diff PsiCLASS-1.0.2/TranscriptDecider.hpp @ 0:903fc43d6227 draft default tip

author lsong10
date Fri, 26 Mar 2021 16:52:45 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/PsiCLASS-1.0.2/TranscriptDecider.hpp	Fri Mar 26 16:52:45 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,544 @@
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <map>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include "alignments.hpp"
+#include "SubexonGraph.hpp"
+#include "SubexonCorrelation.hpp"
+#include "BitTable.hpp"
+#include "Constraints.hpp"
+#define HASH_MAX 100003 // default HASH_MAX
+#define USE_DP 200000
+struct _transcript
+	BitTable seVector ;
+	double abundance ;
+	double correlationScore ; 
+	double FPKM ;
+	double *constraintsSupport ; // record the assign ment of constraints.
+	int first, last ; // indicate the index of the first and last subexons.
+	bool partial ; // wehther this is a partial transcript.
+	int id ; // the id for various usage: i.e transcript index in the alltranscripts.
+} ;
+struct _outputTranscript
+	int chrId ;
+	int geneId, transcriptId ;
+	struct _pair32 *exons ;
+	int ecnt ;
+	char strand ;
+	int sampleId ;
+	double FPKM ;
+	double TPM ;
+	double cov ;
+} ;
+struct _dp
+	BitTable seVector ; 
+	int first, last ;
+	// The "cnt" is for the hash structure.
+	// the first cnt set bits represent the subexons that are the key of the hash
+	// the remaining set bits are the optimal subtranscript follow the key.
+	int cnt ; 
+	double cover ;
+	double minAbundance ;
+	int timeStamp ;
+	int strand ;
+} ;
+struct _dpAttribute
+	struct _dp *f1, **f2 ;
+	struct _dp *hash ;
+	struct _transcript bufferTxpt ;
+	bool forAbundance ;
+	struct _subexon *subexons ;
+	int seCnt ;
+	std::map<uint64_t, int> uncoveredPair ;
+	double minAbundance ;
+	int timeStamp ;
+} ;
+class MultiThreadOutputTranscript ;
+struct _transcriptDeciderThreadArg
+	int tid ;
+	struct _subexon *subexons ;
+	int seCnt ;
+	int sampleCnt ;
+	int numThreads ;
+	int maxDpConstraintSize ;
+	double FPKMFraction, classifierThreshold, txptMinReadDepth ;
+	Alignments *alignments ;
+	std::vector<Constraints> constraints ;
+	SubexonCorrelation subexonCorrelation ;
+	MultiThreadOutputTranscript *outputHandler ;
+	int *freeThreads ; // the stack for free threads
+	int *ftCnt ;
+	pthread_mutex_t *ftLock ;
+	pthread_cond_t *fullWorkCond ;
+} ;
+class MultiThreadOutputTranscript
+	std::vector<struct _outputTranscript> outputQueue ;
+	pthread_t *threads ;
+	pthread_mutex_t outputLock ;
+	int sampleCnt ;
+	int numThreads ;
+	std::vector<FILE *> outputFPs ;
+	Alignments &alignments ;
+	static int CompTranscripts( const struct _outputTranscript &a, const struct _outputTranscript &b )
+	{
+		int i ;
+		if ( a.geneId != b.geneId )
+			return a.geneId - b.geneId ;
+		if ( a.ecnt != b.ecnt )
+			return a.ecnt - b.ecnt ;
+		for ( i = 0 ; i < a.ecnt ; ++i )
+		{
+			if ( a.exons[i].a != b.exons[i].a )					
+				return a.exons[i].a - b.exons[i].a ;
+			if ( a.exons[i].b != b.exons[i].b )					
+				return a.exons[i].b - b.exons[i].b ;
+		}
+		return 0 ;
+	}
