comparison PsiCLASS-1.0.2/samtools-0.1.19/samtools.1 @ 0:903fc43d6227 draft default tip

author lsong10
date Fri, 26 Mar 2021 16:52:45 +0000
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:903fc43d6227
1 .TH samtools 1 "15 March 2013" "samtools-0.1.19" "Bioinformatics tools"
3 .PP
4 samtools - Utilities for the Sequence Alignment/Map (SAM) format
6 bcftools - Utilities for the Binary Call Format (BCF) and VCF
8 .PP
9 samtools view -bt ref_list.txt -o aln.bam aln.sam.gz
10 .PP
11 samtools sort aln.bam aln.sorted
12 .PP
13 samtools index aln.sorted.bam
14 .PP
15 samtools idxstats aln.sorted.bam
16 .PP
17 samtools view aln.sorted.bam chr2:20,100,000-20,200,000
18 .PP
19 samtools merge out.bam in1.bam in2.bam in3.bam
20 .PP
21 samtools faidx ref.fasta
22 .PP
23 samtools pileup -vcf ref.fasta aln.sorted.bam
24 .PP
25 samtools mpileup -C50 -gf ref.fasta -r chr3:1,000-2,000 in1.bam in2.bam
26 .PP
27 samtools tview aln.sorted.bam ref.fasta
28 .PP
29 bcftools index in.bcf
30 .PP
31 bcftools view in.bcf chr2:100-200 > out.vcf
32 .PP
33 bcftools view -Nvm0.99 in.bcf > out.vcf 2> out.afs
36 .PP
37 Samtools is a set of utilities that manipulate alignments in the BAM
38 format. It imports from and exports to the SAM (Sequence Alignment/Map)
39 format, does sorting, merging and indexing, and allows to retrieve reads
40 in any regions swiftly.
42 Samtools is designed to work on a stream. It regards an input file `-'
43 as the standard input (stdin) and an output file `-' as the standard
44 output (stdout). Several commands can thus be combined with Unix
45 pipes. Samtools always output warning and error messages to the standard
46 error output (stderr).
48 Samtools is also able to open a BAM (not SAM) file on a remote FTP or
49 HTTP server if the BAM file name starts with `ftp://' or `http://'.
50 Samtools checks the current working directory for the index file and
51 will download the index upon absence. Samtools does not retrieve the
52 entire alignment file unless it is asked to do so.
56 .TP 10
57 .B view
58 samtools view [-bchuHS] [-t in.refList] [-o output] [-f reqFlag] [-F
59 skipFlag] [-q minMapQ] [-l library] [-r readGroup] [-R rgFile] <in.bam>|<in.sam> [region1 [...]]
61 Extract/print all or sub alignments in SAM or BAM format. If no region
62 is specified, all the alignments will be printed; otherwise only
63 alignments overlapping the specified regions will be output. An
64 alignment may be given multiple times if it is overlapping several
65 regions. A region can be presented, for example, in the following
66 format: `chr2' (the whole chr2), `chr2:1000000' (region starting from
67 1,000,000bp) or `chr2:1,000,000-2,000,000' (region between 1,000,000 and
68 2,000,000bp including the end points). The coordinate is 1-based.
71 .RS
72 .TP 10
73 .B -b
74 Output in the BAM format.
75 .TP
76 .BI -f \ INT
77 Only output alignments with all bits in INT present in the FLAG
78 field. INT can be in hex in the format of /^0x[0-9A-F]+/ [0]
79 .TP
80 .BI -F \ INT
81 Skip alignments with bits present in INT [0]
82 .TP
83 .B -h
84 Include the header in the output.
85 .TP
86 .B -H
87 Output the header only.
88 .TP
89 .BI -l \ STR
90 Only output reads in library STR [null]
91 .TP
92 .BI -o \ FILE
93 Output file [stdout]
94 .TP
95 .BI -q \ INT
96 Skip alignments with MAPQ smaller than INT [0]
97 .TP
98 .BI -r \ STR
99 Only output reads in read group STR [null]
100 .TP
101 .BI -R \ FILE
102 Output reads in read groups listed in
103 .I FILE
104 [null]
105 .TP
106 .BI -s \ FLOAT
107 Fraction of templates/pairs to subsample; the integer part is treated as the
108 seed for the random number generator [-1]
109 .TP
110 .B -S
111 Input is in SAM. If @SQ header lines are absent, the
112 .B `-t'
113 option is required.
