view isolab/pkgs/all_ecipex.R @ 3:63b35931859a draft default tip

author metaboflow_cam
date Tue, 22 Oct 2019 04:25:30 -0400
line wrap: on
line source

#' ======================================================================
#' wl-26-03-2019, Tue: taken from R package 'ecipex'. This is the only 
#'  function in the package.
ecipex <- function(formulas, isoinfo = nistiso, limit = 1e-12, id = FALSE, sortby = "abundance") {
  sortby <- match.arg(sortby, c("abundance", "mass"))

  # determine which elements are present in each molecule and the corresponding copy number
  #' elementCount <- lapply(formulas, CHNOSZ::count.elements)
  elementCount <- lapply(formulas, count.elements)

  # these lists will be used as indices later
  elementList <- lapply(elementCount, names)
  copyList <- lapply(elementCount, format, scientific = FALSE, trim = TRUE)

  # treat them as vectors for now
  elements <- unlist(lapply(elementCount, names))
  copies <- as.numeric(unlist(elementCount))

  uniqueElements <- unique(unlist(elements))

  # define a list with an entry for each unique element, stating the unique set of copy numbers that will be required for the formulas provided
  compositionList <- lapply(uniqueElements, function(x) {
    sort(unique(copies[elements == x]))
  names(compositionList) <- uniqueElements

  # determine the maximum copy number for each element in all of the formulas provided. Needed to determine dimensions of isofft array.
  maxElements <- sapply(compositionList, max)

  # define a list with an entry for each unique element containing the isotopic expansions for all copy numbers required by the formulas
  pureIsos <- lapply(seq(uniqueElements), function(x) {
    abundance <- isoinfo$abundance[isoinfo$element == uniqueElements[x]]
    mass <- isoinfo$mass[isoinfo$element == uniqueElements[x]]
    nucleons <- isoinfo$nucleons[isoinfo$element == uniqueElements[x]]

    # in case abundances of zero were included
    mass <- mass[abundance > 0]
    abundance <- abundance[abundance > 0]

    # dimensions of isofft array will be isoLength^isoDimension
    isoLength <- nextn(maxElements[x] + 1) # may increase length of isofft but makes it more "composite" so that fft can more efficiently be taken
    isoDimension <- length(abundance) - 1

    # for elements with only one isotopic variant
    if (isoDimension == 0) {
      abundanceOut <- lapply(seq(length(compositionList[[x]])), function(y) {
      massOut <- lapply(seq(length(compositionList[[x]])), function(y) {
        compositionList[[x]][y] * mass

      names(abundanceOut) <- compositionList[[x]]
      names(massOut) <- compositionList[[x]]

      if (!id) {
        return(list("mass" = massOut, "abundance" = abundanceOut))
      if (id) {
        speciesOut <- lapply(seq(length(compositionList[[x]])), function(y) {
          s <- matrix(compositionList[[x]][y])
          colnames(s) <- paste(nucleons, uniqueElements[x], sep = "")
        names(speciesOut) <- compositionList[[x]]
        return(list("mass" = massOut, "abundance" = abundanceOut, "isoSpecies" = speciesOut))

    # define array containing abundances for a single atom of the current element. Its dimensions must be able to accomodate the appropriate maxElements-fold convolution without confounding overlap
    abundanceIn <- array(, isoLength^isoDimension), dim = rep(isoLength, isoDimension))
    abundanceIn[1] <- abundance[1]
    abundanceIn[1 + isoLength^seq(0, isoDimension - 1)] <- abundance[seq(2, isoDimension + 1)]

    # The output of the fft is stored in a hypercube with isoLength^isoDimension entries. We require only the entries in a series of the simplexes it contains. We therefore define an array of the same dimensions as abundanceIn (isoLength^isoDimension) which is enumerated in such a way that it is easy to extract the simplexes and save memory
    simplexIndex <- seq(0, isoLength - 1, by = 1)
    i <- 1
    while (i < isoDimension) {
      simplexIndex <- outer(simplexIndex, seq(0, isoLength - 1, by = 1), FUN = "+")
      i <- i + 1

    # perform the actual multidimensional fft convolution to obtain the desired abundances. Also remove abundance-elements lower than than the specified limit to save memory.
    fftIn <- fft(abundanceIn)
    convolOut <- lapply(compositionList[[x]], function(n) {
      arrayOut <- Re(fft(fftIn^n, inverse = TRUE)) / (isoLength)^isoDimension
      species <- which((arrayOut >= limit) & (simplexIndex <= n), arr.ind = TRUE) # these indices enable us to determine which isotopic species we are dealing with
      return(list("abundance" = arrayOut[species], "species" = species))

