changeset 0:700fc491b2b7 draft

author mora-lab
date Thu, 20 May 2021 08:36:50 +0000
children 0c0d33699925
files msigdb_kegg_geneSet.R
diffstat 1 files changed, 197 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/msigdb_kegg_geneSet.R	Thu May 20 08:36:50 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+# title: msigdb_kegg_geneSet
+# author: Xiaowei
+# time: Jan.7 2021
+# function:,, kegg.geneSet
+# load packages 
+# Function -- 
+# description: download pathway from kegg
+# input: One or more KEGG identifiers
+# output: A list wrapping a KEGG flat file.
+############################################################################### <- function(pathway.list){
+  #因为keggGet()一次最大查询10条,所以这里先将pathway.list分成10*n个,每10个放在pathway.x中
+  #确定pathway.x长度
+  if (length(pathway.list)%%10 == 0){
+    pathway.x.len <- length(pathway.list)%/%10
+  }else{
+    pathway.x.len <- length(pathway.list)%/%10 + 1
+  }
+  #pathway.x,每个中包含10个pathway
+  pathway.x <- vector(mode = "list", length = pathway.x.len)
+  for (i in 1:length(pathway.x)){
+    min.x <- 10*(i -1)+1
+    max.x <- 10*i
+    pathway.x[[i]] <- names(pathway.list)[min.x:max.x]
+    rm(min.x,max.x)
+  }
+  #下载n次,每次下载10个pathway
+  pathway.kegg <- list()
+  for (i in 1:pathway.x.len){
+    pathway.kegg.x <- keggGet(pathway.x[[i]])
+    pathway.kegg <- append(pathway.kegg, pathway.kegg.x)
+    rm(pathway.kegg.x)
+  }
+  names(pathway.kegg) <- unlist(lapply(names(pathway.list), function(x){trimws(strsplit(x, ':', fixed = TRUE)[[1]][2])} ))
+  return(pathway.kegg)
+# Function --
+# description: make the result of to GeneSet
+# input: the result of
+# Output: A GeneSet object 
+############################################################################### <- function(kegg.path){
+  genes <- kegg.path$GENE
+  if(!is.null(genes)){
+    genelist_entrez <- genes[1:length(genes)%%2 ==1]  #entrez
+    gs <- GeneSet(geneIds = as.character(genelist_entrez), 
+                  geneIdType = EntrezIdentifier(), 
+                  #organism = 'hsa', 
+                  collectionType = KEGGCollection(),
+                  #longDescription = kegg.path$DESCRIPTION,
+                  #shortDescription = names(kegg.path$PATHWAY_MAP),
+                  setName = kegg.path$PATHWAY_MAP, 
+    )
+  }else{gs = NULL}
+  return(gs)
+# Function -- kegg.geneSet
+# description: download pathway of one organism from KEGG and make it as GeneSetCollection 
+# input: a KEGG organism code (list via keggList("organism"))
+# output: A GeneSetCollection object or/and GMT file, gene ID is Entrez 
+kegg.geneSet <- function(organism = "hsa", outputfile = NULL){
+  pathway.list <- keggList("pathway", organism) #获取所有pathway的名称和kegg标识符
+  kegg.path <- = pathway.list) #download pathway
+  kegg.geneSetCollection <- mapply(, kegg.path) #pathway to GeneSet
+  null.index <- unlist(lapply(kegg.geneSetCollection, is.null)) #remove NULL
+  kegg.geneSetCollection <- GeneSetCollection(kegg.geneSetCollection[!null.index])
+  #导出为gmt文件
+  if (!is.null(outputfile)){toGmt(x=kegg.geneSetCollection, con = outputfile)}
+  return(kegg.geneSetCollection)
+# Function -- msigdbr.geneSet
+# description: download pathway of one organism from msigdb and make it as GeneSetCollection 
+# input: 
+# species: Species name, such as Homo sapiens or Mus musculus,See more  via msigdbr_species()
+# category: MSigDB collection abbreviation, such as H or C1. See more via msigdbr_collections()
+# subcategory: MSigDB sub-collection abbreviation, such as CGP or BP. 