114 .TP
115 .B -c
116 Instead of printing the alignments, only count them and print the
117 total number. All filter options, such as
118 .B `-f',
119 .B `-F'
120 and
121 .B `-q'
122 , are taken into account.
123 .TP
124 .BI -t \ FILE
125 This file is TAB-delimited. Each line must contain the reference name
126 and the length of the reference, one line for each distinct reference;
127 additional fields are ignored. This file also defines the order of the
128 reference sequences in sorting. If you run `samtools faidx <ref.fa>',
129 the resultant index file
130 .I <ref.fa>.fai
131 can be used as this
132 .I <in.ref_list>
133 file.
134 .TP
135 .B -u
136 Output uncompressed BAM. This option saves time spent on
137 compression/decomprssion and is thus preferred when the output is piped
138 to another samtools command.
139 .RE
141 .TP
142 .B tview
143 samtools tview
144 .RB [ \-p
145 .IR chr:pos ]
146 .RB [ \-s
147 .IR STR ]
148 .RB [ \-d
149 .IR display ]
150 .RI <in.sorted.bam>
151 .RI [ref.fasta]
153 Text alignment viewer (based on the ncurses library). In the viewer,
154 press `?' for help and press `g' to check the alignment start from a
155 region in the format like `chr10:10,000,000' or `=10,000,000' when
156 viewing the same reference sequence.
158 .B Options:
159 .RS
160 .TP 14
161 .BI -d \ display
162 Output as (H)tml or (C)urses or (T)ext
163 .TP
164 .BI -p \ chr:pos
165 Go directly to this position
166 .TP
167 .BI -s \ STR
168 Display only reads from this sample or read group
169 .RE
171 .TP
172 .B mpileup
173 samtools mpileup
174 .RB [ \-EBugp ]
175 .RB [ \-C
176 .IR capQcoef ]
177 .RB [ \-r
178 .IR reg ]
179 .RB [ \-f
180 .IR in.fa ]
181 .RB [ \-l
182 .IR list ]
183 .RB [ \-M
184 .IR capMapQ ]
185 .RB [ \-Q
186 .IR minBaseQ ]
187 .RB [ \-q
188 .IR minMapQ ]
189 .I in.bam
190 .RI [ in2.bam
191 .RI [ ... ]]
193 Generate BCF or pileup for one or multiple BAM files. Alignment records
194 are grouped by sample identifiers in @RG header lines. If sample
195 identifiers are absent, each input file is regarded as one sample.
197 In the pileup format (without
198 .BR -u or -g ),
199 each
200 line represents a genomic position, consisting of chromosome name,
201 coordinate, reference base, read bases, read qualities and alignment
202 mapping qualities. Information on match, mismatch, indel, strand,
203 mapping quality and start and end of a read are all encoded at the read
204 base column. At this column, a dot stands for a match to the reference
205 base on the forward strand, a comma for a match on the reverse strand,
206 a '>' or '<' for a reference skip, `ACGTN' for a mismatch on the forward
207 strand and `acgtn' for a mismatch on the reverse strand. A pattern
208 `\\+[0-9]+[ACGTNacgtn]+' indicates there is an insertion between this
209 reference position and the next reference position. The length of the
210 insertion is given by the integer in the pattern, followed by the
211 inserted sequence. Similarly, a pattern `-[0-9]+[ACGTNacgtn]+'
212 represents a deletion from the reference. The deleted bases will be
213 presented as `*' in the following lines. Also at the read base column, a
214 symbol `^' marks the start of a read. The ASCII of the character
215 following `^' minus 33 gives the mapping quality. A symbol `$' marks the
216 end of a read segment.
218 .B Input Options:
219 .RS
220 .TP 10
221 .B -6
222 Assume the quality is in the Illumina 1.3+ encoding.
223 .B -A
224 Do not skip anomalous read pairs in variant calling.
225 .TP
226 .B -B
227 Disable probabilistic realignment for the computation of base alignment
228 quality (BAQ). BAQ is the Phred-scaled probability of a read base being
229 misaligned. Applying this option greatly helps to reduce false SNPs
230 caused by misalignments.
231 .TP
232 .BI -b \ FILE
233 List of input BAM files, one file per line [null]
234 .TP
235 .BI -C \ INT
236 Coefficient for downgrading mapping quality for reads containing
237 excessive mismatches. Given a read with a phred-scaled probability q of
238 being generated from the mapped position, the new mapping quality is
239 about sqrt((INT-q)/INT)*INT. A zero value disables this
240 functionality; if enabled, the recommended value for BWA is 50. [0]
241 .TP
242 .BI -d \ INT
243 At a position, read maximally
244 .I INT
245 reads per input BAM. [250]
246 .TP
247 .B -E
248 Extended BAQ computation. This option helps sensitivity especially for MNPs, but may hurt
249 specificity a little bit.
