view allele-counts.xml @ 5:31361191d2d2

Uploaded tarball. Version 1.1: Stranded output, slightly different handling of minor allele ties and 0 coverage sites, revised help text, added test datasets.
author nick
date Thu, 12 Sep 2013 11:34:23 -0400
parents 898eb3daab43
children df3b28364cd2
line wrap: on
line source

<tool id="allele_counts_1" version="1.1" name="Variant Annotator">
  <description> process variant counts</description>
  <command interpreter="python"> -i $input -o $output -f $freq -c $covg $header $stranded $nofilt</command>
    <param name="input" type="data" format="vcf" label="Input variants from Naive Variants Detector"/>
    <param name="freq" type="float" value="1.0" min="0" max="100" label="Minor allele frequency threshold (in percent)"/>
    <param name="covg" type="integer" value="10" min="0" label="Coverage threshold (in reads per strand)"/>
    <param name="nofilt" type="boolean" truevalue="-n" falsevalue="" checked="False" label="Do not filter sites or alleles" />
    <param name="stranded" type="boolean" truevalue="-s" falsevalue="" checked="False" label="Output stranded base counts" />
    <param name="header" type="boolean" truevalue="-H" falsevalue="" checked="True" label="Write header line" />
    <data name="output" format="tabular"/>
    <exit_code range="1:" err_level="fatal"/>
    <exit_code range=":-1" err_level="fatal"/>


.. class:: infomark

**What it does**

This tool parses variant counts from a special VCF file. It counts simple variants, calculates numbers of alleles, and calculates minor allele frequency. It can apply filters based on coverage, strand bias, and minor allele frequency cutoffs.


.. class:: infomark

**Input Format**

.. class:: warningmark

**Note:** variants that are not A/C/G/T SNVs will be ignored!

The input VCF should be like the output of the **Naive Variant Detector** tool (using the stranded option). The sample column(s) must give the read count for each variant **on each strand**. Below is an example of a valid sample column entry (the important part is after the last colon)::



.. class:: infomark


Each row represents one site in one sample. For unstranded output, 12 fields give information about that site::

    1.  SAMPLE  - Sample name (from VCF sample column labels)
    2.  CHR     - Chromosome of the site
    3.  POS     - Chromosomal coordinate of the site
    4.  A       - Number of reads supporting an 'A'
    5.  C       - 'C' reads
    6.  G       - 'G' reads
    7.  T       - 'T' reads
    8.  CVRG    - Total (number of reads supporting one of the four bases above)
    9.  ALLELES - Number of qualifying alleles
    10. MAJOR   - Major allele
    11. MINOR   - Minor allele (2nd most prevalent variant)
    12. MINOR.FREQ.PERC. - Frequency of minor allele

For stranded output, instead of using 4 columns to report read counts per base, 8 are used to report the stranded counts per base::

    1       2   3   4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11  12    13     14    15         16


Below is a header line, followed by some example data lines. Since the input contained three samples, the data for each site is reported on three consecutive lines. However, if a sample fell below the coverage threshold at that site, the line will be omitted::

    BLOOD_1  chr20  99   0   101  1    2  104   1        C      T      0.01923
    BLOOD_2  chr20  99   82  44   0    1  127   2        A      C      0.34646
    BLOOD_3  chr20  99   0   110  1    0  111   1        C      G      0.009
    BLOOD_1  chr20  100  3   5    100  0  108   1        G      C      0.0463
    BLOOD_3  chr20  100  1   118  11   0  130   0        C      G      0.08462


.. class:: warningmark

**Site printing and allele tallying requirements**

Coverage threshold:

If a coverage threshold is used, the number of reads **on each strand** must be at or above the threshold. If either strand is below the threshold, the line will be omitted. **N.B.** this means the total coverage for each printed site will be at least twice the number you give in the "coverage threshold" option. Also, since only simple variants are counted, a site with 100 reads, all supporting a deletion variant, would not be printed.

Frequency threshold:

If a frequency threshold is used, alleles are only counted (in the ALLELES column) if they meet or exceed this minor allele frequency threshold.

Strand bias:

The alleles passing the threshold on each strand must match (though not in order), or the allele count will be 0. So a site with A, C, G on the plus strand and A, G on the minus strand will get an allele count of zero, though the (strand-independent) major allele, minor allele, and minor allele frequency will still be reported. If there is a tie for the minor allele, one will be randomly chosen.

