1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 # prepare microarray data for use in EMBER w/ discretized behaviors
4 use Getopt::Long;
5 $|++;
7 #
8 # command line arguments
9 #
10 $options = "Usage: ./PreProcess_Expresssion_Data.pl <OPTIONS>
11 -i microarray data (required)
12 format: <id> <value 1> <value 2> ... <value N>
13 this requires a title line (starting with #):
14 #ID <condition 1><replicate 1> <condition 2><replicate 2> ...
15 where <condition> should match the conditions in input -c,
16 and the <condition><replicate> pair tells what the data in the column is from
17 -c list of comparisons (required)
18 format: <condition1> <condition2>
19 -a annotation file (required)
20 format: <id> <gene name> <chr> <start> <end> <strand>
21 -o output (required)
22 -p percentile threshold (number between 0 and 1, default 0.63)
23 this value is used as follows: all data are concatenated into one list,
24 and the pth percentile of that list is taken as the threshold.
25 Then, a probe is removed if its value is less than the threshold in ALL conditions.
26 p=1.0 means all probes are retained, p=0.0 means none are
27 -l log-transform the data (y or n, default n)
28 -v verbose (print progress to stdout: y or n, default y)
29 \n";
31 $in = "";
32 $c = "";
33 $a = "";
34 $o = "";
35 $p = 0.63;
36 $l = "n";
37 $v = "y";
39 GetOptions('i=s' => \$in,
40 'c=s' => \$c,
41 'a=s' => \$a,
42 'o=s' => \$o,
43 'p=f' => \$p,
44 'l=s' => \$l,
45 'v=s' => \$v,
46 ) || die "\n$options\n";
48 if( $in eq "" ){
49 print "\nError: set a value for -i\n\n$options";
50 exit;
51 }
52 if( $c eq "" ){
53 print "\nError: set a value for -c\n\n$options";
54 exit;
55 }
56 if( $a eq "" ){
57 print "\nError: set a value for -a\n\n$options";
58 exit;
59 }
60 if( $o eq "" ){
61 print "\nError: set a value for -o\n\n$options";
62 exit;
63 }
65 if( $p < 0 || $p > 1 ){
66 print "\nError: choose -p to be between 0 and 1\n\n$options";
67 exit;
68 }
69 if( $l ne "y" && $l ne "n" ){
70 print "\nError: choose -l to be y or n\n\n$options";
71 exit;
72 }
73 if( $v ne "y" && $v ne "n" ){
74 print "\nError: choose -v to be y or n\n\n$options";
75 exit;
76 }
78 #################################################
79 # SECTION 1 - read in file names and conditions #
80 #################################################
82 #
83 # read in data list (title line of $in) and list of comparisons
84 # arrays: @names, @comps
85 #
86 open(IN,"$in") || die "Error: can't open file $in\n";
87 $line = <IN>;
88 close(IN);
89 @names = ();
90 @parts = split(' ',$line);
91 if( substr($parts[0], 0, 1) ne "#" ){
92 print "Error: no title line detected in file $in\n";
93 exit;
94 }
95 for($i=1; $i<= $#parts; $i++){
96 if( $parts[$i] !~ /#/ ){
97 printf("Error: column %i (%s) does not have a replicate number\n", $i, $parts[$i]);
98 exit;
99 }
100 ($condition, $replicate) = split('#', $parts[$i]);
101 push(@names, [($condition, $replicate)] );
102 }
103 #while($line = <IN>){
104 # chomp($line);
105 # push(@files, $line);
106 # @parts = split('/',$line);
107 # ($base, $suff) = split('\.txt', $parts[$#parts]);
108 # push(@names, $base);
109 #}
110 #close(IN);
111 open(IN,"$c") || die "Error: can't open file $c\n";
112 @comps = ();
113 while($line = <IN>){
114 chomp($line);
115 @parts = split(' ',$line);
116 if( $#parts != 1 ){
117 print "Error: file $c does not have 2 columns\n";
118 exit;
119 }
120 $info1 = {};
121 $info1->{name} = $parts[0];
122 $info1->{namei} = 0;
123 $info2 = {};
124 $info2->{name} = $parts[1];