250 .TP
251 .BI -f \ FILE
252 The
253 .BR faidx -indexed
254 reference file in the FASTA format. The file can be optionally compressed by
255 .BR razip .
256 [null]
257 .TP
258 .BI -l \ FILE
259 BED or position list file containing a list of regions or sites where pileup or BCF should be generated [null]
260 .TP
261 .BI -q \ INT
262 Minimum mapping quality for an alignment to be used [0]
263 .TP
264 .BI -Q \ INT
265 Minimum base quality for a base to be considered [13]
266 .TP
267 .BI -r \ STR
268 Only generate pileup in region
269 .I STR
270 [all sites]
271 .TP
272 .B Output Options:
274 .TP
275 .B -D
276 Output per-sample read depth
277 .TP
278 .B -g
279 Compute genotype likelihoods and output them in the binary call format (BCF).
280 .TP
281 .B -S
282 Output per-sample Phred-scaled strand bias P-value
283 .TP
284 .B -u
285 Similar to
286 .B -g
287 except that the output is uncompressed BCF, which is preferred for piping.
289 .TP
290 .B Options for Genotype Likelihood Computation (for -g or -u):
292 .TP
293 .BI -e \ INT
294 Phred-scaled gap extension sequencing error probability. Reducing
295 .I INT
296 leads to longer indels. [20]
297 .TP
298 .BI -h \ INT
299 Coefficient for modeling homopolymer errors. Given an
300 .IR l -long
301 homopolymer
302 run, the sequencing error of an indel of size
303 .I s
304 is modeled as
305 .IR INT * s / l .
306 [100]
307 .TP
308 .B -I
309 Do not perform INDEL calling
310 .TP
311 .BI -L \ INT
312 Skip INDEL calling if the average per-sample depth is above
313 .IR INT .
314 [250]
315 .TP
316 .BI -o \ INT
317 Phred-scaled gap open sequencing error probability. Reducing
318 .I INT
319 leads to more indel calls. [40]
320 .TP
321 .BI -p
322 Apply -m and -F thresholds per sample to increase sensitivity of calling.
323 By default both options are applied to reads pooled from all samples.
324 .TP
325 .BI -P \ STR
326 Comma dilimited list of platforms (determined by
327 .BR @RG-PL )
328 from which indel candidates are obtained. It is recommended to collect
329 indel candidates from sequencing technologies that have low indel error
330 rate such as ILLUMINA. [all]
331 .RE
333 .TP
334 .B reheader
335 samtools reheader <in.header.sam> <in.bam>
337 Replace the header in
338 .I in.bam
339 with the header in
340 .I in.header.sam.
341 This command is much faster than replacing the header with a
342 BAM->SAM->BAM conversion.
344 .TP
345 .B cat
346 samtools cat [-h header.sam] [-o out.bam] <in1.bam> <in2.bam> [ ... ]
348 Concatenate BAMs. The sequence dictionary of each input BAM must be identical,
349 although this command does not check this. This command uses a similar trick
350 to
351 .B reheader
352 which enables fast BAM concatenation.
354 .TP
355 .B sort
356 samtools sort [-nof] [-m maxMem] <in.bam> <out.prefix>
358 Sort alignments by leftmost coordinates. File
359 .I <out.prefix>.bam
360 will be created. This command may also create temporary files
361 .I <out.prefix>.%d.bam
362 when the whole alignment cannot be fitted into memory (controlled by
363 option -m).
366 .RS
367 .TP 8
368 .B -o
369 Output the final alignment to the standard output.
370 .TP
371 .B -n
372 Sort by read names rather than by chromosomal coordinates
373 .TP
374 .B -f
375 Use
376 .I <out.prefix>
377 as the full output path and do not append
378 .I .bam
379 suffix.
380 .TP
381 .BI -m \ INT
382 Approximately the maximum required memory. [500000000]
383 .RE
385 .TP
386 .B merge
387 samtools merge [-nur1f] [-h inh.sam] [-R reg] <out.bam> <in1.bam> <in2.bam> [...]