+# if it has more than one subcategories using `,` connected the words. example: "GO:BP,GO:CC,GO:MF", See more via msigdbr_collections()
+# geneIdType: Default as "entrez". one of "entrez" and "symbol"
+# output: A GeneSetCollection object or/and GMT file
+msigdb.geneSet <- function(species, category = NULL, subcategory = NULL, geneIdType ="entrez", outputfile = NULL){
+  suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(msigdbr))
+  suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(GSEABase))
+  print(subcategory)
+  # 下载基因集数据框
+  if (is.null(subcategory)){
+    gs = msigdbr(species = species, category = category, subcategory = NULL)
+  }else{
+    subcategory = strsplit(subcategory, ",")[[1]]
+    gs.list <- lapply(subcategory, function(x) msigdbr(species = species, category = category, subcategory = x))
+    gs =, gs.list)
+  }
+  if (geneIdType == "entrez"){
+    genes = gs$entrez_gene
+    geneIdsType = EntrezIdentifier()
+  }else if (geneIdType == "symbol"){
+    genes = gs$gene_symbol
+    geneIdsType = SymbolIdentifier()
+  }
+  # 根据GeneSet name 转变成list
+  gs.names <- unique(gs$gs_name)
+  gs.list <- lapply(gs.names, function(x){
+    unique(genes[which(gs$gs_name == x)])
+  })
+  names(gs.list) = gs.names
+  # 变成GeneSetCollection
+  gs.geneSetCollection <- GeneSetCollection(mapply(function(x,y){
+    genes = as.character(unlist(x))
+    GeneSet(geneIds = genes,
+            geneIdType = geneIdsType,
+            collectionType = NullCollection(),
+            setName = y
+    )
+  }, gs.list, gs.names))
+  #导出为gmt文件
+  if (!is.null(outputfile)){toGmt(x=gs.geneSetCollection, con = outputfile)}
+  return(gs.geneSetCollection)
+#how to pass parameters
+spec <- matrix(c("source","S", 1, "character", "KEGG or Msigdb", 
+                 "organism","O",1, "character", "a KEGG organism code",
+                 "species","P",1,"character", "Species name, such as Homo sapiens or Mus musculus",
+                 "category","C",1,"character", "MSigDB collection abbreviation, such as H or C1.",
+                 "subcategory","G",1,"character", "MSigDB sub-collection abbreviation, such as CGP or BP.",
+                 "geneIdType","T",1, "character", "Default as 'entrez'. one of 'entrez' and 'symbol'",
+                 "whetherOutputfile", "W",0, "logical", "Whether output GMT file",
+                 "outputGMTFile","F",1, "character", "The GMT file Name",
+                 "outputRData", "R", 1,"character", "The RData file for the GeneSet "), byrow = T, ncol = 5)
+opt <- getopt::getopt(spec)
+# run codes
+if (opt$source == "KEGG"){
+  geneSet <- kegg.geneSet(opt$organism, outputfile = opt$outputFile)
+if (opt$source == "Msigdb"){
+  if(is.null(opt$category)){opt$category = NULL}
+  if(is.null(opt$subcategory)){opt$subcategory = NULL}
+  if(is.null(opt$geneIdType)){opt$geneIdType = "entrez"}
+  geneSet <- msigdb.geneSet(species = opt$species, 
+                                   category = opt$category, 
+                                   subcategory = opt$subcategory, 
+                                   geneIdType = opt$geneIdType)
+# Output file
+if (!is.null(opt$whetherOutputfile)){
+  if (opt$whetherOutputfile){toGmt(x=geneSet, con = opt$outputGMTFile)}
+save(geneSet, file = opt$outputRData)