# HG changeset patch
# User mnhn65mo
# Date 1533216278 14400
# Node ID 8da8ec7da45f9b50d95047c4f36359d3f83175fe
diff -r 000000000000 -r 8da8ec7da45f netcdf_metadata_info.xml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/netcdf_metadata_info.xml Thu Aug 02 09:24:38 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+ summarize content of a nc file
+ netcdf-metadata-info
+ dimensions_\$a
+ ;done \$f.tabular ; done
+ &&
+ for f in dimensions_*.tabular;do
+ awk 'NR % 2 != 0' \$f > \$f.2
+ &&
+ sed 1d \$f.2 > \$f
+ &&
+ rm \$f.2
+ ;done
+ &&
+ ncdump -h '$input' > '$info'
+ ]]>
diff -r 000000000000 -r 8da8ec7da45f netcdf_read.py
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/netcdf_read.py Thu Aug 02 09:24:38 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+import netCDF4
+from netCDF4 import Dataset
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from pylab import *
+import sys
+import os
+from scipy import spatial
+from math import radians, cos, sin, asin, sqrt
+import itertools
+def checklist(dim_list, dim_name, filtre, threshold):
+ if not dim_list:
+ error="Error "+str(dim_name)+" has no value "+str(filtre)+" "+str(threshold)
+ sys.exit(error)
+#Return dist in km between two coord
+#Thx to : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4913349/haversine-formula-in-python-bearing-and-distance-between-two-gps-points
+def haversine(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2):
+ """
+ Calculate the great circle distance between two points
+ on the earth (specified in decimal degrees)
+ """
+ # convert decimal degrees to radians
+ lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2 = map(radians, [lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2])
+ # haversine formula
+ dlon = lon2 - lon1
+ dlat = lat2 - lat1
+ a = sin(dlat/2)**2 + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * sin(dlon/2)**2
+ c = 2 * asin(sqrt(a))
+ r = 6371 # Radius of earth in kilometers. Use 3956 for miles
+ return c * r
+#Comparison functions, return a list of indexes for the user conditions
+def is_strict_inf(filename, dim_name, threshold):
+ list_dim=[]
+ for i in range(0,filename.variables[dim_name].size):
+ if filename.variables[dim_name][i] < threshold:
+ list_dim.append(i)
+ checklist(list_dim,dim_name,"<",threshold)
+ return list_dim
+def is_equal_inf(filename, dim_name, threshold):
+ list_dim=[]
+ for i in range(0,filename.variables[dim_name].size):
+ if filename.variables[dim_name][i] <= threshold:
+ list_dim.append(i)
+ checklist(list_dim,dim_name,"<=",threshold)
+ return list_dim
+def is_equal_sup(filename, dim_name, threshold):
+ list_dim=[]
+ for i in range(0,filename.variables[dim_name].size):
+ if filename.variables[dim_name][i] >= threshold:
+ list_dim.append(i)
+ checklist(list_dim,dim_name,">=",threshold)
+ return list_dim
+def is_strict_sup(filename, dim_name, threshold):
+ list_dim=[]
+ for i in range(0,filename.variables[dim_name].size):
+ if filename.variables[dim_name][i] > threshold:
+ list_dim.append(i)
+ checklist(list_dim,dim_name,">",threshold)
+ return list_dim
+def find_nearest(array,value):
+ index = (np.abs(array-value)).argmin()
+ return index
+def is_equal(filename, dim_name, value):
+ try:
+ index=filename.variables[dim_name][:].tolist().index(value)
+ except:
+ index=find_nearest(filename.variables[dim_name][:],value)
+ return index
+def is_between_include(filename, dim_name, threshold1, threshold2):
+ list_dim=[]
+ for i in range(0,filename.variables[dim_name].size):
+ if filename.variables[dim_name][i] >= threshold1 and filename.variables[dim_name][i] <= threshold2:
+ list_dim.append(i)
+ checklist(list_dim,dim_name,">=",threshold1)
+ checklist(list_dim,dim_name,"=<",threshold2)
+ return list_dim
+def is_between_exclude(filename, dim_name, threshold1, threshold2):
+ list_dim=[]
+ for i in range(0,filename.variables[dim_name].size):
+ if filename.variables[dim_name][i] > threshold1 and filename.variables[dim_name][i] < threshold2:
+ list_dim.append(i)
+ checklist(list_dim,dim_name,">",threshold1)
+ checklist(list_dim,dim_name,"<",threshold2)
+ return list_dim
+#Get args
+#Get Input file
+var=sys.argv[3] #Var chosen by user
+#Check if coord is passed as parameter
+ Coord_bool=True #Useful to get closest coord
+ arg_n=arg_n-4 #Number of arg minus lat & lon
+ name_dim_lat=str(sys.argv[-4])
+ name_dim_lon=str(sys.argv[-2])
+ value_dim_lat=float(sys.argv[-3])
+ value_dim_lon=float(sys.argv[-1])
+ #Get all lat & lon
+ #try:
+ if True:
+ latitude=np.ma.MaskedArray(inputfile.variables[name_dim_lat])
+ longitude=np.ma.MaskedArray(inputfile.variables[name_dim_lon])
+ lat=latitude;lon=longitude #Usefull to keep the originals lat/lon vect before potentially resize it bellow.