389 Merge multiple sorted alignments.
390 The header reference lists of all the input BAM files, and the @SQ headers of
391 .IR inh.sam ,
392 if any, must all refer to the same set of reference sequences.
393 The header reference list and (unless overridden by
394 .BR -h )
395 `@' headers of
396 .I in1.bam
397 will be copied to
398 .IR out.bam ,
399 and the headers of other files will be ignored.
402 .RS
403 .TP 8
404 .B -1
405 Use zlib compression level 1 to comrpess the output
406 .TP
407 .B -f
408 Force to overwrite the output file if present.
409 .TP 8
410 .BI -h \ FILE
411 Use the lines of
412 .I FILE
413 as `@' headers to be copied to
414 .IR out.bam ,
415 replacing any header lines that would otherwise be copied from
416 .IR in1.bam .
417 .RI ( FILE
418 is actually in SAM format, though any alignment records it may contain
419 are ignored.)
420 .TP
421 .B -n
422 The input alignments are sorted by read names rather than by chromosomal
423 coordinates
424 .TP
425 .BI -R \ STR
426 Merge files in the specified region indicated by
427 .I STR
428 [null]
429 .TP
430 .B -r
431 Attach an RG tag to each alignment. The tag value is inferred from file names.
432 .TP
433 .B -u
434 Uncompressed BAM output
435 .RE
437 .TP
438 .B index
439 samtools index <aln.bam>
441 Index sorted alignment for fast random access. Index file
442 .I <aln.bam>.bai
443 will be created.
445 .TP
446 .B idxstats
447 samtools idxstats <aln.bam>
449 Retrieve and print stats in the index file. The output is TAB delimited
450 with each line consisting of reference sequence name, sequence length, #
451 mapped reads and # unmapped reads.
453 .TP
454 .B faidx
455 samtools faidx <ref.fasta> [region1 [...]]
457 Index reference sequence in the FASTA format or extract subsequence from
458 indexed reference sequence. If no region is specified,
459 .B faidx
460 will index the file and create
461 .I <ref.fasta>.fai
462 on the disk. If regions are speficified, the subsequences will be
463 retrieved and printed to stdout in the FASTA format. The input file can
464 be compressed in the
465 .B RAZF
466 format.
468 .TP
469 .B fixmate
470 samtools fixmate <in.nameSrt.bam> <out.bam>
472 Fill in mate coordinates, ISIZE and mate related flags from a
473 name-sorted alignment.
475 .TP
476 .B rmdup
477 samtools rmdup [-sS] <> <out.bam>
479 Remove potential PCR duplicates: if multiple read pairs have identical
480 external coordinates, only retain the pair with highest mapping quality.
481 In the paired-end mode, this command
482 .B ONLY
483 works with FR orientation and requires ISIZE is correctly set. It does
484 not work for unpaired reads (e.g. two ends mapped to different
485 chromosomes or orphan reads).
488 .RS
489 .TP 8
490 .B -s
491 Remove duplicate for single-end reads. By default, the command works for
492 paired-end reads only.
493 .TP 8
494 .B -S
495 Treat paired-end reads and single-end reads.
496 .RE
498 .TP
499 .B calmd
500 samtools calmd [-EeubSr] [-C capQcoef] <aln.bam> <ref.fasta>
502 Generate the MD tag. If the MD tag is already present, this command will
503 give a warning if the MD tag generated is different from the existing
504 tag. Output SAM by default.
507 .RS
508 .TP 8
509 .B -A
510 When used jointly with
511 .B -r
512 this option overwrites the original base quality.
513 .TP 8
514 .B -e
515 Convert a the read base to = if it is identical to the aligned reference
516 base. Indel caller does not support the = bases at the moment.
517 .TP
518 .B -u
519 Output uncompressed BAM
520 .TP
521 .B -b
522 Output compressed BAM
523 .TP
524 .B -S
525 The input is SAM with header lines
526 .TP
527 .BI -C \ INT
528 Coefficient to cap mapping quality of poorly mapped reads. See the
529 .B pileup
530 command for details. [0]
531 .TP
532 .B -r
533 Compute the BQ tag (without -A) or cap base quality by BAQ (with -A).
534 .TP
535 .B -E
536 Extended BAQ calculation. This option trades specificity for sensitivity, though the
537 effect is minor.