+	static bool CompSortTranscripts( const struct _outputTranscript &a, const struct _outputTranscript &b )
+	{
+		int tmp = CompTranscripts( a, b ) ;
+		if ( tmp < 0 )
+			return true ;
+		else if ( tmp > 0 )
+			return false ;
+		else
+			return a.sampleId < b.sampleId ;
+	}
+	MultiThreadOutputTranscript( int cnt, Alignments &a ): alignments( a )
+	{
+		sampleCnt = cnt ;
+		pthread_mutex_init( &outputLock, NULL ) ;
+	}
+	~MultiThreadOutputTranscript()
+	{
+		pthread_mutex_destroy( &outputLock ) ;
+		int i ;
+		for ( i = 0 ; i < sampleCnt ; ++i )
+			fclose( outputFPs[i] ) ;
+	}
+	void SetThreadsPointer( pthread_t *t, int n )
+	{
+		threads = t ;
+		numThreads = n ;
+	}
+	void SetOutputFPs( char *outputPrefix ) 
+	{
+		int i ;
+		char buffer[1024] ;
+		for ( i = 0 ; i < sampleCnt ; ++i )
+		{
+			if ( outputPrefix[0] )
+				sprintf( buffer, "%s_sample_%d.gtf", outputPrefix, i ) ;
+			else
+				sprintf( buffer, "sample_%d.gtf", i ) ;
+			FILE *fp = fopen( buffer, "w" ) ;
+			outputFPs.push_back( fp ) ;
+		}
+	}
+	void Add( struct _outputTranscript &t ) 
+	{
+		pthread_mutex_lock( &outputLock ) ;
+		outputQueue.push_back( t ) ;
+		pthread_mutex_unlock( &outputLock ) ;
+	}
+	void Add_SingleThread( struct _outputTranscript &t ) 
+	{
+		outputQueue.push_back( t ) ;
+	}
+	void ComputeFPKMTPM( std::vector<Alignments> &alignmentFiles )
+	{
+		int i ;
+		int qsize = outputQueue.size() ;
+		double *totalFPK = new double[ sampleCnt ] ;
+		memset( totalFPK, 0, sizeof( double ) * sampleCnt ) ;
+		for ( i = 0 ; i < qsize ; ++i )
+		{
+			totalFPK[ outputQueue[i].sampleId ] += outputQueue[i].FPKM ;
+		}
+		for ( i = 0 ; i < qsize ; ++i )
+		{
+			outputQueue[i].TPM = outputQueue[i].FPKM / ( totalFPK[ outputQueue[i].sampleId ] / 1000000.0 ) ;
+			outputQueue[i].FPKM /= ( alignmentFiles[ outputQueue[i].sampleId ].totalReadCnt / 1000000.0 ) ;
+		}
+		delete[] totalFPK ;
+	}
+	void OutputCommandInfo( int argc, char *argv[] )
+	{
+		int i ;
+		int j ;
+		for ( i = 0 ; i < sampleCnt ; ++i )
+		{
+			fprintf( outputFPs[i], "#PsiCLASS_v1.0.1\n#" ) ;	
+			for ( j = 0 ; j < argc - 1 ; ++j )
+			{
+				fprintf( outputFPs[i], "%s ", argv[j] ) ;
+			}
+			fprintf( outputFPs[i], "%s\n", argv[j] ) ;
+		}
+	}
+	void OutputCommentToSampleGTF( int sampleId, char *s )
+	{
+		fprintf( outputFPs[ sampleId ], "#%s\n", s ) ;
+	}
+	void Flush()
+	{
+		std::sort( outputQueue.begin(), outputQueue.end(), CompSortTranscripts ) ;	
+		int i, j ;
+		int qsize = outputQueue.size() ;
+		char prefix[10] = "" ;
+		// Recompute the transcript id
+		int gid = -1 ;
+		int tid = 0 ;
+		for ( i = 0 ; i < qsize ; )
+		{
+			for ( j = i + 1 ; j < qsize ; ++j )
+			{
+				if ( CompTranscripts( outputQueue[i], outputQueue[j] ) )
+					break ;
+			}
+			int l ;	
+			if ( outputQueue[i].geneId != gid )
+			{
+				gid = outputQueue[i].geneId ;
+				tid = 0 ;
+			}
+			else
+				++tid ;
+			for ( l = i ; l < j ; ++l )
+				outputQueue[l].transcriptId = tid ;
+			i = j ;
+		}
+		// output
+		for ( i = 0 ; i < qsize ; ++i )
+		{
+			struct _outputTranscript &t = outputQueue[i] ;
+			char *chrom = alignments.GetChromName( t.chrId ) ;