+ len_all_coord=len(lat)*len(lon)
+ #print("len all coord "+str(len_all_coord)+" threshold "+str(len_threshold))
+ #To avoid case when all_coord is to big and need to much memory
+ #If the vector is too big, reduce it to its third in a loop until its < to the threshold
+ while len_all_coord > len_threshold:
+ if len(lat)> than lat. This way only lon is reduce and not lat.
+ x_percent_len_lat=99999999
+ else:
+ x_percent_len_lat=int(x_percent*len(lat))
+ if len(lon)> than lon. This way only lat is reduce and not lon.
+ x_percent_len_lon=99999999
+ else:
+ x_percent_len_lon=int(x_percent*len(lon))
+ #print("len(lat) :"+str(len(lat))+" x_percent_len_lat "+str(x_percent_len_lat))
+ #print("len(lon) :"+str(len(lon))+" x_percent_len_lon "+str(x_percent_len_lon))
+ pos_lat_user=find_nearest(lat,value_dim_lat)
+ pos_lon_user=find_nearest(lon,value_dim_lon)
+ #This part is to avoid having a vector that start bellow 0
+ lat_reduced=int(pos_lat_user-x_percent_len_lat/2-1)
+ if lat_reduced<0:
+ lat_reduced=0
+ lon_reduced=int(pos_lon_user-x_percent_len_lon/2-1)
+ if lon_reduced<0:
+ lon_reduced=0
+ #Opposite here to avoid having vector with len > to len(vector)
+ lat_extended=int(pos_lat_user+x_percent_len_lat/2-1)
+ if lat_extended>len(lat):
+ lat_extended=len(lat)
+ lon_extended=int(pos_lon_user+x_percent_len_lon/2-1)
+ if lon_extended>len(lon):
+ lon_extended=len(lon)
+ lat=lat[lat_reduced:lat_extended] #add a test to check if pos_lat_user-x_percent_len_lat/2-1 >0
+ lon=lon[lon_reduced:lon_extended]
+ #print("latreduced : "+str(lat_reduced)+" latextended "+str(lat_extended))
+ #print("lonreduced : "+str(lon_reduced)+" lonextended "+str(lon_extended))
+ #print("lat : "+str(lat))
+ #print("lon : "+str(lon))
+ len_all_coord=len(lat)*len(lon)
+ #print ("len_all_coord : "+str(len_all_coord)+". len_lat : "+str(len(lat))+" .len_lon : "+str(len(lon)))
+ else:
+ #except:
+ sys.exit("Latitude & Longitude not found")
+ #Set all lat-lon pair avaible in list_coord
+ list_coord_dispo=[]
+ for i in lat:
+ for j in lon:
+ list_coord_dispo.append(i);list_coord_dispo.append(j)
+ #Reshape
+ all_coord=np.reshape(list_coord_dispo,(lat.size*lon.size,2))
+ #np.set_printoptions(threshold='nan')#to print full vec
+ #print(str(all_coord))
+ noval=True
+#Get the file of variables and number of dims : var.tab
+var_file=open(var_file_tab,"r") #read
+lines=var_file.readlines() #line
+for line in lines: #for every lines
+ words=line.split()
+ if (words[0]==var): #When line match user input var
+ varndim=int(words[1]) #Get number of dim for the var
+ for dim in range(2,varndim*2+2,2): #Get dim names
+ dim_names.append(words[dim])
+ #print ("Chosen var : "+sys.argv[3]+". Number of dimensions : "+str(varndim)+". Dimensions : "+str(dim_names)) #Standard msg
+#Use a dictionary to save every lists of indexes
+my_dic={} ##d["string{0}".format(x)]
+for i in range(4,arg_n,3):
+ #print("\nDimension name : "+sys.argv[i]+" action : "+sys.argv[i+1]+" .Value : "+sys.argv[i+2]+"\n") #Standard msg
+ #Check if the dim selected for filtering is present in the var dimensions.
