1 import sys
2 import os
3 #import MySQLdb
4 #import config
5 import subprocess
6 import re
7 import shutil
8 import traceback
9 #import xlsxwriter
10 import xlrd
12 #http://www.blog.pythonlibrary.org/2014/04/30/reading-excel-spreadsheets-with-python-and-xlrd/
14 def File_From_Tab(infileName, outfileName, tabName,tabNumber):
15 """
16 Open and read an Excel file
17 """
18 book = xlrd.open_workbook(infileName)
19 # print number of sheets
20 #print book.nsheets
22 # print sheet names
23 tabList= book.sheet_names()
24 #print tabList
25 #print book.sheet_names()
26 if tabName == "" and (tabNumber <1 or tabNumber > len(tabList)):
27 sys.stderr.write("\n>>>ERROR illegal tab number "+str(tabNumber)+" input when no tab name was specified\n")
28 sys.stderr.write("\n>>>Allowed tab numbers, or tab names, for this file with "+str(len(tabList))+" total tabs are:")
30 for i in range(len(tabList)):
31 sys.stderr.write("\n>>> tab number "+str(i+1)+" is named "+str(tabList[i]))
32 sys.exit(-1)
34 if tabName != "": # use name instead of tab number
35 found = False
36 i = 0
37 while (i < len(tabList)) and not found:
38 i += 1
39 if tabName == str(tabList[i-1]):
40 tabNumber = i
41 found = True
42 if not found:
43 sys.stderr("\n>>> ERROR -- Input Tab name "+tabName+" was not found\n")
44 sys.exit(-1)
45 # get the first worksheet
46 #first_sheet = book.sheet_by_index(0)
47 worksheet = book.sheet_by_index(tabNumber-1)
49 outFile = open(outfileName+str(tabList[tabNumber-1]+".tsv"), 'w')
51 #https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14944623/python-xrld-read-rows-and-columns
52 #workbook = xlrd.open_workbook('my_workbook.xls')
53 #worksheet = workbook.sheet_by_name('Sheet1')
54 num_rows = worksheet.nrows - 1
55 num_cells = worksheet.ncols - 1
56 curr_row = -1
57 while curr_row < num_rows:
58 curr_row += 1
59 row = worksheet.row(curr_row)
61 if curr_row == 0:
62 endOfLine= False
63 allRowNumCols= len(row)
64 i= len(row)-1
65 # find length of matrix and covariates using first row
66 # Cell Types: 0=Empty, 1=Text, 2=Number, 3=Date, 4=Boolean, 5=Error, 6=Blank
67 while i <= len(row)-1 and not endOfLine:
68 cell_type = worksheet.cell_type(curr_row, i)
69 #temp = str(worksheet.cell_value(curr_row, i))
70 #print( " pos and cell type row one ",cell_type, i)
72 if cell_type == 0 or cell_type == 6:
73 allRowNumCols -= 1
74 i -= 1
75 else:
76 endOfLine= True
78 if allRowNumCols < 5:
79 sys.stderr.write("\nERROR First row number of columns= "+str(allRowNumCols)+" is too short, so all rows will be ignored\n")
80 sys.exit(-1)
81 elif curr_row == 0:
82 sys.stdout.write("\nALL Rows must all have the same number of columns as the First row's number columns = "+ str(allRowNumCols) +"\n")
84 temp= ''
85 rowLen= 0
86 endOfLine= False
88 while rowLen < allRowNumCols and not endOfLine:
89 temp += str(worksheet.cell_value(curr_row, rowLen))+"\t"
90 #temp += str(row[rowLen])+"\t"
91 rowLen += 1
93 temp = temp[:-1]+"\n"
94 #print 'Row:', curr_row, len(row), rowLen
95 outFile.write(temp) #TODO check if rows are all same length
97 sys.stdout.write("File created with "+str(curr_row)+" rows and "+str(allRowNumCols)+" columns\n")
98 # curr_cell = -1
99 # while curr_cell < num_cells:
100 # curr_cell += 1
101 # # Cell Types: 0=Empty, 1=Text, 2=Number, 3=Date, 4=Boolean, 5=Error, 6=Blank
102 # cell_type = worksheet.cell_type(curr_row, curr_cell)
103 # cell_value = worksheet.cell_value(curr_row, curr_cell)
104 # print ' ', cell_type, ':', cell_value
105 # # read a row
