view mykrobe_parser.R @ 7:12b397ad8687 draft default tip

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date Tue, 24 Oct 2023 21:28:06 +0000
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# Copyright Government of Canada 2018
# Written by: National Microbiology Laboratory, Public Health Agency of Canada
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
# this work except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
# License at:
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
# under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
# CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

# Parsing JSONs from Mykrobe Predict into CSV reports
# Take the JSON output from Mykrobe, rearrange, output for LIMS
# Adrian Zetner
# August 2018
# Updated August 2023

# Libraries ####

sink(stdout(), type = "message")


# Define custom functions, variables, and paths. Collect and use CL arguments ####

# Here's a function to recreate that output table from the input JSON files for 2019

getResults2019 <- function(listelement) {
  # Define list levels for various elements of the json
  phylo_group <-
  if ("Non_tuberculosis_mycobacterium_complex" %in% phylo_group) {
        "Non-tuberculosis mycobacteria detected in file ",
        ". Skipping.",
        sep = ""

  species <-
  lineage <-
    if (length(listelement[[1]][["phylogenetics"]][["lineage"]]) == 1) {
    } else {

  # Start building a list of all your various elements
  temp <-
      mykrobe_version = listelement[[1]][["version"]][["mykrobe-predictor"]],
      file = names(listelement),
      # One element
      plate_name = "test",
      # This probably needs changing
      sample = "sequence_calls",
      # Likewise change this
      phylo_group = phylo_group,
      # As above
      species = species,
      # As above
      lineage = lineage,
      # As above
      # The following expressions drill down into the list elements and pull out what is needed.
      # It's inelegant and vulnerable to changes in the input formats but if they're consistent it'll work
      phylo_group_per_covg = listelement[[1]][["phylogenetics"]][["phylo_group"]][[phylo_group]][["percent_coverage"]],
      species_per_covg = listelement[[1]][["phylogenetics"]][["species"]][[species]][["percent_coverage"]],
      lineage_per_covg = listelement[[1]][["phylogenetics"]][["lineage"]][[lineage]][["percent_coverage"]],
      phylo_group_depth = listelement[[1]][["phylogenetics"]][["phylo_group"]][[phylo_group]][["median_depth"]],
      species_depth = listelement[[1]][["phylogenetics"]][["species"]][[species]][["median_depth"]],
      lineage_depth = listelement[[1]][["phylogenetics"]][["lineage"]][[lineage]][["median_depth"]],
      Mykrobe_Resistance_probe_set = basename(listelement[[1]][["probe_sets"]][2]) # Is it always the second?

  # Super cool nested and vectorized (for SPEED!) functions to grab the predictions for drug sensitivity and gene variants
  # Both produce character vectors of the same length as the number of drugs tested in the same order
  # All of these also check if there are missing values in drug/susceptibility/variant elements and adds the column anyhow

  if (length(map_chr(listelement[[1]][["susceptibility"]], "predict")) != 0) {
    temp$susceptibility <-
      map_chr(listelement[[1]][["susceptibility"]], "predict")
  } else {
    temp$susceptibility <- NA

  if (length(names(listelement[[1]][["susceptibility"]])) != 0) {
    temp$drug <- names(listelement[[1]][["susceptibility"]])
  } else {
    temp$drug <- NA

  mapped.variants <-
      listelement[[1]][["susceptibility"]], # Dig into the lists, pull out variants and collapse into chr vector
      ~ imap(
        .x[["called_by"]], # imap is shorthand for map2(x, names(x), ...), calling .y gets you the name / index of the current element
        ~ paste(.y,
          sep = ":"
    ) %>%
    map_chr(~ paste(.x, collapse = "__"))

  if (length(mapped.variants) != 0) {
    temp$`variants (gene:alt_depth:wt_depth:conf)` <- mapped.variants
  } else {
    temp$`variants (gene:alt_depth:wt_depth:conf)` <- NA

  temp$`genes (prot_mut-ref_mut:percent_covg:depth)` <- NA

  # Take that list and mash all the elements together as columns in a tibble, recycling as needed to fill in space
  # eg. phylo_group is repeated/recycled as many times as there are drugs tested

# Here's a function to recreate that output table from the input JSON files for panel 2020

getResults2020 <- function(listelement) {
  # Define list levels for various elements of the json
  phylo_group <-
  if ("Non_tuberculosis_mycobacterium_complex" %in% phylo_group) {
        "Non-tuberculosis mycobacteria detected in file ",
        ". Skipping.",
        sep = ""

  species <-

  # Start building a list of all your various elements
  temp <-
      mykrobe_version = listelement[[1]][["version"]][["mykrobe-predictor"]],
      file = names(listelement),
      # One element
      plate_name = "test",
      # This probably needs changing
      sample = "sequence_calls",
      # Likewise change this
      phylo_group = phylo_group,
      # As above
      species = species,
      # As above
      # The following expressions drill down into the list elements and pull out what is needed.
      # It's inelegant and vulnerable to changes in the input formats but if they're consistent it'll work
      phylo_group_per_covg = listelement[[1]][["phylogenetics"]][["phylo_group"]][[phylo_group]][["percent_coverage"]],
      species_per_covg = listelement[[1]][["phylogenetics"]][["species"]][[species]][["percent_coverage"]],
      phylo_group_depth = listelement[[1]][["phylogenetics"]][["phylo_group"]][[phylo_group]][["median_depth"]],
      species_depth = listelement[[1]][["phylogenetics"]][["species"]][[species]][["median_depth"]],
      Mykrobe_Resistance_probe_set = basename(listelement[[1]][["probe_sets"]][2]) # Is it always the second?