+ if (sys.argv[i] not in dim_names):
+ print("Warning ! "+sys.argv[i]+" is not a dimension of "+var+".\nThis filter will be skipped\nCheck in the file \"variables\" the dimensions available.\n\n")
+ pass
+ my_dic["string{0}".format(i)]="list_index_dim"
+ my_dic_index="list_index_dim"+str(sys.argv[i]) #Possible improvement: Check if lon/lat are not parsed again
+ #Apply every user filter. Call function and return list of index wich validate condition for every dim.
+ if (sys.argv[i+1]=="l"): #<
+ my_dic[my_dic_index]=is_strict_inf(inputfile, sys.argv[i], float(sys.argv[i+2]))
+ if (sys.argv[i+1]=="le"): #<=
+ my_dic[my_dic_index]=is_equal_inf(inputfile, sys.argv[i], float(sys.argv[i+2]))
+ if (sys.argv[i+1]=="g"): #>
+ my_dic[my_dic_index]=is_strict_sup(inputfile, sys.argv[i], float(sys.argv[i+2]))
+ if (sys.argv[i+1]=="ge"): #>=
+ my_dic[my_dic_index]=is_equal_sup(inputfile, sys.argv[i], float(sys.argv[i+2]))
+ if (sys.argv[i+1]=="e"): #==
+ my_dic[my_dic_index]=is_equal(inputfile, sys.argv[i], float(sys.argv[i+2]))
+ if (sys.argv[i+1]==":"): #all
+ my_dic[my_dic_index]=np.arange(inputfile.variables[sys.argv[i]].size)
+ if (sys.argv[i+1]=="be"): #between_exclude
+ #Get the 2 thresholds from the arg which looks like "threshold1-threshold2"
+ threshold1=sys.argv[i+2].split("-")[0]
+ threshold2=sys.argv[i+2].split("-")[1]
+ my_dic[my_dic_index]=is_between_exclude(inputfile, sys.argv[i], float(threshold1), float(threshold2))
+ if (sys.argv[i+1]=="bi"): #between_include
+ #Get the 2 thresholds from the arg which looks like "threshold1-threshold2"
+ threshold1=sys.argv[i+2].split("-")[0]
+ threshold2=sys.argv[i+2].split("-")[1]
+ my_dic[my_dic_index]=is_between_include(inputfile, sys.argv[i], float(threshold1), float(threshold2))
+#If precise coord given.
+if Coord_bool:
+ while noval: #While no closest coord with valid values is found
+ #Return closest coord avaible
+ tree=spatial.KDTree(all_coord)
+ closest_coord=(tree.query([(value_dim_lat,value_dim_lon)]))
+ cc_index=closest_coord[1]
+ closest_lat=float(all_coord[closest_coord[1]][0][0])
+ closest_lon=float(all_coord[closest_coord[1]][0][1])
+ #Get coord index into dictionary
+ my_dic_index="list_index_dim"+str(name_dim_lat)
+ my_dic[my_dic_index]=latitude.tolist().index(closest_lat)
+ my_dic_index="list_index_dim"+str(name_dim_lon)
+ my_dic[my_dic_index]=longitude.tolist().index(closest_lon)
+ #All dictionary are saved in the string exec2 which will be exec(). Value got are in vec2
+ exec2="vec2=inputfile.variables['"+var+"']["
+ first=True
+ for i in dim_names: #Every dim are in the right order
+ if not first:
+ exec2=exec2+","
+ dimension_indexes="my_dic[\"list_index_dim"+i+"\"]" #new dim, custom name dic
+ try: #If some error or no specific user choices; every indexes are used for the selected dim.
+ exec(dimension_indexes)
+ except:
+ dimension_indexes=":"
+ exec2=exec2+dimension_indexes #Concatenate dim
+ first=False #Not the first element now
+ exec2=exec2+"]"
+ #print exec2 #To check integrity of the string
+ exec(exec2) #Execution, value are in vec2.
