view annotationRmn2DWrapper.R @ 3:546c7ccd2ed4 draft default tip

"planemo upload for repository commit 911f4beba3dcb25c1033e8239426f8f763683523"
author workflow4metabolomics
date Fri, 04 Feb 2022 09:01:11 +0000
parents dff7bde22102
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/local/public/bin/Rscript --vanilla --slave --no-site-file

## 201919016 2DNmrAnnotation_1.0.0.R
## Marie Tremblay-Franco
## MetaboHUB: The French Infrastructure for Metabolomics and Fluxomics

runExampleL <- FALSE

if (runExampleL) {
## Example of arguments

## Options
strAsFacL <- options()$stringsAsFactors
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
options(digits = 8, scipen = 3)

## Constants
topEnvC <- environment()
flagC <- "\n"

## Input parameters reading

## R libraries laoding

if (!runExampleL)
    argLs <- parseCommandArgs(evaluate = FALSE)
logFile <- argLs[["logOut"]]

cat("\tPACKAGE INFO\n")

## Functions
source_local <- function(fname) {
    argv <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE)
    base_dir <- dirname(substring(argv[grep("--file=", argv)], 8))
    source(paste(base_dir, fname, sep = "/"))
#Import the different functions

## Input parameter values
fileToAnnotate <- argLs[[1]]
  # Constraints values
ph <- argLs$pH
field <- argLs$magneticField

  # Chosen sequence(s)
cosy <- 0
hmbc <- 0
hsqc <- 0
jres <- 0
tocsy <- 0

if (argLs$cosy_2dsequences == "yes") {
  cosy <- 1
  peakforestSpectra <- readLines(curl(""))
  peakforestSpectra <- fromJSON(peakforestSpectra, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)
  if (ph != 0)
    peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$sampleNMRTubeConditionsMetadata$potentiaHydrogenii == ph, ]
  if (field != 0)
    peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$analyzerNMRSpectrometerDevice$magneticFieldStrenght == field, ]

  if (nrow(peakforestSpectra) != 0) {
    BdDReference_COSY <- peakforestSpectra$peaks
    names(BdDReference_COSY) <- str_split(peakforestSpectra[, 2], simplify = TRUE, pattern = ";")[, 1]
    names(BdDReference_COSY) <- enc2utf8(names(BdDReference_COSY))
    names(BdDReference_COSY) <- str_replace_all(names(BdDReference_COSY), "\u00e9", "e")

    for (k in seq_len(length(BdDReference_COSY))) {
      peakforestSpectra_df <- data.frame(ppm.dim1 = BdDReference_COSY[[k]][, 2], ppm.dim2 = BdDReference_COSY[[k]][, 1],
                                         BdDReference_COSY[[k]][, 3:ncol(BdDReference_COSY[[k]])])
      BdDReference_COSY[[k]] <- peakforestSpectra_df
  } else {
    stop("No COSY spectra correspond to requested pH and/or magnetic field", call. = FALSE)

if (argLs$hmbc_2dsequences == "yes") {
  hmbc <- 1
  peakforestSpectra <- readLines(curl(""))
  peakforestSpectra <- fromJSON(peakforestSpectra, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)
  if (ph != 0)
    peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$sampleNMRTubeConditionsMetadata$potentiaHydrogenii == ph, ]
  if (field != 0)
    peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$analyzerNMRSpectrometerDevice$magneticFieldStrenght == field, ]

  if (nrow(peakforestSpectra) != 0) {

    BdDReference_HMBC <- peakforestSpectra$peaks
    names(BdDReference_HMBC) <- str_split(peakforestSpectra[, 2], simplify = TRUE, pattern = ";")[, 1]
    names(BdDReference_HMBC) <- enc2utf8(names(BdDReference_HMBC))
    names(BdDReference_HMBC) <- str_replace_all(names(BdDReference_HMBC), "\u00e9", "e")

    peakforestSpectra_df <- data.frame()
    for (k in seq_len(length(BdDReference_HMBC))) {
      peakforestSpectra_df <- data.frame(ppm.dim1 = BdDReference_HMBC[[k]][, 2], ppm.dim2 = BdDReference_HMBC[[k]][, 1],
                                         BdDReference_HMBC[[k]][, 3:ncol(BdDReference_HMBC[[k]])])
      BdDReference_HMBC[[k]] <- peakforestSpectra_df
  } else {
    stop("No HMBC spectra correspond to requested pH and/or magnetic field", call. = FALSE)