    # obtain the corresponding masses and remove abundance-elements lower than than the specified limit to save memory.
    massDiffs <- outer(mass[-1] - mass[1], seq(0, isoLength - 1))
    output <- massDiffs[1, ]
    if (length(mass) > 2) {
      for (i in 2:nrow(massDiffs)) {
        output <- outer(output, massDiffs[i, ], FUN = "+")
    massOut <- lapply(seq_along(compositionList[[x]]), function(n) {
      mass[1] * compositionList[[x]][n] + output[convolOut[[n]]$species]

    # sort entries in order of descending abundance
    descendingOrder <- lapply(seq_along(compositionList[[x]]), function(y) {
      order(convolOut[[y]]$abundance, decreasing = TRUE)
    abundanceOut <- lapply(seq_along(compositionList[[x]]), function(y) {
    massOut <- lapply(seq_along(compositionList[[x]]), function(y) {

    names(abundanceOut) <- format(compositionList[[x]], scientific = FALSE, trim = TRUE)
    names(massOut) <- format(compositionList[[x]], scientific = FALSE, trim = TRUE)

    if (!id) {
      return(list("mass" = massOut, "abundance" = abundanceOut))
    if (id) {
      speciesOut <- lapply(seq_along(compositionList[[x]]), function(y) { # determine the isotopic species of the values listed in massOut and abundanceOut
        specMat <- cbind(compositionList[[x]][y] - apply(as.matrix(convolOut[[y]]$species[descendingOrder[[y]], ]) - 1, 1, sum), convolOut[[y]]$species[descendingOrder[[y]], ] - 1)
        colnames(specMat) <- paste(nucleons, uniqueElements[x], sep = "")
      names(speciesOut) <- format(compositionList[[x]], scientific = FALSE, trim = TRUE)

      return(list("mass" = massOut, "abundance" = abundanceOut, "isoSpecies" = speciesOut))
  names(pureIsos) <- uniqueElements

  # list that will contain the full isotopic expansion for all formulas
  fullIsos <- lapply(seq(formulas), function(x) {

    # extract highest abundance for each atomic species in current formula
    maxProbs <- sapply(seq(elementList[[x]]), function(i) {

    # for each atomic species we immediately discard abundances which are less than the limit after multiplication by highest abundances in all other species. Similarly for masses, and isotopic species
    ma <- lapply(seq(elementList[[x]]), function(i) {
      z <- pureIsos[[elementList[[x]][i]]]$mass[[copyList[[x]][i]]][pureIsos[[elementList[[x]][i]]]$abundance[[copyList[[x]][i]]] * prod(maxProbs[-i]) > limit]
      if (length(z) == 0) {
    ab <- lapply(seq(elementList[[x]]), function(i) {
      z <- pureIsos[[elementList[[x]][i]]]$abundance[[copyList[[x]][i]]][pureIsos[[elementList[[x]][i]]]$abundance[[copyList[[x]][i]]] * prod(maxProbs[-i]) > limit]
      if (length(z) == 0) {
    if (id) {
      is <- lapply(seq(elementList[[x]]), function(i) {
        if (ncol(pureIsos[[elementList[[x]][i]]]$isoSpecies[[copyList[[x]][i]]]) == 1) {
        } # if there is only 1 isotope
        z <- as.matrix(pureIsos[[elementList[[x]][i]]]$isoSpecies[[copyList[[x]][i]]][pureIsos[[elementList[[x]][i]]]$abundance[[copyList[[x]][i]]] * prod(maxProbs[-i]) > limit, ])
        if (ncol(z) <= 1) {
          return(t(as.matrix(pureIsos[[elementList[[x]][i]]]$isoSpecies[[copyList[[x]][i]]][which.max(pureIsos[[elementList[[x]][i]]]$abundance[[copyList[[x]][i]]]), ])))

    # these vectors will contain full isotopic expansions, but initially they contain the first elemental expansion
    moleculeMass <- ma[[1]]
    moleculeAbundance <- ab[[1]]
    if (id) {
      moleculeSpecies <- is[[1]]