538 .RE
540 .TP
541 .B targetcut
542 samtools targetcut [-Q minBaseQ] [-i inPenalty] [-0 em0] [-1 em1] [-2 em2] [-f ref] <in.bam>
544 This command identifies target regions by examining the continuity of read depth, computes
545 haploid consensus sequences of targets and outputs a SAM with each sequence corresponding
546 to a target. When option
547 .B -f
548 is in use, BAQ will be applied. This command is
549 .B only
550 designed for cutting fosmid clones from fosmid pool sequencing [Ref. Kitzman et al. (2010)].
551 .RE
553 .TP
554 .B phase
555 samtools phase [-AF] [-k len] [-b prefix] [-q minLOD] [-Q minBaseQ] <in.bam>
557 Call and phase heterozygous SNPs.
559 .RS
560 .TP 8
561 .B -A
562 Drop reads with ambiguous phase.
563 .TP 8
564 .BI -b \ STR
565 Prefix of BAM output. When this option is in use, phase-0 reads will be saved in file
566 .BR STR .0.bam
567 and phase-1 reads in
568 .BR STR .1.bam.
569 Phase unknown reads will be randomly allocated to one of the two files. Chimeric reads
570 with switch errors will be saved in
571 .BR STR .chimeric.bam.
572 [null]
573 .TP
574 .B -F
575 Do not attempt to fix chimeric reads.
576 .TP
577 .BI -k \ INT
578 Maximum length for local phasing. [13]
579 .TP
580 .BI -q \ INT
581 Minimum Phred-scaled LOD to call a heterozygote. [40]
582 .TP
583 .BI -Q \ INT
584 Minimum base quality to be used in het calling. [13]
585 .RE
589 .TP 10
590 .B view
591 .B bcftools view
592 .RB [ \-AbFGNQSucgv ]
593 .RB [ \-D
594 .IR seqDict ]
595 .RB [ \-l
596 .IR listLoci ]
597 .RB [ \-s
598 .IR listSample ]
599 .RB [ \-i
600 .IR gapSNPratio ]
601 .RB [ \-t
602 .IR mutRate ]
603 .RB [ \-p
604 .IR varThres ]
605 .RB [ \-m
606 .IR varThres ]
607 .RB [ \-P
608 .IR prior ]
609 .RB [ \-1
610 .IR nGroup1 ]
611 .RB [ \-d
612 .IR minFrac ]
613 .RB [ \-U
614 .IR nPerm ]
615 .RB [ \-X
616 .IR permThres ]
617 .RB [ \-T
618 .IR trioType ]
619 .I in.bcf
620 .RI [ region ]
622 Convert between BCF and VCF, call variant candidates and estimate allele
623 frequencies.
625 .RS
626 .TP
627 .B Input/Output Options:
628 .TP 10
629 .B -A
630 Retain all possible alternate alleles at variant sites. By default, the view
631 command discards unlikely alleles.
632 .TP 10
633 .B -b
634 Output in the BCF format. The default is VCF.
635 .TP
636 .BI -D \ FILE
637 Sequence dictionary (list of chromosome names) for VCF->BCF conversion [null]
638 .TP
639 .B -F
640 Indicate PL is generated by r921 or before (ordering is different).
641 .TP
642 .B -G
643 Suppress all individual genotype information.
644 .TP
645 .BI -l \ FILE
646 List of sites at which information are outputted [all sites]
647 .TP
648 .B -N
649 Skip sites where the REF field is not A/C/G/T
650 .TP
651 .B -Q
652 Output the QCALL likelihood format
653 .TP
654 .BI -s \ FILE
655 List of samples to use. The first column in the input gives the sample names
656 and the second gives the ploidy, which can only be 1 or 2. When the 2nd column
657 is absent, the sample ploidy is assumed to be 2. In the output, the ordering of
658 samples will be identical to the one in
659 .IR FILE .
660 [null]
661 .TP
662 .B -S
663 The input is VCF instead of BCF.
664 .TP
665 .B -u
666 Uncompressed BCF output (force -b).
667 .TP
668 .B Consensus/Variant Calling Options:
669 .TP 10
670 .B -c
671 Call variants using Bayesian inference. This option automatically invokes option
672 .BR -e .
673 .TP
674 .BI -d \ FLOAT
675 When
676 .B -v
677 is in use, skip loci where the fraction of samples covered by reads is below FLOAT. [0]
678 .TP
679 .B -e
680 Perform max-likelihood inference only, including estimating the site allele frequency,
681 testing Hardy-Weinberg equlibrium and testing associations with LRT.