if (argLs$hsqc_2dsequences == "yes") {
  hsqc <- 1
  peakforestSpectra <- readLines(curl(""))
  peakforestSpectra <- fromJSON(peakforestSpectra, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)

  if (ph != 0)
    peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$sampleNMRTubeConditionsMetadata$potentiaHydrogenii == ph, ]
  if (field != 0)
    peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$analyzerNMRSpectrometerDevice$magneticFieldStrenght == field, ]

  if (nrow(peakforestSpectra) != 0) {
    BdDReference_HSQC <- peakforestSpectra$peaks
    names(BdDReference_HSQC) <- str_split(peakforestSpectra[, 2], simplify = TRUE, pattern = ";")[, 1]
    names(BdDReference_HSQC) <- enc2utf8(names(BdDReference_HSQC))
    names(BdDReference_HSQC) <- str_replace_all(names(BdDReference_HSQC), "\u00e9", "e")

    for (k in seq_len(length(BdDReference_HSQC))) {
      peakforestSpectra_df <- data.frame(ppm.dim1 = BdDReference_HSQC[[k]][, 2], ppm.dim2 = BdDReference_HSQC[[k]][, 1],
                                         BdDReference_HSQC[[k]][, 3:ncol(BdDReference_HSQC[[k]])])
      BdDReference_HSQC[[k]] <- peakforestSpectra_df
  } else {
    stop("No HSQC spectra correspond to requested pH and/or magnetic field", call. = FALSE)

if (argLs$jres_2dsequences == "yes") {
  jres <- 1
  peakforestSpectra <- readLines(curl(""))
  peakforestSpectra <- fromJSON(peakforestSpectra, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)

  if (ph != 0)
    peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$sampleNMRTubeConditionsMetadata$potentiaHydrogenii == ph, ]
  if (field != 0)
    peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$analyzerNMRSpectrometerDevice$magneticFieldStrenght == field, ]

  if (nrow(peakforestSpectra) != 0) {
    BdDReference_JRES <- peakforestSpectra$peaks
    names(BdDReference_JRES) <- str_split(peakforestSpectra[, 2], simplify = TRUE, pattern = ";")[, 1]
    names(BdDReference_JRES) <- enc2utf8(names(BdDReference_JRES))
    names(BdDReference_JRES) <- str_replace_all(names(BdDReference_JRES), "\u00e9", "e")

    for (k in seq_len(length(BdDReference_JRES))) {
      peakforestSpectra_df <- data.frame(ppm.dim1 = BdDReference_JRES[[k]][, 2], ppm.dim2 = BdDReference_JRES[[k]][, 1],
                                         BdDReference_JRES[[k]][, 3:ncol(BdDReference_JRES[[k]])])
      BdDReference_JRES[[k]] <- peakforestSpectra_df
  } else {
    stop("No JRES spectra correspond to requested pH and/or magnetic field", call. = FALSE)

if (argLs$tocsy_2dsequences == "yes") {
  tocsy <- 1
  peakforestSpectra <- readLines(curl(""))
  peakforestSpectra <- fromJSON(peakforestSpectra, simplifyDataFrame = TRUE)

  if (ph != 0)
    peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$sampleNMRTubeConditionsMetadata$potentiaHydrogenii == ph, ]
  if (field != 0)
    peakforestSpectra <- peakforestSpectra[peakforestSpectra$analyzerNMRSpectrometerDevice$magneticFieldStrenght == field, ]

  if (nrow(peakforestSpectra) != 0) {
    BdDReference_TOCSY <- peakforestSpectra$peaks
    names(BdDReference_TOCSY) <- str_split(peakforestSpectra[, 2], simplify = TRUE, pattern = ";")[, 1]
    names(BdDReference_TOCSY) <- enc2utf8(names(BdDReference_TOCSY))
    names(BdDReference_TOCSY) <- str_replace_all(names(BdDReference_TOCSY), "\u00e9", "e")

