view isolab/isolab.xml @ 3:63b35931859a draft default tip

author metaboflow_cam
date Tue, 22 Oct 2019 04:25:30 -0400
line wrap: on
line source

  wl-11-04-2018, wed: commence
  wl-12-04-2018, Thu: first working draft
  wl-13-04-2018, Fri: enter target information manually. The main 
     reference is galaxy tool 'masigpro'.
  wl-05-02-2019, Tue: add load group file and help   
  wl-24-03-2019, Sun: R package 'ecipex' is not in bioconda and conda-forge
  wl-02-04-2019, Tue: add more tests and use 'sed' to remove the first and 
   bottom lines of '$target_matrix'. Note that sed's '$' need to escape.

<tool id="isolab" name="IsotopicLabelling" version="0.1.0">
    Mass Spectrometric Isotopic Labelling
  <expand macro="requirements" />
  <expand macro="stdio" />
  <!-- =============================================================== -->
      #if str($target.target_selector) == "no":
          sed -i '1d;\$d' '$target_matrix' &&
          #if $target.target_output:
              ln -f $target_matrix $target_out &&
          #end if
          #set $targ_file = $target_matrix
          #set $targ_file = $target.targ_file
      #end if

      Rscript ${__tool_directory__}/isolab.R
        ## input files
        --peak_file $peak_file 
        --targ_file $targ_file 
        ## Average estimate for groups
        --grp $grp.grp_selector
        #if $grp.grp_selector =="TRUE":
          ## input group information directly or load a file?
          --grp_file_sel '$grp.grp_1.grp_file_sel' 
          #if $grp.grp_1.grp_file_sel=='yes':
          --grp_file '$grp.grp_1.grp_file'
          --groups '$grp.grp_1.groups'
          #end if
        #end if

        ## Plot results
        --pattern_plot $pattern_plot
        --residual_plot $residual_plot
        --result_plot $result_plot 

        ## output pdf files
        #if $pattern_plot:
          --pattern_file $pattern_file
        #end if
        #if $residual_plot:
          --residual_file $residual_file
        #end if
        #if $result_plot:
          --result_file $result_file
        #end if

        ## Output Excel files
        --summary_file $summary_file 
        #if $grp.grp_selector =="TRUE":
           --summary_grp_file $summary_grp_file
        #end if


  <!-- =============================================================== -->
  <!-- wl-13-04-2018, Fri: Beware that produced text file has two empty
       rows, the first row and bottom row. R can remove the first row 
       automatically, but you must remove the bottom row by yourself.  -->
    <configfile name="target_matrix">
        #if str($target.target_selector) == "no":
          #set $header = 'name_compound' + '\t' + 'compound' + '\t' + 'charge' + '\t'  + 'labelling' + '\t' + 'RT' + '\t' + 'RT_shift' + '\t' + 'chrom_width' + '\t' + 'mass_shift' + '\t' + 'initial_abundance'
          #for $t in $target.rep_target:
            #set $line = str($t.name_compound) + '\t' + str($t.compound) + '\t' + str($t.charge) + '\t' + str($t.labelling) + '\t' + str($t.RT) + '\t' + str($t.RT_shift) + '\t' + str($t.chrom_width) + '\t' + str($t.mass_shift) + '\t' + str($t.initial_abundance)
          #end for
        #end if

  <!-- =============================================================== -->
    <param name="peak_file" type="data"  format="tabular" label="Data matrix" 
           help="Data matrix containing the integrated signals for the
                 samples. The first two columns represent the mass and the
                 retention time of the peaks; the other columns represent
                 peak intensities for each sample." />

    <conditional name="target">
      <param name="target_selector" type="select"
             label="Input targets from file?" 
             help="Choose if you want to provide targets file, or if you
                   want to enter targets manually.">
        <option value="yes">Use targets file</option>
        <option value="no">Enter targets manually</option>