125 $info2->{namei} = 0;
126 push(@comps, [($info1, $info2)] );
127 }
128 close(IN);
130 #
131 # count how many conditions we have, and how many replicates of each
132 # arrays: @conds
133 #
134 @conds = ();
135 for($i=0; $i<= $#comps; $i++){
136 for($j=0; $j< 2; $j++){
137 $ok = 1;
138 $k=-1;
139 $end = $#conds;
140 while($k< $end && $ok == 1){
141 $k++;
142 if( $conds[$k]->{name} eq $comps[$i][$j]->{name} ){
143 $ok = 0;
144 }
145 }
146 if( $ok == 1 ){
147 @empty1 = ();
148 $info = {};
149 $info->{name} = $comps[$i][$j]->{name};
150 $info->{reps} = [@empty1];
151 $info->{nreps} = 0;
152 push(@conds, $info);
153 $comps[$i][$j]->{namei} = $#conds;
154 }
155 else{
156 $comps[$i][$j]->{namei} = $k;
157 }
158 }
159 }
160 for($i=0; $i<= $#conds; $i++){
161 for($j=0; $j<= $#names; $j++){
162 if( $names[$j][0] eq $conds[$i]->{name} ){
163 push(@{$conds[$i]->{reps}}, $j);
164 $conds[$i]->{nreps}++;
165 }
166 }
167 }
169 #
170 # print summary to stdout
171 #
172 if( $v eq "y" ){
173 printf("\nReading in %i conditions, %i total data columns:\n", $#conds+1, $#names+1);
174 for($i=0; $i<= $#conds; $i++){
175 printf(" %s, %i replicates\n", $conds[$i]->{name}, $conds[$i]->{nreps});
176 }
177 printf("\nMaking %i comparisons:\n", $#comps+1);
178 for($i=0; $i<= $#comps; $i++){
179 printf(" %s vs %s\n", $comps[$i][0]->{name}, $comps[$i][1]->{name});
180 }
181 }
183 ###########################################################
184 # SECTION 2 - read in annotation file and microarray data #
185 ###########################################################
187 if( $v eq "y" ){
188 print "\nReading in annotation file and data\n";
189 }
191 #
192 # read in probe annotations
193 # arrays: @probes
194 #
195 open(IN,"$a") || die "Error: can't open file $a\n";
196 @vals = ();
197 while($line = <IN>){
198 chomp($line);
199 @parts = split(' ',$line);
200 if( $#parts != 5 ){
201 print "Error: file $a does not have 6 columns\n";
202 exit;
203 }
204 @empty1 = ();
205 @empty2 = ();
206 $info = {};
207 $info->{id} = $parts[0];
208 $info->{name} = $parts[1];
209 $info->{chr} = $parts[2];
210 $info->{start} = $parts[3];
211 $info->{end} = $parts[4];
212 $info->{strand} = $parts[5];
213 $info->{vals} = [@empty1];
214 $info->{classes} = [@empty2];
215 $info->{use} = 0;
216 push(@vals, $info);
217 }
218 close(IN);
219 @probes = sort{ $a->{id} cmp $b->{id} } @vals;
221 #
222 # read in data, sort by ids, and add to @probes
223 # record average for each file
224 # arrays: @averages
225 #
226 @averages = ();
227 open(IN,"$in");
228 $line = <IN>;
229 @data = ();
230 while( $line = <IN> ){
231 chomp($line);
232 @parts = split(' ',$line);
233 push(@data, [@parts] );
234 }
235 @sdata = sort{ $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @data;
236 close(IN);
238 $j=0;
239 $k=0;
240 $endd = $#sdata;
241 $endp = $#probes;
242 while( $j <= $endd && $k<= $endp ){
243 if( $probes[$k]->{id} gt $sdata[$j][0] ){$j++;}
244 elsif( $probes[$k]->{id} lt $sdata[$j][0] ){
245 $probes[$k]->{use} = 0;
246 $k++;
247 }
248 elsif( $probes[$k]->{id} eq $sdata[$j][0] ){
249 for( $i=0; $i<= $#names; $i++){
250 if( $l eq "n" ){push(@{$probes[$k]->{vals}}, $sdata[$j][$i+1] );}
251 if( $l eq "y" ){push(@{$probes[$k]->{vals}}, log($sdata[$j][$i+1])/log(2) );}
252 }
253 $probes[$k]->{use} = 1;
254 $j++;
255 $k++;
256 }
257 else{
258 printf("Unknown line comparison\n");
259 exit;
260 }
261 }
262 for($i=0; $i<= $#names; $i++){
263 $avg=0;
264 #
265 # compute average
266 #
267 $avg = 0;
268 $tot = 0;
