view abims_CAMERA_combinexsAnnos.xml @ 6:ed26298f0246 draft

planemo upload commit f8a14a5bfd1843dc3f65b3f713c35dd62bf6996a-dirty
author lecorguille
date Mon, 04 Jul 2016 11:57:19 -0400
parents 87570e9b71f5
children 198b035d4848
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<tool id="abims_CAMERA_combinexsAnnos" name="CAMERA.combinexsAnnos" version="2.0.4">

    <description>Wrapper function for the combinexsAnnos CAMERA function. Returns a dataframe with recalculated annotations.</description>

    <expand macro="requirements"/>
    <expand macro="stdio"/>

        xfunction combinexsAnnos 
        image_pos $image_pos 
        image_neg $image_neg

        variableMetadataOutput $variableMetadata

        pos $pos tol $tol ruleset $ruleset convert_param $convert_param keep_meta $keep_meta

        <param name="image_pos" type="data" label="Positive RData ion mode" format=",rdata" help="output file from CAMERA.annotate using a positive polarity mode" />
        <param name="image_neg" type="data" label="Negative RData ion mode" format=",rdata" help="output file from CAMERA.annotate using a positive negative mode" />
        <param name="pos" type="select" label="Returned peaklist polarity mode">
            <option value="TRUE" selected="true">positive</option>
            <option value="FALSE" >negative</option>

        <param name="tol" type="integer" value="2" label="Retention time window in seconds" help="[pos] As first step it searches for pseudospectra from the positive and the negative sample within a retention time window" />
        <param name="ruleset" type="text" value="1,1" label="Matrix of matching rules" help="[ruleset] Matrix of matching rules. By default, the matrix (1,1) would create the M+H/M-H rule, since the first rule of xsa.pos@ruleset and xsa.neg@ruleset is M+H respectively M-H. Only rules with identical charge can be combined!" />
        <param name="convert_param" type="boolean" checked="false" truevalue="TRUE" falsevalue="FALSE" label="Convert retention time (seconds) rtmed, rtmin and rtmax into minutes"/>
        <param name="keep_meta" type="boolean" checked="true" truevalue="TRUE" falsevalue="FALSE" label="Keep only the metabolites which match a difference "/>


        <data name="variableMetadata" format="tabular" label="${[:-6]}.combinexsAnnos.variableMetadata.tsv" />
        <data name="rdata" format="rdata" label="${[:-6]}.combinexsAnnos.Rdata" />

            <!-- TODO: generer des vrais dataset pos et neg-->
            <param name="image_pos" value=""/>
            <param name="image_neg" value=""/>
            <param name="pos" value="TRUE"/>
            <param name="tol" value="2"/>
            <param name="ruleset" value="1,1"/>
            <output name="variableMetadata" file="" />



**What it does?**

This function check annotations of ion species with the help of a sample from opposite ion mode.
As first step it searches for pseudospectra from the positive and the negative sample within a reten-
tion time window. For every result the m/z differences between both samples are matched against
specific rules, which are combinations from pos. and neg. ion species. As example M+H and M-H
with a m/z difference of 2.014552. If two ions matches such a difference, the ion annotations are
changed (previous annotation is wrong), confirmed or added. Returns the peaklist from one ion
mode with recalculated annotations.


Both xsAnnotate object should be full processed (grouping and annotation). Without previous anno-
tation the resulting peaklist only includes annotation with matches peaks from both mode according
to the rule(s). With ruleset=NULL the function only looks for M+H/M-H pairs. The ruleset is
a two column matrix with includes rule indices from the rule table of both xsAnnotate objects.
A ruleset (1,1) would create the M+H/M-H rule, since the first rule of xsa.pos@ruleset and
xsa.neg@ruleset is M+H respectively M-H. Only rules with identical charge can be combined!

Workflow position

**Upstream tools**

========================= ======================= ===================== ==========
Name                      Output file             Format                Parameter
========================= ======================= ===================== ==========
xcms.annotatediffreport   xset.annotate_POS.RData RData file        			
------------------------- ----------------------- --------------------- ----------
xcms.annotatediffreport   xset.annotate_NEG.RData RData file
========================= ======================= ===================== ==========
**Downstream tools**

| Name                      | Output file                             | Format |
|Batch_correction           |xset.combinexsAnnos.variableMetadata.tsv | Tabular|
|Filters                    |xset.combinexsAnnos.variableMetadata.tsv | Tabular|
|Univariate                 |xset.combinexsAnnos.variableMetadata.tsv | Tabular|
|Multivariate               |xset.combinexsAnnos.variableMetadata.tsv | Tabular|

The output file **xset.annotateDiffreport.variableMetadata.tsv** is a tabular file. You can continue your analysis using it in the following tools:
    | Batch_correction
    | Filters
    | Univariate
    | Multivariate PCA, PLS and OPLS

**General schema of the metabolomic workflow**

.. image:: combinexsannos_workflow.png

Input files

| Parameter : label         |   Format                   |
| Positive RData ion mode   |    |
| Negative RData ion mode   |    |

Output files


    | A tabular file which is similar to the diffreport result , within additional columns containing the annotation results.
    | For each metabolite (row) :
    | the value of the intensity in each sample, fold, tstat, pvalue, anova, mzmed, mzmin, mzmax, rtmed, rtmin, rtmax, npeaks, isotopes, adduct, pcgroup and neg (or pos). Mode 


    | Rdata file, that be used outside Galaxy in R.


Working example

Input files

    | Positive RData ion mode -> **POS.xset.annotateDiffreport.RData**
    | Negative RData ion mode -> **NEG.xset.annotateDiffreport.RData**


    | pos -> **positive**
    | tol -> **2 (default)**
    | ruleset -> **1,1 (default)**

Output files

**Example of an xset.combinexsAnnos.variableMetadata.tsv output:**

.. image:: combinexsannos_variableMetadata.png



**Version 2.0.4 - 21/04/2016**

- UPGRADE: upgrate the CAMERA version from 1.22.0 to 1.26.0

**Version 2.0.3 - 10/02/2016**

- BUGFIX: better management of errors. Datasets remained green although the process failed

- UPDATE: refactoring of internal management of inputs/outputs

**Version 2.0.1 - 07/06/2015**

- IMPROVEMENT: new datatype/dataset formats (,, ...) will facilitate the sequence of tools and so avoid incompatibility errors.

- IMPROVEMENT: parameter labels have changed to facilitate their reading.

**Version 2.0.0 - 09/06/2015**

- NEW: combinexsAnnos Check CAMERA ion species annotation due to matching with opposite ion mode 


    <expand macro="citation" />