      <when value="yes">
        <param name="targ_file" type="data"  format="tabular" 
               label="Targets matrix" 
               help="A data matrix containing information on the target analytes.
                     Columns 1 to 8 are: 'name_compound' (the name of the target
                     analytes), 'compound', 'charge', 'labelling', 'RT',
                     'RT_shift', 'chrom_width', 'mass_shift'.  Columns from 9
                     onwards contain the initial estimates for the label
                     abundances (one estimate for each sample). If not known,
                     a single column of NA values can be entered" />

     <when value="no">
       <param name="target_output" type="boolean" truevalue="1" falsevalue="0"
              checked="true" label="Output generated targets input files?"
              help="Choose if you want to output the generated targets." />

        <repeat name="rep_target" title="Target" min="1" default="1">

          <param name="name_compound" type="text" value=""
                 label="Specify a compound name"
                 help="Letters, numbers and underscores will be allowed">
            <sanitizer invalid_char="">
              <valid initial="string.ascii_letters,string.digits">
                <add value="_" />
                <add value="+" />
                <add value="[" />
                <add value="]" />

          <param name="compound" type="text" value=""
                 label="Specify a compound"
                 help="Letters and numbers will be allowed">
              <valid initial="string.ascii_letters,string.digits"></valid>
          <param name="charge" type="integer" value="1"
                 label="Specify a charge value"
                 help="Only numbers will be allowed">
              <valid initial="string.digits"></valid>

          <param name="labelling" type="text" value="C"
                 label="Specify a labelling isotope"
                 help="Letters will be allowed">
              <valid initial="string.ascii_letters"></valid>
          <param name="RT" type="integer" value="285"
                 label="Specify an retention time"
                 help="Only numbers will be allowed">
              <valid initial="string.digits"></valid>

          <param name="RT_shift" type="integer" value="20"
                 label="Specify an retention time shift"
                 help="Only numbers will be allowed">
              <valid initial="string.digits"></valid>

          <param name="chrom_width" type="integer" value="7"
                 label="Specify a chrom width"
                 help="Only numbers will be allowed">
              <valid initial="string.digits"></valid>

          <param name="mass_shift" type="float" value="0.05"
                 label="Specify a mass shift"
                 help="Only numbers will be allowed">
            <sanitizer invalid_char="">
              <valid initial="string.digits">
                <add value="." />

          <param name="initial_abundance" type="text" value="NA"
                 label="Specify an initial abundance"
                 help="Letters and numbers will be allowed">
              <valid initial="string.ascii_letters,string.digits"></valid>


    <!-- =============================================================== -->
    <conditional name="grp">
      <param name="grp_selector"
             label="Average estimate within groups" 
             help="Calculate summary statistics for the samples belonging to 
                   the same group.">
                <option value="TRUE" selected="True">Average within groups</option>
                <option value="FALSE">Do not average within groups</option>

      <when value="TRUE">
        <conditional name="grp_1">
          <param name="grp_file_sel" type="select"
                 label="Group information. Input from a file?" 
                 help="You can load group from a file or enter below manually.">
            <option value="yes">Use group file</option>
            <option value="no">Enter group manually</option>

          <when value="yes">
            <param name="grp_file" type="data"  format="txt" 
                   label="Group file" 
                   help="A data matrix containing only one column" />
                   <!-- wl-30-11-2018, Fri: cannot use format="tabular". It
                     does not treat one column data file as tabular format.  
          <when value="no">
            <param name="groups" type="text" value=""
                   label="Specify group information"
                   help="A vector containing the name of the group of each sample
                         analysed. Delimited by a comma" />

      <when value="FALSE">


    <!-- =============================================================== -->
    <param name="pattern_plot" type="boolean" truevalue="True" 
           falsevalue="False" checked="true" label="Plot patterns" 
           help="Plot the normalized experimental pattern superimposed to 
                 its fitted theoretical pattern." />
    <param name="residual_plot" type="boolean" truevalue="True" 
           falsevalue="False" checked="true" label="Plot residuals" 
           help="Plot the residuals (the differences between 
                 experimental and best fitted theoretical patterns)" />
    <param name="result_plot" type="boolean" truevalue="True" 
           falsevalue="False" checked="true" label="Plot results" 
           help="Plot summary showing the estimated percentage abundances
                 with related standard errors." />