+ #print vec2 #Get the value, standard output
+ #Check integrity of vec2. We don't want NA values
+ i=0
+ #Check every value, if at least one non NA is found vec2 and the current closest coords are validated
+ vecsize=vec2.size
+ #print (str(vecsize))
+ if vecsize>1:
+ while i1:
+ for s in range(0,size_dim):
+ b.append(inputfile[i][my_dic['list_index_dim'+i][s]])
+ #print (i,inputfile[i][my_dic['list_index_dim'+i][s]])
+ else:
+ b.append(inputfile[i][my_dic['list_index_dim'+i]])
+ #print (i,inputfile[i][my_dic['list_index_dim'+i]])
+ a.append(b)
+ fo.write(i+"\t")
+if Coord_bool:
+ fo.write("input_lat\t"+"input_lon\t")
+#Write header in file
+for combination in itertools.product(*a):
+ if Coord_bool:
+ fo.write(str(combination)+"_"+str(value_dim_lat)+"_"+str(value_dim_lon)+"\t")
+ else:
+ fo.write(str(combination)+"\t")
+#Write vec2 in a tabular formated file
+ vec2.tofile(fo,sep="\t",format="%s")
+ vec3=np.ma.filled(vec2,np.nan)
+ vec3.tofile(fo,sep="\t",format="%s")
+#Final sweet msg
+print (var+" values successffuly extracted from "+sys.argv[1]+" !")
diff -r 000000000000 -r 8da8ec7da45f netcdf_read.xml
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/netcdf_read.xml Thu Aug 02 09:24:38 2018 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+ extracts variable values with custom conditions on dimensions
+ matplotlib
+ netCDF4
+ scipy
+ datamash
+ 'header_cleaned'
+ &&
+ cat 'header_cleaned' 'sortie.tabular' > 'supersortie.tabular'
+ &&
+ datamash transpose < 'supersortie.tabular' > 'supersortie_transposed.tabular'
+ &&
+ sed -i 's/_/\t/g' 'supersortie_transposed.tabular'
+ &&
+ cat 'header_names' 'supersortie_transposed.tabular' | sed 's/\s/\t/g' > 'output_dir/coord'\$i'.tabular';
+ done<'$coord_tabular'
+ #else
+ python '$__tool_directory__/netcdf_read.py' '$input' '$var_tab' $var
+ #for $i,$uc in enumerate($user_choice)
+ #if $uc.condi_between.comparator=="bi"
+ ${uc.dim} ${uc.condi_between.comparator} ${uc.condi_between.t1}-${uc.condi_between.t2}
+ #elif $uc.condi_between.comparator=="be"
+ ${uc.dim} ${uc.condi_between.comparator} ${uc.condi_between.t1}-${uc.condi_between.t2}
+ #else
+ ${uc.dim} ${uc.condi_between.comparator} ${uc.condi_between.value}
+ #end if
+ #end for
+ #if $condi_source_coord.condi_coord.coord=='yes_cust_coord'
+ $condi_source_coord.condi_coord.lat_dim $condi_source_coord.condi_coord.lat_val $condi_source_coord.condi_coord.lon_dim $condi_source_coord.condi_coord.lon_val
+ #end if
+ &&
+ cat 'header' | sed 's/array(\[//g' | sed 's/], dtype=float32)//g'| sed 's/,\s/_/g' | sed 's/(//g' | sed 's/)//g' > 'header_cleaned'
+ &&
+ cat 'header_cleaned' 'sortie.tabular' > 'supersortie.tabular'
+ &&
+ datamash transpose < 'supersortie.tabular' > 'supersortie_transposed.tabular'
+ &&
+ sed -i 's/_/\t/g' 'supersortie_transposed.tabular'
+ &&
+ cat 'header_names' 'supersortie_transposed.tabular' | sed 's/\s/\t/g' > 'final.tabular'
+ #end if
+ ]]>
+ condi_source_coord['coord_source'] == 'coord_from_file'
+ condi_source_coord['coord_source'] == 'coord_from_stdin'
+ , <, >=, <=, [interval], ]interval[.
+A netcdf file (.nc).
+Variable tabular file from 'Netcdf Metadate Info'.
+Tabular file with coordinates and the following structure : 'lat' 'lon'.
+A single output with values for the wanted variable if there is only one coordinate.
+A data collection where one file is created for every coordinate, if multiple coordinates from tabular file.
+The Netcdf Read tool can be used after the Netcdf Info.
+ ]]>