682 .TP
683 .B -g
684 Call per-sample genotypes at variant sites (force -c)
685 .TP
686 .BI -i \ FLOAT
687 Ratio of INDEL-to-SNP mutation rate [0.15]
688 .TP
689 .BI -m \ FLOAT
690 New model for improved multiallelic and rare-variant calling. Another
691 ALT allele is accepted if P(chi^2) of LRT exceeds the FLOAT threshold. The
692 parameter seems robust and the actual value usually does not affect the results
693 much; a good value to use is 0.99. This is the recommended calling method. [0]
694 .TP
695 .BI -p \ FLOAT
696 A site is considered to be a variant if P(ref|D)<FLOAT [0.5]
697 .TP
698 .BI -P \ STR
699 Prior or initial allele frequency spectrum. If STR can be
700 .IR full ,
701 .IR cond2 ,
702 .I flat
703 or the file consisting of error output from a previous variant calling
704 run.
705 .TP
706 .BI -t \ FLOAT
707 Scaled muttion rate for variant calling [0.001]
708 .TP
709 .BI -T \ STR
710 Enable pair/trio calling. For trio calling, option
711 .B -s
712 is usually needed to be applied to configure the trio members and their ordering.
713 In the file supplied to the option
714 .BR -s ,
715 the first sample must be the child, the second the father and the third the mother.
716 The valid values of
717 .I STR
718 are `pair', `trioauto', `trioxd' and `trioxs', where `pair' calls differences between two input samples, and `trioxd' (`trioxs') specifies that the input
719 is from the X chromosome non-PAR regions and the child is a female (male). [null]
720 .TP
721 .B -v
722 Output variant sites only (force -c)
723 .TP
724 .B Contrast Calling and Association Test Options:
725 .TP
726 .BI -1 \ INT
727 Number of group-1 samples. This option is used for dividing the samples into
728 two groups for contrast SNP calling or association test.
729 When this option is in use, the following VCF INFO will be outputted:
730 PC2, PCHI2 and QCHI2. [0]
731 .TP
732 .BI -U \ INT
733 Number of permutations for association test (effective only with
734 .BR -1 )
735 [0]
736 .TP
737 .BI -X \ FLOAT
738 Only perform permutations for P(chi^2)<FLOAT (effective only with
739 .BR -U )
740 [0.01]
741 .RE
743 .TP
744 .B index
745 .B bcftools index
746 .I in.bcf
748 Index sorted BCF for random access.
749 .RE
751 .TP
752 .B cat
753 .B bcftools cat
754 .I in1.bcf
755 .RI [ "in2.bcf " [ ... "]]]"
757 Concatenate BCF files. The input files are required to be sorted and
758 have identical samples appearing in the same order.
759 .RE
762 Sequence Alignment/Map (SAM) format is TAB-delimited. Apart from the header lines, which are started
763 with the `@' symbol, each alignment line consists of:
765 .TS
766 center box;
767 cb | cb | cb
768 n | l | l .
769 Col Field Description
770 _
771 1 QNAME Query template/pair NAME
772 2 FLAG bitwise FLAG
773 3 RNAME Reference sequence NAME
774 4 POS 1-based leftmost POSition/coordinate of clipped sequence
775 5 MAPQ MAPping Quality (Phred-scaled)
776 6 CIAGR extended CIGAR string
777 7 MRNM Mate Reference sequence NaMe (`=' if same as RNAME)
778 8 MPOS 1-based Mate POSistion
779 9 TLEN inferred Template LENgth (insert size)
780 10 SEQ query SEQuence on the same strand as the reference
781 11 QUAL query QUALity (ASCII-33 gives the Phred base quality)
782 12+ OPT variable OPTional fields in the format TAG:VTYPE:VALUE
783 .TE
785 .PP
786 Each bit in the FLAG field is defined as:
788 .TS
789 center box;
790 cb | cb | cb
791 l | c | l .
792 Flag Chr Description
793 _
794 0x0001 p the read is paired in sequencing
795 0x0002 P the read is mapped in a proper pair
796 0x0004 u the query sequence itself is unmapped
797 0x0008 U the mate is unmapped
798 0x0010 r strand of the query (1 for reverse)
799 0x0020 R strand of the mate
800 0x0040 1 the read is the first read in a pair
801 0x0080 2 the read is the second read in a pair
802 0x0100 s the alignment is not primary
803 0x0200 f the read fails platform/vendor quality checks
804 0x0400 d the read is either a PCR or an optical duplicate
805 .TE
807 where the second column gives the string representation of the FLAG field.