+			fprintf( outputFPs[t.sampleId], "%s\tPsiCLASS\ttranscript\t%d\t%d\t1000\t%c\t.\tgene_id \"%s%s.%d\"; transcript_id \"%s%s.%d.%d\"; FPKM \"%.6lf\"; TPM \"%.6lf\"; cov \"%.6lf\";\n",
+					chrom, t.exons[0].a, t.exons[t.ecnt - 1].b, t.strand,
+					prefix, chrom, t.geneId,
+					prefix, chrom, t.geneId, t.transcriptId, t.FPKM, t.TPM, t.cov ) ;
+			for ( j = 0 ; j < t.ecnt ; ++j )
+			{
+				fprintf( outputFPs[ t.sampleId ], "%s\tPsiCLASS\texon\t%d\t%d\t1000\t%c\t.\tgene_id \"%s%s.%d\"; "
+						"transcript_id \"%s%s.%d.%d\"; exon_number \"%d\"; FPKM \"%.6lf\"; TPM \"%.6lf\"; cov \"\%.6lf\";\n",
+						chrom, t.exons[j].a, t.exons[j].b, t.strand,
+						prefix, chrom, t.geneId,
+						prefix, chrom, t.geneId, t.transcriptId,
+						j + 1, t.FPKM, t.TPM, t.cov ) ;
+			}
+			delete []t.exons ;
+		}
+	}
+} ;
+class TranscriptDecider
+	int sampleCnt ;
+	int numThreads ;
+	double FPKMFraction ;
+	double txptMinReadDepth ;
+	int hashMax ;
+	int maxDpConstraintSize ;
+	Constraints *constraints ;
+	//struct _subexon *subexons ;
+	//int seCnt ;
+	int usedGeneId ;
+	int baseGeneId, defaultGeneId[2] ;
+	int *transcriptId ; // the next transcript id for each gene id (we shift the gene id to 0 in this array.)
+	Alignments &alignments ; // for obtain the chromosome names.
+	std::vector<FILE *> outputFPs ;
+	BitTable compatibleTestVectorT, compatibleTestVectorC ;
+	double canBeSoftBoundaryThreshold ;
+	MultiThreadOutputTranscript *outputHandler ;
+	// Test whether subexon tag is a start subexon in a mixture region that corresponds to the start of a gene on another strand.
+	bool IsStartOfMixtureStrandRegion( int tag, struct _subexon *subexons, int seCnt ) ;
+	// The functions to pick transcripts through dynamic programming
+	struct _dp *dpHash ;
+	void SearchSubTranscript( int tag, int strand, int parents[], int pcnt, struct _dp &pdp, int visit[], int vcnt, int extends[], int extendCnt, std::vector<struct _constraint> &tc, int tcStartInd, struct _dpAttribute &attr ) ;
+	struct _dp SolveSubTranscript( int visit[], int vcnt, int strand, std::vector<struct _constraint> &tc, int tcStartInd, struct _dpAttribute &attr ) ;
+	void PickTranscriptsByDP( struct _subexon *subexons, int seCnt, int iterBound, Constraints &constraints, SubexonCorrelation &correlation, struct _dpAttribute &attr, std::vector<struct _transcript> &allTranscripts ) ;
+	void SetDpContent( struct _dp &a, struct _dp &b, const struct _dpAttribute &attr )
+	{
+		a.seVector.Assign( b.seVector ) ;
+		a.first = b.first ;
+		a.last = b.last ;
+		a.cnt = b.cnt ;
+		a.cover = b.cover ;
+		a.strand = b.strand ;
+		a.minAbundance = attr.minAbundance ;
+		a.timeStamp = attr.timeStamp ;
+	} 
+	void ResetDpContent( struct _dp &d )
+	{
+		d.seVector.Reset() ;
+		d.first = -1 ;
+		d.last = -1 ;
+		d.cnt = -1 ;
+		d.cover = -1 ;
+		d.minAbundance = -1 ;
+		d.timeStamp = -1 ;
+	}
+	void AugmentTranscripts( struct _subexon *subexons, std::vector<struct _transcript> &alltranscripts, int limit, bool extend ) ;
+	// Test whether a constraints is compatible with the transcript.
