view mob_typer.xml @ 4:1c5dfecfbb4d draft

planemo upload for repository commit e30c0687f755a46c5b3bd265a1478a1abf5dc9f1
author nml
date Mon, 20 Aug 2018 16:03:51 -0400
parents 2c7f721a4905
children 09424ec94e80
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<tool id="mob_typer" name="MOB-Typer" version="1.4.8">
  <description>Get the plasmid type and mobility given its sequence</description>
     <requirement type="package" version="1.4.8">mob_suite</requirement>
  <command detect_errors="exit_code">
    ln -s "${input}" "${}";
    mob_typer  --num_threads \${GALAXY_SLOTS:-4} --infile "${}" 
   --min_rep_evalue '$adv_param.min_rep_evalue_value'
   --min_mob_evalue '$adv_param.min_mob_evalue_value'
   --min_con_evalue '$adv_param.min_con_evalue_value'
   --min_ori_evalue '$adv_param.min_ori_evalue_value'
   --min_mpf_evalue '$adv_param.min_mpf_evalue'
   --min_rep_ident '$adv_param.min_rep_ident'
   --min_mob_ident '$adv_param.min_mob_ident'
   --min_ori_ident '$adv_param.min_ori_ident'
   --min_mpf_ident '$adv_param.min_mpf_ident'
    --outdir '.';
    <param name="input" type="data" format="fasta" label="Input" help="FASTA file with contig(s)"/>
    <section name="adv_param" title="Advanced parameters" expanded="False">
      <param name="min_rep_evalue_value" type="float" value="0.00001" min="0.00001" max="1" label="Minimum evalue threshold for replicon blastn"/> 
      <param name="min_mob_evalue_value" type="float" value="0.00001" min="0.00001" max="1" label="Minimum evalue threshold for relaxase tblastn"/> 
      <param name="min_con_evalue_value" type="float" value="0.00001" min="0.00001" max="1" label="Minimum evalue threshold for contig blastn"/> 
      <param name="min_ori_evalue_value" type="float" value="0.00001" min="0.00001" max="1" label="Minimum evalue threshold for oriT elements blastn"/>
      <param name="min_mpf_evalue" type="float" value="0.00001" min="0.00001" max="1" label="Minimum evalue threshold for mpf elements blastn"/>
      <param name="min_rep_ident" label="Minimum sequence identity for replicons" type="integer"  min="0" max="100" value="80"/>
      <param name="min_mob_ident" label="Minimum sequence identity for relaxases" type="integer"  min="0" max="100" value="80"/>
      <param name="min_ori_ident" label="Minimum sequence identity for oriT elements" type="integer"  min="0" max="100" value="90"/>
      <param name="min_mpf_ident" label="Minimum sequence identity for mpf elements" type="integer"  min="0" max="100" value="80"/>
    <data name="outfile1" label="${}: Plasmid report on ${}" format="tabular">
      <discover_datasets pattern=".+_report\.txt" visible="true" format="tabular" assign_primary_output="true"/>
        <param name="input" value="plasmid_476.fasta" ftype="fasta"/>
            <has_text text="JN253636"/> 


This tool provides *in-silico* predictions on plasmid typing including identification of replicon, relaxase and mate-pair formation protein types. MOB-typer also predicts mobility of a plasmid (Conjugative, Mobilizable, Non-mobilizable). Do not include multiple unrelated plasmids in the input FASTA file as they will be treated as a single plasmid.

For more information please visit 



A FASTA file with a single or multiple contigs (e.g. plasmid.fasta):


Tab-delimited report listing identified plasmid(s) and their predicted mobility. Refer to for the description of each column.

    <citation type="bibtex">
  author = {Robertson J, Nash J},
  title = {MOB-Suite: Software tools for clustering, reconstruction and typing of plasmids from draft assemblies.},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub repository},
  doi = {10.1099/mgen.0.000206},
  url = {}