106 # print first_sheet.row_values(0)
107 #
108 # # read a cell
109 # cell = first_sheet.cell(0,0)
110 # print cell
111 # print cell.value
112 #
113 # # read a row slice
114 # print first_sheet.row_slice(rowx=0,
115 # start_colx=0,
116 # end_colx=2)
118 return tabList
121 #======================
122 # from RPPA callInSilicoReportWriter.py
123 # def write_xlsx_for_report(directory_for_reports, report_name, report_id, dict_cf2_values):
124 #
125 #
126 # error_write_xlsx = ""
127 # error_occurred = 0
128 #
129 # try:
130 # path_to_dir_when_writing = os.path.join(directory_for_reports, report_name)
131 # header_path = os.path.join(directory_for_reports, report_name, "header.csv")
132 # raw_log_2_path = os.path.join(directory_for_reports, report_name, "RawLog2.csv")
133 # norm_linear_path = os.path.join(directory_for_reports, report_name, "NormLinear.csv")
134 # norm_log_2_path = os.path.join(directory_for_reports, report_name, "NormLog2.csv")
135 # norm_log_2_median_centered_path = os.path.join(directory_for_reports, report_name, "NormLog2_MedianCentered.csv")
136 #
137 # # put the cf2 values in the NormLinear file
138 # error_put_cf2_in_normLinear = write_new_normLinear_csv_file_with_cf2_values(path_to_dir_when_writing, norm_linear_path, dict_cf2_values)
139 #
140 #
141 # excel_workBook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(os.path.join(directory_for_reports, report_name,report_name + ".xlsx"), {'strings_to_numbers': True})
142 #
143 # rawLog2_worksheet = excel_workBook.add_worksheet("RawLog2")
144 # error_rawLog2 = construct_worksheet_for_xlsx(rawLog2_worksheet, header_path, "RawLog2", raw_log_2_path)
145 #
146 # norm_linear_worksheet = excel_workBook.add_worksheet("NormLinear")
147 # error_norm_linear = construct_worksheet_for_xlsx(norm_linear_worksheet, header_path, "NormLinear", norm_linear_path)
148 #
149 # norm_log_2_worksheet = excel_workBook.add_worksheet("NormLog2")
150 # error_norm_log_2 = construct_worksheet_for_xlsx(norm_log_2_worksheet, header_path, "NormLog2", norm_log_2_path)
151 #
152 # norm_log_2_median_centered_worksheet = excel_workBook.add_worksheet("NormLog2_MedianCentered")
153 # error_norm_log_2_median_centered = construct_worksheet_for_xlsx(norm_log_2_median_centered_worksheet, header_path, "Median-Centered", norm_log_2_median_centered_path)
154 #
155 # errors_array = [error_put_cf2_in_normLinear, error_rawLog2, error_norm_linear, error_norm_log_2, error_norm_log_2_median_centered]
156 # for error in errors_array:
157 # if error != "":
158 # error_write_xlsx = error_write_xlsx + error
159 # error_occurred = 1
160 # if error_occurred == 1:
161 # error_write_xlsx + "\nThe excel workbook for the report "+report_name+" was not written successfully.\n\n"
162 #
163 # excel_workBook.close()
164 # except Exception, e:
165 # error_occurred = 1
166 # error_write_xlsx += str(repr(e)) + "\n\n"
167 # error_write_xlsx + "\nThe excel workbook for the report "+report_name+" was not written successfully.\n\n"
168 # try:
169 # excel_workBook.close()
170 # except Exception, f:
171 # sys.stderr.write("An unforeseen problem has occurred in write_xlsx_for_report()\n")
172 # sys.stderr.write(str(repr(f)) + "\n\n")
173 #
174 #
175 # return error_occurred, error_write_xlsx
176 #
177 #
178 # def write_new_normLinear_csv_file_with_cf2_values(path_to_dir, norm_linear_path, dict_cf2_values):
179 # errors = ""
180 # try:
181 # titles = {}
182 # new_lines_normLinear_with_cf2 = []
183 # # read old norm linear file