  <!-- =============================================================== -->
    <data format="tabular" name="target_out" label="Target file on ${on_string}">
        target['target_selector'] == 'no' and
        target['target_output'] == True 

    <data format="pdf" name="pattern_file"
          label="Pattern plot on ${on_string}">
      <filter> pattern_plot == True </filter>
    <data format="pdf" name="residual_file"
          label="Residual plot on ${on_string}">
      <filter> residual_plot == True </filter>
    <data format="pdf" name="result_file"
          label="Result summary plot on ${on_string}">
      <filter> result_plot == True </filter>
    <data format="xlsx" name="summary_file" 
          label="Result summary on ${on_string}"/>
    <data format="xlsx" name="summary_grp_file" 
          label="Group result summary on ${on_string}" >
      <filter> grp['grp_selector'] == "TRUE" </filter>

  <!-- =============================================================== -->
    <!-- test for manually target input. compare with '' except
         'xcms_tar_res.tsv' which is not output from R.
      <param name="peak_file" value="xcms.tsv" />
      <conditional name="target">
        <param name="target_selector" value="no" />
        <repeat name="rep_target">
          <param name="name_compound"     value="[PC_32_2+H]+" />
          <param name="compound"          value="X40H77NO8P"   />
          <param name="charge"            value="1" />
          <param name="labelling"         value="C" />
          <param name="RT"                value="285" />
          <param name="RT_shift"          value="20" />
          <param name="chrom_width"       value="7" />
          <param name="mass_shift"        value="0.05" />
          <param name="initial_abundance" value="NA" />
        <repeat name="rep_target">
          <param name="name_compound"     value="[PC_32_1+H]+" />
          <param name="compound"          value="X40H79NO8P"   />
          <param name="charge"            value="1" />
          <param name="labelling"         value="C" />
          <param name="RT"                value="360" />
          <param name="RT_shift"          value="20" />
          <param name="chrom_width"       value="10" />
          <param name="mass_shift"        value="0.05" />
          <param name="initial_abundance" value="NA" />
        <repeat name="rep_target">
          <param name="name_compound"     value="[PC_32_2+H]+" />
          <param name="compound"          value="X42H81NO8P"   />
          <param name="charge"            value="1" />
          <param name="labelling"         value="C" />
          <param name="RT"                value="370" />
          <param name="RT_shift"          value="20" />
          <param name="chrom_width"       value="13" />
          <param name="mass_shift"        value="0.05" />
          <param name="initial_abundance" value="NA" />
      <param name="grp" value="TURE" /> 
      <param name="grp_file_sel" value="yes" /> 
      <param name="grp_file" value="xcms_grp.tsv" /> 
      <param name="pattern_plot" value="TRUE" /> 
      <param name="residual_plot" value="TRUE" /> 
      <param name="result_plot" value="TRUE" /> 
      <output name="pattern_file" file="res/xcms_pattern_1.pdf" compare="sim_size" delta="50000"/>
      <output name="residual_file" file="res/xcms_residual_1.pdf" compare="sim_size" delta="50000"/>
      <output name="result_file" file="res/xcms_result_1.pdf" compare="sim_size" delta="50000"/>
      <output name="summary_file" file="res/xcms_summary_1.xlsx" compare="sim_size" delta="50000"/>
      <output name="summary_grp_file" file="res/xcms_summary_grp_1.xlsx" compare="sim_size" delta="50000"/>
      <!-- The following is not from R script, but from cheetah -->  
      <output name="target_out" file="res/xcms_tar_res.tsv" />
      <param name="peak_file" value="xcms.tsv" />
      <param name="targ_file" value="xcms_tar.tsv" />
      <param name="grp" value="TURE" /> 
      <param name="grp_file_sel" value="yes" /> 
      <param name="grp_file" value="xcms_grp.tsv" /> 
      <param name="pattern_plot" value="TRUE" /> 
      <param name="residual_plot" value="TRUE" /> 
      <param name="result_plot" value="TRUE" /> 
      <output name="pattern_file" file="res/xcms_pattern.pdf" compare="sim_size" delta="50000"/>
      <output name="residual_file" file="res/xcms_residual.pdf" compare="sim_size" delta="50000"/>
      <output name="result_file" file="res/xcms_result.pdf" compare="sim_size" delta="50000"/>
      <output name="summary_file" file="res/xcms_summary.xlsx" compare="sim_size" delta="50000"/>
      <output name="summary_grp_file" file="res/xcms_summary_grp.xlsx" compare="sim_size" delta="50000"/>