269 for($k=0; $k<= $#probes; $k++){
270 if( $probes[$k]->{use} == 1 ){
271 $avg+= $probes[$k]->{vals}[$i];
272 $tot++;
273 }
274 }
275 $avg/= $tot;
276 push(@averages, $avg);
277 }
279 if( $v eq "y" ){
280 printf(" using %i probes\n", $tot);
281 }
283 ##################################################################
284 # SECTION 3 - determine threshold and label probes to be removed #
285 ##################################################################
287 if( $v eq "y" ){
288 printf("\nDetermining threshold\n");
289 }
290 #
291 # find threshold
292 # variables: $thresh
293 #
294 @allvals = ();
295 for($i=0; $i<= $#probes; $i++){
296 for($j=0; $j<= $#names; $j++){
297 if( $probes[$i]->{use} == 1 ){
298 push(@allvals, ($probes[$i]->{vals}[$j])/$averages[$j]);
299 }
300 }
301 }
303 @sallvals = sort{ $a <=> $b } @allvals;
305 $end = (1-$p)*$#sallvals;
306 $i = sprintf("%i", $end);
307 $thresh = $sallvals[$i];
309 #
310 # label probes as on or off
311 #
312 $totuse = 0;
313 for($i=0; $i<= $#probes; $i++){
314 $j=0;
315 $probes[$i]->{use} = 0;
316 while($j<= $#names && $probes[$i]->{use} == 0 ){
317 if( ($probes[$i]->{vals}[$j])/$averages[$j] > $thresh ){
318 $probes[$i]->{use} = 1;
319 $totuse++;
320 }
321 $j++;
322 }
323 }
324 if( $v eq "y" ){
325 printf(" %i probes retained for analysis\n", $totuse);
326 }
328 #############################################
329 # SECTION 4 - make discrete classifications #
330 #############################################
332 if( $v eq "y" ){
333 printf("\nClassifying probes\n");
334 }
335 #
336 # for each probe,
337 # for each comparison,
338 # compute avg and stdev of first and second conditions
339 # apply rules for classification
340 #
341 for($i=0; $i<= $#probes; $i++){
342 for($j=0; $j<= $#comps; $j++){
343 $avg = (0,0);
344 $sd = (0,0);
345 for($k=0; $k< 2; $k++){
346 $condi = $comps[$j][$k]->{namei};
347 $avg[$k] = 0;
348 $sd[$k] = 0;
349 for($l=0; $l< $conds[$condi]->{nreps}; $l++){
350 $filei = $conds[$condi]->{reps}[$l];
351 $avg[$k]+= $probes[$i]->{vals}[$filei];
352 }
353 $avg[$k] /= $conds[$condi]->{nreps};
354 for($l=0; $l< $conds[$condi]->{nreps}; $l++){
355 $filei = $conds[$condi]->{reps}[$l];
356 $sd[$k]+= ($avg[$k]-$probes[$i]->{vals}[$filei])**2;
357 }
358 $sd[$k] = sqrt($sd[$k]/($conds[$condi]->{nreps}));
359 }
361 $s = $sd[0] + $sd[1];
362 # ++ category
363 if( $avg[1]-$avg[0] > 3*$s ){
364 push( @{$probes[$i]->{classes}}, 2);
365 }
366 # + category
367 elsif( $avg[1]-$avg[0] > $s ){
368 push(@{$probes[$i]->{classes}}, 1);
369 }
370 # -- category
371 elsif( $avg[0]-$avg[1] > 3*$s ){
372 push(@{$probes[$i]->{classes}}, -2);
373 }
374 # 0 category
375 elsif( $avg[0]-$avg[1] > $s ){
376 push(@{$probes[$i]->{classes}}, -1);
377 }
378 else{
379 push(@{$probes[$i]->{classes}}, 0);
380 }
381 }
382 }
384 ############################
385 # SECTION 5 - print result #
386 ############################
388 if( $v eq "y" ){
389 printf("\nPrinting result\n\n");
390 }
391 open(OUT,">$o");
392 $delim = " ";
393 for($i=0; $i<= $#probes; $i++){
394 printf OUT ("%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s", $probes[$i]->{id}, $delim, $probes[$i]->{name}, $delim, $probes[$i]->{chr}, $delim, $probes[$i]->{start}, $delim, $probes[$i]->{end}, $delim, $probes[$i]->{strand} );
395 if( $probes[$i]->{use} == 1 ){
396 for($j=0; $j<= $#comps; $j++){
397 printf OUT ("%s%i", $delim, $probes[$i]->{classes}[$j]);
398 }
399 print OUT "\n";
400 }
401 else{
402 print OUT "$delim-1\n";
403 }
404 }
405 close(OUT);