184 # rf_normLinear = open(norm_linear_path, 'rU')
185 # line_num = 0
186 # for line in rf_normLinear:
187 # line = strip_new_line_from_right_side(line)
188 # toks = line.split(",")
189 # line_num += 1
190 # if line_num == 1:
191 # line += "1,CF2"
192 # new_lines_normLinear_with_cf2.append(line)
193 # titles = toks
194 # continue
195 # pos_rf = int(toks[titles.index('Order')])
196 # line += "," + str(dict_cf2_values[pos_rf])
197 # new_lines_normLinear_with_cf2.append(line)
198 # rf_normLinear.close()
199 # # rename the old normLinear file
200 # os.rename(norm_linear_path, os.path.join(path_to_dir, 'before_cf2_NormLinear.csv'))
201 #
202 # # write new normLinear with cf2
203 # wf_new_normLinear = open(norm_linear_path, 'w')
204 # for line_writing in new_lines_normLinear_with_cf2:
205 # wf_new_normLinear.write(line_writing + "\n")
206 # wf_new_normLinear.close()
207 # except Exception, err_write_normLinear_with_cf2_values:
208 # errors = str(repr(err_write_normLinear_with_cf2_values))
209 #
210 # return errors
211 #
212 #
213 # # This function constructs the worksheet for each tab in the excel file for a report
214 # # It puts these things in this order:
215 # # 1. Title of the tab
216 # # 2. Header for the tab
217 # # 3. Content of the tab
218 # def construct_worksheet_for_xlsx(worksheet, header_path, title_top_of_tab, tab_input_path):
219 #
220 # reload(sys)
221 # sys.setdefaultencoding('utf8')
222 # errors = ""
223 #
224 # try:
225 # # Write the title at the top of the tab
226 # worksheet.write(0,0,title_top_of_tab)
227 #
228 # # Variable to keep track of the rows
229 # row_num = 1
230 #
231 # # Write the header stuff
232 # header_file = open(header_path, 'rU')
233 # for head_line in header_file:
234 # head_line = strip_new_line_from_right_side(head_line)
235 # head_toks = head_line.split(",")
236 # col_num = 0
237 # for tok in head_toks:
238 # worksheet.write(row_num, col_num, tok)
239 # col_num += 1
240 # row_num += 1
241 #
242 # # Write the content stuff
243 # tab_input_file = open(tab_input_path, 'rU')
244 # for tab_line in tab_input_file:
245 # tab_line = strip_new_line_from_right_side(tab_line)
246 # tab_toks = tab_line.split(",")
247 # col_num = 0
248 # for tok in tab_toks:
249 # tok = tok.decode('iso-8859-1').encode('utf-8')
250 # worksheet.write(row_num, col_num, tok)
251 # col_num += 1
252 # row_num += 1
253 #
254 # header_file.close()
255 # tab_input_file.close()
256 # except Exception, e:
257 # errors = errors + "\n\nAn error occurred while constructing the "+title_top_of_tab+" tab for the excel file.\n"
258 # errors = errors + "The error was :\n\t" + str(e) + "\n\n"
259 # try:
260 # header_file.close()
261 # tab_input_file.close()
262 # except NameError:
263 # x = 5
264 #
265 return errors
267 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
268 if __name__ == "__main__":
270 #try:
271 if len(sys.argv) > 4:
272 infileName = '"'+sys.argv[1]+'"'
273 tabName = '"'+sys.argv[2]+'"'
274 tabNumber = 0
275 if tabName == '': tabNumber = int(sys.argv[3])
276 outfileName = '"'+sys.argv[4]+'"' #TODO Later multiple outputs one per tab
278 sys.stdout.write( "\nInput parameters ",str(sys.argv[1:4]),"\n" )
280 #infileName = "/Users/bobbrown/Desktop/01_Gordon_Mills__Zhiyong_Ding.xlsx"
281 #outfileName= "/Users/bobbrown/Desktop/01_Gordon_Mills__Zhiyong_Ding-Tab-Out-"
282 #tabName ="NormLog2"
283 #tabName =""
284 #tabNumber= 10
286 status= File_From_Tab(infileName, outfileName, tabName, tabNumber )
287 #except
288 #sys.exit(-1)
290 sys.exit(0) |