sample, param_list)
779 }
780 }
781 return (sample)
782 }
784 load_process_params_peak_picking <- function(orm, sample, peak_picking_params) {
785 return (add_sample_process_parameters(
786 params=peak_picking_params,
787 params_translation=list(
788 ppm="ppm",
789 maxcharge="maxCharge",
790 maxiso="maxIso"
791 ),
792 param_model_generator=orm$peak_picking_parameters,
793 sample_param_setter=sample$set_peak_picking_parameters
794 ))
795 }
797 add_sample_process_parameters <- function(
798 params,
799 params_translation,
800 param_model_generator,
801 sample_param_setter
802 ) {
803 model_params <- list()
804 for (rdata_param_name in names(params_translation)) {
805 database_param_name <- params_translation[[rdata_param_name]]
806 if (is.null(rdata_param <- params[[rdata_param_name]])) {
807 next
808 }
809 model_params[[database_param_name]] <- rdata_param
810 }
811 params_models <-$load_by, model_params)
812 if (params_models$any()) {
813 params_model <- params_models$first()
814 } else {
815 params_model <-, model_params)
816 params_model$save()
817 }
818 return (sample_param_setter(params_model)$save())
819 }
822 library(optparse)
824 option_list <- list(
825 optparse::make_option(
826 c("-v", "--version"),
827 action="store_true",
828 help="Display this tool's version and exits"
829 ),
830 optparse::make_option(
831 c("-i", "--input"),
832 type="character",
833 help="The rdata path to import in XSeeker"
834 ),
835 optparse::make_option(
836 c("-s", "--samples"),
837 type="character",
838 help="Samples to visualise in XSeeker"
839 ),
840 optparse::make_option(
841 c("-B", "--archetype"),
842 type="character",
843 help="The name of the base database"
844 ),
845 optparse::make_option(
846 c("-b", "--database"),
847 type="character",
848 help="The base database's path"
849 ),
850 optparse::make_option(
851 c("-c", "--compounds-csv"),
852 type="character",
853 help="The csv containing compounds"
854 ),
855 optparse::make_option(
856 c("-m", "--models"),
857 type="character",
858 help="The path or url (must begin with http[s]:// or git@) to the database's models"
859 ),
860 optparse::make_option(
861 c("-o", "--output"),
862 type="character",
863 help="The path where to output sqlite"
864 ),
865 optparse::make_option(
866 c("-P", "--not-show-percent"),
867 action="store_true",
868 help="Flag not to show the percents",
869 default=FALSE
870 )
871 )
873 options(error=function(){traceback(3)})
875 parser <- OptionParser(usage="%prog [options] file", option_list=option_list)
876 args <- parse_args(parser, positional_arguments=0)
878 err_code <- 0
880 if (!is.null(args$options$version)) {
881 message(sprintf("%s %s", TOOL_NAME, VERSION))
882 quit()
883 }
885 models <- get_models(args$options$models)
886 orm <- DBModelR::ORM(
887 connection_params=list(dbname=args$options$output),
888 dbms="SQLite"
889 )
891 invisible(orm$models(models))
892 invisible(create_database(orm))
894 message("Database model created")
896 insert_adducts(orm)
898 if (!is.null(args$options$database)) {
899 insert_base_data(orm, args$options$database)
900 }
901 message(sprintf("Base data inserted using %s.", args$options$database))
903 if (!is.null(args$options$archetype)) {
904 insert_base_data(orm, args$options$archetype, archetype=TRUE)
905 }
906 if (!is.null(args$options$`compounds-csv`)) {
907 insert_compounds(orm, args$options$`compounds-csv`)
908 }
910 # if (!is.null(args$options$rdata)) {
911 # load_rdata_in_base(args$options$rdata, args$options$samples, args$options$`not-show-percent`)
912 # }
915 load(args$options$input, rdata <- new.env())
917 process_rdata(orm, rdata, args$options)
919 quit(status=err_code)