+	// Return 0 - uncompatible or does not overlap at all. 1 - fully compatible. 2 - Head of the constraints compatible with the tail of the transcript
+	int IsConstraintInTranscript( struct _transcript transcript, struct _constraint &c ) ;
+	int IsConstraintInTranscriptDebug( struct _transcript transcript, struct _constraint &c ) ;
+	// Count how many transcripts are possible starting from subexons[tag].
+	int SubTranscriptCount( int tag, struct _subexon *subexons, int f[] ) ;
+	// The methods when there is no need for DP
+	void EnumerateTranscript( int tag, int strand, int visit[], int vcnt, struct _subexon *subexons, SubexonCorrelation &correlation, double correlationScore, std::vector<struct _transcript> &alltranscripts, int &atcnt ) ;
+	// For the simpler case, we can pick sample by sample.
+	void PickTranscripts( struct _subexon *subexons, std::vector<struct _transcript> &alltranscripts, Constraints &constraints, SubexonCorrelation &seCorrelation, std::vector<struct _transcript> &transcripts ) ; 
+	static bool CompSortTranscripts( const struct _transcript &a, const struct _transcript &b )
+	{
+		if ( a.first < b.first )
+			return true ;
+		else if ( a.first > b.first )
+			return false ;
+		int diffPos = a.seVector.GetFirstDifference( b.seVector ) ;
+		if ( diffPos == -1 )
+			return false ;
+		if ( a.seVector.Test( diffPos ) )
+			return true ;
+		else
+			return false ;
+	} 
+	static bool CompSortPairs( const struct _pair32 &x, const struct _pair32 &y )
+	{
+		if ( x.a != y.a )
+			return x.a < y.a ;
+		else 
+			return x.b < y.b ;
+	}
+	static bool CompSortPairsByB( const struct _pair32 &x, const struct _pair32 &y )
+	{
+		return x.b < y.b ;
+	}
+	static int CompPairsByB( const void *p1, const void *p2 )
+	{
+		return ((struct _pair32 *)p1)->b - ((struct _pair32 *)p2)->b ;
+	}
+	double ComputeScore( double cnt, double weight, double a, double A, double correlation )
+	{
+		if ( a > A * 0.1 )
+			return ( cnt * weight ) * ( 1 + pow( a / A, 0.25 ) ) + correlation ;
+		else 
+			return ( cnt * weight ) * ( 1 + a / A ) + correlation ;
+		//return ( cnt ) * ( exp( 1 + a / A ) ) + correlation ; 
+	}
+	int GetFather( int f, int *father ) ;
+	void ConvertTranscriptAbundanceToFPKM( struct _subexon *subexons, struct _transcript &t, int readCnt = 1000000 )
+	{
+		int txptLen = 0 ;
+		int i, size ;
+		std::vector<int> subexonInd ;
+		t.seVector.GetOnesIndices( subexonInd ) ;
+		size = subexonInd.size() ;
+		for ( i = 0 ; i < size ; ++i )
+			txptLen += ( subexons[ subexonInd[i] ].end - subexons[ subexonInd[i] ].start + 1 ) ;
+		double factor = 1 ;
+		if ( alignments.matePaired )
+			factor = 0.5 ;
+		t.FPKM = t.abundance * factor / ( ( readCnt / 1000000.0 ) * ( txptLen / 1000.0 ) ) ;
+	}
+	int GetTranscriptLengthFromAbundanceAndFPKM( double abundance, double FPKM, int readCnt = 1000000 )
+	{
+		double factor = 1 ;
+		if ( alignments.matePaired )
+			factor = 0.5 ;
+		return int( abundance * factor / ( FPKM / 1000.0 ) / ( readCnt / 1000000.0  ) + 0.5 ) ;
+	}
+	void CoalesceSameTranscripts( std::vector<struct _transcript> &t ) ;
+	// Initialize the structure to store transcript id 
+	void InitTranscriptId() ; 
+	int GetTranscriptGeneId( std::vector<int> &subexonInd, struct _subexon *subexons ) ;
+	int GetTranscriptGeneId( struct _transcript &t, struct _subexon *subexons ) ;
+	int RemoveNegativeAbundTranscripts( std::vector<struct _transcript> &transcripts )
+	{
+		int i, j ;
+		int tcnt = transcripts.size() ;
+		j = 0 ;
+		for ( i = 0 ; i < tcnt ; ++i )
+		{
+			if ( transcripts[i].abundance < 0 )
+			{
+				transcripts[i].seVector.Release() ; // Don't forget release the memory.