    for (k in seq_len(length(BdDReference_TOCSY))) {
      peakforestSpectra_df <- data.frame(ppm.dim1 = BdDReference_TOCSY[[k]][, 2], ppm.dim2 = BdDReference_TOCSY[[k]][, 1],
                                         BdDReference_TOCSY[[k]][, 3:ncol(BdDReference_TOCSY[[k]])])
      BdDReference_TOCSY[[k]] <- peakforestSpectra_df
  } else {
    stop("No TOCSY spectra correspond to requested pH and/or magnetic field", call. = FALSE)

if (argLs$cosy_2dsequences == "no" & argLs$hmbc_2dsequences == "no" & argLs$hsqc_2dsequences == "no" & argLs$jres_2dsequences == "no" & argLs$tocsy_2dsequences == "no")
  stop("No chosen sequence. You have to choose at least 1 sequence", call. = FALSE)

  # User database

  # Allowed chemical shifts
tolPpm1 <- argLs$tolppm1
tolPpm2HJRes <- argLs$tolppmJRES
tolPpm2C <- argLs$tolppm2
  # Threshold to remove metabolites (probability score < threshold)
seuil <- argLs$threshold
# Remove metabolites when multiple assignations?
unicite <- str_to_upper(argLs$unicity)

## Output paramater values
AnnotationGraph <- argLs[["AnnotationGraph"]]


st0 <- Sys.time()
pdf(AnnotationGraph, onefile = TRUE)
annotationMelange <- annotationRmn2DGlobale(fileToAnnotate, tolPpm1 = tolPpm1, tolPpm2HJRes = tolPpm2HJRes,
                                             tolPpm2C = tolPpm2C, cosy = cosy, hmbc = hmbc, hsqc = hsqc,
                                             jres = jres, tocsy = tocsy, seuil = seuil, unicite = unicite)

if (cosy == 1) {
  write.table(annotationMelange$COSY$liste_resultat, file = argLs[["annotationCOSY"]], quote = FALSE,
              row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
  if (nrow(annotationMelange$COSY$listing_ppm_commun) != 0)
      write.table(annotationMelange$COSY$listing_ppm_commun, file = argLs[["ppmCommunCOSY"]], quote = FALSE,
                  row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")

if (hmbc == 1) {
  write.table(annotationMelange$HMBC$liste_resultat, file = argLs[["annotationHMBC"]], quote = FALSE,
              row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
  if (nrow(annotationMelange$HMBC$listing_ppm_commun) != 0)
    write.table(annotationMelange$HMBC$listing_ppm_commun, file = argLs[["ppmCommunHMBC"]], quote = FALSE,
                row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")

if (hsqc == 1) {
  write.table(annotationMelange$HSQC$liste_resultat, file = argLs[["annotationHSQC"]], quote = FALSE,
              row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
  if (nrow(annotationMelange$HSQC$listing_ppm_commun) != 0)
    write.table(annotationMelange$HSQC$listing_ppm_commun, file = argLs[["ppmCommunHSQC"]], quote = FALSE,
                row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")

if (jres == 1) {
  write.table(annotationMelange$JRES$liste_resultat, file = argLs[["annotationJRES"]], quote = FALSE,
              row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
  if (nrow(annotationMelange$JRES$listing_ppm_commun) != 0)
    write.table(annotationMelange$JRES$listing_ppm_commun, file = argLs[["ppmCommunJRES"]], quote = FALSE,
                row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")

if (tocsy == 1) {
  write.table(annotationMelange$TOCSY$liste_resultat, file = argLs[["annotationTOCSY"]], quote = FALSE,
              row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
  if (nrow(annotationMelange$TOCSY$listing_ppm_commun) != 0)
    write.table(annotationMelange$TOCSY$listing_ppm_commun, file = argLs[["ppmCommunTOCSY"]], quote = FALSE,
                row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")

## Combinaison de sequences
if (cosy + jres + hmbc + hsqc + tocsy > 1) {
  write.table(annotationMelange$combination, file = argLs[["annotationCombination"]], quote = FALSE,
              row.names = FALSE, sep = "\t")
st1 <- Sys.time()
print(st1 - st0)

## Ending
cat("\nEnd of '2D NMR annotation' Galaxy module call: ", as.character(Sys.time()), sep = "")
options(stringsAsFactors = strAsFacL)
rm(list = ls())