    <!-- test the target file and group file -->
      <param name="peak_file" value="xcms.tsv" />
      <param name="targ_file" value="xcms_tar.tsv" />
      <param name="grp" value="TURE" /> 
      <param name="grp_file_sel" value="no" /> 
      <param name="groups" value="C12,C12,C12,C12,C13,C13,C13,C13" /> 
      <param name="pattern_plot" value="TRUE" /> 
      <param name="residual_plot" value="TRUE" /> 
      <param name="result_plot" value="TRUE" /> 
      <output name="pattern_file" file="res/xcms_pattern.pdf" compare="sim_size" delta="50000"/>
      <output name="residual_file" file="res/xcms_residual.pdf" compare="sim_size" delta="50000"/>
      <output name="result_file" file="res/xcms_result.pdf" compare="sim_size" delta="50000"/>
      <output name="summary_file" file="res/xcms_summary.xlsx" compare="sim_size" delta="50000"/>
      <output name="summary_grp_file" file="res/xcms_summary_grp.xlsx" compare="sim_size" delta="50000"/>

      <param name="peak_file" value="ecamam12.tsv" />
      <param name="targ_file" value="ecamam12_tar.tsv" />
      <param name="grp" value="TURE" /> 
      <param name="grp_file_sel" value="yes" /> 
      <param name="grp_file" value="ecamam12_grp.tsv" /> 
      <param name="pattern_plot" value="TRUE" /> 
      <param name="residual_plot" value="TRUE" /> 
      <param name="result_plot" value="TRUE" /> 
      <output name="pattern_file" file="res/ecamam12_pattern.pdf" compare="sim_size" delta="50000"/>
      <output name="residual_file" file="res/ecamam12_residual.pdf" compare="sim_size" delta="50000"/>
      <output name="result_file" file="res/ecamam12_result.pdf" compare="sim_size" delta="50000"/>
      <output name="summary_file" file="res/ecamam12_summary.xlsx" compare="sim_size" delta="50000"/>
      <output name="summary_grp_file" file="res/ecamam12_summary_grp.xlsx" compare="sim_size" delta="50000"/>

  <!-- =============================================================== -->
Mass Spectrometric Isotopic Labelling


This Galaxy tool wraps R package *IsotopicLabelling* to analyse mass
spectrometric isotopic patterns obtained following isotopic labelling

A typical labelling experiment makes use of substrates enriched in one
stable isotope, such as :sup:`2`\H or :sup:`13`\C; consequently, after the
growth period, some metabolites are expected to have incorporated the
labelling isotope, and therefore its relative distribution within them will
be different from its natural occurrence. The *IsotopicLabelling* R package
is based on the principle that, since the isotopic patterns obtained in mass
spectrometry reflect the isotopic compositions of the elements making up the
observed species, the amount of labelling can be assessed by their proper

Worth of note, because there could be overlapping between the isotopic
patterns of different species, the isotopic pattern analysis is better
suited for LC-MS or GC-MS data rather than for direct-infusion MS, where the
chromatographic step prior to MS detection reduces such issues. Therefore,
the current implementation of the package only works for LC-MS or GC-MS
data. (from  `IsotopicLabelling R Package - a Practical Guide`_)

.. _IsotopicLabelling R Package - a Practical Guide:


**\1. Data matrix**

The input data matrix contains the peak information (m/z, retention time
(RT) and intensities or areas). It is a tabular format, as shown in:

=======   ========   ================   ================   ================
mz        rt         C12_Sample_1       C12_Sample_2       C12_Sample_3
=======   ========   ================   ================   ================
69.0614   924.0013   284.464073046383   NA                 NA
74.0727   923.6565   NA                 NA                 NA
83.0756   947.1894   NA                 257.604382614333   NA
83.0735   923.2468   NA                 279.519771843507   NA
87.0323   41.40342   649.483932967305   741.9676456541     504.504348420549
89.0485   33.71593   1150.01212480098   857.503254338704   1280.96569019438
=======   ========   ================   ================   ================


**\2. Target matrix**
The target matrix in tabular format(``.tsv``) includes information on the target analytes. 
The following table is an example:

===============   ===========   ======   =========   ===   ========   ===========   ==========    =================      
name_compound     compound      charge   labelling   RT    RT_shift   chrom_width   mass_shift    initial_abundance
===============   ===========   ======   =========   ===   ========   ===========   ==========    =================      
[PC_32_2+H]+      X40H77NO8P    1        C           285   20         7             0.05          NA
[PC_32_1+H]+      X40H79NO8P    1        C           360   20         10            0.05          NA
[PC_34_2+H]+      X42H81NO8P    1        C           370   30         13            0.05          NA
[PC_34_1+H]+      X42H83NO8P    1        C           474   30         16            0.05          NA
[TAG_48_3+NH4]+   X51H96NO6     1        C           900   20         9             0.05          NA
[TAG_48_2+NH4]+   X51H98NO6     1        C           920   20         9             0.05          NA
[TAG_50_3+NH4]+   X53H100NO6    1        C           921   20         9             0.05          NA
[TAG_50_2+NH4]+   X53H102NO6    1        C           939   20         8             0.05          NA
[TAG_52_2+NH4]+   X55H106NO6    1        C           957   20         8             0.05          NA
===============   ===========   ======   =========   ===   ========   ===========   ==========    =================      


Note that the target matrix can be entered manually. For examples of positive 
and negative mode, see

**\3. Group matrix**

If the user want to estimate the average of each sample group, the group
information can be either enter manually or loaded from an one-column file.
For example, the samples belong to two group: ``C12`` and ``C13``: 

   | C12 |
   | C12 |
   | C12 |
   | C12 |
   | C13 |
   | C13 |
   | C13 |
   | C13 |


  Note that this table does not includes any header.


Enter target

The target matrix also can be enter manually. The user enters each item of a
target. Repeat this procedure for multiple compounds. One option is provided
for user to save these targets for future use. 

To avoid man-made mistakes, this option should be restricted to few
compounds. For more compounds to be analysed, the user should prepare it in
a user-friend software such as Excel and save it as a ``.tsv`` file. And
then load it into Galaxy. 

Enter group

The group information can be input manually. Just type group item delimited
by a comma. 


Isotopic pattern analysis

The default output is the summary of isotopic pattern analysis for each
compound. It can be download in ``xlsx`` format to view in Excel. 

One example is:  

==================  ============  ============  =============   =============
Stats               C12_Sample_1  C12_Sample_2  C13_Sample_1    C13_Sample_2 
==================  ============  ============  =============   =============
Best Estimate [%]   1.0805687335  1.0703071648  98.9633146931   98.9543536508
Standard Error [%]  0.0073567397  0.0073590531  0.007137333     0.0059831704
==================  ============  ============  =============   =============


Group estimate

If user selects to performance group estimating, the result summary can be
downloaded as an Excel ``XLSX`` file. It looks like for one compound:

=====   ==  =============   ============  ============  =============  =============
Group   N   Mean            SE mean       t_crit        Lower 95% CI   Upper 95% CI
=====   ==  =============   ============  ============  =============  =============
c12     4   1.0789361556    0.003001192   3.1824463053  1.0693850233   1.0884872879
c13     4   98.9427703799   0.0045925496  3.1824463053  98.9281548374  98.9573859225
=====   ==  =============   ============  ============  =============  =============


Graphics output

All plots will be produced as PDF files if the user choose to do so,
including isotopic patten analysis, its residuals and the group estimate. 

    <citation type="doi">10.1093/bioinformatics/btw588</citation>