    # fold them an appropriate number of times
    # each time we fold, a number of abundances will fall below limit and these are excluded. Furthermore, we can exclude abundances that are less than the limit after they have been multiplied by the product of the highest abundances in the remaining atomic species
    remainingMaxAbundance <- c(cumprod(maxProbs[c(length(maxProbs):1)])[c(length(maxProbs):1)], 1) # compare with e.g. prod(maxProbs[c(3:5)])
    i <- 2
    while (i <= length(elementList[[x]])) {
      moleculeMass <- outer(moleculeMass, pureIsos[[elementList[[x]][i]]]$mass[[copyList[[x]][i]]], FUN = "+")
      moleculeAbundance <- outer(moleculeAbundance, pureIsos[[elementList[[x]][i]]]$abundance[[copyList[[x]][i]]])
      keepers <- which(moleculeAbundance > limit / remainingMaxAbundance[i + 1], arr.ind = TRUE)

      moleculeMass <- moleculeMass[keepers]
      moleculeAbundance <- moleculeAbundance[keepers]

      if (id) {
        moleculeSpecies <- cbind(matrix(moleculeSpecies[keepers[, 1], ], ncol = ncol(moleculeSpecies), dimnames = list(NULL, colnames(moleculeSpecies))), matrix(pureIsos[[elementList[[x]][i]]]$isoSpecies[[copyList[[x]][i]]][keepers[, 2], ], ncol = ncol(pureIsos[[elementList[[x]][i]]]$isoSpecies[[copyList[[x]][i]]]), dimnames = list(NULL, colnames(pureIsos[[elementList[[x]][i]]]$isoSpecies[[copyList[[x]][i]]]))))
      i <- i + 1

    if (sortby == "abundance") {
      dex <- order(moleculeAbundance, decreasing = TRUE)
    if (sortby == "mass") {
      dex <- order(moleculeMass, decreasing = FALSE)

    if (id) {
      return(cbind(data.frame("mass" = moleculeMass[dex], "abundance" = moleculeAbundance[dex]), matrix(moleculeSpecies[dex, ], ncol = ncol(moleculeSpecies), dimnames = list(NULL, colnames(moleculeSpecies)))))
    if (!id) {
      return(data.frame("mass" = moleculeMass[dex], "abundance" = moleculeAbundance[dex]))
  names(fullIsos) <- formulas


#' ======================================================================
#' wl-26-03-2019, Tue: From function 'makeup.R' of R package 'CHNOSZ'
count.elements <- function(formula) {
  # count the elements in a chemical formula   20120111 jmd
  # this function expects a simple formula,
  # no charge or parenthetical or suffixed subformulas
  # regular expressions inspired by an answer on
  #elementRegex <- "([A-Z][a-z]*)([0-9]*)"
  elementSymbol <- "([A-Z][a-z]*)"
  # here, element coefficients can be signed (+ or -) and have a decimal point
  elementCoeff <- "((\\+|-|\\.|[0-9])*)"
  elementRegex <- paste(elementSymbol, elementCoeff, sep="")
  # stop if it doesn't look like a chemical formula 
  validateRegex <- paste("^(", elementRegex, ")+$", sep="")
  if(length(grep(validateRegex, formula)) == 0)
    stop(paste("'",formula,"' is not a simple chemical formula", sep="", collapse="\n"))
  # where to put the output
  element <- character()
  count <- numeric()
  # from now use "f" for formula to make writing the code easier
  f <- formula
  # we want to find the starting positions of all the elemental symbols
  # make substrings, starting at every position in the formula
  fsub <- sapply(1:nchar(f), function(i) substr(f, i, nchar(f)))
  # get the numbers (positions) that start with an elemental symbol
  # i.e. an uppercase letter
  ielem <- grep("^[A-Z]", fsub)
  # for each elemental symbol, j is the position before the start of the next 
  # symbol (or the position of the last character of the formula)
  jelem <- c(tail(ielem - 1, -1), nchar(f))
  # assemble the stuff: each symbol-coefficient combination
  ec <- sapply(seq_along(ielem), function(i) substr(f, ielem[i], jelem[i]))
  # get the individual element symbols and coefficients
  myelement <- gsub(elementCoeff, "", ec)
  mycount <- as.numeric(gsub(elementSymbol, "", ec))
  # any missing coefficients are unity
  mycount[] <- 1
  # append to the output
  element <- c(element, myelement)
  count <- c(count, mycount)
  # in case there are repeated elements, sum all of their counts
  # (tapply hint from
  # use simplify=FALSE followed by unlist to get a vector, not array 20171005
  out <- unlist(tapply(count, element, sum, simplify=FALSE))
  # tapply returns alphabetical sorted list. keep the order appearing in the formula
  out <- out[match(unique(element), names(out))]