+				continue ;
+			}
+			transcripts[j] = transcripts[i] ;
+			++j ;
+		}
+		transcripts.resize( j ) ;
+		return j ;
+	}
+	void AbundanceEstimation( struct _subexon *subexons, int seCnt, Constraints &constraints, std::vector<struct _transcript> &transcripts ) ;
+	int RefineTranscripts( struct _subexon *subexons, int seCnt, bool aggressive, std::map<int, int> *subexonChainSupport, int *txptSampleSupport, std::vector<struct _transcript> &transcripts, Constraints &constraints ) ;
+	void ComputeTranscriptsScore( struct _subexon *subexons, int seCnt, std::map<int, int> *subexonChainSupport, std::vector<struct _transcript> &transcripts ) ;
+	void OutputTranscript( int sampleId, struct _subexon *subexons, struct _transcript &transcript ) ;
+	void PrintLog( const char *fmt, ... )
+	{
+		char buffer[10021] ;
+		va_list args ;
+		va_start( args, fmt ) ;
+		vsprintf( buffer, fmt, args ) ;
+		time_t mytime = time(NULL) ;
+		struct tm *localT = localtime( &mytime ) ;
+		char stime[500] ;
+		strftime( stime, sizeof( stime ), "%c", localT ) ;
+		fprintf( stderr, "[%s] %s\n", stime, buffer ) ;
+	}
+	TranscriptDecider( double f, double c, double d, int sampleCnt, Alignments &a ): alignments( a )  
+	{
+		FPKMFraction = f ;
+		canBeSoftBoundaryThreshold = c ;
+		txptMinReadDepth = d ;
+		usedGeneId = 0 ;
+		defaultGeneId[0] = -1 ;
+		defaultGeneId[1] = -1 ;
+		maxDpConstraintSize = -1 ;
+		numThreads = 1 ;
+		this->sampleCnt = sampleCnt ;
+		dpHash = new struct _dp[ HASH_MAX ] ; // pre-allocated buffer to hold dp information.
+	}
+	~TranscriptDecider() 
+	{
+		int i ;
+		if ( numThreads == 1 )
+		{
+			int size = outputFPs.size() ;
+			for ( i = 0 ; i < size ; ++i )
+			{
+				fclose( outputFPs[i] ) ;
+			}
+		}
+		delete[] dpHash ;
+	}
+	// @return: the number of assembled transcript 
+	int Solve( struct _subexon *subexons, int seCnt, std::vector<Constraints> &constraints, SubexonCorrelation &subexonCorrelation ) ;
+	void SetOutputFPs( char *outputPrefix )
+	{
+		int i ;
+		char buffer[1024] ;
+		for ( i = 0 ; i < sampleCnt ; ++i )
+		{
+			if ( outputPrefix[0] )
+				sprintf( buffer, "%s_sample_%d.gtf", outputPrefix, i ) ;
+			else
+				sprintf( buffer, "sample_%d.gtf", i ) ;
+			FILE *fp = fopen( buffer, "w" ) ;
+			outputFPs.push_back( fp ) ;
+		}
+	}
+	void SetMultiThreadOutputHandler( MultiThreadOutputTranscript *h ) 
+	{
+		outputHandler = h ;
+	}
+	void SetNumThreads( int t )
+	{
+		numThreads = t ;
+	}
+	void SetMaxDpConstraintSize(int size)
+	{
+		maxDpConstraintSize = size ;
+	}
+} ;
+void *TranscriptDeciderSolve_Wrapper( void *arg ) ;