diff NmrBucketing_script.R @ 9:62c62e31fc80 draft

planemo upload for repository https://github.com/workflow4metabolomics/nmr_bucketing commit fc2be0f9fa66f830d592d74d14b47a63e761647b
author lecorguille
date Fri, 21 Apr 2017 08:53:40 -0400
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/NmrBucketing_script.R	Fri Apr 21 08:53:40 2017 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+# SPECTRA BUCKETING AND INTEGRATION FROM RAW BRUKER FILES                                      #
+# User : Galaxy                                                                                #
+# Original data : --                                                                           #
+# Starting date : 20-10-2014                                                                   #
+# Version 1 : 18-12-2014                                                                       #
+# Version 2 : 07-01-2015                                                                       #
+# Version 3 : 24-10-2016                                                                       #
+#                                                                                              #
+# Input files : modification on october 2016                                                   #
+#   - Raw bruker files included in user-defined fileName                                      #
+#   - Preprocessed files (alignment, ...) included in p x n dataframe                          #
+NmrBucketing <- function(fileType,fileName,leftBorder = 10.0,rightBorder = 0.5,bucketSize = 0.04,exclusionZones,
+                         exclusionZonesBorders=NULL,graph=c("None","Overlay","One_per_individual"),
+                         nomFichier,savLog.txtC = NULL) 
+  ## Option
+  ##---------------
+  strAsFacL <- options()$stringsAsFactors
+  options(stingsAsFactors = FALSE)
+  options(warn = -1)
+  ## Constants
+  ##---------------
+  topEnvC <- environment()
+  flgC <- "\n"
+  ## Log file (in case of integration into Galaxy)
+  ##----------------------------------------------
+  if(!is.null(savLog.txtC))
+    sink(savLog.txtC, append = TRUE)
+  ## Functions definition
+  ##---------------------  
+  NmRBrucker_read <- function(DataDir,SampleSpectrum)
+  {
+    bruker.get_param <- function (ACQ,paramStr)
+    {
+      regexpStr <- paste("^...",paramStr,"=",sep="")
+      as.numeric(gsub("^[^=]+= ","" ,ACQ[which(simplify2array(regexpr(regexpStr,ACQ))>0)]))
+    }
+    ACQFILE <- "acqus"
+    SPECFILE <- paste(DataDir,"/1r",sep="")
+    PROCFILE <- paste(DataDir,"/procs",sep="")
+    ACQ <- readLines(ACQFILE)
+    TD      <- bruker.get_param(ACQ,"TD")
+    SW      <- bruker.get_param(ACQ,"SW")
+    SWH     <- bruker.get_param(ACQ,"SW_h")
+    DTYPA   <- bruker.get_param(ACQ,"DTYPA")
+    BYTORDA <- bruker.get_param(ACQ,"BYTORDA")
+    #ENDIAN = ifelse( BYTORDA==0, "little", "big")
+    ENDIAN <- "little"
+    SIZE = ifelse( DTYPA==0, 4, 8)
+    PROC <- readLines(PROCFILE)
+    OFFSET <- bruker.get_param(PROC,"OFFSET")
+    SI <- bruker.get_param(PROC,"SI")
+    to.read = file(SPECFILE,"rb")
+    maxTDSI = max(TD,SI)
+    #  signal<-rev(readBin(to.read, what="int",size=SIZE, n=TD, signed = TRUE, endian = ENDIAN))
+    signal<-rev(readBin(to.read, what="int",size=SIZE, n=maxTDSI, signed = TRUE, endian = ENDIAN))
+    close(to.read)
+    td <- length(signal)
+    #  dppm <- SW/(TD-1)
+    dppm <- SW/(td-1)
+    pmax <- OFFSET
+    pmin <- OFFSET - SW
+    ppmseq <- seq(from=pmin, to=pmax, by=dppm)
+    signal <- 100*signal/max(signal)
+    SampleSpectrum <- cbind(ppmseq,signal)
+    return(SampleSpectrum)
+  }
+  NmrBrucker_bucket <- function(spectrum)
+  {
+    # Initialisations
+    b <- 1
+    j <- 1
+    # Variable number
+    J <- round((spectrum[1,1]-spectrum[dim(spectrum)[1],1])/bucketSize)
+    f.bucket <- matrix(rep(0,J*2),ncol=2)
+    colnames(f.bucket) <- c("Bucket",FileNames[i])
+    # Data bucketing
+    while (j < dim(spectrum)[1])
+    {
+      # chemical shift
+      BUB <- spectrum[j,1]
+      # In zone exclusion?