811 The Variant Call Format (VCF) is a TAB-delimited format with each data line consists of the following fields:
812 .TS
813 center box;
814 cb | cb | cb
815 n | l | l .
816 Col Field Description
817 _
818 1 CHROM CHROMosome name
819 2 POS the left-most POSition of the variant
820 3 ID unique variant IDentifier
821 4 REF the REFerence allele
822 5 ALT the ALTernate allele(s), separated by comma
823 6 QUAL variant/reference QUALity
824 7 FILTER FILTers applied
825 8 INFO INFOrmation related to the variant, separated by semi-colon
826 9 FORMAT FORMAT of the genotype fields, separated by colon (optional)
827 10+ SAMPLE SAMPLE genotypes and per-sample information (optional)
828 .TE
830 .PP
831 The following table gives the
832 .B INFO
833 tags used by samtools and bcftools.
835 .TS
836 center box;
837 cb | cb | cb
838 l | l | l .
839 Tag Format Description
840 _
841 AF1 double Max-likelihood estimate of the site allele frequency (AF) of the first ALT allele
842 DP int Raw read depth (without quality filtering)
843 DP4 int[4] # high-quality reference forward bases, ref reverse, alternate for and alt rev bases
844 FQ int Consensus quality. Positive: sample genotypes different; negative: otherwise
845 MQ int Root-Mean-Square mapping quality of covering reads
846 PC2 int[2] Phred probability of AF in group1 samples being larger (,smaller) than in group2
847 PCHI2 double Posterior weighted chi^2 P-value between group1 and group2 samples
848 PV4 double[4] P-value for strand bias, baseQ bias, mapQ bias and tail distance bias
849 QCHI2 int Phred-scaled PCHI2
850 RP int # permutations yielding a smaller PCHI2
851 CLR int Phred log ratio of genotype likelihoods with and without the trio/pair constraint
852 UGT string Most probable genotype configuration without the trio constraint
853 CGT string Most probable configuration with the trio constraint
854 VDB float Tests variant positions within reads. Intended for filtering RNA-seq artifacts around splice sites
855 RPB float Mann-Whitney rank-sum test for tail distance bias
856 HWE float Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium test, Wigginton et al., PMID: 15789306
857 .TE
860 .IP o 2
861 Import SAM to BAM when
862 .B @SQ
863 lines are present in the header:
865 samtools view -bS aln.sam > aln.bam
867 If
868 .B @SQ
869 lines are absent:
871 samtools faidx ref.fa
872 samtools view -bt ref.fa.fai aln.sam > aln.bam
874 where
875 .I ref.fa.fai
876 is generated automatically by the
877 .B faidx
878 command.
880 .IP o 2
881 Attach the
882 .B RG
883 tag while merging sorted alignments:
885 perl -e 'print "@RG\\tID:ga\\tSM:hs\\tLB:ga\\tPL:Illumina\\n@RG\\tID:454\\tSM:hs\\tLB:454\\tPL:454\\n"' > rg.txt
886 samtools merge -rh rg.txt merged.bam ga.bam 454.bam
888 The value in a
889 .B RG
890 tag is determined by the file name the read is coming from. In this
891 example, in the
892 .IR merged.bam ,
893 reads from
894 .I ga.bam
895 will be attached
896 .IR RG:Z:ga ,
897 while reads from
898 .I 454.bam
899 will be attached
900 .IR RG:Z:454 .
902 .IP o 2
903 Call SNPs and short INDELs for one diploid individual:
905 samtools mpileup -ugf ref.fa aln.bam | bcftools view -bvcg - > var.raw.bcf
906 bcftools view var.raw.bcf | varFilter -D 100 > var.flt.vcf
908 The
909 .B -D
910 option of varFilter controls the maximum read depth, which should be
911 adjusted to about twice the average read depth. One may consider to add
912 .B -C50
913 to
914 .B mpileup
915 if mapping quality is overestimated for reads containing excessive
916 mismatches. Applying this option usually helps
917 .B BWA-short
918 but may not other mappers.
920 .IP o 2
921 Generate the consensus sequence for one diploid individual:
923 samtools mpileup -uf ref.fa aln.bam | bcftools view -cg - | vcf2fq > cns.fq
925 .IP o 2
926 Call somatic mutations from a pair of samples:
928 samtools mpileup -DSuf ref.fa aln.bam | bcftools view -bvcgT pair - > var.bcf
930 In the output INFO field,
931 .I CLR
932 gives the Phred-log ratio between the likelihood by treating the
933 two samples independently, and the likelihood by requiring the genotype to be identical.