  # Super cool nested and vectorized (for SPEED!) functions to grab the predictions for drug sensitivity and gene variants
  # Both produce character vectors of the same length as the number of drugs tested in the same order
  # All of these also check if there are missing values in drug/susceptibility/variant elements and adds the column anyhow

  if (length(map_chr(listelement[[1]][["susceptibility"]], "predict")) != 0) {
    temp$susceptibility <-
      map_chr(listelement[[1]][["susceptibility"]], "predict")
  } else {
    temp$susceptibility <- NA

  if (length(names(listelement[[1]][["susceptibility"]])) != 0) {
    temp$drug <- names(listelement[[1]][["susceptibility"]])
  } else {
    temp$drug <- NA

  mapped.variants <-
      listelement[[1]][["susceptibility"]], # Dig into the lists, pull out variants and collapse into chr vector
      ~ imap(
        .x[["called_by"]], # imap is shorthand for map2(x, names(x), ...), calling .y gets you the name / index of the current element
        ~ paste(.y,
          sep = ":"
    ) %>%
    map_chr(~ paste(.x, collapse = "__"))

  if (length(mapped.variants) != 0) {
    temp$`variants (gene:alt_depth:wt_depth:conf)` <- mapped.variants
  } else {
    temp$`variants (gene:alt_depth:wt_depth:conf)` <- NA

  temp$`genes (prot_mut-ref_mut:percent_covg:depth)` <- NA

  # Take that list and mash all the elements together as columns in a tibble, recycling as needed to fill in space
  # eg. phylo_group is repeated/recycled as many times as there are drugs tested

# Get command line arguments with optparse
option_list <- list(
    c("-f", "--file"),
    type = "character",
    default = NULL,
    help = 'dataset file name or quoted comma separated names: eg. "file1,file2,file3"',
    metavar = "character"
    c("-d", "--dir"),
    type = "character",
    default = NULL,
    help = "directory location of json files",
    metavar = "character"
    c("-v", "--version"),
    type = "character",
    default = "",
    help = "Mykrobe Workflow Version",
    metavar = "character"
    c("-p", "--panel"),
    type = "character",
    default = "2019",
    help = "Mykrobe Panel Version: 2019 or 2020. [default= %default]",
    metavar = "character"
    c("-D", "--depth"),
    type = "integer",
    default = 5,
    help = "Minimum depth of coverage [default= %default]",
    metavar = "integer"
    c("-c", "--conf"),
    type = "integer",
    default = 10,
    help = "Minimum genotype confidence for variant genotyping [default= %default]",
    metavar = "integer"
    c("-n", "--name"),
    type = "character",
    default = "",
    help = "Name of the run",
    metavar = "character"
    c("-r", "--reportfile"),
    type = "character",
    default = "report",
    help = "File name for susceptibility report data",
    metavar = "character"
    c("-s", "--speciationfile"),
    type = "character",
    default = "jsondata",
    help = "File name for speciation data",
    metavar = "character"

opt_parser <- OptionParser(option_list = option_list)
opt <- parse_args(opt_parser)

if (is.null(opt$file) && is.null(opt$dir)) {
  stop("At least one argument must be supplied to input file or directory",
    call. = FALSE

if (opt$panel != "2019" && opt$panel != "2020") {
  stop("Panel must be one of 2019 or 2020", call. = FALSE)

# Parameters to take from Galaxy/CL as args or however works best
params <- c(
  "", # Lims_Comment
  "", # Lims_INTComment
  opt$version, # Mykrobe_Workflow_Version
  opt$panel, # Mykrobe Panel Version
  opt$depth, # Mykrobe_min_depth_default_5
  opt$conf, # Mykrobe_min_conf_default_10
  "", # LIMS_file - empty as it's an upload field in LIMS
) # Mutation_set_version

names(params) <- c(

# A default report in the order our LIMS requires

# Make a default dataframe to combine the rest into and enforce column order / fill missing ones with NAs
columns <- c(

report <-
    ncol = length(columns), nrow = 1
  ), stringsAsFactors = FALSE), columns)

report_cols <- c(

# List of drugs that are tested
all_drugs <- c(

# Do Stuff ####

# Import all the JSON files into a list of lists format ####

if (is.null(opt$file)) {
  # opt$dir is used to get the list of files, a vector of non-duplicated files is then passed to map
  files <- list.files(
    path = opt$dir,
    pattern = "*.json",
    full.names = TRUE
} else {
  files <- unlist(strsplit(opt$file, ","))

files <- files[!duplicated(basename(files))]

list.of.json.files <- map(
  ~ fromJSON(.x, simplifyDataFrame = FALSE)

