1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <tool_dependency>
3 <package name="vcftools" version="0.1.11">
4 <install version="1.0">
5 <actions>
6 <action type="download_by_url">http://sourceforge.net/projects/vcftools/files/vcftools_0.1.11.tar.gz</action>
7 <action type="shell_command">make</action>
8 <action type="shell_command">PREFIX="$INSTALL_DIR/vcftools make install</action>
9 <action type="set_environment">
10 <environment_variable name="PATH" action="prepend_to">$INSTALL_DIR/vcftools/bin</environment_variable>
11 </action>
12 </actions>
13 </install>
14 <readme>
15 A set of tools written in Perl and C++ for working with VCF files, such as those generated by the 1000 Genomes Project
16 </readme>
17 </package>
19 </tool_dependency>