934 This
935 .I CLR
936 is effectively a score measuring the confidence of somatic calls. The higher the better.
938 .IP o 2
939 Call de novo and somatic mutations from a family trio:
941 samtools mpileup -DSuf ref.fa aln.bam | bcftools view -bvcgT pair -s samples.txt - > var.bcf
943 File
944 .I samples.txt
945 should consist of three lines specifying the member and order of samples (in the order of child-father-mother).
946 Similarly,
947 .I CLR
948 gives the Phred-log likelihood ratio with and without the trio constraint.
949 .I UGT
950 shows the most likely genotype configuration without the trio constraint, and
951 .I CGT
952 gives the most likely genotype configuration satisfying the trio constraint.
954 .IP o 2
955 Phase one individual:
957 samtools calmd -AEur aln.bam ref.fa | samtools phase -b prefix - > phase.out
959 The
960 .B calmd
961 command is used to reduce false heterozygotes around INDELs.
963 .IP o 2
964 Call SNPs and short indels for multiple diploid individuals:
966 samtools mpileup -P ILLUMINA -ugf ref.fa *.bam | bcftools view -bcvg - > var.raw.bcf
967 bcftools view var.raw.bcf | varFilter -D 2000 > var.flt.vcf
969 Individuals are identified from the
970 .B SM
971 tags in the
972 .B @RG
973 header lines. Individuals can be pooled in one alignment file; one
974 individual can also be separated into multiple files. The
975 .B -P
976 option specifies that indel candidates should be collected only from
977 read groups with the
978 .B @RG-PL
979 tag set to
981 Collecting indel candidates from reads sequenced by an indel-prone
982 technology may affect the performance of indel calling.
984 Note that there is a new calling model which can be invoked by
986 bcftools view -m0.99 ...
988 which fixes some severe limitations of the default method.
990 For filtering, best results seem to be achieved by first applying the
991 .IR SnpGap
992 filter and then applying some machine learning approach
994 vcf-annotate -f SnpGap=n
995 vcf filter ...
997 Both can be found in the
998 .B vcftools
999 and
1000 .B htslib
1001 package (links below).
1003 .IP o 2
1004 Derive the allele frequency spectrum (AFS) on a list of sites from multiple individuals:
1006 samtools mpileup -Igf ref.fa *.bam > all.bcf
1007 bcftools view -bl sites.list all.bcf > sites.bcf
1008 bcftools view -cGP cond2 sites.bcf > /dev/null 2> sites.1.afs
1009 bcftools view -cGP sites.1.afs sites.bcf > /dev/null 2> sites.2.afs
1010 bcftools view -cGP sites.2.afs sites.bcf > /dev/null 2> sites.3.afs
1011 ......
1013 where
1014 .I sites.list
1015 contains the list of sites with each line consisting of the reference
1016 sequence name and position. The following
1017 .B bcftools
1018 commands estimate AFS by EM.
1020 .IP o 2
1021 Dump BAQ applied alignment for other SNP callers:
1023 samtools calmd -bAr aln.bam > aln.baq.bam
1025 It adds and corrects the
1026 .B NM
1027 and
1028 .B MD
1029 tags at the same time. The
1030 .B calmd
1031 command also comes with the
1032 .B -C
1033 option, the same as the one in
1034 .B pileup
1035 and
1036 .BR mpileup .
1037 Apply if it helps.
1040 .PP
1041 .IP o 2
1042 Unaligned words used in bam_import.c, bam_endian.h, bam.c and bam_aux.c.
1043 .IP o 2
1044 Samtools paired-end rmdup does not work for unpaired reads (e.g. orphan
1045 reads or ends mapped to different chromosomes). If this is a concern,
1046 please use Picard's MarkDuplicate which correctly handles these cases,
1047 although a little slower.
1050 .PP
1051 Heng Li from the Sanger Institute wrote the C version of samtools. Bob
1052 Handsaker from the Broad Institute implemented the BGZF library and Jue
1053 Ruan from Beijing Genomics Institute wrote the RAZF library. John
1054 Marshall and Petr Danecek contribute to the source code and various
1055 people from the 1000 Genomes Project have contributed to the SAM format
1056 specification.
1059 .PP
1060 Samtools website: <>
1061 .br
1062 Samtools latest source: <>
1063 .br
1064 VCFtools website with stable link to VCF specification: <>
1065 .br
1066 HTSlib website: <>