view build/tools/ScopeNetwork/ScopeNetwork.xml @ 7:1436e9cde9c9 draft

planemo upload for repository commit 1d31a48bf8328b7a3ad9910971d24b9f453459c5
author metexplore
date Tue, 04 Jul 2023 10:21:26 +0000
parents 7a6f2380fc1d
children 1274e2a62479
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line source

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<tool id="met4j_ScopeNetwork" name="ScopeNetwork" version="1.4.0">
  <description>Perform a network expansion from a set of compound seeds to create a scope network</description>
    <xref type="">met4j</xref>
    <container type="singularity">oras://</container>
  <command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[sh /usr/bin/ networkAnalysis.ScopeNetwork -i "$sbmlFilePath"
 -s "$seedsFilePath"
#if str($sideCompoundFile) != 'None':
 -sc "$sideCompoundFile"
#end if
#if str($reactionToIgnoreFile) != 'None':
 -ir "$reactionToIgnoreFile"
#end if
 -o "$output"
    <param argument="-i" format="sbml" label="input SBML file: path to network used for computing scope, in sbml format." name="sbmlFilePath" optional="false" type="data" value=""/>
    <param argument="-s" format="txt" label="input seeds file: tabulated file containing node of interest ids" name="seedsFilePath" optional="false" type="data" value=""/>
    <param argument="-sc" format="txt" label="an optional file containing list of ubiquitous side compounds to be considered available by default but ignored during expansion" name="sideCompoundFile" optional="true" type="data" value=""/>
    <param argument="-ssc" checked="false" falsevalue="" label="show side compounds in output network" name="includeSides" truevalue="-ssc" type="boolean" value="false"/>
    <param argument="-ir" format="txt" label="an optional file containing list of reaction to ignore (forbid inclusion in scope" name="reactionToIgnoreFile" optional="true" type="data" value=""/>
    <param argument="-t" checked="false" falsevalue="" label="trace inclusion step index for each node in output" name="trace" truevalue="-t" type="boolean" value="false"/>
    <param argument="-tab" checked="false" falsevalue="" label="Export in tabulated file instead of .GML" name="asTable" truevalue="-tab" type="boolean" value="false"/>
    <data format="gml" name="output"/>
      <param name="sbmlFilePath" value="toy_model.xml"/>
      <param name="seedsFilePath" value="seeds.txt"/>
      <param name="sideCompoundFile" value="sides.txt"/>
      <output ftype="gml" name="output">
          <has_line_matching expression=".*node.*" n="9"/>
          <has_line_matching expression=".*edge.*" n="11"/>
  <help><![CDATA[Perform a network expansion from a set of compound seeds to create a scope network
The scope of a set of compounds (seed) refer to the maximal metabolic network that can be extended from them,where the extension process consist of adding a reaction to the network if and only if all of its substrates are either a seed or a product of a previously added reaction
For more information, see Handorf, Ebenhöh and Heinrich (2005). *Expanding metabolic networks: scopes of compounds, robustness, and evolution.* Journal of molecular evolution, 61(4), 498-512. (]]></help>