view sort.xml @ 0:4a1ea249955e draft default tip

"planemo upload for repository commit 3a97e1b79bf0c6cdd37d5c8fb497b85531a563ab"
author nml
date Tue, 19 May 2020 17:20:19 -0400
line wrap: on
line source

<tool id="csvtk_sort" name="csvtk-sort" version="@VERSION@+@GALAXY_VERSION@">
    <description> column(s) </description>
    <expand macro="requirements" />
    <expand macro="version_cmd" />
    <command detect_errors="exit_code"><![CDATA[

## Start Command ##
csvtk sort --num-cpus "\${GALAXY_SLOTS:-1}"

    ## Add additional flags as specified ##

    ## Set Tabular input/output flag if first input is tabular ##
    #if $in_1.is_of_type("tabular"):
        -t -T
    #end if

    ## Set input files ##

    ## Set up Sort Repeats ##
    #for $repeat in $field
        -k '$repeat.column_text.in_text':${repeat.sort.sort_type}${repeat.reverse_order}
        #if $repeat.sort.sort_type == 'u'
            -L '$repeat.column_text.in_text':'$repeat.sort.levels_file'
        #end if
    #end for
    ## To output ##
    > sorted

        <expand macro="singular_input"/>
        <repeat name="field" title="Select Column and Sorting method" min="1" >
            <expand macro="singular_fields_input" />
            <conditional name="sort">
                <param name="sort_type" type="select" label="Sort Type" help="Select how to sort data">
                    <option value="N">Natural</option>
                    <option value="n">Numerical</option>
                    <option value="u">User-Defined (Specify File)</option>
                <when value="N" />
                <when value="n" />
                <when value="u" >
                    <param name="levels_file" type="data" format="txt" argument="-L"
                        label="User defined levels file"
                        help="If using user defined sorting, specift input text file with one level per line. Example can be found in the help section below."
            <param name="reverse_order" type="boolean" argument="r" checked="false"
                label="Reverse Sort"
        <expand macro="ignore_case" />
        <expand macro="global_parameters" />
        <data format_source="in_1" from_work_dir="sorted" name="sorted" label="${} sorted" />
            <param name="in_1" value="Animals_More.csv" />
            <repeat name="field">
                <conditional name="column_text">
                    <param name="select" value="string" />
                    <param name="in_text" value="2" />
                <conditional name="sort">
                    <param name="sort_type" value="u" />
                    <param name="levels_file" value="sort_order.txt" />
            <repeat name="field">
                <conditional name="column_text">
                    <param name="select" value="string" />
                    <param name="in_text" value="3" />
                <conditional name="sort">
                    <param name="sort_type" value="n" />
                <param name="reverse_order" value="true"  />
            <repeat name="field">
                <conditional name="column_text">
                    <param name="select" value="string" />
                    <param name="in_text" value="1" />
                <conditional name="sort">
                    <param name="sort_type" value="N" />
            <output name="sorted" value="sorted_1.csv" />
Csvtk - Sort Help


Csvtk-sort sorts columns 

.. class:: warningmark

    Single quotes are not allowed in text inputs!




**Ex. Separate with Dropping Data**




    <expand macro="citations" />