# Apply the correct getResults function to each element in your list then bash it together into a final report

if (opt$panel == "2019") {
  temp <- map(list.of.json.files, getResults2019) %>%
} else if (opt$panel == "2020") {
  temp <- map(list.of.json.files, getResults2020) %>%
  columns <-
  report_cols <- setdiff(
} else {
  stop("Panel must be one of 2019 or 2020", call. = FALSE)

# Predictions of resistance or susceptibility

predictions.table <-
  temp %>%
  select(file, drug, susceptibility) %>%
  mutate(drug = paste(drug, "_Prediction", sep = "")) %>%
  spread(drug, susceptibility, fill = "failed") %>%

if (length(predictions.table) == 1) {
  stop("No susceptibility results in files specified. Did the testing fail?",
    call. = FALSE

# Variants, if present
num.variants <-
  predictions.table %>%
  select(ends_with("_Prediction")) %>%
  unlist(use.names = FALSE) %>%
  str_count("[R,r]") %>%

if (num.variants > 0) {
  # Multiple resistance mutations and confidence per drug in the X_R_mutations column
  # Actual protein changes in Mykrobe_X columns

  variants.temp <-
    temp %>%
    select(file, drug, variants = `variants (gene:alt_depth:wt_depth:conf)`) %>%
    mutate(variants = replace(variants, variants == "", NA)) %>% # Make missing data consistent...
    filter(! %>% # ...Then get rid of it
    mutate(tempcols = paste(drug, "R_mutations", sep = "_")) %>%
    mutate(R_mutations = variants) %>%
    mutate(variants = strsplit(variants, "__")) %>% # Split the mutations across rows (list first then split across rows)
    unnest(variants) %>%
    separate(variants, c("gene", "mutation"), "_") %>%
    mutate(columnname = ifelse(
      gene %in% c("gyrA", "rrs", "eis", "gid"),
      # Check for columns that include the drug name or not and paste accordingly
      paste("Mykrobe", drug, gene, sep = "_"),
      paste("Mykrobe", gene, sep = "_")
    )) %>%
    # Extract out the mutation information with a regex that covers all potential genes
    # This regex looks for whatever is ahead of the first colon and after the last hyphen
    mutate(mutation = str_match(mutation, "(.*)-.*:")[, 2]) %>%
    select(file, tempcols, R_mutations, columnname, mutation)

  # Split each kind of variants into its own temp table then merge
  variants.1 <-
    variants.temp %>%
    select(file, tempcols, R_mutations) %>%
    distinct() %>%
    spread(tempcols, R_mutations)

  variants.2 <-
    variants.temp %>%
    select(file, columnname, mutation) %>%
    group_by(file, columnname) %>%
    summarise(mutation = paste(mutation, collapse = ";")) %>%
    spread(columnname, mutation)

  variants.table <-
    full_join(variants.1, variants.2, by = "file")
} else {
  variants.table <-
    data.frame(file = predictions.table$file, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# Make a report ####

report <-
  temp %>%
  select(file, mykrobe_version, Mykrobe_Resistance_probe_set) %>% # Get important info from initial table
  distinct() %>% # Drop duped rows and combine all the tables together
  full_join(variants.table) %>%
  full_join(predictions.table) %>%
  bind_rows(report) %>% # Use bind_rows to add columns (eg. unteseted drugs) to the final output
  filter(file != "")

# Only add the 'no mutation' replacement to the columns that actually have a result
report <-
  report %>%
  filter_at(vars(ends_with("_Prediction")), any_vars(. != "failed")) %>%
  mutate_at(vars(starts_with("Mykrobe_")), funs(replace(.,, "No Mutation"))) %>%
  full_join(anti_join(report, ., by = "file")) %>%

# Add in the parameters fed from Galaxy using named character vector
report <-
  report %>%
    Lims_Comment = params["Lims_Comment"],
    Lims_INTComment = params["Lims_INTComment"],
    Mykrobe_Workflow_Version = params["Mykrobe_Workflow_Version"],
    Mykrobe_min_depth_default_5 = params["Mykrobe_min_depth_default_5"],
    Mykrobe_min_conf_default_10 = params["Mykrobe_min_conf_default_10"],
    LIMS_file = params["LIMS_file"],
    Mutation_set_version = params["Mutation_set_version"]

# Write some output
# Report as is
write.csv(report, "output-report.csv", row.names = FALSE)
print("Writing Susceptibility report to CSV as output-report.csv")

# Select specific columns from temp and output them
# Addition of any_of accounts for both 2019 and 2020 panels

temp %>%
  select_at( # This is a dplyr 0.8.3 function, superceded in newer versions but this tool is built around a number of specific deps
  ) %>%
  distinct() %>%
  write.csv(file = "output-jsondata.csv", row.names = FALSE)
print("Writing JSON data to CSV as output-jsondata.csv")
sink(NULL, type = "message") # close the sink