+      exclusion.in <- FALSE
+      if (!is.null(exclusionZonesBorders))
+      {
+        for (k in 1:nrow(exclusion.zone.m))
+             if (BUB <= exclusion.zone.m[k,1] && exclusion.zone.m[k,2] < BUB)
+                 exclusion.in <- TRUE
+      }
+      if (exclusion.in)
+      {
+        # Bucketing
+        {
+          BLB <- BUB - bucketSize
+          bucket <- spectrum[j,]
+          while (j < dim(spectrum)[1] && spectrum[j,1] > BLB)
+          {
+            j <- j + 1
+            if (spectrum[j,1] > BLB)
+              bucket <- rbind(bucket,spectrum[j,])
+          }
+          f.bucket[b,] <- c(round(mean(bucket[,1]),3),0)
+          # Next bucket boundary
+          BUB <- spectrum[j,1]
+          b <- b + 1
+        }
+      }
+      if (!exclusion.in)
+        # Bucketing
+      {
+        BLB <- BUB - bucketSize
+        bucket <- spectrum[j,]
+        while (j < dim(spectrum)[1] && spectrum[j,1] > BLB)
+        {
+          j <- j + 1
+          if (spectrum[j,1] > BLB)
+            bucket <- rbind(bucket,spectrum[j,])
+        }
+        # Integration (trapezoid method)
+        s <- cumtrapz(bucket[,1],bucket[,2])
+        f.bucket[b,] <- c(round(mean(bucket[,1]),3),abs(s[length(s)][[1]]))
+        # Next bucket boundary
+        BUB <- spectrum[j,1]
+        b <- b + 1
+      }
+    }
+    return(f.bucket)
+  }
+  # Exclusion zones
+  if (!is.null(exclusionZonesBorders))
+  {
+    exclusion.zone.m <- matrix(exclusionZonesBorders[[1]],nrow=1)
+    if (length(exclusionZonesBorders) > 1)
+      for (k in 2:length(exclusionZonesBorders))
+        exclusion.zone.m <- rbind(exclusion.zone.m,exclusionZonesBorders[[k]])
+  }
+    ## Inputs from zip or library (raw files)
+  if (fileType == "zip")
+  {
+      # File names
+    FileNames <- list.files(fileName)
+    n <- length(FileNames)
+    # Reading and Bucketing
+    fileName <- paste(fileName,"/",sep="")
+    i <- 1
+    while (i <= n)
+    {
+      # File reading
+      SampleDir <- paste(fileName,FileNames[i],"/1/",sep="")
+      setwd(SampleDir)
+      DataDir <- "pdata/1"
+      rawSpectrum <- NmRBrucker_read(DataDir,rawSpectrum)
+      orderedSpectrum <- rawSpectrum[order(rawSpectrum[,1],decreasing=T), ]
+      # Removal of chemical shifts > leftBorder or < rightBorder boundaries
+      truncatedSpectrum <- orderedSpectrum[orderedSpectrum[,1] < leftBorder & orderedSpectrum[,1] > rightBorder, ]
+      truncatedSpectrum[,1] <- round(truncatedSpectrum[,1],3)
+      # Bucketing
+      spectrum.bucket <- NmrBrucker_bucket(truncatedSpectrum)
+      ppm <- spectrum.bucket[,1]
+      # spectrum Concatenation
+      if (i == 1)
+        bucketedSpectra <- spectrum.bucket
+      if (i > 1)
+        bucketedSpectra <- cbind(bucketedSpectra,spectrum.bucket[,2])
+      colnames(bucketedSpectra)[i+1] <- FileNames[i]
+      # Next sample
+      rm(spectrum.bucket)
+      i <- i +1
+    }
+    # Directory
+    cd(fileName)  
+  }
+  ## Inputs from dataset (preprocessed files)
+  if (fileType=="tsv")
+  {
+    FileNames <- colnames(fileName)
+    n <- length(FileNames)
+    for (i in 1:ncol(fileName))
+    {
+      orderedSpectrum <- cbind(as.numeric(rownames(fileName)),fileName[,i])
+      orderedSpectrum <- orderedSpectrum[order(orderedSpectrum[,1],decreasing=T), ]
+      truncatedSpectrum <- orderedSpectrum[orderedSpectrum[,1] < leftBorder & orderedSpectrum[,1] > rightBorder, ]
+      truncatedSpectrum[,1] <- round(truncatedSpectrum[,1],3)
+      # Bucketing
+      spectrum.bucket <- NmrBrucker_bucket(truncatedSpectrum)
+      ppm <- spectrum.bucket[,1]
+      # spectrum Concatenation
+      if (i == 1)
+        bucketedSpectra <- spectrum.bucket
+      if (i > 1)
+        bucketedSpectra <- cbind(bucketedSpectra,spectrum.bucket[,2])
+      colnames(bucketedSpectra)[i+1] <- colnames(fileName)[i]
+    }
+  }
+  identifiants <- gsub("([- , * { } | \\[ ])","_",colnames(bucketedSpectra)[-1])
+  colnames(bucketedSpectra) <- c(colnames(bucketedSpectra)[1],identifiants)
+  bucketedSpectra <- bucketedSpectra[bucketedSpectra[,1]!=0,]
+  rownames(bucketedSpectra) <- paste("B",bucketedSpectra[,1],sep="")
+  bucketedSpectra <- bucketedSpectra[,-1]
+  # Metadata matrice outputs
+  sampleMetadata <- data.frame(1:n)
+  rownames(sampleMetadata) <- colnames(bucketedSpectra)
+  colnames(sampleMetadata) <- "SampleOrder"
+  variableMetadata <- data.frame(1:nrow(bucketedSpectra))
+  rownames(variableMetadata) <- rownames(bucketedSpectra)
+  colnames(variableMetadata) <- "VariableOrder"
+  return(list(bucketedSpectra,sampleMetadata,variableMetadata,ppm)) # ,truncatedSpectrum_matrice
+## Typical function call
+## StudyDir <- "K:/PROJETS/Metabohub/Bruker/Tlse_BPASourisCerveau/"
+## upper <- 9.5
+## lower <- 0.8
+## bucket.width <- 0.01
+## exclusion <- TRUE
+## exclusion.zone <- list(c(5.1,4.5))
+## graphique <- "Overlay"
+## nomFichier <- "Tlse_BPASourisCerveau_NmrBucketing_graph.pdf"
+## tlse_cerveaupnd21.bucket <- NmrBucketing(StudyDir,upper,lower,bucket.width,exclusion,exclusion.zone,graphique,nomFichier)
+## write.table(tlse_cerveaupnd21.bucket,file=paste(StudyDir,"Tlse_BPASourisCerveau_NmrBucketing_dataMatrix.tsv",sep=""),
+##             quote=FALSE,row.nmaes=FALSE,sep="\t")