view vcftools.xml @ 12:136a34b6bdfc draft

author nilesh
date Wed, 10 Jul 2013 17:47:52 -0400
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<tool id="vcftools" name="VCFtools" version="0.0.1">
		The vcftools program is intended for analysis of diploid SNP data in VCF format.
		<requirement type="package" version="0.1.11">vcftools</requirement> 

		#if str($basic) == "gzvcf"
		#elif str($basic) == "bcf"
		#end if


		#for $chromosome in $chr
			--chr $chromosome.number
		#end for

		#for $chromosome in $notchr
			--notchr $chromosome.number
		#end for

		#if str($frombp) != ""
			--from-bp $frombp
		#end if

		#if str($tobp) != ""
			--to-bp $tobp
		#end if

		#for $snp in $snps
			--snp $
		#end for

		#if str(${snpfile.file_name}) != ""
			--snps $snpfile
		#end if

		#if str(${excludesnpfile.file_name}) != ""
			--snps $excludesnpfile
		#end if

		#if str($indels) == "keeponlyindels"
		#elif str($indels) == "removeindels"
		#end if

		$removefilterall $recodetostream > out.recode.vcf
		<param name="input" type="data" label="Input vcf file" format="vcf" />
		<param name="basic" type="select" label="Basic Options" value="vcf">
			<option value="vcf">Decompressed vcf file (default)</option>
			<option value="gzvcf">Compressed (gzipped) vcf file</option>
			<option value="bcf">Compressed (bgzf) bcf file</option>
		<repeat name="chr" title="Include chromosomes to be processed">
			<param name="number" label="Chromosome number" type="integer" optional="true" />
		<repeat name="notchr" title="Exclude chromosomes from processing">
			<param name="number" label="Chromosome number" type="integer" optional="true" />
		<param name="frombp" label="Beginning of range to be processed" help="only if chromosomes are included. You must also specify the end of range to be processed." optional="true" type="integer"/>
		<param name="tobp" label="End of range to be processed" optional="true" type="integer" help="only if chromosomes are included. You must also specify the beginning of range to be processed."/>
		<repeat name="snps" title="SNPs to include">
			<param name="id" label="ID of SNP" type="text" optional="true" help="e.g. a dbSNP rsID"/>
		<param name="snpfile" type="data" format="txt, tabular" label="List of SNPs to include" help="The file should contain a list of SNP IDs (e.g. dbSNP rsIDs), with one ID per line." optional="true"/>
		<param name="excludesnpfile" type="data" label = "List of SNPs to disclude" format="txt, tabular" help="The file should contain a list of SNP IDs (e.g. dbSNP rsIDs), with one ID per line." optional="true"/>
		<param name="indels" type="select" label="Indel options" value="none">
			<option value="keeponlyindels">Keep only indels</option>
			<option value="none">None</option>
			<option value="removeindels"> Remove indels</option>
		<param name="removefilterall" type="boolean" truevalue="--remove-filtered-all" falsevalue="" label="Remove all sites with the FILTER tag" value="false" />
		<param name="recodetostream" type="boolean" truevalue="--recode-to-stream" falsevalue="" label="Recode to stream" value="false" />
		<data format="vcf" name="output" from_work_dir="out.recode.vcf" />
		Welcome to VCFtools - a program package designed for working with VCF files, such as those generated by the 1000 Genomes Project. The aim of VCFtools is to provide methods for working with VCF files: validating, merging, comparing and calculate some basic population genetic statistics. More information at